Example #1
bool DbgGdb::DoInitializeGdb(const std::vector<BreakpointInfo> &bpList, const wxArrayString &cmds)
	//place breakpoint at first line
#ifdef __WXMSW__
	ExecuteCmd(wxT("set  new-console on"));
	ExecuteCmd(wxT("set unwindonsignal on"));

	if (m_info.enablePendingBreakpoints) {
		ExecuteCmd(wxT("set breakpoint pending on"));

	if (m_info.catchThrow) {
		ExecuteCmd(wxT("catch throw"));

#ifdef __WXMSW__
	if (m_info.debugAsserts) {
		ExecuteCmd(wxT("break assert"));

	ExecuteCmd(wxT("set width 0"));
	ExecuteCmd(wxT("set height 0"));
	ExecuteCmd(wxT("set print pretty on"));  // pretty printing

	// Number of elements to show for arrays (including strings)
	wxString sizeCommand;
	sizeCommand << wxT("set print elements ") << m_info.maxDisplayStringSize;
	ExecuteCmd( sizeCommand );

	// set the project startup commands
	for (size_t i=0; i<cmds.GetCount(); i++) {

	// keep the list of breakpoints
	m_bpList = bpList;
	if(GetIsRemoteDebugging() == false) 
		// When remote debugging, apply the breakpoints after we connect the 
		// gdbserver

	if (m_info.breakAtWinMain) {
		//try also to set breakpoint at WinMain
		WriteCommand(wxT("-break-insert main"), NULL);
	return true;
Example #2
void BreakptMgr::ReconcileBreakpoints(const std::vector<BreakpointInfo>& li)
    std::vector<BreakpointInfo> updated_bps;
    std::vector<BreakpointInfo>::const_iterator li_iter = li.begin();
    for (; li_iter != li.end(); ++li_iter) {
        int index = FindBreakpointById(li_iter->debugger_id, m_bps);
        if (index == wxNOT_FOUND) {

            if(IsDuplicate(*li_iter, updated_bps))

            // This will happen e.g. if a bp was auto-set on Main()
            // If so, its internal_id will be invalid
            BreakpointInfo bp = *li_iter;
            bp.internal_id = GetNextID();

        } else {
            // We've match the debugger_id from -break-list with a bp
            // Update the ignore-count, then store it in a new vector
            BreakpointInfo bp = m_bps.at(index);
            bp.ignore_number  = li_iter->ignore_number;
            bp.what           = li_iter->what;
            bp.at             = li_iter->at;

            // Remove it from the m_bps list

            SetBestBPType(bp);  // as this might have just changed
    // All the still-existing bps have been added to updated_bps
    // So throw away m_bps (which will contain stale bps) and replace with the new vector
    // First though, delete all markers. Otherwise, if the last in a file has been deleted...

    // All the stale breakpoints should be assigned to the 'm_pendingBreakpointList'
    m_pendingBreakpointsList = m_bps;


    // update the Breakpoints pane too
Example #3
void DbgGdb::DoProcessAsyncCommand( wxString &line, wxString &id )
    if ( line.StartsWith( wxT( "^error" ) ) ) {

        // the command was error, for example:
        // finish in the outer most frame
        // print the error message and remove the command from the queue
        DbgCmdHandler *handler = PopHandler( id );
        bool errorProcessed (false);

        if ( handler && handler->WantsErrors() ) {
            errorProcessed = handler->ProcessOutput( line );

        if ( handler ) {
            delete handler;

        StripString( line );

        //We also need to pass the control back to the program
        if (!errorProcessed) {
            m_observer->UpdateGotControl( DBG_CMD_ERROR );

        if ( !FilterMessage( line ) && m_info.enableDebugLog ) {
            m_observer->UpdateAddLine( line );

    } else if ( line.StartsWith( wxT( "^done" ) ) || line.StartsWith( wxT( "^connected" ) ) ) {
        //The synchronous operation was successful, results are the return values.
        DbgCmdHandler *handler = PopHandler( id );
        if ( handler ) {
            handler->ProcessOutput( line );
            delete handler;

    } else if ( line.StartsWith( wxT( "^running" ) ) ) {
        //asynchronous command was executed
        //send event that we dont have the control anymore

    } else if ( line.StartsWith( wxT( "*stopped" ) ) ) {
        //get the stop reason,
        if ( line == wxT( "*stopped" ) ) {
            if ( m_bpList.empty() ) {

                ExecuteCmd( wxT( "set auto-solib-add off" ) );
                ExecuteCmd( wxT( "set stop-on-solib-events 0" ) );

            } else {

                //no reason for the failure, this means that we stopped due to
                //hitting a loading of shared library
                //try to place all breakpoints which previously failed


        } else {
            //GDB/MI Out-of-band Records
            //caused by async command, this line indicates that we have the control back
            DbgCmdHandler *handler = PopHandler( id );
            if ( handler ) {
                handler->ProcessOutput( line );
                delete handler;
Example #4
// Initialization stage
bool DbgGdb::DoInitializeGdb(const DebugSessionInfo& sessionInfo)
    m_goingDown = false;
    m_internalBpId = wxNOT_FOUND;
#ifdef __WXMSW__
    ExecuteCmd( wxT( "set  new-console on" ) );
    ExecuteCmd( wxT( "set unwindonsignal on" ) );

    wxString breakinsertcmd(wxT("-break-insert "));

    if ( m_info.enablePendingBreakpoints ) {
        ExecuteCmd( wxT( "set breakpoint pending on" ) );
        breakinsertcmd << wxT("-f ");

    if ( m_info.catchThrow ) {
        ExecuteCmd( wxT( "catch throw" ) );

#ifdef __WXMSW__
    if ( m_info.debugAsserts ) {
        ExecuteCmd( wxT( "break assert" ) );

    ExecuteCmd( wxT( "set width 0" ) );
    ExecuteCmd( wxT( "set height 0" ) );

    // Number of elements to show for arrays (including strings)
    wxString sizeCommand;
    sizeCommand << wxT( "set print elements " ) << m_info.maxDisplayStringSize;
    ExecuteCmd( sizeCommand );

    // set the project startup commands
    for ( size_t i=0; i<sessionInfo.cmds.GetCount(); i++ ) {
        ExecuteCmd( sessionInfo.cmds.Item( i ) );

    // keep the list of breakpoints
    m_bpList = sessionInfo.bpList;

    bool setBreakpointsAfterMain( m_info.applyBreakpointsAfterProgramStarted );
    if( GetIsRemoteDebugging() == false && !setBreakpointsAfterMain ) {
        // When remote debugging, apply the breakpoints after we connect the
        // gdbserver

    } else if( setBreakpointsAfterMain && m_bpList.empty() == false ) {
        // Place an 'internal' breakpoint at main. Once this breakpoint is hit
        // set all breakpoints and remove the 'internal' one.
        // Then 'continue', unless the user has said he actually _wants_ to break at main
        WriteCommand( breakinsertcmd + wxT("-t main"), new DbgFindMainBreakpointIdHandler( m_observer, this ) );

    if (m_info.breakAtWinMain) {
        // Set a breakpoint at WinMain
        // Use a temporary one, so that it isn't duplicated in future sessions
        WriteCommand( breakinsertcmd + wxT("-t main"), NULL );
        // Flag that we've done this. DbgFindMainBreakpointIdHandler::ProcessOutput uses this
        // to decide whether or not to 'continue' after setting BPs after main()
    } else {
        SetShouldBreakAtMain(false); // Needs explicitly to be set, in case the user has just changed his options

    // Enable python based pretty printing?
    if ( sessionInfo.enablePrettyPrinting ) {
        WriteCommand( wxT( "-enable-pretty-printing" ), NULL );

    // Add the additional search paths
    for(size_t i=0; i<sessionInfo.searchPaths.GetCount(); ++i) {
        wxString dirCmd;
        wxString path = sessionInfo.searchPaths.Item(i);
        if ( path.Contains(" ") ) {
        dirCmd << "-environment-directory " << path;
        WriteCommand( dirCmd, NULL );
    return true;