BOOLEAN SoraUInitUserExtension(const char * szDevName) { BOOLEAN ret = FALSE; if (!AllocBufferListHead.Flink && !AllocBufferListHead.Blink) InitializeListHead(&AllocBufferListHead); if (SoraQueuedSendPacket == NULL || SoraExitSendPacket == NULL || SoraDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SoraUCleanUserExtension(); SoraQueuedSendPacket = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, MAX_QUEUED_SEND_PACKET, "SoraQueuedSendPacket"); SoraExitSendPacket = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); SoraDevice = CreateFileA ( szDevName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL|FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL ); if (SoraQueuedSendPacket && SoraExitSendPacket && SoraDevice != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ret = TRUE; else SoraUCleanUserExtension(); } else ret = TRUE; return ret; }
void RadioStop(BlinkParams *params) { if (params->TXBuffer != NULL) { SoraUReleaseBuffer((PVOID)params->TXBuffer); } if (params->pRxBuf != NULL) { HRESULT hr; SoraURadioReleaseRxStream(¶ms->>RxStream, params->radioParams.radioId); hr = SoraURadioUnmapRxSampleBuf(params->radioParams.radioId, params->pRxBuf); } SoraUCleanUserExtension(); }
int __cdecl main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { if ( ParseCmdLine (argc, argv) == false ) { usage(); return 0; } if ( CheckParameters () == false ) { return 0; } // init DebugPlot library DebugPlotInit(); InitializeTimestampInfo ( &tsinfo, true ); // begin receive or transmit packets if (!SoraUInitUserExtension("\\\\.\\HWTest")) { printf ( "Error: fail to find the hwtest driver!\n" ); getchar(); return -1; } if ( bWarning ) { printf ( "Warnings - press enter to continue...\n" ); getchar(); } // clear screen system( "cls" ); // Start the main procedure Dot11_main (); // clear screen // system( "cls" ); SoraUCleanUserExtension(); DebugPlotDeinit(); return 0; }
void stop_sora_hw() { // Start Sora HW if (params_rx->inType == TY_SDR || params_tx->outType == TY_SDR) { RadioStop(params_tx); } // Start NDIS if (params_tx->inType == TY_IP) { if (hUplinkThread != NULL) { // Sora cleanup. SoraUThreadStop(hUplinkThread); SoraUThreadFree(hUplinkThread); } SoraUDisableGetTxPacket(); // Winsock cleanup. closesocket(ConnectSocket); WSACleanup(); } if (params_rx->outType == TY_IP) { // To be implemented /* if (hUplinkThread != NULL) { // Sora cleanup. SoraUThreadStop(hUplinkThread); SoraUThreadFree(hUplinkThread); } SoraUDisableGetTxPacket(); // Winsock cleanup. closesocket(ConnectSocket); WSACleanup(); */ } SoraUCleanUserExtension(); }
int __cdecl main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { HRESULT hr; if ( ParseCmdLine (argc, argv) == false ) { usage(); return 0; } // init DebugPlot library DebugPlotInit(); // init sora timestamp library InitializeTimestampInfo ( &tsinfo, false ); do { // begin receive or transmit packets if (!SoraUInitUserExtension("\\\\.\\HWTest")) { printf ( "Error: fail to find the hwtest driver!\n" ); break; } // start UMX // Map Rx Sample Buffer hr = SoraURadioMapRxSampleBuf(TARGET_RADIO, &RxBuffer, &RxBufferSize); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf ( "Fail to map rx buffer!\n" ); break; } // Alloc Tx Sample Buffer SampleBuffer = SoraUAllocBuffer(SampleSize); if (!SampleBuffer) { printf ( "Fail to allocate Tx buffer!\n" ); break; } hr = SoraURadioAllocRxStream(&RxStream, TARGET_RADIO, (PUCHAR)RxBuffer, RxBufferSize); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf ( "Fail to allocate a RX stream!\n" ); break; } printf ( "Configure radio...\n" ); // configure radio parameters properly ConfigureRadio (); if ( sine.Create ( SampleBuffer, SampleSize ) ) { printf ("Sine source starts...\n" ); sine.Start (); } // enter the message loop process_kb (); } while (false); sine.Stop (); SoraURadioReleaseRxStream(&RxStream, TARGET_RADIO); if (SampleBuffer) { SoraUReleaseBuffer(SampleBuffer); SampleBuffer = NULL; } if (RxBuffer) { hr = SoraURadioUnmapRxSampleBuf(TARGET_RADIO, RxBuffer); } SoraUCleanUserExtension(); DebugPlotDeinit(); return 0; }
void DoDump(HANDLE hDevice, ULONG* RadioNo, ULONG Count, char UseTimeStamp, PCSTR szDumpFileName) { ULONG mask = 0; ULONG i; HRESULT err = S_OK; PVOID buf[MAX_RADIO_NUMBER] = { 0 }; ULONG len[MAX_RADIO_NUMBER] = { 0 }; SORA_RADIO_RX_STREAM RxStream[MAX_RADIO_NUMBER] = { 0 }; do { if (!SoraUInitUserExtension("\\\\.\\HWTest")) { err = E_FAIL; break; } for(i=0; i < Count; i++) { if (mask & RadioNo[i]) { err = E_FAIL; break; } if (SoraURadioMapRxSampleBuf(RadioNo[i], &buf[i], &len[i]) != S_OK) { err = E_FAIL; break; } if (SoraURadioAllocRxStream(&RxStream[i], RadioNo[i], buf[i], len[i]) != S_OK) { err = E_FAIL; break; } } if (err == S_OK) { // raise to realtime to dump char** dump_buf = __MALLOC(sizeof(char*) * Count); memset(dump_buf, 0, sizeof(char*) * Count); for(i=0; i < Count; i++) { dump_buf[i] = __MALLOC(DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE); if (!dump_buf[i]) { err = E_FAIL; break; } } SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS); SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL); if (err == S_OK) { ULONG max_timestamp; ULONG last_timestamp = 0; ULONG clear_count = 0; #if 1 if (UseTimeStamp) { for(clear_count=0; clear_count < 2; clear_count++) { for(i=0; i < Count; i++) { last_timestamp = ClearRxBuf(&RxStream[i]); printf("radio: %d, last_timestamp: 0x%08x\n", RadioNo[i], last_timestamp); if (i) { if (last_timestamp > max_timestamp) { if (last_timestamp - max_timestamp > 0x7fffffff) { // timestamp overflow !!! max_timestamp is still the max, do nothing } else max_timestamp = last_timestamp; } else if (max_timestamp > last_timestamp) { if (max_timestamp - last_timestamp > 0x7fffffff) { // timestamp overflow !!! max_timestamp = last_timestamp; } } } else max_timestamp = last_timestamp; } } printf("max_timestamp: 0x%08x\n", max_timestamp); DumpFromTimeStamp(RadioNo, RxStream, dump_buf, Count, max_timestamp + DUMP_BUFFER_DELAY_TIMESTAMP, UseTimeStamp, szDumpFileName); } else { last_timestamp = ClearRxBuf(&RxStream[0]); DumpFromTimeStamp(RadioNo, RxStream, dump_buf, Count, 0, UseTimeStamp, szDumpFileName); } } #endif #if 0 timestamp_for_dump: for(i=0; i < Count; i++) { last_timestamp = ClearRxBuf(&RxStream[i]); printf("last_timestamp: 0x%08x\n", last_timestamp); if (i) { if (last_timestamp > max_timestamp) { if (last_timestamp - max_timestamp > 0x7fffffff) { // timestamp overflow !!! printf("timestamp overflow, retry...\n"); goto timestamp_for_dump; } max_timestamp = last_timestamp; } else if (max_timestamp > last_timestamp) { if (max_timestamp - last_timestamp > 0x7fffffff) { // timestamp overflow !!! printf("timestamp overflow, retry...\n"); goto timestamp_for_dump; } } else if (last_timestamp < min_timestamp) min_timestamp = last_timestamp; } else { min_timestamp = last_timestamp; max_timestamp = last_timestamp; } } printf("max_timestamp: 0x%08x, min_timestamp: 0x%08x\n", max_timestamp, min_timestamp); if ((max_timestamp - min_timestamp) > (DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE/sizeof(RX_BLOCK))/2) { printf("prevent out of sync, retry...\n"); goto timestamp_for_dump; } DumpFromTimeStamp(RadioNo, RxStream, dump_buf, Count, max_timestamp + DUMP_BUFFER_DELAY_TIMESTAMP); } #endif SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS); SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL); for(i=0; i < Count; i++) if (!dump_buf[i]) __FREE(dump_buf[i]); __FREE(dump_buf); } } while(0); for(i=0; i < Count; i++) { if (RxStream[i].__VStreamMask) SoraURadioReleaseRxStream(&RxStream[i], RadioNo[i]); if (buf[i]) SoraURadioUnmapRxSampleBuf(RadioNo[i], buf[i]); } SoraUCleanUserExtension(); }