Example #1
//// Metadata
VideoMetadata::SortKey VideoMetadata::GenerateDefaultSortKey(const VideoMetadata &m,
                                                   bool ignore_case)
    QString title(ignore_case ? m.GetTitle().toLower() : m.GetTitle());
    title = TrimTitle(title, ignore_case);

    return SortKey(SortData(title, m.GetFilename(),
                         QString().sprintf("%.7d", m.GetID())));
Example #2
    SortKey Renderer::CreateSortKey(float depth, Material* material, uint8_t pass)
        uint32_t materialId;

        auto iter = _materialMap.find(material);
        if (iter == _materialMap.end())
            materialId = _lastMaterialId++;

            //Add to the hashmap for later
                std::pair<Material*, uint32_t>(material, materialId));
            //It already exists, use the existing ID
            materialId = iter->second;

        return SortKey(material->blendType, depth, materialId, pass);
Example #3
// Build a ragged TabVector by copying another's direction, shifting it
// to match the given blob, and making its initial extent the height
// of the blob, but its extended bounds from the bounds of the original.
TabVector::TabVector(const TabVector& src, TabAlignment alignment,
                     const ICOORD& vertical_skew, BLOBNBOX* blob)
  : extended_ymin_(src.extended_ymin_), extended_ymax_(src.extended_ymax_),
    sort_key_(0), percent_score_(0), mean_width_(0),
    needs_refit_(true), needs_evaluation_(true), intersects_other_lines_(false),
    top_constraints_(NULL), bottom_constraints_(NULL) {
  BLOBNBOX_C_IT it(&boxes_);
  TBOX box = blob->bounding_box();
  if (IsLeftTab()) {
    startpt_ = box.botleft();
    endpt_ = box.topleft();
  } else {
    startpt_ = box.botright();
    endpt_ = box.topright();
  sort_key_ = SortKey(vertical_skew,
                      (startpt_.x() + endpt_.x()) / 2,
                      (startpt_.y() + endpt_.y()) / 2);
  if (textord_debug_tabfind > 3)
    Print("Constructed a new tab vector:");
Example #4
// (Re)Fit a line to the stored points. Returns false if the line
// is degenerate. Althougth the TabVector code mostly doesn't care about the
// direction of lines, XAtY would give silly results for a horizontal line.
// The class is mostly aimed at use for vertical lines representing
// horizontal tab stops.
bool TabVector::Fit(ICOORD vertical, bool force_parallel) {
  needs_refit_ = false;
  if (boxes_.empty()) {
    // Don't refit something with no boxes, as that only happens
    // in Evaluate, and we don't want to end up with a zero vector.
    if (!force_parallel)
      return false;
    // If we are forcing parallel, then we just need to set the sort_key_.
    ICOORD midpt = startpt_;
    midpt += endpt_;
    midpt /= 2;
    sort_key_ = SortKey(vertical, midpt.x(), midpt.y());
    return startpt_.y() != endpt_.y();
  if (!force_parallel && !IsRagged()) {
    // Use a fitted line as the vertical.
    DetLineFit linepoints;
    BLOBNBOX_C_IT it(&boxes_);
    // Fit a line to all the boxes in the list.
    for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) {
      BLOBNBOX* bbox = it.data();
      TBOX box = bbox->bounding_box();
      int x1 = IsRightTab() ? box.right() : box.left();
      ICOORD boxpt(x1, box.bottom());
      if (it.at_last()) {
        ICOORD top_pt(x1, box.top());
    linepoints.Fit(&startpt_, &endpt_);
    if (startpt_.y() != endpt_.y()) {
      vertical = endpt_;
      vertical -= startpt_;
  int start_y = startpt_.y();
  int end_y = endpt_.y();
  sort_key_ = IsLeftTab() ? MAX_INT32 : -MAX_INT32;
  BLOBNBOX_C_IT it(&boxes_);
  // Choose a line parallel to the vertical such that all boxes are on the
  // correct side of it.
  mean_width_ = 0;
  int width_count = 0;
  for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) {
    BLOBNBOX* bbox = it.data();
    TBOX box = bbox->bounding_box();
    mean_width_ += box.width();
    int x1 = IsRightTab() ? box.right() : box.left();
    // Test both the bottom and the top, as one will be more extreme, depending
    // on the direction of skew.
    int bottom_y = box.bottom();
    int top_y = box.top();
    int key = SortKey(vertical, x1, bottom_y);
    if (IsLeftTab() == (key < sort_key_)) {
      sort_key_ = key;
      startpt_ = ICOORD(x1, bottom_y);
    key = SortKey(vertical, x1, top_y);
    if (IsLeftTab() == (key < sort_key_)) {
      sort_key_ = key;
      startpt_ = ICOORD(x1, top_y);
    if (it.at_first())
      start_y = bottom_y;
    if (it.at_last())
      end_y = top_y;
  if (width_count > 0) {
    mean_width_ = (mean_width_ + width_count - 1) / width_count;
  endpt_ = startpt_ + vertical;
  needs_evaluation_ = true;
  if (start_y != end_y) {
    // Set the ends of the vector to fully include the first and last blobs.
    startpt_.set_x(XAtY(vertical, sort_key_, start_y));
    endpt_.set_x(XAtY(vertical, sort_key_, end_y));
    return true;
  return false;
Example #5
void Application::RenderDeferred()
    _renderer.SetProjectionMatrix(Matrix4x4::Perspective(65, 16.0f / 9.0f, 0.01f, 1000));

    for (auto& entity : _entities)
        //Update sort key
            Vector3::DistanceSqr(_camera.GetPosition(), entity.position));

        //Construct draw call
        DrawCall drawCall;
        drawCall.pass = 0;
        drawCall.material = entity.deferredMaterial;
        drawCall.modelMatrix = Matrix4x4::FromTransform(
            entity.position, entity.rotation, Vector3(entity.scale));

        _renderer.Submit(entity.sortKey, drawCall);

    //Render to GBuffer

    //Render contents of GBuffer

    Light ambientLight;
    DrawCall drawCall;
    drawCall.material = &_deferredLightMaterial;
    drawCall.modelMatrix = Matrix4x4();
    drawCall.light = &ambientLight;
    drawCall.pass = 1;  //Additive

    _renderer.Submit(SortKey(), drawCall);

    for (Light& light : _lights)
        DrawCall drawCall;
        drawCall.material = &_deferredLightMaterial;
        drawCall.modelMatrix = Matrix4x4();
        drawCall.light = &light;
        drawCall.pass = 1;  //Additive

        _renderer.Submit(SortKey(), drawCall);