Example #1
float Compute2dFractalNoise( float posX, float posY, float scale, unsigned int numOctaves, float octavePersistence, float octaveScale, bool renormalize, unsigned int seed )
	const float OCTAVE_OFFSET = 0.636764989593174f; // Translation/bias to add to each octave

	float totalNoise = 0.f;
	float totalAmplitude = 0.f;
	float currentAmplitude = 1.f;
	float invScale = (1.f / scale);
	Vector2 currentPos( posX * invScale, posY * invScale );

	for( unsigned int octaveNum = 0; octaveNum < numOctaves; ++ octaveNum )
		// Determine noise values at nearby integer "grid point" positions
		Vector2 cellMins( FastFloor( currentPos.x ), FastFloor( currentPos.y ) );
		int indexWestX = (int) cellMins.x;
		int indexSouthY = (int) cellMins.y;
		int indexEastX = indexWestX + 1;
		int indexNorthY = indexSouthY + 1;
		float valueSouthWest = Get2dNoiseZeroToOne( indexWestX, indexSouthY, seed );
		float valueSouthEast = Get2dNoiseZeroToOne( indexEastX, indexSouthY, seed );
		float valueNorthWest = Get2dNoiseZeroToOne( indexWestX, indexNorthY, seed );
		float valueNorthEast = Get2dNoiseZeroToOne( indexEastX, indexNorthY, seed );

		// Do a smoothed (nonlinear) weighted average of nearby grid point values
		Vector2 displacementFromMins = currentPos - cellMins;
		float weightEast  = SmoothStep( displacementFromMins.x );
		float weightNorth = SmoothStep( displacementFromMins.y );
		float weightWest  = 1.f - weightEast;
		float weightSouth = 1.f - weightNorth;

		float blendSouth = (weightEast * valueSouthEast) + (weightWest * valueSouthWest);
		float blendNorth = (weightEast * valueNorthEast) + (weightWest * valueNorthWest);
		float blendTotal = (weightSouth * blendSouth) + (weightNorth * blendNorth);
		float noiseThisOctave = 2.f * (blendTotal - 0.5f); // Map from [0,1] to [-1,1]

		// Accumulate results and prepare for next octave (if any)
		totalNoise += noiseThisOctave * currentAmplitude;
		totalAmplitude += currentAmplitude;
		currentAmplitude *= octavePersistence;
		currentPos *= octaveScale;
		currentPos.x += OCTAVE_OFFSET; // Add "irrational" offsets to noise position components
		currentPos.y += OCTAVE_OFFSET; //	at each octave to break up their grid alignment
		++ seed; // Eliminates octaves "echoing" each other (since each octave is uniquely seeded)

	// Re-normalize total noise to within [-1,1] and fix octaves pulling us far away from limits
	if( renormalize && totalAmplitude > 0.f )
		totalNoise /= totalAmplitude;				// Amplitude exceeds 1.0 if octaves are used
		totalNoise = (totalNoise * 0.5f) + 0.5f;	// Map to [0,1]
		totalNoise = SmoothStep( totalNoise );		// Push towards extents (octaves pull us away)
		totalNoise = (totalNoise * 2.0f) - 1.f;		// Map back to [-1,1]

	return totalNoise;
Example #2
 f32 SmoothStepPingPong(f32 in_x)
     CS_ASSERT(in_x >= 0.0f && in_x <= 1.0f, "x must always be in the range 0.0 to 1.0 in Interpolate functions.");
     if (in_x < 0.5f)
         return SmoothStep(in_x * 2.0f);
         return SmoothStep(2.0f * (1.0f - in_x));
Example #3
// Perlin noise is fractal noise with "gradient vector smoothing" applied.
// In 1D, the gradients are trivial: -1.0 or 1.0, so resulting noise is boring at one octave.
float Compute1dPerlinNoise( float position, float scale, unsigned int numOctaves, float octavePersistence, float octaveScale, bool renormalize, unsigned int seed )
	const float OCTAVE_OFFSET = 0.636764989593174f; // Translation/bias to add to each octave
	const float gradients[2] = { -1.f, 1.f }; // 1D unit "gradient" vectors; one back, one forward

	float totalNoise = 0.f;
	float totalAmplitude = 0.f;
	float currentAmplitude = 1.f;
	float currentPosition = position * (1.f / scale);

	for( unsigned int octaveNum = 0; octaveNum < numOctaves; ++ octaveNum )
		// Determine random "gradient vectors" (just +1 or -1 for 1D Perlin) for surrounding corners
		float positionFloor = (float) FastFloor( currentPosition );
		int indexWest = (int) positionFloor;
		int indexEast = indexWest + 1;
		float gradientWest = gradients[ Get1dNoiseUint( indexWest, seed ) & 0x00000001 ];
		float gradientEast = gradients[ Get1dNoiseUint( indexEast, seed ) & 0x00000001 ];

		// Dot each point's gradient with displacement from point to position
		float displacementFromWest = currentPosition - positionFloor; // always positive
		float displacementFromEast = displacementFromWest - 1.f; // always negative
		float dotWest = gradientWest * displacementFromWest; // 1D "dot product" is... multiply
		float dotEast = gradientEast * displacementFromEast;

		// Do a smoothed (nonlinear) weighted average of dot results
		float weightEast = SmoothStep( displacementFromWest );
		float weightWest = 1.f - weightEast;
		float blendTotal = (weightWest * dotWest) + (weightEast * dotEast);
		float noiseThisOctave = 2.f * blendTotal; // 1D Perlin is in [-.5,.5]; map to [-1,1]

		// Accumulate results and prepare for next octave (if any)
		totalNoise += noiseThisOctave * currentAmplitude;
		totalAmplitude += currentAmplitude;
		currentAmplitude *= octavePersistence;
		currentPosition *= octaveScale;
		currentPosition += OCTAVE_OFFSET; // Add "irrational" offset to de-align octave grids
		++ seed; // Eliminates octaves "echoing" each other (since each octave is uniquely seeded)

	// Re-normalize total noise to within [-1,1] and fix octaves pulling us far away from limits
	if( renormalize && totalAmplitude > 0.f )
		totalNoise /= totalAmplitude;				// Amplitude exceeds 1.0 if octaves are used
		totalNoise = (totalNoise * 0.5f) + 0.5f;	// Map to [0,1]
		totalNoise = SmoothStep( totalNoise );		// Push towards extents (octaves pull us away)
		totalNoise = (totalNoise * 2.0f) - 1.f;		// Map back to [-1,1]

	return totalNoise;
Example #4
float Wood::WoodFunc(Point3 p) {
	float r;
	float px = p.x/size;
	float py = p.y/size;
	float pz = p.z/size;
	px += WoodNoise(px)*r1;
	py += WoodNoise(py)*r1;
	pz += WoodNoise(pz)*r1;
	r = (float) sqrt(py*py+pz*pz);
	r += WoodNoise(r)+r2*WoodNoise(px/4.0f);
	r = (float)fmod((double)r, 1.0); /* be periodic */
	r = SmoothStep(0.0f, 0.8f, r) - SmoothStep(0.83f, 1.0f, r);
Example #5
//debug single parquetShader parts
extern "C" void test_parquetShader(DataStruct* data) 
  float m = data->f; //should be 1
  float l = m -10;
  float r = m +10;
  data->fa[0] = Mod(l,r);
  data->fa[1] = Mod(r,l);
  data->fa[2] = Mod(r,m);
  data->fa[3] = Step(l,r);
  data->fa[4] = Step(r,l);
  data->fa[5] = SmoothStep(l,r,m);
  data->fa[6] = SmoothStep(l,r,100*m);
  data->fa[7] = SmoothStep(l,r,-200*m);
  data->fa[8] = Mix(l,r,m);
Example #6
Float Turbulence(const Point3f &p, const Vector3f &dpdx, const Vector3f &dpdy,
                 Float omega, int maxOctaves) {
    // Compute number of octaves for antialiased FBm
    Float len2 = std::max(dpdx.LengthSquared(), dpdy.LengthSquared());
    Float foctaves = Clamp(-1.f - .5f * Log2(len2), 0, maxOctaves);
    int octaves = std::floor(foctaves);

    // Compute sum of octaves of noise for turbulence
    Float sum = 0.f, lambda = 1.f, o = 1.f;
    for (int i = 0; i < octaves; ++i) {
        sum += o * std::abs(Noise(lambda * p));
        lambda *= 1.99f;
        o *= omega;

    // Account for contributions of clamped octaves in turbulence
    Float partialOctave = foctaves - octaves;
    sum += o * Lerp(SmoothStep(.3f, .7f, partialOctave), 0.2,
                    std::abs(Noise(lambda * p)));
    for (int i = octaves; i < maxOctaves; ++i) {
        sum += o * 0.2f;
        o *= omega;
    return sum;
Example #7
float Compute1dFractalNoise( float position, float scale, unsigned int numOctaves, float octavePersistence, float octaveScale, bool renormalize, unsigned int seed )
	const float OCTAVE_OFFSET = 0.636764989593174f; // Translation/bias to add to each octave

	float totalNoise = 0.f;
	float totalAmplitude = 0.f;
	float currentAmplitude = 1.f;
	float currentPosition = position * (1.f / scale);

	for( unsigned int octaveNum = 0; octaveNum < numOctaves; ++ octaveNum )
		// Determine noise values at nearby integer "grid point" positions
		float positionFloor = FastFloor( currentPosition );
		int indexWest = (int) positionFloor;
		int indexEast = indexWest + 1;
		float valueWest = Get1dNoiseZeroToOne( indexWest, seed );
		float valueEast = Get1dNoiseZeroToOne( indexEast, seed );

		// Do a smoothed (nonlinear) weighted average of nearby grid point values
		float distanceFromWest = currentPosition - positionFloor;
		float weightEast = SmoothStep( distanceFromWest ); // Gives rounder (nonlinear) results
		float weightWest = 1.f - weightEast;
		float noiseZeroToOne = (valueWest * weightWest) + (valueEast * weightEast);
		float noiseThisOctave = 2.f * (noiseZeroToOne - 0.5f); // Map from [0,1] to [-1,1]

		// Accumulate results and prepare for next octave (if any)
		totalNoise += noiseThisOctave * currentAmplitude;
		totalAmplitude += currentAmplitude;
		currentAmplitude *= octavePersistence;
		currentPosition *= octaveScale;
		currentPosition += OCTAVE_OFFSET; // Add "irrational" offset to de-align octave grids
		++ seed; // Eliminates octaves "echoing" each other (since each octave is uniquely seeded)

	// Re-normalize total noise to within [-1,1] and fix octaves pulling us far away from limits
	if( renormalize && totalAmplitude > 0.f )
		totalNoise /= totalAmplitude;				// Amplitude exceeds 1.0 if octaves are used!
		totalNoise = (totalNoise * 0.5f) + 0.5f;	// Map to [0,1]
		totalNoise = SmoothStep( totalNoise );		// Push towards extents (octaves pull us away)
		totalNoise = (totalNoise * 2.0f) - 1.f;		// Map back to [-1,1]

	return totalNoise;
Example #8
// Computes a random Perlin noise value based on a 2D input <position> and
//	Perlin noise parameters.  Recursive (for additional octaves).
//	<perlinNoiseGridCellSize>: Noise density.  Larger values produce longer
//		wavelength noise (e.g. gentle, sweeping hills).
//	<numOctaves>: 0 is flat, 1 is simple smoothed noise. Values of 2+ add one
//		or more additional "octave" harmonics.  Each additional octave has
//		double the frequency/density but only a fraction of the amplitude of
//		the base noise.
//	<baseAmplitude>: The minimum (-amplitude) and maximum (+amplitude) values
//		produced by the first octave of the noise.  Note that adding
//		additional octaves can push the final total Perlin noise values above
//		or below the maximum base amplitude; the noise can be "normalized" by
//		the caller (omitted from this function for optimization purposes) via:
//				noise *= A / (A + (A * P))
//		...where A is the <baseAmplitude> and P is the <persistance>.
//	<persistance>: The fraction of amplitude of each subsequent octave, based on the amplitude of the previous octave.  For
//		example, with a persistance of 0.3, each octave is only 30% as strong as the previous octave.
float ComputePerlinNoiseValueAtPosition2D( const Vector2& position, float perlinNoiseGridCellSize,
	int numOctaves, float baseAmplitude, float persistance, int randomSeed )
	int numOctavesRemaining = numOctaves;
	float amplitude = baseAmplitude;
	float gridSize = perlinNoiseGridCellSize;
	float totalPerlinNoise = 0.0f;

	while( numOctavesRemaining > 0 )
		Vector2 perlinPosition = position / gridSize;
		Vector2 perlinPositionFloor( floor( perlinPosition.x ), floor( perlinPosition.y ) );
		IntVec2 perlinCell( (int) perlinPositionFloor.x, (int) perlinPositionFloor.y );
		Vector2 perlinPositionUV = perlinPosition - perlinPositionFloor;
		Vector2 perlinPositionAntiUV( perlinPositionUV.x - 1.f, perlinPositionUV.y - 1.f );
		float eastWeight = SmoothStep( perlinPositionUV.x );
		float northWeight = SmoothStep( perlinPositionUV.y );
		float westWeight = 1.f - eastWeight;
		float southWeight = 1.f - northWeight;

		Vector2 southwestNoiseGradient = GetPseudoRandomNoiseUnitVector2D( perlinCell.x, perlinCell.y, randomSeed );
		Vector2 southeastNoiseGradient = GetPseudoRandomNoiseUnitVector2D( perlinCell.x + 1, perlinCell.y, randomSeed );
		Vector2 northeastNoiseGradient = GetPseudoRandomNoiseUnitVector2D( perlinCell.x + 1, perlinCell.y + 1, randomSeed );
		Vector2 northwestNoiseGradient = GetPseudoRandomNoiseUnitVector2D( perlinCell.x, perlinCell.y + 1, randomSeed );

		float southwestDot = DotProduct( southwestNoiseGradient, perlinPositionUV );
		float southeastDot = DotProduct( southeastNoiseGradient, Vector2( perlinPositionAntiUV.x, perlinPositionUV.y ) );
		float northeastDot = DotProduct( northeastNoiseGradient, perlinPositionAntiUV );
		float northwestDot = DotProduct( northwestNoiseGradient, Vector2( perlinPositionUV.x, perlinPositionAntiUV.y ) );

		float southBlend = (eastWeight * southeastDot) + (westWeight * southwestDot);
		float northBlend = (eastWeight * northeastDot) + (westWeight * northwestDot);
		float fourWayBlend = (southWeight * southBlend) + (northWeight * northBlend);
		float perlinNoiseAtThisOctave = amplitude * fourWayBlend;

		-- numOctavesRemaining;
		totalPerlinNoise += perlinNoiseAtThisOctave;
		amplitude *= persistance;
		gridSize *= 0.5f;

	return totalPerlinNoise;
Example #9
float Generate2DNoise( float x, float y, float gridSize )
	float INVERSE_GRID_SIZE = 1.0f / gridSize;

	//Find location in grid space
	float xWithRespectToGridSize = x * INVERSE_GRID_SIZE;
	float yWithRespectToGridSize = y * INVERSE_GRID_SIZE;
	int	  gridX = static_cast< int >( floor( xWithRespectToGridSize ) );
	int   gridY = static_cast< int >( floor( yWithRespectToGridSize ) );
	float xInGrid = xWithRespectToGridSize - gridX;
	float yInGrid = yWithRespectToGridSize - gridY;

	//Smooth values
	FloatVector2 gridPosition( SmoothStep( xInGrid ), SmoothStep( yInGrid ) );

	//Create Random Gradients
	FloatVector2 gradient00 = GeneratePseudoRandomUnitVectorAtPosition( gridX,		gridY );
	FloatVector2 gradientX0 = GeneratePseudoRandomUnitVectorAtPosition( gridX + 1,	gridY );
	FloatVector2 gradient0Y = GeneratePseudoRandomUnitVectorAtPosition( gridX,		gridY + 1 );
	FloatVector2 gradientXY = GeneratePseudoRandomUnitVectorAtPosition( gridX + 1,	gridY + 1 );

	FloatVector2 vectorToCorner00( gridPosition.x,		 gridPosition.y );
	FloatVector2 vectorToCornerX0( gridPosition.x - 1.f, gridPosition.y );
	FloatVector2 vectorToCorner0Y( gridPosition.x,		 gridPosition.y - 1.f );
	FloatVector2 vectorToCornerXY( gridPosition.x - 1.f, gridPosition.y - 1.f );

	//Dot Product
	float influence00 = DotProduct( gradient00, vectorToCorner00 );
	float influenceX0 = DotProduct( gradientX0, vectorToCornerX0 );
	float influence0Y = DotProduct( gradient0Y, vectorToCorner0Y );
	float influenceXY = DotProduct( gradientXY, vectorToCornerXY );

	//Weighted Average
	float influenceLowerSide = influence00 + gridPosition.x * ( influenceX0 - influence00 );
	float influenceUpperSide = influence0Y + gridPosition.x * ( influenceXY - influence0Y );
	float influenceCenter = influenceLowerSide + gridPosition.y * ( influenceUpperSide - influenceLowerSide );
	assert( influenceCenter <= 1.f);
	assert( influenceCenter >= -1.f);
	return influenceCenter;
void Camera::MovingCamera(DirectX::XMFLOAT3 p_pos)
	float moveX, moveY, centerX, centerY, posX, posY;
	centerX = GLOBAL::GetInstance().CURRENT_SCREEN_WIDTH * 0.5f;
	centerY = GLOBAL::GetInstance().CURRENT_SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.5f;
	posX = InputManager::GetInstance()->GetMousePositionX() - centerX;
	posY = InputManager::GetInstance()->GetMousePositionY() - centerY;
	float procX = posX / 440;
	float procY = posY / 352; // 512 *0,68 //0.68 = 440/640;
	if (procX > 1.0)
		procX = 1.0;
	if (procX < -1.0)
		procX = -1.0;
	if (procY > 1.0)
		procY = 1.0;
	if (procY < -1.0)
		procY = -1.0;

	moveX = 8 * procX;
	moveY = 8 * procY;

	DirectX::XMFLOAT3 position, target, finalPos;
	DirectX::XMFLOAT3 playerPosition = p_pos;
	position = DirectX::XMFLOAT3(playerPosition.x + moveX, playerPosition.y + 30.0f, playerPosition.z - moveY - 15.0f);
	target = DirectX::XMFLOAT3(playerPosition.x + moveX, 0, playerPosition.z - moveY);

	DirectX::XMStoreFloat3(&finalPos, SmoothStep(DirectX::XMLoadFloat3(&m_oldPosition), DirectX::XMLoadFloat3(&position), 0.25f));
	// Set max limits
	if (finalPos.x < -38)
		finalPos.x = -38;
	if (finalPos.x > 38)
		finalPos.x = 38;
	if (finalPos.z > 35)
		finalPos.z = 35;
	if (finalPos.z < -58)
		finalPos.z = -58;

	target = DirectX::XMFLOAT3(finalPos.x, 0, finalPos.z + 15.0f);

	GraphicsEngine::SetViewAndProjection(GetViewMatrix(), GetProjectionMatrix());

	m_oldPosition = finalPos;

Example #11
// Computes a random Perlin noise value based on a 2D input <position> and
//	Perlin noise parameters.  Recursive (for additional octaves).
//	<perlinNoiseGridCellSize>: Noise density.  Larger values produce longer
//		wavelength noise (e.g. gentle, sweeping hills).
//	<numOctaves>: 0 is flat, 1 is simple smoothed noise. Values of 2+ add one
//		or more additional "octave" harmonics.  Each additional octave has
//		double the frequency/density but only a fraction of the amplitude of
//		the base noise.
//	<baseAmplitude>: The minimum (-amplitude) and maximum (+amplitude) values
//		produced by the first octave of the noise.  Note that adding
//		additional octaves can push the final total Perlin noise values above
//		or below the maximum base amplitude; the noise can be "normalized" by
//		the caller (omitted from this function for optimization purposes) via:
//				noise *= A / (A + (A * P))
//		...where A is the <baseAmplitude> and P is the <persistance>.
//	<persistance>: The fraction of amplitude of each subsequent octave, based on the amplitude of the previous octave.  For
//		example, with a persistance of 0.3, each octave is only 30% as strong as the previous octave.
float ComputePerlinNoiseValueAtPosition2D( const Vector2& position, float perlinNoiseGridCellSize, int numOctaves, float baseAmplitude, float persistance )
	if( numOctaves == 0 )
		return 0.f;

	Vector2 perlinPosition = position / perlinNoiseGridCellSize;
	Vector2 perlinPositionFloor(floor(perlinPosition.x), floor(perlinPosition.y));
	Vector2Int perlinCell((int)perlinPositionFloor.x, (int)perlinPositionFloor.y);
	Vector2 perlinPositionUV = perlinPosition - perlinPositionFloor;
	Vector2 perlinPositionAntiUV(perlinPositionUV.x - 1.f, perlinPositionUV.y - 1.f);
	float eastWeight = SmoothStep(perlinPositionUV.x);
	float northWeight = SmoothStep(perlinPositionUV.y);
	float westWeight = 1.f - eastWeight;
	float southWeight = 1.f - northWeight;

	Vector2 southwestNoiseGradient = GetPseudoRandomNoiseUnitVector2D( perlinCell.x, perlinCell.y );
	Vector2 southeastNoiseGradient = GetPseudoRandomNoiseUnitVector2D( perlinCell.x + 1, perlinCell.y );
	Vector2 northeastNoiseGradient = GetPseudoRandomNoiseUnitVector2D( perlinCell.x + 1, perlinCell.y + 1 );
	Vector2 northwestNoiseGradient = GetPseudoRandomNoiseUnitVector2D( perlinCell.x, perlinCell.y + 1 );

	float southwestDot = MathUtils::Dot( southwestNoiseGradient, perlinPositionUV );
	float southeastDot = MathUtils::Dot( southeastNoiseGradient, Vector2( perlinPositionAntiUV.x, perlinPositionUV.y ) );
	float northeastDot = MathUtils::Dot( northeastNoiseGradient, perlinPositionAntiUV );
	float northwestDot = MathUtils::Dot( northwestNoiseGradient, Vector2( perlinPositionUV.x, perlinPositionAntiUV.y ) );

	float southBlend = (eastWeight * southeastDot) + (westWeight * southwestDot);
	float northBlend = (eastWeight * northeastDot) + (westWeight * northwestDot);
	float fourWayBlend = (southWeight * southBlend) + (northWeight * northBlend);
	float perlinNoiseAtThisOctave = baseAmplitude * fourWayBlend;

	float perlinNoiseFromAllHigherOctaves = ComputePerlinNoiseValueAtPosition2D( position,
		0.5f * perlinNoiseGridCellSize, numOctaves - 1, baseAmplitude * persistance, persistance );

	float totalPerlinNoise = perlinNoiseAtThisOctave + perlinNoiseFromAllHigherOctaves;
	return totalPerlinNoise;
Example #12
HRESULT EndgameUpdate(double deltaTime)
	static short* velocityBuf = (short*)g_slots;
	static const uint numVels = g_numSlots/2;
	static double absoluteTime = 0;
	const float timeLimit = 5.0f; // 5 seconds

	absoluteTime += deltaTime;

	for (uint i = 0; i < g_numNodes; i++)
		float velx = velocityBuf[2*(i%numVels)] / MAX_SSHORTF;
		float vely = velocityBuf[2*(i%numVels)+1] / MAX_SSHORTF;

		velx = SmoothStep(velx, 0.0f, float(absoluteTime)/timeLimit);
		vely = SmoothStep(vely, 0.0f, float(absoluteTime)/timeLimit);

		g_nodes[i].position.setX(float(g_nodes[i].position.getX() + velx * deltaTime));
		g_nodes[i].position.setY(float(g_nodes[i].position.getY() + vely * deltaTime));

	if (absoluteTime > timeLimit)
		g_endgame = false;
		g_numActiveNodes = g_numNodes;
		absoluteTime = 0;

		for (uint i = 0; i < g_numNodes; i++)
			g_nodes[i].attribs.hasChild = false;
			g_nodes[i].attribs.hasParent = false;

	return S_OK;
Example #13
Float FBm(const Point3f &p, const Vector3f &dpdx, const Vector3f &dpdy,
          Float omega, int maxOctaves) {
    // Compute number of octaves for antialiased FBm
    Float len2 = std::max(dpdx.LengthSquared(), dpdy.LengthSquared());
    Float n = Clamp(-1 - .5f * Log2(len2), 0, maxOctaves);
    int nInt = std::floor(n);

    // Compute sum of octaves of noise for FBm
    Float sum = 0, lambda = 1, o = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < nInt; ++i) {
        sum += o * Noise(lambda * p);
        lambda *= 1.99f;
        o *= omega;
    Float nPartial = n - nInt;
    sum += o * SmoothStep(.3f, .7f, nPartial) * Noise(lambda * p);
    return sum;
Example #14
float FBm(const Point &P, const Vector &dpdx, const Vector &dpdy,
          float omega, int maxOctaves) {
    // Compute number of octaves for antialiased FBm
    float s2 = max(dpdx.LengthSquared(), dpdy.LengthSquared());
    float foctaves = min((float)maxOctaves, 1.f - .5f * Log2(s2));
    int octaves = Floor2Int(foctaves);

    // Compute sum of octaves of noise for FBm
    float sum = 0., lambda = 1., o = 1.;
    for (int i = 0; i < octaves; ++i) {
        sum += o * Noise(lambda * P);
        lambda *= 1.99f;
        o *= omega;
    float partialOctave = foctaves - octaves;
    sum += o * SmoothStep(.3f, .7f, partialOctave) * Noise(lambda * P);
    return sum;
Example #15
Float FBm(const Point3f &p, const Vector3f &dpdx, const Vector3f &dpdy,
          Float omega, int maxOctaves) {
    // Compute number of octaves for antialiased FBm
    Float len2 = std::max(dpdx.LengthSquared(), dpdy.LengthSquared());
    Float foctaves = Clamp(-1.f - .5f * Log2(len2), 0, maxOctaves);
    int octaves = std::floor(foctaves);

    // Compute sum of octaves of noise for FBm
    Float sum = 0.f, lambda = 1.f, o = 1.f;
    for (int i = 0; i < octaves; ++i) {
        sum += o * Noise(lambda * p);
        lambda *= 1.99f;
        o *= omega;
    Float partialOctave = foctaves - octaves;
    sum += o * SmoothStep(.3f, .7f, partialOctave) * Noise(lambda * p);
    return sum;
Example #16
float Turbulence(const Point &P, const Vector &dpdx, const Vector &dpdy,
                 float omega, int maxOctaves) {
    // Compute number of octaves for antialiased FBm
    float s2 = max(dpdx.LengthSquared(), dpdy.LengthSquared());
    float foctaves = min((float)maxOctaves, 1.f - .5f * Log2(s2));
    int octaves = Floor2Int(foctaves);

    // Compute sum of octaves of noise for turbulence
    float sum = 0., lambda = 1., o = 1.;
    for (int i = 0; i < octaves; ++i) {
        sum += o * fabsf(Noise(lambda * P));
        lambda *= 1.99f;
        o *= omega;
    float partialOctave = foctaves - octaves;
    sum += o * SmoothStep(.3f, .7f, partialOctave) *
           fabsf(Noise(lambda * P));

    // finally, add in value to account for average value of fabsf(Noise())
    // (~0.2) for the remaining octaves...
    sum += (maxOctaves - foctaves) * 0.2f;

    return sum;
Example #17
// Perlin noise is fractal noise with "gradient vector smoothing" applied.
// In 4D, gradients are unit-length hyper-vectors in random (4D) directions.
float Compute4dPerlinNoise( float posX, float posY, float posZ, float posT, float scale, unsigned int numOctaves, float octavePersistence, float octaveScale, bool renormalize, unsigned int seed )
	const float OCTAVE_OFFSET = 0.636764989593174f; // Translation/bias to add to each octave

	const Vector4 gradients[ 16 ] = // Hard to tell if this is any better in 4D than just having 8
		Vector4( +0.5f, +0.5f, +0.5f, +0.5f ), // Normalized unit 4D vectors pointing toward each
		Vector4( -0.5f, +0.5f, +0.5f, +0.5f ), //  of the 16 hypercube corners, so components are
		Vector4( +0.5f, -0.5f, +0.5f, +0.5f ), //  all sqrt(4)/4, i.e. one-half.
		Vector4( -0.5f, -0.5f, +0.5f, +0.5f ), // 
		Vector4( +0.5f, +0.5f, -0.5f, +0.5f ), // It's hard to tell whether these are any better
		Vector4( -0.5f, +0.5f, -0.5f, +0.5f ), //  or worse than vectors facing axes (1,0,0,0) or
		Vector4( +0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f, +0.5f ), //  3D edges (.7,.7,0,0) or 4D edges (.57,.57,.57,0)
		Vector4( -0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f, +0.5f ), //  but less-axial gradients looked a little better
		Vector4( +0.5f, +0.5f, +0.5f, -0.5f ), //  with 2D and 3D noise so I'm assuming this is as
		Vector4( -0.5f, +0.5f, +0.5f, -0.5f ), //  good or better as any other gradient-selection
		Vector4( +0.5f, -0.5f, +0.5f, -0.5f ), //  scheme (and is crazy-fast).  *shrug*
		Vector4( -0.5f, -0.5f, +0.5f, -0.5f ), // 
		Vector4( +0.5f, +0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f ), // Plus, we want a power-of-two number of evenly-
		Vector4( -0.5f, +0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f ), //  distributed gradients, so we can cheaply select
		Vector4( +0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f ), //  one from bit-noise (use bit-mask, not modulus).
		Vector4( -0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f )  // 

	float totalNoise = 0.f;
	float totalAmplitude = 0.f;
	float currentAmplitude = 1.f;
	float invScale = (1.f / scale);
	Vector4 currentPos( posX * invScale, posY * invScale, posZ * invScale, posT * invScale );

	for( unsigned int octaveNum = 0; octaveNum < numOctaves; ++ octaveNum )
		// Determine random unit "gradient vectors" for 16 surrounding 4D (hypercube) cell corners
		Vector4 cellMins( FastFloor( currentPos.x ), FastFloor( currentPos.y ), FastFloor( currentPos.z ), FastFloor( currentPos.w ) );
		Vector4 cellMaxs( cellMins.x + 1.f, cellMins.y + 1.f, cellMins.z + 1.f, cellMins.w + 1.f );
		int indexWestX   = (int) cellMins.x;
		int indexSouthY  = (int) cellMins.y;
		int indexBelowZ  = (int) cellMins.z;
		int indexBeforeT = (int) cellMins.w;
		int indexEastX  = indexWestX   + 1;
		int indexNorthY = indexSouthY  + 1;
		int indexAboveZ = indexBelowZ  + 1;
		int indexAfterT = indexBeforeT + 1;

		// "BeforeBSW" stands for "BeforeBelowSouthWest" below (i.e. 4D hypercube mins), etc.
		unsigned int noiseBeforeBSW = Get4dNoiseUint( indexWestX, indexSouthY, indexBelowZ, indexBeforeT, seed );
		unsigned int noiseBeforeBSE = Get4dNoiseUint( indexEastX, indexSouthY, indexBelowZ, indexBeforeT, seed );
		unsigned int noiseBeforeBNW = Get4dNoiseUint( indexWestX, indexNorthY, indexBelowZ, indexBeforeT, seed );
		unsigned int noiseBeforeBNE = Get4dNoiseUint( indexEastX, indexNorthY, indexBelowZ, indexBeforeT, seed );
		unsigned int noiseBeforeASW = Get4dNoiseUint( indexWestX, indexSouthY, indexAboveZ, indexBeforeT, seed );
		unsigned int noiseBeforeASE = Get4dNoiseUint( indexEastX, indexSouthY, indexAboveZ, indexBeforeT, seed );
		unsigned int noiseBeforeANW = Get4dNoiseUint( indexWestX, indexNorthY, indexAboveZ, indexBeforeT, seed );
		unsigned int noiseBeforeANE = Get4dNoiseUint( indexEastX, indexNorthY, indexAboveZ, indexBeforeT, seed );
		unsigned int noiseAfterBSW = Get4dNoiseUint( indexWestX, indexSouthY, indexBelowZ, indexAfterT, seed );
		unsigned int noiseAfterBSE = Get4dNoiseUint( indexEastX, indexSouthY, indexBelowZ, indexAfterT, seed );
		unsigned int noiseAfterBNW = Get4dNoiseUint( indexWestX, indexNorthY, indexBelowZ, indexAfterT, seed );
		unsigned int noiseAfterBNE = Get4dNoiseUint( indexEastX, indexNorthY, indexBelowZ, indexAfterT, seed );
		unsigned int noiseAfterASW = Get4dNoiseUint( indexWestX, indexSouthY, indexAboveZ, indexAfterT, seed );
		unsigned int noiseAfterASE = Get4dNoiseUint( indexEastX, indexSouthY, indexAboveZ, indexAfterT, seed );
		unsigned int noiseAfterANW = Get4dNoiseUint( indexWestX, indexNorthY, indexAboveZ, indexAfterT, seed );
		unsigned int noiseAfterANE = Get4dNoiseUint( indexEastX, indexNorthY, indexAboveZ, indexAfterT, seed );

		Vector4 gradientBeforeBSW = gradients[ noiseBeforeBSW & 0x0000000F ];
		Vector4 gradientBeforeBSE = gradients[ noiseBeforeBSE & 0x0000000F ];
		Vector4 gradientBeforeBNW = gradients[ noiseBeforeBNW & 0x0000000F ];
		Vector4 gradientBeforeBNE = gradients[ noiseBeforeBNE & 0x0000000F ];
		Vector4 gradientBeforeASW = gradients[ noiseBeforeASW & 0x0000000F ];
		Vector4 gradientBeforeASE = gradients[ noiseBeforeASE & 0x0000000F ];
		Vector4 gradientBeforeANW = gradients[ noiseBeforeANW & 0x0000000F ];
		Vector4 gradientBeforeANE = gradients[ noiseBeforeANE & 0x0000000F ];
		Vector4 gradientAfterBSW = gradients[ noiseAfterBSW & 0x0000000F ];
		Vector4 gradientAfterBSE = gradients[ noiseAfterBSE & 0x0000000F ];
		Vector4 gradientAfterBNW = gradients[ noiseAfterBNW & 0x0000000F ];
		Vector4 gradientAfterBNE = gradients[ noiseAfterBNE & 0x0000000F ];
		Vector4 gradientAfterASW = gradients[ noiseAfterASW & 0x0000000F ];
		Vector4 gradientAfterASE = gradients[ noiseAfterASE & 0x0000000F ];
		Vector4 gradientAfterANW = gradients[ noiseAfterANW & 0x0000000F ];
		Vector4 gradientAfterANE = gradients[ noiseAfterANE & 0x0000000F ];

		// Dot each corner's gradient with displacement from corner to position
		Vector4 displacementFromBeforeBSW( currentPos.x - cellMins.x, currentPos.y - cellMins.y, currentPos.z - cellMins.z, currentPos.w - cellMins.w );
		Vector4 displacementFromBeforeBSE( currentPos.x - cellMaxs.x, currentPos.y - cellMins.y, currentPos.z - cellMins.z, currentPos.w - cellMins.w );
		Vector4 displacementFromBeforeBNW( currentPos.x - cellMins.x, currentPos.y - cellMaxs.y, currentPos.z - cellMins.z, currentPos.w - cellMins.w );
		Vector4 displacementFromBeforeBNE( currentPos.x - cellMaxs.x, currentPos.y - cellMaxs.y, currentPos.z - cellMins.z, currentPos.w - cellMins.w );
		Vector4 displacementFromBeforeASW( currentPos.x - cellMins.x, currentPos.y - cellMins.y, currentPos.z - cellMaxs.z, currentPos.w - cellMins.w );
		Vector4 displacementFromBeforeASE( currentPos.x - cellMaxs.x, currentPos.y - cellMins.y, currentPos.z - cellMaxs.z, currentPos.w - cellMins.w );
		Vector4 displacementFromBeforeANW( currentPos.x - cellMins.x, currentPos.y - cellMaxs.y, currentPos.z - cellMaxs.z, currentPos.w - cellMins.w );
		Vector4 displacementFromBeforeANE( currentPos.x - cellMaxs.x, currentPos.y - cellMaxs.y, currentPos.z - cellMaxs.z, currentPos.w - cellMins.w );
		Vector4 displacementFromAfterBSW( currentPos.x - cellMins.x, currentPos.y - cellMins.y, currentPos.z - cellMins.z, currentPos.w - cellMaxs.w );
		Vector4 displacementFromAfterBSE( currentPos.x - cellMaxs.x, currentPos.y - cellMins.y, currentPos.z - cellMins.z, currentPos.w - cellMaxs.w );
		Vector4 displacementFromAfterBNW( currentPos.x - cellMins.x, currentPos.y - cellMaxs.y, currentPos.z - cellMins.z, currentPos.w - cellMaxs.w );
		Vector4 displacementFromAfterBNE( currentPos.x - cellMaxs.x, currentPos.y - cellMaxs.y, currentPos.z - cellMins.z, currentPos.w - cellMaxs.w );
		Vector4 displacementFromAfterASW( currentPos.x - cellMins.x, currentPos.y - cellMins.y, currentPos.z - cellMaxs.z, currentPos.w - cellMaxs.w );
		Vector4 displacementFromAfterASE( currentPos.x - cellMaxs.x, currentPos.y - cellMins.y, currentPos.z - cellMaxs.z, currentPos.w - cellMaxs.w );
		Vector4 displacementFromAfterANW( currentPos.x - cellMins.x, currentPos.y - cellMaxs.y, currentPos.z - cellMaxs.z, currentPos.w - cellMaxs.w );
		Vector4 displacementFromAfterANE( currentPos.x - cellMaxs.x, currentPos.y - cellMaxs.y, currentPos.z - cellMaxs.z, currentPos.w - cellMaxs.w );

		float dotBeforeBSW = MathUtils::Dot( gradientBeforeBSW, displacementFromBeforeBSW );
		float dotBeforeBSE = MathUtils::Dot( gradientBeforeBSE, displacementFromBeforeBSE );
		float dotBeforeBNW = MathUtils::Dot( gradientBeforeBNW, displacementFromBeforeBNW );
		float dotBeforeBNE = MathUtils::Dot( gradientBeforeBNE, displacementFromBeforeBNE );
		float dotBeforeASW = MathUtils::Dot( gradientBeforeASW, displacementFromBeforeASW );
		float dotBeforeASE = MathUtils::Dot( gradientBeforeASE, displacementFromBeforeASE );
		float dotBeforeANW = MathUtils::Dot( gradientBeforeANW, displacementFromBeforeANW );
		float dotBeforeANE = MathUtils::Dot( gradientBeforeANE, displacementFromBeforeANE );
		float dotAfterBSW =  MathUtils::Dot( gradientAfterBSW, displacementFromAfterBSW );
		float dotAfterBSE =  MathUtils::Dot( gradientAfterBSE, displacementFromAfterBSE );
		float dotAfterBNW =  MathUtils::Dot( gradientAfterBNW, displacementFromAfterBNW );
		float dotAfterBNE =  MathUtils::Dot( gradientAfterBNE, displacementFromAfterBNE );
		float dotAfterASW =  MathUtils::Dot( gradientAfterASW, displacementFromAfterASW );
		float dotAfterASE =  MathUtils::Dot( gradientAfterASE, displacementFromAfterASE );
		float dotAfterANW =  MathUtils::Dot( gradientAfterANW, displacementFromAfterANW );
		float dotAfterANE =  MathUtils::Dot( gradientAfterANE, displacementFromAfterANE );

		// Do a smoothed (nonlinear) weighted average of dot results
		float weightEast  = SmoothStep( displacementFromBeforeBSW.x );
		float weightNorth = SmoothStep( displacementFromBeforeBSW.y );
		float weightAbove = SmoothStep( displacementFromBeforeBSW.z );
		float weightAfter = SmoothStep( displacementFromBeforeBSW.w );
		float weightWest   = 1.f - weightEast;
		float weightSouth  = 1.f - weightNorth;
		float weightBelow  = 1.f - weightAbove;
		float weightBefore = 1.f - weightAfter;

		// 16-way blend (16 -> 8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1)
		float blendBeforeBelowSouth	= (weightEast * dotBeforeBSE) + (weightWest * dotBeforeBSW);
		float blendBeforeBelowNorth	= (weightEast * dotBeforeBNE) + (weightWest * dotBeforeBNW);
		float blendBeforeAboveSouth	= (weightEast * dotBeforeASE) + (weightWest * dotBeforeASW);
		float blendBeforeAboveNorth	= (weightEast * dotBeforeANE) + (weightWest * dotBeforeANW);
		float blendAfterBelowSouth  = (weightEast * dotAfterBSE)  + (weightWest * dotAfterBSW);
		float blendAfterBelowNorth  = (weightEast * dotAfterBNE)  + (weightWest * dotAfterBNW);
		float blendAfterAboveSouth  = (weightEast * dotAfterASE)  + (weightWest * dotAfterASW);
		float blendAfterAboveNorth  = (weightEast * dotAfterANE)  + (weightWest * dotAfterANW);
		float blendBeforeBelow = (weightSouth * blendBeforeBelowSouth) + (weightNorth * blendBeforeBelowNorth);
		float blendBeforeAbove = (weightSouth * blendBeforeAboveSouth) + (weightNorth * blendBeforeAboveNorth);
		float blendAfterBelow  = (weightSouth * blendAfterBelowSouth)  + (weightNorth * blendAfterBelowNorth);
		float blendAfterAbove  = (weightSouth * blendAfterAboveSouth)  + (weightNorth * blendAfterAboveNorth);
		float blendBefore = (weightBelow * blendBeforeBelow) + (weightAbove * blendBeforeAbove);
		float blendAfter  = (weightBelow * blendAfterBelow) + (weightAbove * blendAfterAbove);
		float blendTotal = (weightBefore * blendBefore) + (weightAfter * blendAfter);
		float noiseThisOctave = 1.6f * blendTotal; // 4D Perlin is in ~[-.5,.5]; map to ~[-1,1]

		// Accumulate results and prepare for next octave (if any)
		totalNoise += noiseThisOctave * currentAmplitude;
		totalAmplitude += currentAmplitude;
		currentAmplitude *= octavePersistence;
		currentPos *= octaveScale;
		currentPos.x += OCTAVE_OFFSET; // Add "irrational" offset to de-align octave grids
		currentPos.y += OCTAVE_OFFSET; // Add "irrational" offset to de-align octave grids
		currentPos.z += OCTAVE_OFFSET; // Add "irrational" offset to de-align octave grids
		currentPos.w += OCTAVE_OFFSET; // Add "irrational" offset to de-align octave grids
		++ seed; // Eliminates octaves "echoing" each other (since each octave is uniquely seeded)

	// Re-normalize total noise to within [-1,1] and fix octaves pulling us far away from limits
	if( renormalize && totalAmplitude > 0.f )
		totalNoise /= totalAmplitude;				// Amplitude exceeds 1.0 if octaves are used
		totalNoise = (totalNoise * 0.5f) + 0.5f;	// Map to [0,1]
		totalNoise = SmoothStep( totalNoise );		// Push towards extents (octaves pull us away)
		totalNoise = (totalNoise * 2.0f) - 1.f;		// Map back to [-1,1]

	return totalNoise;
Example #18
float Compute4dFractalNoise( float posX, float posY, float posZ, float posT, float scale, unsigned int numOctaves, float octavePersistence, float octaveScale, bool renormalize, unsigned int seed )
	const float OCTAVE_OFFSET = 0.636764989593174f; // Translation/bias to add to each octave

	float totalNoise = 0.f;
	float totalAmplitude = 0.f;
	float currentAmplitude = 1.f;
	float invScale = (1.f / scale);
	Vector4 currentPos( posX * invScale, posY * invScale, posZ * invScale, posT * invScale );

	for( unsigned int octaveNum = 0; octaveNum < numOctaves; ++ octaveNum )
		// Determine noise values at nearby integer "grid point" positions
		Vector4 cellMins( FastFloor( currentPos.x ), FastFloor( currentPos.y ), FastFloor( currentPos.z ), FastFloor( currentPos.w ) );
		int indexWestX   = (int) cellMins.x;
		int indexSouthY  = (int) cellMins.y;
		int indexBelowZ  = (int) cellMins.z;
		int indexBeforeT = (int) cellMins.w;
		int indexEastX  = indexWestX + 1;
		int indexNorthY = indexSouthY + 1;
		int indexAboveZ = indexBelowZ + 1;
		int indexAfterT = indexBeforeT + 1;

		// Noise grid cell has 16 "corners" in 4D
		float beforeBelowSW = Get4dNoiseZeroToOne( indexWestX, indexSouthY, indexBelowZ, indexBeforeT, seed );
		float beforeBelowSE = Get4dNoiseZeroToOne( indexEastX, indexSouthY, indexBelowZ, indexBeforeT, seed );
		float beforeBelowNW = Get4dNoiseZeroToOne( indexWestX, indexNorthY, indexBelowZ, indexBeforeT, seed );
		float beforeBelowNE = Get4dNoiseZeroToOne( indexEastX, indexNorthY, indexBelowZ, indexBeforeT, seed );
		float beforeAboveSW = Get4dNoiseZeroToOne( indexWestX, indexSouthY, indexAboveZ, indexBeforeT, seed );
		float beforeAboveSE = Get4dNoiseZeroToOne( indexEastX, indexSouthY, indexAboveZ, indexBeforeT, seed );
		float beforeAboveNW = Get4dNoiseZeroToOne( indexWestX, indexNorthY, indexAboveZ, indexBeforeT, seed );
		float beforeAboveNE = Get4dNoiseZeroToOne( indexEastX, indexNorthY, indexAboveZ, indexBeforeT, seed );

		float afterBelowSW = Get4dNoiseZeroToOne( indexWestX, indexSouthY, indexBelowZ, indexAfterT, seed );
		float afterBelowSE = Get4dNoiseZeroToOne( indexEastX, indexSouthY, indexBelowZ, indexAfterT, seed );
		float afterBelowNW = Get4dNoiseZeroToOne( indexWestX, indexNorthY, indexBelowZ, indexAfterT, seed );
		float afterBelowNE = Get4dNoiseZeroToOne( indexEastX, indexNorthY, indexBelowZ, indexAfterT, seed );
		float afterAboveSW = Get4dNoiseZeroToOne( indexWestX, indexSouthY, indexAboveZ, indexAfterT, seed );
		float afterAboveSE = Get4dNoiseZeroToOne( indexEastX, indexSouthY, indexAboveZ, indexAfterT, seed );
		float afterAboveNW = Get4dNoiseZeroToOne( indexWestX, indexNorthY, indexAboveZ, indexAfterT, seed );
		float afterAboveNE = Get4dNoiseZeroToOne( indexEastX, indexNorthY, indexAboveZ, indexAfterT, seed );

		// Do a smoothed (nonlinear) weighted average of nearby grid point values
		Vector4 displacementFromMins = currentPos - cellMins;

		float weightEast	= SmoothStep( displacementFromMins.x );
		float weightNorth	= SmoothStep( displacementFromMins.y );
		float weightAbove	= SmoothStep( displacementFromMins.z );
		float weightAfter	= SmoothStep( displacementFromMins.w );
		float weightWest	= 1.f - weightEast;
		float weightSouth	= 1.f - weightNorth;
		float weightBelow	= 1.f - weightAbove;
		float weightBefore	= 1.f - weightAfter;

		// 16-way blend (16 -> 8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1)
		float blendBeforeBelowSouth	= (weightEast * beforeBelowSE) + (weightWest * beforeBelowSW);
		float blendBeforeBelowNorth	= (weightEast * beforeBelowNE) + (weightWest * beforeBelowNW);
		float blendBeforeAboveSouth	= (weightEast * beforeAboveSE) + (weightWest * beforeAboveSW);
		float blendBeforeAboveNorth	= (weightEast * beforeAboveNE) + (weightWest * beforeAboveNW);
		float blendAfterBelowSouth  = (weightEast * afterBelowSE)  + (weightWest * afterBelowSW);
		float blendAfterBelowNorth  = (weightEast * afterBelowNE)  + (weightWest * afterBelowNW);
		float blendAfterAboveSouth  = (weightEast * afterAboveSE)  + (weightWest * afterAboveSW);
		float blendAfterAboveNorth  = (weightEast * afterAboveNE)  + (weightWest * afterAboveNW);
		float blendBeforeBelow = (weightSouth * blendBeforeBelowSouth) + (weightNorth * blendBeforeBelowNorth);
		float blendBeforeAbove = (weightSouth * blendBeforeAboveSouth) + (weightNorth * blendBeforeAboveNorth);
		float blendAfterBelow  = (weightSouth * blendAfterBelowSouth)  + (weightNorth * blendAfterBelowNorth);
		float blendAfterAbove  = (weightSouth * blendAfterAboveSouth)  + (weightNorth * blendAfterAboveNorth);
		float blendBefore = (weightBelow * blendBeforeBelow) + (weightAbove * blendBeforeAbove);
		float blendAfter  = (weightBelow * blendAfterBelow) + (weightAbove * blendAfterAbove);
		float blendTotal = (weightBefore * blendBefore) + (weightAfter * blendAfter);
		float noiseThisOctave = 2.f * (blendTotal - 0.5f); // Map from [0,1] to [-1,1]

		// Accumulate results and prepare for next octave (if any)
		totalNoise += noiseThisOctave * currentAmplitude;
		totalAmplitude += currentAmplitude;
		currentAmplitude *= octavePersistence;
		currentPos *= octaveScale;
		currentPos.x += OCTAVE_OFFSET; // Add "irrational" offsets to noise position components
		currentPos.y += OCTAVE_OFFSET; //	at each octave to break up their grid alignment
		currentPos.z += OCTAVE_OFFSET;
		currentPos.w += OCTAVE_OFFSET;
		++ seed; // Eliminates octaves "echoing" each other (since each octave is uniquely seeded)

	// Re-normalize total noise to within [-1,1] and fix octaves pulling us far away from limits
	if( renormalize && totalAmplitude > 0.f )
		totalNoise /= totalAmplitude;				// Amplitude exceeds 1.0 if octaves are used
		totalNoise = (totalNoise * 0.5f) + 0.5f;	// Map to [0,1]
		totalNoise = SmoothStep( totalNoise );		// Push towards extents (octaves pull us away)
		totalNoise = (totalNoise * 2.0f) - 1.f;		// Map back to [-1,1]

	return totalNoise;
Example #19
// Perlin noise is fractal noise with "gradient vector smoothing" applied.
// In 2D, gradients are unit-length vectors in various directions with even angular distribution.
float Compute2dPerlinNoise( float posX, float posY, float scale, unsigned int numOctaves, float octavePersistence, float octaveScale, bool renormalize, unsigned int seed )
	const float OCTAVE_OFFSET = 0.636764989593174f; // Translation/bias to add to each octave
	const Vector2 gradients[ 8 ] = // Normalized unit vectors in 8 quarter-cardinal directions
		Vector2( +0.923879533f, +0.382683432f ), // 22.5 degrees
		Vector2( +0.382683432f, +0.923879533f ), // 67.5 degrees
		Vector2( -0.382683432f, +0.923879533f ), // 112.5 degrees
		Vector2( -0.923879533f, +0.382683432f ), // 157.5 degrees
		Vector2( -0.923879533f, -0.382683432f ), // 202.5 degrees
		Vector2( -0.382683432f, -0.923879533f ), // 247.5 degrees
		Vector2( +0.382683432f, -0.923879533f ), // 292.5 degrees
		Vector2( +0.923879533f, -0.382683432f )	 // 337.5 degrees

	float totalNoise = 0.f;
	float totalAmplitude = 0.f;
	float currentAmplitude = 1.f;
	float invScale = (1.f / scale);
	Vector2 currentPos( posX * invScale, posY * invScale );

	for( unsigned int octaveNum = 0; octaveNum < numOctaves; ++ octaveNum )
		// Determine random unit "gradient vectors" for surrounding corners
		Vector2 cellMins( FastFloor( currentPos.x ), FastFloor( currentPos.y ) );
		Vector2 cellMaxs( cellMins.x + 1.f, cellMins.y + 1.f );
		int indexWestX  = (int) cellMins.x;
		int indexSouthY = (int) cellMins.y;
		int indexEastX  = indexWestX  + 1;
		int indexNorthY = indexSouthY + 1;

		unsigned int noiseSW = Get2dNoiseUint( indexWestX, indexSouthY, seed );
		unsigned int noiseSE = Get2dNoiseUint( indexEastX, indexSouthY, seed );
		unsigned int noiseNW = Get2dNoiseUint( indexWestX, indexNorthY, seed );
		unsigned int noiseNE = Get2dNoiseUint( indexEastX, indexNorthY, seed );

		Vector2 gradientSW = gradients[ noiseSW & 0x00000007 ];
		Vector2 gradientSE = gradients[ noiseSE & 0x00000007 ];
		Vector2 gradientNW = gradients[ noiseNW & 0x00000007 ];
		Vector2 gradientNE = gradients[ noiseNE & 0x00000007 ];

		// Dot each corner's gradient with displacement from corner to position
		Vector2 displacementFromSW( currentPos.x - cellMins.x, currentPos.y - cellMins.y );
		Vector2 displacementFromSE( currentPos.x - cellMaxs.x, currentPos.y - cellMins.y );
		Vector2 displacementFromNW( currentPos.x - cellMins.x, currentPos.y - cellMaxs.y );
		Vector2 displacementFromNE( currentPos.x - cellMaxs.x, currentPos.y - cellMaxs.y );

		float dotSouthWest = MathUtils::Dot( gradientSW, displacementFromSW );
		float dotSouthEast = MathUtils::Dot( gradientSE, displacementFromSE );
		float dotNorthWest = MathUtils::Dot( gradientNW, displacementFromNW );
		float dotNorthEast = MathUtils::Dot( gradientNE, displacementFromNE );

		// Do a smoothed (nonlinear) weighted average of dot results
		float weightEast = SmoothStep5( displacementFromSW.x );
		float weightNorth = SmoothStep5( displacementFromSW.y );
		float weightWest = 1.f - weightEast;
		float weightSouth = 1.f - weightNorth;

		float blendSouth = (weightEast * dotSouthEast) + (weightWest * dotSouthWest);
		float blendNorth = (weightEast * dotNorthEast) + (weightWest * dotNorthWest);
		float blendTotal = (weightSouth * blendSouth) + (weightNorth * blendNorth);
		float noiseThisOctave = 1.5f * blendTotal; // 2D Perlin is in ~[-.66,.66]; map to ~[-1,1]
		// Accumulate results and prepare for next octave (if any)
		totalNoise += noiseThisOctave * currentAmplitude;
		totalAmplitude += currentAmplitude;
		currentAmplitude *= octavePersistence;
		currentPos *= octaveScale;
		currentPos.x += OCTAVE_OFFSET; // Add "irrational" offset to de-align octave grids
		currentPos.y += OCTAVE_OFFSET; // Add "irrational" offset to de-align octave grids
		++ seed; // Eliminates octaves "echoing" each other (since each octave is uniquely seeded)

	// Re-normalize total noise to within [-1,1] and fix octaves pulling us far away from limits
	if( renormalize && totalAmplitude > 0.f )
		totalNoise /= totalAmplitude;				// Amplitude exceeds 1.0 if octaves are used
		totalNoise = (totalNoise * 0.5f) + 0.5f;	// Map to [0,1]
		totalNoise = SmoothStep( totalNoise );		// Push towards extents (octaves pull us away)
		totalNoise = (totalNoise * 2.0f) - 1.f;		// Map back to [-1,1]

	return totalNoise;
Example #20
// Perlin noise is fractal noise with "gradient vector smoothing" applied.
// In 3D, gradients are unit-length vectors in random (3D) directions.
float Compute3dPerlinNoise( float posX, float posY, float posZ, float scale, unsigned int numOctaves, float octavePersistence, float octaveScale, bool renormalize, unsigned int seed )
	const float OCTAVE_OFFSET = 0.636764989593174f; // Translation/bias to add to each octave

	const Vector3 gradients[ 8 ] = // Traditional "12 edges" requires modulus and isn't any better.
		Vector3( +fSQRT_3_OVER_3, +fSQRT_3_OVER_3, +fSQRT_3_OVER_3 ), // Normalized unit 3D vectors
		Vector3( -fSQRT_3_OVER_3, +fSQRT_3_OVER_3, +fSQRT_3_OVER_3 ), //  pointing toward cube
		Vector3( +fSQRT_3_OVER_3, -fSQRT_3_OVER_3, +fSQRT_3_OVER_3 ), //  corners, so components
		Vector3( -fSQRT_3_OVER_3, -fSQRT_3_OVER_3, +fSQRT_3_OVER_3 ), //  are all sqrt(3)/3, i.e.
		Vector3( +fSQRT_3_OVER_3, +fSQRT_3_OVER_3, -fSQRT_3_OVER_3 ), // 0.5773502691896257645091f.
		Vector3( -fSQRT_3_OVER_3, +fSQRT_3_OVER_3, -fSQRT_3_OVER_3 ), // These are slightly better
		Vector3( +fSQRT_3_OVER_3, -fSQRT_3_OVER_3, -fSQRT_3_OVER_3 ), // than axes (1,0,0) and much
		Vector3( -fSQRT_3_OVER_3, -fSQRT_3_OVER_3, -fSQRT_3_OVER_3 )  // faster than edges (1,1,0).

	float totalNoise = 0.f;
	float totalAmplitude = 0.f;
	float currentAmplitude = 1.f;
	float invScale = (1.f / scale);
	Vector3 currentPos( posX * invScale, posY * invScale, posZ * invScale );

	for( unsigned int octaveNum = 0; octaveNum < numOctaves; ++ octaveNum )
		// Determine random unit "gradient vectors" for surrounding corners
		Vector3 cellMins( FastFloor( currentPos.x ), FastFloor( currentPos.y ), FastFloor( currentPos.z ) );
		Vector3 cellMaxs( cellMins.x + 1.f, cellMins.y + 1.f, cellMins.z + 1.f );
		int indexWestX  = (int) cellMins.x;
		int indexSouthY = (int) cellMins.y;
		int indexBelowZ = (int) cellMins.z;
		int indexEastX  = indexWestX  + 1;
		int indexNorthY = indexSouthY + 1;
		int indexAboveZ = indexBelowZ + 1;

		unsigned int noiseBelowSW = Get3dNoiseUint( indexWestX, indexSouthY, indexBelowZ, seed );
		unsigned int noiseBelowSE = Get3dNoiseUint( indexEastX, indexSouthY, indexBelowZ, seed );
		unsigned int noiseBelowNW = Get3dNoiseUint( indexWestX, indexNorthY, indexBelowZ, seed );
		unsigned int noiseBelowNE = Get3dNoiseUint( indexEastX, indexNorthY, indexBelowZ, seed );
		unsigned int noiseAboveSW = Get3dNoiseUint( indexWestX, indexSouthY, indexAboveZ, seed );
		unsigned int noiseAboveSE = Get3dNoiseUint( indexEastX, indexSouthY, indexAboveZ, seed );
		unsigned int noiseAboveNW = Get3dNoiseUint( indexWestX, indexNorthY, indexAboveZ, seed );
		unsigned int noiseAboveNE = Get3dNoiseUint( indexEastX, indexNorthY, indexAboveZ, seed );

		Vector3 gradientBelowSW = gradients[ noiseBelowSW & 0x00000007 ];
		Vector3 gradientBelowSE = gradients[ noiseBelowSE & 0x00000007 ];
		Vector3 gradientBelowNW = gradients[ noiseBelowNW & 0x00000007 ];
		Vector3 gradientBelowNE = gradients[ noiseBelowNE & 0x00000007 ];
		Vector3 gradientAboveSW = gradients[ noiseAboveSW & 0x00000007 ];
		Vector3 gradientAboveSE = gradients[ noiseAboveSE & 0x00000007 ];
		Vector3 gradientAboveNW = gradients[ noiseAboveNW & 0x00000007 ];
		Vector3 gradientAboveNE = gradients[ noiseAboveNE & 0x00000007 ];

		// Dot each corner's gradient with displacement from corner to position
		Vector3 displacementFromBelowSW( currentPos.x - cellMins.x, currentPos.y - cellMins.y, currentPos.z - cellMins.z );
		Vector3 displacementFromBelowSE( currentPos.x - cellMaxs.x, currentPos.y - cellMins.y, currentPos.z - cellMins.z );
		Vector3 displacementFromBelowNW( currentPos.x - cellMins.x, currentPos.y - cellMaxs.y, currentPos.z - cellMins.z );
		Vector3 displacementFromBelowNE( currentPos.x - cellMaxs.x, currentPos.y - cellMaxs.y, currentPos.z - cellMins.z );
		Vector3 displacementFromAboveSW( currentPos.x - cellMins.x, currentPos.y - cellMins.y, currentPos.z - cellMaxs.z );
		Vector3 displacementFromAboveSE( currentPos.x - cellMaxs.x, currentPos.y - cellMins.y, currentPos.z - cellMaxs.z );
		Vector3 displacementFromAboveNW( currentPos.x - cellMins.x, currentPos.y - cellMaxs.y, currentPos.z - cellMaxs.z );
		Vector3 displacementFromAboveNE( currentPos.x - cellMaxs.x, currentPos.y - cellMaxs.y, currentPos.z - cellMaxs.z );

		float dotBelowSW = MathUtils::Dot( gradientBelowSW, displacementFromBelowSW );
		float dotBelowSE = MathUtils::Dot( gradientBelowSE, displacementFromBelowSE );
		float dotBelowNW = MathUtils::Dot( gradientBelowNW, displacementFromBelowNW );
		float dotBelowNE = MathUtils::Dot( gradientBelowNE, displacementFromBelowNE );
		float dotAboveSW = MathUtils::Dot( gradientAboveSW, displacementFromAboveSW );
		float dotAboveSE = MathUtils::Dot( gradientAboveSE, displacementFromAboveSE );
		float dotAboveNW = MathUtils::Dot( gradientAboveNW, displacementFromAboveNW );
		float dotAboveNE = MathUtils::Dot( gradientAboveNE, displacementFromAboveNE );

		// Do a smoothed (nonlinear) weighted average of dot results
		float weightEast  = SmoothStep5( displacementFromBelowSW.x );
		float weightNorth = SmoothStep5( displacementFromBelowSW.y );
		float weightAbove = SmoothStep5( displacementFromBelowSW.z );
		float weightWest  = 1.f - weightEast;
		float weightSouth = 1.f - weightNorth;
		float weightBelow = 1.f - weightAbove;

		// 8-way blend (8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1)
		float blendBelowSouth = (weightEast * dotBelowSE) + (weightWest * dotBelowSW);
		float blendBelowNorth = (weightEast * dotBelowNE) + (weightWest * dotBelowNW);
		float blendAboveSouth = (weightEast * dotAboveSE) + (weightWest * dotAboveSW);
		float blendAboveNorth = (weightEast * dotAboveNE) + (weightWest * dotAboveNW);
		float blendBelow = (weightSouth * blendBelowSouth) + (weightNorth * blendBelowNorth);
		float blendAbove = (weightSouth * blendAboveSouth) + (weightNorth * blendAboveNorth);
		float blendTotal = (weightBelow * blendBelow) + (weightAbove * blendAbove);
		float noiseThisOctave = 1.66666666f * blendTotal; // 3D Perlin is ~[-.6,.6]; map to ~[-1,1]

		// Accumulate results and prepare for next octave (if any)
		totalNoise += noiseThisOctave * currentAmplitude;
		totalAmplitude += currentAmplitude;
		currentAmplitude *= octavePersistence;
		currentPos *= octaveScale;
		currentPos.x += OCTAVE_OFFSET; // Add "irrational" offset to de-align octave grids
		currentPos.y += OCTAVE_OFFSET; // Add "irrational" offset to de-align octave grids
		currentPos.z += OCTAVE_OFFSET; // Add "irrational" offset to de-align octave grids
		++ seed; // Eliminates octaves "echoing" each other (since each octave is uniquely seeded)

	// Re-normalize total noise to within [-1,1] and fix octaves pulling us far away from limits
	if( renormalize && totalAmplitude > 0.f )
		totalNoise /= totalAmplitude;				// Amplitude exceeds 1.0 if octaves are used
		totalNoise = (totalNoise * 0.5f) + 0.5f;	// Map to [0,1]
		totalNoise = SmoothStep( totalNoise );		// Push towards extents (octaves pull us away)
		totalNoise = (totalNoise * 2.0f) - 1.f;		// Map back to [-1,1]

	return totalNoise;
Example #21
Spectrum IGIIntegrator::Li(const Scene *scene,
		const RayDifferential &ray, const Sample *sample,
		   float *alpha) const {
	Spectrum L(0.);
	Intersection isect;
	if (scene->Intersect(ray, &isect)) {
		if (alpha) *alpha = 1.;
		Vector wo = -ray.d;
		// Compute emitted light if ray hit an area light source
		L += isect.Le(wo);
		// Evaluate BSDF at hit point
		BSDF *bsdf = isect.GetBSDF(ray);
		const Point &p = bsdf->dgShading.p;
		const Normal &n = bsdf->dgShading.nn;
		L += UniformSampleAllLights(scene, p, n,
					    wo, bsdf, sample,
					    lightSampleOffset, bsdfSampleOffset,
		// Compute indirect illumination with virtual lights
		u_int lSet = min(u_int(sample->oneD[vlSetOffset][0] * nLightSets),
		for (u_int i = 0; i < virtualLights[lSet].size(); ++i) {
			const VirtualLight &vl = virtualLights[lSet][i];
			// Add contribution from _VirtualLight_ _vl_
			// Ignore light if it's too close to current point
			float d2 = DistanceSquared(p, vl.p);
			//if (d2 < .8 * minDist2) continue;
			float distScale = SmoothStep(.8 * minDist2, 1.2 * minDist2, d2);
			// Compute virtual light's tentative contribution _Llight_
			Vector wi = Normalize(vl.p - p);
			Spectrum f = distScale * bsdf->f(wo, wi);
			if (f.Black()) continue;
			float G = AbsDot(wi, n) * AbsDot(wi, vl.n) / d2;
			Spectrum Llight = indirectScale * f * G * vl.Le /
			Llight *= scene->Transmittance(Ray(p, vl.p - p));
			// Possibly skip shadow ray with Russian roulette
			if (Llight.y() < rrThreshold) {
				float continueProbability = .1f;
				if (RandomFloat() > continueProbability)
				Llight /= continueProbability;
			static StatsCounter vlsr("IGI Integrator", "Shadow Rays to Virtual Lights"); //NOBOOK
			++vlsr; //NOBOOK
			if (!scene->IntersectP(Ray(p, vl.p - p, RAY_EPSILON,
					1.f - RAY_EPSILON)))
				L += Llight;
		// Trace rays for specular reflection and refraction
		if (specularDepth++ < maxSpecularDepth) {
			Vector wi;
			// Trace rays for specular reflection and refraction
			Spectrum f = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi,
			if (!f.Black()) {
				// Compute ray differential _rd_ for specular reflection
				RayDifferential rd(p, wi);
				rd.hasDifferentials = true;
				rd.rx.o = p + isect.dg.dpdx;
				rd.ry.o = p + isect.dg.dpdy;
				// Compute differential reflected directions
				Normal dndx = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudx +
					bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdx;
				Normal dndy = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudy +
					bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdy;
				Vector dwodx = -ray.rx.d - wo, dwody = -ray.ry.d - wo;
				float dDNdx = Dot(dwodx, n) + Dot(wo, dndx);
				float dDNdy = Dot(dwody, n) + Dot(wo, dndy);
				rd.rx.d = wi -
					dwodx + 2 * Vector(Dot(wo, n) * dndx +
						 dDNdx * n);
				rd.ry.d = wi -
					dwody + 2 * Vector(Dot(wo, n) * dndy +
						 dDNdy * n);
				L += scene->Li(rd, sample) * f * AbsDot(wi, n);
			f = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi,
			if (!f.Black()) {
				// Compute ray differential _rd_ for specular transmission
				RayDifferential rd(p, wi);
				rd.hasDifferentials = true;
				rd.rx.o = p + isect.dg.dpdx;
				rd.ry.o = p + isect.dg.dpdy;

				float eta = bsdf->eta;
				Vector w = -wo;
				if (Dot(wo, n) < 0) eta = 1.f / eta;

				Normal dndx = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudx + bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdx;
				Normal dndy = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudy + bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdy;

				Vector dwodx = -ray.rx.d - wo, dwody = -ray.ry.d - wo;
				float dDNdx = Dot(dwodx, n) + Dot(wo, dndx);
				float dDNdy = Dot(dwody, n) + Dot(wo, dndy);

				float mu = eta * Dot(w, n) - Dot(wi, n);
				float dmudx = (eta - (eta*eta*Dot(w,n))/Dot(wi, n)) * dDNdx;
				float dmudy = (eta - (eta*eta*Dot(w,n))/Dot(wi, n)) * dDNdy;

				rd.rx.d = wi + eta * dwodx - Vector(mu * dndx + dmudx * n);
				rd.ry.d = wi + eta * dwody - Vector(mu * dndy + dmudy * n);
				L += scene->Li(rd, sample) * f * AbsDot(wi, n);
	else {
		// Handle ray with no intersection
		if (alpha) *alpha = 0.;
		for (u_int i = 0; i < scene->lights.size(); ++i)
			L += scene->lights[i]->Le(ray);
		if (alpha && !L.Black()) *alpha = 1.;
		return L;
	return L;