Example #1
// Trace is the most fundamental of all the ray tracing functions.  It
// answers the query "What color do I see looking along the given ray
// in the current scene?"  This is an inherently recursive process, as
// trace may again be called as a result of the ray hitting a reflecting
// object.  To prevent the possibility of infinite recursion, a maximum
// depth is placed on the resulting ray tree.
Color Raytracer::Trace( const Ray &ray, const Scene &scene, int max_tree_depth  )
    Color   color;                    // The color to return.
    HitInfo hitinfo;                  // Holds info to pass to shader.

	// Intitallizes hit distance to infinity to allow finding intersections in all ray length
	hitinfo.geom.distance = Infinity;

	if (Cast( ray, scene, hitinfo ) > 0.0f && max_tree_depth > -1 )
        // The ray hits an object, so shade the point that the ray hit.
        // Cast has put all necessary information for Shade in "hitinfo".
		// If the ray has no_emitters activated and the first hit is an emitter
		//  this ray shouldn't contribute to the color of the current pixel
		if( hitinfo.material.Emitter() && ray.no_emitters == true ) color = Color ();

		// The ray hits an object, so shade the point that the ray hit.
        // Cast has put all necessary information for Shade in "hitinfo".
		else color = Shade( hitinfo, scene, max_tree_depth  );
        // Either the ray has failed to hit anything, or
        // the recursion has bottomed out.
        color = scene.bgcolor;
    return color;
Example #2
Color RayTracer::Render(const Ray& rRay, bool vIsReflecting, const Shape* pReflectingFrom )
	Shape* closest_shape;
	Point intersect_point;
	Color result;
	if (vIsReflecting)
		closest_shape = QueryScene(rRay, intersect_point, vIsReflecting, pReflectingFrom);
		closest_shape = QueryScene(rRay, intersect_point);

	if (closest_shape == NULL && !vIsReflecting)
		mRecursions = 0;
		return mBackgroundColor;
	if (closest_shape == NULL && vIsReflecting)
		mRecursions = 0;
		return mAmbientColor*mAmbientIntensity;
	if ( mRecursions > mRecursionLimit )
		mRecursions = 0;
		return Color(0,0,0); // mAmbientColor*mAmbientIntensity;
	result = closest_shape->ShapeColor()*Shade(closest_shape, intersect_point);

	Ray backwards_ray(intersect_point,rRay.Direction()*-1);
	if ( closest_shape->DiffuseReflectivity() > 0.0 )
		result = result + (Render( closest_shape->Reflect(intersect_point,backwards_ray), true, closest_shape )*closest_shape->DiffuseReflectivity());

	return (result + mSpecularColor);
Example #3
void Raytracer::Trace(const Ray& aRay, Color* aColor, int aDepth)
	aq_float T;
	Intersection RayIntersection;

	if (!mScene->Intersect(aRay, &T, &RayIntersection))
		*aColor = mScene->Properties.BackgroundColor;
	*aColor = COLOR::BLACK;

	for (Light* light : mScene->GetLights())
		*aColor += Shade(aRay, RayIntersection, *light);

	*aColor = clamp(*aColor, 0.0, 100.0);

	//Russian roulette for stopping recursive
	if (aDepth > mScene->Properties.RecursiveDepth)
		aq_float AvgReflectance = sum(RayIntersection.Mat.kr) / 3;
		if (AvgReflectance < Utils::RandFloatInterval(0.0, 1.2))

	//Ambient occlusion
	//*aColor += 0.2 * IndirectLighting(aRay, RayIntersection, aDepth);

	if (sum(RayIntersection.Mat.kr) > 0)
		Ray ReflectedRay(RayIntersection.Local.Pos, reflect(aRay.Dir, RayIntersection.Local.Normal));
		Color ReflectedColor;
		Trace(ReflectedRay, &ReflectedColor, aDepth + 1);
		*aColor = mix(*aColor, ReflectedColor, RayIntersection.Mat.kr);

	if (RayIntersection.Mat.Transparency > 0)
		Ray RefractedRay(RayIntersection.Local.Pos, refract(aRay.Dir, RayIntersection.Local.Normal, RayIntersection.Mat.RefractiveIndex));
		Color RefractedColor;
		Trace(RefractedRay, &RefractedColor, aDepth + 1);
		*aColor = mix(*aColor, RefractedColor, RayIntersection.Mat.Transparency);
Example #4
|| trace()
|| Purpose: get color of closest intersection 
||          or return a background color
RGBColor trace(Ray ray)
    ObjectAttributes obj;
    obj = closest_intersection(ray); //get nearest obj location & #

    //printf("Object # for if is: %d\n", obj.objNumber);
    if(obj.objNumber != -1)
        //printf("Return color");

        //return an rgbcolor after determining if its in shadow
        return Shade(obj, ray); 
    else //if nothing hit in shadow
        //printf("Return BG\n");
        return backgroundColor;
Example #5
Color Trace(Ray& R, int lev)            // trace a ray
	RayHit hit = RayHit(MISS, 0, Vector(0, 0, 0), false);
    if (lev > MAX_RECURSION_LEVEL)
		return defColor;
    int hitObj = -1;
	for (int i = 0; i < nObjs; i++) {
		RayHit h = theShapes[i]->intersect(R);
		if (h.status != MISS && h.tValue < R.tValue) {
			hitObj = i;
			hit = h;
			R.tValue = h.tValue;
    if (hitObj  < 0)
		return defColor;
		return Shade(hitObj, R, hit, lev);
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
  vec2 pixel = (gl_FragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy)*2.0-1.0;

  // compute ray origin and direction
  float asp = iResolution.x / iResolution.y;
  vec3 rd = normalize(vec3(asp*pixel.x, pixel.y, -4.0));
  vec3 ro = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 20.0);

  // vec2 mouse = iMouse.xy / iResolution.xy;
  float a=iGlobalTime*0.25;
  ro = rotateY(ro, a);
  rd = rotateY(rd, a);

  // Trace ray
  bool hit;

  // Number of steps
  int s;

  float t = SphereTrace(ro, rd, hit,s);
  vec3 pos=ro+t*rd;
  // Shade background
  vec3 rgb = background(rd);

  if (hit)
    // Compute normal
    vec3 n = ObjectNormal(pos);

    // Shade object with light
    rgb = Shade(pos, n);

  // Uncomment this line to shade image with false colors representing the number of steps
  //rgb = ShadeSteps(s);

  fragColor=vec4(rgb, 1.0);
Example #7
void TestMap()

   XSizeHints *hints;
   XWindowAttributes attr;
   Window w;

   /* Create the window. */
   w = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, rootWindow, 100, 100, 200, 100, 0, 0, 0);
   XSelectInput(display, w, StructureNotifyMask | PropertyNotify);

   /* Map the window and wait for it. */
   XMapWindow(display, w);

   /* Unmap the window and wait for it. */
   XUnmapWindow(display, w);

   /* Map the window and wait for it (again). */
   XMapWindow(display, w);

   /* Minimize and wait. */

   /* Restore and wait. */

   /* Maximize and wait. */
   Maximize(w, 1, 1);

   /* Unmaximize and wait. */
   Unmaximize(w, 0, 1);

   /* Unmaximize and wait. */
   Unmaximize(w, 1, 0);

   /* Change the size hints. */
   hints = XAllocSizeHints();
   hints->flags = PMinSize;
   hints->min_width = 300;
   hints->min_height = 200;
   XSetWMNormalHints(display, w, hints);
   XSync(display, False);
   XGetWindowAttributes(display, w, &attr);
   Assert(attr.width == 300);
   Assert(attr.height == 200);

   /* Shade and wait. */

   /* Maximize and wait. */
   Maximize(w, 0, 1);

   /* Shade and wait. */

   /* Unshade and wait. */

   /* Destroy the window. */
   XDestroyWindow(display, w);

Example #8
VOID	RayTrace(INT pid)
	INT	j;
	INT	x, y;			/* Pixel address.		     */
	REAL	xx, yy;
	VEC3	N;			/* Normal at intersection.	     */
	VEC3	Ipoint; 		/* Intersection point.		     */
	COLOR	c;			/* Color for storing background.     */
	RAY	*ray;			/* Ray pointer. 		     */
	RAY	rmsg;			/* Ray message. 		     */
	RAYJOB	job;			/* Ray job from work pool.	     */
	OBJECT	*po;			/* Ptr to object.		     */
	BOOL	hit;			/* An object hit?		     */
	IRECORD hitrecord;		/* Intersection record. 	     */

	ray = &rmsg;

	while (GetJobs(&job, pid) != WPS_EMPTY)
		while (GetRayJobFromBundle(&job, &x, &y))
			/* Convert the ray job to the ray message format. */

			xx = (REAL)x;
			yy = (REAL)y;

			if (AntiAlias)
				for (j = 0; j < NumSubRays; j++)
					ConvertPrimRayJobToRayMsg(ray, xx + frand(), yy + frand());
					PushRayTreeStack(ray, pid);
				ConvertPrimRayJobToRayMsg(ray, xx, yy);
				PushRayTreeStack(ray, pid);

			while (PopRayTreeStack(ray, pid) != RTS_EMPTY)
				/* Find which object is closest along the ray. */

				switch (TraversalType)
					case TT_LIST:
						hit = Intersect(ray, &hitrecord);

					case TT_HUG:
						hit = TraverseHierarchyUniform(ray, &hitrecord, pid);

				/* Process the object ray hit. */

				if (hit)
					 *  Get parent object to be able to access
					 *  object operations.

					po = hitrecord.pelem->parent;

					/* Calculate intersection point. */
					RayPoint(Ipoint, ray, hitrecord.t);

					/* Calculate normal at this point. */
					((void (*)(IRECORD *, VEC3, VEC3))(*po->procs->normal))(&hitrecord, Ipoint, N);

					/* Make sure normal is pointing toward ray origin. */
					if ((VecDot(ray->D, N)) >  0.0)
						VecNegate(N, N);

					 *  Compute shade at this point - will process
					 *  shadow rays and add secondary reflection
					 *  and refraction rays to ray tree stack

					Shade(Ipoint, N, ray, &hitrecord, pid);
					/* Add background as pixel contribution. */

					VecCopy(c, View.bkg);
					VecScale(c, ray->weight, c);
					AddPixelColor(c, ray->x, ray->y);