Example #1
void MusRC::DrawBracket ( MusDC *dc, MusSystem *system, int x, int y1, int y2, int cod, int staffSize)
//	int x, y1, y2;	x, 1e et 2e y de barre vert
//	int cod; si ON, on fait 2e barre vert. mince en position  x
	int xg, xd, yg, yd, ecart, centre;
 	//HPEN hPen;
	//discontinu = 0;

	if (cod == 2)
		DrawBrace ( dc, system, x, y1, y2, staffSize);
	//else if (hdc)
        dc->SetPen( m_currentColour , 1, wxSOLID );
        dc->SetBrush( m_currentColour , wxTRANSPARENT );

		ecart = m_doc->m_barlineSpacing;
		centre = x - ecart;
		xg = centre - ecart*2;
		xd = centre + ecart*2;
		yg = y1 + m_doc->m_interl[ staffSize ] * 2;
		yd = y1;
		SwapY( &yg, &yd );
		dc->DrawEllipticArc( ToRendererX(xg), ToRendererY(yg), ToRendererX(xd-xg), ToRendererX(yg-yd), 88, 0 );
		yg = y2;
		yd = y2 - m_doc->m_interl[ staffSize ] * 2;
		SwapY( &yg, &yd );
		dc->DrawEllipticArc( ToRendererX(xg), ToRendererY(yg), ToRendererX(xd-xg), ToRendererX(yg-yd), 360, 272 );

		xg = x - (m_doc->m_beamWhiteWidth[0] + 1);
		// determine le blanc entre barres grosse et mince
		v_bline2( dc, y1, y2, xg, m_doc->m_beamWidth[0]);
	//if (cod)
		//v_bline(dc, y1, y2, x, m_doc->m_parameters.m_barlineWidth);

Example #2
    void View::DrawFullRectangle( DeviceContext *dc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 )	/* dessine rectangle plein */
    assert( dc );

	SwapY( &y1, &y2 );

    dc->SetPen( m_currentColour, 0, AxSOLID  );
    dc->SetBrush( m_currentColour, AxSOLID );

	dc->DrawRectangle( ToDeviceContextX( x1 ), ToDeviceContextY(y1), ToDeviceContextX(x2 - x1) , ToDeviceContextX( y1 - y2 ));


Example #3
 /* Draw rectangle partly filled in, as specified by <fillSection>: 1=top, 2=bottom, 3=left side,
     4=right side; 0=don't fill in any part. ??SO FAR, <fillSection> IS IGNORED.
 void View::DrawPartFullRectangle( DeviceContext *dc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int fillSection )
     assert( dc ); // DC cannot be NULL
     SwapY( &y1, &y2 );
     //dc->SetPen( m_currentColour, 0, AxSOLID  );
     //dc->SetBrush( AxWHITE, AxTRANSPARENT );
     dc->SetPen( AxBLUE, 0, AxSOLID  );
     dc->SetBrush( AxRED, AxTRANSPARENT );
     dc->DrawRectangle( ToDeviceContextX( x1 ), ToDeviceContextY(y1), ToDeviceContextX(x2 - x1) , ToDeviceContextX( y1 - y2 ));
Example #4
void MusRC::DrawBrace ( MusDC *dc, MusSystem *system, int x, int y1, int y2, int staffSize)
    int new_coords[2][6];
	wxASSERT_MSG( dc , "DC cannot be NULL");

	SwapY( &y1, &y2 );
	int ymed, xdec, fact, nbrInt;
    //	static POINT *bcoord;
	// MusPoint *ptcoord;
    dc->SetPen( m_currentColour , 1, wxSOLID );
    dc->SetBrush( m_currentColour , wxSOLID );
	x -= m_doc->m_beamWhiteWidth[ staffSize ];  // distance entre barre et debut accolade
	ymed = (y1 + y2) / 2;
	fact = m_doc->m_beamWidth[ staffSize ]-1 + m_doc->m_env.m_barlineWidth;
	xdec = ToRendererX(fact);
	point_[0].x = ToRendererX(x);
	point_[0].y = ToRendererY(y1);
	point_[1].x = ToRendererX(x - m_doc->m_step2);
	point_[1].y = point_[0].y - ToRendererX( m_doc->m_interl[ staffSize ]*3);
	point_[3].x = ToRendererX(x - m_doc->m_step1*2);
	point_[3].y = ToRendererY(ymed);
	point_[2].x = ToRendererX(x + m_doc->m_step1);
	point_[2].y = point_[3].y + ToRendererX( m_doc->m_interl[ staffSize ]);
    new_coords[0][0] = point_[1].x;
    new_coords[0][1] = point_[1].y;
    new_coords[0][2] = point_[2].x;
    new_coords[0][3] = point_[2].y;
    new_coords[0][4] = point_[3].x;
    new_coords[0][5] = point_[3].y;
	pntswap (&point_[0], &point_[3]);
	pntswap (&point_[1], &point_[2]);
	point_[1].x += xdec;
	point_[2].x += xdec;
	point_[1].y = point_[0].y + ToRendererX( m_doc->m_interl[ staffSize ]*2);
    new_coords[1][0] = point_[1].x;
    new_coords[1][1] = point_[1].y;
    new_coords[1][2] = point_[2].x;
    new_coords[1][3] = point_[2].y;
    new_coords[1][4] = point_[3].x;
    new_coords[1][5] = point_[3].y;
    dc->DrawComplexBezierPath(ToRendererX(x), ToRendererY(y1), new_coords[0], new_coords[1]);
	// on produit l'image reflet vers le bas: 0 est identique 
	point_[1].y = point_[0].y - ToRendererX( m_doc->m_interl[ staffSize ]*2);
	point_[3].y = ToRendererY(y2);
	point_[2].y = point_[3].y + ToRendererX( m_doc->m_interl[ staffSize ]*3);
    new_coords[0][0] = point_[1].x;
    new_coords[0][1] = point_[1].y;
    new_coords[0][2] = point_[2].x;
    new_coords[0][3] = point_[2].y;
    new_coords[0][4] = point_[3].x;
    new_coords[0][5] = point_[3].y;
	pntswap (&point_[0], &point_[3]);
	pntswap (&point_[1], &point_[2]);
	point_[1].x -= xdec;
	point_[2].x -= xdec;
	point_[2].y = point_[3].y - ToRendererX( m_doc->m_interl[ staffSize ]);
    new_coords[1][0] = point_[1].x;
    new_coords[1][1] = point_[1].y;
    new_coords[1][2] = point_[2].x;
    new_coords[1][3] = point_[2].y;
    new_coords[1][4] = point_[3].x;
    new_coords[1][5] = point_[3].y;
    dc->DrawComplexBezierPath(point_[3].x, point_[3].y, new_coords[0], new_coords[1]);
    //dc->SetPen( m_currentColour , 1, wxSOLID );
    //dc->SetBrush( m_currentColour , wxSOLID );
	//dc->DrawPolygon (nbrInt*2,  bcoord, 0, 0, wxWINDING_RULE  ); //(sizeof (bcoord)*2) / sizeof (POINT)); nbrInt*2+ 1;