Example #1
	//! Force l'objet à croire qu'il est nouveau
	void CDObjState::SetNouveau()
		m_bInitaliser		= false;
		m_bAcquis			= false;
		m_bSupprimer		= false;

Example #2
	//! Indique si l'objet est marqué pour suppression
	void CDObjState::SetPourSupprimer( bool bPourSupprimer )
		bool bNotifer = (m_bPourSupprimer != bPourSupprimer);

		// Le changement d'état de suppression
		// implique que l'item est modifié.
		if (bNotifer)

		m_bPourSupprimer = bPourSupprimer;
Example #3
	//! Indique si l'objet à été acquis
	void CDObjState::SetAcquis(bool bAcquis)
		if (bAcquis)
			m_bInitaliser		= true;
			m_bAcquis			= true;

			m_bAcquis			= false;
Example #4
	bool CProjet::SetUuidClsGen(std::string uuid)
		// L'objet doit être initialisé
		if (!Initialiser()) return false;

		// Le champ est modifié uniquement si sa valeur change.
		if (m_uuidClsGen.toString() != uuid)
			// Affectation de la nouvelle valeur.
			m_uuidClsGen = Poco::UUID(uuid);

			// Marquer l'objet comme modifié.

		// Le changement de valeur a réussi.
		return true;
Example #5
	bool CProjet::SetCppFolder(Poco::Path ptCppFolder)
		// L'objet doit être initialisé
		if (!Initialiser()) return false;

		// Le champ est modifié uniquement si sa valeur change.
		if (m_ptCppFolder.toString() != ptCppFolder.toString())
			// Affectation de la nouvelle valeur.
			m_ptCppFolder = ptCppFolder;

			// Marquer l'objet comme modifié.

		// Le changement de valeur a réussi.
		return true;
Example #6
	bool CProjet::SetDescription(std::string sDescription)
		// L'objet doit être initialisé
		if (!Initialiser()) return false;

		// Le champ est modifié uniquement si sa valeur change.
		if (m_sDescription != sDescription)
			// Affectation de la nouvelle valeur.
			m_sDescription = sDescription;

			// Marquer l'objet comme modifié.

		// Le changement de valeur a réussi.
		return true;
Example #7
	bool CFiltreListe::SetFtrIdent(unsigned long ulFtrIdent)
		if (!Initialiser()) return false;

		// Mise à jour de la variable
		if (m_ulFtrIdent != ulFtrIdent)
			m_ulFtrIdent = ulFtrIdent;

		// Mise à jour de la liste
		for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(); i++)
			if (GetAt(i)->SetFtrIdent(ulFtrIdent) == false)
				return false;

		return true;
Example #8
	bool CFiltre::SetFtrIdent(unsigned long ulFtrIdent)
		// L'objet doit être initialisé
		if (!Initialiser()) return false;

		// Le champ est modifié uniquement si sa valeur change.
		if (m_ulFtrIdent != ulFtrIdent)
			// Affectation de la nouvelle valeur.
			m_ulFtrIdent = ulFtrIdent;

			// Marquer l'objet comme modifié.

		// Le changement de valeur a réussi.
		return true;
Example #9
	bool CFiltre::SetType(GDSAPI::FiltreType iType)
		// L'objet doit être initialisé
		if (!Initialiser()) return false;

		// Le champ est modifié uniquement si sa valeur change.
		if (m_iType != iType)
			// Affectation de la nouvelle valeur.
			m_iType = iType;

			// Marquer l'objet comme modifié.

		// Le changement de valeur a réussi.
		return true;
Example #10
	bool CFiltre::SetLibelle(std::string sName)
		// L'objet doit être initialisé
		if (!Initialiser()) return false;

		// Le champ est modifié uniquement si sa valeur change.
		if (m_sLibelle != sName)
			// Affectation de la nouvelle valeur.
			m_sLibelle = sName;

			// Marquer l'objet comme modifié.

		// Le changement de valeur a réussi.
		return true;
Example #11
  Function: InitiateControllers
  Purpose:  This function initialises how each of the controllers 
            should be handled.
  input:    - A controller structure that needs to be filled for 
			  the emulator to know how to handle each controller.
  output:   none
EXPORT void CALL InitiateControllers (CONTROL_INFO ControlInfo)

	DebugWriteA("CALLED: InitiateControllers\n");
	if( !prepareHeap())

#if SPECS_VERSION == 0x0100
	g_strEmuInfo.hMainWindow = hMainWindow;
//	g_strEmuInfo.HEADER = NULL;
#elif SPECS_VERSION >= 0x0101
	g_strEmuInfo.hMainWindow = ControlInfo.hMainWindow;
//	g_strEmuInfo.MemoryBswaped = ControlInfo.MemoryBswaped;
//	g_strEmuInfo.HEADER = ControlInfo.HEADER;
	// UNDONE: Instead of just storing the header, figure out what ROM we're running and save that information somewhere

	// The emulator expects us to tell what controllers are plugged in and what their paks are at this point.

	if( !g_pDIHandle ) // if we don't have a directinput handle, we need to make one, attach it to the main window (so it will die if our emulator dies), and enumerate devices
		if( InitDirectInput( g_strEmuInfo.hMainWindow ))
			EnterCriticalSection ( &g_critical );
			g_pDIHandle->EnumDevices( DI8DEVCLASS_ALL, EnumMakeDeviceList, NULL, DIEDFL_ATTACHEDONLY );
			LeaveCriticalSection ( &g_critical );
			DebugWriteA("InitDirectInput run in InitiateControllers, g_nDevices=%d\n", g_nDevices);

	int iDevice;

	EnterCriticalSection( &g_critical );

	// ZeroMemory( g_apFFDevice, sizeof(g_apFFDevice) ); // NO, we'll reinit the existing reference if it's already loaded
	// ZeroMemory( g_apdiEffect, sizeof(g_apdiEffect) ); // NO, we'll release it with CloseControllerPak

	for( int i = 3; i >= 0; i-- )
		SaveControllerPak( i );
		CloseControllerPak( i );
		// freePakData( &g_pcControllers[i] ); // already called by CloseControllerPak
		freeModifiers( &g_pcControllers[i] );
		SetControllerDefaults( &g_pcControllers[i] );

	g_pcControllers[0].fPlugged = true;

	if (! LoadConfigFromINI() )
		DebugWriteA("\tINI load failed, loading defaults from resource\n");
		for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
			LoadProfileFromResource( i, false );

	for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++)	// initiate xinput controller and plug then if connected --tecnicors
		InitiateXInputController( &g_pcControllers[i].xiController, i );
		if( g_pcControllers[i].xiController.bConnected )
			g_pcControllers[i].fPlugged = true;
			g_pcControllers[i].fGamePad = true;
	}	// END

	// Init: Find force-feedback devices and init 
	for( int i = 3; i >= 0; i-- )
		DebugWriteA("Controller %d: ", i+1);
		if( g_pcControllers[i].xiController.bConnected && g_pcControllers[i].fXInput)	// if xinput connected, we don't need other config --tecnicors

		if( g_pcControllers[i].fPlugged )
			// Search for right Controller
			iDevice = FindDeviceinList( g_pcControllers[i].guidFFDevice );
			if( iDevice != -1 && g_devList[iDevice].bEffType )
				DebugWriteA("rumble device set, ");
			else // we couldn't find the device specified in the INI file, or it was already null
				g_pcControllers[i].guidFFDevice = GUID_NULL;
				DebugWriteA("no rumble device/effect type set, ");

			if( g_pcControllers[i].nModifiers > 0)
				SetModifier( &g_pcControllers[i] );
			g_iFirstController = i;
			DebugWriteA("plugged in, with paktype %d, ", g_pcControllers[i].PakType);
			DebugWriteA("RawMode is %d\n", g_pcControllers[i].fRawData);
			freePakData( &g_pcControllers[i] );	// we don't need to do this again, but there's not much overhead so I'll leave it --rabid
			freeModifiers( &g_pcControllers[i] );


	if( g_bExclusiveMouse ) {
		// g_sysMouse.didHandle->Unacquire();
		// g_sysMouse.didHandle->SetCooperativeLevel( g_strEmuInfo.hMainWindow, DIB_MOUSE ); // PrepareInputDevices does this.

	InitiatePaks( true );

	g_strEmuInfo.fInitialisedPlugin = true;

	LeaveCriticalSection( &g_critical );

#if SPECS_VERSION == 0x0100
#elif SPECS_VERSION >= 0x0101

} // end InitiateControllers
Example #12
Creator::Creator(QWidget *parent)
    : QWidget(parent)
	_modifier = 0;



	// populate values to comboboxes
	ui.modifierCombo->addItem("None", QVariant(NoneModifier));
	ui.modifierCombo->addItem("Canny", QVariant(CannyModifier));

	// connections
	// Global application
	// shortcuts
	_shortcuts.push_back(new QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+s"), this));
	_shortcuts.push_back(new QShortcut(QKeySequence("Alt+a"), this));
	_shortcuts.push_back(new QShortcut(QKeySequence("Alt+n"), this));
	connect(_shortcuts[0], SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(SaveSettings()));
	connect(_shortcuts[1], SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(AddPoint()));
	connect(_shortcuts[2], SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(AddNewPoint()));

	// worker connects
	connect(this, SIGNAL(modeChangedSignal(int)), _capturer.GetWorker(), SLOT(SetMode(int)));
	connect(ui.renderer, SIGNAL( DescChangedSignal(PositionDesc&)), this, SLOT(FillActive(PositionDesc&)));

	// rendered connects
	connect(ui.renderGroup, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), ui.renderer, SLOT(ChangeRenderStyle(int)));
	ui.renderGroup->setId(ui.renderPointsButton, RenderPoints);
	ui.renderGroup->setId(ui.renderWireframeButton, RenderWireframe);
	ui.renderGroup->setId(ui.renderFullButton, RenderComplete);

	connect(ui.loadButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(LoadModel()));
	connect(ui.renderer, SIGNAL(reportSignal(MessageLevel, const QString &)), ui.infobox, SLOT(Report(MessageLevel, const QString&)));
	connect(ui.reloadShadersButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), ui.renderer, SLOT(ChangeShaders()));
	connect(ui.lockGroup, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), ui.renderer, SLOT(ChangeActiveKeyPos(int)));
	ui.lockGroup->setId(ui.cameraRadioButton, PositionCamera);
	ui.lockGroup->setId(ui.modelRadioButton, PositionModel);
	ui.lockGroup->setId(ui.lightRadioButton, PositionLight);

	// videorender connections
	connect(ui.applyDescButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ChangeActiveDesc()));
	connect(ui.saveSettingsButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT(SaveSettings()));
	connect(ui.playButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT(PlayVideo()));
	connect(ui.pauseButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT(Pause(void)));
	connect(ui.cloudPoints, SIGNAL(Finished(void)), this, SLOT(EnablePlay()));
	connect(ui.cloudPoints, SIGNAL(reportSignal(MessageLevel, const QString &)), ui.infobox, SLOT(Report(MessageLevel, const QString&)));
	connect(ui.createMeshButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(StartCreating()));
	//connect(ui.nextFrameButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), ui.cloudPoints, SLOT(RequestNextFrame()));
	//connect(ui.prevFrameButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), ui.cloudPoints, SLOT(RequestPrevFrame()));
	connect(ui.stopButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT(Stop(void)));
	connect(ui.featuresCheckbox, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT(FeaturesFromFrame()));
	connect(ui.stopButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT(Stop()));
	connect(ui.greyCheckBox, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT(ShowGreyFrame(void)));
	connect(ui.newButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT(CreateNew(void)));

	//calibration connects
	connect(ui.loadCalibrationButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(LoadCalibration(void)));
	connect(ui.runCalibrationButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(RunCalibration(void)));
	connect(ui.calibrationFolderButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(LoadCalibrationImages()));
	connect(ui.applyCalibrationButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SendParameters()));
	connect(ui.playUndistortedButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ShowUndistorted()));
	connect(ui.saveCalibrationButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SaveCalibration()));

	connect(&_capturer, SIGNAL(imageReadySignal(cv::Mat)), ui.cloudPoints, SLOT(setImage(cv::Mat)));

	connect(&_capturer, SIGNAL(reportSignal(MessageLevel, const QString &)), ui.cloudPoints, SLOT(Report(MessageLevel, const QString &)));
	connect(_capturer.GetWorker(), SIGNAL(camParametersSignal(cv::Mat, cv::Mat)), ui.cloudPoints, SLOT(ShowParameters(cv::Mat, cv::Mat)));
	connect(ui.cloudPoints, SIGNAL(setCalibrationSignal(CalibrationSet)), _capturer.GetWorker(), SLOT(ChangeCalibration(CalibrationSet)));

	// comparer connects
	connect(ui.compareNext, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(GetNextImagePair()));
	connect(this, SIGNAL(PreparePairSignal(int, int)), _capturer.GetWorker(), SLOT(PreparePair(int,int)));
	connect(_capturer.GetWorker(), SIGNAL(imagePairSignal(cv::Mat, cv::Mat)), this, SLOT(SetCompare(cv::Mat, cv::Mat)));
	connect(ui.applyModifierButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetModifier()));
	//connect(ui.comparePrev, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(GetPrevImagePair()));

	// rest of the initialization
Example #13
void KeyMap::PCtoX(BYTE virtKey, DWORD keyData, ClientConnection* clientCon)
    bool down = ((keyData & 0x80000000) == 0);
    bool extended = ((keyData & 0x1000000) != 0);
    bool repeated = ((keyData & 0xc0000000) == 0x40000000);
    UINT extVkey = virtKey + (extended ? 256 : 0);

	// exclude winkey when not scroll-lock
	if (virtKey==91 || virtKey==92) return;

   vnclog.Print(8, _T("\nPCtoX: %svirtKey 0x%02x%s%s, keyData 0x%08x\n"),
              (extended ? _T("extended ") : _T("")), virtKey,
              (repeated ? _T(" repeated") : _T("")),
              (down ? _T(" down") : _T(" up")), keyData);

    // If this is a key release then just send the associated sent KeySym when
    //   this key was pressed
    if (!down) {
     vnclog.Print(8, _T("Release the associated KeySym when this VirtKey was pressed\n"));

      if (downUnicode[extVkey]) {
         vnclog.Print(8, _T("  0x%04x (%c): "), downUnicode[extVkey], downUnicode[extVkey]);
          downUnicode[extVkey] = NULL;
      } else {
         vnclog.Print(8, _T("  Control character: "));

      releaseKey(clientCon, extVkey);
     vnclog.Print(8, _T("\n"));
    if (!((KBKeysState[VK_MENU] & 0x80) && (KBKeysState[VK_CONTROL] & 0x80)))
	 if (storedDeadChar && reset) {
	 keybd_event(VK_SPACE, 0, 0, 0);
	 keybd_event(VK_SPACE, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);

    // We try to look it up in our key table
    // Look up the desired code in the keyMap table try to find the exact match according to
    //   the extended flag, then try the opposite of the extended flag
    CARD32 foundXCode = XK_VoidSymbol;
    bool exactMatched = false;
   vnclog.Print(8, _T("Looking in key table "));

    for (UINT i = 0; i < (sizeof(keyMap) / sizeof(vncKeyMapping_t)); i++) {
        if (keyMap[i].WinCode == virtKey) {
            foundXCode = keyMap[i].XCode;
            if (extended == keyMap[i].extVK) {
                exactMatched = true;

    if (foundXCode != XK_VoidSymbol) {
       vnclog.Print(8, _T("-> keyMap gives (from %s extended flag) KeySym %u (0x%08x)\n"),
                  (exactMatched ? _T("matched") : _T("opposite")),
                  foundXCode, foundXCode);
        pressKey(clientCon, extVkey, foundXCode);
       vnclog.Print(8, _T("\n"));
    } else {
       vnclog.Print(8, _T("-> not in special keyMap\n"));

    // Under CE, we're not so concerned about this bit because we handle a WM_CHAR message later
#ifndef UNDER_CE

    ModifierKeyReleaser lctrl(clientCon, VK_CONTROL, 0);
    ModifierKeyReleaser lalt(clientCon, VK_MENU, 0);
    ModifierKeyReleaser ralt(clientCon, VK_MENU, 1);

    if ((KBKeysState[VK_MENU] & 0x80) && (KBKeysState[VK_CONTROL] & 0x80)) {
        // This is a Ctrl-Alt (AltGr) key on international keyboards (= LCtrl-RAlt)
        // Ex. Ctrl-Alt-Q gives '@' on German keyboards
       vnclog.Print(8, _T("Ctrl-Alt pressed:\n"));

        // We must release Control and Alt (AltGr) if they were both pressed, so the character
        //   is seen without them by the VNC server
        // We don't release the Right Control; this allows German users
        //   to use it for doing Ctrl-AltGr-x, e.g. Ctl-@, etc
    } else {
        // This is not a Ctrl-Alt (AltGr) key
       vnclog.Print(8, _T("Ctrl-Alt not pressed, fake release any Ctrl key\n"));

        // There are no KeySym corresponding to control characters, e.g. Ctrl-F
        // The server has already known whether the Ctrl key is pressed from the previouse key event
        // So we are interested in the key that would be there if the Ctrl key were not pressed
        KBKeysState[VK_CONTROL] = KBKeysState[VK_LCONTROL] = KBKeysState[VK_RCONTROL] = 0;

	int ret;
    if (storedDeadChar) {
        SHORT virtDeadKey;
        BYTE prevModifierState = 0;

       vnclog.Print(8, _T("[Storing base character modifier(s)]\n"));
        StoreModifier(&prevModifierState, KBKeysState);
        virtDeadKey = VkKeyScanW(storedDeadChar);

       vnclog.Print(8, _T("[A dead key was stored, restoring the dead key state:")
                     _T(" 0x%02x (%c) using virtDeadKey 0x%02x] "),
                  storedDeadChar, storedDeadChar, virtDeadKey);
        SetModifier(HIBYTE(virtDeadKey), KBKeysState);
       vnclog.Print(8, _T("\n"));
        ToUnicode((virtDeadKey & 0xff), 0, KBKeysState, ucsChar, (sizeof(ucsChar) / sizeof(WCHAR)), 0);

       vnclog.Print(8, _T("[Restoring base character modifier(s)] "));
        SetModifier(prevModifierState, KBKeysState);
       vnclog.Print(8, _T("\n"));

        storedDeadChar = 0;
		ret = ToUnicode(virtKey, 0, KBKeysState, ucsChar, (sizeof(ucsChar) / sizeof(WCHAR)), 0);

    else ret = ToUnicode(virtKey, 0, KBKeysState, ucsChar, (sizeof(ucsChar) / sizeof(WCHAR)), 0);
	if (ucsChar[0]==8364)
//		return;
    if (ret < 0 || ret==2) {
        //  It is a dead key
       vnclog.Print(8, _T("ToUnicode returns dead key: 0x%02x (%c) "), *ucsChar, *ucsChar);

        if (sendDeadKey) {
            // We try to look it up in our dead key table
            // Look up the desired code in the deadKeyMap table
            foundXCode = XK_VoidSymbol;

            for (UINT i = 0; i < (sizeof(deadKeyMap) / sizeof(vncDeadKeyMapping_t)); i++) {
                if (deadKeyMap[i].deadKeyChar == *ucsChar) {
                    foundXCode = deadKeyMap[i].XCode;

            if (foundXCode != XK_VoidSymbol) {
               vnclog.Print(8, _T("-> deadKeyMap gives KeySym %u (0x%08x)\n"),
                          foundXCode, foundXCode);
                pressKey(clientCon, extVkey, foundXCode);
            } else {
               vnclog.Print(8, _T("-> not in deadKeyMap\n"));
        } else {
            storedDeadChar = *ucsChar;
           vnclog.Print(8, _T("-> Store the dead key state, wait for next key-stroke\n"));

    } else if (ret > 0) {
       vnclog.Print(8, _T("ToUnicode returns %d character(s):\n"), ret);

        for (int i = 0; i < ret; i++) {
            CARD32 xChar = UCS2X(*(ucsChar+i));
            if (xChar != XK_VoidSymbol) {
                downUnicode[extVkey] = *(ucsChar+i);
                pressKey(clientCon, extVkey, xChar);

    } else {
       vnclog.Print(8, _T("No character is generated by this key event\n"));

   vnclog.Print(8, _T("\n"));