//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall THttpTestForm::HeadButtonClick(TObject *Sender) { int I; DisplayMemo->Clear(); DocumentMemo->Clear(); SetButtonState(FALSE); PrepareConnection(); SslHttpCli1->RcvdStream = NULL; try { SslHttpCli1->Head(); } __except (TRUE) { SetButtonState(TRUE); Display("HEAD Failed !"); Display("StatusCode = " + IntToStr(SslHttpCli1->StatusCode)); Display("ReasonPhrase = " + SslHttpCli1->ReasonPhrase); return; } Display("StatusCode = " + IntToStr(SslHttpCli1->StatusCode)); for (I = 0; I < SslHttpCli1->RcvdHeader->Count; I++) Display("hdr>" + SslHttpCli1->RcvdHeader->Strings[I]); SetButtonState(TRUE); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall THttpTestForm::HeadButtonClick(TObject *Sender) { int I; DisplayMemo->Clear(); DocumentMemo->Clear(); SetButtonState(FALSE); HttpCli1->URL = URLEdit->Text; HttpCli1->Proxy = ProxyHostEdit->Text; HttpCli1->ProxyPort = ProxyPortEdit->Text; HttpCli1->RcvdStream = NULL; if (DateTimeEdit->Text != "") HttpCli1->ModifiedSince = StrToDateTime(DateTimeEdit->Text); else HttpCli1->ModifiedSince = 0; try { HttpCli1->Head(); } __except (TRUE) { SetButtonState(TRUE); DisplayMemo->Lines->Add("HEAD Failed !"); DisplayMemo->Lines->Add("StatusCode = " + IntToStr(HttpCli1->StatusCode)); DisplayMemo->Lines->Add("ReasonPhrase = " + HttpCli1->ReasonPhrase); return; } DisplayMemo->Lines->Add("StatusCode = " + IntToStr(HttpCli1->StatusCode)); for (I = 0; I < HttpCli1->RcvdHeader->Count; I++) DisplayMemo->Lines->Add("hdr>" + HttpCli1->RcvdHeader->Strings[I]); SetButtonState(TRUE); }
void VdkCheckBox::DoHandleNotify(const VdkNotify ¬ice) { switch (notice.GetNotifyCode()) { case VCN_DISABLED: case VCN_ENABLED: { bool enable = IsEnabled(); if (m_bToggled) { if (!enable) { SetButtonState(CHECKED_DISABLED); } else { SetButtonState(CHECKED); } } else { if (!enable) { SetButtonState(NORMAL_DISABLED); } else { SetButtonState(NORMAL); } } EnableRelatedCtrls(enable, notice.GetVObjDC()); break; } default: break; } }
void IButton::EnableButton(bool enable /*= true*/) { if (enable) { RETURN_IF(!IsDisabled()); SetButtonState(mButtonState == ButtonState::Disabled ? ButtonState::Normal : ButtonState::Selected); } else { RETURN_IF(IsDisabled()); SetButtonState(mButtonState == ButtonState::Normal ? ButtonState::Disabled : ButtonState::DisabledSelected); } }
void IButton::SetIsSelected(bool selected /*= true*/) { if (selected) { RETURN_IF(IsSelected()); SetButtonState(mButtonState == ButtonState::Normal ? ButtonState::Selected : ButtonState::DisabledSelected); } else { RETURN_IF(!IsSelected()); SetButtonState(mButtonState == ButtonState::Selected ? ButtonState::Normal : ButtonState::Disabled); } }
bool CButton::HandleMessage(CMessage* pMessage) { bool bHandled = false; if (pMessage) { switch(pMessage->MessageType()) { case CMessage::MOUSE_BUTTONUP: { CMouseMessage* pMouseMessage = dynamic_cast<CMouseMessage*>(pMessage); if (pMouseMessage && m_eButtonState == DOWN) { SetButtonState(UP); bHandled = true; } break; } default : bHandled = CWindow::HandleMessage(pMessage); break; } } return bHandled; }
bool CButton::OnMouseButtonUp(CPoint Point, unsigned int Button) { bool bResult = CWindow::OnMouseButtonUp(Point, Button); if (!bResult && m_bVisible && (m_eButtonState == DOWN) && (m_MouseButton == Button) && (m_ClientRect.HitTest(ViewToWindow(Point)) == CRect::RELPOS_INSIDE)) { SetButtonState(UP); CMessage::EMessageType MessageType = CMessage::UNKNOWN; switch (m_MouseButton) { case CMouseMessage::LEFT: MessageType = CMessage::CTRL_SINGLELCLICK; break; case CMouseMessage::RIGHT: MessageType = CMessage::CTRL_SINGLERCLICK; break; case CMouseMessage::MIDDLE: MessageType = CMessage::CTRL_SINGLEMCLICK; break; } CMessageServer::Instance().QueueMessage(new TIntMessage(MessageType, m_pParentWindow, this, 0)); bResult = true; } return bResult; }
/***************************************************************************** ** Procedure: CDSPhone::UnsolicitedEvent ** ** Arguments: 'lpBuff' - Data buffer (structure) specific to code ** ** Returns: void ** ** Description: This function processes any responses from the device which ** are not matched to a pending line request. ** *****************************************************************************/ bool CDSPhone::UnsolicitedEvent(LPCVOID lpBuff) { USES_CONVERSION; EVENTBUFF* pevBuff = (EVENTBUFF*) lpBuff; switch (pevBuff->dwResponse) { // A lamp has changed states. case EMRESULT_LAMPCHANGED: { LPEMLAMPCHANGE lpChange = (LPEMLAMPCHANGE) pevBuff->lpBuff; SetLampState ((int)lpChange->wButtonLampID, g_LampStates[lpChange->wLampState]); } break; // A hookswitch device has changed states. case EMRESULT_HSCHANGED: { LPEMHOOKSWITCHCHANGE lpChange = (LPEMHOOKSWITCHCHANGE) pevBuff->lpBuff; _TSP_ASSERTE (lpChange->wHookswitchID == HSDEVICE_HANDSET); SetHookSwitch (PHONEHOOKSWITCHDEV_HANDSET, g_hsStates[lpChange->wHookswitchState]); } break; // A button has changed case EMRESULT_BUTTONCHANGED: { LPEMBUTTONCHANGE lpChange = (LPEMBUTTONCHANGE) pevBuff->lpBuff; SetButtonState (lpChange->wButtonLampID, g_ButtonStates[lpChange->wButtonState]); } break; // Ringer mode changed case EMRESULT_RINGCHANGE: SetRingMode (*((LPDWORD)pevBuff->lpBuff)); break; // Volume/Gain of the handset changed case EMRESULT_LEVELCHANGED: { LPEMLEVELCHANGE lpChange = (LPEMLEVELCHANGE) pevBuff->lpBuff; if (lpChange->wLevelType == LEVELTYPE_MIC) SetGain (PHONEHOOKSWITCHDEV_HANDSET, lpChange->wLevel); else if (lpChange->wLevelType == LEVELTYPE_SPEAKER) SetVolume (PHONEHOOKSWITCHDEV_HANDSET, lpChange->wLevel); } break; // The display has changed. case EMRESULT_DISPLAYCHANGED: { LPEMDISPLAY lpChange = (LPEMDISPLAY) pevBuff->lpBuff; SetDisplay (A2T(lpChange->szDisplay)); } break; } return true; }// CDSPhone::UnsolicitedEvent
bool JoystickInfo::PollButtons(u32 &pkey) { // MAKE sure to look for changes in the state!! for (int i = 0; i < GetNumButtons(); ++i) { int but = SDL_JoystickGetButton(GetJoy(), i); if (but != GetButtonState(i)) { // Pressure sensitive button are detected as both button (digital) and axes (analog). So better // drop the button to emulate the pressure sensiblity of the ds2 :) // Trick: detect the release of the button. It avoid all races condition between axes and buttons :) // If the button support pressure it will be detected as an axis when it is pressed. if (but) { SetButtonState(i, but); return false; } pkey = button_to_key(i); return true; } } return false; }
PeripheralEvent(unsigned int peripheralIndex, unsigned int buttonIndex, JOYSTICK_STATE_BUTTON state) : m_event() { SetType(PERIPHERAL_EVENT_TYPE_DRIVER_BUTTON); SetPeripheralIndex(peripheralIndex); SetDriverIndex(buttonIndex); SetButtonState(state); }
void IButton::OnTapStateChanged(InputState oldState,InputState newState) { switch (newState) { case InputState::Begin: SetButtonState(IsDisabled() ? ButtonState::DisabledSelected : ButtonState::Selected); break; case InputState::End: SetButtonState(IsDisabled() ? ButtonState::Disabled : ButtonState::Normal); break; case InputState::None: SetButtonState(IsDisabled() ? ButtonState::Disabled : ButtonState::Normal); break; default: break; } }
void JoystickInfo::SaveState() { for (int i = 0; i < numbuttons; ++i) SetButtonState(i, SDL_JoystickGetButton(joy, i)); for (int i = 0; i < numaxes; ++i) SetAxisState(i, SDL_JoystickGetAxis(joy, i)); for (int i = 0; i < numhats; ++i) SetHatState(i, SDL_JoystickGetHat(joy, i)); }
void VdkCheckBox::DoDraw(wxDC &dc) { if (m_bToggled) { if (GetLastState() == VdkButton::NORMAL) { SetButtonState(CHECKED); } } VdkButton::DoDraw(dc); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall THttpTestForm::PostButtonClick(TObject *Sender) { TMemoryStream *DataOut; TFileStream *DataIn; AnsiString Buf; int I; DisplayMemo->Clear(); DocumentMemo->Clear(); SetButtonState(FALSE); DataOut = new TMemoryStream; Buf = DataEdit->Text; DataOut->Write(&Buf[1], Buf.Length()); DataOut->Seek(0, soFromBeginning); HttpCli1->SendStream = DataOut; HttpCli1->Proxy = ProxyHostEdit->Text; HttpCli1->ProxyPort = ProxyPortEdit->Text; HttpCli1->RcvdStream = NULL; HttpCli1->URL = URLEdit->Text; try { HttpCli1->Post(); } __except (TRUE) { SetButtonState(TRUE); delete DataOut; DisplayMemo->Lines->Add("POST Failed !"); DisplayMemo->Lines->Add("StatusCode = " + IntToStr(HttpCli1->StatusCode)); DisplayMemo->Lines->Add("ReasonPhrase = " + HttpCli1->ReasonPhrase); return; } delete DataOut; DisplayMemo->Lines->Add("StatusCode = " + IntToStr(HttpCli1->StatusCode)); for (I = 0; I < HttpCli1->RcvdHeader->Count; I++) DisplayMemo->Lines->Add("hdr>" + HttpCli1->RcvdHeader->Strings[I]); DataIn = new TFileStream(HttpCli1->DocName, fmOpenRead); DocumentMemo->Lines->LoadFromStream(DataIn); delete DataIn; SetButtonState(TRUE); }
void CPage6::OnItemexpanding(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { LPNMTREEVIEW pNMTreeView = reinterpret_cast<LPNMTREEVIEW>(pNMHDR); HTREEITEM hItem = pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem; CString strPathName = GetPathFromItem (hItem); if (!IsMediaValid (strPathName)) { HTREEITEM hRoot = GetDriveNode (hItem); m_FileTree.Expand (hRoot, TVE_COLLAPSE); DeleteChildren (hRoot); AddDummyNode (hRoot); *pResult = TRUE; return; } if (!IsPathValid (strPathName)) { if(strPathName != MYCOMPUTER && strPathName != "") { m_FileTree.DeleteItem (hItem); *pResult = TRUE; return; } } CWaitCursor wait; if (pNMTreeView->action == TVE_EXPAND) { if(strPathName != MYCOMPUTER) { DeleteChildren (hItem); if (!AddDirectoryNodes (hItem, strPathName)) *pResult = TRUE; } } else { if(strPathName != MYCOMPUTER) { DeleteChildren (hItem); if (IsDriveNode (hItem)) AddDummyNode (hItem); else SetButtonState (hItem, strPathName); } } m_LocalPath = strPathName; *pResult = 0; }
BOOL CRRECToolBar::CheckButton(int nID, BOOL bChecked) { UINT nState = GetToolBarCtrl().GetState(nID); if (!bChecked) nState &= ~TBSTATE_CHECKED; else nState |= TBSTATE_CHECKED; return SetButtonState(nID, nState); }
BOOL CDriveView::AddDriveItem(LPCTSTR pszDrive) { CString string; HTREEITEM hItem; UINT nType = ::GetDriveType (pszDrive); switch (nType) { case DRIVE_REMOVABLE: hItem = GetTreeCtrl ().InsertItem (pszDrive, ILI_FLOPPY, ILI_FLOPPY); GetTreeCtrl ().InsertItem (_T (""), ILI_CLOSED_FOLDER, ILI_CLOSED_FOLDER, hItem); break; case DRIVE_FIXED: case DRIVE_RAMDISK: hItem = GetTreeCtrl ().InsertItem (pszDrive, ILI_HARD_DISK, ILI_HARD_DISK); SetButtonState (hItem, pszDrive); break; case DRIVE_REMOTE: hItem = GetTreeCtrl ().InsertItem (pszDrive, ILI_NET_DRIVE, ILI_NET_DRIVE); SetButtonState (hItem, pszDrive); break; case DRIVE_CDROM: hItem = GetTreeCtrl ().InsertItem (pszDrive, ILI_CD_ROM, ILI_CD_ROM); GetTreeCtrl ().InsertItem (_T (""), ILI_CLOSED_FOLDER, ILI_CLOSED_FOLDER, hItem); break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall THttpTestForm::GetButtonClick(TObject *Sender) { int I; TStream *DataIn; DisplayMemo->Clear(); DocumentMemo->Clear(); SetButtonState(FALSE); HttpCli1->URL = URLEdit->Text; HttpCli1->Proxy = ProxyHostEdit->Text; HttpCli1->ProxyPort = ProxyPortEdit->Text; HttpCli1->RcvdStream = NULL; if (DateTimeEdit->Text != "") HttpCli1->ModifiedSince = StrToDateTime(DateTimeEdit->Text); else HttpCli1->ModifiedSince = 0; try { HttpCli1->Get(); } __except (TRUE) { SetButtonState(TRUE); DisplayMemo->Lines->Add("GET Failed !"); DisplayMemo->Lines->Add("StatusCode = " + IntToStr(HttpCli1->StatusCode)); DisplayMemo->Lines->Add("ReasonPhrase = " + HttpCli1->ReasonPhrase); HttpCli1DocEnd(NULL); return; } DisplayMemo->Lines->Add("StatusCode = " + IntToStr(HttpCli1->StatusCode)); for (I = 0; I < HttpCli1->RcvdHeader->Count; I++) DisplayMemo->Lines->Add("hdr>" + HttpCli1->RcvdHeader->Strings[I]); DataIn = new TFileStream(HttpCli1->DocName, fmOpenRead); DocumentMemo->Lines->LoadFromStream(DataIn); delete DataIn; SetButtonState(TRUE); }
bool CButton::OnMouseButtonDown(CPoint Point, unsigned int Button) { bool bResult = CWindow::OnMouseButtonDown(Point, Button); if (!bResult && m_bVisible && (m_eButtonState == UP) && (m_ClientRect.HitTest(ViewToWindow(Point)) == CRect::RELPOS_INSIDE)) { SetButtonState(DOWN); m_MouseButton = Button; bResult = true; } return bResult; }
int CResourceFolderView::AddDirectories(HTREEITEM hItem, LPCTSTR pszPath) { HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; HTREEITEM hNewItem; int nCount = 0; // convert relative paths to full paths CString strPath = convertRelativeToFullPath( pszPath ); // set the file handler if ((hFind = ::FindFirstFile (strPath, &fd)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (GetTreeCtrl ().GetParentItem (hItem) == NULL) GetTreeCtrl ().InsertItem (_T (""), ILI_CLOSED_FOLDER, ILI_CLOSED_FOLDER, hItem); return 0; } do { // check if it is a folder or not if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { CString strComp = (LPCTSTR) &fd.cFileName; // skipp '.' and '..' if ((strComp != _T (".")) && (strComp != _T (".."))) { // add the folder elements hNewItem = GetTreeCtrl ().InsertItem ((LPCTSTR) &fd.cFileName, ILI_CLOSED_FOLDER, ILI_OPEN_FOLDER, hItem); CString strNewPath = pszPath; if (strNewPath.Right (1) != _T ("\\")) strNewPath += _T ("\\"); strNewPath += (LPCTSTR) &fd.cFileName; // set them expandable if necessary SetButtonState (hNewItem, strNewPath); nCount++; } } } while (::FindNextFile (hFind, &fd)); ::FindClose (hFind); return nCount; }
void Button::Draw(const sf::Event& ev) { SetButtonState(ev); if (!mEnabled){ DisableCount(); } if (mWindow != nullptr){ if (mUnselectedSprite != nullptr){ if (mCurrentState == Unselected){ mWindow->draw(*mUnselectedSprite); } else{ mWindow->draw(*mSelectedSprite); } } if (mText != nullptr){ mWindow->draw(*mText); } } };
int CDriveView::AddDirectories(HTREEITEM hItem, LPCTSTR pszPath) { HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; HTREEITEM hNewItem; int nCount = 0; CString strPath = pszPath; if (strPath.Right (1) != _T ("\\")) strPath += _T ("\\"); strPath += _T ("*.*"); if ((hFind = ::FindFirstFile (strPath, &fd)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (GetTreeCtrl ().GetParentItem (hItem) == NULL) GetTreeCtrl ().InsertItem (_T (""), ILI_CLOSED_FOLDER, ILI_CLOSED_FOLDER, hItem); return 0; } do { if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { CString strComp = (LPCTSTR) &fd.cFileName; if ((strComp != _T (".")) && (strComp != _T (".."))) { hNewItem = GetTreeCtrl ().InsertItem ((LPCTSTR) &fd.cFileName, ILI_CLOSED_FOLDER, ILI_OPEN_FOLDER, hItem); CString strNewPath = pszPath; if (strNewPath.Right (1) != _T ("\\")) strNewPath += _T ("\\"); strNewPath += (LPCTSTR) &fd.cFileName; SetButtonState (hNewItem, strNewPath); nCount++; } } } while (::FindNextFile (hFind, &fd)); ::FindClose (hFind); return nCount; }
void CDriveView::OnItemExpanding(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTreeView = (NM_TREEVIEW*)pNMHDR; HTREEITEM hItem = pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem; CString string = GetPathFromItem (hItem); *pResult = FALSE; if (pNMTreeView->action == TVE_EXPAND) { DeleteFirstChild (hItem); if (AddDirectories (hItem, string) == 0) *pResult = TRUE; } else { // pNMTreeView->action == TVE_COLLAPSE DeleteAllChildren (hItem); if (GetTreeCtrl ().GetParentItem (hItem) == NULL) GetTreeCtrl ().InsertItem (_T (""), ILI_CLOSED_FOLDER, ILI_CLOSED_FOLDER, hItem); else SetButtonState (hItem, string); } }
///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void InputSystem::ProcessXboxControllerInput( XboxControllerState& controllerState ) { static const unsigned short BIT_A_BUTTON = 0x1000; static const unsigned short BIT_B_BUTTON = 0x2000; static const unsigned short BIT_X_BUTTON = 0x4000; static const unsigned short BIT_Y_BUTTON = 0x8000; static const unsigned short BIT_RIGHT_BUMPER_BUTTON = 0x0200; static const unsigned short BIT_LEFT_BUMPER_BUTTON = 0x0100; static const unsigned short BIT_RIGHT_STICK_BUTTON = 0x0080; static const unsigned short BIT_LEFT_STICK_BUTTON = 0x0040; static const unsigned short BIT_START_BUTTON = 0x0010; static const unsigned short BIT_BACK_BUTTON = 0x0020; static const unsigned short BIT_DPAD_NORTH_BUTTON = 0x0001; static const unsigned short BIT_DPAD_SOUTH_BUTTON = 0x0002; static const unsigned short BIT_DPAD_WEST_BUTTON = 0x0004; static const unsigned short BIT_DPAD_EAST_BUTTON = 0x0008; static const unsigned short BIT_DPAD_NORTHEAST_BUTTON = 0x0009; static const unsigned short BIT_DPAD_NORTHWEST_BUTTON = 0x0005; static const unsigned short BIT_DPAD_SOUTHEAST_BUTTON = 0x000a; static const unsigned short BIT_DPAD_SOUTHWEST_BUTTON = 0x0006; XINPUT_STATE xboxInputState; memset( &xboxInputState, 0, sizeof( xboxInputState ) ); DWORD errorStatus = XInputGetState( controllerState.m_controllerID, &xboxInputState ); if( errorStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { controllerState.m_isPluggedIn = true; SetButtonState( XBOX_BUTTON_A, ( BIT_A_BUTTON & xboxInputState.Gamepad.wButtons ) ? true : false, controllerState.m_controllerID ); SetButtonState( XBOX_BUTTON_B, ( BIT_B_BUTTON & xboxInputState.Gamepad.wButtons ) ? true : false, controllerState.m_controllerID ); SetButtonState( XBOX_BUTTON_X, ( BIT_X_BUTTON & xboxInputState.Gamepad.wButtons ) ? true : false, controllerState.m_controllerID ); SetButtonState( XBOX_BUTTON_Y, ( BIT_Y_BUTTON & xboxInputState.Gamepad.wButtons ) ? true : false, controllerState.m_controllerID ); SetButtonState( XBOX_BUTTON_BUMPER_LEFT, ( BIT_LEFT_BUMPER_BUTTON & xboxInputState.Gamepad.wButtons ) ? true : false, controllerState.m_controllerID ); SetButtonState( XBOX_BUTTON_BUMPER_RIGHT, ( BIT_RIGHT_BUMPER_BUTTON & xboxInputState.Gamepad.wButtons ) ? true : false, controllerState.m_controllerID ); SetButtonState( XBOX_BUTTON_STICK_LEFT, ( BIT_LEFT_STICK_BUTTON & xboxInputState.Gamepad.wButtons ) ? true : false, controllerState.m_controllerID ); SetButtonState( XBOX_BUTTON_STICK_RIGHT, ( BIT_RIGHT_STICK_BUTTON & xboxInputState.Gamepad.wButtons ) ? true : false, controllerState.m_controllerID ); SetButtonState( XBOX_BUTTON_BACK, ( BIT_BACK_BUTTON & xboxInputState.Gamepad.wButtons ) ? true : false, controllerState.m_controllerID ); SetButtonState( XBOX_BUTTON_START, ( BIT_START_BUTTON & xboxInputState.Gamepad.wButtons ) ? true : false, controllerState.m_controllerID ); SetButtonState( XBOX_BUTTON_DPAD_NORTH, ( BIT_DPAD_NORTH_BUTTON & xboxInputState.Gamepad.wButtons ) ? true : false, controllerState.m_controllerID ); SetButtonState( XBOX_BUTTON_DPAD_SOUTH, ( BIT_DPAD_SOUTH_BUTTON & xboxInputState.Gamepad.wButtons ) ? true : false, controllerState.m_controllerID ); SetButtonState( XBOX_BUTTON_DPAD_EAST, ( BIT_DPAD_EAST_BUTTON & xboxInputState.Gamepad.wButtons ) ? true : false, controllerState.m_controllerID ); SetButtonState( XBOX_BUTTON_DPAD_WEST, ( BIT_DPAD_WEST_BUTTON & xboxInputState.Gamepad.wButtons ) ? true : false, controllerState.m_controllerID ); SetButtonState( XBOX_BUTTON_DPAD_NORTHEAST, ( BIT_DPAD_NORTHEAST_BUTTON & xboxInputState.Gamepad.wButtons ) ? true : false, controllerState.m_controllerID ); SetButtonState( XBOX_BUTTON_DPAD_NORTHWEST, ( BIT_DPAD_NORTHWEST_BUTTON & xboxInputState.Gamepad.wButtons ) ? true : false, controllerState.m_controllerID ); SetButtonState( XBOX_BUTTON_DPAD_SOUTHEAST, ( BIT_DPAD_SOUTHEAST_BUTTON & xboxInputState.Gamepad.wButtons ) ? true : false, controllerState.m_controllerID ); SetButtonState( XBOX_BUTTON_DPAD_SOUTHWEST, ( BIT_DPAD_SOUTHWEST_BUTTON & xboxInputState.Gamepad.wButtons ) ? true : false, controllerState.m_controllerID ); SetButtonState( XBOX_BUTTON_TRIGGER_LEFT, xboxInputState.Gamepad.bLeftTrigger > 127 ? true : false, controllerState.m_controllerID ); SetButtonState( XBOX_BUTTON_TRIGGER_RIGHT, xboxInputState.Gamepad.bRightTrigger > 127 ? true : false, controllerState.m_controllerID ); float leftStickX = NormalizeXboxControllerStickValue( xboxInputState.Gamepad.sThumbLX ); float leftStickY = NormalizeXboxControllerStickValue( xboxInputState.Gamepad.sThumbLY ); float rightStickX = NormalizeXboxControllerStickValue( xboxInputState.Gamepad.sThumbRX ); float rightStickY = NormalizeXboxControllerStickValue( xboxInputState.Gamepad.sThumbRY ); controllerState.m_normalizedStickStates[ XBOX_STICK_LEFT ] = Vector2( leftStickX, leftStickY ); controllerState.m_normalizedStickStates[ XBOX_STICK_RIGHT ] = Vector2( rightStickX, rightStickY ); float normalizedLeftTrigger = NormalizeXboxControllerTriggerValue( xboxInputState.Gamepad.bLeftTrigger ); float normalizedRightTrigger = NormalizeXboxControllerTriggerValue( xboxInputState.Gamepad.bRightTrigger ); controllerState.m_normalizedTriggerStates[ XBOX_TRIGGER_LEFT ] = normalizedLeftTrigger; controllerState.m_normalizedTriggerStates[ XBOX_TRIGGER_RIGHT ] = normalizedRightTrigger; } else if( errorStatus == ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED ) controllerState.m_isPluggedIn = false; }
bool Button::IsPressed(const sf::Event& ev){ SetButtonState(ev); return mCurrentState == Released; };
UINT CPage6::AddDirectoryNodes(HTREEITEM hItem, CString &strPathName) { WCHAR wBuf[60]; DWORD bytesReturned=0; ULONG num=0; PDIRECTORY_INFO temp={0}; DIRECTORY_INFO_EX DIRECTORY_INFO_b; CString str,str1,strFileSpec = strPathName; if (strFileSpec.Right (1) != "\\") strFileSpec += "\\"; char a[MAX_PATH]; str1=strFileSpec; CMySystem::WCHARToChar(a,strFileSpec.GetBuffer(strFileSpec.GetLength())); strFileSpec += "*.*"; DeviceIoControl(hDevice,(DWORD)IOCTL_MT_GETDIRNUMINF,a,sizeof(a),&num,sizeof(ULONG),&bytesReturned,NULL); if(num==0) { AfxMessageBox(L"驱动未加载,列举出错!"); return 0; } temp=(PDIRECTORY_INFO)calloc(num,sizeof(DIRECTORY_INFO)); if(temp==NULL) { return 0; } DeviceIoControl(hDevice,(DWORD)IOCTL_MT_GETDIRINF,a,sizeof(a),temp,num*sizeof(DIRECTORY_INFO),&bytesReturned,NULL); CWaitCursor wait; WCHAR wTemp[MAX_PATH]={'\0'}; m_FileList.DeleteAllItems(); index=0; SetPath(str1,hDevice); for(ULONG i=0;i<num;i++) { TRACE("AddDirectoryNode:%d\n",i); CMySystem::CharToWCHAR(wTemp,temp[i].FileName); str.Format(L"%s",wTemp); str=str1+str; CString strFileName = (LPCTSTR) &temp[i].FileName; if(PathIsDirectory(str)) { if(strcmp(temp[i].FileName,".")) { if(strcmp(temp[i].FileName,"..")) { CMySystem::CharToWCHAR(wTemp,temp[i].FileName); HTREEITEM hChild = m_FileTree.InsertItem ((LPCTSTR) wTemp,//&fd.cFileName, ILI_CLSDFLD , ILI_OPENFLD , hItem , TVI_SORT); CString strNewPathName = strPathName; if (strNewPathName.Right (1) != "\\") {strNewPathName += "\\";} CMySystem::CharToWCHAR(wBuf,temp[i].FileName); strNewPathName += wBuf;//fd.cFileName; SetButtonState (hChild, strNewPathName); } } } else { DIRECTORY_INFO_b.DirectoryInfo=temp[i]; DIRECTORY_INFO_b.path=str1; AddToListView(&DIRECTORY_INFO_b); } } delete temp; return num; }
// Handling of user interface and other events void MainWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage *message) { switch(message->what){ case SELECTION_CHANGED: BRow *row; row = teamView->RowAt(message->FindInt32("index")); if(row != NULL && message->FindInt32("buttons") == B_SECONDARY_MOUSE_BUTTON){ BPoint point; uint32 state; teamView->GetMouse(&point,&state); BPoint p2 = teamView->ConvertToScreen(point); p2.x -= 5.0; p2.y -= 5.0; //if(fItemMenu->FindMarked()) // fItemMenu->FindMarked()->SetMarked(false); teamView->SelectionMessage()->ReplaceInt32("buttons",0); teamView->ActionMenu()->Go(p2, true, true, true); //fItemMenu->Go(p2, true, true, true); } SetButtonState(); break; case IE_MAINWINDOW_MAINMENU_ACTION_KILL: case IE_MAINWINDOW_MAINKILL: DoKill(); UpdateTeams(); SetButtonState(); break; case IE_MAINWINDOW_MAINMENU_ACTION_SUSPEND: case IE_MAINWINDOW_MAINSUSPEND: DoSuspend(); UpdateTeams(); SetButtonState(); break; case IE_MAINWINDOW_MAINMENU_ACTION_RESUME: case IE_MAINWINDOW_MAINRESUME: DoResume(); UpdateTeams(); SetButtonState(); break; case SET_PRIORITY: { int32 priority = message->FindInt32("priority"); DoPriority(priority); UpdateTeams(); SetButtonState(); break; } case IE_MAINWINDOW_MAINPRIORITYVALUE: // takes priority from text field DoPriority(); UpdateTeams(); SetButtonState(); break; case IE_MAINWINDOW_MAINUPDATE: UpdateTeams(); SetButtonState(); break; case B_ABOUT_REQUESTED: // "About…" is selected from menu… { BAboutWindow* fAboutWin = new BAboutWindow(B_TRANSLATE_SYSTEM_NAME("Slayer"), slayer_signature); fAboutWin->AddDescription(B_TRANSLATE("A thread manager for Haiku")); fAboutWin->SetVersion(SLAYER_VERSION); fAboutWin->AddCopyright(1999, "Arto Jalkanen"); const char* authors[] = { "Arto Jalkanen ([email protected])", NULL }; fAboutWin->AddAuthors(authors); fAboutWin->Show(); } break; case IE_MAINWINDOW_MAINMENU_FILE_DOCS__: { BMessage message(B_REFS_RECEIVED); message.AddString("url", ProjectWebsite); be_roster->Launch("text/html", &message); } break; case IE_MAINWINDOW_MAINMENU_FILE_QUIT: // "Quit" is selected from menu… be_app->PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); break; case IE_MAINWINDOW_MAINMENU_WINDOWS_SETTINGS: { const char* windowSettingsTitle = B_TRANSLATE("Settings"); BWindow *settings = slayer->FindWindow(windowSettingsTitle); if (!settings) new SettingsWindow(windowSettingsTitle); else if (settings->Lock()) { settings->Activate(true); settings->Unlock(); } } break; default: BWindow::MessageReceived(message); break; } }
MainWindow::MainWindow(void) : BWindow(BRect(200,200,800,750), B_TRANSLATE_SYSTEM_NAME("Slayer"), B_TITLED_WINDOW, 0) { slayer->mainWindow = this; refreshThread = NULL; if (Lock()) { teamView = new TeamListView("MainTeamList"); // Menü BMenuBar* menuBar = new BMenuBar("MenuBar"); BMenu* menu; menu = new BMenu(B_TRANSLATE_SYSTEM_NAME("Slayer")); menuBar->AddItem(menu); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("About Slayer..."), new BMessage(B_ABOUT_REQUESTED))); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Settings..."), new BMessage(IE_MAINWINDOW_MAINMENU_WINDOWS_SETTINGS))); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Quit"), new BMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED), 'Q')); menu = new BMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Action")); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Kill"), new BMessage(IE_MAINWINDOW_MAINKILL), 'K')); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Suspend"), new BMessage(IE_MAINWINDOW_MAINSUSPEND), 'S')); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Resume"), new BMessage(IE_MAINWINDOW_MAINRESUME), 'R')); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); priorityMenu = new PriorityMenu(teamView); menu->AddItem(priorityMenu); priorityMenu->BuildMenu(); menuBar->AddItem(menu); fToolBar = new BToolBar(B_HORIZONTAL); BGroupLayout *topBox = BLayoutBuilder::Group<>(this,B_VERTICAL, 0) .Add(menuBar) .Add(fToolBar) .AddGroup(B_VERTICAL) .SetInsets(B_USE_WINDOW_INSETS, 0, B_USE_WINDOW_INSETS, B_USE_WINDOW_INSETS) .Add(teamView); teamView->LoadState(&(slayer->options.columnsState)); team_items_list = 0; team_amount = 0; iteration = 0; refreshThread = new RefreshThread(); UpdateTeams(); if (slayer->options.wind_rect.IsValid()) { MoveTo(slayer->options.wind_rect.left, slayer->options.wind_rect.top); ResizeTo(slayer->options.wind_rect.Width(), slayer->options.wind_rect.Height()); } minimized = false; if (slayer->options.workspace_activation == Options::all_workspaces) SetWorkspaces(B_ALL_WORKSPACES); else if (slayer->options.workspace_activation == Options::saved_workspace) SetWorkspaces(0x1UL << (slayer->options.workspaces -1 )); if (slayer->options.wind_minimized) Minimize(true); // Quitting has to be disabled if docked if (slayer->docked) { BMenu *menu = (BMenu *)FindView("MainMenu"); BMenuItem *item = menu->FindItem(IE_MAINWINDOW_MAINMENU_FILE_QUIT); item->SetEnabled(false); } fToolBar->AddAction(new BMessage(IE_MAINWINDOW_MAINKILL),this, ResourceVectorToBitmap("KILL"),B_TRANSLATE("Kill"),"",false); fToolBar->AddAction(new BMessage(IE_MAINWINDOW_MAINSUSPEND),this, ResourceVectorToBitmap("SUSPEND"),B_TRANSLATE("Suspend"),"",false); fToolBar->AddAction(new BMessage(IE_MAINWINDOW_MAINRESUME),this, ResourceVectorToBitmap("RESUME"),B_TRANSLATE("Resume"),"",false); fToolBar->AddAction(new BMessage(IE_MAINWINDOW_MAINUPDATE),this, ResourceVectorToBitmap("FORCED_RELOAD"),B_TRANSLATE("Forced reload"),"",false); fToolBar->GetLayout()->AddItem(BSpaceLayoutItem::CreateGlue()); if (teamView != NULL) teamView->MakeFocus(); SetButtonState(); refreshThread->Go(); Unlock(); } Show(); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall THttpTestForm::HttpCli1RequestDone(TObject *Sender, THttpRequest RqType, WORD Error) { SetButtonState(TRUE); DisplayMemo->Lines->Add("RequestDone Error = " + IntToStr(Error)); }