Example #1
/* ********************************************************************* */
void Boundary (const Data *d, int idim, Grid *grid)
 * Set boundary conditions on one or more sides of the computational
 * domain.
 * \param [in,out] d  pointer to PLUTO Data structure containing the 
 *                    solution array (including centered and staggered
 *                    fields)
 * \param [in]   idim specifies on which side(s) of the computational
 *               domain boundary conditions must be set. Possible values
 *               are  
 *        - idim = IDIR   first dimension (x1)
 *        - idim = JDIR   second dimenson (x2)
 *        - idim = KDIR   third dimension (x3)
 *        - idim = ALL_DIR all dimensions
 * \param [in]  grid   pointer to an array of grid structures.
 ******************************************************************* */
  int  is, nv, fargo_velocity_has_changed;
  int  side[6] = {X1_BEG, X1_END, X2_BEG, X2_END, X3_BEG, X3_END};
  int  type[6], sbeg, send, vsign[NVAR];
  int  par_dim[3] = {0, 0, 0};
  static int first_call = 1;
  double ***q;
  static RBox center[8], x1face[8], x2face[8], x3face[8];

/* -----------------------------------------------------
     Set the boundary boxes on the six domain sides
   ----------------------------------------------------- */

  #ifndef CH_SPACEDIM
  if (first_call){
    SetRBox(center, x1face, x2face, x3face);
    first_call = 0;
  #else /* -- with dynamic grids we need to re-define the RBox at each time -- */
   SetRBox(center, x1face, x2face, x3face);

/* ---------------------------------------------------
    Check the number of processors in each direction
   --------------------------------------------------- */

  D_EXPAND(par_dim[0] = grid[IDIR].nproc > 1;  ,
Example #2
// Advance the solution by "a_dt" by using an unsplit method.
// "a_finerFluxRegister" is the flux register with the next finer level.
// "a_coarseFluxRegister" is flux register with the next coarser level.
// If source terms do not exist, "a_S" should be null constructed and not
// defined (i.e. its define() should not be called).
Real LevelPluto::step(LevelData<FArrayBox>&       a_U,
                      LevelData<FArrayBox>        a_flux[CH_SPACEDIM],
                      LevelFluxRegister&          a_finerFluxRegister,
                      LevelFluxRegister&          a_coarserFluxRegister,
                      LevelData<FArrayBox>&       a_split_tags,
                      const LevelData<FArrayBox>& a_UCoarseOld,
                      const Real&                 a_TCoarseOld,
                      const LevelData<FArrayBox>& a_UCoarseNew,
                      const Real&                 a_TCoarseNew,
                      const Real&                 a_time,
                      const Real&                 a_dt,
                      const Real&                 a_cfl)

  CH_TIMER("LevelPluto::step::setup"   ,timeSetup);
  CH_TIMER("LevelPluto::step::update"  ,timeUpdate);
  CH_TIMER("LevelPluto::step::reflux"  ,timeReflux);

  // Make sure everything is defined


  // Clear flux registers with next finer level
  if (m_hasFiner && (g_intStage == 1))

  // Setup an interval corresponding to the conserved variables
  Interval UInterval(0,m_numCons-1);

    for (DataIterator dit = m_U.dataIterator(); dit.ok(); ++dit)
      m_U[dit].setVal(0.0); // Gets rid of denormalized crap.


  // Fill m_U's ghost cells using fillInterp
  if (m_hasCoarser)
      // Fraction "a_time" falls between the old and the new coarse times
      Real alpha = (a_time - a_TCoarseOld) / (a_TCoarseNew - a_TCoarseOld);

    // Truncate the fraction to the range [0,1] to remove floating-point
    // subtraction roundoff effects
      Real eps = 0.04 * a_dt / m_refineCoarse;

      if (Abs(alpha) < eps)     alpha = 0.0;
      if (Abs(1.0-alpha) < eps) alpha = 1.0;

      // Current time before old coarse time
      if (alpha < 0.0)
          MayDay::Error( "LevelPluto::step: alpha < 0.0");

      // Current time after new coarse time
      if (alpha > 1.0)
          MayDay::Error( "LevelPluto::step: alpha > 1.0");

      // Interpolate ghost cells from next coarser level using both space
      // and time interpolation

  // Potentially used in boundary conditions

  // Use to restrict maximum wave speed away from zero
  Real maxWaveSpeed = 1.e-12;
  Real minDtCool    = 1.e38;

  // The grid structure
  Grid *grid;
  static Time_Step Dts;
  Real inv_dt;
  #ifdef GLM_MHD
   glm_ch = g_coeff_dl_min*m_dx/(a_dt + 1.e-16)*a_cfl;
//   glm_ch = g_coeff_dl_min/(a_dt + 1.e-16)*a_cfl; /* If subcycling is turned off */
   glm_ch = MIN(glm_ch,glm_ch_max*g_coeff_dl_min);

  g_level_dx = m_dx;

  // Beginning of loop through patches/grids.
  for (DataIterator dit = m_grids.dataIterator(); dit.ok(); ++dit){

    // The current box
    Box curBox = m_grids.get(dit());

    // The current grid of conserved variables
    FArrayBox& curU = m_U[dit];

    // The current grid of volumes
     const FArrayBox& curdV = m_dV[dit()];
     const FArrayBox  curdV;
    // The current grid of split/unsplit tags
    FArrayBox& split_tags = a_split_tags[dit];
    FArrayBox split_tags;

   #if (TIME_STEPPING == RK2)
    // The current storage for flags (RK2 only)
    BaseFab<unsigned char>& flags = m_Flags[dit];
    // Local temporary storage for conserved variables
    FArrayBox& curUtmp = m_Utmp[dit];
    BaseFab<unsigned char> flags;
    FArrayBox curUtmp;

    // The fluxes computed for this grid - used for refluxing and returning
    // other face centered quantities
    FluxBox flux;

    // Set the current box for the patch integrator

    Real minDtCoolGrid;
    grid = m_structs_grid[dit].getGrid();
    IBEG = grid[IDIR].lbeg; IEND = grid[IDIR].lend;
    JBEG = grid[JDIR].lbeg; JEND = grid[JDIR].lend;
    KBEG = grid[KDIR].lbeg; KEND = grid[KDIR].lend;

    NX1 = grid[IDIR].np_int;
    NX2 = grid[JDIR].np_int;
    NX3 = grid[KDIR].np_int;

    NX1_TOT = grid[IDIR].np_tot;
    NX2_TOT = grid[JDIR].np_tot;
    NX3_TOT = grid[KDIR].np_tot;
    SetRBox();  /* RBox structures must be redefined for each patch */

    g_dt   = a_dt;
    g_time = a_time;
    g_maxRiemannIter = 0;
    PLM_CoefficientsSet (grid);  /* -- these may be needed by
                                       shock flattening algorithms */
     PPM_CoefficientsSet (grid);  
    // reset time step coefficients 
    if (Dts.cmax == NULL) Dts.cmax = ARRAY_1D(NMAX_POINT, double);
    int id;
    Dts.inv_dta = 1.e-18;
    Dts.inv_dtp = 1.e-18;
    Dts.dt_cool = 1.e18;
    Dts.cfl     = a_cfl;
    Where(-1, grid); /* -- store grid for subsequent calls -- */

    // Take one step
    m_patchPluto->advanceStep (curU, curUtmp, curdV, split_tags, flags, flux,
                               &Dts, curBox, grid);
    inv_dt = Dts.inv_dta + 2.0*Dts.inv_dtp;
    maxWaveSpeed = Max(maxWaveSpeed, inv_dt); // Now the inverse of the timestep

    minDtCool = Min(minDtCool, Dts.dt_cool/a_cfl);



    // Do flux register updates
    for (int idir = 0; idir < SpaceDim; idir++) {
    // Increment coarse flux register between this level and the next
    // finer level - this level is the next coarser level with respect
    // to the next finer level
      if (m_hasFiner) {
                                            UInterval, UInterval,idir);

      // Increment fine flux registers between this level and the next
      // coarser level - this level is the next finer level with respect
      // to the next coarser level
       if (m_hasCoarser) {
                                             UInterval, UInterval,idir);



    // Now that we have completed the updates of all the patches, we copy the
    // contents of temporary storage, U, into the permanent storage, a_U.
    for(DataIterator dit = m_U.dataIterator(); dit.ok(); ++dit){

  // Find the minimum of dt's over this level
  Real local_dtNew = 1. / maxWaveSpeed;
  local_dtNew = Min(local_dtNew,minDtCool);
  Real dtNew;

 #ifdef CH_MPI
  #if (TIME_STEPPING == RK2) && (COOLING == NO)
  if (g_intStage == 1) {
   int result = MPI_Allreduce(&local_dtNew, &dtNew, 1, MPI_CH_REAL,
                                  MPI_MIN, Chombo_MPI::comm);
   if(result != MPI_SUCCESS){ //bark!!!
      MayDay::Error("sorry, but I had a communcation error on new dt");
  #if (TIME_STEPPING == RK2) && (COOLING == NO)
  } else {
   dtNew = local_dtNew;
   dtNew = local_dtNew;


  // Return the maximum stable time step
  return dtNew;