 * Methods corresponding to IDL attributes and operations
void PathServiceSVC_impl::get_path(RTC::Path2D_out path, const RTC::Pose2D& position, const RTC::Pose2D& target)
    CSerializablePtr serializable_ptr;
    // Convert the simple map from string format to serializable object
    StringToObject(rtc_ptr_->get_map(), serializable_ptr);

    // The path
    std::deque<TPoint2D> deque_path;

    COccupancyGridMap2D grid_map;
    // Convert serializable simple map object to grid map

    CPathPlanningCircularRobot path_planning;
    path_planning.robotRadius = 0.17f;

    bool not_found;
    // Find the path
            CPose2D(position.position.x, position.position.y, position.heading),
            CPose2D(target.position.x, target.position.y, target.heading),
            deque_path, not_found, 1000.0f);

#ifdef DEBUG
    CImage img;
    grid_map.getAsImage(img, false, true);

    int R = round(path_planning.robotRadius / grid_map.getResolution() );

    for (std::deque<TPoint2D>::const_iterator it=deque_path.begin();it!=deque_path.end();++it)
        img.drawCircle( grid_map.x2idx(it->x),grid_map.getSizeY()-1-grid_map.y2idx(it->y),R, TColor(0,0,255) );


    const std::string dest = "path_planning.png";

    path = new RTC::Path2D();
    if(!not_found) { // if found any path
        // Copy path from deque_path to path
        int i = 0;
        std::deque<TPoint2D>::const_iterator it = deque_path.begin();
        for(;it != deque_path.end(); ++it, i++) {
            path->waypoints[i].target.position.x = it->x;
            path->waypoints[i].target.position.y = it->y;
            path->waypoints[i].target.heading = 0.0f;
    } else { // if didn't find the path
        cout<<"Not Found"<<endl;
Example #2
HRESULT CDXUTEffectMap::SetStandardParameter( const WCHAR* strSemantic, 
                                         const WCHAR* strObject, 
                                         DWORD dwObjectIndex, 
                                         float* pData, 
                                         DWORD dwDataLen, 
                                         const WCHAR* strType, 
                                         const WCHAR* strUnits, 
                                         const WCHAR* strSpace )
    // Map the semantic to the standard set
    DXUT_SEMANTIC eSemantic = StringToSemantic( strSemantic );
    if( eSemantic == DXUT_UNKNOWN_SEMANTIC )
        return E_FAIL;

    // Map the object to the standard set
    DXUT_OBJECT eObject = StringToObject( strObject );
    if( eObject == DXUT_UNKNOWN_OBJECT )
        return E_FAIL;  

    return SetStandardParameter( eSemantic, eObject, dwObjectIndex, pData, dwDataLen, strType, strUnits, strSpace );
Example #3
DXUT_OBJECT CDXUTEffectMap::StringToObject( const WCHAR* strObject )
    char cstr[MAX_PATH+1] = {0};
    WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, strObject, -1, cstr, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL );
    return StringToObject( cstr );
Example #4
// Investigates all the parameters, looking at semantics and annotations and placing 
// handles to these parameters within the internal database.
HRESULT CDXUTEffectMap::AddEffect( ID3DXEffect* pEffect )
    HRESULT hr;

	if( pEffect == NULL )
		return E_INVALIDARG;

    // Get the number of parameters
    D3DXEFFECT_DESC descEffect;
    V_RETURN( pEffect->GetDesc( &descEffect ) );
    // Enumerate the parameters
    for( UINT iParam=0; iParam < descEffect.Parameters; iParam++ )
        // Retrieve param
        D3DXHANDLE hParameter = pEffect->GetParameter( NULL, iParam );
        if( NULL == hParameter )
            return E_FAIL;

        // Grab description
        D3DXPARAMETER_DESC desc;
        V_RETURN( pEffect->GetParameterDesc( hParameter, &desc ) );

        // If this parameter doesn't have a semantic, skip to the next parameter
        if( desc.Semantic == NULL )

        // Map the semantic to the standard set
        DXUT_SEMANTIC eSemantic = StringToSemantic( desc.Semantic );
        if( eSemantic == DXUT_UNKNOWN_SEMANTIC )

        // Get the object annotation
        const char* cstrObject = "Geometry";
        D3DXHANDLE hAnnotation = pEffect->GetAnnotationByName( hParameter, "Object" );
        if( hAnnotation )
            V_RETURN( pEffect->GetString( hAnnotation, &cstrObject ) );

        // Map the object to the standard set
        DXUT_OBJECT eObject = StringToObject( cstrObject );
        if( eObject == DXUT_UNKNOWN_OBJECT )

        // Extract the index from the semantic
        int index = 0;
        const char* strIndex = desc.Semantic + strlen(desc.Semantic)-1;

        // If there is a digit at the end of the semantic, locate the beginning of the index
        // and convert to an integer
        if( isdigit( (BYTE) (*strIndex) ) )
            while( isdigit( (BYTE) (*(strIndex-1)) ) )

            index = atoi( strIndex );

        // Check whether index is out of bounds
        if( index < 0 || index >= MAX_INDEX )

        // Store the handle
        CGrowableArray<ParamList>* pBindings = &m_Bindings[ eSemantic ][ eObject ][ index ];
        bool bBound = false;
        for( int i=0; i < pBindings->GetSize(); i++ )
            if( pBindings->GetAt(i).pEffect == pEffect )
                // Found the containing effect for this parameter in the list, add the new handle
                pBindings->GetAt(i).ahParameters.Add( hParameter );
                bBound = true;

        if( !bBound )
            // This parameter belongs to a new effect
            ParamList newParamList;
            newParamList.pEffect = pEffect;
            newParamList.ahParameters.Add( hParameter );
            pBindings->Add( newParamList );
    return S_OK;