Example #1
SizeF GDIPluseExt::GetTextBounds(const Font& font,const StringFormat& strFormat,CString szText)
#ifndef _UNICODE
	int str_len = szText.GetLength();
	WCHAR* pstr_w = new WCHAR[str_len];
	GraphicsPath graphicsPathObj;
	FontFamily fontfamily;
	GraphicsPath graphicsPathObj;
	FontFamily fontfamily;

	RectF rcBound;
	// 获取边界范围
	// 返回文本的宽高
	return SizeF(rcBound.Width,rcBound.Height);
Example #2
	// Method:		MeasureDisplayString
	// Description: Gets the size of a string in pixels
	// Parameters:
	//	graphics - the graphics object the string will be measured on
	//	test - the string to measure
	//	font - the font to measure the string in
	// Return Value: the size of the string
	SizeF StringTools::MeasureDisplayString(Graphics *graphics, String *text, Font *font)
		const int width = 32;

		Bitmap *bitmap = new Bitmap(width, 1, graphics);
		SizeF size = graphics->MeasureString(text, font);
		Graphics *g = Graphics::FromImage(bitmap);

		int measuredWidth = (int)size.Width;
		if (g)
			g->DrawString(String::Concat(text, "|"), font, Brushes::Black, (float)(width - measuredWidth), (float)(0 - (font->Height / 2)));

			for (int i = width - 1; i >= 0; i--)
				if (bitmap->GetPixel(i, 0).R == 0)

		return SizeF((float)measuredWidth, size.Height);
	static void drawoptions_func_diffall(const ldraw::DrawOptions& options) {
		CHECK(options.draw_colour == Colour(1,2,3,4));
		CHECK(options.draw_origin == ldraw::CENTER);
		CHECK(options.draw_region == BBoxF(1,2,3,4));
		CHECK(options.draw_scale == SizeF(1,2));
		CHECK(options.draw_angle == 1.0f);
		CHECK(options.draw_frame == 1.0f);
Example #4
SizeF GDIPluseExt::GetBounds(CString strText,CString strFont,INT nfontsize)
	StringFormat strformat;
	GraphicsPath path;

#ifdef _UNICODE

	FontFamily  fontFamily(strFont);
	path.AddString(strText,strText.GetLength(), &fontFamily, 
		&strformat );


	int font_len = strFont.GetLength();
	WCHAR* pfont_w = new WCHAR[font_len];
	int text_len = strText.GetLength();
	WCHAR* ptext_w = new WCHAR[text_len];

	FontFamily  fontFamily(pfont_w);

	Font font(&fontFamily, (REAL)nfontsize, FontStyleRegular, UnitPixel);

	path.AddString(ptext_w,wcsnlen_s(ptext_w,text_len), &fontFamily, 
		&strformat );


	RectF rcBound;
	// 获取边界范围

	// 返回文本的宽高
	return SizeF(rcBound.Width,rcBound.Height);
Example #5
void SonarMonitor::draw()
    Point point = m_hud->project(m_point);
    int radius = (m_hud->project(m_point + Point(0, m_radius)) - point).y;
    float scale = static_cast<float>(radius)/m_scale;
    PointF center = PointF(point) - PointF(1.5f);
    RectF rect = RectF(center, SizeF(4, 4));
    Matrix m(1);
    m = glm::scale(m, Vector3D(1, -1, 0));
    m = glm::rotate(m, m_hud->scenario()->yaw(), Vector3D(0, 0, 1));
    m = glm::translate(m, -m_hud->scenario()->position());

    m_hud->fontGreen().draw("T", point + Point(-2, -radius));
    m_hud->fontGreen().draw(QString("%1M").arg(m_scale), Rect(point + Point(-100, radius - 8), SizeF(200, -1)), true, false);

    for (fight::NavPoint *navPoint : m_hud->scenario()->navPoints())
        if (navPoint->isEnabled())
            Vector2D dir = Vector2D(m * Vector4D(navPoint->position(), 1));
            float distance = glm::length(dir);
            if (distance < m_scale)
                rect.setPos(center - dir*scale);

    for (const auto &entry : m_hud->scenario()->sonar())
        Vector2D dir = Vector2D(m * Vector4D(entry.object->position(), 1));
        float distance = glm::length(dir);
        if (distance < m_scale)
            rect.setPos(center - dir*scale);
            (entry.isFriend ? m_friend : m_enemy).draw(rect);

    fight::Target &target = m_hud->scenario()->target();
    if (target.isLocked())
        Vector2D dir = Vector2D(m * Vector4D(target.position(), 1));
        float distance = glm::length(dir);
        if (distance < m_scale)
            rect.setPos(center - dir*scale);
Example #6
SizeF Font::MeasureText(std::string const& text) const
	float width = 0;
	float maxHeight = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); i++)
		char character = text[i];
		if (!this->ContainsCharacter(character))
			character = '?';

		if (i != 0)
			width += this->GetKerning(text[i - 1], character).X;

		auto& characterDefinition = this->GetCharacterDefinition(character);
		width += characterDefinition.Advance.X;
		maxHeight = FlaiMath::Max(maxHeight, float(characterDefinition.TextureUV.Height)); // TODO: characterDefinition.OffsetFromTop is not being accounted for ATM!!

	return SizeF(width, maxHeight);
Example #7
void CUISliderctrl::DoPaint(HDC hDC, const RECT& rcPaint)
   // Draw button
   UINT uState = m_uButtonState;
   if( IsFocused() ) uState |= UISTATE_FOCUSED;
   if( !IsEnabled() ) uState |= UISTATE_DISABLED;

	// Ìî³ä±³¾°ÑÕÉ«
   if (m_colorBk != INVALID__UICOLOR)
		CUIBlueRenderEngine::DoFillRect(hDC, m_pManager, m_rcItem, m_colorBk);

   // »­¿Ì¶È
   int nPageCount = (m_nPosMax - m_nPosMin) / m_nPageSize;
   int nButtonWidth = 0;
   if (m_pImageSlider != NULL)
	   nButtonWidth = m_pImageSlider->GetWidth() / 4;
   int nItemWidth = m_rcItem.right - m_rcItem.left - nButtonWidth;

	// »­¿Ì¶È
   if (m_colorScale != INVALID__UICOLOR)
	   for (int i = 0; i <= nPageCount; i++)
		   POINT pt1 = {m_rcItem.left + i * ((double)nItemWidth / nPageCount) + nButtonWidth / 2, m_rcItem.top};
		   POINT pt2 = {m_rcItem.left + i * ((double)nItemWidth / nPageCount) + nButtonWidth / 2, m_rcItem.top + m_nScaleHeight};

		   CUIBlueRenderEngine::DoPaintLine(hDC, m_pManager, pt1, pt2, m_colorScale);

   // »­Öá
   if (m_pImageShaft != NULL)
	 int nShaftHeight = m_pImageShaft->GetHeight();

	 int nTop = m_rcItem.top + (m_rcItem.bottom - m_rcItem.top - nShaftHeight - m_nScaleHeight) / 2 + m_nScaleHeight;

	 RECT rcPadding = {m_rcItem.left + nButtonWidth / 2, nTop, m_rcItem.right - nButtonWidth / 2, nTop + nShaftHeight};

	 RECT rcImage= {0, 0, m_pImageShaft->GetWidth(), m_pImageShaft->GetHeight()};

	 CUIBlueRenderEngine::DoFillRect(hDC, m_pManager, rcPadding, rcImage, m_pImageShaft);
   if (m_pImageSlider != NULL)
	   int nWidth = m_pImageSlider->GetWidth() / 4;
	   int nHeight = m_pImageSlider->GetHeight();

	   int nIndex = 0;

	   // Draw frame and body
	   if( (uState & UISTATE_DISABLED) != 0 ) {
		   nIndex = 3;;
	   else if( (uState & UISTATE_PUSHED) != 0 ) {
		   nIndex = 2;
	   else if( (uState & UISTATE_HOT) != 0 ) {
		   nIndex = 1;
	   else {
		   nIndex = 0;

	   Graphics graph(hDC);
	   RECT rcImage = {nWidth *nIndex, 0, nWidth * (nIndex + 1), nHeight};

		double dblPos = (double)(m_nPos - m_nPosMin) / (double)(m_nPosMax - m_nPosMin);

		int nButtonPosX = m_rcItem.left  + (m_rcItem.right - m_rcItem.left - nWidth) * dblPos;
		if (nButtonPosX < m_rcItem.left)
			nButtonPosX = m_rcItem.left;

		if (nButtonPosX > m_rcItem.right - nWidth)
			nButtonPosX = m_rcItem.right - nWidth;

		int nButtonPosY = m_rcItem.top + ((m_rcItem.bottom - m_rcItem.top) - nHeight - m_nScaleHeight)/ 2 + m_nScaleHeight;

		m_rcButton.left = nButtonPosX;
		m_rcButton.right = m_rcButton.left + nWidth;

		m_rcButton.top = nButtonPosY;
		m_rcButton.bottom = m_rcButton.top + nHeight;

		RectF rfDest(PointF((REAL)nButtonPosX, (REAL)nButtonPosY), SizeF((REAL)nWidth, (REAL)nHeight));

		graph.DrawImage(m_pImageSlider, rfDest, (REAL)rcImage.left, (REAL)rcImage.top, (REAL)nWidth, (REAL)nHeight, UnitPixel, NULL);

Example #8
void CUILabel::DoPaint(HDC hDC, const RECT& rcPaint)
	if (m_BackColor != INVALID__UICOLOR)
		CUIBlueRenderEngine::DoFillRect(hDC, m_pManager, m_rcItem, m_BackColor);

	if (m_BorderColorOutside != INVALID__UICOLOR)
		RECT rect = {m_rcItem.left + 1, m_rcItem.top + 1, m_rcItem.right - 1, m_rcItem.bottom - 1};
		CUIBlueRenderEngine::DoPaintBorder(hDC, m_pManager, m_rcItem, m_BorderColorOutside);

	if (m_BorderColorInside != INVALID__UICOLOR)
		RECT rect = {m_rcItem.left + 1, m_rcItem.top + 1, m_rcItem.right - 1, m_rcItem.bottom - 1};
		CUIBlueRenderEngine::DoPaintBorder(hDC, m_pManager, rect, m_BorderColorInside);

	if (m_pImageOwner != NULL && m_nIndex >= 0)
		RECT rc = m_rcItem;

		Graphics graph(hDC);

		int nStartX = rc.left;
		int nStartY = rc.top;

		int nImageWidth = m_pImageOwner->GetWidth() / m_nImageCount;
		int nImageHeight = m_pImageOwner->GetHeight();

		double dblScal = (double)nImageWidth / nImageHeight;

		int nRectWidth = nImageWidth;
		int nRectHeight = nImageHeight;

		if (m_sizeAnimate.cx != 0 && m_sizeAnimate.cy != 0)
			nRectWidth = m_sizeAnimate.cx;
			nRectHeight = m_sizeAnimate.cy;

		if ((m_rcItem.bottom - m_rcItem.top) * dblScal < (m_rcItem.right - m_rcItem.left))
			nRectWidth = (int)(nRectHeight * dblScal);
			nRectHeight = (int)(nRectWidth / dblScal);

		nStartX = rc.left + (rc.right - rc.left - nRectWidth) / 2;
		if (nStartX < rc.left)
			nStartX = rc.left;

			nRectWidth = rc.right - rc.left;

		nStartY = rc.top + (rc.bottom - rc.top - nRectHeight) / 2;
		if (nStartY < rc.top)
			nStartY = rc.top;

			nRectHeight = rc.bottom - rc.top;

		RectF rfDest(PointF((REAL)nStartX, (REAL)nStartY), SizeF((REAL)nRectWidth, (REAL)nRectHeight));

		if (m_fAlpha <= 1.0)
			ColorMatrix colorMatrix = {	1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 
				0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 
				0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 
				0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, m_fAlpha, 0.0f, 
				0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f

			ImageAttributes imageAtt; 
			imageAtt.SetColorMatrix(&colorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlagsDefault, ColorAdjustTypeBitmap); 
			graph.DrawImage(m_pImageOwner, rfDest, (REAL)nImageWidth * m_nIndex, (REAL)0, (REAL)nImageWidth, (REAL)nImageHeight, UnitPixel, &imageAtt);
			graph.DrawImage(m_pImageOwner, rfDest, (REAL)nImageWidth * m_nIndex, (REAL)0, (REAL)nImageWidth, (REAL)nImageHeight, UnitPixel, NULL);

		if (m_bImageAsLinker && m_sText.GetLength() == 0)
			m_nLinks = 1;
			m_rcLinks[0] = CUIRect(nStartX, nStartY, nStartX + nRectWidth, nStartY + nRectHeight);
	if (m_sText.GetLength() > 0)
		RECT rcText = m_rcItem;
		m_nLinks = lengthof(m_rcLinks);
		COLORREF color = m_TextColor;
		if (!IsEnabled())
			color = m_TextColor_Disable;

		CUIBlueRenderEngine::DoPaintPrettyText(hDC, m_pManager, rcText, m_sText, color, INVALID__UICOLOR, m_rcLinks, m_nLinks, m_uTextStyle);

		if (m_nLinks == 1 && m_sText.GetLength() > 4)
			if ((m_sText.GetAt(0) == _T('<') && m_sText.GetAt(1) == _T('a')) && 
				(m_sText.GetAt(m_sText.GetLength() - 1) == _T('>') && m_sText.GetAt(m_sText.GetLength() - 2) == _T('a'))
				if (m_rcLinks[0].right - m_rcLinks[0].left < 20)
					m_rcLinks[0].left = m_rcItem.left;
					m_rcLinks[0].right = m_rcItem.right;
Example #9
inline SizeF Size::toSizeF() const
 return SizeF( float(x), float(y) ); 
Example #10
 SizeF operator+(const SizeF& other) const { return SizeF( x + other.x, y + other.y ); }