Example #1
Compile_ReConfigureLogicInBlock ( BlockInfo * bi, int32 overwriteFlag )
    if ( CfrTil_GetState ( _CfrTil_, OPTIMIZE_ON | INLINE_ON ) )
        byte * saveHere = Here ;
        if ( bi->LogicCode ) // && ( bi->LogicCodeWord->Symbol->Category & CATEGORY_LOGIC ) )
            //if ( bi->LogicCodeWord->StackPushRegisterCode ) SetHere ( bi->LogicCodeWord->StackPushRegisterCode ) ;
            SetHere ( bi->LogicCode ) ;
            // compile RET within the block bi at the SpecialCode
            // standard compile of logic is overwritten for optimize and inline
            if ( overwriteFlag )
                _Compile_Return ( ) ;
                bi->bp_Last = Here ;
                _Compile_Noop ( ) ; // adjust so Disassemble doesn't get an "invalid" insn; we overwrite a 3 byte insn ( 0fb6c0 : movzx eax, al ) with RET NOP NOP
                _Compile_Noop ( ) ;
                SetHere ( saveHere ) ;
            return true ;
    return false ;
Example #2
CfrTil_DoWhileCombinator ( )
    block testBlock = ( block ) TOS, doBlock = ( block ) Dsp [ - 1 ] ;
    _DataStack_DropN ( 2 ) ;
    if ( CompileMode )
        CfrTil_BeginCombinator ( 2 ) ;
        byte * start = Here ;
        _Context_->Compiler0->ContinuePoint = Here ;
        _Compile_Block ( ( byte* ) doBlock, 1, 0 ) ;
        //_Compile_Block ( ( byte* ) testBlock, 0, 1 ) ;
        if ( ! _Compile_Block ( ( byte* ) testBlock, 0, 1 ) )
            SetHere ( start ) ;
            return 0 ;
        _Compile_JumpToAddress ( start ) ;
        _Context_->Compiler0->BreakPoint = Here ;
        CfrTil_CalculateAndSetPreviousJmpOffset_ToHere ( ) ;
        CfrTil_EndCombinator ( 2, 1 ) ;
            _Block_Eval ( doBlock ) ;
            _Block_Eval ( testBlock ) ;
            if ( ! _DataStack_Pop ( ) ) break ;
        while ( 1 ) ;
    return 1 ;
Example #3
Compile_X_Group5 ( Compiler * compiler, int32 op )
    //_Set_SCA ( 0 ) ;
    int optFlag = CheckOptimize ( compiler, 3 ) ;
    //Word *one = Compiler_WordStack ( - 1 ) ; // assumes two values ( n m ) on the DSP stack 
    Word *one = Compiler_WordList ( 1 ) ; // assumes two values ( n m ) on the DSP stack 
    if ( optFlag & OPTIMIZE_DONE ) return ;
    else if ( optFlag )
        if ( compiler->optInfo->OptimizeFlag & OPTIMIZE_IMM )
            _Compile_MoveImm_To_Reg ( EAX, compiler->optInfo->Optimize_Imm, CELL ) ;
            compiler->optInfo->Optimize_Mod = REG ;
            compiler->optInfo->Optimize_Rm = EAX ;
        _Compile_Group5 ( op, compiler->optInfo->Optimize_Mod, compiler->optInfo->Optimize_Rm, 0, compiler->optInfo->Optimize_Disp, 0 ) ;
    else if ( one && one->CProperty & ( PARAMETER_VARIABLE | LOCAL_VARIABLE | NAMESPACE_VARIABLE ) ) // *( ( cell* ) ( TOS ) ) += 1 ;
        SetHere ( one->Coding ) ;
        _Compile_GetVarLitObj_RValue_To_Reg ( one, EAX, 1 ) ;
        //_Compile_Group5 ( int32 code, int32 mod, int32 rm, int32 sib, int32 disp, int32 size )
        _Compile_Group5 ( op, REG, EAX, 0, 0, 0 ) ;
        // ++ == += :: -- == -= so :
        _Compile_SetVarLitObj_With_Reg ( one, EAX, ECX ) ;
        // assume rvalue on stack
        _Compile_Group5 ( op, MEM, DSP, 0, 0, 0 ) ;
    _Compiler_Setup_BI_tttn ( _Context_->Compiler0, ZERO_CC, NZ, 3 ) ; // ?? // not less than 0 == greater than 0
Example #4
_Block_Copy ( byte * srcAddress, int32 qsize )
    byte * saveHere = Here, * saveAddress = srcAddress ;
    ud_t * ud = Debugger_UdisInit ( _CfrTil_->Debugger0 ) ;
    int32 isize, left ;

    for ( left = qsize ; left > 0 ; srcAddress += isize )
        isize = _Udis_GetInstructionSize ( ud, srcAddress ) ;
        left -= isize ;
        if ( * srcAddress == _RET )
            if ( left && ( ( * srcAddress + 1 ) != NOOP ) ) //  noop from our logic overwrite
                // ?? unable at present to compile inline with more than one return in the block
                SetHere ( saveHere ) ;
                _Compile_Call ( saveAddress ) ;
            break ; // don't include RET
        else if ( * srcAddress == CALLI32 )
            int32 offset = * ( int32* ) ( srcAddress + 1 ) ; // 1 : 1 byte opCode
            if ( ! offset )
                _CfrTil_WordName_Run ( ( byte* ) "recurse" ) ;
                continue ;
                byte * jcAddress = JumpCallInstructionAddress ( srcAddress ) ;
                Word * word = Word_GetFromCodeAddress ( jcAddress ) ;
                if ( word )
                    _CompileWord ( word ) ;
                    continue ;
                //else (drop to) _CompileN ( srcAddress, isize )
        else if ( * srcAddress == JMPI32 )
            int32 offset = * ( int32* ) ( srcAddress + 1 ) ; // 1 : 1 byte opCode
            if ( offset == 0 ) // signature of a goto point
                _CfrTil_MoveGotoPoint ( ( int32 ) srcAddress + 1, 0, ( int32 ) Here + 1 ) ;
                _CompileN ( srcAddress, isize ) ; // memcpy ( dstAddress, address, size ) ;
                continue ;
            //else (drop to) _CompileN ( srcAddress, isize )
        _CompileN ( srcAddress, isize ) ; // memcpy ( dstAddress, address, size ) ;
Example #5
Block_Copy ( byte * dst, byte * src, int32 qsize )
    if ( dst > src )
        Error_Abort ( ( byte* ) "\nBlock_Copy :: Error : dst > src.\n" ) ;
        //return ; // ?? what is going on here ??
    SetHere ( dst ) ;
    _Block_Copy ( src, qsize ) ;
Example #6
File: logic.c Project: 8l/openvmtil
Compile_LogicalNot ( Compiler * compiler )
    Word *one = Compiler_WordStack ( compiler, - 1 ) ;
    int optFlag = CheckOptimizeOperands ( compiler, 2 ) ;
    if ( optFlag == OPTIMIZE_DONE ) return ;
    else if ( optFlag )
        if ( compiler->Optimizer->OptimizeFlag & OPTIMIZE_IMM )
            _Compile_MoveImm_To_Reg ( EAX, compiler->Optimizer->Optimize_Imm, CELL ) ;
        else if ( compiler->Optimizer->Optimize_Rm == DSP )
            _Compile_Move_StackN_To_Reg ( EAX, DSP, 0 ) ;
        else if ( compiler->Optimizer->Optimize_Rm != EAX )
            _Compile_VarConstOrLit_RValue_To_Reg ( one, EAX ) ;
        _Compile_TEST_Reg_To_Reg ( EAX, EAX ) ;
        _Compile_SET_tttn_REG ( ZERO, 0, EAX ) ; // SET : this only sets one byte of reg
        _Compile_MOVZX_REG ( EAX ) ; // so Zero eXtend reg
        if ( compiler->Optimizer->Optimize_Rm != DSP ) // optimize sets this
            Word *zero = Compiler_WordStack ( compiler, 0 ) ;
            _Word_CompileAndRecord_PushEAX ( zero ) ;
        else Compile_Move_EAX_To_TOS ( DSP ) ;
        if ( one->StackPushRegisterCode ) SetHere ( one->StackPushRegisterCode ) ;
        else Compile_Move_TOS_To_EAX ( DSP ) ; //_Compile_Move_StackN_To_Reg ( EAX, DSP, 0 ) ;
        _Compile_TEST_Reg_To_Reg ( EAX, EAX ) ; //logical and eax eax => if ( eax > 0 ) 1 else 0
        _Compile_SET_tttn_REG ( ZERO, 0, EAX ) ; // if (eax == zero) => zero flag is 1 if zero flag is true (1) set EAX to 1 else set eax to 0 :: SET : this only sets one byte of reg
        _Compile_MOVZX_REG ( EAX ) ; // so Zero eXtend reg
        Word *zero = Compiler_WordStack ( compiler, 0 ) ;
        zero->StackPushRegisterCode = Here ;
        Compile_Move_EAX_To_TOS ( DSP ) ;
        //int a, b, c= 0, d ; a = 1; b = !a, d= !c ; Printf ( "a = %d b = %d c =%d ~d = %d", a, b, c, d ) ;
Example #7
_Compiler_RemoveLocalFrame ( Compiler * compiler )
    int32 parameterVarsSubAmount, returnValueFlag ;
    Compiler_SetLocalsFrameSize_AtItsCellOffset ( compiler ) ;
    parameterVarsSubAmount = ( compiler->NumberOfParameterVariables * CELL ) ;
    if ( GetState ( _Context_, C_SYNTAX ) && ( ! String_Equal ( compiler->CurrentWord->S_ContainingNamespace->Name, "void" ) ) ) 
        SetState ( compiler, RETURN_TOS, true ) ;
    //returnValueFlag = rvf = ( _Context_->CurrentRunWord->CProperty & C_RETURN ) || ( GetState ( compiler, RETURN_TOS | RETURN_EAX ) ) || IsWordRecursive || compiler->ReturnVariableWord ;
    returnValueFlag = ( _Context_->CurrentlyRunningWord->CProperty & C_RETURN ) || ( GetState ( compiler, RETURN_TOS | RETURN_EAX ) ) || IsWordRecursive || compiler->ReturnVariableWord ;
    Word * word = compiler->ReturnVariableWord ;
#if 0    
    if ( GetState ( _Context_->Compiler0, SAVE_ESP ) )
        _Compile_ESP_Restore ( ) ;
    if ( word )
        _Compile_GetVarLitObj_RValue_To_Reg ( word, EAX, 0 ) ; // nb. these variables have no lasting lvalue - they exist on the stack - therefore we can only return there rvalue
    //else if ( compiler->NumberOfParameterVariables && returnValueFlag && ( ! compiler->NumberOfRegisterVariables ) && ( ! GetState ( compiler, RETURN_EAX ) ) )
    else if ( compiler->NumberOfParameterVariables && returnValueFlag && ( ! GetState ( compiler, RETURN_EAX ) ) )
#if 0  // for some unknown reason this code will overwrite the function call address also      
        byte add_esi_eax [ ] = { 0x01, 0x06 } ; //0106           add [esi], eax 
        byte * here = _Q_CodeByteArray->EndIndex ;

        if ( memcmp ( add_esi_eax, here - 2, 2 ) )
            //_ByteArray_UnAppendSpace ( _Q_CodeByteArray, 2 ) ;
            SetHere ( Here - 2  ) ;
            _Compile_X_Group1 ( ADD, REG, MEM, EAX, DSP, 0, 0, CELL ) ; // result is on TOS
            //{returnValueFlag ++ ; rvf = 0 ;}
        Compile_Move_TOS_To_EAX ( DSP ) ; // save TOS to EAX so we can set return it as TOS below
        //else { parameterVarsSubAmount += CELL ; rvf = 0 ; }
    else if ( GetState ( compiler, RETURN_TOS ) )
        Compile_Move_TOS_To_EAX ( DSP ) ;
    _Compile_LEA ( DSP, FP, 0, - LocalVarIndex_Disp ( 1 ) ) ; // restore sp - release locals stack frame
    _Compile_Move_StackN_To_Reg ( FP, DSP, 1 ) ; // restore the saved pre fp - cf AddLocalsFrame
    // remove the incoming parameters -- like in C
    parameterVarsSubAmount -= returnValueFlag * CELL ; // reduce the subtract amount to make room for the return value
    if ( parameterVarsSubAmount > 0 )
        Compile_SUBI ( REG, DSP, 0, parameterVarsSubAmount, CELL ) ; // remove stack variables
    else if ( parameterVarsSubAmount < 0 )
        Compile_ADDI ( REG, DSP, 0, - parameterVarsSubAmount, CELL ) ; // add a place on the stack for return value
    //if ( rvf && returnValueFlag && ( ! GetState ( compiler, RETURN_EAX ) ) )
    if ( returnValueFlag && ( ! GetState ( compiler, RETURN_EAX ) ) )
        // nb : stack was already adjusted accordingly for this above by reducing the SUBI subAmount or adding if there weren't any parameter variables
        Compile_Move_EAX_To_TOS ( DSP ) ;