Example #1
void	BspConverter::getVerticesFromPlaneEquations(const std::vector<SimdVector3>& planeEquations , std::vector<SimdVector3>& verticesOut )
	const int numbrushes = planeEquations.size();
	// brute force:
	for (int i=0;i<numbrushes;i++)
		const SimdVector3& N1 = planeEquations[i];

		for (int j=i+1;j<numbrushes;j++)
			const SimdVector3& N2 = planeEquations[j];
			for (int k=j+1;k<numbrushes;k++)

				const SimdVector3& N3 = planeEquations[k];

				SimdVector3 n2n3; n2n3 = N2.cross(N3);
				SimdVector3 n3n1; n3n1 = N3.cross(N1);
				SimdVector3 n1n2; n1n2 = N1.cross(N2);
				if ( ( n2n3.length2() > 0.0001f ) &&
					 ( n3n1.length2() > 0.0001f ) &&
					 ( n1n2.length2() > 0.0001f ) )
					//point P out of 3 plane equations:

					//	d1 ( N2 * N3 ) + d2 ( N3 * N1 ) + d3 ( N1 * N2 )  
					//P =  -------------------------------------------------------------------------  
					//   N1 . ( N2 * N3 )  

					float quotient = (N1.dot(n2n3));
					if (SimdFabs(quotient) > 0.000001f)
						quotient = -1.f / quotient;
						n2n3 *= N1[3];
						n3n1 *= N2[3];
						n1n2 *= N3[3];
						SimdVector3 potentialVertex = n2n3;
						potentialVertex += n3n1;
						potentialVertex += n1n2;
						potentialVertex *= quotient;

						//check if inside, and replace supportingVertexOut if needed
						if (isInside(planeEquations,potentialVertex,0.1f))
Example #2
inline bool      TestFuzzyZero(SimdScalar x) { return SimdFabs(x) < 0.0001f; }