Example #1
/* check if a filename is valid on the current platform.
 * FileNameValid checks if a fileName is valid on the current platform.
 * It test for DOS: the 8.3 convention if DOS_FS_8_3 is defined (not on Win32)
 * For all platforms:  aux/con (portability issue)
 * returns 1 if fileName is valid, 0 if not.
int FileNameValid(
	const char *fileName)  /* fileName without spaces */
#ifdef DOS_FS_8_3
	const char *p = fileName;
	int   l=0;
	int   state=0; /* 0 is prefix, 1 is ext */
	int  maxAllow[2] = {8,3};
	PRECOND(fileName != NULL);
	if (StrCaseEq(fileName,"aux") || StrCaseEq(fileName,"con"))
		return 0;

#ifdef DOS_FS
#ifdef DOS_FS_8_3
	while (*p != '\0')
	     if (l > maxAllow[state])
	     	return 0;
	     switch(*p) {
			l = 0; /* new DOS_PREFIX */
		case '.':
		       l = 0; state++;
		       if (state >= 2)
				return 0;
		default: l++;
	return l <= maxAllow[state]; 
	return 1;
# ifdef UNIX_FS
	PRECOND(fileName != NULL);
	return 1;
# else
#        error no filesystem defined (UNIX_FS or DOS_FS)
# endif
Example #2
void Frustum::DeserializeFromXml(TiXmlElement *e)
	type = StrCaseEq(e->Attribute("orthographic"), "true") ? OrthographicFrustum : PerspectiveFrustum;
	pos = float3::FromString(e->Attribute("pos"));
	front = float3::FromString(e->Attribute("front"));
	up = float3::FromString(e->Attribute("up"));
	e->QueryFloatAttribute("nearPlaneDistance", &nearPlaneDistance);
	e->QueryFloatAttribute("farPlaneDistance", &farPlaneDistance);
	e->QueryFloatAttribute("horizontalFov", &horizontalFov);
	e->QueryFloatAttribute("verticalFov", &verticalFov);
Example #3
/* compare filenames.
 * FileNamesEq compares two filenames obeying the naming
 * conventions of the current platform (case sensitive or not).
 * returns 1 if filenames are equal, 0 of not
int FileNamesEq(
	const char *fileName1,  /* first fileName without spaces */
	const char *fileName2)  /* second fileName  without spaces */
	PRECOND(fileName1 != NULL);
	PRECOND(fileName2 != NULL);
#ifdef DOS_FS
	return StrCaseEq(fileName1, fileName2);
# ifdef UNIX_FS
	return StrEq(fileName1, fileName2);
# else
#       error no filesystem defined (UNIX_FS or DOS_FS)
# endif