Example #1
	StatusResult Playback::getStatus() const
		xmmsc_result_t* res = 
		    call( connected_,
		          boost::bind( xmmsc_playback_status, conn_ ) );

		return StatusResult( res, ml_ );
Example #2
void CMainDlg::ThreadStartFn( ) 
	if ( m_status == PROCESSING ){
		StatusAppendLine( "WARN!!! Дождитесь окончания текущей процедуры" ) ;
		_endthread( ) ; 

	DWORD dwCount = 0 ;
	BOOL bTrans = FALSE ;
	dwCount = GetDlgItemInt( IDC_EDIT_COUNT , &bTrans , FALSE ) ;
	if ( !bTrans ){
		StatusAppendLine( "FAILED!!! Не могу конвертировать кол-во накоплений" ) ;
		_endthread( ) ;
	StatusResult( 0 , 0 ) ;
	m_status = PROCESSING ;
	UpdateControls( ) ;

	unsigned __int64 u64Accum = 0 ;
	DWORD dwCycles = 0 ;

	DWORD dwTicks = GetTickCount( ) ;
	BOOL ok = FALSE ;
	ok = AdcStartMeasure( AdcGetHandle( 0 ) , dwCount , u64Accum , dwCycles ) ;

	dwTicks = GetTickCount( ) - dwTicks ;

	m_status = CONNECTED ;
	UpdateControls( ) ;

	if ( ok ){
		if ( dwCycles == 0 ){
			StatusAppendLine( "WARN!!! Изм-ние прошло успешно, но кол-во изм-ний равно 0 !!!" ) ;
			char status[ 1024 ] ;
			*status = NULL ;
			sprintf( status , "OK! I = %.4f N = %d t = %.3f c" , (float)u64Accum / (float)dwCycles , dwCount , ( float )dwTicks / 1000.0f ) ;
			StatusAppendLine( status ) ;
			StatusResult( u64Accum , dwCycles ) ;
		StatusAppendLine( "FAILED!!! Не могу выполнить измерение!!!" ) ;	
	_endthread( ) ;
Example #3
/* Declare the status of the current hand */
void Box::Status() const
	cout << Owner->GetName();
	/* If the current box is the result of a split hand, display a different message */
	if(CheckSplit() == true)
		cout << " (Split Hand)";
	cout << ": (" << Owner->CountStack() << " in your stack, " << Bet << " on the table) You are holding: " << endl << endl;	

/* State the dealer's hand */
void Croupier::Status() const
	cout << "Dealer is holding: " << endl << endl;	