void HaltonSequence::operator++() { const double one = 1.0 - 1e-10; double h, hh, remainder; n++; if(n & 8191) { for(int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) { remainder = one - X[j]; if(remainder < 0.0) X[j] = 0.0; else if(Radical[j] < remainder) X[j] += Radical[j]; else { h = Radical[j]; do { hh = h; h *= Radical[j]; } while(h >= remainder); X[j] += hh + h - 1.0; } } /* updated 30.april 1996 if((h = X[j] + Radical[j]) <= one) X[j] = h; else { if(X[j] >= one) X[j] = 0; else { h = Radical[j]; do { h *= Radical[j]; } while(X[j] + h >= one); X[j] += h / Radical[j] + h - 1.0; } }*/ } else /// change 5.10.94 if(n >= 1073741824) // == 2^30 SetInstance(0); else /// change 5.10.94 SetInstance(n); }
/* * WinMain - entry point for the application */ int PASCAL WinMain( HINSTANCE currinst, HINSTANCE previnst, LPSTR cmdline, int cmdshow ) { MSG msg; cmdline = cmdline; Instance = currinst; SetInstance( Instance ); if( !InitGblStrings() ) { MessageBox( NULL, "Unable to find string resources", AppName, MB_OK ); return( 0 ); } if( previnst == NULL ) { if( !firstInstInit() ) { return( 0 ); } } if( !everyInstInit( cmdshow ) ) { return( 0 ); } while( GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 ) ) { TranslateMessage( &msg ); DispatchMessage( &msg ); } DdeUninitialize( DDEInstId ); JDialogFini(); #ifndef NOUSE3D CvrCtl3dUnregister( Instance ); CvrCtl3DFini( Instance ); #endif return( 1 ); } /* WinMain */
// // FUNCTION: CreateInstance(HINSTANCE, int) // // Saves the instance handle, creates and displays the main window. // BOOL AppWin::CreateInstance(HINSTANCE inHInstance, int inNCmdShow) { SetInstance(inHInstance); RegisterWindowClass(L"FrontEndMain"); s_hWnd = CreateWindow(s_windowClassName.c_str(), s_windowTitle.c_str(), WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL, s_hThisInst, NULL); if (!s_hWnd) { return FALSE; } ShowWindow(s_hWnd, inNCmdShow); UpdateWindow(s_hWnd); s_hAccelTable = LoadAccelerators(s_hThisInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_APPMAIN)); RECT activeArea; GetClientRect(s_hWnd, &activeArea); s_width = abs(activeArea.right - activeArea.left); s_height = abs(activeArea.bottom - activeArea.top); return TRUE; }
void CameraManager::Construct(PE::GameContext &context, PE::MemoryArena arena) { Handle h("CAMERA_MANAGER", sizeof(CameraManager)); CameraManager *pCameraManager = new(h) CameraManager(context, arena, h); pCameraManager->addDefaultComponents(); SetInstance(h); }
StringBrowser::StringBrowser ( const char* name, ButtonState* bs, int r, int c, boolean u, int h, const char* d ) { SetInstance(name); Init(bs, r, c, u, h, d); }
// // App is exiting // void plNetClientMgr::Shutdown() { ISendDirtyState(hsTimer::GetSysSeconds()); plNetLinkingMgr::GetInstance()->LeaveAge(true); // release all avatar clones IUnloadRemotePlayers(); IUnloadNPCs(); // Finally, pump the dispatch system so all the new refs get delivered. plgDispatch::Dispatch()->MsgQueueProcess(); if (fMsgRecorder) { delete fMsgRecorder; fMsgRecorder = nil; } for (int i = 0; i < fMsgPlayers.size(); i++) delete fMsgPlayers[i]; fMsgPlayers.clear(); IRemoveCloneRoom(); VaultDestroy(); // commit hara-kiri UnRegisterAs(kNetClientMgr_KEY); SetInstance(nullptr); }
void WRESEAPI WMenuInit( void ) { HINSTANCE inst; inst = WGetEditInstance(); if( AccelTable == (HACCEL)NULL ) { AccelTable = LoadAccelerators( inst, "WMenuAccelTable"); } if( InsertBefore == (HBITMAP)NULL ) { InsertBefore = LoadBitmap( inst, "InsertBefore"); } if( InsertAfter == (HBITMAP)NULL ) { InsertAfter = LoadBitmap( inst, "InsertAfter"); } if( InsertSub == (HBITMAP)NULL ) { InsertSub = LoadBitmap( inst, "InsertSub"); } if( InsertNoSub == (HBITMAP)NULL ) { InsertNoSub = LoadBitmap( inst, "InsertNoSub"); } if( ref_count == 0 ) { WRInit(); SetInstance( inst ); WInit( inst ); WInitDummyMenuEntry(); } ref_count++; }
//----------------------------------------- //perseguir por posicion de personaje(sin colisiones) //----------------------------------------- //void CZombie::Perseguir(Vect3f hisPosition,float _elapsedtime) //{ // Vect3f myPosition = GetInstance()->GetPosition(); // GetEjeMovimientoIA()->MovAgentIA(hisPosition,myPosition,GetMoveSpeed(),_elapsedtime); // // //posicion y rotacion del muñeco // //// GetInstance()->SetPosition(Vect3f(myPosition.x,0,myPosition.z)); // //GetInstance()->SetYaw(-(GetEjeMovimientoIA()->m_fAngleTotalPlayer2)); // // CRenderableObject* myinstance = CORE->GetRenderableObjectsManager()->GetInstance(this->GetInstance()->GetName()); // myinstance->SetPosition(Vect3f(myPosition.x,0,myPosition.z)); // myinstance->SetYaw(-(GetEjeMovimientoIA()->m_fAngleTotalPlayer2)); // SetInstance((CRenderableAnimatedInstanceModel*)myinstance); //} //----------------------------------------- //perseguir por vector director //----------------------------------------- void CZombie::Perseguir(Vect3f hisPosition,float _elapsedtime, float height) { Vect3f myPosition = GetInstance()->GetPosition(); float mySpeed = GetMoveSpeed(); GetEjeMovimientoIA()->MovAgentIA(hisPosition,myPosition,mySpeed,_elapsedtime); Vect3f aux = GetEjeMovimientoIA()->GetVectorDirector(); aux.y = 0.0f; GetPhysicController()->Move(aux /** _elapsedtime*/ * mySpeed, _elapsedtime); Vect3f controllerPosition = GetPhysicController()->GetPosition(); //controllerPosition.y = 0.0f; //myinstance->SetPosition(Vect3f(myPosition.x,0,myPosition.z)); CRenderableObject* myinstance = GetInstance(); float l_fPosY = controllerPosition.y - GetPhysicController()->GetRadius()*height ; if(height == 1.0f)//boss myinstance->SetPosition(Vect3f(controllerPosition.x, l_fPosY -(height/4.0f), controllerPosition.z)); else //zombie myinstance->SetPosition(Vect3f(controllerPosition.x, l_fPosY, controllerPosition.z)); myinstance->SetYaw(-(GetEjeMovimientoIA()->m_fAngleTotalPlayer2)); SetInstance((CRenderableAnimatedInstanceModel*)myinstance); }
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_luc_fourestier_rbook_BookManager__1Release(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz) { RBook::BookManager *bm = GetInstance(env, thiz); if (bm != NULL) { delete bm; } SetInstance(env, thiz, NULL); }
//============================================================================== // ParserFactory::GetInstance // //============================================================================== AutoPtr<ParserFactory> ParserFactory::GetInstance() { if(s_pInstance == NULL) { SetInstance(new ParserFactory); } QC_DBG_ASSERT(s_pInstance!=0); return s_pInstance; }
static BOOL initApplication( void ) { RegisterMainWindow( InstanceHandle ); // RegisterContainerWindow( InstanceHandle ); // Init ldstr.c SetInstance( InstanceHandle ); return( TRUE ); }
//============================================================================== AutoPtr<XMLReaderFactory> XMLReaderFactory::GetInstance() { if(s_pInstance == NULL) { SetInstance(new XMLReaderFactory); } QC_DBG_ASSERT(s_pInstance!=0); return s_pInstance; }
CGapManager::CGapManager(CParkManager *pManager) { m_currentId = 2000; for (int i = 0; i < vMAX_GAPS; i++) mp_gapInfoTab[i] = NULL; mp_manager = pManager; SetInstance(); }
FileChooser::FileChooser( const char* name, const char* t, const char* subt, const char* d, int r, int c, const char* acceptLabel, Alignment a ) : StringChooser(new ButtonState, a) { SetInstance(name); FileBrowser* fb = new FileBrowser(state, d, r, c); StringChooser::Init(new StringEditor(state, fb->GetDirectory()), fb); Init(t, subt); Insert(Interior(acceptLabel)); }
nsresult nsWidget::CreateWidget(nsIWidget *aParent, const nsRect &aRect, EVENT_CALLBACK aHandleEventFunction, nsIDeviceContext *aContext, nsIAppShell *aAppShell, nsIToolkit *aToolkit, nsWidgetInitData *aInitData, nsNativeWidget aNativeParent) { PtWidget_t *parentWidget = nsnull; if( aNativeParent ) { parentWidget = (PtWidget_t*)aNativeParent; // we've got a native parent so listen for resizes mListenForResizes = PR_TRUE; } else if( aParent ) { parentWidget = (PtWidget_t*) (aParent->GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_WIDGET)); mListenForResizes = aInitData ? aInitData->mListenForResizes : PR_FALSE; } if( aInitData->mWindowType == eWindowType_child && !parentWidget ) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsIWidget *baseParent = aInitData && (aInitData->mWindowType == eWindowType_dialog || aInitData->mWindowType == eWindowType_toplevel || aInitData->mWindowType == eWindowType_invisible) ? nsnull : aParent; BaseCreate( baseParent, aRect, aHandleEventFunction, aContext, aAppShell, aToolkit, aInitData ); mParent = aParent; mBounds = aRect; CreateNative (parentWidget); if( aRect.width > 1 && aRect.height > 1 ) Resize(aRect.width, aRect.height, PR_FALSE); if( mWidget ) { SetInstance(mWidget, this); PtAddCallback( mWidget, Pt_CB_GOT_FOCUS, GotFocusCallback, this ); PtAddCallback( mWidget, Pt_CB_LOST_FOCUS, LostFocusCallback, this ); PtAddCallback( mWidget, Pt_CB_IS_DESTROYED, DestroyedCallback, this ); #ifdef PHOTON_DND PtAddCallback( mWidget, Pt_CB_DND, DndCallback, this ); #endif } DispatchStandardEvent(NS_CREATE); return NS_OK; }
// // DESTRUCT // plNetClientMgr::~plNetClientMgr() { plSynchedObject::PushSynchDisabled(true); // disable dirty tracking IDeInitNetClientComm(); if (this==GetInstance()) SetInstance(nil); // we're going down boys IClearPendingLoads(); delete fTaskProgBar; }
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_luc_fourestier_rbook_BookManager__1Create(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz) { InitializeInstanceField(env, thiz); RBook::BookManager *bm = new RBook::BookManager(); if (bm == NULL) { JNIThrowException(env, "java/lang/RuntimeException", NULL); return; } // Register instance at Java level SetInstance(env, thiz, bm); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize configuration partition as a copy of another NaConfigPart::NaConfigPart (const NaConfigPart& rCP) { const char *szType = rCP.GetType(); const char *szInstance = rCP.GetInstance(); szTypeName = new char[strlen(szType) + 1]; strcpy(szTypeName, szType); szInstanceName = NULL; SetInstance(szInstance); pSelfData = NULL; }
//no utilizada CZombie& CZombie::operator = (CZombie& z) { SetHealth(z.GetHealth()); SetInstance(z.GetInstance()); SetModelFilename(z.GetModelFilename()); SetMoveSpeed(z.GetMoveSpeed()); SetRotSpeed(z.GetRotSpeed()); GetInstance()->SetScalar(z.GetInstance()->GetScalarX(),z.GetInstance()->GetScalarX(),z.GetInstance()->GetScalarX()); SetRadiusSmelling(z.GetRadiusSmelling()); SetRadiuwViewing(z.GetRadiusViewing()); GetInstance()->SetName(z.GetInstance()->GetName()); SetEjeMovimientoIA(z.GetEjeMovimientoIA()); return *this; }
void WRESEAPI WAccelInit( void ) { HINSTANCE inst; inst = WGetEditInstance(); if( AccelTable == (HACCEL)NULL ) { AccelTable = LoadAccelerators( inst, "WAccelAccelTable"); } if( ref_count == 0 ) { WRInit(); SetInstance( inst ); WInit( inst ); } ref_count++; }
// // DESTRUCT // plAgeLoader::~plAgeLoader() { delete fInitialAgeState; fInitialAgeState=nil; if ( PendingAgeFniFiles().size() ) plNetClientApp::StaticErrorMsg( "~plAgeLoader(): {} pending age fni files", PendingAgeFniFiles().size() ); if ( PendingPageOuts().size() ) plNetClientApp::StaticErrorMsg( "~plAgeLoader(): {} pending page outs", PendingPageOuts().size() ); ClearPageExcludeList(); // Clear our debugging exclude list, just to be tidy if (fInstance==this) SetInstance(nil); }
void TileSet::LoadFromFile(string path) { // Attempt load from XML TileSetParser *tp = new TileSetParser(); // New tile set TileSet *newTileSet = tp->Load(); // Delete old delete this; // Set static pointer to new one SetInstance(newTileSet); // Clean up parser object delete tp; }
void Control::Init(const char* name, Interactor* i) { if (name != nil) { SetInstance(name); } enabled_ = true; parent_ = nil; state_ = new ControlState; state_->Attach(this); input = new Sensor; input->Catch(EnterEvent); input->Catch(LeaveEvent); input->Catch(DownEvent); input->Catch(UpEvent); if (i != nil) { Insert(i); } }
NPError GetValue(NPP instance, NPPVariable variable, void *value) { switch (variable) { case NPPVpluginScriptableNPObject: { javascriptListener = (NPObject *)browserFuncs->createobject(instance, (NPClass *)&JavascriptListener_NPClass); *((NPObject **)value) = javascriptListener; SetInstance(instance, javascriptListener); break; } case NPPVpluginNeedsXEmbed: { *((bool *)value) = true; break; } default: { return NPERR_INVALID_PARAM; } } return NPERR_NO_ERROR; }
//----------------------------------------- // encarando por vector director //----------------------------------------- void CZombie::Encarando(Vect3f hisPosition,float _elapsedtime, float height) { Vect3f myPosition = GetInstance()->GetPosition(); GetEjeMovimientoIA()->MovAgentIA(hisPosition,myPosition,0.0f,_elapsedtime,true); Vect3f controllerPosition = GetPhysicController()->GetPosition(); //controllerPosition.y = 0.0f; //myinstance->SetPosition(Vect3f(myPosition.x,0,myPosition.z)); CRenderableObject* myinstance = GetInstance(); float l_fPosY = controllerPosition.y - GetPhysicController()->GetRadius()*height; if(height == 1.0f)//boss myinstance->SetPosition(Vect3f(controllerPosition.x, l_fPosY -(height/4.0f), controllerPosition.z)); else //zombie myinstance->SetPosition(Vect3f(controllerPosition.x, l_fPosY, controllerPosition.z)); myinstance->SetYaw(-(GetEjeMovimientoIA()->m_fAngleTotalPlayer2)); SetInstance((CRenderableAnimatedInstanceModel*)myinstance); }
/* * WinMain - main entry point */ int WINMAINENTRY WinMain( HINSTANCE currinst, HINSTANCE previnst, LPSTR cmdline, int cmdshow ) { MSG msg; HWND prev_hwnd; char *errstr; cmdline = cmdline; errstr = errstr; SetInstance( currinst ); #ifdef __NT__ /* because of the shared memory used by the NT spy we can only allow * one spy to exist at a time */ prev_hwnd = FindWindow( SPY_CLASS_NAME, NULL ); if( prev_hwnd != NULL ) { errstr = GetRCString( STR_ONLY_1_SPY_ALLOWED ); MessageBox( NULL, errstr, SpyName, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); /* setting the window topmost then not topmost is a kludge to * make sure the window is really moved to the top */ SetWindowPos( prev_hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE ); SetWindowPos( prev_hwnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE ); exit( 0 ); } #else prev_hwnd = prev_hwnd; #endif if( !spyInit( currinst, previnst, cmdshow ) ) { exit( 0 ); } while( GetMessage( &msg, (HWND)NULL, 0, 0 ) ) { TranslateMessage( &msg ); DispatchMessage( &msg ); } SpyFini(); return( 1 ); } /* WinMain */
bool CZombieOlfateador::Init(CZombie &z) { bool bIsOk = Inherited::Init(z); if (!bIsOk) { printf("a CZombieOlfateador instace couldnt allocate memory"); Done(); //We call Done() to release before the parent class } else { SetHealth(z.GetHealth()); SetInstance(z.GetInstance()); SetModelFilename(z.GetModelFilename()); SetMoveSpeed(z.GetMoveSpeed()); SetRotSpeed(z.GetRotSpeed()); GetInstance()->SetScalar(z.GetInstance()->GetScalarX(),z.GetInstance()->GetScalarY(),z.GetInstance()->GetScalarZ()); SetSiguiendoRuta(false); } return bIsOk; }
HaltonSequence::HaltonSequence(UL_int Dimension, Rng * rng_ptr, UL_int offset, int *Primes) : Sequence(Dimension,rng_ptr) { n = offset; n0 = offset; Radical = new double[dimension]; assert(Radical); ownBase = (! Primes); if(ownBase) Base = FirstPrimes((L_int)dimension); else Base = Primes; for(int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) { Radical[j] = 1.0 / (double) Base[j]; X[j] = 0.0; } SetInstance(n0); }
Scroller::Scroller(const char* name, Interactor* i, int n) { SetInstance(name); interactor = i; size = n; Init(); }
Panner::Panner (const char* name, Interactor* i, int size) { SetInstance(name); Init(i, size); }