MathStudent::MathStudent(const MathStudent& otherStudent) { address = new char[strlen(otherStudent.GetAddress())+1]; strcpy(address, otherStudent.GetAddress()); city = new char[strlen(otherStudent.GetCity())+1]; strcpy(city, otherStudent.GetCity()); state = new char[strlen(otherStudent.GetState())+1]; strcpy(state, otherStudent.GetState()); zipCode = otherStudent.GetZipCode(); SetName(otherStudent.GetName()); SetStanding(otherStudent.GetStanding()); SetNumber(otherStudent.GetNumber()); SetId(otherStudent.GetId()); SetAge(otherStudent.GetAge()); SetGpa(otherStudent.GetGpa()); SetGender(otherStudent.GetGender()); SetAllDate(otherStudent.GetMonth(), otherStudent.GetDay(),otherStudent.GetYear()); SetObjectCount(otherStudent.GetObjectCount()); cout << "\nCopy constructor has been called."; }
MathStudent::MathStudent() { SetObjectCount(count); address = new char[5]; strcpy(address, "add"); city = new char[5]; strcpy(city, "cit"); state = new char[5]; strcpy(state, "sta"); zipCode = 0; SetName(" "); SetStanding(" "); SetNumber(" "); SetId(0); SetAge(0); SetGpa(0.0); SetGender('X'); SetAllDate(0,0,0); }
void PdfVecObjects::insert_sorted( PdfObject* pObj ) { SetObjectCount( pObj->Reference() ); pObj->SetOwner( this ); if ( m_bSorted ) { TVecObjects::iterator i_pos = std::lower_bound(m_vector.begin(),m_vector.end(),pObj,ObjectLittle); m_vector.insert(i_pos, pObj ); } else m_vector.push_back( pObj ); }
void PdfVecObjects::push_back( PdfObject* pObj ) { SetObjectCount( pObj->Reference() ); // Ulrich Arnold 30.7.2009 must sort if INSIDE range // if( !m_vector.empty() && m_vector.back()->Reference() < pObj->Reference() ) if( !m_vector.empty() && pObj->Reference() < m_vector.back()->Reference() ) m_bSorted = false; pObj->SetOwner( this ); m_vector.push_back( pObj ); }
void PdfVecObjects::AddFreeObject( const PdfReference & rReference ) { std::pair<TIPdfReferenceList,TIPdfReferenceList> it = std::equal_range( m_lstFreeObjects.begin(), m_lstFreeObjects.end(), rReference, ReferenceComparatorPredicate() ); if( it.first != it.second && !m_lstFreeObjects.empty() ) { // Be sure that no reference is added twice to free list PdfError::DebugMessage( "Adding %d to free list, is already contained in it!", rReference.ObjectNumber() ); return; } else { // When append free objects from external doc we need plus one number objects SetObjectCount( rReference ); // Insert so that list stays sorted m_lstFreeObjects.insert( it.first, rReference ); } }
MathStudent::MathStudent(const char * newAddress, const char * newCity, const char * newState, long newZipCode, string newName, string newStanding, string newNumber, long newId, unsigned short newAge, double newGpa, char newGender, int newMonth, int newDay, int newYear ): Student( newName, newStanding, newNumber, newId, newAge, newGpa, newGender) { address = new char[strlen(newAddress)+1]; strcpy(address, newAddress); city = new char[strlen(newCity)+1]; strcpy(city, newCity); state = new char[strlen(newState)+1]; strcpy(state, newState); zipCode = newZipCode; count++; SetObjectCount(count); }