// Purpose: 
// Input  : *name - 
CHudPlayerOverlaySquad::CHudPlayerOverlaySquad( CHudPlayerOverlay *baseOverlay, const char *squadname ) : 
vgui::Label( (vgui::Panel *)NULL, "OverlaySquad", squadname )
	m_pBaseOverlay = baseOverlay;

	strcpy( m_szSquad, squadname );

	SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false );

	// Send mouse inputs (but not cursorenter/exit for now) up to parent
	SetReflectMouse( true );
CEntityPanel::CEntityPanel( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *panelName )
: BaseClass( pParent, panelName )
	SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false );
	m_pBaseEntity = NULL;

	// FIXME: ComputeParent is yucky... can we be rid of it?
	if (!pParent)

	m_szMouseOverText[ 0 ] = 0;

	// Send mouse inputs (but not cursorenter/exit for now) up to parent
	SetReflectMouse( true );

	m_bShowInNormal = false;

	m_flScale = 0;
	m_OffsetX = 0;
	m_OffsetY = 0;