Example #1
static void sCubic(LinearPathConsumer& t,
                   const Pointf& p1, const Pointf& p2, const Pointf& p3, const Pointf& p4,
                   double qt, int lvl)
	if(lvl < 16) {
		PAINTER_TIMING("Cubic approximation");
		Pointf d = p4 - p1;
		double q = d.x * d.x + d.y * d.y;
		if(q >= 1e-30) {
			Pointf d2 = p2 - p1;
			Pointf d3 = p3 - p1;
			double u1 = (d2.x * d.x + d2.y * d.y) / q;
			double u2 = (d3.x * d.x + d3.y * d.y) / q;
			if(u1 <= 0 || u1 >= 1 || u2 <= 0 || u2 >= 1 ||
			   SquaredDistance(u1 * d, d2) > qt || SquaredDistance(u2 * d, d3) > qt) {
				Pointf p12 = Mid(p1, p2);
				Pointf p23 = Mid(p2, p3);
				Pointf p34 = Mid(p3, p4);
				Pointf p123 = Mid(p12, p23);
				Pointf p234 = Mid(p23, p34);
				Pointf div = Mid(p123, p234);
				sCubic(t, p1, p12, p123, div, qt, lvl + 1);
				sCubic(t, div, p234, p34, p4, qt, lvl + 1);
void CircumCenter(Simplex* simplex, double* out)
  Vertex* a,* b,* c,* d;
  GetFaceVerticies(simplex, 0, &a, &b, &c, &d);
  double b_a[3]   , c_a[3]   , d_a[3], 
         cross1[3], cross2[3], cross3[3], 
         mult1[3] , mult2[3] , mult3[3], 
  double denominator;
  VertexSub(b->m_Point, a->m_Point, b_a);
  VertexSub(c->m_Point, a->m_Point, c_a);
  VertexSub(d->m_Point, a->m_Point, d_a);

  CrossProduct(b_a, c_a, cross1);
  CrossProduct(d_a, b_a, cross2);
  CrossProduct(c_a, d_a, cross3);

  VertexByScalar(cross1, SquaredDistance(d_a), mult1);
  VertexByScalar(cross2, SquaredDistance(c_a), mult2);
  VertexByScalar(cross3, SquaredDistance(b_a), mult3);
  VertexAdd(mult1, mult2, sum);
  VertexAdd(mult3, sum  , sum);

  denominator = 2*ScalarProduct(b_a, cross3);
  VertexByScalar(sum, 1/(double)(denominator), out);
  VertexAdd(out, a->m_Point, out);
bool CollisionManager::CircleToPixels(double cx, double cy, double cr, const CollisionPixelData* pixels, double px, double py) const
	bool result = false;

	if ( CircleToRect(cx, cy, cr, px, py, pixels->GetWidth(), pixels->GetHeight()) )
		// Obtenemos rectangulo del solapamiento.
		double rx = 0;
		double ry = 0;
		double rw = 0;
		double rh = 0;
		OverlappingRect(cx - cr, cy - cr, cr * 2, cr * 2, px, py, pixels->GetWidth(), pixels->GetHeight(), &rx, &ry, &rw, &rh);

		// Obtenemos primer pixel del rectangulo.
		uint32 coordXFirstPixel1 = ( uint32 )( rx - px );
		uint32 coordYFirstPixel1 = ( uint32 )( ry - py );

		// Comprobamos la colision
		for (uint16 i = 0; i < rw; i++)
			for (uint16 j = 0; j < rh; j++)
				if ( pixels->GetData(coordXFirstPixel1 + i, coordYFirstPixel1 + j) )
					if ( SquaredDistance(cx, cy, rx + i, ry + j) <= Pow(cr, 2) )
						result = true;

	return result;
int main()
    int T;
    scanf("%d", &T);
    for (int t = 1; t <= T; ++t)
        int N;
        scanf("%d", &N);
        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
            scanf("%d%d", xLocation + i, yLocation + i);
        for (int first = 0; first < N; ++first)
            for (int second = first + 1; second < N; ++second)
                int squaredDist = SquaredDistance(first, second);
                if (squaredDist <= MaxSquaredDistance)
                    double dist = sqrt(squaredDist);
                    distance[first][second] = dist;
                    distance[second][first] = dist;
                    distance[first][second] = INF;
                    distance[second][first] = INF;
        for (int k = 0; k < N; ++k)
            for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j)
                    distance[i][j] = std::min(distance[i][j], distance[i][k] + distance[k][j]);
        double maximum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
            for (int j = i + 1; j < N; ++j)
                maximum = std::max(maximum, distance[i][j]);
        printf("Case #%d:\n", t);
        if (maximum > POSSIBLE_MARGIN)
            printf("Send Kurdy\n\n");
            printf("%.4f\n\n", maximum);
bool CollisionManager::CircleToRect(double cx, double cy, double cr, double rx, double ry, double rw, double rh) const
	double outx = 0;
	double outy = 0;

	ClosestPointToRect(cx, cy, rx, ry, rw, rh, &outx, &outy);

	return SquaredDistance(cx, cy, outx, outy) <= Pow(cr, 2);
Example #6
void Painter::DoSvgArc(const Pointf& rr, double xangle, int large, int sweep,
                       const Pointf& p1, const Pointf& p0)
	Pointf r(fabs(rr.x), fabs(rr.y));
	Xform2D m = Xform2D::Rotation(-xangle);
	Pointf d1 = m.Transform(0.5 * (p0 - p1));
	Pointf pr = r * r; 
	Pointf p = d1 * d1;
	double check = p.x / pr.x + p.y / pr.y;
	if(check > 1)
		r *= sqrt(check);
	m.x /= r.x;
	m.y /= r.y;
	Pointf q0 = m.Transform(p0);
	Pointf q1 = m.Transform(p1);
	double d = SquaredDistance(q0, q1);
	double sfactor_sq = 1.0 / d - 0.25;
	if(sfactor_sq < 0)
		sfactor_sq = 0;
	double sfactor = sqrt(sfactor_sq);
	if(sweep == large)
		sfactor = -sfactor;
	Pointf c(0.5 * (q0.x + q1.x) - sfactor * (q1.y - q0.y),
	         0.5 * (q0.y + q1.y) + sfactor * (q1.x - q0.x));
	double theta = Bearing(q0 - c);
	double th_sweep = Bearing(q1 - c) -  theta;
	if(th_sweep < 0 && sweep)
		th_sweep += 2 * M_PI;
	if(th_sweep > 0 && !sweep)
		th_sweep -= 2 * M_PI;
	m = Xform2D::Rotation(xangle);
	m.x *= r;
	m.y *= r;
	m = Xform2D::Translation(c.x, c.y) * m;
	DoArc0(theta, th_sweep, m);
Example #7

static void sQuadratic(LinearPathConsumer& t, const Pointf& p1, const Pointf& p2, const Pointf& p3,
                       double qt, int lvl)
	if(lvl < 16) {
		PAINTER_TIMING("Quadratic approximation");
		Pointf d = p3 - p1;
		double q = Squared(d);
		if(q > 1e-30) {
			Pointf pd = p2 - p1;
			double u = (pd.x * d.x + pd.y * d.y) / q;
			if(u <= 0 || u >= 1 || SquaredDistance(u * d, pd) > qt) {
				Pointf p12 = Mid(p1, p2);
				Pointf p23 = Mid(p2, p3);
				Pointf div = Mid(p12, p23);
				sQuadratic(t, p1, p12, div, qt, lvl + 1);
				sQuadratic(t, div, p23, p3, qt, lvl + 1);
Example #8
bool ETHShaderManager::BeginLightPass(ETHSpriteEntity *pRender, const ETHLight* light,
									  const float maxHeight, const float minHeight, const float lightIntensity,
									  const ETHSpriteEntity *pParent, const bool drawToTarget)
	if (!light || !pRender->IsApplyLight())
		return false;

	Vector3 v3LightPos;
	if (pParent)
		v3LightPos = pParent->GetPosition() + light->pos;
		v3LightPos = light->pos;

	const Vector2 &v2Size = pRender->GetCurrentSize();
	const float size = Max(v2Size.x, v2Size.y);
	const float distance = SquaredDistance(pRender->GetPosition(), v3LightPos);
	const float radius = (light->range + size);
	if (distance > radius * radius)
		return false;

	m_currentProfile->BeginLightPass(pRender, v3LightPos, v2Size, light, maxHeight, minHeight, lightIntensity, drawToTarget);
	m_parallaxManager.SetShaderParameters(m_video, m_video->GetVertexShader(), pRender->GetPosition(), drawToTarget);
	return true;
Example #9
int PreprocessOccluders(const tmatrix &invCameraMat)
	if (!GetInstancesCount(ZOccluderBox))
		return 0;


	tvector3 campos = invCameraMat.V4.position;
	tvector3 camdir = invCameraMat.V4.dir;

	FActiveOccluder* pActiveOccluder = &gActiveOccluders[0]; 
    tvector4 viewPoint = vector4(campos.x, campos.y, campos.z, 0);
    tvector4 viewDir = vector4(camdir.x, camdir.y, camdir.z, 0);
	float sqrFar = 1000.0f * 1000.0f;
	float sqrDist;
	int i;

	gNbActiveOccluders = 0;

	ZOccluderBox *pocc = (ZOccluderBox*)FirstInstanceOf(ZOccluderBox);
	while (pocc)

		pocc = (ZOccluderBox*)NI(pocc);

    for (unsigned int ju = 0;ju<gOccluderBoxes.size(); ju++)
		// todo : frustum culling of the  occluder (except far plane)
		// todo : compute solid angle to reorder occluder accordingly
		FOccluderBox *obox = &gOccluderBoxes[ju];

         //= oboxiter.Get();
		// check for far plane
		const tvector3 &oboxcenter = obox->mCenter;//pocc->GetTransform()->GetWorldMatrix().position;
		sqrDist= SquaredDistance(viewPoint, oboxcenter);
		if (sqrDist > sqrFar)

		// check for near plane
		if (DotProduct(tvector3(viewDir), tvector3(oboxcenter - viewPoint)) < 0.0f)

		// select planes of the occluder box that lies on the viewing direction
		// todo : reduce to 3 planes instead of 6 (due to box symetry)
		float invSqrDist = 1.0f/sqrDist;//Rcp(sqrDist);

		pActiveOccluder->mSolidAngle = 0.0f;

		BoxSilhouette	silhouette;

		silhouette.vertices = &obox->mVertex[0];

		for (i=0; i<6; i++)
			tvector4 dir= obox->mVertex[FaceVertexIndex[i][0]];
			dir -= viewPoint;
			float vdotp = silhouette.dots[i] = DotProduct(obox->mPlanes[i], dir);

			// compute the maximum solidAngle of the box : -area * v.p/d.d
			pActiveOccluder->mSolidAngle = Max(-obox->mVertex[i].w * vdotp * invSqrDist, pActiveOccluder->mSolidAngle);


		// exit if the occluder is not relevant enough
		if (pActiveOccluder->mSolidAngle < gMinSolidAngle)

		int	  nPlanes = 0;
		tvector4*	pPlanes = &pActiveOccluder->mPlanes[0];

		// find silhouette
		tvector4		vertices[12];
        int			nVertices = silhouette.findSilhouette(vertices);

		// create a plane with a edge of the occluder and the viewpoint
		for (i=0; i<nVertices; i+=2)
            //tplane plan(campos, vertices[i], vertices[i+1]);
			tvector3	v1 = vertices[i];
			v1 -= viewPoint;
			tvector3	v2 = vertices[i+1];
			v2 -= viewPoint;

			*pPlanes = CrossProduct(v1, v2);
			pPlanes->w = - DotProduct(*pPlanes, vertices[i]);

			nPlanes ++;

		if (gAddNearPlane)
			for (int i=0; i<6; i++)
				if (silhouette.dots[i] < 0.0f)
					pActiveOccluder->mPlanes[nPlanes] = obox->mPlanes[i];
		pActiveOccluder->mNbPlanes = nPlanes;


		if (gNbActiveOccluders >= gMaxCandidateOccluders)

	if (gNbActiveOccluders)
		qsort(gActiveOccluders, gNbActiveOccluders, sizeof(FActiveOccluder), compareOccluder);
		if (gNbActiveOccluders > gMaxActiveOccluders)
			gNbActiveOccluders = gMaxActiveOccluders;

	return gNbActiveOccluders;
bool CollisionManager::CircleToCircle(double x1, double y1, double r1, double x2, double y2, double r2) const
	return SquaredDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) <= Pow(r1 + r2, 2);