Example #1
void Actor::StretchTo( const RectF &r )
	// width and height of rectangle
	float width = r.GetWidth();
	float height = r.GetHeight();

	// center of the rectangle
	float cx = r.left + width/2.0f;
	float cy = r.top  + height/2.0f;

	// zoom fActor needed to scale the Actor to fill the rectangle
	float fNewZoomX = width  / m_size.x;
	float fNewZoomY = height / m_size.y;

	SetXY( cx, cy );
	SetZoomX( fNewZoomX );
	SetZoomY( fNewZoomY );
void BattleAnimation::DrawAt(int x, int y) {
	if (IsDone()) {
	if (!GetVisible()) {

	const RPG::AnimationFrame& anim_frame = animation.frames[frame];

	std::vector<RPG::AnimationCellData>::const_iterator it;
	for (it = anim_frame.cells.begin(); it != anim_frame.cells.end(); ++it) {
		const RPG::AnimationCellData& cell = *it;

		if (!cell.valid) {
			// Skip unused cells (they are created by deleting cells in the
			// animation editor, resulting in gaps)

		SetX(cell.x + x);
		SetY(cell.y + y);
		int sx = cell.cell_id % 5;
		int sy = cell.cell_id / 5;
		int size = large ? 128 : 96;
		SetSrcRect(Rect(sx * size, sy * size, size, size));
		SetOx(size / 2);
		SetOy(size / 2);
		SetTone(Tone(cell.tone_red * 128 / 100,
			cell.tone_green * 128 / 100,
			cell.tone_blue * 128 / 100,
			cell.tone_gray * 128 / 100));
		SetOpacity(255 * (100 - cell.transparency) / 100);
		SetZoomX(cell.zoom / 100.0);
		SetZoomY(cell.zoom / 100.0);

	if (anim_frame.cells.empty()) {
		// Draw an empty sprite when no cell is available in the animation
		SetSrcRect(Rect(0, 0, 0, 0));
Example #3
void Actor::HandleCommand( const ParsedCommand &command )

	const CString& sName = sParam(0);

	// Commands that go in the tweening queue:
	if     ( sName=="sleep" )			Sleep( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="linear" )			BeginTweening( fParam(1), TWEEN_LINEAR );
	else if( sName=="accelerate" )		BeginTweening( fParam(1), TWEEN_ACCELERATE );
	else if( sName=="decelerate" )		BeginTweening( fParam(1), TWEEN_DECELERATE );
	else if( sName=="bouncebegin" )		BeginTweening( fParam(1), TWEEN_BOUNCE_BEGIN );
	else if( sName=="bounceend" )		BeginTweening( fParam(1), TWEEN_BOUNCE_END );
	else if( sName=="spring" )			BeginTweening( fParam(1), TWEEN_SPRING );
	else if( sName=="stoptweening" )	{ StopTweening(); BeginTweening( 0.0001f, TWEEN_LINEAR ); }	// Why BeginT again? -Chris
	else if( sName=="finishtweening" )	FinishTweening();
	else if( sName=="hurrytweening" )	HurryTweening( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="x" )				SetX( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="y" )				SetY( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="z" )				SetZ( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="addx" )			SetX( GetDestX()+fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="addy" )			SetY( GetDestY()+fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="addz" )			SetZ( GetDestZ()+fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="zoom" )			SetZoom( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="zoomx" )			SetZoomX( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="zoomy" )			SetZoomY( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="zoomz" )			SetZoomZ( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="zoomtowidth" )		ZoomToWidth( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="zoomtoheight" )	ZoomToHeight( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="stretchto" )		StretchTo( RectF( fParam(1), fParam(2), fParam(3), fParam(4) ) );
	else if( sName=="cropleft" )		SetCropLeft( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="croptop" )			SetCropTop( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="cropright" )		SetCropRight( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="cropbottom" )		SetCropBottom( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="fadeleft" )		SetFadeLeft( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="fadetop" )			SetFadeTop( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="faderight" )		SetFadeRight( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="fadebottom" )		SetFadeBottom( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="fadecolor" )		SetFadeDiffuseColor( cParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="diffuse" )			SetDiffuse( cParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="diffuseleftedge" )		SetDiffuseLeftEdge( cParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="diffuserightedge" )	SetDiffuseRightEdge( cParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="diffusetopedge" )		SetDiffuseTopEdge( cParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="diffusebottomedge" )	SetDiffuseBottomEdge( cParam(1) );
	/* Add left/right/top/bottom for alpha if needed. */
	else if( sName=="diffusealpha" )	SetDiffuseAlpha( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="diffusecolor" )	SetDiffuseColor( cParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="glow" )			SetGlow( cParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="glowmode" ) {
			SetGlowMode( GLOW_WHITEN );
		else if(!sParam(1).CompareNoCase("brighten"))
			SetGlowMode( GLOW_BRIGHTEN );
		else ASSERT(0);
	else if( sName=="rotationx" )		SetRotationX( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="rotationy" )		SetRotationY( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="rotationz" )		SetRotationZ( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="heading" )			AddRotationH( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="pitch" )			AddRotationP( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="roll" ) 			AddRotationR( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="shadowlength" )	SetShadowLength( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="horizalign" )		SetHorizAlign( sParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="vertalign" )		SetVertAlign( sParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="diffuseblink" )	SetEffectDiffuseBlink();
	else if( sName=="diffuseshift" )	SetEffectDiffuseShift();
	else if( sName=="glowblink" )		SetEffectGlowBlink();
	else if( sName=="glowshift" )		SetEffectGlowShift();
	else if( sName=="rainbow" )			SetEffectRainbow();
	else if( sName=="wag" )				SetEffectWag();
	else if( sName=="bounce" )			SetEffectBounce();
	else if( sName=="bob" )				SetEffectBob();
	else if( sName=="pulse" )			SetEffectPulse();
	else if( sName=="spin" )			SetEffectSpin();
	else if( sName=="vibrate" )			SetEffectVibrate();
	else if( sName=="stopeffect" )		SetEffectNone();
	else if( sName=="effectcolor1" )	SetEffectColor1( cParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="effectcolor2" )	SetEffectColor2( cParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="effectperiod" )	SetEffectPeriod( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="effectoffset" )	SetEffectOffset( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="effectdelay" )		SetEffectDelay( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="effectclock" )		SetEffectClock( sParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="effectmagnitude" )	SetEffectMagnitude( RageVector3(fParam(1),fParam(2),fParam(3)) );
	else if( sName=="scaletocover" )	{ RectI R(iParam(1), iParam(2), iParam(3), iParam(4));  ScaleToCover(R); }
	else if( sName=="scaletofit" )		{ RectI R(iParam(1), iParam(2), iParam(3), iParam(4));  ScaleToFitInside(R); }
	// Commands that take effect immediately (ignoring the tweening queue):
	else if( sName=="animate" )			EnableAnimation( bParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="setstate" )		SetState( iParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="texturewrapping" )	SetTextureWrapping( bParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="additiveblend" )	SetBlendMode( bParam(1) ? BLEND_ADD : BLEND_NORMAL );
	else if( sName=="blend" )			SetBlendMode( sParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="zbuffer" )			SetUseZBuffer( bParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="ztest" )			SetZTestMode( bParam(1)?ZTEST_WRITE_ON_PASS:ZTEST_OFF );
	else if( sName=="ztestmode" )		SetZTestMode( sParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="zwrite" )			SetZWrite( bParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="clearzbuffer" )	SetClearZBuffer( bParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="backfacecull" )	SetCullMode( bParam(1) ? CULL_BACK : CULL_NONE );
	else if( sName=="cullmode" )		SetCullMode( sParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="hidden" )			SetHidden( bParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="hibernate" )		SetHibernate( fParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="draworder" )		SetDrawOrder( iParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="playcommand" )		PlayCommand( sParam(1) );
	else if( sName=="queuecommand" )	
		ParsedCommand newcommand = command;
		newcommand.vTokens.erase( newcommand.vTokens.begin() );
		QueueCommand( newcommand );
		return;	// don't do parameter number checking

	/* These are commands intended for a Sprite commands, but they will get 
	 * sent to all sub-actors (which aren't necessarily Sprites) on 
	 * GainFocus and LoseFocus.  So, don't run CheckHandledParams 
	 * on these commands. */
	else if( sName=="customtexturerect" || sName=="texcoordvelocity" || sName=="scaletoclipped" ||
		 sName=="stretchtexcoords" || sName=="position" || sName=="loop" || sName=="play" ||
		 sName=="pause" || sName=="rate" )
		CString sError = ssprintf( "Actor::HandleCommand: Unrecognized command name '%s'.", sName.c_str() );
		LOG->Warn( sError );
		Dialog::OK( sError );
