Sound EEG_to_Sound_modulated (EEG me, double baseFrequency, double channelBandwidth, const wchar_t *channelRanges) {
	try {
		long numberOfChannels;
		autoNUMvector <long> channelNumbers (NUMstring_getElementsOfRanges (channelRanges, my d_numberOfChannels, & numberOfChannels, NULL, L"channel", true), 1);
		double maxFreq = baseFrequency + my d_numberOfChannels * channelBandwidth;
		double samplingFrequency = 2 * maxFreq;
		samplingFrequency = samplingFrequency < 44100 ? 44100 : samplingFrequency;
		autoSound thee = Sound_createSimple (1, my xmax - my xmin, samplingFrequency);
		for (long i = 1; i <= numberOfChannels; i++) {
			long ichannel = channelNumbers[i];
			double fbase = baseFrequency;// + (ichannel - 1) * channelBandwidth;
			autoSound si = Sound_extractChannel (my d_sound, ichannel);
			autoSpectrum spi = Sound_to_Spectrum (si.peek(), 1);
			Spectrum_passHannBand (spi.peek(), 0.5, channelBandwidth - 0.5, 0.5);
			autoSpectrum spi_shifted = Spectrum_shiftFrequencies (spi.peek(), fbase, samplingFrequency / 2, 30);
			autoSound resampled = Spectrum_to_Sound (spi_shifted.peek());
			long nx = resampled -> nx < thy nx ? resampled -> nx : thy nx;
			for (long j = 1; j <= nx; j++) {
				thy z[1][j] += resampled -> z[1][j];
		Vector_scale (thee.peek(), 0.99);
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": no playable sound created.");
Example #2
Sound Cepstrum_to_Sound (Cepstrum me) {
	try {
		autoSpectrum sx = Cepstrum_to_Spectrum (me);
		autoSound thee = Spectrum_to_Sound (sx.peek());
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": no Sound calculated.");
Example #3
autoSound Sound_filter_stopHannBand (Sound me, double fmin, double fmax, double smooth) {
	try {
		autoSound thee = Data_copy (me);
		if (my ny == 1) {
			autoSpectrum spec = Sound_to_Spectrum (me, true);
			Spectrum_stopHannBand (spec.peek(), fmin, fmax, smooth);
			autoSound him = Spectrum_to_Sound (spec.peek());
			NUMvector_copyElements (his z [1], thy z [1], 1, thy nx);
		} else {
			for (long ichan = 1; ichan <= my ny; ichan ++) {
				autoSound channel = Sound_extractChannel (me, ichan);
				autoSpectrum spec = Sound_to_Spectrum (channel.peek(), true);
				Spectrum_stopHannBand (spec.peek(), fmin, fmax, smooth);
				autoSound him = Spectrum_to_Sound (spec.peek());
				NUMvector_copyElements (his z [1], thy z [ichan], 1, thy nx);
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not filtered (stop Hann band).");
Example #4
autoSound Sound_filter_formula (Sound me, const char32 *formula, Interpreter interpreter) {
	try {
		autoSound thee = Data_copy (me);
		if (my ny == 1) {
			autoSpectrum spec = Sound_to_Spectrum (me, true);
			Matrix_formula ((Matrix) spec.peek(), formula, interpreter, nullptr);
			autoSound him = Spectrum_to_Sound (spec.peek());
			NUMvector_copyElements (his z [1], thy z [1], 1, thy nx);
		} else {
			for (long ichan = 1; ichan <= my ny; ichan ++) {
				autoSound channel = Sound_extractChannel (me, ichan);
				autoSpectrum spec = Sound_to_Spectrum (channel.peek(), true);
				Matrix_formula ((Matrix) spec.peek(), formula, interpreter, nullptr);
				autoSound him = Spectrum_to_Sound (spec.peek());
				NUMvector_copyElements (his z [1], thy z [ichan], 1, thy nx);
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not filtered (with formula).");
Sound EEG_to_Sound_frequencyShifted (EEG me, long channel, double frequencyShift, double samplingFrequency, double maxAmp) {
	try {
		autoSound si = Sound_extractChannel (my d_sound, channel);
		autoSpectrum spi = Sound_to_Spectrum (si.peek(), 1);
		autoSpectrum spi_shifted = Spectrum_shiftFrequencies (spi.peek(), frequencyShift, samplingFrequency / 2, 30);
		autoSound thee = Spectrum_to_Sound (spi_shifted.peek());
		if (maxAmp > 0) {
			Vector_scale (thee.peek(), maxAmp);
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": channel not converted to sound.");
Example #6
autoPitch Pitch_smooth (Pitch me, double bandWidth) {
	try {
		autoPitch interp = Pitch_interpolate (me);
		autoMatrix matrix1 = Pitch_to_Matrix (interp.peek());
		autoSound sound1 = Sound_create (1, 2 * matrix1->xmin - matrix1->xmax, 2 * matrix1->xmax - matrix1->xmin,
			3 * matrix1->nx, matrix1->dx, matrix1->x1 - 2 * matrix1->nx * matrix1->dx);

		long firstVoiced = 0, lastVoiced = 0;
		for (long i = 1; i <= matrix1 -> nx; i ++) {
			double f = matrix1 -> z [1] [i];
			if (f != 0.0) {
				if (! firstVoiced) firstVoiced = i;
				lastVoiced = i;
				sound1 -> z [1] [i + matrix1 -> nx] = f;

		/* Extrapolate. */
		double fextrap = matrix1 -> z [1] [firstVoiced];
		firstVoiced += matrix1 -> nx;
		for (long i = 1; i < firstVoiced; i ++)
			sound1 -> z [1] [i] = fextrap;
		fextrap = matrix1 -> z [1] [lastVoiced];
		lastVoiced += matrix1 -> nx;
		for (long i = lastVoiced + 1; i <= sound1 -> nx; i ++)
			sound1 -> z [1] [i] = fextrap;

		/* Smooth. */
		autoSpectrum spectrum = Sound_to_Spectrum (sound1.peek(), true);
		for (long i = 1; i <= spectrum -> nx; i ++) {
			double f = (i - 1) * spectrum -> dx, fT = f / bandWidth, factor = exp (- fT * fT);
			spectrum -> z [1] [i] *= factor;
			spectrum -> z [2] [i] *= factor;
		autoSound sound2 = Spectrum_to_Sound (spectrum.peek());

		autoMatrix matrix2 = Matrix_create (my xmin, my xmax, my nx, my dx, my x1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
		for (long i = 1; i <= my nx; i ++) {
			double originalF0 = my frame [i]. candidate [1]. frequency;
			matrix2 -> z [1] [i] = originalF0 > 0.0 && originalF0 < my ceiling ?
				sound2 -> z [1] [i + matrix2 -> nx] : 0.0;
		autoPitch thee = Matrix_to_Pitch (matrix2.peek());
		thy ceiling = my ceiling;
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not smoothed.");
Example #7
Spectrum Spectrum_cepstralSmoothing (Spectrum me, double bandWidth) {
	try {
		 * dB-spectrum is log (power).
		autoSpectrum dBspectrum = Data_copy (me);
		double *re = dBspectrum -> z [1], *im = dBspectrum -> z [2];
		for (long i = 1; i <= dBspectrum -> nx; i ++) {
			re [i] = log (re [i] * re [i] + im [i] * im [i] + 1e-300);
			im [i] = 0.0;

		 * Cepstrum is Fourier transform of dB-spectrum.
		autoSound cepstrum = Spectrum_to_Sound (dBspectrum.peek());

		 * Multiply cepstrum by a Gaussian.
		double factor = - bandWidth * bandWidth;
		for (long i = 1; i <= cepstrum -> nx; i ++) {
			double t = (i - 1) * cepstrum -> dx;
			cepstrum -> z [1] [i] *= exp (factor * t * t) * ( i == 1 ? 1 : 2 );

		 * Smoothed power spectrum is original power spectrum convolved with a Gaussian.
		autoSpectrum thee = Sound_to_Spectrum (cepstrum.peek(), TRUE);

		 * Convert power spectrum back into a "complex" spectrum without phase information.
		re = thy z [1], im = thy z [2];
		for (long i = 1; i <= thy nx; i ++) {
			re [i] = exp (0.5 * re [i]);   // i.e., sqrt (exp (re [i]))
			im [i] = 0.0;
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": cepstral smoothing not computed.");
autoCepstrum Spectrum_to_Cepstrum (Spectrum me) {
	try {
		autoSpectrum dBspectrum = Data_copy (me);
		double *re = dBspectrum -> z[1], *im = dBspectrum -> z[2];
		for (long i = 1; i <= dBspectrum -> nx; i++) {
			re[i] = log (re[i] * re[i] + im[i] * im[i] + 1e-300);
			im[i] = 0.0;
		autoSound cepstrum = Spectrum_to_Sound (dBspectrum.peek());
		autoCepstrum thee = Cepstrum_create (0.5 / my dx, my nx);
		for (long i = 1; i <= thy nx; i++) {
			double val = cepstrum -> z[1][i];
			thy z[1][i] = val;
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not converted to Sound.");
Example #9
static autoSound ComplexSpectrogram_to_Sound2 (ComplexSpectrogram me, double stretchFactor) {
	try {
		/* original number of samples is odd: imaginary part of last spectral value is zero -> 
		 * phase is either zero or pi
		double pi = atan2 (0.0, - 0.5);
		double samplingFrequency = 2.0 * my ymax;
		double lastFrequency = my y1 + (my ny - 1) * my dy;
		int originalNumberOfSamplesProbablyOdd = (my phase [my ny][1] != 0.0 && my phase[my ny][1] != pi) || my ymax - lastFrequency > 0.25 * my dx;
		if (my y1 != 0.0) {
			Melder_throw (U"A Fourier-transformable Spectrum must have a first frequency of 0 Hz, not ", my y1, U" Hz.");
		long numberOfSamples = 2 * my ny - (originalNumberOfSamplesProbablyOdd ? 1 : 2 );
		double synthesisWindowDuration = numberOfSamples / samplingFrequency;
		autoSpectrum spectrum = Spectrum_create (my ymax, my ny);
		autoSound synthesisWindow = Sound_createSimple (1, synthesisWindowDuration, samplingFrequency);
		long stepSizeSamples = my dx * samplingFrequency * stretchFactor;
		double newDuration = (my xmax - my xmin) * stretchFactor + 0.05;
		autoSound thee = Sound_createSimple (1, newDuration, samplingFrequency); //TODO
		long istart = 1, iend = istart + stepSizeSamples - 1;
		for (long iframe = 1; iframe <= my nx; iframe++) {
			spectrum -> z[1][1] = sqrt (my z[1][iframe]);
			for (long ifreq = 2; ifreq <= my ny; ifreq++) {
				double f = my y1 + (ifreq - 1) * my dy;
				double a = sqrt (my z[ifreq][iframe]);
				double phi = my phase[ifreq][iframe];
				double extraPhase = 2.0 * pi * (stretchFactor - 1.0) * my dx * f;
				phi += extraPhase;
				spectrum -> z[1][ifreq] = a * cos (phi);
				spectrum -> z[2][ifreq] = a * sin (phi);
			autoSound synthesis = Spectrum_to_Sound (spectrum.get());
			for (long j = istart; j <= iend; j++) {
				thy z[1][j] = synthesis -> z[1][j - istart + 1];
			istart = iend + 1; iend = istart + stepSizeSamples - 1;
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": no Sound created.");
Cepstrum Spectrum_to_Cepstrum (Spectrum me) {
	try {
		autoMatrix unwrap = Spectrum_unwrap (me);
		autoSpectrum sx = Data_copy (me);

		// Copy magnitude-squared and unwrapped phase.

		for (long i = 1; i <= my nx; i ++) {
			double xa = unwrap -> z[1][i];
			sx -> z[1][i] = xa > 0 ? 0.5 * log (xa) : -300;
			sx -> z[2][i] = unwrap -> z[2][i];

		// Compute complex cepstrum x.

		autoSound x = Spectrum_to_Sound (sx.peek());
		autoCepstrum thee = Cepstrum_create (0, x -> xmax - x -> xmin, x -> nx);
		NUMvector_copyElements (x -> z[1], thy z[1], 1, x -> nx);
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": no Cepstrum created.");
Example #11
autoSpectrum Spectrum_lpcSmoothing (Spectrum me, int numberOfPeaks, double preemphasisFrequency) {
	try {
		double gain, a [100];
		long numberOfCoefficients = 2 * numberOfPeaks;

		autoSound sound = Spectrum_to_Sound (me);
		NUMpreemphasize_f (sound -> z [1], sound -> nx, sound -> dx, preemphasisFrequency);	 	
		NUMburg (sound -> z [1], sound -> nx, a, numberOfCoefficients, & gain);
		for (long i = 1; i <= numberOfCoefficients; i ++) a [i] = - a [i];
		autoSpectrum thee = Data_copy (me);

		long nfft = 2 * (thy nx - 1);
		long ndata = numberOfCoefficients < nfft ? numberOfCoefficients : nfft - 1;
		double scale = 10 * (gain > 0 ? sqrt (gain) : 1) / numberOfCoefficients;
		autoNUMvector <double> data (1, nfft);
		data [1] = 1;
		for (long i = 1; i <= ndata; i ++)
			data [i + 1] = a [i];
		NUMrealft (data.peek(), nfft, 1);
		double *re = thy z [1];
		double *im = thy z [2];
		re [1] = scale / data [1];
		im [1] = 0.0;
		long halfnfft = nfft / 2;
		for (long i = 2; i <= halfnfft; i ++) {
			double real = data [i + i - 1], imag = data [i + i];
			re [i] = scale / sqrt (real * real + imag * imag) / (1 + thy dx * (i - 1) / preemphasisFrequency);
			im [i] = 0;
		re [halfnfft + 1] = scale / data [2] / (1 + thy dx * halfnfft / preemphasisFrequency);
		im [halfnfft + 1] = 0.0;
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not smoothed.");
Example #12
Sound Sound_deepenBandModulation (Sound me, double enhancement_dB,
	double flow, double fhigh, double slowModulation, double fastModulation, double bandSmoothing)
	try {
		autoSound thee = Data_copy (me);
		double maximumFactor = pow (10, enhancement_dB / 20), alpha = sqrt (log (2.0));
		double alphaslow = alpha / slowModulation, alphafast = alpha / fastModulation;

		for (long channel = 1; channel <= my ny; channel ++) {
			autoSound channelSound = Sound_extractChannel (me, channel);
			autoSpectrum orgspec = Sound_to_Spectrum (channelSound.peek(), true);

			 * Keep the part of the sound that is outside the filter bank.
			autoSpectrum spec = Data_copy (orgspec.peek());
			Spectrum_stopHannBand (spec.peek(), flow, fhigh, bandSmoothing);
			autoSound filtered = Spectrum_to_Sound (spec.peek());
			long n = thy nx;
			double *amp = thy z [channel];
			for (long i = 1; i <= n; i ++) amp [i] = filtered -> z [1] [i];

			autoMelderProgress progress (U"Deepen band modulation...");
			double fmin = flow;
			while (fmin < fhigh) {
				 * Take a one-bark frequency band.
				double fmid_bark = NUMhertzToBark (fmin) + 0.5, ceiling;
				double fmax = NUMbarkToHertz (NUMhertzToBark (fmin) + 1);
				if (fmax > fhigh) fmax = fhigh;
				Melder_progress (fmin / fhigh, U"Band: ", Melder_fixed (fmin, 0), U" ... ", Melder_fixed (fmax, 0), U" Hz");
				NUMmatrix_copyElements (orgspec -> z, spec -> z, 1, 2, 1, spec -> nx);
				Spectrum_passHannBand (spec.peek(), fmin, fmax, bandSmoothing);
				autoSound band = Spectrum_to_Sound (spec.peek());
				 * Compute a relative intensity contour.
				autoSound intensity = Data_copy (band.peek());
				n = intensity -> nx;
				amp = intensity -> z [1];
				for (long i = 1; i <= n; i ++) amp [i] = 10 * log10 (amp [i] * amp [i] + 1e-6);
				autoSpectrum intensityFilter = Sound_to_Spectrum (intensity.peek(), true);
				n = intensityFilter -> nx;
				for (long i = 1; i <= n; i ++) {
					double frequency = intensityFilter -> x1 + (i - 1) * intensityFilter -> dx;
					double slow = alphaslow * frequency, fast = alphafast * frequency;
					double factor = exp (- fast * fast) - exp (- slow * slow);
					intensityFilter -> z [1] [i] *= factor;
					intensityFilter -> z [2] [i] *= factor;
				intensity.reset (Spectrum_to_Sound (intensityFilter.peek()));
				n = intensity -> nx;
				amp = intensity -> z [1];
				for (long i = 1; i <= n; i ++) amp [i] = pow (10, amp [i] / 2);
				 * Clip to maximum enhancement.
				ceiling = 1 + (maximumFactor - 1.0) * (0.5 - 0.5 * cos (NUMpi * fmid_bark / 13));
				for (long i = 1; i <= n; i ++) amp [i] = 1 / (1 / amp [i] + 1 / ceiling);

				n = thy nx;
				amp = thy z [channel];
				for (long i = 1; i <= n; i ++) amp [i] += band -> z [1] [i] * intensity -> z [1] [i];

				fmin = fmax;
		Vector_scale (thee.peek(), 0.99);
		/* Truncate. */
		thy xmin = my xmin;
		thy xmax = my xmax;
		thy nx = my nx;
		thy x1 = my x1;
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": band modulation not deepened.");
static Sound Spectrum_to_Sound_part (Spectrum me, double fmin, double fmax) {
	autoSpectrum band = Spectrum_band (me, fmin, fmax);
	autoSound sound = Spectrum_to_Sound (band.peek());
	return sound.transfer();
Example #14
autoSound ComplexSpectrogram_to_Sound (ComplexSpectrogram me, double stretchFactor) {
	try {
		/* original number of samples is odd: imaginary part of last spectral value is zero -> 
		 * phase is either zero or +/-pi
		double pi = atan2 (0.0, - 0.5);
		double samplingFrequency = 2.0 * my ymax;
		double lastFrequency = my y1 + (my ny - 1) * my dy, lastPhase = my phase[my ny][1];
		int originalNumberOfSamplesProbablyOdd = (lastPhase != 0.0 && lastPhase != pi && lastPhase != -pi) || 
			my ymax - lastFrequency > 0.25 * my dx;
		if (my y1 != 0.0) {
			Melder_throw (U"A Fourier-transformable ComplexSpectrogram must have a first frequency of 0 Hz, not ", my y1, U" Hz.");
		long nsamp_window = 2 * my ny - (originalNumberOfSamplesProbablyOdd ? 1 : 2 );
		long halfnsamp_window = nsamp_window / 2;
		double synthesisWindowDuration = nsamp_window / samplingFrequency;
		autoSpectrum spectrum = Spectrum_create (my ymax, my ny);
		autoSound synthesisWindow = Sound_createSimple (1, synthesisWindowDuration, samplingFrequency);
		double newDuration = (my xmax - my xmin) * stretchFactor;
		autoSound thee = Sound_createSimple (1, newDuration, samplingFrequency); //TODO
		double thyStartTime;
		for (long iframe = 1; iframe <= my nx; iframe++) {
			// "original" sound :
			double tmid = Sampled_indexToX (me, iframe);
			long leftSample = Sampled_xToLowIndex (thee.get(), tmid);
			long rightSample = leftSample + 1;
			long startSample = rightSample - halfnsamp_window;
			double startTime = Sampled_indexToX (thee.get(), startSample);
			if (iframe == 1) {
				thyStartTime = Sampled_indexToX (thee.get(), startSample);
			//long endSample = leftSample + halfnsamp_window;
			// New Sound with stretch
			long thyStartSample = Sampled_xToLowIndex (thee.get(),thyStartTime);
			double thyEndTime = thyStartTime + my dx * stretchFactor;
			long thyEndSample = Sampled_xToLowIndex (thee.get(), thyEndTime);
			long stretchedStepSizeSamples = thyEndSample - thyStartSample + 1;
			//double extraTime = (thyStartSample - startSample + 1) * thy dx;
			double extraTime = (thyStartTime - startTime);
			spectrum -> z[1][1] = sqrt (my z[1][iframe]);
			for (long ifreq = 2; ifreq <= my ny; ifreq++) {
				double f = my y1 + (ifreq - 1) * my dy;
				double a = sqrt (my z[ifreq][iframe]);
				double phi = my phase[ifreq][iframe], intPart;
				double extraPhase = 2.0 * pi * modf (extraTime * f, &intPart); // fractional part
				phi += extraPhase;
				spectrum -> z[1][ifreq] = a * cos (phi);
				spectrum -> z[2][ifreq] = a * sin (phi);

			autoSound synthesis = Spectrum_to_Sound (spectrum.get());

			// Where should the sound be placed?

			long thyEndSampleP = (long) floor (fmin (thyStartSample + synthesis -> nx - 1, thyStartSample + stretchedStepSizeSamples - 1)); // guard against extreme stretches
			if (iframe == my nx) {
				thyEndSampleP = (long) floor (fmin (thy nx, thyStartSample + synthesis -> nx - 1));   // ppgb: waarom naar beneden afgerond?
			for (long j = thyStartSample; j <= thyEndSampleP; j++) {
				thy z[1][j] = synthesis -> z[1][j - thyStartSample + 1];
			thyStartTime += my dx * stretchFactor;
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": no Sound created.");
autoMatrix Spectrum_unwrap (Spectrum me) {
	try {
		struct tribolet_struct tbs;
		int remove_linear_part = 1;

		long nfft = 2;
		while (nfft < my nx - 1) {
			nfft *= 2;
		nfft *= 2;

		if (nfft / 2 != my nx - 1) {
			Melder_throw (U"Dimension of Spectrum is not (power of 2 - 1).");

		autoSound x = Spectrum_to_Sound (me);
		autoSound nx = Data_copy (x.get());

		for (long i = 1; i <= x -> nx; i++) {
			nx -> z[1][i] *= (i - 1);
		autoSpectrum snx = Sound_to_Spectrum (nx.get(), 1);
		autoMatrix thee = Matrix_create (my xmin, my xmax, my nx, my dx, my x1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1);

		// Common variables.

		tbs.thlinc = THLINC;
		tbs.thlcon = THLCON;
		tbs.x = x -> z[1];
		tbs.nx = x -> nx;
		tbs.l = (long) floor (pow (2, EXP2) + 0.1);
		tbs.ddf = NUM2pi / ( (tbs.l) * nfft);
		tbs.reverse_sign = my z[1][1] < 0;
		tbs.count = 0;

		// Reuse snx : put phase derivative (d/df) in imaginary part.

		tbs.dvtmn2 = 0;
		for (long i = 1; i <= my nx; i ++) {
			double xr = my z[1][i], xi = my z[2][i];
			double nxr = snx -> z[1][i], nxi = snx -> z[2][i];
			double xmsq = xr * xr + xi * xi;
			double pdvt = PHADVT (xr, xi, nxr, nxi, xmsq);
			thy z[1][i] = xmsq;
			snx -> z[2][i] = pdvt;
			tbs.dvtmn2 += pdvt;

		tbs.dvtmn2 = (2 * tbs.dvtmn2 - snx -> z[2][1] - snx -> z[2][my nx]) / (my nx - 1);

		autoMelderProgress progress (U"Phase unwrapping");

		double pphase = 0, phase = 0;
		double ppdvt = snx -> z[2][1];
		thy z[2][1] = PPVPHA (my z[1][1], my z[2][1], tbs.reverse_sign);
		for (long i = 2; i <= my nx; i ++) {
			double pfreq = NUM2pi * (i - 1) / nfft;
			double pdvt = snx -> z[2][i];
			double ppv = PPVPHA (my z[1][i], my z[2][i], tbs.reverse_sign);
			phase = phase_unwrap (&tbs, pfreq, ppv, pdvt, &pphase, &ppdvt);
			ppdvt = pdvt;
			thy z[2][i] = pphase = phase;
			Melder_progress ( (double) i / my nx, i,
			                   U" unwrapped phases from ", my nx, U".");

		long iphase = (long) floor (phase / NUMpi + 0.1);   // ppgb: better than truncation toward zero

		if (remove_linear_part) {
			phase /= my nx - 1;
			for (long i = 2; i <= my nx; i ++) {
				thy z[2][i] -= phase * (i - 1);
		Melder_information (U"Number of spectral values: ", tbs.count);
		Melder_information (U" iphase = ", iphase);
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not unwrapped.");