Example #1
SignalFrame SignalFrame::get_reply () const
  cf3_assert( node.is_valid() );

  const char * frame_tag = Protocol::Tags::node_frame();

  XmlNode reply( node.content->next_sibling(frame_tag) );

  for( ; reply.is_valid() ; reply.content = reply.content->next_sibling(frame_tag) )
    rapidxml::xml_attribute<>* attr = reply.content->first_attribute( "type" );

    if( attr != nullptr && std::strcmp(attr->value(), Protocol::Tags::node_type_reply()) == 0 )
      return SignalFrame(reply);

  return SignalFrame();
Example #2
SignalFrame & SignalFrame::map ( const std::string & name )
  cf3_assert ( node.is_valid() );
  cf3_assert ( !name.empty() );

  if( m_maps.find(name) == m_maps.end() ) // if the node does not exist yet, we create it
    XmlNode node = main_map.content.add_node( Protocol::Tags::node_value() );
    node.set_attribute( Protocol::Tags::attr_key(), name );
    m_maps[name] = SignalFrame(node); // SignalFrame() adds a map under the node

  return m_maps[name];
void ServerNetworkComm::callback_accept( TCPConnection::Ptr conn,
                                         const boost::system::error_code & error )
  if( !error )
    // create client info
    ClientInfo& info = m_clients[conn];

    info.connection = conn;
    info.buffer = SignalFrame( "message", "cpath:/", "cpath:/" );
    info.error_handler = boost::shared_ptr<ErrorHandler>(new ErrorHandler());

    info.connection->set_error_handler( info.error_handler );

    CFinfo << "New client connected from " << conn->socket().remote_endpoint().address()
           << CFendl;

    init_read( info ); // init read operation for the new client
    init_accept();     // wait for other clients
    CFinfo << "Failed to accept a client connection: " << error.message() << CFendl;