Example #1
stringList_t zuluCryptGetPartitionFromConfigFile( const char * path )
	StringListIterator it  ;
	StringListIterator end ;

	stringList_t stl ;
	stringList_t stl_1 = StringListVoid ;

	string_t st = StringVoid ;

	zuluCryptSecurityGainElevatedPrivileges() ;
	st = StringGetFromFile( path ) ;
	zuluCryptSecurityDropElevatedPrivileges() ;

	stl = StringListStringSplit( st,'\n' ) ;

	StringDelete( &st ) ;

	StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;

	while( it != end ){
		stl_1 = _eval_path( *it,stl_1 ) ;
		it++ ;

	StringListDelete( &stl ) ;

	return stl_1 ;
Example #2
static stringList_t _get_mount_entries( const char * device )
	 * zuluCryptGetMountEntry() is defined in mountinfo.c
	stringList_t stl = zuluCryptGetMoutedList() ;

	StringListIterator it ;
	StringListIterator end ;

	string_t st = String_1( device," ",NULL ) ;

	StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;

	while( it != end ){

		if( StringStartsWith_1( *it,st ) ){

			it++ ;
			StringListRemoveAt_1( stl,it,&end ) ;

	StringDelete( &st ) ;

	return stl ;
Example #3
static void _print_list( stringList_t stl )
	const char * e ;
	char * z ;

	StringListIterator it  ;
	StringListIterator end ;

	StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;

	while( it != end ){
		e = StringContent( *it ) ;
		it++ ;
		if( StringPrefixEqual( e,"/dev/loop" ) ){
			 * zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress_1() is defined in ../lib/create_loop_device.c
			z = zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress_1( e ) ;
			if( z != NULL ){
				puts( z ) ;
				StringFree( z ) ;
				puts( e ) ;
			puts( e ) ;
Example #4
 * this function will parse /etc/crypttab to see if it has any entries to be used as system partition.
 * sample example of the file content this function was build on.

 * secret /dev/sda15 none
 * secret_1 UUID=d2d210b8-0b1f-419f-9172-9d509ea9af0c none
stringList_t zuluCryptGetPartitionFromCrypttab( void )
	stringList_t stl   = StringListVoid ;
	stringList_t stl_1 = StringListVoid ;
	stringList_t stz ;

	string_t st  ;

	StringListIterator it  ;
	StringListIterator end ;

	st = StringGetFromFile( "/etc/crypttab" ) ;

	stl = StringListStringSplit( st,'\n' ) ;

	StringDelete( &st ) ;

	StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;

	while( it != end ){
		st = *it ;
		it++ ;
		if( !StringStartsWith( st,"#" ) ){
			stz = StringListStringSplit( st,' ' ) ;
			st = StringListStringAtSecondPlace( stz ) ;
			stl_1 = _eval_path( st,stl_1 ) ;
			StringListDelete( &stz ) ;

	StringListDelete( &stl ) ;
	return stl_1 ;
Example #5
void zuluCryptSecurityLockMemory( stringList_t stl )
	StringListIterator it   ;
	StringListIterator end  ;
	string_t st ;
	StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;
	while( it != end ){
		st = *it ;
		it++ ;
		mlock( StringContent( st ),StringLength( st ) ) ;
Example #6
 * This routine will remove root addresses of a device if the device is found to contain partitions
 * and will leave the root path if the device is found to not contains partitions.
 * Example:
 * A device with only "/dev/sdc" path will be left alone.
 * A device with "/dev/sdc" path together with "/dev/sdc1","/dev/sdc2","/dev/sdcN" will cause the
 * "/dev/sdc" path to be dropped.
 * The rationale is that there is nothing useful in the root path if it has partitions beacuse all
 * useful contents are in partitions.A device with no partitions probably means the useful content is
 * on the root path
static stringList_t _remove_root_devices( stringList_t stl )
	StringListIterator it ;
	StringListIterator end ;

	StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;

	while( it != end ){

		if( _not_removed( stl,it,&end ) ){

			it++ ;

	return stl ;
Example #7
void zuluCryptDeleteKeyFiles( stringList_t stl )
	StringListIterator it  ;
	StringListIterator end ;

	StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;

	zuluCryptSecurityGainElevatedPrivileges() ;

	while( it != end ){
		 * zuluCryptDeleteFile_1() is defined in ../lib/file_path_security.c
		zuluCryptDeleteFile_1( *it ) ;
		it++ ;

	zuluCryptSecurityDropElevatedPrivileges() ;
Example #8
void zuluCryptSecuritySanitizeTheEnvironment( uid_t uid,stringList_t * stx )
	extern char ** environ ;
	const char ** env = ( const char ** ) environ ;
	ssize_t index ;

	stringList_t stl = StringListVoid ;

	string_t st ;

	StringListIterator  it ;
	StringListIterator end ;

	if( uid ){;}
	 * First,we make a copy of the enviromental varibales
	 * Second,we clear the enviromental variable because we dont want it
	 * Third,we return a copy of the enviromental variable because we want to pass it along
	 * the plugins
	while( *env ){
		stl = StringListAppend( stl,*env ) ;
		env++ ;

	StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;

	while( it != end ){
		st = *it ;
		it++ ;
		index = StringIndexOfChar( st,0,'=' ) ;
		if( index >= 0 ){
			unsetenv( StringSubChar( st,index,'\0' ) ) ;
			StringSubChar( st,index,'=' ) ;

	*stx = stl ;
Example #9
static stringList_t _volumeList( string_t ( *function )( const vInfo * ) )
    char * const * entry = NULL ;

    size_t entry_len = 0 ;

    stringList_t tmp ;
    stringList_t stx = StringListVoid ;
    stringList_t stl ;

    StringListIterator it  ;
    StringListIterator end ;

    string_t st = StringGetFromVirtualFile( "/proc/self/mountinfo" ) ;

    stl = StringListStringSplit( st,'\n' ) ;

    StringDelete( &st ) ;

    StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;

    while( it != end ) {

        tmp = StringListStringSplit( *it,' ' ) ;

        it++ ;

        stx = _add_entry( stx,tmp,function,&entry,&entry_len ) ;

        StringListDelete( &tmp ) ;

    StringFree( entry ) ;

    StringListDelete( &stl ) ;

    return stx ;
Example #10
void zuluCryptSecurityUnlockMemory( stringList_t stl )
	StringListIterator it  ;
	StringListIterator end ;

	string_t st ;

	void * e ;
	size_t f ;

	StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;

	while( it != end ){
		st = *it ;
		it++ ;
		if( st != StringVoid ){
			e = ( void * )StringContent( st ) ;
			f = StringLength( st ) ;
			memset( e,'\0',f ) ;
			munlock( e,f ) ;
Example #11
static void _get_file_system_options_from_config_file( const char * device,string_t st )
	char * f ;
	const char * e ;

	StringListIterator it  ;
	StringListIterator end ;

	string_t xt = StringGetFromFile( "/etc/zuluCrypt/fs_options" ) ;

	stringList_t stl = StringListStringSplit( xt,'\n' ) ;

	stringList_t stz ;

	StringDelete( &xt ) ;

	f = _get_uuid_from_device( device ) ;

	StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;

	while( it != end  ){
		e = StringRemoveString( *it,"\"" ) ;
		it++ ;
		if( StringPrefixMatch( e,"UUID=",5 ) ){
			if( StringPrefixEqual( e + 5,f ) ){
				stz = StringListSplit( e,' ' ) ;
				e = StringListContentAtSecondPlace( stz ) ;
				StringMultipleAppend( st,",",e,NULL ) ;
				StringListDelete( &stz ) ;
				break ;

	StringListDelete( &stl ) ;
	StringFree( f ) ;
Example #12
static void _zuluCryptPrintUnMountedPartitionProperties( stringList_t stl )
	 * zuluCryptGetMoutedList() is defined in ../lib/process_mountinfo.c
	stringList_t stx = zuluCryptGetMoutedList() ;

	StringListIterator it  ;
	StringListIterator end ;

	string_t st ;

	StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;

	while( it != end ){
		st = *it ;
		it++ ;
		if( StringListHasStartSequence( stx,StringAppend( st," " ) ) == -1 ){
			zuluCryptPrintPartitionProperties( StringRemoveRight( st,1 ) ) ;

	StringListDelete( &stx ) ;
Example #13
int zuluCryptUnmountVolume( const char * device,char ** m_point )
	int h = 3 ;

	char * e ;

	size_t s ;

	stringList_t stl ;

	StringListIterator it ;
	StringListIterator end ;

	ssize_t r ;

	string_t st ;
	string_t xt ;

	if( StringPrefixEqual( device,"/dev/loop" ) ){

		 * zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress() is defined in create_loop_device.c

		e = zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress( device ) ;

		if( e == NULL ){

			return h ;
			stl = _get_mount_entries( e ) ;
			StringFree( e ) ;
		stl = _get_mount_entries( device ) ;

	s = StringListSize( stl ) ;

	if( s == 0 ){

		 * volume appear to not be mounted.

	}else if( s == 1 ){

		 * there is only one mount point for the volume,unmount it normally

		h = _zuluCryptUnmountVolume_0( StringListStringAtFirstPlace( stl ),m_point ) ;
		 * There are multiple mount points for the same volume.
		 * Try to figure out which one among the mount points is ours and then try
		 * first to unmount the rest of them.

		r = StringListHasSequence( stl," /run/media/private/" ) ;

		if( r == -1 ){

			 * Probable reason for getting here is if a user use a home mount point path,
			 * we dont know the path because we dont know the user we are serving
			 * and hence we bail out with an error.
			h = 10 ;
			 * We got our mount point,take it out of the list to use it last
			st = StringListDetachAt( stl,r ) ;

			StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;

			while( it != end ){

				xt = *it ;

				it++ ;

				if( _zuluCryptUnmountVolume_0( xt,NULL ) != 0 ){

					 * Failed to unmount one of the extra mount points,
					 * bail out with an error.
					h = 10 ;

					break ;

			if( h != 10 ){

				 * Attempt to unmount our mount point last.
				h = _zuluCryptUnmountVolume_0( st,m_point ) ;

			StringDelete( &st ) ;

	if( h != 0 && h != 3 && h != 4 && h != 1 && h != 10 ){

		h = 2 ;

	StringListDelete( &stl ) ;

	return h ;
Example #14
stringList_t zuluCryptOpenedVolumesList( uid_t uid )
    const char * e ;
    const char * c ;
    const char * d ;
    const char * t ;

    char * f ;
    char * g ;

    StringListIterator it  ;
    StringListIterator end ;

    ssize_t k ;

    string_t q ;
    string_t z ;

    string_t j ;

    stringList_t stx ;
    stringList_t list = StringListVoid ;
    stringList_t stl = zuluCryptGetMoutedList() ;

    if( uid ) {

     * zuluCryptMapperPrefix() is defined in create_mapper_name.c
    j = String_1( zuluCryptMapperPrefix(),"/zuluCrypt-",NULL ) ;
     * t will probably contain "/dev/mapper/zuluCrypt-"
    t = StringContent( j ) ;

    StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;

    while( it != end ) {

        c = StringContent( *it ) ;

        it++ ;

        if( StringPrefixNotEqual( c,t ) ) {

             * we only care about zuluCrypt volumes and these volumes that we care about starts with
             * "/dev/mapper/zuluCrypt-"

            continue ;
        if( StringHasComponent( c,"/run/media/public/" ) ) {

             * dont show mirror images due to bind mounts

            continue ;

        stx = StringListSplit( c,' ' ) ;

        e = StringListContentAtFirstPlace( stx ) ;

        k = StringHasComponent_1( e,"-UUID-" ) ;

        if( k != -1 ) {

            q = StringListStringAtFirstPlace( stx ) ;
             * zuluCryptDecodeMountEntry() is defined in mount_volume.c
            d = zuluCryptDecodeMountEntry( StringListStringAtSecondPlace( stx ) ) ;

             * zuluCryptGetVolumeTypeFromMapperPath() is defined in status.c
            f = zuluCryptGetVolumeTypeFromMapperPath( StringContent( q ) ) ;
            e = StringSubChar( q,StringLastIndexOfChar( q,'-' ),'\0' ) + k + 6 ;
            z = String_1( "UUID=\"",e,"\"\t",d,"\t",f,NULL ) ;
            list = StringListAppendString_1( list,&z ) ;
            StringFree( f ) ;
        } else {
             * zuluCryptVolumeDeviceName() is defined in status.c
            g = zuluCryptVolumeDeviceName( e ) ;

            if( g != NULL ) {

                d = zuluCryptDecodeMountEntry( StringListStringAtSecondPlace( stx ) ) ;
                 * zuluCryptGetVolumeTypeFromMapperPath() is defined in status.c
                f = zuluCryptGetVolumeTypeFromMapperPath( StringListContentAtFirstPlace( stx ) ) ;
                z = String_1( g,"\t",d,"\t",f,NULL ) ;
                list = StringListAppendString_1( list,&z ) ;
                StringFree( f ) ;
                StringFree( g ) ;

        StringListDelete( &stx ) ;
    StringListDelete( &stl ) ;
    StringDelete( &j ) ;
    return list ;
Example #15
 * It is possible for a btrfs volume to cover multiple volumes and this routine
 * keeps only the first one seen and removes the rest.
static stringList_t _remove_btfs_multiple_devices( stringList_t stl )
	stringList_t stx = StringListVoid ;
	stringList_t stz = StringListVoid ;

	StringListIterator it  ;
	StringListIterator end ;

	string_t st ;

	const char * e ;

	blkid_probe blkid ;

	StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;

	zuluCryptSecurityGainElevatedPrivileges() ;

	while( it != end ){

		st = *it ;
		it++ ;

		blkid = blkid_new_probe_from_filename( StringContent( st ) ) ;

		if( blkid != NULL ){

			e = NULL ;
			blkid_do_probe( blkid ) ;
			blkid_probe_lookup_value( blkid,"TYPE",&e,NULL ) ;

			if( StringsAreEqual( e,"btrfs" ) ){

				e = NULL ;
				blkid_probe_lookup_value( blkid,"UUID",&e,NULL ) ;

				if( StringListHasNoEntry( stx,e ) ){

					 * we got a btrfs volume with UUID we do not know about,
					 * This will be the only device with this btrfs UUID we support and
					 * all device operations must happen through this device and this device only.

					stz = StringListAppendString( stz,st ) ;
					stx = StringListAppend( stx,e ) ;
					 * we already know this UUID and this device is not supported.Any operation on this
					 * device should fail.
				 * not a btrfs volume
				stz = StringListAppendString( stz,st ) ;
			blkid_free_probe( blkid ) ;
			stz = StringListAppendString( stz,st ) ;

	zuluCryptSecurityDropElevatedPrivileges() ;

	StringListMultipleDelete( &stl,&stx,NULL ) ;
	return stz ;
Example #16
u_int64_t zuluCryptGetVolumeSize( const char * device )
	stringList_t stl = StringListVoid ;

	StringListIterator it  ;
	StringListIterator end ;

	string_t xt ;

	const char * e ;

	u_int64_t r = 0 ;

	blkid_probe blkid = blkid_new_probe_from_filename( device ) ;

	if( blkid == NULL ){
		return 0 ;

	e = NULL ;
	blkid_do_probe( blkid ) ;
	blkid_probe_lookup_value( blkid,"TYPE",&e,NULL ) ;

	if( StringsAreNotEqual( e,"btrfs" ) ){
		r = blkid_probe_get_size( blkid ) ;
		blkid_free_probe( blkid ) ;
		return r ;
		 * we got a btrfs volume,this device could be one among a bunch of devices that makes the btfs volume.
		 * iterate through all known devices and add their sizes to this device if they are a part of the same
		 * btrfs volume.
		e = NULL ;

		if( blkid_probe_lookup_value( blkid,"UUID",&e,NULL ) == 0 ){
			xt = String( e ) ;
			xt = StringVoid ;

		blkid_free_probe( blkid ) ;

		if( xt == StringVoid ){
			return 0 ;
			 * zuluCryptVolumeList() is defined in this source file
			stl = zuluCryptVolumeList() ;
			zuluCryptSecurityGainElevatedPrivileges() ;

			StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;

			while( it != end ){
				blkid = blkid_new_probe_from_filename( StringContent( *it ) ) ;
				it++ ;
				if( blkid != NULL ){
					blkid_do_probe( blkid ) ;
					e = NULL ;
					if( blkid_probe_lookup_value( blkid,"UUID",&e,NULL ) == 0 ){
						if( StringEqual( xt,e ) ){
							r += blkid_probe_get_size( blkid ) ;
					blkid_free_probe( blkid ) ;
			StringDelete( &xt ) ;
			StringListDelete( &stl ) ;
			return r ;
Example #17
stringList_t zuluCryptPartitions( int option,uid_t uid )
	const char * device ;
	const char * e ;

	stringList_t non_system = StringListVoid ;
	stringList_t system     = StringListVoid ;

	string_t st ;

	stringList_t p ;
	stringList_t stl = zuluCryptVolumeList() ;

	StringListIterator it  ;
	StringListIterator end ;

	if( stl == StringListVoid ){
		return StringListVoid ;
	if( option == ZULUCRYPTallPartitions ){
		return _remove_btfs_multiple_devices( stl ) ;

	non_system = stl ;

	zuluCryptSecurityGainElevatedPrivileges() ;
	 * zuluCryptGetFstabList() is defined in ../lib/parse_fstab.c
	stl = zuluCryptGetFstabList( uid ) ;
	zuluCryptSecurityDropElevatedPrivileges() ;

	StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;
	 * gather an initial list of system and non system partitions by comparing entries in "/etc/fstab" and "/proc/partitions"
	 * fstab entries makes an initial list of system partitions.
	 * the difference btw list in "/proc/partitions" and "/etc/fstab" makes an initial list of non system partitions.
	while( it != end ){
		st = *it ;
		it++ ;
		if( StringStartsWith( st,"/" ) ){
			device = StringReplaceChar_1( st,0,' ','\0' ) ;
			system = StringListAppend( system,device ) ;
			StringListRemoveString( non_system,device ) ;

	StringListDelete( &stl ) ;

	 * read entried from "crypttab" and then add them to "system" if absent in that list and remove them from "non system" if present
	 * in that list
	p = zuluCryptGetPartitionFromCrypttab() ;
	if( p != StringListVoid ){
		StringListGetIterators( p,&it,&end ) ;
		while( it != end ){
			device = StringContent( *it ) ;
			it++ ;
			StringListAppendIfAbsent( system,device ) ;
			StringListRemoveIfPresent( non_system,device ) ;
		StringListDelete( &p ) ;

	 * read entried from "zuluCrypt-system" and then add them to "system" if absent in that list and remove them from "non system" if present
	 * in that list
	p = zuluCryptGetPartitionFromConfigFile( "/etc/zuluCrypt-system" ) ;
	if( p == StringListVoid ){
		 * This is the new path since zuluCrypt 4.6.9
		p = zuluCryptGetPartitionFromConfigFile( "/etc/zuluCrypt/system_volumes.list" ) ;
	if( p != StringListVoid ){
		StringListGetIterators( p,&it,&end ) ;
		while( it != end ){
			device = StringContent( *it ) ;
			it++ ;
			StringListAppendIfAbsent( system,device ) ;
			StringListRemoveIfPresent( non_system,device ) ;
		StringListDelete( &p ) ;

	 * At this point:
	 * "system" contains system devices gathered from fstab,zuluCrypt-system and crypttab
	 * "non_system" contains non system devices gathered from /proc/partitions minus system partitions.

	StringListGetIterators( non_system,&it,&end ) ;

	 * now we consult udev if enabled and we move partition in the "non system" list to "system" list if udev think they are system
	while( it != end ){
		e = StringContent( *it ) ;
		if( _zuluCryptCheckSYSifDeviceIsSystem( e ) ){
			StringListAppendIfAbsent( system,e ) ;
			StringListRemoveAt_1( non_system,it,&end ) ;
			it++ ;

	 * Now we read from a config file that contains devices that are not to be considered system and remove them from
	 * the system list if present in that list and add them to non system list if absent in that list
	p = zuluCryptGetPartitionFromConfigFile( "/etc/zuluCrypt-nonsystem" ) ;
	if( p == StringListVoid ){
		 * This is the new path since zuluCrypt 4.6.9
		p = zuluCryptGetPartitionFromConfigFile( "/etc/zuluCrypt/nonsystem_volumes.list" ) ;
	if( p != StringListVoid ){
		StringListGetIterators( p,&it,&end ) ;
		while( it != end ){
			device = StringContent( *it ) ;
			it++ ;
			StringListRemoveString( system,device ) ;
			StringListAppendIfAbsent( non_system,device ) ;
		StringListDelete( &p ) ;

	if( option == ZULUCRYPTsystemPartitions ){
		StringListDelete( &non_system ) ;
		return _remove_btfs_multiple_devices( system ) ;
		StringListDelete( &system ) ;
		return _remove_btfs_multiple_devices( non_system ) ;
Example #18
static stringList_t _zuluCryptVolumeList_0( int resolve_loop_devices )
	const char * device ;

	const char * e ;

	ssize_t index ;

	StringListIterator it ;
	StringListIterator end ;

	stringList_t stz   = StringListVoid ;
	stringList_t stl   = StringListVoid ;
	stringList_t stl_1 = StringListVoid ;

	string_t st = StringGetFromVirtualFile( "/proc/partitions" ) ;
	string_t st_1 = String( "/dev/" ) ;

	stl = StringListStringSplit( st,'\n' ) ;

	StringDelete( &st ) ;

	if( stl == StringListVoid ){
		return StringListVoid ;

	StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;

	 * skip the first entry
	it++ ;

	zuluCryptSecurityGainElevatedPrivileges() ;

	while( it != end ){

		st = *it ;
		it++ ;

		index = StringLastIndexOfChar( st,' ' ) ;

		if( index != -1 ){

			e = StringContent( st ) + index + 1 ;
			device = StringAppendAt( st_1,5,e ) ;

			if( _supported_device( device ) ){

				if( StringPrefixEqual( device,"/dev/loop" ) ){
					 * zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress_1() id defined in ../lib/create_loop_device.c
					e = zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress_1( device ) ;

					if( StringListHasNoEntry( stz,e ) ){
						 * Here we only keep one loop device if the volume file has
						 * more than one loop device
						if( resolve_loop_devices ){
							stl_1 = StringListAppend( stl_1,e ) ;
							stl_1 = StringListAppend( stl_1,device ) ;
						stz = StringListAppend( stz,e ) ;
					StringFree( e ) ;
					stl_1 = StringListAppendIfAbsent( stl_1,device ) ;
	zuluCryptSecurityDropElevatedPrivileges() ;
	StringListMultipleDelete( &stl,&stz,NULL ) ;
	StringDelete( &st_1 ) ;
	return _zuluCryptAddLVMVolumes( _zuluCryptAddMDRAIDVolumes( _remove_root_devices( stl_1 ) ) ) ;