EFI_STATUS GetHIInputIP ( OUT EFI_IP_ADDRESS *Ip ) { CHAR16 CmdLine[255]; CHAR16 *Str; EFI_STATUS Status; CmdLine[0] = '\0'; Status = EditHIInputStr (CmdLine,255); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Str = CmdLine; Ip->v4.Addr[0] = (UINT8)StrDecimalToUintn (Str); Str = StrStr (Str, L"."); if (Str == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Ip->v4.Addr[1] = (UINT8)StrDecimalToUintn (++Str); Str = StrStr (Str, L"."); if (Str == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Ip->v4.Addr[2] = (UINT8)StrDecimalToUintn (++Str); Str = StrStr (Str, L"."); if (Str == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Ip->v4.Addr[3] = (UINT8)StrDecimalToUintn (++Str); } return Status; }
EFI_STATUS GetHIInputInteger ( OUT UINTN *Integer ) { CHAR16 CmdLine[255]; EFI_STATUS Status; CmdLine[0] = '\0'; Status = EditHIInputStr (CmdLine, 255); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { *Integer = StrDecimalToUintn (CmdLine); } return Status; }
UINT32 GetDiskSize( EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *Image; UINT32 DiskSize = PcdGet32(PcdRamDiskMaxSize); /* * Check load options to see if they want to specify disk size in MBs */ Status = gBS->HandleProtocol(ImageHandle, &gEfiLoadedImageProtocolGuid, (void**)&Image); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { if (Image->LoadOptions && Image->LoadOptionsSize) { #define MAX_ARG_SIZE 32 CHAR16 Size[ MAX_ARG_SIZE ]; CHAR16 *CmdLine = Image->LoadOptions; INT32 CmdLen = (INT32)Image->LoadOptionsSize; /* * Get past program name */ while( CmdLen > 0 && *CmdLine != L' ' ) { CmdLen -= sizeof(CHAR16); CmdLine++; } if ( CmdLen > 0 ) { /* * Make sure we're null terminated */ CopyMem( Size, CmdLine, MIN(CmdLen, (INT32)sizeof(Size))); Size[MAX_ARG_SIZE - 1] = 0; /* * Atoi() will skip any leading white space */ DiskSize = (UINT32)StrDecimalToUintn(Size); if (DiskSize == 0) DiskSize = PcdGet32(PcdRamDiskMaxSize); DiskSize = MAX(DiskSize, MIN_DISK_SIZE); DiskSize = MIN(DiskSize, MAX_DISK_SIZE); } } } return (DiskSize * 1024 * 1024); }
/** Extract the decimal index from the network interface name. @param[in] Name Name of the network interface. @retval INVALID_NIC_INDEX Failed to extract the network interface index. @return others The network interface index. **/ UINTN NicNameToIndex ( IN CHAR16 *Name ) { CHAR16 *Str; Str = Name + 3; if ((StrnCmp (Name, L"eth", 3) != 0) || (*Str == 0)) { return INVALID_NIC_INDEX; } while (*Str != 0) { if ((*Str < L'0') || (*Str > L'9')) { return INVALID_NIC_INDEX; } Str++; } return (UINT16) StrDecimalToUintn (Name + 3); }
EFI_STATUS EFIAPI UefiMain ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { UINTN Argc; CHAR16** Argv; UINT8* SectorData; UINTN Offset=0; UINTN SectorNum=1; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN DeviceID = 0xFFFF; int action = DO_READ; mImageHandle = ImageHandle; Status = gBS->LocateProtocol( &gEfiDevicePathToTextProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID**)&Device2TextProtocol ); GetParameter(ImageHandle, &Argc, &Argv); numDiskDevices = FindoutAllDiskDevices( mDiskDevices); if(Argc == 1){ Print(L"Usage: disksector [-[r|w|z|s]][deviceid] Offset #Sectors\n"); Print(L"Default -r Offset:%d, Number of Sectors: %d \n", Offset, SectorNum); }else if( Argc >=2){ if( Argv[1][0] == '-'){ action = Argv[1][1]; if(Argv[1][1] != 0 && Argv[1][2] != 0){ DeviceID = Argv[1][2] - '0'; } if(Argc >=3) Offset = StrDecimalToUintn(Argv[2]); if(Argc >=4) SectorNum = StrDecimalToUintn(Argv[3]); } Print(L"Offset:%d, Number of Sectors: %d \n", Offset, SectorNum); } if(DeviceID == 0xFFFF) { UINTN index=0; EFI_INPUT_KEY Key; Print(L"There are %d DiskIo Devices, Please choose one from 0 to %d\n", numDiskDevices,numDiskDevices-1); for(UINTN i =0;i <numDiskDevices ;i++){ Print(L"%d: %s %d\n", i, mDiskDevices[i].TextDevicePath, mDiskDevices[i].Media->MediaId); } Status = gBS->WaitForEvent(1, &gST->ConIn->WaitForKey, &index); Status = gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke (gST->ConIn, &Key); switch (Key.UnicodeChar){ case '0': DeviceID = 0; break; case '1': DeviceID = 1; break; case '2': DeviceID = 2; break; case '3': DeviceID = 3; break; case 'q': return 0; break; default: DeviceID = 0; break; } if(DeviceID >=numDiskDevices) DeviceID = 0; Print(L"Using Device %d\n", DeviceID); } if(action == DO_READ){ SectorData = mDiskDevices[DeviceID].ReadDisk(Offset, SectorNum); mDiskDevices[DeviceID].HexDump(SectorData, SectorNum); delete SectorData; Print(L"\n"); }else if(action == DO_WRITE){ }else if(action == DO_ZERO){ UINT8 * buf = new UINT8[mDiskDevices[DeviceID].BlockSize * SectorNum]; for(UINTN i=0;i<mDiskDevices[DeviceID].BlockSize * SectorNum ;i++) buf[i] = 0; EFI_STATUS status = mDiskDevices[DeviceID].WriteDisk(Offset, SectorNum, buf); Print(L"write :%r\n", status); }else if(action == DO_SET){ UINT8 * buf = new UINT8[mDiskDevices[DeviceID].BlockSize * SectorNum]; for(UINTN i=0;i<mDiskDevices[DeviceID].BlockSize * SectorNum ;i++) buf[i] = 255; EFI_STATUS status = mDiskDevices[DeviceID].WriteDisk(Offset, SectorNum, buf); Print(L"write :%r\n", status); }else if(action == DO_LIST){ mDiskDevices[DeviceID].listInfo(); }else if(action == DO_TEST){ TestReadDisk2(mDiskDevices[DeviceID].DiskIo2, mDiskDevices[DeviceID].BlockIo->Media->MediaId); } return EFI_SUCCESS; }
/** Dump performance data. @param[in] ImageHandle The image handle. @param[in] SystemTable The system table. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Command completed successfully. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Command usage error. @retval EFI_ABORTED The user aborts the operation. @retval value Unknown error. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI InitializeDp ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { UINT64 Freq; UINT64 Ticker; UINT32 ListIndex; LIST_ENTRY *ParamPackage; CONST CHAR16 *CmdLineArg; EFI_STRING StringPtr; UINTN Number2Display; EFI_STATUS Status; BOOLEAN SummaryMode; BOOLEAN VerboseMode; BOOLEAN AllMode; BOOLEAN RawMode; BOOLEAN TraceMode; BOOLEAN ProfileMode; BOOLEAN ExcludeMode; BOOLEAN CumulativeMode; CONST CHAR16 *CustomCumulativeToken; PERF_CUM_DATA *CustomCumulativeData; EFI_STRING StringDpOptionQh; EFI_STRING StringDpOptionLh; EFI_STRING StringDpOptionUh; EFI_STRING StringDpOptionLv; EFI_STRING StringDpOptionUs; EFI_STRING StringDpOptionLs; EFI_STRING StringDpOptionUa; EFI_STRING StringDpOptionUr; EFI_STRING StringDpOptionUt; EFI_STRING StringDpOptionUp; EFI_STRING StringDpOptionLx; EFI_STRING StringDpOptionLn; EFI_STRING StringDpOptionLt; EFI_STRING StringDpOptionLi; EFI_STRING StringDpOptionLc; SummaryMode = FALSE; VerboseMode = FALSE; AllMode = FALSE; RawMode = FALSE; TraceMode = FALSE; ProfileMode = FALSE; ExcludeMode = FALSE; CumulativeMode = FALSE; CustomCumulativeData = NULL; StringDpOptionQh = NULL; StringDpOptionLh = NULL; StringDpOptionUh = NULL; StringDpOptionLv = NULL; StringDpOptionUs = NULL; StringDpOptionLs = NULL; StringDpOptionUa = NULL; StringDpOptionUr = NULL; StringDpOptionUt = NULL; StringDpOptionUp = NULL; StringDpOptionLx = NULL; StringDpOptionLn = NULL; StringDpOptionLt = NULL; StringDpOptionLi = NULL; StringDpOptionLc = NULL; StringPtr = NULL; // Get DP's entry time as soon as possible. // This is used as the Shell-Phase end time. // Ticker = GetPerformanceCounter (); // Register our string package with HII and return the handle to it. // gHiiHandle = HiiAddPackages (&gEfiCallerIdGuid, ImageHandle, DPStrings, NULL); ASSERT (gHiiHandle != NULL); // Initial the command list // InitialShellParamList (); /**************************************************************************** **** Process Command Line arguments **** ****************************************************************************/ Status = ShellCommandLineParse (DpParamList, &ParamPackage, NULL, TRUE); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { PrintToken (STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_INVALID_ARG)); ShowHelp(); } else { StringDpOptionQh = HiiGetString (gHiiHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_OPTION_QH), NULL); StringDpOptionLh = HiiGetString (gHiiHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_OPTION_LH), NULL); StringDpOptionUh = HiiGetString (gHiiHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_OPTION_UH), NULL); if (ShellCommandLineGetFlag (ParamPackage, StringDpOptionQh) || ShellCommandLineGetFlag (ParamPackage, StringDpOptionLh) || ShellCommandLineGetFlag (ParamPackage, StringDpOptionUh)) { ShowHelp(); } else { StringDpOptionLv = HiiGetString (gHiiHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_OPTION_LV), NULL); StringDpOptionUs = HiiGetString (gHiiHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_OPTION_US), NULL); StringDpOptionLs = HiiGetString (gHiiHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_OPTION_LS), NULL); StringDpOptionUa = HiiGetString (gHiiHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_OPTION_UA), NULL); StringDpOptionUr = HiiGetString (gHiiHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_OPTION_UR), NULL); StringDpOptionUt = HiiGetString (gHiiHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_OPTION_UT), NULL); StringDpOptionUp = HiiGetString (gHiiHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_OPTION_UP), NULL); StringDpOptionLx = HiiGetString (gHiiHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_OPTION_LX), NULL); StringDpOptionLn = HiiGetString (gHiiHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_OPTION_LN), NULL); StringDpOptionLt = HiiGetString (gHiiHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_OPTION_LT), NULL); StringDpOptionLi = HiiGetString (gHiiHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_OPTION_LI), NULL); StringDpOptionLc = HiiGetString (gHiiHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_OPTION_LC), NULL); // Boolean Options // VerboseMode = ShellCommandLineGetFlag (ParamPackage, StringDpOptionLv); SummaryMode = (BOOLEAN) (ShellCommandLineGetFlag (ParamPackage, StringDpOptionUs) || ShellCommandLineGetFlag (ParamPackage, StringDpOptionLs)); AllMode = ShellCommandLineGetFlag (ParamPackage, StringDpOptionUa); RawMode = ShellCommandLineGetFlag (ParamPackage, StringDpOptionUr); #if PROFILING_IMPLEMENTED TraceMode = ShellCommandLineGetFlag (ParamPackage, StringDpOptionUt); ProfileMode = ShellCommandLineGetFlag (ParamPackage, StringDpOptionUp); #endif // PROFILING_IMPLEMENTED ExcludeMode = ShellCommandLineGetFlag (ParamPackage, StringDpOptionLx); mShowId = ShellCommandLineGetFlag (ParamPackage, StringDpOptionLi); CumulativeMode = ShellCommandLineGetFlag (ParamPackage, StringDpOptionLc); // Options with Values CmdLineArg = ShellCommandLineGetValue (ParamPackage, StringDpOptionLn); if (CmdLineArg == NULL) { Number2Display = DEFAULT_DISPLAYCOUNT; } else { Number2Display = StrDecimalToUintn(CmdLineArg); if (Number2Display == 0) { Number2Display = MAXIMUM_DISPLAYCOUNT; } } CmdLineArg = ShellCommandLineGetValue (ParamPackage, StringDpOptionLt); if (CmdLineArg == NULL) { mInterestThreshold = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD; // 1ms := 1,000 us } else { mInterestThreshold = StrDecimalToUint64(CmdLineArg); } // Handle Flag combinations and default behaviors // If both TraceMode and ProfileMode are FALSE, set them both to TRUE if ((! TraceMode) && (! ProfileMode)) { TraceMode = TRUE; #if PROFILING_IMPLEMENTED ProfileMode = TRUE; #endif // PROFILING_IMPLEMENTED } // // Init the custom cumulative data. // CustomCumulativeToken = ShellCommandLineGetValue (ParamPackage, StringDpOptionLc); if (CustomCumulativeToken != NULL) { CustomCumulativeData = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (PERF_CUM_DATA)); ASSERT (CustomCumulativeData != NULL); CustomCumulativeData->MinDur = 0; CustomCumulativeData->MaxDur = 0; CustomCumulativeData->Count = 0; CustomCumulativeData->Duration = 0; CustomCumulativeData->Name = AllocateZeroPool (StrLen (CustomCumulativeToken) + 1); UnicodeStrToAsciiStr (CustomCumulativeToken, CustomCumulativeData->Name); } /**************************************************************************** **** Timer specific processing **** ****************************************************************************/ // Get the Performance counter characteristics: // Freq = Frequency in Hz // StartCount = Value loaded into the counter when it starts counting // EndCount = Value counter counts to before it needs to be reset // Freq = GetPerformanceCounterProperties (&TimerInfo.StartCount, &TimerInfo.EndCount); // Convert the Frequency from Hz to KHz TimerInfo.Frequency = (UINT32)DivU64x32 (Freq, 1000); // Determine in which direction the performance counter counts. TimerInfo.CountUp = (BOOLEAN) (TimerInfo.EndCount >= TimerInfo.StartCount); /**************************************************************************** **** Print heading **** ****************************************************************************/ // print DP's build version PrintToken (STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_BUILD_REVISION), DP_MAJOR_VERSION, DP_MINOR_VERSION); // print performance timer characteristics PrintToken (STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_KHZ), TimerInfo.Frequency); // Print Timer frequency in KHz if ((VerboseMode) && (! RawMode) ) { StringPtr = HiiGetString (gHiiHandle, (EFI_STRING_ID) (TimerInfo.CountUp ? STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_UP) : STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_DOWN)), NULL); ASSERT (StringPtr != NULL); PrintToken (STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_TIMER_PROPERTIES), // Print Timer count range and direction StringPtr, TimerInfo.StartCount, TimerInfo.EndCount ); PrintToken (STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_VERBOSE_THRESHOLD), mInterestThreshold); } /* ************************************************************************** **** Print Sections based on command line options **** **** Option modes have the following priority: **** v Verbose -- Valid in combination with any other options **** t Threshold -- Modifies All, Raw, and Cooked output **** Default is 0 for All and Raw mode **** Default is DEFAULT_THRESHOLD for "Cooked" mode **** n Number2Display Used by All and Raw mode. Otherwise ignored. **** A All -- R and S options are ignored **** R Raw -- S option is ignored **** s Summary -- Modifies "Cooked" output only **** Cooked (Default) **** **** The All, Raw, and Cooked modes are modified by the Trace and Profile **** options. **** !T && !P := (0) Default, Both are displayed **** T && !P := (1) Only Trace records are displayed **** !T && P := (2) Only Profile records are displayed **** T && P := (3) Same as Default, both are displayed ****************************************************************************/ GatherStatistics (CustomCumulativeData); if (CumulativeMode) { ProcessCumulative (CustomCumulativeData); } else if (AllMode) { if (TraceMode) { Status = DumpAllTrace( Number2Display, ExcludeMode); if (Status == EFI_ABORTED) { goto Done; } } if (ProfileMode) { DumpAllProfile( Number2Display, ExcludeMode); } } else if (RawMode) { if (TraceMode) { Status = DumpRawTrace( Number2Display, ExcludeMode); if (Status == EFI_ABORTED) { goto Done; } } if (ProfileMode) { DumpRawProfile( Number2Display, ExcludeMode); } } else { //------------- Begin Cooked Mode Processing if (TraceMode) { ProcessPhases ( Ticker ); if ( ! SummaryMode) { Status = ProcessHandles ( ExcludeMode); if (Status == EFI_ABORTED) { goto Done; } Status = ProcessPeims (); if (Status == EFI_ABORTED) { goto Done; } Status = ProcessGlobal (); if (Status == EFI_ABORTED) { goto Done; } ProcessCumulative (NULL); } } if (ProfileMode) { DumpAllProfile( Number2Display, ExcludeMode); } } //------------- End of Cooked Mode Processing if ( VerboseMode || SummaryMode) { DumpStatistics(); } } } Done: // // Free the memory allocate from HiiGetString // ListIndex = 0; while (DpParamList[ListIndex].Name != NULL) { FreePool (DpParamList[ListIndex].Name); ListIndex ++; } FreePool (DpParamList); SafeFreePool (StringDpOptionQh); SafeFreePool (StringDpOptionLh); SafeFreePool (StringDpOptionUh); SafeFreePool (StringDpOptionLv); SafeFreePool (StringDpOptionUs); SafeFreePool (StringDpOptionLs); SafeFreePool (StringDpOptionUa); SafeFreePool (StringDpOptionUr); SafeFreePool (StringDpOptionUt); SafeFreePool (StringDpOptionUp); SafeFreePool (StringDpOptionLx); SafeFreePool (StringDpOptionLn); SafeFreePool (StringDpOptionLt); SafeFreePool (StringDpOptionLi); SafeFreePool (StringDpOptionLc); SafeFreePool (StringPtr); SafeFreePool (mPrintTokenBuffer); if (CustomCumulativeData != NULL) { SafeFreePool (CustomCumulativeData->Name); } SafeFreePool (CustomCumulativeData); HiiRemovePackages (gHiiHandle); return Status; }
/** Update Capsule image. @param[in] ImageHandle The image handle. @param[in] SystemTable The system table. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Command completed successfully. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Command usage unsupported. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Command usage invalid. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The input file can't be found. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI UefiMain ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; RETURN_STATUS RStatus; UINTN FileSize[MAX_CAPSULE_NUM]; VOID *CapsuleBuffer[MAX_CAPSULE_NUM]; EFI_CAPSULE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR *BlockDescriptors; EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER *CapsuleHeaderArray[MAX_CAPSULE_NUM + 1]; UINT64 MaxCapsuleSize; EFI_RESET_TYPE ResetType; BOOLEAN NeedReset; BOOLEAN NoReset; CHAR16 *CapsuleName; UINTN CapsuleNum; UINTN Index; Status = GetArg(); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print(L"Please use UEFI SHELL to run this application!\n", Status); return Status; } if (Argc < 2) { PrintUsage(); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if (StrCmp(Argv[1], L"-D") == 0) { if (Argc != 3) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: Incorrect parameter count.\n"); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } Status = DumpCapsule(Argv[2]); return Status; } if (StrCmp(Argv[1], L"-G") == 0) { Status = CreateBmpFmp(); return Status; } if (StrCmp(Argv[1], L"-N") == 0) { Status = CreateNestedFmp(); return Status; } if (StrCmp(Argv[1], L"-S") == 0) { Status = DmpCapsuleStatusVariable(); return EFI_SUCCESS; } if (StrCmp(Argv[1], L"-C") == 0) { Status = ClearCapsuleStatusVariable(); return Status; } if (StrCmp(Argv[1], L"-P") == 0) { if (Argc == 2) { DumpFmpData(); } if (Argc >= 3) { if (StrCmp(Argv[2], L"GET") != 0) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: Unrecognized option(%s).\n", Argv[2]); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } else { if (Argc != 7) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: Incorrect parameter count.\n"); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } EFI_GUID ImageTypeId; UINTN ImageIndex; // // FMP->GetImage() // RStatus = StrToGuid (Argv[3], &ImageTypeId); if (RETURN_ERROR (RStatus) || (Argv[3][GUID_STRING_LENGTH] != L'\0')) { Print (L"Invalid ImageTypeId - %s\n", Argv[3]); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } ImageIndex = StrDecimalToUintn(Argv[4]); if (StrCmp(Argv[5], L"-O") != 0) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: NO output file name.\n"); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } DumpFmpImage(&ImageTypeId, ImageIndex, Argv[6]); } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } if (StrCmp(Argv[1], L"-E") == 0) { DumpEsrtData(); return EFI_SUCCESS; } if (Argv[1][0] == L'-') { Print(L"CapsuleApp: Unrecognized option(%s).\n", Argv[1]); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } CapsuleFirstIndex = 1; NoReset = FALSE; if ((Argc > 1) && (StrCmp(Argv[Argc - 1], L"-NR") == 0)) { NoReset = TRUE; CapsuleLastIndex = Argc - 2; } else { CapsuleLastIndex = Argc - 1; } CapsuleNum = CapsuleLastIndex - CapsuleFirstIndex + 1; if (CapsuleFirstIndex > CapsuleLastIndex) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: NO capsule image.\n"); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if (CapsuleNum > MAX_CAPSULE_NUM) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: Too many capsule images.\n"); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } ZeroMem(&CapsuleBuffer, sizeof(CapsuleBuffer)); ZeroMem(&FileSize, sizeof(FileSize)); BlockDescriptors = NULL; for (Index = 0; Index < CapsuleNum; Index++) { CapsuleName = Argv[CapsuleFirstIndex + Index]; Status = ReadFileToBuffer(CapsuleName, &FileSize[Index], &CapsuleBuffer[Index]); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: capsule image (%s) is not found.\n", CapsuleName); goto Done; } if (!IsValidCapsuleHeader (CapsuleBuffer[Index], FileSize[Index])) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: Capsule image (%s) is not a valid capsule.\n", CapsuleName); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } // // Every capsule use 2 descriptor 1 for data 1 for end // Status = BuildGatherList(CapsuleBuffer, FileSize, CapsuleNum, &BlockDescriptors); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { goto Done; } // // Call the runtime service capsule. // NeedReset = FALSE; for (Index = 0; Index < CapsuleNum; Index++) { CapsuleHeaderArray[Index] = (EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER *) CapsuleBuffer[Index]; if ((CapsuleHeaderArray[Index]->Flags & CAPSULE_FLAGS_PERSIST_ACROSS_RESET) != 0) { NeedReset = TRUE; } } CapsuleHeaderArray[CapsuleNum] = NULL; // // Inquire platform capability of UpdateCapsule. // Status = gRT->QueryCapsuleCapabilities (CapsuleHeaderArray, CapsuleNum, &MaxCapsuleSize, &ResetType); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print (L"CapsuleApp: failed to query capsule capability - %r\n", Status); goto Done; } for (Index = 0; Index < CapsuleNum; Index++) { if (FileSize[Index] > MaxCapsuleSize) { Print (L"CapsuleApp: capsule is too large to update, %ld is allowed\n", MaxCapsuleSize); Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; goto Done; } } // // Check whether the input capsule image has the flag of persist across system reset. // if (NeedReset) { Status = gRT->UpdateCapsule(CapsuleHeaderArray,CapsuleNum,(UINTN) BlockDescriptors); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { Print (L"CapsuleApp: failed to update capsule - %r\n", Status); goto Done; } // // For capsule with CAPSULE_FLAGS_PERSIST_ACROSS_RESET + CAPSULE_FLAGS_INITIATE_RESET, // a system reset should have been triggered by gRT->UpdateCapsule() calling above. // // For capsule with CAPSULE_FLAGS_PERSIST_ACROSS_RESET and without CAPSULE_FLAGS_INITIATE_RESET, // check if -NR (no-reset) has been specified or not. // if (!NoReset) { // // For capsule who has reset flag and no -NR (no-reset) has been specified, after calling UpdateCapsule service, // trigger a system reset to process capsule persist across a system reset. // gRT->ResetSystem (ResetType, EFI_SUCCESS, 0, NULL); } } else { // // For capsule who has no reset flag, only call UpdateCapsule Service without a // system reset. The service will process the capsule immediately. // Status = gRT->UpdateCapsule (CapsuleHeaderArray,CapsuleNum,(UINTN) BlockDescriptors); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { Print (L"CapsuleApp: failed to update capsule - %r\n", Status); } } Status = EFI_SUCCESS; Done: for (Index = 0; Index < CapsuleNum; Index++) { if (CapsuleBuffer[Index] != NULL) { FreePool (CapsuleBuffer[Index]); } } CleanGatherList(BlockDescriptors, CapsuleNum); return Status; }
InitializeListHead (&DriverOptionList); InitializeListHead (&BootOptionList); // // Initialize hotkey service // InitializeHotkeyService (); // // Fill in FirmwareVendor and FirmwareRevision from PCDs // FirmwareVendor = (CHAR16 *)PcdGetPtr (PcdFirmwareVendor); gST->FirmwareVendor = AllocateRuntimeCopyPool (StrSize (FirmwareVendor), FirmwareVendor); // ASSERT (gST->FirmwareVendor != NULL); #ifdef FIRMWARE_REVISION gST->FirmwareRevision = (1<<16) + (UINT32)StrDecimalToUintn(FIRMWARE_REVISION); #else gST->FirmwareRevision = PcdGet32 (PcdFirmwareRevision); #endif // // Fixup Table CRC after we updated Firmware Vendor and Revision // gST->Hdr.CRC32 = 0; gBS->CalculateCrc32 ((VOID *)gST, sizeof(EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE), &gST->Hdr.CRC32); // // Validate Variable. // BdsFormalizeEfiGlobalVariable();