BOOL OnNotify( HWND ParentHwnd, LPNMHDR NmHdr, PTOASTER_PROP_PARAMS Params ) { SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS spDevInstall = {0}; TCHAR friendlyName[LINE_LEN] ={0}; size_t charCount; BOOL fSuccess; switch (NmHdr->code) { case PSN_APPLY: // // Sent when the user clicks on Apply OR OK !! // GetDlgItemText(ParentHwnd, IDC_FRIENDLYNAME, friendlyName, LINE_LEN-1 ); friendlyName[LINE_LEN-1] = UNICODE_NULL; if(friendlyName[0]) { if (FAILED(StringCchLength(friendlyName, STRSAFE_MAX_CCH, &charCount))) { DbgOut("StringCchLength failed!"); break; } fSuccess = SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty(Params->DeviceInfoSet, Params->DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME, (BYTE *)friendlyName, (DWORD)((charCount + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)) ); if(!fSuccess) { DbgOut("SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty failed!"); break; } // // Inform setup about property change so that it can // restart the device. // spDevInstall.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS); if (Params && SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams(Params->DeviceInfoSet, Params->DeviceInfoData, &spDevInstall)) { // // If your device requires a reboot to restart, you can // specify that by setting DI_NEEDREBOOT as shown below // // if(NeedReboot) { // spDevInstall.Flags |= DI_PROPERTIES_CHANGE | DI_NEEDREBOOT; // } // spDevInstall.FlagsEx |= DI_FLAGSEX_PROPCHANGE_PENDING; SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams(Params->DeviceInfoSet, Params->DeviceInfoData, &spDevInstall); } } return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } return FALSE; }
void khm_cred_obtain_new_creds(wchar_t * title) { khui_new_creds * nc; LPNETID_DLGINFO pdlginfo; khm_size cb; if (!khm_cred_begin_dialog()) return; khui_cw_create_cred_blob(&nc); nc->subtype = KMSG_CRED_NEW_CREDS; dialog_nc = nc; khui_context_get(&nc->ctx); kcdb_identpro_get_ui_cb((void *) &nc->ident_cb); if (nc->ident_cb == NULL) { wchar_t title[256]; wchar_t msg[512]; wchar_t suggestion[512]; khui_alert * a; LoadString(khm_hInstance, IDS_ERR_TITLE_NO_IDENTPRO, title, ARRAYLENGTH(title)); LoadString(khm_hInstance, IDS_ERR_MSG_NO_IDENTPRO, msg, ARRAYLENGTH(msg)); LoadString(khm_hInstance, IDS_ERR_SUGG_NO_IDENTPRO, suggestion, ARRAYLENGTH(suggestion)); khui_alert_create_simple(title, msg, KHERR_ERROR, &a); khui_alert_set_suggestion(a, suggestion); khui_alert_show(a); khui_alert_release(a); khui_context_release(&nc->ctx); nc->result = KHUI_NC_RESULT_CANCEL; khm_cred_end_dialog(nc); khui_cw_destroy_cred_blob(nc); return; } if (title) { if (SUCCEEDED(StringCbLength(title, KHUI_MAXCB_TITLE, &cb))) { cb += sizeof(wchar_t); nc->window_title = PMALLOC(cb); #ifdef DEBUG assert(nc->window_title); #endif StringCbCopy(nc->window_title, cb, title); } } else if (nc->ctx.cb_vparam == sizeof(NETID_DLGINFO) && (pdlginfo = nc->ctx.vparam) && pdlginfo->size == NETID_DLGINFO_V1_SZ && pdlginfo->in.title[0] && SUCCEEDED(StringCchLength(pdlginfo->in.title, NETID_TITLE_SZ, &cb))) { cb = (cb + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t); nc->window_title = PMALLOC(cb); #ifdef DEBUG assert(nc->window_title); #endif StringCbCopy(nc->window_title, cb, pdlginfo->in.title); } khm_create_newcredwnd(khm_hwnd_main, nc); if (nc->hwnd != NULL) { _begin_task(KHERR_CF_TRANSITIVE); _report_sr0(KHERR_NONE, IDS_CTX_NEW_CREDS); _describe(); kmq_post_message(KMSG_CRED, KMSG_CRED_NEW_CREDS, 0, (void *) nc); _end_task(); } else { khui_context_release(&nc->ctx); nc->result = KHUI_NC_RESULT_CANCEL; khm_cred_end_dialog(nc); khui_cw_destroy_cred_blob(nc); } }
// MW-2005-05-15: Updated for new answer command restructuring int MCA_folder(MCStringRef p_title, MCStringRef p_prompt, MCStringRef p_initial, unsigned int p_options, MCStringRef &r_value, MCStringRef &r_result) { if (MCmajorosversion >= 0x0600 && MCModeMakeLocalWindows()) return MCA_file(p_title, p_prompt, nil, p_initial, p_options | MCA_OPTION_FOLDER_DIALOG, r_value, r_result); // MW-2005-05-27: We'll use a static (I know bad me) to store the version // of the shell dll. static int s_shell_version = -1; static MCStringRef s_last_folder = MCValueRetain(kMCEmptyString); MCAutoStringRef t_native_filename; if (p_initial != NULL) { MCAutoStringRef t_std_path; /* UNCHECKED */ MCS_pathfromnative(p_initial, &t_std_path); t_native_filename = *t_std_path; } else t_native_filename = MCValueRetain(s_last_folder); if (!MCModeMakeLocalWindows()) { MCAutoStringRef t_answer_path; MCRemoteFolderDialog(p_title, p_prompt, *t_native_filename, &t_answer_path); if (*t_answer_path != nil) { MCAutoStringRef t_std_path; /* UNCHECKED */ MCS_pathfromnative(*t_answer_path, &t_std_path); MCValueAssign(s_last_folder, *t_std_path); } r_value = MCValueRetain(*t_answer_path); return 0; } if (s_shell_version == -1) s_shell_version = get_dll_version(L"shell32.dll"); bool sheet = (p_options & MCA_OPTION_SHEET) != 0; BROWSEINFOW bi; memset(&bi, 0, sizeof(BROWSEINFOW)); Window pw; pw = MCModeGetParentWindow(); if (pw != DNULL) bi.hwndOwner = (HWND)pw->handle.window; MCAutoStringRefAsWString t_prompt_wstr; MCAutoStringRefAsWString t_native_filename_wstr; /* UNCHECKED */ t_prompt_wstr.Lock(p_prompt); bi.pidlRoot = NULL; bi.lpszTitle = *t_prompt_wstr; bi.ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS; if (s_shell_version >= 500) bi.ulFlags |= BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE; if (*t_native_filename != nil && !MCStringIsEmpty(*t_native_filename)) { t_native_filename_wstr.Lock(*t_native_filename); bi . lpfn = BrowseCallbackProc; bi . lParam = (LPARAM)*t_native_filename_wstr; } else { bi.lpfn = NULL; bi.lParam = NULL; } LPITEMIDLIST lpiil; LPMALLOC lpm; SHGetMalloc(&lpm); DWORD t_error; lpiil = SHBrowseForFolderW(&bi); if (lpiil == NULL) { t_error = GetLastError(); } MCAutoArray<unichar_t> t_buffer; /* UNCHECKED */ t_buffer.New(MAX_PATH); if (lpiil != NULL && SHGetPathFromIDListW(lpiil, t_buffer.Ptr())) { if (s_last_folder != NULL) MCValueRelease(s_last_folder); size_t t_length; /* UNCHECKED */ StringCchLength(t_buffer.Ptr(), t_buffer.Size(), &t_length); /* UNCHECKED */ MCStringCreateWithChars(t_buffer.Ptr(), t_length, s_last_folder); MCAutoStringRef t_std_path; /* UNCHECKED */ MCS_pathfromnative(s_last_folder, &t_std_path); r_value = MCValueRetain(*t_std_path); } else r_result = MCSTR(MCcancelstring); // SMR 1880 clear shift and button state waitonbutton(); lpm->Free(lpiil); lpm->Release(); return 0; }
MI_Result UpdateTask( _In_z_ MI_Char* taskName, _In_z_ MI_Char* taskTime, _In_ MI_Uint32 refreshFrequencyInSeconds, _Outptr_result_maybenull_ MI_Instance **extendedError) { MI_Result r = MI_RESULT_OK; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcInfo; STARTUPINFO si; HRESULT hr = S_OK; MI_Uint32 dwExitCode = 0; BOOL bRes = MI_TRUE; UINT retVal = 0; HANDLE hXmlFileHandle = NULL; BOOL bHandleUsageSuccess = FALSE; const char BOM [] = {0xFF, 0xFE}; MI_Uint32 dwWmiMethodArg = 0; size_t sFormattedXMLFileLength = 0; // The task scheduler filename // This will double as the buffer for GetTempPath and for the command wchar_t wSchedTaskPath[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t wTmpFilePath[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t wSchedTaskFile[(sizeof(LocalConfigManagerTaskXMLFormatString)+sizeof(L"2013-04-11T18:10:48")+sizeof("2678400"))/sizeof(wchar_t)]; wchar_t wSchedTaskParam[LCM_MAX_PATH]; MI_Uint32 len = 0; LPWSTR wCommandFormat = NULL; if (extendedError == NULL) { return MI_RESULT_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *extendedError = NULL; // Explicitly set *extendedError to NULL as _Outptr_ requires setting this at least once. wSchedTaskPath[0] = L'\0'; wTmpFilePath[0] = L'\0'; wSchedTaskFile[0] = L'\0'; wSchedTaskParam[0] = L'\0'; memset(&si,0,sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); si.dwFlags = STARTF_FORCEOFFFEEDBACK; if (refreshFrequencyInSeconds > THIRTY_ONE_DAYS_IN_SECONDS) { refreshFrequencyInSeconds = THIRTY_ONE_DAYS_IN_SECONDS; } if (refreshFrequencyInSeconds < FIFTEEN_MINUTES_IN_SECONDS) { refreshFrequencyInSeconds = THIRTY_ONE_DAYS_IN_SECONDS; } wCommandFormat = LocalConfigManagerTaskConsistencyCommand; dwWmiMethodArg = 1; retVal = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, wSchedTaskPath); if (!retVal) { hr = E_FAIL; return GetCimError(hr, extendedError, ID_LCMHELPER_GETTEMPPATH_ERROR); } // 0 here signifies our willingness to let the system create and close the file for us // This means we cannot specify FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY to CreateFile // but in return we can be sure that nobody will take our filename in the microsecond before we use it retVal = GetTempFileName(wSchedTaskPath, L"LCM", 0u, wTmpFilePath); if (!retVal) { hr = E_FAIL; return GetCimError(hr, extendedError, ID_LCMHELPER_GETTEMPFILENAME_ERROR); } hr = StringCchPrintf(wSchedTaskParam, sizeof(wSchedTaskParam)/sizeof(wchar_t), wCommandFormat, wTmpFilePath); if (FAILED(hr) || NitsShouldFault(NitsHere(), NitsAutomatic)) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = E_FAIL; return GetCimError(hr, extendedError, ID_LCMHELPER_PRINTF_ERROR); } if (GetEnvironmentVariable(L"windir", wSchedTaskPath, MAX_PATH) ==0 ) { return GetCimWin32Error(GetLastError(), extendedError, ID_MODMAN_WINDIRENV_FAILED); } hr = StringCchCatW(wSchedTaskPath, MAX_PATH, L"\\system32\\schtasks.exe"); if (FAILED(hr)) { return GetCimError(hr, extendedError, ID_ENGINEHELPER_CAT_ERROR); } hr = StringCchPrintf(wSchedTaskFile, sizeof(wSchedTaskFile)/sizeof(wchar_t), LocalConfigManagerTaskXMLFormatString, refreshFrequencyInSeconds, taskTime, dwWmiMethodArg); if (FAILED(hr) || NitsShouldFault(NitsHere(), NitsAutomatic)) { if( SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = E_FAIL; return GetCimError(hr, extendedError, ID_LCMHELPER_PRINTF_ERROR); } hr = StringCchLength(wSchedTaskFile, STRSAFE_MAX_CCH, &sFormattedXMLFileLength); if (FAILED(hr) || NitsShouldFault(NitsHere(), NitsAutomatic)) { if( SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = E_FAIL; return GetCimError(hr, extendedError, ID_LCMHELPER_STRLEN_ERROR); } // We've done everything we can do ahead of time. Now we actually start changing the system hXmlFileHandle = CreateFile(wTmpFilePath, GENERIC_WRITE, 0 /* Prevent sharing */, NULL /* Children don't inherit */, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL /* No template */); if (hXmlFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return GetCimWin32Error(GetLastError(), extendedError, ID_ENGINEHELPER_OPENFILE_ERROR); } bHandleUsageSuccess = WriteFile(hXmlFileHandle, BOM, sizeof(BOM), (LPDWORD)&len, NULL); if (!bHandleUsageSuccess) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); CloseHandle(hXmlFileHandle); DeleteFile(wTmpFilePath); return GetCimError(hr, extendedError, ID_LCMHELPER_WRITEFILE_ERROR); } bHandleUsageSuccess = WriteFile(hXmlFileHandle, wSchedTaskFile, (DWORD)(sFormattedXMLFileLength*sizeof(wchar_t)), (LPDWORD)&len, NULL); if (!bHandleUsageSuccess) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); CloseHandle(hXmlFileHandle); DeleteFile(wTmpFilePath); return GetCimError(hr, extendedError, ID_LCMHELPER_WRITEFILE_ERROR); } bHandleUsageSuccess = CloseHandle(hXmlFileHandle); if (!bHandleUsageSuccess) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); DeleteFile(wTmpFilePath); return GetCimError(hr, extendedError, ID_LCMHELPER_CLOSEHANDLE_ERROR); } bRes = CreateProcess(wSchedTaskPath, wSchedTaskParam, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &si, &ProcInfo); if (!bRes) { CloseHandle(hXmlFileHandle); DeleteFile(wTmpFilePath); return GetCimWin32Error(GetLastError(), extendedError, ID_ENGINEHELPER_CREATEPROCESS_ERROR); } WaitForSingleObject(ProcInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); if (GetExitCodeProcess(ProcInfo.hProcess,(LPDWORD)&dwExitCode) && dwExitCode != 0) { r = GetCimMIError(MI_RESULT_FAILED, extendedError, ID_ENGINEHELPER_CREATEPROCESS_ERROR); } bHandleUsageSuccess = DeleteFile(wTmpFilePath); if (!bHandleUsageSuccess && r == MI_RESULT_OK) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); return GetCimError(hr, extendedError, ID_LCMHELPER_DELETEFILE_ERROR); } CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hProcess); return r; }
void khm_cred_change_password(wchar_t * title) { khui_new_creds * nc; LPNETID_DLGINFO pdlginfo; khm_size cb; if (!khm_cred_begin_dialog()) return; khui_cw_create_cred_blob(&nc); nc->subtype = KMSG_CRED_PASSWORD; dialog_nc = nc; khui_context_get(&nc->ctx); kcdb_identpro_get_ui_cb((void *) &nc->ident_cb); assert(nc->ident_cb); if (title) { if (SUCCEEDED(StringCbLength(title, KHUI_MAXCB_TITLE, &cb))) { cb += sizeof(wchar_t); nc->window_title = PMALLOC(cb); #ifdef DEBUG assert(nc->window_title); #endif StringCbCopy(nc->window_title, cb, title); } } else if (nc->ctx.cb_vparam == sizeof(NETID_DLGINFO) && (pdlginfo = nc->ctx.vparam) && pdlginfo->size == NETID_DLGINFO_V1_SZ && pdlginfo->in.title[0] && SUCCEEDED(StringCchLength(pdlginfo->in.title, NETID_TITLE_SZ, &cb))) { cb = (cb + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t); nc->window_title = PMALLOC(cb); #ifdef DEBUG assert(nc->window_title); #endif StringCbCopy(nc->window_title, cb, pdlginfo->in.title); } khm_create_newcredwnd(khm_hwnd_main, nc); if (nc->hwnd != NULL) { _begin_task(KHERR_CF_TRANSITIVE); _report_sr0(KHERR_NONE, IDS_CTX_PASSWORD); _describe(); kmq_post_message(KMSG_CRED, KMSG_CRED_PASSWORD, 0, (void *) nc); _end_task(); } else { khui_cw_destroy_cred_blob(nc); } }
DWORD WINAPI InjectDLLThreadFunc(LPVOID lpParam) { InjectDLLThreadFuncInfo* info = (InjectDLLThreadFuncInfo*)lpParam; HANDLE hProcess = info->hInjectProcess; DWORD dwInjectProcessID = info->dwInjectProcessID; HANDLE hInjectThread = info->hInjectThread; DWORD dwInjectThreadID = info->dwInjectThreadID; TCHAR* dllPath = info->injectDllPath; bool runDllLast = info->runDllLast; DWORD dwThread = 0; size_t dwPathLength = 1024; StringCchLength(dllPath, dwPathLength, &dwPathLength); dwPathLength *= sizeof(WCHAR); if (hProcess == NULL) { PrintLastError("CreateProcess", GetLastError()); terminateRequest = true; } // modify the IDT (import directory table) (though the IAT is more commonly referred to) // so that Windows thinks the game needs to load our DLL first bool injected = InjectDLLIntoIDT(dwInjectProcessID, hProcess, hInjectThread, dllPath, !runDllLast); if(injected) { debugprintf("Injecting \"%s\" by IAT (method %d) apparently succeeded.\n", dllPath, runDllLast?2:1); info->injectIsAsyncReady = TRUE; goto done; } DWORD exitCode = 0; if(exitCode == 0) { terminateRequest = true; if(hProcess != NULL) { debugprintf("Injection failed...\n"); CustomMessageBox("Injection failed...\nYou can (hopefully) find more information in the debug log .txt file.", "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } else { CustomMessageBox("The game could not be launched...\nYou can (hopefully) find more information in the debug log .txt file.", "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } } else // Why is this here?? { debugprintf("Injection probably succeeded (0x%X)...\n", exitCode); } done: while(!info->injectAllowedToFinish) { Sleep(5); } delete info; return 0; }
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: HrInstallNetComponent // // Purpose: Install the specified net component // // Arguments: // pnc [in] pointer to INetCfg object // szComponentId [in] component to install // pguidClass [in] class guid of the component // // Returns: S_OK or NETCFG_S_REBOOT on success, otherwise an error code // // Notes: // HRESULT HrInstallNetComponent(IN INetCfg* pnc, IN PCTSTR szComponentId, IN const GUID* pguidClass) { HRESULT hr=S_OK; OBO_TOKEN OboToken; INetCfgClassSetup* pncClassSetup; INetCfgComponent* pncc; WCHAR szComponentIdW[256] ; int cnt ; #ifdef _MBCS // @hootch@ // // size_t cchLen; StringCchLength(szComponentId, 256, &cchLen); cnt = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, // code page 0, // character-type options szComponentId, // string to map cchLen, // number of bytes in string szComponentIdW, // wide-character buffer 256 // size of buffer ); if(cnt == 0) { // error return S_FALSE ; } #endif // OBO_TOKEN specifies the entity on whose behalf this // component is being installed // set it to OBO_USER so that szComponentId will be installed // On-Behalf-Of "user" ZeroMemory (&OboToken, sizeof(OboToken)); OboToken.Type = OBO_USER; hr = pnc->QueryNetCfgClass (pguidClass, IID_INetCfgClassSetup, (void**)&pncClassSetup); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { #ifdef _MBCS hr = pncClassSetup->Install(szComponentIdW, &OboToken, NSF_POSTSYSINSTALL, 0, // <upgrade-from-build-num> NULL, // answerfile name NULL, // answerfile section name &pncc); #else hr = pncClassSetup->Install(szComponentId, &OboToken, NSF_POSTSYSINSTALL, 0, // <upgrade-from-build-num> NULL, // answerfile name NULL, // answerfile section name &pncc); #endif if (S_OK == hr) { // we dont want to use pncc (INetCfgComponent), release it ReleaseObj(pncc); } ReleaseObj(pncClassSetup); } return hr; }
HRESULT SetupRichSavedGamesW( WCHAR* strSavedGameExtension, WCHAR* strLaunchPath, WCHAR* strCommandLineToLaunchSavedGame ) { HKEY hKey = NULL; LONG lResult; DWORD dwDisposition; WCHAR strExt[256]; WCHAR strType[256]; WCHAR strCmdLine[256]; WCHAR strTemp[512]; size_t nStrLength = 0; // Validate args if( strLaunchPath == NULL || strSavedGameExtension == NULL ) { return E_INVALIDARG; } // Setup saved game extension arg - make sure there's a period at the start if( strSavedGameExtension[0] == L'.' ) { StringCchCopy( strExt, 256, strSavedGameExtension ); StringCchPrintf( strType, 256, L"%sType", strSavedGameExtension+1 ); } else { StringCchPrintf( strExt, 256, L".%s", strSavedGameExtension ); StringCchPrintf( strType, 256, L"%sType", strSavedGameExtension ); } // Create default command line arg if none supplied if( strCommandLineToLaunchSavedGame ) StringCchCopy( strCmdLine, 256, strCommandLineToLaunchSavedGame ); else StringCchCopy( strCmdLine, 256, L"\"%1\"" ); // Create file association & metadata regkeys lResult = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strExt, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hKey, &dwDisposition ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult ) { // Create the following regkeys: // // [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.ExampleGameSave] // (Default)="ExampleGameSaveFileType" // StringCchLength( strType, 256, &nStrLength ); RegSetValueEx( hKey, L"", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)strType, (DWORD)((nStrLength + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR)) ); // Create the following regkeys: // // [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.ExampleGameSave\ShellEx\{BB2E617C-0920-11d1-9A0B-00C04FC2D6C1}] // (Default)="{4E5BFBF8-F59A-4e87-9805-1F9B42CC254A}" // HKEY hSubKey = NULL; lResult = RegCreateKeyEx( hKey, L"ShellEx\\{BB2E617C-0920-11d1-9A0B-00C04FC2D6C1}", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hSubKey, &dwDisposition ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult ) { StringCchPrintf( strTemp, 512, L"{4E5BFBF8-F59A-4e87-9805-1F9B42CC254A}" ); StringCchLength( strTemp, 256, &nStrLength ); RegSetValueEx( hSubKey, L"", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)strTemp, (DWORD)((nStrLength + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR)) ); } if( hSubKey ) RegCloseKey( hSubKey ); } if( hKey ) RegCloseKey( hKey ); lResult = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strType, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hKey, &dwDisposition ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult ) { // Create the following regkeys: // // [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ExampleGameSaveFileType] // PreviewTitle="prop:System.Game.RichSaveName;System.Game.RichApplicationName" // PreviewDetails="prop:System.Game.RichLevel;System.DateChanged;System.Game.RichComment;System.DisplayName;System.DisplayType" // size_t nPreviewDetails = 0, nPreviewTitle = 0; WCHAR* strPreviewTitle = L"prop:System.Game.RichSaveName;System.Game.RichApplicationName"; WCHAR* strPreviewDetails = L"prop:System.Game.RichLevel;System.DateChanged;System.Game.RichComment;System.ItemNameDisplay;System.ItemType"; StringCchLength( strPreviewTitle, 256, &nPreviewTitle ); StringCchLength( strPreviewDetails, 256, &nPreviewDetails ); RegSetValueEx( hKey, L"PreviewTitle", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)strPreviewTitle, (DWORD)((nPreviewTitle + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR)) ); RegSetValueEx( hKey, L"PreviewDetails", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)strPreviewDetails, (DWORD)((nPreviewDetails + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR)) ); // Create the following regkeys: // // [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ExampleGameSaveFileType\Shell\Open\Command] // (Default)=""%ProgramFiles%\ExampleGame.exe" "%1"" // HKEY hSubKey = NULL; lResult = RegCreateKeyEx( hKey, L"Shell\\Open\\Command", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hSubKey, &dwDisposition ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult ) { StringCchPrintf( strTemp, 512, L"%s %s", strLaunchPath, strCmdLine ); StringCchLength( strTemp, 256, &nStrLength ); RegSetValueEx( hSubKey, L"", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)strTemp, (DWORD)((nStrLength + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR)) ); } if( hSubKey ) RegCloseKey( hSubKey ); } if( hKey ) RegCloseKey( hKey ); // Create the following regkeys: // // [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\PropertySystem\PropertyHandlers\.ExampleGameSave] // (Default)="{ECDD6472-2B9B-4b4b-AE36-F316DF3C8D60}" // StringCchPrintf( strTemp, 512, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\PropertySystem\\PropertyHandlers\\%s", strExt ); lResult = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strTemp, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hKey, &dwDisposition ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult ) { StringCchCopy( strTemp, 512, L"{ECDD6472-2B9B-4B4B-AE36-F316DF3C8D60}" ); StringCchLength( strTemp, 256, &nStrLength ); RegSetValueEx( hKey, L"", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)strTemp, (DWORD)((nStrLength + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR)) ); } if( hKey ) RegCloseKey( hKey ); return S_OK; }
DWORD APIENTRY NPLogonNotify( PLUID lpLogonId, LPCWSTR lpAuthentInfoType, LPVOID lpAuthentInfo, LPCWSTR lpPreviousAuthentInfoType, LPVOID lpPreviousAuthentInfo, LPWSTR lpStationName, LPVOID StationHandle, LPWSTR *lpLogonScript) { char uname[MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH]=""; char password[MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH]=""; char logonDomain[MAX_DOMAIN_LENGTH]=""; char cell[256]="<non-integrated logon>"; char homePath[MAX_PATH]=""; char szLogonId[128] = ""; MSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_LOGON *IL; DWORD code = 0, code2; int pw_exp; char *reason; char *ctemp; BOOLEAN interactive; BOOLEAN flag; DWORD LSPtype, LSPsize; HKEY NPKey; HWND hwndOwner = (HWND)StationHandle; BOOLEAN afsWillAutoStart; BOOLEAN lowercased_name = TRUE; LogonOptions_t opt; /* domain specific logon options */ int retryInterval; int sleepInterval; /* Are we interactive? */ interactive = (wcsicmp(lpStationName, L"WinSta0") == 0); #ifdef DISABLE_NON_INTERACTIVE /* Do not do anything if the logon session is not interactive. */ if (!interactive) return 0; #endif (void) RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, AFSREG_CLT_SVC_PARAM_SUBKEY, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &NPKey); LSPsize=sizeof(TraceOption); RegQueryValueEx(NPKey, REG_CLIENT_TRACE_OPTION_PARM, NULL, &LSPtype, (LPBYTE)&TraceOption, &LSPsize); RegCloseKey (NPKey); DebugEvent("NPLogonNotify - LoginId(%d,%d)", lpLogonId->HighPart, lpLogonId->LowPart); /* Make sure the AFS Libraries are initialized */ AfsLogonInit(); /* Initialize Logon Script to none */ *lpLogonScript=NULL; /* MSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_LOGON and KERB_INTERACTIVE_LOGON are equivalent for * our purposes */ if ( wcsicmp(lpAuthentInfoType,L"MSV1_0:Interactive") && wcsicmp(lpAuthentInfoType,L"Kerberos:Interactive") ) { DebugEvent("Unsupported Authentication Info Type: %S", lpAuthentInfoType); return 0; } IL = (MSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_LOGON *) lpAuthentInfo; /* Convert from Unicode to ANSI */ /*TODO: Use SecureZeroMemory to erase passwords */ if (!UnicodeStringToANSI(IL->UserName, uname, MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH) || !UnicodeStringToANSI(IL->Password, password, MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH) || !UnicodeStringToANSI(IL->LogonDomainName, logonDomain, MAX_DOMAIN_LENGTH)) return 0; /* Make sure AD-DOMANS sent from login that is sent to us is striped */ ctemp = strchr(uname, '@'); if (ctemp) *ctemp = 0; /* is the name all lowercase? */ for ( ctemp = uname; *ctemp ; ctemp++) { if ( !islower(*ctemp) ) { lowercased_name = FALSE; break; } } /* * Get Logon options */ GetDomainLogonOptions( lpLogonId, uname, logonDomain, &opt ); retryInterval = opt.retryInterval; sleepInterval = opt.sleepInterval; *lpLogonScript = opt.logonScript; if (retryInterval < sleepInterval) sleepInterval = retryInterval; DebugEvent("Got logon script: %S",opt.logonScript); afsWillAutoStart = AFSWillAutoStart(); DebugEvent("LogonOption[%x], Service AutoStart[%d]", opt.LogonOption,afsWillAutoStart); /* Check for zero length password if integrated logon*/ if ( ISLOGONINTEGRATED(opt.LogonOption) ) { if ( password[0] == 0 ) { DebugEvent0("Password is the empty string"); code = GT_PW_NULL; reason = "zero length password is illegal"; code=0; } /* Get cell name if doing integrated logon. We might overwrite this if we are logging into an AD realm and we find out that the user's home dir is in some other cell. */ DebugEvent("About to call cm_GetRootCellName(%s)",cell); code = cm_GetRootCellName(cell); if (code < 0) { DebugEvent0("Unable to obtain Root Cell"); code = KTC_NOCELL; reason = "unknown cell"; code=0; } else { DebugEvent("Cell is %s",cell); } /* We get the user's home directory path, if applicable, though we can't lookup the cell right away because the client service may not have started yet. This call also sets the AD_REALM flag in opt.flags if applicable. */ if (ISREMOTE(opt.flags)) { DebugEvent0("Is Remote"); GetAdHomePath(homePath,MAX_PATH,lpLogonId,&opt); } } /* loop until AFS is started. */ if (afsWillAutoStart) { while (IsServiceRunning() || IsServiceStartPending()) { DebugEvent("while(autostart) LogonOption[%x], Service AutoStart[%d]", opt.LogonOption,afsWillAutoStart); if (ISADREALM(opt.flags)) { code = GetFileCellName(homePath,cell,256); if (!code) { DebugEvent("profile path [%s] is in cell [%s]",homePath,cell); } /* Don't bail out if GetFileCellName failed. * The home dir may not be in AFS after all. */ } else code=0; /* if Integrated Logon */ if (ISLOGONINTEGRATED(opt.LogonOption)) { if ( KFW_is_available() ) { SetEnvironmentVariable(DO_NOT_REGISTER_VARNAME, ""); if (opt.realm) { char * principal, *p; size_t len, tlen; StringCchLength(opt.realm, MAX_DOMAIN_LENGTH, &tlen); len = tlen; StringCchLength(uname, MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH, &tlen); len += tlen + 2; /* tlen is now the length of uname in characters */ principal = (char *)malloc(len * sizeof(char)); if ( principal ) { StringCchCopy(principal, len, uname); p = principal + tlen; *p++ = '@'; StringCchCopy(p, len - tlen -1, opt.realm); code = KFW_AFS_get_cred(principal, cell, password, 0, opt.smbName, &reason); DebugEvent("KFW_AFS_get_cred uname=[%s] smbname=[%s] cell=[%s] code=[%d]", principal,opt.smbName,cell,code); free(principal); } } else { code = KFW_AFS_get_cred(uname, cell, password, 0, opt.smbName, &reason); DebugEvent("KFW_AFS_get_cred uname=[%s] smbname=[%s] cell=[%s] code=[%d]", uname,opt.smbName,cell,code); } SetEnvironmentVariable(DO_NOT_REGISTER_VARNAME, NULL); if (code == 0 && opt.theseCells) { char * principal, *p; size_t len, tlen; StringCchLength(opt.realm ? opt.realm : cell, MAX_DOMAIN_LENGTH, &tlen); len = tlen; StringCchLength(uname, MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH, &tlen); len += tlen + 2; /* tlen is now the length of uname in characters */ principal = (char *)malloc(len * sizeof(char)); if ( principal ) { StringCchCopy(principal, len, uname); p = principal + tlen; *p++ = '@'; if (opt.realm) { StringCchCopy(p, len - tlen -1, opt.realm); } else { StringCchCopy(p, len - tlen - 1, cell); for ( ;*p; p++) { *p = toupper(*p); } } p = opt.theseCells; while ( *p ) { if ( cm_stricmp_utf8(p, cell) ) { SetEnvironmentVariable(DO_NOT_REGISTER_VARNAME, ""); code2 = KFW_AFS_get_cred(principal, p, 0, 0, opt.smbName, &reason); SetEnvironmentVariable(DO_NOT_REGISTER_VARNAME, NULL); DebugEvent("KFW_AFS_get_cred uname=[%s] smbname=[%s] cell=[%s] code=[%d]", principal,opt.smbName,p,code2); } p += strlen(p) + 1; } free(principal); } } } else { code = ka_UserAuthenticateGeneral2(KA_USERAUTH_VERSION+KA_USERAUTH_AUTHENT_LOGON, uname, "", cell, password, opt.smbName, 0, &pw_exp, 0, &reason); DebugEvent("AFS AfsLogon - (INTEGRATED only)ka_UserAuthenticateGeneral2 Code[%x] uname[%s] smbname=[%s] Cell[%s] PwExp=[%d] Reason=[%s]", code,uname,opt.smbName,cell,pw_exp,reason?reason:""); } if ( code && code != KTC_NOCM && code != KTC_NOCMRPC && !lowercased_name ) { for ( ctemp = uname; *ctemp ; ctemp++) { *ctemp = tolower(*ctemp); } lowercased_name = TRUE; goto sleeping; } /* is service started yet?*/ /* If we've failed because the client isn't running yet and the * client is set to autostart (and therefore it makes sense for * us to wait for it to start) then sleep a while and try again. * If the error was something else, then give up. */ if (code != KTC_NOCM && code != KTC_NOCMRPC) break; } else { /*JUST check to see if its running*/ if (IsServiceRunning()) break; if (!IsServiceStartPending()) { code = KTC_NOCMRPC; reason = "AFS Service start failed"; break; } } /* If the retry interval has expired and we still aren't * logged in, then just give up if we are not in interactive * mode or the failSilently flag is set, otherwise let the * user know we failed and give them a chance to try again. */ if (retryInterval <= 0) { reason = "AFS not running"; if (!interactive || opt.failSilently) break; flag = MessageBox(hwndOwner, "AFS is still starting. Retry?", "AFS Logon", MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_RETRYCANCEL); if (flag == IDCANCEL) break; /* Wait just a little while and try again */ retryInterval = opt.retryInterval; } sleeping: Sleep(sleepInterval * 1000); retryInterval -= sleepInterval; } } DebugEvent0("while loop exited"); /* remove any kerberos 5 tickets currently held by the SYSTEM account * for this user */ if (ISLOGONINTEGRATED(opt.LogonOption) && KFW_is_available()) { #ifdef KFW_LOGON sprintf(szLogonId,"%d.%d",lpLogonId->HighPart, lpLogonId->LowPart); KFW_AFS_copy_cache_to_system_file(uname, szLogonId); #endif KFW_AFS_destroy_tickets_for_principal(uname); } if (code) { char msg[128]; HANDLE h; char *ptbuf[1]; StringCbPrintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Integrated login failed: %s", reason); if (ISLOGONINTEGRATED(opt.LogonOption) && interactive && !opt.failSilently) MessageBox(hwndOwner, msg, "AFS Logon", MB_OK); h = RegisterEventSource(NULL, AFS_LOGON_EVENT_NAME); ptbuf[0] = msg; ReportEvent(h, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, 1008, NULL, 1, 0, ptbuf, NULL); DeregisterEventSource(h); code = MapAuthError(code); SetLastError(code); if (ISLOGONINTEGRATED(opt.LogonOption) && (code!=0)) { if (*lpLogonScript) LocalFree(*lpLogonScript); *lpLogonScript = NULL; if (!afsWillAutoStart) // its not running, so if not autostart or integrated logon then just skip code = 0; } } if (opt.theseCells) free(opt.theseCells); if (opt.smbName) free(opt.smbName); if (opt.realm) free(opt.realm); DebugEvent("AFS AfsLogon - Exit","Return Code[%x]",code); return code; }
BOOL ScanUDisk(IN LPCTSTR lpUDisk,IN BOOL bDelSuspicious) { size_t dwLen = 0; size_t dwDirNameLen = 0; LPTSTR lpSearchDisk = NULL; //The U Disk to search LPTSTR lpDirName = NULL; //Full file path LPTSTR lpFileName = NULL; //File with the same name as a directory, but has a ".exe" type extension HANDLE hFind = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; //Build the search string StringCchLength(lpUDisk,20/*set this to 4 later*/,&dwLen); lpSearchDisk = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR,(dwLen+2) * sizeof(TCHAR)); StringCchPrintf(lpSearchDisk,dwLen+3,TEXT("%s%s"),lpUDisk,TEXT("*")); hFind = FindFirstFile(lpSearchDisk, &FindFileData); if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if ( IsDotsDirectory(FindFileData.cFileName) ) continue; //construct the directory or file full path StringCchLength(FindFileData.cFileName,MAX_PATH,&dwDirNameLen); //get the directory name length dwDirNameLen += dwLen + 2; lpDirName = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR,dwDirNameLen * sizeof(TCHAR)); StringCchPrintf(lpDirName,LocalSize((HLOCAL)lpDirName),TEXT("%s%s"),lpUDisk,FindFileData.cFileName); //construct the full suspicious file path lpFileName = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR,(dwDirNameLen + 4) * sizeof(TCHAR)); StringCchPrintf(lpFileName,LocalSize((HLOCAL)lpFileName),TEXT("%s.exe"),lpDirName); if ( (FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { //it's a directory SetFileAttributes(lpDirName,FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM); if( bDelSuspicious ) { //delete suspicious file DelSuspiciousFile(lpFileName,FindFileData.dwFileAttributes); } } else //it's a file { if( bDelSuspicious ) { //delete "autorun.inf" if( !_tcsicmp(FindFileData.cFileName,TEXT("autorun.inf")) ) DelSuspiciousFile(lpDirName,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); //delete other malicious files if( IsFileMalicious(FindFileData.cFileName) ) { DelSuspiciousFile(lpDirName,FindFileData.dwFileAttributes); } } } } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData)); } FindClose(hFind); hFind = NULL; LocalFree((HLOCAL)lpDirName); LocalFree((HLOCAL)lpSearchDisk); lpSearchDisk = NULL; lpDirName = NULL; return TRUE; }
/** @helper_function="HlprEthernetMACAddressStringIsValidFormat" Purpose: Determine if a string may be an Ethernet MAC address by verifying the string: <br> is at least 17 characters <br> has at least 5 colons(':') or hyphens('-') <br> <br> Notes: <br> <br> MSDN_Ref: <br> */ BOOLEAN HlprEthernetMACAddressStringIsValidFormat(_In_ PCWSTR pEthernetMACAddressString) { BOOLEAN isEthernetMACAddress = FALSE; if(pEthernetMACAddressString) { UINT32 status = NO_ERROR; size_t stringLength = 0; status = StringCchLength(pEthernetMACAddressString, STRSAFE_MAX_CCH, &stringLength); if(status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { HlprLogError(L"HlprEthernetMACAddressStringIsValidFormat : StringCchLength() [status: %#x]", status); HLPR_BAIL; } else if(stringLength <= IEEE_802_ADDRESS_STRING_BUFFER) { if(wcschr(pEthernetMACAddressString, L':')) { UINT32 numColons = 0; for(UINT32 index = 0; index < stringLength; index++) { if(pEthernetMACAddressString[index] == L':') numColons++; } if(numColons == 5) isEthernetMACAddress = TRUE; } else { if(wcschr(pEthernetMACAddressString, L'-')) { UINT32 numHyphens = 0; for(UINT32 index = 0; index < stringLength; index++) { if(pEthernetMACAddressString[index] == L'-') numHyphens++; } if(numHyphens == 5) isEthernetMACAddress = TRUE; } } } } HLPR_BAIL_LABEL: if(!isEthernetMACAddress) HlprLogError(L"HlprEthernetMACAddressStringIsValidFormat() [status: %#x][pEthernetMACAddressString: %s]", ERROR_INVALID_DATA, pEthernetMACAddressString); return isEthernetMACAddress; }
/*! 選択範囲を指定文字列で塗りつぶす @param[in] ptBrush ブラシ文字列・NULLなら空白 @param[in] pdDot キャレットドット位置・書き換える必要がある @param[in] pdLine 行番号・書き換える必要がある @return 非0塗った 0してない */ INT DocSelectedBrushFilling( LPTSTR ptBrush, PINT pdDot, PINT pdLine ) { UINT_PTR iMozis; UINT_PTR cchSize; INT i, j, dBeginX = 0, dBeginY = 0; INT iLct, dTgtDot, dBgnDot, dNowDot; BOOLEAN bFirst; LPTSTR ptReplc = NULL, ptDeled; // INT dZenSp, dHanSp, dUniSp; wstring wsBuffer; LETR_ITR itLtr, itEnd, itHead, itTail; LINE_ITR itLine; bFirst = TRUE; i = (*gitFileIt) gixFocusPage ).dSelLineTop; j = (*gitFileIt) gixFocusPage ).dSelLineBottom; TRACE( TEXT("範囲確認[T%d - B%d]"), i, j ); if( 0 > i ){ return 0; } // 選択範囲が無かった dBeginY = i; // 選択肢のある行 dBeginX = 0; // 壱行ずつ処理していく itLine = (*gitFileIt) gixFocusPage ).ltPage.begin(); std::advance( itLine, i ); for( iLct = i; j >= iLct; iLct++, itLine++ ) { // 文字数確認して iMozis = itLine->vcLine.size( ); if( 0 < iMozis ) { itLtr = itLine->vcLine.begin( ); itEnd = itLine->vcLine.end( ); itHead = itEnd; itTail = itEnd; dBgnDot = 0; dTgtDot = 0; // 最初の選択部分を検索 for( ; itLtr != itEnd; itLtr++ ) { if( CT_SELECT & itLtr->mzStyle ) { itHead = itLtr; dTgtDot = itLtr->rdWidth; itLtr++; // 次の文字を参照 break; } dBgnDot += itLtr->rdWidth; } if( iLct == i ){ dBeginX = dBgnDot; } // 意味があるのは最後のところ // 選択されてない所まで検索 for( ; itLtr != itEnd; itLtr++ ) { if( !(CT_SELECT & itLtr->mzStyle) ) { itTail = itLtr; break; } dTgtDot += itLtr->rdWidth; // ドット数を確認 } // 当てはめるアレを計算する if( ptBrush ) { ptReplc = BrushStringMake( dTgtDot, ptBrush ); } else // 空白指定ということ { ptReplc = DocPaddingSpaceMake( dTgtDot ); } // ここで、埋め文字列が作成不可なら、この行の処理は飛ばす if( !(ptReplc) ) continue; // 該当部分の内容を記録<アンドゥ用 wsBuffer.clear(); for( itLtr = itHead; itLtr != itTail; itLtr++ ) { wsBuffer += itLtr->cchMozi; } cchSize = wsBuffer.size( ) + 1; ptDeled = (LPTSTR)malloc( cchSize * sizeof(TCHAR) ); StringCchCopy( ptDeled, cchSize, wsBuffer.c_str( ) ); // 該当部分を削除 itLine->vcLine.erase( itHead, itTail ); // ブラシ文字列で埋める StringCchLength( ptReplc, STRSAFE_MAX_CCH, &cchSize ); dNowDot = dBgnDot; DocStringAdd( &dNowDot, &iLct, ptReplc, cchSize ); SqnAppendString( &((*gitFileIt) gixFocusPage ).stUndoLog), DO_DELETE, ptDeled, dBgnDot, iLct, bFirst ); bFirst = FALSE; SqnAppendString( &((*gitFileIt) gixFocusPage ).stUndoLog), DO_INSERT, ptReplc, dBgnDot, iLct, bFirst ); FREE( ptDeled ); FREE( ptReplc ); ViewRedrawSetLine( iLct ); } } ViewSelPageAll( -1 ); // 選択範囲無くなる // カーソル位置移動せないかん *pdDot = dBeginX; *pdLine = dBeginY; return 1; }
KHMEXP khm_int32 KHMAPI kcdb_identpro_canon_name_ex(khm_handle vidpro, const wchar_t * name_in, wchar_t * name_out, khm_size * cb_name_out) { khm_handle sub; kcdb_ident_name_xfer namex; wchar_t name_tmp[KCDB_IDENT_MAXCCH_NAME]; khm_int32 rv = KHM_ERROR_SUCCESS; khm_size cch; if(cb_name_out == 0 || FAILED(StringCchLength(name_in, KCDB_IDENT_MAXCCH_NAME, &cch))) return KHM_ERROR_INVALID_NAME; sub = identpro_get_sub(vidpro); if(sub != NULL) { ZeroMemory(&namex, sizeof(namex)); ZeroMemory(name_tmp, sizeof(name_tmp)); namex.name_src = name_in; namex.name_dest = name_tmp; namex.cb_name_dest = sizeof(name_tmp); namex.result = KHM_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; rv = kmq_send_sub_msg(sub, KMSG_IDENT, KMSG_IDENT_CANON_NAME, 0, (void *) &namex); if(KHM_SUCCEEDED(namex.result)) { const wchar_t * name_result; khm_size cb; if(name_in[0] != 0 && name_tmp[0] == 0) name_result = name_tmp; else name_result = name_in; if(FAILED(StringCbLength(name_result, KCDB_IDENT_MAXCB_NAME, &cb))) rv = KHM_ERROR_UNKNOWN; else { cb += sizeof(wchar_t); if(name_out == 0 || *cb_name_out < cb) { rv = KHM_ERROR_TOO_LONG; *cb_name_out = cb; } else { StringCbCopy(name_out, *cb_name_out, name_result); *cb_name_out = cb; rv = KHM_ERROR_SUCCESS; } } } } else { rv = KHM_ERROR_NO_PROVIDER; } return rv; }
LRESULT WINAPI MessageHandlerProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(message) { case LM_GETREVID: { UINT uLength; StringCchPrintf((char*)lParam, 64, "%s %s", V_NAME, V_VERSION); if (SUCCEEDED(StringCchLength((char*)lParam, 64, &uLength))) return uLength; lParam = NULL; return 0; } case LM_REFRESH: { StringList labelNames = GetRCNameList("Labels"); // refresh the "AllLabels" configuration delete defaultSettings; defaultSettings = new LabelSettings(); for(LabelListIterator iter = labelList.begin(); iter != labelList.end(); iter++) { if(!(*iter)->getBox()) { // destroy all labels that no longer exist and that are not in a box for(StringListIterator it = labelNames.begin(); it != labelNames.end(); it++) { if(_stricmp((*it).c_str(), (*iter)->getName().c_str()) == 0) break; } if (it == labelNames.end()) { labelList.remove(*iter); delete *iter; continue; } } // we can reconfigure all other labels, even if they are "boxed" (*iter)->reconfigure(); } // create the rest for(StringListIterator it = labelNames.begin(); it != labelNames.end(); it++) { Label *label = lookupLabel(*it); if (!label) { label = new Label(*it); label->load(hInstance); labelList.insert(labelList.end(), label); } } return 0; } case LM_UPDATEBG: { PaintDesktopEx(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, TRUE); for(LabelListIterator i = labelList.begin(); i != labelList.end(); i++) { Label *label = *i; if(label->getBox() == 0) label->repaint(true); } return 0; } case WM_DISPLAYCHANGE: case WM_SETTINGCHANGE: { PostMessage(hWnd, LM_UPDATEBG, 0, 0); return 0; } } return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); }
/*! ユーザ定義のアレを読み込む @param[in] hWnd メインウインドウハンドル @param[in] bFirst 今回が最初であるか @return 非0中身取った処理した 0ファイルなかった */ INT UserDefInitialise( HWND hWnd, UINT bFirst ) { CONST WCHAR rtHead = 0xFEFF; // ユニコードテキストヘッダ WCHAR rtUniBuf; HANDLE hFile; DWORD readed; LPVOID pBuffer; // 文字列バッファ用ポインター INT iByteSize; LPTSTR ptString; LPSTR pcText; UINT cchSize; if( bFirst ) // 最初ならパス作っておく { ZeroMemory( gatUsDfPath, sizeof(gatUsDfPath) ); StringCchCopy( gatUsDfPath, MAX_PATH, ExePathGet() ); PathAppend( gatUsDfPath, TEMPLATE_DIR ); PathAppend( gatUsDfPath, USER_ITEM_FILE ); } hFile = CreateFile( gatUsDfPath, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile ){ return 0; } // 今の内容破棄 UserDefObliterate( hWnd ); iByteSize = GetFileSize( hFile, NULL ); pBuffer = malloc( iByteSize + 2 ); ZeroMemory( pBuffer, iByteSize + 2 ); // 中身をいただく SetFilePointer( hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ); ReadFile( hFile, pBuffer, iByteSize, &readed, NULL ); CloseHandle( hFile ); // 内容全部取り込んだから開放 // ユニコードチャック CopyMemory( &rtUniBuf, pBuffer, 2 ); if( rtHead == rtUniBuf ) // ユニコードヘッダがあれば { ptString = (LPTSTR)pBuffer; ptString++; // ユニコードヘッダ分進めておく } else { pcText = (LPSTR)pBuffer; // シフトJISを開く場合、�の部分をどうにかせんといかん ptString = SjisDecodeAlloc( pcText ); // SJISの内容をユニコードにする FREE( pBuffer ); // こっちで開放 pBuffer = ptString; // ポイントするところを変更 } StringCchLength( ptString, STRSAFE_MAX_CCH, &cchSize ); // ASTじゃなきゃダメ if( !( StrCmpN( AST_SEPARATERW, ptString, 4 ) ) ) { DocStringSplitAST( ptString , cchSize, UserDefItemLoad ); } FREE( pBuffer ); UserDefAppendMenu( hWnd ); return 1; }
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: HrInstallNetComponent // // Purpose: Install the specified net component // // Arguments: // szComponentId [in] component to install // nc [in] class of the component // szInfFullPath [in] full path to primary INF file // required if the primary INF and other // associated files are not pre-copied to // the right destination dirs. // Not required when installing MS components // since the files are pre-copied by // Windows NT Setup. // // Returns: S_OK or NETCFG_S_REBOOT on success, otherwise an error code // // Notes: // HRESULT HrInstallNetComponent(IN PCTSTR szComponentId, IN enum NetClass nc, IN PCTSTR szInfFullPath) { HRESULT hr=S_OK; INetCfg* pnc; // cannot install net adapters this way. they have to be // enumerated/detected and installed by PnP if ((nc == NC_NetProtocol) || (nc == NC_NetService) || (nc == NC_NetClient)) { LogPrintf(_T("Trying to install '%s'...\n"), szComponentId); // if full path to INF has been specified, the INF // needs to be copied using Setup API to ensure that any other files // that the primary INF copies will be correctly found by Setup API // size_t cchPath; StringCchLength(szInfFullPath, MAX_PATH, &cchPath); if (szInfFullPath && cchPath) { TCHAR szInfNameAfterCopy[MAX_PATH+1]; if (SetupCopyOEMInf( szInfFullPath, NULL, // other files are in the // same dir. as primary INF SPOST_PATH, // first param. contains path to INF 0, // default copy style szInfNameAfterCopy, // receives the name of the INF // after it is copied to %windir%\inf MAX_PATH, // max buf. size for the above NULL, // receives required size if non-null NULL)) // optionally retrieves filename // component of szInfNameAfterCopy { LogPrintf(_T("...%s was copied to %s\n"), szInfFullPath, szInfNameAfterCopy); } else { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); LogPrintf(_T("Error on SetupCopyOEMInf, error %d"), dwError); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); } } if (S_OK == hr) { // get INetCfg interface hr = HrGetINetCfg(TRUE, &pnc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // install szComponentId LogPrintf(_T("Installing %s\n"), szComponentId); hr = HrInstallNetComponent(pnc, szComponentId, c_aguidClass[nc]); LogPrintf(_T("Installed successfully\n")); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Apply the changes LogPrintf(_T("Applying changes\n")); hr = pnc->Apply(); LogPrintf(_T("Applied successfully\n")); } // release INetCfg (void) HrReleaseINetCfg(TRUE, pnc); } } // show success/failure message ShowHrMessage(hr); } return hr; }
KHMEXP khm_int32 KHMAPI kmm_register_plugin(kmm_plugin_reg * plugin, khm_int32 config_flags) { khm_int32 rv = KHM_ERROR_SUCCESS; khm_handle csp_plugin = NULL; khm_handle csp_module = NULL; size_t cch; /* avoid accidently creating the module key if it doesn't exist */ config_flags &= ~KHM_FLAG_CREATE; if((plugin == NULL) || (plugin->dependencies && KHM_FAILED(multi_string_length_cch(plugin->dependencies, KMM_MAXCCH_DEPS, &cch))) || FAILED(StringCchLength(plugin->module, KMM_MAXCCH_NAME, &cch)) || (plugin->description && FAILED(StringCchLength(plugin->description, KMM_MAXCCH_DESC, &cch))) || FAILED(StringCchLength(plugin->name, KMM_MAXCCH_NAME, &cch))) { return KHM_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } /* note that we are retaining the length of the plugin name in chars in cch */ cch ++; #define CKRV if(KHM_FAILED(rv)) goto _exit rv = kmm_get_plugin_config(plugin->name, config_flags | KHM_FLAG_CREATE, &csp_plugin); CKRV; /* should fail if the module key doesn't exist */ rv = kmm_get_module_config(plugin->module, config_flags, &csp_module); CKRV; /*TODO: Make sure that the module registration is in the same config store as the one in which the plugin is going to be registered */ rv = khc_write_string(csp_plugin, L"Module", plugin->module); CKRV; if(plugin->description) { rv = khc_write_string(csp_plugin, L"Description", plugin->description); CKRV; } if(plugin->dependencies) { rv = khc_write_multi_string(csp_plugin, L"Dependencies", plugin->dependencies); CKRV; } rv = khc_write_int32(csp_plugin, L"Type", plugin->type); CKRV; rv = khc_write_int32(csp_plugin, L"Disabled", !!(plugin->flags & KMM_PLUGIN_FLAG_DISABLED)); CKRV; { khm_size cb = 0; wchar_t * pl = NULL; size_t scb = 0; rv = khc_read_multi_string(csp_module, L"PluginList", NULL, &cb); if(rv != KHM_ERROR_TOO_LONG) { if (rv == KHM_ERROR_NOT_FOUND) { scb = cb = (cch + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t); pl = PMALLOC(cb); multi_string_init(pl, cb); rv = KHM_ERROR_SUCCESS; goto add_plugin_to_list; } else { goto _exit; } } cb += cch * sizeof(wchar_t); scb = cb; pl = PMALLOC(cb); rv = khc_read_multi_string(csp_module, L"PluginList", pl, &cb); if(KHM_FAILED(rv)) { if(pl) PFREE(pl); goto _exit; } add_plugin_to_list: if(!multi_string_find(pl, plugin->name, 0)) { multi_string_append(pl, &scb, plugin->name); rv = khc_write_multi_string(csp_module, L"PluginList", pl); } PFREE(pl); CKRV; } #undef CKRV _exit: if(csp_plugin) khc_close_space(csp_plugin); if(csp_module) khc_close_space(csp_module); return rv; }
0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33 }; // allocates output buffer with new // delete with delete[] // suprisingly, this algorithm works in a unicode build as well _Check_return_ HRESULT Base64Decode(_In_z_ LPCTSTR szEncodedStr, _Inout_ size_t* cbBuf, _Out_ _Deref_post_cap_(*cbBuf) LPBYTE* lpDecodedBuffer) { HRESULT hRes = S_OK; size_t cchLen = 0; EC_H(StringCchLength(szEncodedStr, STRSAFE_MAX_CCH, &cchLen)); if (cchLen % 4) return MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; // look for padding at the end static const TCHAR szPadding[] = _T("=="); // STRING_OK const TCHAR* szPaddingLoc = NULL; szPaddingLoc = _tcschr(szEncodedStr, szPadding[0]); size_t cchPaddingLen = 0; if (NULL != szPaddingLoc) { // check padding length EC_H(StringCchLength(szPaddingLoc, STRSAFE_MAX_CCH, &cchPaddingLen)); if (cchPaddingLen >= 3) return MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; // check for bad characters after the first '='