Example #1
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
int ReadValue(source_t *source, float *value)
	token_t token;

	if (!PC_ExpectAnyToken(source, &token)) return qfalse;
	if (!strcmp(token.string, "-"))
		SourceWarning(source, "negative value set to zero");

		if(!PC_ExpectAnyToken(source, &token))
			SourceError(source, "Missing return value");
			return qfalse;

	if (token.type != TT_NUMBER)
		SourceError(source, "invalid return value %s", token.string);
		return qfalse;

	*value = token.floatvalue;
	return qtrue;
} //end of the function ReadValue
Example #2
// Parameter:			-
// Returns:				-
// Changes Globals:		-
int LoadCfgFile( char *filename ) {
	source_t *source;
	token_t token;
	int settingsdefined;

	source = LoadSourceFile( filename );
	if ( !source ) {
		Log_Print( "couldn't open cfg file %s\n", filename );
		return false;
	} //end if

	settingsdefined = false;
	memset( &cfg, 0, sizeof( cfg_t ) );

	while ( PC_ReadToken( source, &token ) )
		if ( !stricmp( token.string, "bbox" ) ) {
			if ( cfg.numbboxes >= AAS_MAX_BBOXES ) {
				SourceError( source, "too many bounding box volumes defined" );
			} //end if
			if ( !ReadStructure( source, &bbox_struct, (char *) &cfg.bboxes[cfg.numbboxes] ) ) {
				FreeSource( source );
				return false;
			} //end if
			cfg.allpresencetypes |= cfg.bboxes[cfg.numbboxes].presencetype;
		} //end if
		else if ( !stricmp( token.string, "settings" ) ) {
			if ( settingsdefined ) {
				SourceWarning( source, "settings already defined\n" );
			} //end if
			settingsdefined = true;
			if ( !ReadStructure( source, &cfg_struct, (char *) &cfg ) ) {
				FreeSource( source );
				return false;
			} //end if
		} //end else if
	} //end while
	if ( VectorLength( cfg.phys_gravitydirection ) < 0.9 || VectorLength( cfg.phys_gravitydirection ) > 1.1 ) {
		SourceError( source, "invalid gravity direction specified" );
	} //end if
	if ( cfg.numbboxes <= 0 ) {
		SourceError( source, "no bounding volumes specified" );
	} //end if
	FreeSource( source );
	Log_Print( "using cfg file %s\n", filename );
	return true;
} //end of the function LoadCfgFile
Example #3
 * ErrorBox - show an error message in a dialog box
void ErrorBox( char *str, ... )
    va_list     al;
    char        tmp[MAX_STR];

    if( MessageWindow != NO_WINDOW ) {
        WindowAuxUpdate( MessageWindow, WIND_INFO_TEXT_COLOR,
                            messagew_info.hilight.foreground );
        WindowAuxUpdate( MessageWindow, WIND_INFO_BACKGROUND_COLOR,
                            messagew_info.hilight.background );
        va_start( al, str );
        MyVSprintf( tmp, str, al );
        va_end( al );

        SourceError( tmp );
        Message1Box( "%s", tmp );

        WindowAuxUpdate( MessageWindow, WIND_INFO_TEXT_COLOR,
                            messagew_info.text.foreground );
        WindowAuxUpdate( MessageWindow, WIND_INFO_BACKGROUND_COLOR,
                            messagew_info.text.background );
    } else {
        va_start( al, str );
#ifndef __WIN__
        MyVPrintf( str, al );
        MyPrintf( "\n" );
        va_end( al );

} /* Error */
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
weightconfig_t *ReadWeightConfig( char *filename ) {
	int newindent, avail = 0, n;
	token_t token;
	source_t *source;
	fuzzyseperator_t *fs;
	weightconfig_t *config = NULL;
#ifdef DEBUG
	int starttime;

	starttime = Sys_MilliSeconds();
#endif //DEBUG

	if ( !LibVarGetValue( "bot_reloadcharacters" ) ) {
		avail = -1;
		for ( n = 0; n < MAX_WEIGHT_FILES; n++ )
			config = weightFileList[n];
			if ( !config ) {
				if ( avail == -1 ) {
					avail = n;
				} //end if
			} //end if
			if ( strcmp( filename, config->filename ) == 0 ) {
				//botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "retained %s\n", filename );
				return config;
			} //end if
		} //end for

		if ( avail == -1 ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_ERROR, "weightFileList was full trying to load %s\n", filename );
			return NULL;
		} //end if
	} //end if

	source = LoadSourceFile( filename );
	if ( !source ) {
		botimport.Print( PRT_ERROR, "counldn't load %s\n", filename );
		return NULL;
	} //end if
	config = (weightconfig_t *) GetClearedMemory( sizeof( weightconfig_t ) );
	config->numweights = 0;
	Q_strncpyz( config->filename, filename, sizeof( config->filename ) );
	//parse the item config file
	while ( PC_ReadToken( source, &token ) )
		if ( !strcmp( token.string, "weight" ) ) {
			if ( config->numweights >= MAX_WEIGHTS ) {
				SourceWarning( source, "too many fuzzy weights" );
			} //end if
			if ( !PC_ExpectTokenType( source, TT_STRING, 0, &token ) ) {
				FreeWeightConfig( config );
				FreeSource( source );
				return NULL;
			} //end if
			StripDoubleQuotes( token.string );
			config->weights[config->numweights].name = (char *) GetClearedMemory( strlen( token.string ) + 1 );
			strcpy( config->weights[config->numweights].name, token.string );
			if ( !PC_ExpectAnyToken( source, &token ) ) {
				FreeWeightConfig( config );
				FreeSource( source );
				return NULL;
			} //end if
			newindent = qfalse;
			if ( !strcmp( token.string, "{" ) ) {
				newindent = qtrue;
				if ( !PC_ExpectAnyToken( source, &token ) ) {
					FreeWeightConfig( config );
					FreeSource( source );
					return NULL;
				} //end if
			} //end if
			if ( !strcmp( token.string, "switch" ) ) {
				fs = ReadFuzzySeperators_r( source );
				if ( !fs ) {
					FreeWeightConfig( config );
					FreeSource( source );
					return NULL;
				} //end if
				config->weights[config->numweights].firstseperator = fs;
			} //end if
			else if ( !strcmp( token.string, "return" ) ) {
				fs = (fuzzyseperator_t *) GetClearedMemory( sizeof( fuzzyseperator_t ) );
				fs->index = 0;
				fs->value = MAX_INVENTORYVALUE;
				fs->next = NULL;
				fs->child = NULL;
				if ( !ReadFuzzyWeight( source, fs ) ) {
					FreeMemory( fs );
					FreeWeightConfig( config );
					FreeSource( source );
					return NULL;
				} //end if
				config->weights[config->numweights].firstseperator = fs;
			} //end else if
				SourceError( source, "invalid name %s", token.string );
				FreeWeightConfig( config );
				FreeSource( source );
				return NULL;
			} //end else
			if ( newindent ) {
				if ( !PC_ExpectTokenString( source, "}" ) ) {
					FreeWeightConfig( config );
					FreeSource( source );
					return NULL;
				} //end if
			} //end if
		} //end if
			SourceError( source, "invalid name %s", token.string );
			FreeWeightConfig( config );
			FreeSource( source );
			return NULL;
		} //end else
	} //end while
	  //free the source at the end of a pass
	FreeSource( source );
	//if the file was located in a pak file
	botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "loaded %s\n", filename );
#ifdef DEBUG
	if ( botDeveloper ) {
		botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "weights loaded in %d msec\n", Sys_MilliSeconds() - starttime );
	} //end if
#endif //DEBUG
	if ( !LibVarGetValue( "bot_reloadcharacters" ) ) {
		weightFileList[avail] = config;
	} //end if
	return config;
} //end of the function ReadWeightConfig
// Parameter:			-
// Returns:				-
// Changes Globals:		-
fuzzyseperator_t *ReadFuzzySeperators_r( source_t *source ) {
	int newindent, index, def, founddefault;
	token_t token;
	fuzzyseperator_t *fs, *lastfs, *firstfs;

	founddefault = qfalse;
	firstfs = NULL;
	lastfs = NULL;
	if ( !PC_ExpectTokenString( source, "(" ) ) {
		return NULL;
	if ( !PC_ExpectTokenType( source, TT_NUMBER, TT_INTEGER, &token ) ) {
		return NULL;
	index = token.intvalue;
	if ( !PC_ExpectTokenString( source, ")" ) ) {
		return NULL;
	if ( !PC_ExpectTokenString( source, "{" ) ) {
		return NULL;
	if ( !PC_ExpectAnyToken( source, &token ) ) {
		return NULL;
		def = !strcmp( token.string, "default" );
		if ( def || !strcmp( token.string, "case" ) ) {
			fs = (fuzzyseperator_t *) GetClearedMemory( sizeof( fuzzyseperator_t ) );
			fs->index = index;
			if ( lastfs ) {
				lastfs->next = fs;
			} else { firstfs = fs;}
			lastfs = fs;
			if ( def ) {
				if ( founddefault ) {
					SourceError( source, "switch already has a default" );
					FreeFuzzySeperators_r( firstfs );
					return NULL;
				} //end if
				fs->value = MAX_INVENTORYVALUE;
				founddefault = qtrue;
			} //end if
				if ( !PC_ExpectTokenType( source, TT_NUMBER, TT_INTEGER, &token ) ) {
					FreeFuzzySeperators_r( firstfs );
					return NULL;
				} //end if
				fs->value = token.intvalue;
			} //end else
			if ( !PC_ExpectTokenString( source, ":" ) || !PC_ExpectAnyToken( source, &token ) ) {
				FreeFuzzySeperators_r( firstfs );
				return NULL;
			} //end if
			newindent = qfalse;
			if ( !strcmp( token.string, "{" ) ) {
				newindent = qtrue;
				if ( !PC_ExpectAnyToken( source, &token ) ) {
					FreeFuzzySeperators_r( firstfs );
					return NULL;
				} //end if
			} //end if
			if ( !strcmp( token.string, "return" ) ) {
				if ( !ReadFuzzyWeight( source, fs ) ) {
					FreeFuzzySeperators_r( firstfs );
					return NULL;
				} //end if
			} //end if
			else if ( !strcmp( token.string, "switch" ) ) {
				fs->child = ReadFuzzySeperators_r( source );
				if ( !fs->child ) {
					FreeFuzzySeperators_r( firstfs );
					return NULL;
				} //end if
			} //end else if
				SourceError( source, "invalid name %s", token.string );
				return NULL;
			} //end else
			if ( newindent ) {
				if ( !PC_ExpectTokenString( source, "}" ) ) {
					FreeFuzzySeperators_r( firstfs );
					return NULL;
				} //end if
			} //end if
		} //end if
			FreeFuzzySeperators_r( firstfs );
			SourceError( source, "invalid name %s", token.string );
			return NULL;
		} //end else
		if ( !PC_ExpectAnyToken( source, &token ) ) {
			FreeFuzzySeperators_r( firstfs );
			return NULL;
		} //end if
	} while ( strcmp( token.string, "}" ) );
	if ( !founddefault ) {
		SourceWarning( source, "switch without default" );
		fs = (fuzzyseperator_t *) GetClearedMemory( sizeof( fuzzyseperator_t ) );
		fs->index = index;
		fs->weight = 0;
		fs->next = NULL;
		fs->child = NULL;
		if ( lastfs ) {
			lastfs->next = fs;
		} else { firstfs = fs;}
	} //end if
	return firstfs;
} //end of the function ReadFuzzySeperators_r
Example #6
qboolean ReadNumber(source_t *source, fielddef_t *fd, void *p) {
	token_t token;
	int negative = qfalse;
	long int intval, intmin = 0, intmax = 0;
	double floatval;

	if (!PC_ExpectAnyToken(source, &token)) {
		return 0;
	// check for minus sign
	if (token.type == TT_PUNCTUATION) {
		if (fd->type & FT_UNSIGNED) {
			SourceError(source, "expected unsigned value, found %s", token.string);
			return 0;
		// if not a minus sign
		if (strcmp(token.string, "-")) {
			SourceError(source, "unexpected punctuation %s", token.string);
			return 0;

		negative = qtrue;
		// read the number
		if (!PC_ExpectAnyToken(source, &token)) {
			return 0;
	// check if it is a number
	if (token.type != TT_NUMBER) {
		SourceError(source, "expected number, found %s", token.string);
		return 0;
	// check for a float value
	if (token.subtype & TT_FLOAT) {
		if ((fd->type & FT_TYPE) != FT_FLOAT) {
			SourceError(source, "unexpected float");
			return 0;

		floatval = token.floatvalue;

		if (negative) {
			floatval = -floatval;

		if (fd->type & FT_BOUNDED) {
			if (floatval < fd->floatmin || floatval > fd->floatmax) {
				SourceError(source, "float out of range [%f, %f]", fd->floatmin, fd->floatmax);
				return 0;

		*(float *)p = (float)floatval;
		return 1;

	intval = token.intvalue;

	if (negative) {
		intval = -intval;
	// check bounds
	if ((fd->type & FT_TYPE) == FT_CHAR) {
		if (fd->type & FT_UNSIGNED) {
			intmin = 0;
			intmax = 255;
		} else {
			intmin = -128;
			intmax = 127;

	if ((fd->type & FT_TYPE) == FT_INT) {
		if (fd->type & FT_UNSIGNED) {
			intmin = 0;
			intmax = 65535;
		} else {
			intmin = -32768;
			intmax = 32767;

	if ((fd->type & FT_TYPE) == FT_CHAR || (fd->type & FT_TYPE) == FT_INT) {
		if (fd->type & FT_BOUNDED) {
			intmin = Maximum(intmin, fd->floatmin);
			intmax = Minimum(intmax, fd->floatmax);

		if (intval < intmin || intval > intmax) {
			SourceError(source, "value %ld out of range [%ld, %ld]", intval, intmin, intmax);
			return 0;
	} else if ((fd->type & FT_TYPE) == FT_FLOAT) {
		if (fd->type & FT_BOUNDED) {
			if (intval < fd->floatmin || intval > fd->floatmax) {
				SourceError(source, "value %ld out of range [%f, %f]", intval, fd->floatmin, fd->floatmax);
				return 0;
	// store the value
	if ((fd->type & FT_TYPE) == FT_CHAR) {
		if (fd->type & FT_UNSIGNED) {
			*(unsigned char *)p = (unsigned char)intval;
		} else {
			*(char *)p = (char)intval;
	} else if ((fd->type & FT_TYPE) == FT_INT) {
		if (fd->type & FT_UNSIGNED) {
			*(unsigned int *)p = (unsigned int)intval;
		} else {
			*(int *)p = (int)intval;
	} else if ((fd->type & FT_TYPE) == FT_FLOAT) {
		*(float *)p = (float)intval;

	return 1;
Example #7
int ReadStructure(source_t *source, structdef_t *def, char *structure) {
	token_t token;
	fielddef_t *fd;
	void *p;
	int num;

	if (!PC_ExpectTokenString(source, "{")) {
		return 0;

	while (1) {
		if (!PC_ExpectAnyToken(source, &token)) {
			return qfalse;
		// if end of structure
		if (!strcmp(token.string, "}")) {
		// find the field with the name
		fd = FindField(def->fields, token.string);

		if (!fd) {
			SourceError(source, "unknown structure field %s", token.string);
			return qfalse;

		if (fd->type & FT_ARRAY) {
			num = fd->maxarray;

			if (!PC_ExpectTokenString(source, "{")) {
				return qfalse;
		} else {
			num = 1;

		p = (void *)(structure + fd->offset);

		while (num-- > 0) {
			if (fd->type & FT_ARRAY) {
				if (PC_CheckTokenString(source, "}")) {

			switch (fd->type & FT_TYPE) {
				case FT_CHAR:
					if (!ReadChar(source, fd, p)) {
						return qfalse;

					p = (char *)p + sizeof(char);
				case FT_INT:
					if (!ReadNumber(source, fd, p)) {
						return qfalse;

					p = (char *)p + sizeof(int);
				case FT_FLOAT:
					if (!ReadNumber(source, fd, p)) {
						return qfalse;

					p = (char *)p + sizeof(float);
				case FT_STRING:
					if (!ReadString(source, fd, p)) {
						return qfalse;

					p = (char *)p + MAX_STRINGFIELD;
				case FT_STRUCT:
					if (!fd->substruct) {
						SourceError(source, "BUG: no sub structure defined");
						return qfalse;

					ReadStructure(source, fd->substruct, (char *)p);

					p = (char *)p + fd->substruct->size;

			if (fd->type & FT_ARRAY) {
				if (!PC_ExpectAnyToken(source, &token)) {
					return qfalse;

				if (!strcmp(token.string, "}")) {

				if (strcmp(token.string, ",")) {
					SourceError(source, "expected a comma, found %s", token.string);
					return qfalse;

	return qtrue;
Example #8
// Parameter:           -
// Returns:             -
// Changes Globals:     -
bot_character_t *BotLoadCharacterFromFile( char *charfile, int skill )
    int             indent, index, foundcharacter;
    bot_character_t *ch;
    source_t        *source;
    token_t         token;

    foundcharacter = qfalse;
    //a bot character is parsed in two phases
    PS_SetBaseFolder( "botfiles" );
    source = LoadSourceFile( charfile );
    PS_SetBaseFolder( "" );

    if ( !source )
        botimport.Print( PRT_ERROR, "counldn't load %s\n", charfile );
        return NULL;
    } //end if

    ch = ( bot_character_t * ) GetClearedMemory( sizeof( bot_character_t ) + MAX_CHARACTERISTICS * sizeof( bot_characteristic_t ) );
    strcpy( ch->filename, charfile );

    while ( PC_ReadToken( source, &token ) )
        if ( !strcmp( token.string, "skill" ) )
            if ( !PC_ExpectTokenType( source, TT_NUMBER, 0, &token ) )
                FreeSource( source );
                BotFreeCharacterStrings( ch );
                FreeMemory( ch );
                return NULL;
            } //end if

            if ( !PC_ExpectTokenString( source, "{" ) )
                FreeSource( source );
                BotFreeCharacterStrings( ch );
                FreeMemory( ch );
                return NULL;
            } //end if

            //if it's the correct skill
            if ( skill < 0 || token.intvalue == skill )
                foundcharacter = qtrue;
                ch->skill = token.intvalue;

                while ( PC_ExpectAnyToken( source, &token ) )
                    if ( !strcmp( token.string, "}" ) )

                    if ( token.type != TT_NUMBER || !( token.subtype & TT_INTEGER ) )
                        SourceError( source, "expected integer index, found %s\n", token.string );
                        FreeSource( source );
                        BotFreeCharacterStrings( ch );
                        FreeMemory( ch );
                        return NULL;
                    } //end if

                    index = token.intvalue;

                    if ( index < 0 || index > MAX_CHARACTERISTICS )
                        SourceError( source, "characteristic index out of range [0, %d]\n", MAX_CHARACTERISTICS );
                        FreeSource( source );
                        BotFreeCharacterStrings( ch );
                        FreeMemory( ch );
                        return NULL;
                    } //end if

                    if ( ch->c[ index ].type )
                        SourceError( source, "characteristic %d already initialized\n", index );
                        FreeSource( source );
                        BotFreeCharacterStrings( ch );
                        FreeMemory( ch );
                        return NULL;
                    } //end if

                    if ( !PC_ExpectAnyToken( source, &token ) )
                        FreeSource( source );
                        BotFreeCharacterStrings( ch );
                        FreeMemory( ch );
                        return NULL;
                    } //end if

                    if ( token.type == TT_NUMBER )
                        if ( token.subtype & TT_FLOAT )
                            ch->c[ index ].value._float = token.floatvalue;
                            ch->c[ index ].type = CT_FLOAT;
                        } //end if
                            ch->c[ index ].value.integer = token.intvalue;
                            ch->c[ index ].type = CT_INTEGER;
                        } //end else
                    } //end if
                    else if ( token.type == TT_STRING )
                        StripDoubleQuotes( token.string );
                        ch->c[ index ].value.string = GetMemory( strlen( token.string ) + 1 );
                        strcpy( ch->c[ index ].value.string, token.string );
                        ch->c[ index ].type = CT_STRING;
                    } //end else if
                        SourceError( source, "expected integer, float or string, found %s\n", token.string );
                        FreeSource( source );
                        BotFreeCharacterStrings( ch );
                        FreeMemory( ch );
                        return NULL;
                    } //end else
                } //end if

            } //end if
                indent = 1;

                while ( indent )
                    if ( !PC_ExpectAnyToken( source, &token ) )
                        FreeSource( source );
                        BotFreeCharacterStrings( ch );
                        FreeMemory( ch );
                        return NULL;
                    } //end if

                    if ( !strcmp( token.string, "{" ) )
                    else if ( !strcmp( token.string, "}" ) )
                } //end while
            } //end else
        } //end if
            SourceError( source, "unknown definition %s\n", token.string );
            FreeSource( source );
            BotFreeCharacterStrings( ch );
            FreeMemory( ch );
            return NULL;
        } //end else
    } //end while

    FreeSource( source );

    if ( !foundcharacter )
        BotFreeCharacterStrings( ch );
        FreeMemory( ch );
        return NULL;
    } //end if

    return ch;
} //end of the function BotLoadCharacterFromFile
Example #9
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
itemconfig_t *LoadItemConfig( char *filename ) {
	int max_iteminfo;
	token_t token;
	char path[MAX_PATH];
	source_t *source;
	itemconfig_t *ic;
	iteminfo_t *ii;

	max_iteminfo = (int) LibVarValue( "max_iteminfo", "256" );
	if ( max_iteminfo < 0 ) {
		botimport.Print( PRT_ERROR, "max_iteminfo = %d\n", max_iteminfo );
		max_iteminfo = 128;
		LibVarSet( "max_iteminfo", "128" );

	strncpy( path, filename, MAX_PATH );
	source = LoadSourceFile( path );
	if ( !source ) {
		botimport.Print( PRT_ERROR, "counldn't load %s\n", path );
		return NULL;
	} //end if
	  //initialize item config
	ic = (itemconfig_t *) GetClearedHunkMemory( sizeof( itemconfig_t ) +
												max_iteminfo * sizeof( iteminfo_t ) );
	ic->iteminfo = ( iteminfo_t * )( (char *) ic + sizeof( itemconfig_t ) );
	ic->numiteminfo = 0;
	//parse the item config file
	while ( PC_ReadToken( source, &token ) )
		if ( !strcmp( token.string, "iteminfo" ) ) {
			if ( ic->numiteminfo >= max_iteminfo ) {
				SourceError( source, "more than %d item info defined\n", max_iteminfo );
				FreeMemory( ic );
				FreeSource( source );
				return NULL;
			} //end if
			ii = &ic->iteminfo[ic->numiteminfo];
			memset( ii, 0, sizeof( iteminfo_t ) );
			if ( !PC_ExpectTokenType( source, TT_STRING, 0, &token ) ) {
				FreeMemory( ic );
				FreeMemory( source );
				return NULL;
			} //end if
			StripDoubleQuotes( token.string );
			strncpy( ii->classname, token.string, sizeof( ii->classname ) - 1 );
			if ( !ReadStructure( source, &iteminfo_struct, (char *) ii ) ) {
				FreeMemory( ic );
				FreeSource( source );
				return NULL;
			} //end if
			ii->number = ic->numiteminfo;
		} //end if
			SourceError( source, "unknown definition %s\n", token.string );
			FreeMemory( ic );
			FreeSource( source );
			return NULL;
		} //end else
	} //end while
	FreeSource( source );
	if ( !ic->numiteminfo ) {
		botimport.Print( PRT_WARNING, "no item info loaded\n" );
	botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "loaded %s\n", path );
	return ic;
} //end of the function LoadItemConfig
Example #10
void desugar (AST::ExpPtr& e)
	auto span = e->span;

	if (auto var = dynamic_cast<AST::VarExp*>(e.get()))
	else if (auto let = dynamic_cast<AST::LetExp*>(e.get()))
	else if (auto assign = dynamic_cast<AST::AssignExp*>(e.get()))
		auto lh = assign->children[0];
		auto rh = assign->children[1];
		bool okay = false;

		if (auto mem = dynamic_cast<AST::MemberExp*>(lh.get()))
			auto obj = mem->children[0];
			auto what = mem->children[1];
			auto span = assign->span;

			if (mem->kind == AST::MemberExp::Get)
				// a[b] = c   ->   a.set(b, c)
				e = AST::methodCall(span, obj, Names::Set, { what, rh });
				okay = true;
		else if (lh->is<AST::VarExp>() || lh->is<AST::PropertyExp>())
			okay = true;

		if (!okay)
			throw SourceError("invalid left-hand of assignment", lh->span);
	else if (auto mem = dynamic_cast<AST::MemberExp*>(e.get()))
		auto obj = mem->children[0];
		auto args = mem->children;

		// a[b]   ->   a.get(b)
		// a[b,]  ->   a.sub_from(b)
		// a[,b]  ->   a.sub_to(b)
		// a[b,c] ->   a.sub(b, c)
		switch (mem->kind)
		case AST::MemberExp::Slice:
			e = AST::methodCall(span, obj, Names::Slice, { args[1], args[2] });
		case AST::MemberExp::SliceFrom:
			e = AST::methodCall(span, obj, Names::SliceFrom, { args[1] });
		case AST::MemberExp::SliceTo:
			e = AST::methodCall(span, obj, Names::SliceTo, { args[1] });
		case AST::MemberExp::Get:
			e = AST::methodCall(span, obj, Names::Get, { args[1] });
	else if (auto cmp = dynamic_cast<AST::CompareExp*>(e.get()))
		AST::ExpPtr res;
		auto a = cmp->children[0];
		auto b = cmp->children[1];

		// a == b   ->   a.equal(b) == true
		// a != b   ->   a.equal(b) == false
		// a > b    ->   a.cmp(b) > 0
		// a < b    ->   a.cmp(b) < 0
		// etc.
		if (cmp->kind == AST::CompareExp::Eq ||
				cmp->kind == AST::CompareExp::NotEq)
			res = AST::methodCall(span, a, Names::Equal, { b });
			res = AST::methodCall(span, a, Names::Compare, { b });

		e = AST::ExpPtr(new AST::CompareExp(res, cmp->kind));
		e->span = span;
	else if (auto obj = dynamic_cast<AST::ObjectExp*>(e.get()))
	else if (auto lam = dynamic_cast<AST::LambdaExp*>(e.get()))
		for (auto arg : lam->args)
			if (arg.type != nullptr)
	else if (dynamic_cast<AST::ListExp*>(e.get()))
		auto elems = e->children;

		// build linked list right to left
		auto res = AST::Exp::nil(span);

		for (size_t i = 0, len = elems.size(); i < len; i++)
			auto elem = elems[len - i - 1];
			res = AST::Exp::cons(elem->span, elem, res);

		e = res;
		desugar(e); // again!
	else if (auto block = dynamic_cast<AST::BlockExp*>(e.get()))
		for (auto& c : e->children)
			if (c == block->last)
				c = block->last;
	else if (auto match = dynamic_cast<AST::MatchExp*>(e.get()))
		for (auto& pat : match->patterns)

	for (auto& c : e->children)
Example #11
static itemconfig_t* LoadItemConfig( const char* filename ) {
	int max_iteminfo = ( int )LibVarValue( "max_iteminfo", "256" );
	if ( max_iteminfo < 0 ) {
		BotImport_Print( PRT_ERROR, "max_iteminfo = %d\n", max_iteminfo );
		max_iteminfo = 256;
		LibVarSet( "max_iteminfo", "256" );

	if ( GGameType & GAME_Quake3 ) {
	char path[ MAX_QPATH ];
	String::NCpyZ( path, filename, MAX_QPATH );
	source_t* source = LoadSourceFile( path );
	if ( !source ) {
		BotImport_Print( PRT_ERROR, "counldn't load %s\n", path );
		return NULL;
	//initialize item config
	itemconfig_t* ic = ( itemconfig_t* )Mem_ClearedAlloc( sizeof ( itemconfig_t ) +
		max_iteminfo * sizeof ( iteminfo_t ) );
	ic->iteminfo = ( iteminfo_t* )( ( char* )ic + sizeof ( itemconfig_t ) );
	ic->numiteminfo = 0;
	//parse the item config file
	token_t token;
	while ( PC_ReadToken( source, &token ) ) {
		if ( !String::Cmp( token.string, "iteminfo" ) ) {
			if ( ic->numiteminfo >= max_iteminfo ) {
				SourceError( source, "more than %d item info defined\n", max_iteminfo );
				Mem_Free( ic );
				FreeSource( source );
				return NULL;
			iteminfo_t* ii = &ic->iteminfo[ ic->numiteminfo ];
			Com_Memset( ii, 0, sizeof ( iteminfo_t ) );
			if ( !PC_ExpectTokenType( source, TT_STRING, 0, &token ) ) {
				Mem_Free( ic );
				FreeSource( source );
				return NULL;
			StripDoubleQuotes( token.string );
			String::NCpy( ii->classname, token.string, sizeof ( ii->classname ) - 1 );
			if ( !ReadStructure( source, &iteminfo_struct, ( char* )ii ) ) {
				Mem_Free( ic );
				FreeSource( source );
				return NULL;
			ii->number = ic->numiteminfo;
		} else {
			SourceError( source, "unknown definition %s\n", token.string );
			Mem_Free( ic );
			FreeSource( source );
			return NULL;
	FreeSource( source );

	if ( !ic->numiteminfo ) {
		BotImport_Print( PRT_WARNING, "no item info loaded\n" );
	BotImport_Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "loaded %s\n", path );
	return ic;