static void
getBody(xmlrpc_env *        const envP,
        TSession *          const abyssSessionP,
        size_t              const contentSize,
        const char *        const trace,
        xmlrpc_mem_block ** const bodyP) {
   Get the entire body, which is of size 'contentSize' bytes, from the
   Abyss session and return it as the new memblock *bodyP.

   The first chunk of the body may already be in Abyss's buffer.  We
   retrieve that before reading more.
    xmlrpc_mem_block * body;

    if (trace)
        fprintf(stderr, "XML-RPC handler processing body.  "
                "Content Size = %u bytes\n", (unsigned)contentSize);

    body = xmlrpc_mem_block_new(envP, 0);
    if (!envP->fault_occurred) {
        size_t bytesRead;
        const char * chunkPtr;
        size_t chunkLen;

        bytesRead = 0;

        while (!envP->fault_occurred && bytesRead < contentSize) {
            SessionGetReadData(abyssSessionP, contentSize - bytesRead,
                               &chunkPtr, &chunkLen);
            bytesRead += chunkLen;

            assert(bytesRead <= contentSize);

            XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_APPEND(char, envP, body, chunkPtr, chunkLen);
            if (bytesRead < contentSize)
                refillBufferFromConnection(envP, abyssSessionP, trace);
        if (envP->fault_occurred)
            *bodyP = body;
Example #2
string const
AbyssServer::Session::Impl::body() {
   The body of the HTTP request (client may send a body with PUT or POST).

   We throw an error if there is no content-size header field.  That means
   we don't work with a chunked request.

   Some of the body may already be in Abyss's buffer.  We retrieve that before
   reading more, but then do the network I/O while we run, waiting as
   necessary for the body to arrive.

   This works only once.  If you call it a second time, it throws an error.
    if (this->requestBodyDelivered)
        throwf("The request body has already been delivered; you cannot "
               "retrieve it twice");

    this->requestBodyDelivered = true;

    size_t const contentLength(this->contentLength());

    string body;
    size_t bytesRead;


    bytesRead = 0;

    while (body.size() < contentLength) {
        const char * chunkPtr;
        size_t chunkLen;

        SessionGetReadData(this->cSessionP, contentLength - bytesRead, 
                           &chunkPtr, &chunkLen);

        body += string(chunkPtr, chunkPtr + chunkLen);
        if (body.size() < contentLength)
    return body;
Example #3
AbyssServer::Session::Impl::readRequestBody(unsigned char * const buffer,
                                            size_t          const size) {

    for (size_t bytesXferredCt = 0; bytesXferredCt < size; ) {
        const char * chunkPtr;
        size_t chunkLen;

        SessionGetReadData(this->cSessionP, size - bytesXferredCt, 
                           &chunkPtr, &chunkLen);

        assert(bytesXferredCt + chunkLen <= size);

        memcpy(&buffer[bytesXferredCt], chunkPtr, chunkLen);

        bytesXferredCt += chunkLen;

        if (bytesXferredCt < size)
* GetBody
	Devuelve el body de una peticion
int XmlRpcServer::GetBody(TSession *ses,char *body,short bodyLen)
	int len=0;

	//MIentras no hayamos leido del todo
	while (len<bodyLen)
		char * buffer;
		size_t readed;

		//If there is no data available
		if (!SessionReadDataAvail(ses))
			//Refill buffer

		//Read data
		SessionGetReadData(ses,bodyLen-len,(const char**)&buffer,&readed);

		//If not readed
		if (!readed)
			return Error("Not enought data readed");

		//Increased readed

	return len;

	//Obtenemos lo que quedaba en el buffer

	//Obtenemos lo que hay en la conexion
	if (r->conn->buffersize > bodyLen)
		len = bodyLen;
		len = r->conn->buffersize;


	//MIentras no hayamos leido del todo
	while (len<bodyLen)
		int size;

		//Iniciamos la lectura

			return 0;

		//Obtenemos lo que hay en la conexion
		if (r->conn->buffersize > bodyLen - len)
			size = bodyLen - len;
			size = r->conn->buffersize;


		//Incrementamos el buffer
		len += size;

		//Increase buffer pos
		r->conn->bufferpos += len;

	//Reset buffer
	r->conn->buffersize = 0;
	r->conn->bufferpos = 0;

	//Clean buffer

	//Salimos bien
	return 1;
 * */