Example #1
  LrDpleInternal::getSparsity(const std::map<std::string, std::vector<Sparsity> >& st,
                              const std::vector< std::vector<int> > &Hs_) {
    // Chop-up the arguments
    std::vector<Sparsity> As, Vs, Cs, Hs;
    if (st.count("a")) As = st.at("a");
    if (st.count("v")) Vs = st.at("v");
    if (st.count("c")) Cs = st.at("c");
    if (st.count("h")) Hs = st.at("h");

    bool with_H = !Hs.empty();

    int K = As.size();

    Sparsity A;
    if (K==1) {
      A = As[0];
    } else {
      Sparsity AL = diagcat(vector_slice(As, range(As.size()-1)));

      Sparsity AL2 = horzcat(AL, Sparsity(AL.size1(), As[0].size2()));
      Sparsity AT = horzcat(Sparsity(As[0].size1(), AL.size2()), As.back());
      A = vertcat(AT, AL2);

    Sparsity V = diagcat(Vs.back(), diagcat(vector_slice(Vs, range(Vs.size()-1))));
    Sparsity C;

    if (!Cs.empty()) {
      C = diagcat(Cs.back(), diagcat(vector_slice(Cs, range(Cs.size()-1))));
    Sparsity H;
    std::vector<int> Hs_agg;

    std::vector<int> Hi(1, 0);
    if (Hs_.size()>0 && with_H) {
      H = diagcat(Hs.back(), diagcat(vector_slice(Hs, range(Hs.size()-1))));
      for (int k=0;k<K;++k) {
        Hs_agg.insert(Hs_agg.end(), Hs_[k].begin(), Hs_[k].end());
        int sum=0;
        for (int i=0;i<Hs_[k].size();++i) {
          sum+= Hs_[k][i];

    Sparsity res = LrDleInternal::getSparsity(make_map("a", A, "v", V, "c", C, "h", H), Hs_agg);

    if (with_H) {
      return diagsplit(res, Hi);
    } else {
      return diagsplit(res, As[0].size2());
Example #2
 Sparsity horzcat(const std::vector<Sparsity> & sp) {
     return Sparsity();
   } else {
     Sparsity ret = sp[0];
     for(int i=1; i<sp.size(); ++i) {
     return ret;
Example #3
 Sparsity Conic::get_sparsity_out(int i) {
   switch (static_cast<ConicOutput>(i)) {
   case CONIC_COST:
     return Sparsity::scalar();
   case CONIC_X:
   case CONIC_LAM_X:
     return Sparsity::dense(nx_, 1);
   case CONIC_LAM_A:
     return Sparsity::dense(na_, 1);
   case CONIC_NUM_OUT: break;
   return Sparsity();
Example #4
  // Constructor
  Conic::Conic(const std::string& name, const std::map<std::string, Sparsity> &st)
    : FunctionInternal(name) {
    for (auto i=st.begin(); i!=st.end(); ++i) {
      if (i->first=="a") {
        A_ = i->second;
      } else if (i->first=="h") {
        H_ = i->second;
      } else {
        casadi_error("Unrecognized field in QP structure: " << i->first);

    // We need either A or H
    casadi_assert_message(!A_.is_null() || !H_.is_null(),
      "Cannot determine dimension");

    // Generate A or H
    if (A_.is_null()) {
      A_ = Sparsity(0, H_.size2());
    } else if (H_.is_null()) {
      H_ = Sparsity(A_.size2(), A_.size2());
    } else {
      // Consistency check
        "Got incompatible dimensions.   min          x'Hx + G'x s.t.   LBA <= Ax <= UBA :"
        << std::endl <<
        "H: " << H_.dim() << " - A: " << A_.dim() << std::endl <<
        "We need: H_.size2()==A_.size2()" << std::endl);

      "Got incompatible dimensions.   min          x'Hx + G'x" << std::endl <<
      "H: " << H_.dim() <<
      "We need H square & symmetric" << std::endl);

    nx_ = A_.size2();
    na_ = A_.size1();
Example #5
  void QpToQcqp::init() {
    // Initialize the base classes

    Dict options;
    if (hasSetOption(optionsname())) options = getOption(optionsname());
    options = OptionsFunctionality::addOptionRecipe(options, "qp");

    // Create an QcqpSolver instance
    solver_ = QcqpSolver("qcqpsolver", getOption(solvername()),
                         make_map("h", input(QP_SOLVER_H).sparsity(),
                                  "p", Sparsity(n_, 0),
                                  "a", input(QP_SOLVER_A).sparsity()),
  DM CSparseCholeskyInterface::linsol_cholesky(void* mem, bool tr) const {
    auto m = static_cast<CsparseCholMemory*>(mem);

    cs *L = m->L->L;
    int nz = L->nzmax;
    std::vector< int > colind(L->m+1);
    std::copy(L->p, L->p+L->m+1, colind.begin());
    std::vector< int > row(nz);
    std::copy(L->i, L->i+nz, row.begin());
    std::vector< double > data(nz);
    std::copy(L->x, L->x+nz, data.begin());
    DM ret(Sparsity(L->n, L->m, colind, row), data, false);

    return tr ? ret.T() : ret;
  DMatrix CSparseCholeskyInternal::getFactorization(bool transpose) const {
    cs *L = L_->L;
    int nz = L->nzmax;
    int m = L->m; // number of cols
    int n = L->n; // number of rows
    std::vector< int > colind(m+1);
    std::copy(L->p, L->p+m+1, colind.begin());
    std::vector< int > row(nz);
    std::copy(L->i, L->i+nz, row.begin());
    std::vector< double > data(nz);
    std::copy(L->x, L->x+nz, data.begin());
    DMatrix ret(Sparsity(n, m, colind, row), data, false);

    return transpose? ret.T() : ret;
Example #8
  std::vector<Sparsity> horzsplit(const Sparsity& sp, const std::vector<int>& offset){
    // Consistency check
    casadi_assert_message(offset.back()==sp.size2(),"horzsplit(Sparsity,std::vector<int>): Last elements of offset (" << offset.back() << ") must equal the number of columns (" << sp.size2() << ")");

    // Number of outputs
    int n = offset.size()-1;

    // Get the sparsity of the input
    const vector<int>& colind_x = sp.colind();
    const vector<int>& row_x = sp.row();
    // Allocate result
    std::vector<Sparsity> ret;

    // Sparsity pattern as CCS vectors
    vector<int> colind, row;
    int ncol, nrow = sp.size1();

    // Get the sparsity patterns of the outputs
    for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){
      int first_col = offset[i];
      int last_col = offset[i+1];
      ncol = last_col - first_col;

      // Construct the sparsity pattern
      copy(colind_x.begin()+first_col, colind_x.begin()+last_col+1, colind.begin());
      for(vector<int>::iterator it=colind.begin()+1; it!=colind.end(); ++it) *it -= colind[0];
      colind[0] = 0;
      // Append to the list

    // Return (RVO)
    return ret;
Example #9
 Sparsity Conic::get_sparsity_in(int i) {
   switch (static_cast<ConicInput>(i)) {
   case CONIC_X0:
   case CONIC_G:
   case CONIC_LBX:
   case CONIC_UBX:
   case CONIC_LAM_X0:
     return get_sparsity_out(CONIC_X);
   case CONIC_LBA:
   case CONIC_UBA:
   case CONIC_LAM_A0:
     return get_sparsity_out(CONIC_LAM_A);
   case CONIC_A:
     return A_;
   case CONIC_H:
     return H_;
   case CONIC_NUM_IN: break;
   return Sparsity();
Example #10
 Sparsity blkdiag(const std::vector< Sparsity > &v) {
   int n = 0;
   int m = 0;
   std::vector<int> colind(1,0);
   std::vector<int> row;
   int nz = 0;
   for (int i=0;i<v.size();++i) {
     const std::vector<int> &colind_ = v[i].colind();
     const std::vector<int> &row_ = v[i].row();
     for (int k=1;k<colind_.size();++k) {
     for (int k=0;k<row_.size();++k) {
     n+= v[i].size2();
     m+= v[i].size1();
     nz+= v[i].size();
   return Sparsity(m,n,colind,row);
Example #11
  void SdqpToSdp::init() {
    // Initialize the base classes

    cholesky_ = LinearSolver("cholesky", "csparsecholesky", st_[SDQP_STRUCT_H]);

    MX g_socp = MX::sym("x", cholesky_.getFactorizationSparsity(true));
    MX h_socp = MX::sym("h", n_);

    MX f_socp = sqrt(inner_prod(h_socp, h_socp));
    MX en_socp = 0.5/f_socp;

    MX f_sdqp = MX::sym("f", input(SDQP_SOLVER_F).sparsity());
    MX g_sdqp = MX::sym("g", input(SDQP_SOLVER_G).sparsity());

    std::vector<MX> fi(n_+1);
    MX znp = MX(n_+1, n_+1);
    for (int k=0;k<n_;++k) {
      MX gk = vertcat(g_socp(ALL, k), MX(1, 1));
      MX fk = -blockcat(znp, gk, gk.T(), MX(1, 1));
      // TODO(Joel): replace with ALL
      fi.push_back(diagcat(f_sdqp(ALL, Slice(f_sdqp.size1()*k, f_sdqp.size1()*(k+1))), fk));
    MX fin = en_socp*DMatrix::eye(n_+2);
    fin(n_, n_+1) = en_socp;
    fin(n_+1, n_) = en_socp;

    fi.push_back(diagcat(DMatrix(f_sdqp.size1(), f_sdqp.size1()), -fin));

    MX h0 = vertcat(h_socp, DMatrix(1, 1));
    MX g = blockcat(f_socp*DMatrix::eye(n_+1), h0, h0.T(), f_socp);

    g = diagcat(g_sdqp, g);

    Dict opts;
    opts["input_scheme"] = IOScheme("g_socp", "h_socp", "f_sdqp", "g_sdqp");
    opts["output_scheme"] = IOScheme("f", "g");
    mapping_ = MXFunction("mapping", make_vector(g_socp, h_socp, f_sdqp, g_sdqp),
                          make_vector(horzcat(fi), g), opts);

    Dict options;
    if (hasSetOption(optionsname())) options = getOption(optionsname());
    // Create an SdpSolver instance
    solver_ = SdpSolver("sdpsolver", getOption(solvername()),
                        make_map("g", mapping_.output("g").sparsity(),
                                 "f", mapping_.output("f").sparsity(),
                                 "a", horzcat(input(SDQP_SOLVER_A).sparsity(),
                                              Sparsity(nc_, 1))),


    // Output arguments
    output(SDQP_SOLVER_X) = DMatrix::zeros(n_, 1);

    std::vector<int> r = range(input(SDQP_SOLVER_G).size1());
    output(SDQP_SOLVER_P) = solver_.output(SDP_SOLVER_P).isempty() ? DMatrix() :
        solver_.output(SDP_SOLVER_P)(r, r);
    output(SDQP_SOLVER_DUAL) = solver_.output(SDP_SOLVER_DUAL).isempty() ? DMatrix() :
        solver_.output(SDP_SOLVER_DUAL)(r, r);
    output(SDQP_SOLVER_COST) = 0.0;
    output(SDQP_SOLVER_DUAL_COST) = 0.0;
    output(SDQP_SOLVER_LAM_X) = DMatrix::zeros(n_, 1);
    output(SDQP_SOLVER_LAM_A) = DMatrix::zeros(nc_, 1);
Example #12
 void SparseStorage<DataType>::clear() {
   sparsity_ = Sparsity(0, 0);
Example #13
 SparseStorage<DataType>::SparseStorage() : sparsity_(Sparsity(0, 0)) {
Example #14
namespace CasADi{

\ingroup expression_tools

  /** \brief  concatenate vertically
  *  horzcat(horzsplit(x,...)) = x
  MX horzcat(const std::vector<MX>& x);

  /** \brief  split vertically, retaining groups of cols
  * \param output_offset List of all start cols for each group
  *      the last col group will run to the end.
  *   horzcat(horzsplit(x,...)) = x
  std::vector<MX> horzsplit(const MX& x, const std::vector<int>& output_offset);

  /** \brief  split vertically, retaining fixed-sized groups of cols
  * \param incr Size of each group of cols
  *  horzcat(horzsplit(x,...)) = x
  std::vector<MX> horzsplit(const MX& x, int incr=1);
  /** \brief  concatenate horizontally 
  *   vertcat(vertsplit(x,...)) = x
  MX vertcat(const std::vector<MX>& comp);
  /** \brief  split horizontally, retaining groups of rows
  * \param output_offset List of all start rows for each group
  *      the last row group will run to the end.
  *   vertcat(vertsplit(x,...)) = x
  std::vector<MX> vertsplit(const MX& x, const std::vector<int>& output_offset);

  /** \brief  split horizontally, retaining fixed-sized groups of rows
  * \param incr Size of each group of rows
  *   vertcat(vertsplit(x,...)) = x
  std::vector<MX> vertsplit(const MX& x, int incr=1);
  /** \brief Construct a matrix from a list of list of blocks.
  *   blockcat(blocksplit(x,...,...)) = x
  MX blockcat(const std::vector< std::vector<MX > > &v);
  /** \brief  chop up into blocks
  * \brief vert_offset Defines the boundaries of the block cols
  * \brief horz_offset Defines the boundaries of the block rows
  *   blockcat(blocksplit(x,...,...)) = x
  std::vector< std::vector<MX > > blocksplit(const MX& x, const std::vector<int>& vert_offset, const std::vector<int>& horz_offset);

  /** \brief  chop up into blocks
  * \brief vert_incr Defines the increment for block boundaries in col dimension
  * \brief horz_incr Defines the increment for block boundaries in row dimension
  *   blockcat(blocksplit(x,...,...)) = x
  std::vector< std::vector<MX > > blocksplit(const MX& x, int vert_incr = 1, int horz_incr = 1);

#ifndef SWIG
  /** \brief Construct a matrix from a list of list of blocks.*/
  MX blockcat(const MX &A,const MX &B,const MX &C,const MX &D);
#endif // SWIG

  /** \brief Concatenate vertically while vectorizing all arguments */
  MX veccat(const std::vector<MX>& comp);

  /** \brief  concatenate vertically while vecing all arguments with vecNZ */
  MX vecNZcat(const std::vector<MX>& comp);

#ifndef SWIG
  /** \brief  concatenate vertically, two matrices */
  MX horzcat(const MX& a, const MX& b);

  /** \brief  concatenate horizontally, two matrices */
  MX vertcat(const MX& a, const MX& b);
#endif // SWIG

  /** \brief  Frobenius norm  */
  MX norm_F(const MX &x);

  /** \brief  2-norm  */
  MX norm_2(const MX &x);

  /** \brief 1-norm  */
  MX norm_1(const MX &x);

  /** \brief Infinity-norm */
  MX norm_inf(const MX &x);

  /** \brief Transpose an expression */
  MX transpose(const MX &x);

  /** \brief  Take the matrix product of 2 MX objects
  * With optional sp_z you can specify the sparsity of the result
  * A typical use case might be where the product is only constructed to 
  * inspect the trace of it. sp_z diagonal will be more efficient then.
  MX mul(const MX &x, const MX &y, const Sparsity& sp_z=Sparsity());

  /** \brief  Take the matrix product of n MX objects */
  MX mul(const std::vector< MX > &x);

  /** \brief  Take the inner product of two vectors 
      with x and y vectors
  MX inner_prod(const MX &x, const MX &y);

  /** \brief  Take the outer product of two vectors 
      with x and y vectors
  MX outer_prod(const MX &x, const MX &y);

  /** \brief Branching on MX nodes
      Ternary operator, "cond ? if_true : if_false"
  MX if_else(const MX &cond, const MX &if_true, const MX &if_false); 

#ifndef SWIG
  //! \brief Returns a reshaped version of the MX
  MX reshape(const MX &x, int nrow, int ncol);
#endif // SWIG

  //! \brief Returns a reshaped version of the MX, dimensions as a vector
  MX reshape(const MX &x, std::pair<int,int> rc);

  //! \brief Reshape the MX
  MX reshape(const MX &x, const Sparsity& sp);

  /** \brief Returns a vectorized version of the MX
      Same as reshape(x, x.numel(),1)
      a c
      b d 
      turns into
  MX vec(const MX &x);
  /** \brief Returns a vectorized version of the MX, prseverving only nonzeros
  MX vecNZ(const MX &x);

  /** \brief  Unite two matrices no overlapping sparsity */
  MX unite(const MX& A, const MX& B);

  /** \brief  Simplify an expression */
  void simplify(MX& ex);

  /** \brief Matrix trace */
  MX trace(const MX& A);

  /** \brief Repeat matrix A n times vertically and m times horizontally */
  MX repmat(const MX &A, int n, int m); 

  /** \brief create a clipped view into a matrix
      Create a sparse matrix from a dense matrix A, with sparsity pattern sp
  //MX clip(const MX& A, const Sparsity& sp);
  /** \brief  Make the matrix dense if not already */
  MX dense(const MX& x);
#endif // SWIGOCTAVE

  /** \brief  Create a parent MX on which all given MX's will depend.

      In some sense, this function is the inverse of 
      \param deps  Must all be symbolic matrices.
  MX createParent(std::vector<MX> &deps);

  /** \brief  Create a parent MX on which a bunch of MX's (sizes given as argument) will depend
  MX createParent(const std::vector<MX> &deps, std::vector<MX>& SWIG_OUTPUT(children));

  /** \brief  Create a parent MX on which a bunch of MX's (sizes given as argument) will depend
  MX createParent(const std::vector<Sparsity> &deps, std::vector<MX>& SWIG_OUTPUT(children));

  /** Count number of nodes */
  int countNodes(const MX& A);

  /** \brief  Get the diagonal of a matrix or construct a diagonal

      When the input is square, the diagonal elements are returned.
      If the input is vector-like, a diagonal matrix is constructed with it.
  MX diag(const MX& x);

  /** \brief   Construct a matrix with given blocks on the diagonal */
  MX blkdiag(const std::vector<MX> &A);

#ifndef SWIG
  /** \brief   Construct a matrix with given blocks on the diagonal */
  MX blkdiag(const MX &A, const MX& B);
#endif // SWIG

  /** \brief Return a col-wise summation of elements */
  MX sumCols(const MX &x);

  /** \brief Return a row-wise summation of elements */
  MX sumRows(const MX &x);

  /// Return summation of all elements
  MX sumAll(const MX &x); 

  /** \brief  Evaluate a polynomial with coefficeints p in x */
  MX polyval(const MX& p, const MX& x);

  /** \brief Get a string representation for a binary MX, using custom arguments */
  std::string getOperatorRepresentation(const MX& x, const std::vector<std::string>& args);

  /** \brief  Substitute variable v with expression vdef in an expression ex */
  MX substitute(const MX &ex, const MX& v, const MX& vdef);

  /** \brief  Substitute variable var with expression expr in multiple expressions */
  std::vector<MX> substitute(const std::vector<MX> &ex, const std::vector<MX> &v, const std::vector<MX> &vdef);
  /** \brief  Substitute variable v with expression vdef in an expression ex, preserving nodes */
  MX graph_substitute(const MX &ex, const std::vector<MX> &v, const std::vector<MX> &vdef);

  /** \brief  Substitute variable var with expression expr in multiple expressions, preserving nodes  */
  std::vector<MX> graph_substitute(const std::vector<MX> &ex, const std::vector<MX> &v, const std::vector<MX> &vdef);

  /** \brief Inplace substitution
   * Substitute variables v out of the expressions vdef sequentially 
#ifndef SWIG
  void substituteInPlace(const std::vector<MX>& v, std::vector<MX>& vdef, bool reverse=false);
#else // SWIG
  void substituteInPlace(const std::vector<MX>& v, std::vector<MX>& INOUT, bool reverse=false);
#endif // SWIG

  /** \brief Inplace substitution with piggyback expressions
   * Substitute variables v out of the expressions vdef sequentially, as well as out of a number of other expressions piggyback */
#ifndef SWIG
  void substituteInPlace(const std::vector<MX>& v, std::vector<MX>& vdef, std::vector<MX>& ex, bool reverse=false);
#else // SWIG
  void substituteInPlace(const std::vector<MX>& v, std::vector<MX>& INOUT, std::vector<MX>& INOUT, bool reverse=false);
#endif // SWIG

  /** \brief Extract shared subexpressions from an set of expressions */
  void extractShared(std::vector<MX>& ex, 
                     std::vector<MX>& v, std::vector<MX>& vdef, 
                     const std::string& v_prefix="v_", const std::string& v_suffix="");

  /** \brief Print compact, introducing new variables for shared subexpressions */
  void printCompact(const MX& ex, std::ostream &stream=std::cout);

  /** \brief Calculate jacobian via source code transformation

      Uses CasADi::MXFunction::jac
  MX jacobian(const MX &ex, const MX &arg);
  MX gradient(const MX &ex, const MX &arg);
  MX tangent(const MX &ex, const MX &arg);
  /** \brief Computes the nullspace of a matrix A
  * Finds Z m-by-(m-n) such that AZ = 0 
  * with A n-by-m with m > n
  * Assumes A is full rank
  * Inspired by Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing by Ake Bjorck
  MX nullspace(const MX& A);

  /** \brief Matrix determinant (experimental) */
  MX det(const MX& A);

  /** \brief Matrix inverse (experimental) */
  MX inv(const MX& A);

  /** \brief Get all symbols contained in the supplied expression
  * Get all symbols on which the supplied expression depends
  * \see MXFunction::getFree()
  std::vector<MX> getSymbols(const MX& e);
  /** \brief Get all symbols contained in the supplied expression
  * Get all symbols on which the supplied expression depends
  * \see MXFunction::getFree()
  std::vector<MX> getSymbols(const std::vector<MX>& e);
  /** \brief Check if expression depends on any of the arguments
    The arguments must be symbolic
  bool dependsOn(const MX& ex, const std::vector<MX> &arg);
  /** \brief Expand MX graph to SXFunction call
  *  Expand the given expression e, optionally
  *  supplying expressions contained in it at which expansion should stop.
  MX matrix_expand(const MX& e, const std::vector<MX> &boundary = std::vector<MX>());

  /** \brief Expand MX graph to SXFunction call
  *  Expand the given expression e, optionally
  *  supplying expressions contained in it at which expansion should stop.
  std::vector<MX> matrix_expand(const std::vector<MX>& e, const std::vector<MX> &boundary = std::vector<MX>());

  /** \brief Kronecker tensor product
  * Creates a block matrix in which each element (i,j) is a_ij*b 
  MX kron(const MX& a, const MX& b);

  /** \brief Solve a system of equations: A*x = b 
  MX solve(const MX& A, const MX& b, linearSolverCreator lsolver = SymbolicQR::creator, const Dictionary& dict = Dictionary());

  /** \brief Computes the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse
  * If the matrix A is fat (size1>size2), mul(A,pinv(A)) is unity.
  * If the matrix A is slender (size2<size1), mul(pinv(A),A) is unity.
  MX pinv(const MX& A, linearSolverCreator lsolver, const Dictionary& dict = Dictionary());

/// \cond INTERNAL
#ifndef WITHOUT_PRE_1_9_X
/** \brief [DEPRECATED]
  inline MX msym(const std::string& name, int nrow=1, int ncol=1){ return MX::sym(name,nrow,ncol); }
  inline MX msym(const std::string& name, const std::pair<int,int> & rc){ return MX::sym(name,rc);}
  inline std::vector<MX> msym(const std::string& name, const Sparsity& sp, int p){ return MX::sym(name,sp,p);}
  inline std::vector<MX> msym(const std::string& name, int nrow, int ncol, int p){ return MX::sym(name,nrow,ncol,p);}
  inline std::vector<std::vector<MX> > msym(const std::string& name, const Sparsity& sp, int p, int r){ return MX::sym(name,sp,p,r);}
  inline std::vector<std::vector<MX> > msym(const std::string& name, int nrow, int ncol, int p, int r){ return MX::sym(name,nrow,ncol,p,r);}
  inline MX msym(const std::string& name, const Sparsity& sp){ return MX::sym(name,sp);}
  inline MX msym(const Matrix<double>& x){ return MX(x);}
  inline bool isVector(const MX& ex){ return ex.isVector();}
  inline bool isDense(const MX& ex){ return ex.isDense();}  
  inline void makeDense(MX& x){ return x.densify();}
  inline MX densify(const MX& x){ MX ret(x); ret.densify(); return ret;}
  inline bool isSymbolic(const MX& ex){ return ex.isSymbolic();}
  inline bool isSymbolicSparse(const MX& ex){ return ex.isSymbolicSparse();}
  inline bool isIdentity(const MX& ex){ return ex.isIdentity();}
  inline bool isZero(const MX& ex){ return ex.isZero();}
  inline bool isOne(const MX& ex){ return ex.isOne();}
  inline bool isMinusOne(const MX& ex){ return ex.isMinusOne();}
  inline bool isTranspose(const MX& ex){ return ex.isTranspose();}
  inline bool isRegular(const MX& ex){ return ex.isRegular();}
  inline MX trans(const MX &x){ return transpose(x);}
/// \endcond

/** @}

} // namespace CasADi
Example #15
        A : DenseMatrix  4 x 3
        B : SparseMatrix 4 x 3 , 5 structural non-zeros

        k = A.find()
        A[k] will contain the elements of A that are non-zero in B
    std::vector<int> find(bool ind1=SWIG_IND1) const;

#ifndef SWIG
    /// Get the location of all nonzero elements (inplace version)
    void find(std::vector<int>& loc, bool ind1=false) const;
#endif // SWIG

    /** \brief Perform a unidirectional coloring: A greedy distance-2 coloring algorithm
        (Algorithm 3.1 in A. H. GEBREMEDHIN, F. MANNE, A. POTHEN) */
    Sparsity unidirectionalColoring(const Sparsity& AT=Sparsity(),
                                    int cutoff = std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) const;

    /** \brief Perform a star coloring of a symmetric matrix:
        A greedy distance-2 coloring algorithm
        Algorithm 4.1 in
          What Color Is Your Jacobian? Graph Coloring for Computing Derivatives
          SIAM Rev., 47(4), 629–705 (2006)

        Ordering options: None (0), largest first (1)
    Sparsity starColoring(int ordering = 1, int cutoff = std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) const;

    /** \brief Perform a star coloring of a symmetric matrix:
        A new greedy distance-2 coloring algorithm
Example #16
  void Sqpmethod::init() {
    // Call the init method of the base class

    // Read options
    max_iter_ = getOption("max_iter");
    max_iter_ls_ = getOption("max_iter_ls");
    c1_ = getOption("c1");
    beta_ = getOption("beta");
    merit_memsize_ = getOption("merit_memory");
    lbfgs_memory_ = getOption("lbfgs_memory");
    tol_pr_ = getOption("tol_pr");
    tol_du_ = getOption("tol_du");
    regularize_ = getOption("regularize");
    exact_hessian_ = getOption("hessian_approximation")=="exact";
    min_step_size_ = getOption("min_step_size");

    // Get/generate required functions
    if (exact_hessian_) {

    // Allocate a QP solver
    Sparsity H_sparsity = exact_hessian_ ? hessLag().output().sparsity()
        : Sparsity::dense(nx_, nx_);
    H_sparsity = H_sparsity + Sparsity::diag(nx_);
    Sparsity A_sparsity = jacG().isNull() ? Sparsity(0, nx_)
        : jacG().output().sparsity();

    // QP solver options
    Dict qp_solver_options;
    if (hasSetOption("qp_solver_options")) {
      qp_solver_options = getOption("qp_solver_options");

    // Allocate a QP solver
    qp_solver_ = QpSolver("qp_solver", getOption("qp_solver"),
                          make_map("h", H_sparsity, "a", A_sparsity),

    // Lagrange multipliers of the NLP

    // Lagrange gradient in the next iterate

    // Current linearization point

    // Constraint function value

    // Hessian approximation
    Bk_ = DMatrix::zeros(H_sparsity);

    // Jacobian
    Jk_ = DMatrix::zeros(A_sparsity);

    // Bounds of the QP

    // QP solution

    // Gradient of the objective

    // Create Hessian update function
    if (!exact_hessian_) {
      // Create expressions corresponding to Bk, x, x_old, gLag and gLag_old
      SX Bk = SX::sym("Bk", H_sparsity);
      SX x = SX::sym("x", input(NLP_SOLVER_X0).sparsity());
      SX x_old = SX::sym("x", x.sparsity());
      SX gLag = SX::sym("gLag", x.sparsity());
      SX gLag_old = SX::sym("gLag_old", x.sparsity());

      SX sk = x - x_old;
      SX yk = gLag - gLag_old;
      SX qk = mul(Bk, sk);

      // Calculating theta
      SX skBksk = inner_prod(sk, qk);
      SX omega = if_else(inner_prod(yk, sk) < 0.2 * inner_prod(sk, qk),
                               0.8 * skBksk / (skBksk - inner_prod(sk, yk)),
      yk = omega * yk + (1 - omega) * qk;
      SX theta = 1. / inner_prod(sk, yk);
      SX phi = 1. / inner_prod(qk, sk);
      SX Bk_new = Bk + theta * mul(yk, yk.T()) - phi * mul(qk, qk.T());

      // Inputs of the BFGS update function
      vector<SX> bfgs_in(BFGS_NUM_IN);
      bfgs_in[BFGS_BK] = Bk;
      bfgs_in[BFGS_X] = x;
      bfgs_in[BFGS_X_OLD] = x_old;
      bfgs_in[BFGS_GLAG] = gLag;
      bfgs_in[BFGS_GLAG_OLD] = gLag_old;
      bfgs_ = SXFunction("bfgs", bfgs_in, make_vector(Bk_new));

      // Initial Hessian approximation
      B_init_ = DMatrix::eye(nx_);

    // Header
    if (static_cast<bool>(getOption("print_header"))) {
        << "-------------------------------------------" << endl
        << "This is casadi::SQPMethod." << endl;
      if (exact_hessian_) {
        userOut() << "Using exact Hessian" << endl;
      } else {
        userOut() << "Using limited memory BFGS Hessian approximation" << endl;
        << endl
        << "Number of variables:                       " << setw(9) << nx_ << endl
        << "Number of constraints:                     " << setw(9) << ng_ << endl
        << "Number of nonzeros in constraint Jacobian: " << setw(9) << A_sparsity.nnz() << endl
        << "Number of nonzeros in Lagrangian Hessian:  " << setw(9) << H_sparsity.nnz() << endl
        << endl;
Example #17
 Project::Project(const MX& x, const Sparsity& sp) {