Example #1
static int crypt_opt( const struct_opts * opts,uid_t uid,int opt )
	string_t q = StringVoid ;
	string_t p = StringVoid ;

	int st ;
	const char * source	= opts->device ;
	const char * dest  	= opts->m_opts ;
	const char * passphrase = opts->key ;
	const char * type 	= opts->key_source ;
	return zuluExit( 16 ) ;
	if( dest == NULL ){
		return zuluExit( 9 ) ;
	if( source == NULL ){
		return zuluExit( 14 ) ;
	 * zuluCryptPathStartsWith() is defined in real_path.c
	if( zuluCryptPathStartsWith( dest,"/dev/" ) ){
		return zuluExit( 10 ) ;
	if( zuluCryptPathStartsWith( source,"/dev/" ) ){
		return zuluExit( 15 ) ;
	 * zuluCryptPathIsValid() is defined in ../lib/is_path_valid.c
	if( zuluCryptPathIsValid( dest ) ){
		return zuluExit( 5 ) ;
	 * zuluCryptPathIsNotValid() is defined in ../lib/is_path_valid.c
	if( zuluCryptPathIsNotValid( source ) ){
		return zuluExit( 6 ) ;
	 * below two functions are defined in path_access.c
	if( zuluCryptCanOpenPathForWriting( dest,uid ) == 1 ){
		return zuluExit( 10 ) ;		
	if( zuluCryptCanOpenPathForReading( source,uid ) == 1 ){
		return zuluExit( 15 ) ;
	if( type == NULL ){

		printf( gettext( "Enter passphrase: " ) ) ;
		 * ZULUCRYPT_KEY_MAX_SIZE is set in ../constants.h
		switch( StringSilentlyGetFromTerminal_1( &p,ZULUCRYPT_KEY_MAX_SIZE ) ){
			case 1 : return zuluExit( 12 ) ;
			case 2 : return zuluExit( 13 ) ;
		printf( gettext( "\nRe enter passphrase: " ) ) ;
		switch( StringSilentlyGetFromTerminal_1( &q,ZULUCRYPT_KEY_MAX_SIZE ) ){
			case 1 : StringClearDelete( &p ) ;
				 return zuluExit( 12 ) ;
			case 2 : StringClearDelete( &p ) ;
				 return zuluExit( 13 ) ;
		printf( "\n" ) ;
		if( !StringEqualString( p,q ) ){
			StringClearDelete( &p ) ;
			StringClearDelete( &q ) ;
			return zuluExit( 8 ) ; 
			StringDelete( &q ) ;
		if( type == NULL ){
			return zuluExit( 9 ) ;
		if( StringsAreEqual( type,"-p" ) ){
			p = String( passphrase ) ;
		}else if( StringsAreEqual( type,"-f" ) ){
			p = StringGetFromFile( passphrase ) ;
			if( p == NULL ){
				return zuluExit( 2 ) ;
			return zuluExit( 3 ) ;
	if( opt == ENCRYPT ){
		 * zuluCryptEncryptFile() is defined in ./crypt_file.c
		st = zuluCryptEncryptFile( source,dest,StringContent( p ),StringLength( p ) ) ;
		 * zuluCryptDecryptFile() is defined in ./crypt_file.c
		st = zuluCryptDecryptFile( source,dest,StringContent( p ),StringLength( p ) ) ;
	StringClearDelete( &p ) ;
	switch( st ){
		case 1 : return zuluExit( 4 ) ;
		case 2 : return zuluExit( 11 ) ;
	chmod( dest,S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR ) ;
	chown( dest,uid,uid ) ;
	if( opt == 1 ){
		return zuluExit( 1 ) ;
		return zuluExit( 0 ) ;
Example #2
 * get_pass_from_file function is defined at get_pass_from_file.c *
int zuluCryptEXEAddKey( const struct_opts * opts,uid_t uid )
	const char * device      = opts->device ;
	const char * keyType1    = opts->existing_key_source ;
	const char * existingKey = opts->existing_key ;
	const char * keyType2    = opts->new_key_source ;
	const char * newKey      = opts->new_key ;

	 * Below is a form of memory management.All strings are collected in a stringlist object to easily delete them
	 * when the function returns.This allows for the function to have multiple exit points without risks of leaking
	 * memory from manually examining each exit point to make sure all strings are deleted or go with multiple goto
	 * code deleting blocks to take into account different exit points.
	stringList_t stl ;
	string_t * stringArray  = StringListArray( &stl,5 ) ;
	string_t * presentKey	= &stringArray[ 0 ] ;
	string_t * newKey_1  	= &stringArray[ 1 ] ;
	string_t * newKey_2    	= &stringArray[ 2 ] ;
	string_t * ek          	= &stringArray[ 3 ] ;
	string_t * nk          	= &stringArray[ 4 ] ;

	const char * key1 = NULL ;
	const char * key2 = NULL ;

	size_t len1 = 0 ;
	size_t len2 = 0 ;

	int status = 0 ;

	tcrypt_opts tcrypt ;

	memset( &tcrypt,'\0',sizeof( tcrypt_opts ) ) ;

	 * zuluCryptPartitionIsSystemPartition() is defined in ./partitions.c
	if( zuluCryptPartitionIsSystemPartition( device,uid ) ){

		if( !zuluCryptUserIsAMemberOfAGroup( uid,"zulucrypt" ) ){

			return zuluExit( 4,stl ) ;
	 * zuluCryptSecurityDeviceIsWritable() is defined in path_access.c
	status = zuluCryptCanOpenPathForWriting( device,uid ) ;
	 * 1-permissions denied
	 * 2-invalid path
	 * 3-shenanigans
	 * 4-common error
	switch( status ){

		case 0 :  break ;
		case 1 :  return zuluExit( 5,stl ) ;
		case 2 :  return zuluExit( 5,stl ) ;
		case 3 :  return zuluExit( 5,stl ) ;
		case 4 :  return zuluExit( 5,stl ) ;
		default:  return zuluExit( 5,stl ) ;

	switch( _zuluCryptCheckEmptySlots( device ) ){

		case 0 : return zuluExit( 6,stl ) ;
		case 1 : return zuluExit( 2,stl ) ;
		case 2 : /* no complains,continue */ ;

	if( keyType1 == NULL && keyType2 == NULL ){

		switch( zuluGetKeys( presentKey,newKey_1,newKey_2 ) ){

			case 1 : return zuluExit( 7,stl ) ;
			case 2 : return zuluExit( 8,stl ) ;

		if( StringEqualString( *newKey_1,*newKey_2 ) ){

			key1 = StringContent( *presentKey ) ;
			len1 = StringLength ( *presentKey ) ;
			key2 = StringContent( *newKey_1   ) ;
			len2 = StringLength ( *newKey_1   ) ;
			return zuluExit( 9,stl ) ;
		if( newKey == NULL || existingKey == NULL ){

			return zuluExit( 10,stl ) ;
		if( StringsAreEqual( keyType1,"-f" ) ){

			 * this function is defined at "path_access.c"

			switch( zuluCryptGetPassFromFile( existingKey,uid,ek ) ){

				case 1 : return zuluExit( 11,stl ) ;
				case 4 : return zuluExit( 12,stl ) ;
				case 2 : return zuluExit( 13,stl ) ;
				case 5 : return zuluExit( 14,stl ) ;

			key1 = StringContent( *ek ) ;
			len1 = StringLength( *ek ) ;

			if( StringHasNoComponent( existingKey,"/.zuluCrypt-socket" ) ){

				tcrypt.existing_key_is_keyfile = 1 ;
		if( StringsAreEqual( keyType2,"-f" ) ){

			 * this function is defined at "path_access.c"

			switch( zuluCryptGetPassFromFile( newKey,uid,nk ) ){

				case 1 : return zuluExit( 11,stl ) ;
				case 4 : return zuluExit( 12,stl ) ;
				case 2 : return zuluExit( 13,stl ) ;
				case 5 : return zuluExit( 14,stl ) ;

			key2 = StringContent( *nk ) ;
			len2 = StringLength( *nk ) ;

			if( StringHasNoComponent( newKey,"/.zuluCrypt-socket" ) ){

				tcrypt.new_key_is_keyfile = 1 ;
		if( StringsAreEqual( keyType1,"-f" ) && StringsAreEqual( keyType2,"-f" ) ){


		}else if( StringsAreEqual( keyType1,"-p" ) && StringsAreEqual( keyType2,"-p" ) ){

			key1 = existingKey ;
			len1 = StringSize( existingKey ) ;
			key2 = newKey ;
			len2 = StringSize( newKey ) ;

		}else if( StringsAreEqual( keyType1,"-p" ) && StringsAreEqual( keyType2,"-f" ) ){

			key1 = existingKey ;
			len1 = StringSize( existingKey ) ;

		}else if( StringsAreEqual( keyType1,"-f" ) && StringsAreEqual( keyType2,"-p" ) ){

			key2 = newKey ;
			len2 = StringSize( newKey ) ;
			return zuluExit( 10,stl ) ;

	zuluCryptSecurityLockMemory( stl ) ;

	zuluCryptSecurityGainElevatedPrivileges() ;

	 * zuluCryptVolumeIsLuks() is defined in ../lib/is_luks.c
	if( zuluCryptVolumeIsLuks( device ) ){

		* zuluCryptAddKey() is defined in ../lib/add_key.c
		status = zuluCryptAddKey( device,key1,len1,key2,len2 ) ;
		tcrypt.device = device ;

		tcrypt.existing_key      = key1 ;
		tcrypt.existing_key_size = len1 ;

		tcrypt.new_key           = key2 ;
		tcrypt.new_key_size      = len2 ;

		status = _replace_truecrypt_key( &tcrypt ) ;

	zuluCryptSecurityDropElevatedPrivileges() ;

	return zuluExit( status,stl ) ;