Example #1
int HullType::ProductionTime(int empire_id, int location_id) const {
    if (CHEAP_AND_FAST_SHIP_PRODUCTION || !m_production_time) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        if (ValueRef::ConstantExpr(m_production_time))
            return m_production_time->Eval();

        UniverseObject* location = GetUniverseObject(location_id);
        if (!location)
            return 9999;    // arbitrary large number

        const UniverseObject* source = SourceForEmpire(empire_id);
        ScriptingContext context(source, location);

        return m_production_time->Eval(context);
Example #2
float HullType::ProductionCost(int empire_id, int location_id) const {
    if (CHEAP_AND_FAST_SHIP_PRODUCTION || !m_production_cost) {
        return 1.0f;
    } else {
        if (ValueRef::ConstantExpr(m_production_cost))
            return static_cast<float>(m_production_cost->Eval());

        TemporaryPtr<UniverseObject> location = GetUniverseObject(location_id);
        if (!location)
            return 999999.9f;    // arbitrary large number

        TemporaryPtr<const UniverseObject> source = SourceForEmpire(empire_id);
        ScriptingContext context(source, location);

        return static_cast<float>(m_production_cost->Eval(context));
Example #3
int PartType::ProductionTime(int empire_id, int location_id) const {
    if (CHEAP_AND_FAST_SHIP_PRODUCTION || !m_production_time) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        if (ValueRef::ConstantExpr(m_production_time))
            return m_production_time->Eval();

        TemporaryPtr<UniverseObject> location = GetUniverseObject(location_id);
        if (!location)
            return 9999;    // arbitrary large number

        TemporaryPtr<const UniverseObject> source = SourceForEmpire(empire_id);
        if (!source && !m_production_time->SourceInvariant())
            return 9999;

        ScriptingContext context(source, location);

        return m_production_time->Eval(context);
Example #4
bool ShipDesign::ProductionLocation(int empire_id, int location_id) const {
    const UniverseObject* location = GetUniverseObject(location_id);
    if (!location)
        return false;

    // currently ships can only be built at planets, and by species that are
    // not planetbound
    const Planet* planet = universe_object_cast<const Planet*>(location);
    if (!planet)
        return false;
    const std::string& species_name = planet->SpeciesName();
    if (species_name.empty())
        return false;
    const Species* species = GetSpecies(species_name);
    if (!species)
        return false;
    if (!species->CanProduceShips())
        return false;
    // also, species that can't colonize can't produce colony ships
    if (this->CanColonize() && !species->CanColonize())
        return false;

    Empire* empire = Empires().Lookup(empire_id);
    if (!empire) {
        Logger().debugStream() << "ShipDesign::ProductionLocation: Unable to get pointer to empire " << empire_id;
        return false;

    // get a source object, which is owned by the empire with the passed-in
    // empire id.  this is used in conditions to reference which empire is
    // doing the producing.  Ideally this will be the capital, but any object
    // owned by the empire will work.
    const UniverseObject* source = SourceForEmpire(empire_id);
    // if this empire doesn't own ANYTHING, then how is it producing anyway?
    if (!source)
        return false;

    // apply hull location conditions to potential location
    const HullType* hull = GetHull();
    if (!hull) {
        Logger().errorStream() << "ShipDesign::ProductionLocation  ShipDesign couldn't get its own hull with name " << m_hull;
        return false;
    if (!hull->Location()->Eval(ScriptingContext(source), location))
        return false;

    // apply external and internal parts' location conditions to potential location
    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator part_it = m_parts.begin(); part_it != m_parts.end(); ++part_it) {
        std::string part_name = *part_it;
        if (part_name.empty())
            continue;       // empty slots don't limit build location

        const PartType* part = GetPartType(part_name);
        if (!part) {
            Logger().errorStream() << "ShipDesign::ProductionLocation  ShipDesign couldn't get part with name " << part_name;
            return false;
        if (!part->Location()->Eval(ScriptingContext(source), location))
            return false;
    // location matched all hull and part conditions, so is a valid build location
    return true;