Example #1
CPLErr VRTDataset::SetMetadata( char **papszMetadata, 
                                   const char *pszDomain )


    return GDALDataset::SetMetadata( papszMetadata, pszDomain );
Example #2
CPLErr VRTDataset::SetMetadataItem( const char *pszName, 
                                    const char *pszValue, 
                                    const char *pszDomain )


    return GDALDataset::SetMetadataItem( pszName, pszValue, pszDomain );
Example #3
VRTWarpedDataset::IBuildOverviews( const char *pszResampling, 
                                   int nOverviews, int *panOverviewList, 
                                   int nListBands, int *panBandList,
                                   GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, 
                                   void * pProgressData )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initial progress result.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( !pfnProgress( 0.0, NULL, pProgressData ) )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated" );
        return CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Establish which of the overview levels we already have, and     */
/*      which are new.                                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int   i, nNewOverviews, *panNewOverviewList = NULL;

    nNewOverviews = 0;
    panNewOverviewList = (int *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(int),nOverviews);
    for( i = 0; i < nOverviews; i++ )
        int   j;

        for( j = 0; j < nOverviewCount; j++ )
            int    nOvFactor;
            VRTWarpedDataset *poOverview = papoOverviews[j];
            nOvFactor = (int) 
                (0.5+GetRasterXSize() / (double) poOverview->GetRasterXSize());

            if( nOvFactor == panOverviewList[i] 
                || nOvFactor == GDALOvLevelAdjust( panOverviewList[i], 
                                                   GetRasterXSize() ) )
                panOverviewList[i] *= -1;

        if( panOverviewList[i] > 0 )
            panNewOverviewList[nNewOverviews++] = panOverviewList[i];

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create each missing overview (we don't need to do anything      */
/*      to update existing overviews).                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( i = 0; i < nNewOverviews; i++ )
        int    nOXSize, nOYSize, iBand;
        VWOTInfo *psInfo;
        VRTWarpedDataset *poOverviewDS;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      What size should this overview be.                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        nOXSize = (GetRasterXSize() + panNewOverviewList[i] - 1) 
            / panNewOverviewList[i];
        nOYSize = (GetRasterYSize() + panNewOverviewList[i] - 1) 
            / panNewOverviewList[i];

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the overview dataset.                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        poOverviewDS = new VRTWarpedDataset( nOXSize, nOYSize );
        for( iBand = 0; iBand < GetRasterCount(); iBand++ )
            GDALRasterBand *poOldBand = GetRasterBand(iBand+1);
            VRTWarpedRasterBand *poNewBand = 
                new VRTWarpedRasterBand( poOverviewDS, iBand+1, 
                                         poOldBand->GetRasterDataType() );
            poNewBand->CopyCommonInfoFrom( poOldBand );
            poOverviewDS->SetBand( iBand+1, poNewBand );

        papoOverviews = (VRTWarpedDataset **)
            CPLRealloc( papoOverviews, sizeof(void*) * nOverviewCount );

        papoOverviews[nOverviewCount-1] = poOverviewDS;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Prepare update transformation information that will apply       */
/*      the overview decimation.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        GDALWarpOptions *psWO = (GDALWarpOptions *) poWarper->GetOptions();
        psInfo = (VWOTInfo *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(VWOTInfo),1);

        strcpy( psInfo->sTI.szSignature, "GTI" );
        psInfo->sTI.pszClassName = "VRTWarpedOverviewTransform";
        psInfo->sTI.pfnTransform = VRTWarpedOverviewTransform;
        psInfo->sTI.pfnCleanup = VRTWarpedOverviewCleanup;
        psInfo->sTI.pfnSerialize = NULL;

        psInfo->pfnBaseTransformer = psWO->pfnTransformer;
        psInfo->pBaseTransformerArg = psWO->pTransformerArg;

        psInfo->dfXOverviewFactor = GetRasterXSize() / (double) nOXSize;
        psInfo->dfYOverviewFactor = GetRasterYSize() / (double) nOYSize;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize the new dataset with adjusted warp options, and      */
/*      then restore to original condition.                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        psWO->pfnTransformer = VRTWarpedOverviewTransform;
        psWO->pTransformerArg = psInfo;

        poOverviewDS->Initialize( psWO );

        psWO->pfnTransformer = psInfo->pfnBaseTransformer;
        psWO->pTransformerArg = psInfo->pBaseTransformerArg;

    CPLFree( panNewOverviewList );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Progress finished.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pfnProgress( 1.0, NULL, pProgressData );


    return CE_None;