Example #1
void ParticleSpecies::Order2D() {
  // Zero ordcount
  for (size_t j=0; j<nr; j++) {
    for (size_t k=0; k<nz; k++){
      ordcount[j*(nz+1) + k]= 0;

  //Sort particles
  for (size_t n=0; n<GetN(); n++) {
    int ir = (int)r[n];
    int iz = (int)z[n];

    //Sanity check -- we should be inside the grid
    if ( (ir<0) || (ir>=nr) || (iz<0) || (iz>=nz) ) {
      //Edge cases
      if (r[n] == (double) nr) {
      else if (z[n] == (double) nz) {
      else {
      //Over the edge; it's just wrong!
        fprintf(stderr," !!!ERROR!!! ir=%d iz=%d\n", ir, iz);

        printf("Error in ParticleSpecies::order_2D(): particle position out-of-range, r=%g, z=%g, (ir,iz)= (%d,%d)\n", r[n], z[n], ir, iz);


    ordcount[ir*(nz+1) + iz]++;

  //Stuff them back into the particle arrays, but now in the correct order
  for (int cidx = 0; cidx < nr*nz; cidx++) {

Example #2
public func Place(int amount, proplist rectangle)
	// No calls to objects, only definitions
	if (GetType(this) == C4V_C4Object) return;
	// Default parameters
	if (!amount) amount = 1;
	if (!rectangle) rectangle = Rectangle(0,0, LandscapeWidth(), LandscapeHeight());

	var trees = FindObjects(Find_InRect(rectangle.x, rectangle.y, rectangle.w, rectangle.h), Find_OCF(OCF_Fullcon), Find_Func("IsTree"), Find_Func("IsStanding"));
	var hives = CreateArray(), hive;
	while (amount)
		hive = nil;
		for (var tree in trees)
			hive = tree->CreateObjectInTreetop(this);
			if (hive) break;
		if (hive)
			hives[GetLength(hives)] = hive;
Example #3
//done - rename to dfs
void RecursiveBacktrack(int **a, dimension_t dimension, settings_t settings)

	int **minMatrix;
	int w, h, x, y, i;
	int un, rn, dn, ln;
	coordList_t *stack = NULL, *element;
	int randDir[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
	int done;
	int print = 0;

	minMatrix = GenerateMinMatrix(dimension);

	w = dimension.x / 2;
	h = dimension.y / 2;

	x = w / 2;
	y = h / 2;


	minMatrix[y][x] |= IN_MAZE;

	// insert 
	element = (coordList_t*) malloc( sizeof(coordList_t) );
	if ( element == NULL ) { printf("\nOut of memory\n"); exit(9); }
	element->i = y;
	element->j = x;
	element->next = stack;
	stack = element;

	while ( stack != NULL )

		x = stack->j;
		y = stack->i;
		element = stack;
		stack = stack->next;

		while ( 1 )

			un = y - 1 >= 0 && !(minMatrix[y-1][x] & IN_MAZE);
			rn = x + 1 < w && !(minMatrix[y][x+1] & IN_MAZE);
			dn = y + 1 < h && !(minMatrix[y+1][x] & IN_MAZE);
			ln = x - 1 >= 0 && !(minMatrix[y][x-1] & IN_MAZE);

			if ( !(un || rn || dn || ln) ) break;


			done = 0;

			for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )

				switch ( randDir[i] )

				case 1: //up
					if ( un )
						minMatrix[y][x] &= ~UP_WALL;
						minMatrix[y-1][x] &= ~DOWN_WALL;

						y = y - 1;

						minMatrix[y][x] |= IN_MAZE;
						recursive_push(&stack, x, y);

						done = 1;



				case 2: //right
					if ( rn )
						minMatrix[y][x] &= ~RIGHT_WALL;
						minMatrix[y][x+1] &= ~LEFT_WALL;

						x = x + 1;

						minMatrix[y][x] |= IN_MAZE;
						recursive_push(&stack, x, y);

						done = 1;


				case 3: //down
					if ( dn )
						minMatrix[y][x] &= ~DOWN_WALL;
						minMatrix[y+1][x] &= ~UP_WALL;

						y = y + 1;

						minMatrix[y][x] |= IN_MAZE;
						recursive_push(&stack, x, y);

						done = 1;


				case 4: //left
					if ( ln )
						minMatrix[y][x] &= ~LEFT_WALL;
						minMatrix[y+1][x] &= ~RIGHT_WALL;

						x = x - 1;

						minMatrix[y][x] |= IN_MAZE;
						recursive_push(&stack, x, y);

						done = 1;


				} // end_switch

				if ( done ) break;

			} // end_for_rand

			if ( ++print % 5 == 0 ) { ConvertFromMin(minMatrix, a, dimension); LivePrint(a, dimension, settings); }

		} // end_walk

		if ( ++print % 5 == 0 ) { ConvertFromMin(minMatrix, a, dimension); LivePrint(a, dimension, settings); }

	} // end_while_everything

	ConvertFromMin(minMatrix, a, dimension);

Example #4
void Prim(int **a, dimension_t dimension, settings_t settings)

	int w, h, x, y, i, j;
	int **primMatrix, count = 0;
	int randDir[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
	int done = 0, randNum = 0;
	int print = 0;
	coordList_t *rear, *element;

	rear = NULL; element = NULL;

	primMatrix = GenerateMinMatrix(dimension);

	w = dimension.x / 2;
	h = dimension.y / 2;

	x = w / 2; y = h / 2;

	primMatrix[y][x] |= IN_MAZE;

	InsertElement(&rear, x, y);

	while ( rear != NULL )
		count = rand() % 42; // if you ask why, you sir, aren't a geek!
		i = 0;
		while ( i < count )
			rear = rear->next;
		element = rear->next;
		rear->next = element->next;
		x = element->j;
		y = element->i;
		if ( rear == element ) rear = NULL;

		primMatrix[y][x] |= IN_MAZE;

		// ako ima komsije koji su deo lavirinta odaberi jedan od komsija i probij put


		for ( i = 0, done = 0; i < 4; i++ )

			switch ( randDir[i] )

			case 1:
				if ( y - 1 >= 0 && (primMatrix[y-1][x] & IN_MAZE) )
				{// up
					primMatrix[y-1][x] &= ~DOWN_WALL;
					primMatrix[y][x] &= ~UP_WALL;
					done = 1;

			case 2:
				if ( y + 1 < h && (primMatrix[y+1][x] & IN_MAZE) )
					primMatrix[y+1][x] &= ~UP_WALL;
					primMatrix[y][x] &= ~DOWN_WALL;
					done = 1;
					//printf("\n Probijen zid na dole  %d %d", x, y+1);

			case 3:
				if ( x - 1 >= 0 && (primMatrix[y][x-1] & IN_MAZE) )
					primMatrix[y][x-1] &= ~RIGHT_WALL;
					primMatrix[y][x] &= ~LEFT_WALL;
					done = 1;
					//printf("\n Probijen zid na levo  %d %d", x-1, y);

			case 4:
				if ( x + 1 < w && (primMatrix[y][x+1] & IN_MAZE) )
					primMatrix[y][x+1] &= ~LEFT_WALL;
					primMatrix[y][x] &= ~RIGHT_WALL;
					done = 1;
					//printf("\n Probijen zid na desno  %d %d", x+1, y);

			default: printf("ZABOLO"), exit(64);


			if ( done == 1 ) break;


		if ( ++print % 5 == 0 ) { ConvertFromMin(primMatrix, a, dimension); LivePrint(a, dimension, settings); }

		// dodaj sve komsije koje nisu deo lafirinta u redic
		if ( y - 1 >= 0 && !(primMatrix[y-1][x] & IN_MAZE) ) 
		{// up

			if ( !FindInList(rear, x, y-1) )
				InsertElement(&rear, x, y-1);

		if ( y + 1 < h && !(primMatrix[y+1][x] & IN_MAZE) ) 

			if ( !FindInList(rear, x, y+1) )
				InsertElement(&rear, x, y+1);

		if ( x - 1 >= 0 && !(primMatrix[y][x-1] & IN_MAZE) ) 

			if ( !FindInList(rear, x-1, y) )
				InsertElement(&rear, x-1, y);

		if ( x + 1 < w && !(primMatrix[y][x+1] & IN_MAZE) )

			if ( !FindInList(rear, x+1, y) )
				InsertElement(&rear, x+1, y);



	// promeni primovu u nasu sugavu reprezentaciju
	for ( i = 0; i < dimension.y; i++ )
		for ( j = 0; j < dimension.x; j++ )
			if ( i == 0 || i == dimension.y-1 || j == 0 || j == dimension.x-1 ) a[i][j] = 1;
			else a[i][j] = 0;
	for ( i = 0; i < h; i++ )
		for ( j = 0; j < w; j++ )

			if ( primMatrix[i][j] & UP_WALL )
				a[i*2][j*2] = 1;
				a[i*2][j*2 + 1] = 1;
				a[i*2][j*2 + 2] = 1;
			if ( primMatrix[i][j] & LEFT_WALL )
				a[i*2][j*2] = 1;
				a[i*2 + 1][j*2] = 1;
				a[i*2 + 2][j*2] = 1;

