void UCanvasPanelSlot::PostEditChangeChainProperty(struct FPropertyChangedChainEvent& PropertyChangedEvent)

	static FName AnchorsProperty(TEXT("Anchors"));

	FEditPropertyChain::TDoubleLinkedListNode* AnchorNode = PropertyChangedEvent.PropertyChain.GetHead()->GetNextNode();
	if ( !AnchorNode )

	FEditPropertyChain::TDoubleLinkedListNode* LayoutDataNode = AnchorNode->GetNextNode();

	if ( !LayoutDataNode )

	UProperty* AnchorProperty = LayoutDataNode->GetValue();

	if ( AnchorProperty && AnchorProperty->GetFName() == AnchorsProperty )

void USizeBoxSlot::BuildSlot(TSharedRef<SBox> InSizeBox)
    SizeBox = InSizeBox;


    SizeBox->SetContent(Content ? Content->TakeWidget() : SNullWidget::NullWidget);
void UCanvasPanelSlot::BuildSlot(TSharedRef<SConstraintCanvas> Canvas)
	Slot = &Canvas->AddSlot()
			Content == nullptr ? SNullWidget::NullWidget : Content->TakeWidget()

Example #4
* Synchronizes a DFM tree with a VMT tree.
* @param dfmres DFM tree.
* @param vmtdir VMT tree.
void synchronize(DFMData& dfmres, const VMTDir& vmtdir)
	std::vector<std::string*> objectnames;

	std::deque<DFMResource*> dfms;
	fill(dfmres, dfms);

	std::for_each(dfms.begin(), dfms.end(), SynchronizeName(vmtdir));
	std::for_each(dfms.begin(), dfms.end(), SynchronizeClassName(vmtdir));
	std::for_each(dfms.begin(), dfms.end(), SynchronizeProperties(vmtdir, dfmres));
void UCanvasPanelSlot::RebaseLayout(bool PreserveSize)
	// Ensure we have a parent canvas
	if ( UCanvasPanel* Canvas = Cast<UCanvasPanel>(Parent) )
		FGeometry Geometry;
		if ( Canvas->GetGeometryForSlot(this, Geometry) )
			// Calculate the default anchor offset, ie where would this control be laid out if no offset were provided.
			FVector2D CanvasSize = Canvas->GetCanvasWidget()->GetCachedGeometry().Size;
			FMargin AnchorPositions = FMargin(
				LayoutData.Anchors.Minimum.X * CanvasSize.X,
				LayoutData.Anchors.Minimum.Y * CanvasSize.Y,
				LayoutData.Anchors.Maximum.X * CanvasSize.X,
				LayoutData.Anchors.Maximum.Y * CanvasSize.Y);
			FVector2D DefaultAnchorPosition = FVector2D(AnchorPositions.Left, AnchorPositions.Top);

			// Determine the amount that would be offset from the anchor position if alignment was applied.
			FVector2D AlignmentOffset = LayoutData.Alignment * PreEditGeometry.Size;

			FVector2D MoveDelta = Geometry.Position - PreEditGeometry.Position;

			// Determine where the widget's new position needs to be to maintain a stable location when the anchors change.
			FVector2D LeftTopDelta = PreEditGeometry.Position - DefaultAnchorPosition;

			const bool bAnchorsMoved = PreEditLayoutData.Anchors.Minimum != LayoutData.Anchors.Minimum || PreEditLayoutData.Anchors.Maximum != LayoutData.Anchors.Maximum;
			const bool bMoved = PreEditLayoutData.Offsets.Left != LayoutData.Offsets.Left || PreEditLayoutData.Offsets.Top != LayoutData.Offsets.Top;

			if ( bAnchorsMoved )
				// Adjust the size to remain constant
				if ( !LayoutData.Anchors.IsStretchedHorizontal() && PreEditLayoutData.Anchors.IsStretchedHorizontal() )
					// Adjust the position to remain constant
					LayoutData.Offsets.Left = LeftTopDelta.X + AlignmentOffset.X;
					LayoutData.Offsets.Right = PreEditGeometry.Size.X;
				else if ( !PreserveSize && LayoutData.Anchors.IsStretchedHorizontal() && !PreEditLayoutData.Anchors.IsStretchedHorizontal() )
					// Adjust the position to remain constant
					LayoutData.Offsets.Left = 0;
					LayoutData.Offsets.Right = 0;
				else if ( LayoutData.Anchors.IsStretchedHorizontal() )
					// Adjust the position to remain constant
					LayoutData.Offsets.Left = LeftTopDelta.X;
					LayoutData.Offsets.Right = AnchorPositions.Right - ( AnchorPositions.Left + LayoutData.Offsets.Left + PreEditGeometry.Size.X );
					// Adjust the position to remain constant
					LayoutData.Offsets.Left = LeftTopDelta.X + AlignmentOffset.X;

				if ( !LayoutData.Anchors.IsStretchedVertical() && PreEditLayoutData.Anchors.IsStretchedVertical() )
					// Adjust the position to remain constant
					LayoutData.Offsets.Top = LeftTopDelta.Y + AlignmentOffset.Y;
					LayoutData.Offsets.Bottom = PreEditGeometry.Size.Y;
				else if ( !PreserveSize && LayoutData.Anchors.IsStretchedVertical() && !PreEditLayoutData.Anchors.IsStretchedVertical() )
					// Adjust the position to remain constant
					LayoutData.Offsets.Top = 0;
					LayoutData.Offsets.Bottom = 0;
				else if ( LayoutData.Anchors.IsStretchedVertical() )
					// Adjust the position to remain constant
					LayoutData.Offsets.Top = LeftTopDelta.Y;
					LayoutData.Offsets.Bottom = AnchorPositions.Bottom - ( AnchorPositions.Top + LayoutData.Offsets.Top + PreEditGeometry.Size.Y );
					// Adjust the position to remain constant
					LayoutData.Offsets.Top = LeftTopDelta.Y + AlignmentOffset.Y;
			else if ( DesiredPosition.IsSet() )
				FVector2D NewLocalPosition = DesiredPosition.GetValue();

				LayoutData.Offsets.Left = NewLocalPosition.X - AnchorPositions.Left;
				LayoutData.Offsets.Top = NewLocalPosition.Y - AnchorPositions.Top;

				if ( LayoutData.Anchors.IsStretchedHorizontal() )
					LayoutData.Offsets.Right -= LayoutData.Offsets.Left - PreEditLayoutData.Offsets.Left;
					LayoutData.Offsets.Left += AlignmentOffset.X;

				if ( LayoutData.Anchors.IsStretchedVertical() )
					LayoutData.Offsets.Bottom -= LayoutData.Offsets.Top - PreEditLayoutData.Offsets.Top;
					LayoutData.Offsets.Top += AlignmentOffset.Y;

			else if ( bMoved )
				//LayoutData.Offsets.Left += LeftTopDelta.X;
				//LayoutData.Offsets.Top += LeftTopDelta.Y;
				LayoutData.Offsets.Left -= DefaultAnchorPosition.X;
				LayoutData.Offsets.Top -= DefaultAnchorPosition.Y;

				// If the slot is stretched horizontally we need to move the right side as it no longer represents width, but
				// now represents margin from the right stretched side.
				if ( LayoutData.Anchors.IsStretchedHorizontal() )
					//LayoutData.Offsets.Right = PreEditLayoutData.Offsets.Top;
					LayoutData.Offsets.Left += AlignmentOffset.X;

				// If the slot is stretched vertically we need to move the bottom side as it no longer represents width, but
				// now represents margin from the bottom stretched side.
				if ( LayoutData.Anchors.IsStretchedVertical() )
					//LayoutData.Offsets.Bottom -= MoveDelta.Y;
					LayoutData.Offsets.Top += AlignmentOffset.Y;

		// Apply the changes to the properties.