void Sys_ReLaunch() {
	TCHAR				szPathOrig[MAX_PRINT_MSG];

	ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(si) );
	si.cb = sizeof(si);

	// DG: we don't have function arguments in Sys_ReLaunch() anymore, everyone only passed
	//     the command-line +" +set com_skipIntroVideos 1" anyway and it was painful on POSIX systems
	//     so let's just add it here.
	idStr cmdLine = Sys_GetCmdLine();
	if( cmdLine.Find( "com_skipIntroVideos" ) < 0 )
		cmdLine.Append( " +set com_skipIntroVideos 1" );

	strcpy( szPathOrig, va( "\"%s\" %s", Sys_EXEPath(), cmdLine.c_str() ) );
	// DG end

	CloseHandle( hProcessMutex );

	if ( !CreateProcess( NULL, szPathOrig, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi ) ) {
		idLib::Error( "Could not start process: '%s' ", szPathOrig );
	cmdSystem->AppendCommandText( "quit\n" );
Example #2

Get the default base path
- binary image path
- current directory
- hardcoded
Try to be intelligent: if there is no BASE_GAMEDIR, try the next path
const char *Sys_DefaultBasePath( void ) {
	struct stat st;
	idStr testbase;
	basepath = Sys_EXEPath();
	if( basepath.Length() ) {
		testbase = basepath;
		testbase += "/";
		testbase += BASE_GAMEDIR;
		if( stat( testbase.c_str(), &st ) != -1 && S_ISDIR( st.st_mode ) ) {
			return basepath.c_str();
		} else {
			common->Printf( "no '%s' directory in exe path %s, skipping\n", BASE_GAMEDIR, basepath.c_str() );
	if( basepath != Posix_Cwd() ) {
		basepath = Posix_Cwd();
		testbase = basepath;
		testbase += "/";
		testbase += BASE_GAMEDIR;
		if( stat( testbase.c_str(), &st ) != -1 && S_ISDIR( st.st_mode ) ) {
			return basepath.c_str();
		} else {
			common->Printf( "no '%s' directory in cwd path %s, skipping\n", BASE_GAMEDIR, basepath.c_str() );
	common->Printf( "WARNING: using hardcoded default base path\n" );
void Sys_Launch( const char * path, idCmdArgs & args,  void * data, unsigned int dataSize ) {

	TCHAR				szPathOrig[_MAX_PATH];

	ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(si) );
	si.cb = sizeof(si);

	strcpy( szPathOrig, va( "\"%s\" %s", Sys_EXEPath(), (const char *)data ) );

	if ( !CreateProcess( NULL, szPathOrig, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi ) ) {
		idLib::Error( "Could not start process: '%s' ", szPathOrig );
	cmdSystem->AppendCommandText( "quit\n" );
Example #4
const char *Sys_DLLPath(void) {
	return Sys_EXEPath();
void Sys_ReLaunch()
	// DG: implementing this... basic old fork() exec() (+ setsid()) routine..
	// NOTE: this function used to have parameters: the commandline arguments, but as one string..
	//       for Linux/Unix we want one char* per argument so we'll just add the friggin'
	//       " +set com_skipIntroVideos 1" to the other commandline arguments in this function.
	int ret = fork();
	if( ret < 0 )
		idLib::Error( "Sys_ReLaunch(): Couldn't fork(), reason: %s ", strerror( errno ) );
	if( ret == 0 )
		// child process
		// get our own session so we don't depend on the (soon to be killed)
		// parent process anymore - else we'll freeze
		pid_t sId = setsid();
		if( sId == ( pid_t ) - 1 )
			idLib::Error( "Sys_ReLaunch(): setsid() failed! Reason: %s ", strerror( errno ) );
		// close all FDs (except for stdin/out/err) so we don't leak FDs
		DIR* devfd = opendir( "/dev/fd" );
		if( devfd != NULL )
			struct dirent entry;
			struct dirent* result;
			while( readdir_r( devfd, &entry, &result ) == 0 )
				const char* filename = result->d_name;
				char* endptr = NULL;
				long int fd = strtol( filename, &endptr, 0 );
				if( endptr != filename && fd > STDERR_FILENO )
					close( fd );
			idLib::Warning( "Sys_ReLaunch(): Couldn't open /dev/fd/ - will leak file descriptors. Reason: %s", strerror( errno ) );
		// + 3 because "+set" "com_skipIntroVideos" "1" - and note that while we'll skip
		// one (the first) cmdargv argument, we need one more pointer for NULL at the end.
		int argc = cmdargc + 3;
		const char** argv = ( const char** )calloc( argc, sizeof( char* ) );
		int i;
		for( i = 0; i < cmdargc - 1; ++i )
			argv[i] = cmdargv[i + 1]; // ignore cmdargv[0] == executable name
		// add +set com_skipIntroVideos 1
		argv[i++] = "+set";
		argv[i++] = "com_skipIntroVideos";
		argv[i++] = "1";
		// execv expects NULL terminated array
		argv[i] = NULL;
		const char* exepath = Sys_EXEPath();
		errno = 0;
		execv( exepath, ( char** )argv );
		// we only get here if execv() fails, else the executable is restarted
		idLib::Error( "Sys_ReLaunch(): WTF exec() failed! Reason: %s ", strerror( errno ) );
		// original process
		// just do a clean shutdown
		cmdSystem->AppendCommandText( "quit\n" );
	// DG end