Example #1
void WEB_InitStartup (void)
	Cmd_AddCommand("web_auth", WEB_Auth_f, "Perform the authentication against the UFOAI server");

	web_username = Cvar_Get("web_username", Sys_GetCurrentUser(), CVAR_ARCHIVE, "The username for the UFOAI server.");
	/* if the password is a non-empty string, this means that username and password
	 * are valid, and the authentication was successful */
	web_password = Cvar_Get("web_password", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "The encrypted password for the UFOAI server.");
	web_userid = Cvar_Get("web_userid", "0", 0, "Your userid for the UFOAI server");
	web_authurl = Cvar_Get("web_authurl", WEB_API_SERVER "api/auth.php", CVAR_ARCHIVE,
				"The url to perform the authentication against.");


	Com_Printf("\n------- web initialization ---------\n");
	if (Q_strvalid(web_password->string)) {
		Com_Printf("... using username '%s'\n", web_username->string);
		if (!WEB_GetURL(web_authurl->string, WEB_AuthResponse)) {
			Cvar_Set("web_password", "");
		if (Q_strvalid(web_password->string)) {
			Com_Printf("... login successful\n");
		} else {
			Com_Printf("... login failed\n");
	} else {
		Com_Printf("... web access not yet configured\n");
Example #2
void Sys_Init( void ) {
	// make sure the timer is high precision, otherwise
	// NT gets 18ms resolution
	timeBeginPeriod( 1 );

	Cmd_AddCommand ("in_restart", Sys_In_Restart_f);

	g_wv.osversion.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( g_wv.osversion );

	if (!GetVersionEx (&g_wv.osversion))
		Sys_Error ("Couldn't get OS info");

	if (g_wv.osversion.dwMajorVersion < 4)
		Sys_Error ("This game requires Windows version 4 or greater");
	if (g_wv.osversion.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s)
		Sys_Error ("This game doesn't run on Win32s");

	Cvar_Set( "arch", OS_STRING " " ARCH_STRING );

	// save out a couple things in rom cvars for the renderer to access
	Cvar_Get( "win_hinstance", va("%p", g_wv.hInstance), CVAR_ROM );
	Cvar_Get( "win_wndproc", va("%p", MainWndProc), CVAR_ROM );

	Cvar_Set( "username", Sys_GetCurrentUser() );

	IN_Init();		// FIXME: not in dedicated?
Example #3
void Sys_Init(void)
	Cmd_AddCommand("backtrace", Sys_Backtrace_f);
	Cmd_AddCommand( "in_restart", Sys_In_Restart_f );
	Cvar_Set( "arch", OS_STRING " " ARCH_STRING );
	Cvar_Set( "username", Sys_GetCurrentUser( ) );
Example #4
void Sys_Init (void) {
    Cmd_AddCommand ("in_restart", Sys_In_Restart_f);

    Cvar_Set( "arch", "rim" );
    Cvar_Set( "username", Sys_GetCurrentUser() );

Example #5

Called after the common systems (cvars, files, etc)
are initialized
void Sys_Init( void ) {
	Cmd_AddCommand ("in_restart", IN_Restart);
	Cvar_Get( "arch", OS_STRING " " ARCH_STRING, CVAR_ROM );
	Cvar_Get( "username", Sys_GetCurrentUser(), CVAR_ROM );
	com_unfocused = Cvar_Get( "com_unfocused", "0", CVAR_ROM );
	com_minimized = Cvar_Get( "com_minimized", "0", CVAR_ROM );
Example #6
void Sys_Init( void ) {
	Cmd_AddCommand( "in_restart", Sys_In_Restart_f );

#if defined __linux__
#if defined __i386__
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux i386" );
#elif defined __alpha__
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux alpha" );
#elif defined __sparc__
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux sparc" );
#elif defined __FreeBSD__

#if defined __i386__ // FreeBSD
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "freebsd i386" );
#elif defined __alpha__
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "freebsd alpha" );
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "freebsd unknown" );
#endif // FreeBSD

#elif defined __OpenBSD__

#if defined __i386__ // OpenBSD
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "openbsd i386" );
#elif defined __amd64__
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "openbsd amd64" );
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "openbsd unknown" );
#endif // OpenBSD

	Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux unknown" );
#elif defined __sun__
#if defined __i386__
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "solaris x86" );
#elif defined __sparc__
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "solaris sparc" );
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "solaris unknown" );
#elif defined __sgi__
#if defined __mips__
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "sgi mips" );
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "sgi unknown" );
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "unknown" );

	Cvar_Set( "username", Sys_GetCurrentUser() );


Example #7
void Sys_Init(void)
	Cmd_AddCommand("in_restart", Sys_In_Restart_f);
	Cmd_AddCommand("clearviewlog", Sys_ClearViewlog_f);

	Cvar_Set("arch", OS_STRING " " ARCH_STRING);
	Cvar_Set("username", Sys_GetCurrentUser());
Example #8
void Sys_Init( void ) {
	// make sure the timer is high precision, otherwise
	// NT gets 18ms resolution
	timeBeginPeriod( 1 );

	Cmd_AddCommand ("in_restart", Sys_In_Restart_f);

	g_wv.osversion.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( g_wv.osversion );

	if (!GetVersionEx (&g_wv.osversion))
		Sys_Error ("Couldn't get OS info");
	if (Sys_IsExpired()) {
		g_wv.osversion.dwMajorVersion = 0;

	if (g_wv.osversion.dwMajorVersion < 4)
		Sys_Error ("This game requires Windows version 4 or greater");
	if (g_wv.osversion.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s)
		Sys_Error ("This game doesn't run on Win32s");

	if ( g_wv.osversion.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT )
		Cvar_Set( "arch", "winnt" );
	else if ( g_wv.osversion.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS )
		if ( LOWORD( g_wv.osversion.dwBuildNumber ) >= WIN98_BUILD_NUMBER )
			Cvar_Set( "arch", "win98" );
		else if ( LOWORD( g_wv.osversion.dwBuildNumber ) >= OSR2_BUILD_NUMBER )
			Cvar_Set( "arch", "win95 osr2.x" );
			Cvar_Set( "arch", "win95" );
		Cvar_Set( "arch", "unknown Windows variant" );

	// save out a couple things in rom cvars for the renderer to access
	Cvar_Get( "win_hinstance", va("%i", (int)g_wv.hInstance), CVAR_ROM );
	Cvar_Get( "win_wndproc", va("%i", (int)MainWndProc), CVAR_ROM );

	Cvar_Set( "username", Sys_GetCurrentUser() );

	IN_Init();		// FIXME: not in dedicated?
Example #9
void Sys_Init(void) {
	Cmd_AddCommand( "in_restart", Sys_In_Restart_f, "^1Restarts all the input drivers, dinput, joystick, etc." );
#if defined (_WIN32) && !defined (_DEBUG)
	Cmd_AddCommand( "clearviewlog", Sys_ClearViewlog_f, "^1Clear windows console." );

	Cvar_Set( "arch", OS_STRING " " ARCH_STRING );
	Cvar_Set( "username", Sys_GetCurrentUser( ) );
Example #10
void Sys_Init() {
	if ( !( GGameType & GAME_Tech3 ) ) {

#if defined __linux__
#if defined __i386__
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux i386" );
#elif defined __x86_64__
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux x86_86" );
#elif defined __alpha__
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux alpha" );
#elif defined __sparc__
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux sparc" );
#elif defined __FreeBSD__

#if defined __i386__// FreeBSD
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "freebsd i386" );
#elif defined __x86_64__
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "freebsd x86_86" );
#elif defined __alpha__
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "freebsd alpha" );
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "freebsd unknown" );
#endif	// FreeBSD

	Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux unknown" );
#elif defined __sun__
#if defined __i386__
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "solaris x86" );
#elif defined __x86_64__
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "solaris x86_86" );
#elif defined __sparc__
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "solaris sparc" );
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "solaris unknown" );
#elif defined __sgi__
#if defined __mips__
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "sgi mips" );
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "sgi unknown" );
	Cvar_Set( "arch", "unknown" );

	Cvar_Set( "username", Sys_GetCurrentUser() );

Called after the common systems (cvars, files, etc)
are initialized
void Sys_Init( void ) {
	Cmd_AddCommand ("in_restart", IN_Restart);
	Cvar_Get( "arch", OS_STRING " " ARCH_STRING, CVAR_ROM );
	Cvar_Get( "username", Sys_GetCurrentUser(), CVAR_ROM );

	com_unfocused = Cvar_Get( "com_unfocused", "0", CVAR_ROM );
	com_minimized = Cvar_Get( "com_minimized", "0", CVAR_ROM );
#ifdef _JK2EXE
	com_maxfps = Cvar_Get ("com_maxfps", "125", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	com_maxfps = Cvar_Get( "com_maxfps", "125", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Maximum frames per second" );
	com_maxfpsUnfocused = Cvar_Get( "com_maxfpsUnfocused", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	com_maxfpsMinimized = Cvar_Get( "com_maxfpsMinimized", "50", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
Example #12
void Com_UploadCrashDump (const char* crashDumpFile)
	if (uploadcrashdump == nullptr || uploadcrashdump->integer != 1)
	upparam_t paramUser;
	upparam_t paramVersion;
	upparam_t paramOS;
	const char* crashDumpURL = "http://ufoai.org/CrashDump.php";

	paramUser.name = "user";
	paramUser.value = Sys_GetCurrentUser();
	paramUser.next = &paramVersion;
	paramVersion.name = "version";
	paramVersion.value = UFO_VERSION;
	paramVersion.next = &paramOS;
	paramOS.name = "os";
	paramOS.value = BUILDSTRING_OS;
	paramOS.next = nullptr;

	HTTP_PutFile("crashdump", crashDumpFile, crashDumpURL, &paramUser);
	HTTP_PutFile("crashdump", va("%s/%s", FS_Gamedir(), consoleLogName), crashDumpURL, &paramUser);
Example #13
void CL_InitLocal()
	// register our variables
	cl_predict = Cvar_Get( "cl_predict", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "disables client movement prediction" );
	cl_crosshair = Cvar_Get( "crosshair", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "show weapon chrosshair" );
	cl_nodelta = Cvar_Get ("cl_nodelta", "0", 0, "disable delta-compression for usercommnds" );
	cl_idealpitchscale = Cvar_Get( "cl_idealpitchscale", "0.8", 0, "how much to look up/down slopes and stairs when not using freelook" );
	cl_solid_players = Cvar_Get( "cl_solid_players", "1", 0, "Make all players not solid (can't traceline them)" );
	cl_interp = Cvar_Get( "ex_interp", "0.1", 0, "Interpolate object positions starting this many seconds in past" ); 
	cl_timeout = Cvar_Get( "cl_timeout", "60", 0, "connect timeout (in-seconds)" );

	rcon_client_password = Cvar_Get( "rcon_password", "", 0, "remote control client password" );
	rcon_address = Cvar_Get( "rcon_address", "", 0, "remote control address" );

	Cvar_Get( "password", "", CVAR_USERINFO, "player password" );
	name = Cvar_Get( "name", Sys_GetCurrentUser(), CVAR_USERINFO|CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_PRINTABLEONLY, "player name" );
	model = Cvar_Get( "model", "player", CVAR_USERINFO|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "player model ('player' it's a single player model)" );
	topcolor = Cvar_Get( "topcolor", "0", CVAR_USERINFO|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "player top color" );
	bottomcolor = Cvar_Get( "bottomcolor", "0", CVAR_USERINFO|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "player bottom color" );
	rate = Cvar_Get( "rate", "25000", CVAR_USERINFO|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "player network rate" );
	hltv = Cvar_Get( "hltv", "0", CVAR_USERINFO|CVAR_LATCH, "HLTV mode" );
	cl_showfps = Cvar_Get( "cl_showfps", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "show client fps" );
	cl_smooth = Cvar_Get ("cl_smooth", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "smooth up stair climbing and interpolate position in multiplayer" );
	cl_cmdbackup = Cvar_Get( "cl_cmdbackup", "10", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "how many additional history commands are sent" );
	cl_cmdrate = Cvar_Get( "cl_cmdrate", "30", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Max number of command packets sent to server per second" );

	Cmd_AddCommand ("userinfo", CL_Userinfo_f, "print current client userinfo" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("disconnect", CL_Disconnect_f, "disconnect from server" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("quit", CL_Quit_f, "quit from game" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("exit", CL_Quit_f, "quit from game" );

	Cmd_AddCommand ("connect", CL_Connect_f, "connect to a server by hostname" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("reconnect", CL_Reconnect_f, "reconnect to current level" );

	Cmd_AddCommand ("rcon", CL_Rcon_f, "sends a command to the server console (rcon_password and rcon_address required)" );
Example #14
void CL_InitLocal( void )
	cls.state = ca_disconnected;

	// register our variables
	cl_predict = Cvar_Get( "cl_predict", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "enable client movement prediction" );
	cl_crosshair = Cvar_Get( "crosshair", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "show weapon chrosshair" );
	cl_nodelta = Cvar_Get ("cl_nodelta", "0", 0, "disable delta-compression for usercommands" );
	cl_idealpitchscale = Cvar_Get( "cl_idealpitchscale", "0.8", 0, "how much to look up/down slopes and stairs when not using freelook" );
	cl_solid_players = Cvar_Get( "cl_solid_players", "1", 0, "make all players non-solid (can't traceline them)" );
	cl_interp = Cvar_Get( "ex_interp", "0.1", 0, "interpolate object positions starting this many seconds in past" );
	//Cvar_Get( "ex_maxerrordistance", "0", 0, "" );
	cl_allow_fragment = Cvar_Get( "cl_allow_fragment", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "allow downloading files directly from game server" ); 
	cl_timeout = Cvar_Get( "cl_timeout", "60", 0, "connect timeout (in seconds)" );
	cl_charset = Cvar_Get( "cl_charset", "utf-8", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "1-byte charset to use (iconv style)" );

	rcon_client_password = Cvar_Get( "rcon_password", "", 0, "remote control client password" );
	rcon_address = Cvar_Get( "rcon_address", "", 0, "remote control address" );
	r_oldparticles = Cvar_Get("r_oldparticles", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "make some particle textures a simple square, like with software rendering");

	cl_trace_events = Cvar_Get( "cl_trace_events", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_CHEAT, "enable client event tracing (good for developers)" );

	cl_trace_stufftext = Cvar_Get( "cl_trace_stufftext", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_CHEAT, "enable stufftext commands tracing (good for developers)" );

	// userinfo
	Cvar_Get( "password", "", CVAR_USERINFO, "player password" );
	// cvar is not registered as userinfo as it not needed usually
	// it will be set as userinfo only if it has non-default and correct value
	cl_maxpacket = Cvar_Get( "cl_maxpacket", "40000", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Max packet size, sent from server durning connection" );
	name = Cvar_Get( "name", Sys_GetCurrentUser(), CVAR_USERINFO|CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_PRINTABLEONLY, "player name" );
	model = Cvar_Get( "model", "player", CVAR_USERINFO|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "player model ('player' is a singleplayer model)" );
	topcolor = Cvar_Get( "topcolor", "0", CVAR_USERINFO|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "player top color" );
	bottomcolor = Cvar_Get( "bottomcolor", "0", CVAR_USERINFO|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "player bottom color" );
	rate = Cvar_Get( "rate", "25000", CVAR_USERINFO|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "player network rate" );
	hltv = Cvar_Get( "hltv", "0", CVAR_USERINFO|CVAR_LATCH, "HLTV mode" );
	cl_showfps = Cvar_Get( "cl_showfps", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "show client fps" );
	cl_showpos = Cvar_Get( "cl_showpos", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "show local player position and velocity" );
	cl_smooth = Cvar_Get ("cl_smooth", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "smooth up stair climbing and interpolate position in multiplayer" );
	cl_cmdbackup = Cvar_Get( "cl_cmdbackup", "10", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "how many additional history commands are sent" );
	cl_cmdrate = Cvar_Get( "cl_cmdrate", "30", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "max number of command packets sent to server per second" );
	cl_draw_particles = Cvar_Get( "cl_draw_particles", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "disable particle effects" );
	cl_draw_beams = Cvar_Get( "cl_draw_beams", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "disable view beams" );
	cl_lightstyle_lerping = Cvar_Get( "cl_lightstyle_lerping", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "enable animated light lerping (perfomance option)" );
	cl_sprite_nearest = Cvar_Get( "cl_sprite_nearest", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "disable texture filtering on sprites" );

	hud_scale = Cvar_Get( "hud_scale", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH, "scale hud at current resolution" );
	hud_utf8 = Cvar_Get( "hud_utf8", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Use utf-8 encoding for hud text" );

	Cvar_Get( "skin", "", CVAR_USERINFO, "player skin" ); // XDM 3.3 want this cvar
	Cvar_Get( "cl_updaterate", "60", CVAR_USERINFO|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "refresh rate of server messages" );
	Cvar_Get( "cl_background", "0", CVAR_READ_ONLY, "indicates that background map is running" );

	// these two added to shut up CS 1.5 about 'unknown' commands
	Cvar_Get( "lightgamma", "1", 0, "ambient lighting level (legacy, unused)" );
	Cvar_Get( "direct", "1", 0, "direct lighting level (legacy, unused)" );
	Cvar_Get( "voice_serverdebug", "0", 0, "debug voice (legacy, unused)" );

	// server commands
	Cmd_AddCommand ("noclip", NULL, "toggle noclipping mode" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("notarget", NULL, "notarget mode (monsters do not see you)" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("fullupdate", NULL, "re-init HUD on start of demo recording" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("give", NULL, "give specified item or weapon" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("drop", NULL, "drop current/specified item or weapon" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("gametitle", NULL, "show game logo" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("god", NULL, "toggle godmode" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("fov", NULL, "set client field of view" );

	Cmd_AddCommand ("kill", NULL, "commit suicide" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("ent_list", NULL, "list entities on server" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("ent_fire", NULL, "fire entity command (be careful)" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("ent_info", NULL, "dump entity information" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("ent_create", NULL, "create entity with specified values (be careful)" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("ent_getvars", NULL, "put parameters of specified entities to client's' ent_last_* cvars" );

	// register our commands
	Cmd_AddCommand ("pause", NULL, "pause the game (if the server allows pausing)" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("localservers", CL_LocalServers_f, "collect info about local servers" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("internetservers", CL_InternetServers_f, "collect info about internet servers" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("cd", CL_PlayCDTrack_f, "play cd-track (not real cd-player of course)" );

	Cmd_AddCommand ("userinfo", CL_Userinfo_f, "print current client userinfo" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("physinfo", CL_Physinfo_f, "print current client physinfo" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("disconnect", CL_Disconnect_f, "disconnect from server" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("record", CL_Record_f, "record a demo" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("playdemo", CL_PlayDemo_f, "play a demo" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("killdemo", CL_DeleteDemo_f, "delete a specified demo file and demoshot" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("startdemos", CL_StartDemos_f, "start playing back the selected demos sequentially" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("demos", CL_Demos_f, "restart looping demos defined by the last startdemos command" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("movie", CL_PlayVideo_f, "play a movie" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("stop", CL_Stop_f, "stop playing or recording a demo" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("info", NULL, "collect info about local servers with specified protocol" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("escape", CL_Escape_f, "escape from game to menu" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("pointfile", CL_ReadPointFile_f, "show leaks on a map (if present of course)" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("linefile", CL_ReadLineFile_f, "show leaks on a map (if present of course)" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("quit", CL_Quit_f, "quit from game" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("exit", CL_Quit_f, "quit from game" );

	Cmd_AddCommand ("screenshot", CL_ScreenShot_f, "takes a screenshot of the next rendered frame" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("snapshot", CL_SnapShot_f, "takes a snapshot of the next rendered frame" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("envshot", CL_EnvShot_f, "takes a six-sides cubemap shot with specified name" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("skyshot", CL_SkyShot_f, "takes a six-sides envmap (skybox) shot with specified name" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("levelshot", CL_LevelShot_f, "same as \"screenshot\", used to create plaque images" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("saveshot", CL_SaveShot_f, "used to create save previews with LoadGame menu" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("demoshot", CL_DemoShot_f, "used to create demo previews with PlayDemo menu" );

	Cmd_AddCommand ("connect", CL_Connect_f, "connect to a server by hostname" );
	Cmd_AddCommand ("reconnect", CL_Reconnect_f, "reconnect to current level" );

	Cmd_AddCommand ("rcon", CL_Rcon_f, "sends a command to the server console (rcon_password and rcon_address required)" );

	// this is dangerous to leave in
// 	Cmd_AddCommand ("packet", CL_Packet_f, "send a packet with custom contents" );

	Cmd_AddCommand ("precache", CL_Precache_f, "precache specified resource (by index)" );
Example #15
void Sys_Init(void)


	// make sure the timer is high precision, otherwise
	// NT gets 18ms resolution

	// get WM_TIMER messages pumped every millisecond
//	SetTimer( NULL, 0, 100, NULL );

	cmdSystem->AddCommand("in_restart", Sys_In_Restart_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "restarts the input system");
#ifdef DEBUG
	cmdSystem->AddCommand("createResourceIDs", CreateResourceIDs_f, CMD_FL_TOOL, "assigns resource IDs in _resouce.h files");
#if 0
	cmdSystem->AddCommand("setAsyncSound", Sys_SetAsyncSound_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "set the async sound option");

	// Windows user name

	// Windows version
	win32.osversion.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(win32.osversion);

	if (!GetVersionEx((LPOSVERSIONINFO)&win32.osversion))
		Sys_Error("Couldn't get OS info");

	if (win32.osversion.dwMajorVersion < 4) {
		Sys_Error(GAME_NAME " requires Windows version 4 (NT) or greater");

	if (win32.osversion.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s) {
		Sys_Error(GAME_NAME " doesn't run on Win32s");

	if (win32.osversion.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) {
		if (win32.osversion.dwMajorVersion <= 4) {
			win32.sys_arch.SetString("WinNT (NT)");
		} else if (win32.osversion.dwMajorVersion == 5 && win32.osversion.dwMinorVersion == 0) {
			win32.sys_arch.SetString("Win2K (NT)");
		} else if (win32.osversion.dwMajorVersion == 5 && win32.osversion.dwMinorVersion == 1) {
			win32.sys_arch.SetString("WinXP (NT)");
		} else if (win32.osversion.dwMajorVersion == 6) {
		} else {
			win32.sys_arch.SetString("Unknown NT variant");
	} else if (win32.osversion.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) {
		if (win32.osversion.dwMajorVersion == 4 && win32.osversion.dwMinorVersion == 0) {
			// Win95
			if (win32.osversion.szCSDVersion[1] == 'C') {
				win32.sys_arch.SetString("Win95 OSR2 (95)");
			} else {
				win32.sys_arch.SetString("Win95 (95)");
		} else if (win32.osversion.dwMajorVersion == 4 && win32.osversion.dwMinorVersion == 10) {
			// Win98
			if (win32.osversion.szCSDVersion[1] == 'A') {
				win32.sys_arch.SetString("Win98SE (95)");
			} else {
				win32.sys_arch.SetString("Win98 (95)");
		} else if (win32.osversion.dwMajorVersion == 4 && win32.osversion.dwMinorVersion == 90) {
			// WinMe
			win32.sys_arch.SetString("WinMe (95)");
		} else {
			win32.sys_arch.SetString("Unknown 95 variant");
	} else {
		win32.sys_arch.SetString("unknown Windows variant");

	// CPU type
	if (!idStr::Icmp(win32.sys_cpustring.GetString(), "detect")) {
		idStr string;

		common->Printf("%1.0f MHz ", Sys_ClockTicksPerSecond() / 1000000.0f);

		win32.cpuid = Sys_GetCPUId();


		if (win32.cpuid & CPUID_AMD) {
			string += "AMD CPU";
		} else if (win32.cpuid & CPUID_INTEL) {
			string += "Intel CPU";
		} else if (win32.cpuid & CPUID_UNSUPPORTED) {
			string += "unsupported CPU";
		} else {
			string += "generic CPU";

		string += " with ";

		if (win32.cpuid & CPUID_MMX) {
			string += "MMX & ";

		if (win32.cpuid & CPUID_3DNOW) {
			string += "3DNow! & ";

		if (win32.cpuid & CPUID_SSE) {
			string += "SSE & ";

		if (win32.cpuid & CPUID_SSE2) {
			string += "SSE2 & ";

		if (win32.cpuid & CPUID_SSE3) {
			string += "SSE3 & ";

		if (win32.cpuid & CPUID_HTT) {
			string += "HTT & ";

		string.StripTrailing(" & ");
		string.StripTrailing(" with ");
	} else {
		common->Printf("forcing CPU type to ");
		idLexer src(win32.sys_cpustring.GetString(), idStr::Length(win32.sys_cpustring.GetString()), "sys_cpustring");
		idToken token;

		int id = CPUID_NONE;

		while (src.ReadToken(&token)) {
			if (token.Icmp("generic") == 0) {
				id |= CPUID_GENERIC;
			} else if (token.Icmp("intel") == 0) {
				id |= CPUID_INTEL;
			} else if (token.Icmp("amd") == 0) {
				id |= CPUID_AMD;
			} else if (token.Icmp("mmx") == 0) {
				id |= CPUID_MMX;
			} else if (token.Icmp("3dnow") == 0) {
				id |= CPUID_3DNOW;
			} else if (token.Icmp("sse") == 0) {
				id |= CPUID_SSE;
			} else if (token.Icmp("sse2") == 0) {
				id |= CPUID_SSE2;
			} else if (token.Icmp("sse3") == 0) {
				id |= CPUID_SSE3;
			} else if (token.Icmp("htt") == 0) {
				id |= CPUID_HTT;

		if (id == CPUID_NONE) {
			common->Printf("WARNING: unknown sys_cpustring '%s'\n", win32.sys_cpustring.GetString());

		win32.cpuid = (cpuid_t) id;

	common->Printf("%s\n", win32.sys_cpustring.GetString());
	common->Printf("%d MB System Memory\n", Sys_GetSystemRam());
	common->Printf("%d MB Video Memory\n", Sys_GetVideoRam());
Example #16
void Sys_Init( void ) {
	int cpuid;

	// make sure the timer is high precision, otherwise
	// NT gets 18ms resolution
	timeBeginPeriod( 1 );

	Cmd_AddCommand ("in_restart", Sys_In_Restart_f);

	g_wv.osversion.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( g_wv.osversion );

	if (!GetVersionEx (&g_wv.osversion))
		Sys_Error ("Couldn't get OS info");
	if (Sys_IsExpired()) {
		g_wv.osversion.dwMajorVersion = 0;

	if (g_wv.osversion.dwMajorVersion < 4)
		Sys_Error ("This game requires Windows version 4 or greater");
	if (g_wv.osversion.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s)
		Sys_Error ("This game doesn't run on Win32s");

	if ( g_wv.osversion.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT )
		Cvar_Set( "arch", "winnt" );
	else if ( g_wv.osversion.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS )
		if ( LOWORD( g_wv.osversion.dwBuildNumber ) >= WIN98_BUILD_NUMBER )
			Cvar_Set( "arch", "win98" );
		else if ( LOWORD( g_wv.osversion.dwBuildNumber ) >= OSR2_BUILD_NUMBER )
			Cvar_Set( "arch", "win95 osr2.x" );
			Cvar_Set( "arch", "win95" );
		Cvar_Set( "arch", "unknown Windows variant" );

	// save out a couple things in rom cvars for the renderer to access
	Cvar_Get( "win_hinstance", va("%i", (int)g_wv.hInstance), CVAR_ROM );
	Cvar_Get( "win_wndproc", va("%i", (int)MainWndProc), CVAR_ROM );

	// figure out our CPU
	Cvar_Get( "sys_cpustring", "detect", 0 );
	if ( !Q_stricmp( Cvar_VariableString( "sys_cpustring"), "detect" ) )
		Com_Printf( "...detecting CPU, found " );

		cpuid = Sys_GetProcessorId();

		switch ( cpuid )
			Cvar_Set( "sys_cpustring", "generic" );
			Cvar_Set( "sys_cpustring", "x86 (pre-Pentium)" );
			Cvar_Set( "sys_cpustring", "x86 (P5/PPro, non-MMX)" );
			Cvar_Set( "sys_cpustring", "x86 (P5/Pentium2, MMX)" );
			Cvar_Set( "sys_cpustring", "Intel Pentium III" );
			Cvar_Set( "sys_cpustring", "Intel Pentium IV" );
			Cvar_Set( "sys_cpustring", "AMD w/ 3DNow!" );
		case CPUID_AXP:
			Cvar_Set( "sys_cpustring", "Alpha AXP" );
			Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Unknown cpu type %d\n", cpuid );
		Com_Printf( "...forcing CPU type to " );
		if ( !Q_stricmp( Cvar_VariableString( "sys_cpustring" ), "generic" ) )
			cpuid = CPUID_GENERIC;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( Cvar_VariableString( "sys_cpustring" ), "x87" ) )
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( Cvar_VariableString( "sys_cpustring" ), "mmx" ) )
			cpuid = CPUID_INTEL_MMX;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( Cvar_VariableString( "sys_cpustring" ), "3dnow" ) )
			cpuid = CPUID_AMD_3DNOW;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( Cvar_VariableString( "sys_cpustring" ), "PentiumIII" ) )
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( Cvar_VariableString( "sys_cpustring" ), "PentiumIV" ) )
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( Cvar_VariableString( "sys_cpustring" ), "axp" ) )
			cpuid = CPUID_AXP;
			Com_Printf( "WARNING: unknown sys_cpustring '%s'\n", Cvar_VariableString( "sys_cpustring" ) );
			cpuid = CPUID_GENERIC;
	Cvar_SetValue( "sys_cpuid", cpuid );
	Com_Printf( "%s\n", Cvar_VariableString( "sys_cpustring" ) );

	Cvar_Set( "username", Sys_GetCurrentUser() );

	IN_Init();		// FIXME: not in dedicated?
Example #17
 * @brief Calls all reset functions for all subsystems like production and research
 * also initializes the cvars and commands
 * @sa CL_Init
static void CL_InitLocal (void)
	cls.realtime = Sys_Milliseconds();

	/* register our variables */
	cl_introshown = Cvar_Get("cl_introshown", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Only show the intro once at the initial start");
	cl_fps = Cvar_Get("cl_fps", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Show frames per second");
	cl_log_battlescape_events = Cvar_Get("cl_log_battlescape_events", "1", 0, "Log all battlescape events to events.log");
	cl_selected = Cvar_Get("cl_selected", "0", CVAR_NOSET, "Current selected soldier");
	cl_connecttimeout = Cvar_Get("cl_connecttimeout", "25000", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Connection timeout for multiplayer connects");
	/* userinfo */
	cl_name = Cvar_Get("cl_name", Sys_GetCurrentUser(), CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Playername");
	cl_teamnum = Cvar_Get("cl_teamnum", "1", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Preferred teamnum for multiplayer teamplay games");
	cl_ready = Cvar_Get("cl_ready", "0", CVAR_USERINFO, "Ready indicator in the userinfo for tactical missions");
	cl_msg = Cvar_Get("cl_msg", "2", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Sets the message level for server messages the client receives");
	sv_maxclients = Cvar_Get("sv_maxclients", "1", CVAR_SERVERINFO, "If sv_maxclients is 1 we are in singleplayer - otherwise we are multiplayer mode (see sv_teamplay)");

	masterserver_url = Cvar_Get("masterserver_url", MASTER_SERVER, CVAR_ARCHIVE, "URL of UFO:AI masterserver");

	cl_map_debug = Cvar_Get("debug_map", "0", 0, "Activate realtime map debugging options - bitmask. Valid values are 0, 1, 3 and 7");
	cl_le_debug = Cvar_Get("debug_le", "0", 0, "Activates some local entity debug rendering");
	cl_trace_debug = Cvar_Get("debug_trace", "0", 0, "Activates some client side trace debug rendering");
	cl_leshowinvis = Cvar_Get("cl_leshowinvis", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Show invisible local entities as null models");

	/* register our commands */
	Cmd_AddCommand("check_cvars", CL_CheckCvars_f, "Check cvars like playername and so on");
	Cmd_AddCommand("targetalign", CL_ActorTargetAlign_f, N_("Target your shot to the ground"));

	Cmd_AddCommand("cl_setratiofilter", CL_SetRatioFilter_f, "Filter the resolution screen list with a ratio");

	Cmd_AddCommand("cmd", CL_ForwardToServer_f, "Forward to server");
	Cmd_AddCommand("cl_userinfo", CL_UserInfo_f, "Prints your userinfo string");
	/* this is dangerous to leave in */
	Cmd_AddCommand("packet", CL_Packet_f, "Dangerous debug function for network testing");
	Cmd_AddCommand("quit", CL_Quit_f, "Quits the game");
	Cmd_AddCommand("env", CL_Env_f);

	Cmd_AddCommand(CL_PRECACHE, CL_Precache_f, "Function that is called at mapload to precache map data");
	Cmd_AddCommand(CL_SPAWNSOLDIERS, CL_SpawnSoldiers_f, "Spawns the soldiers for the selected teamnum");
	Cmd_AddCommand(CL_STARTMATCH, CL_StartMatch_f, "Start the match once every player is ready");
	Cmd_AddCommand("cl_configstrings", CL_ShowConfigstrings_f, "Print client configstrings to game console");
	Cmd_AddCommand("cl_openurl", CL_OpenURL_f, "Opens the given url in a browser");

	/* forward to server commands
	 * the only thing this does is allow command completion
	 * to work -- all unknown commands are automatically
	 * forwarded to the server */
	Cmd_AddCommand("say", nullptr, "Chat command");
	Cmd_AddCommand("say_team", nullptr, "Team chat command");
	Cmd_AddCommand("players", nullptr, "List of team and player name");
#ifdef DEBUG
	Cmd_AddCommand("debug_cgrid", Grid_DumpWholeClientMap_f, "Shows the whole client side pathfinding grid of the current loaded map");
	Cmd_AddCommand("debug_croute", Grid_DumpClientRoutes_f, "Shows the whole client side pathfinding grid of the current loaded map");
	Cmd_AddCommand("debug_listle", LE_List_f, "Shows a list of current know local entities with type and status");
	Cmd_AddCommand("debug_listlm", LM_List_f, "Shows a list of current know local models");
	/* forward commands again */
	Cmd_AddCommand("debug_edictdestroy", nullptr, "Call the 'destroy' function of a given edict");
	Cmd_AddCommand("debug_edictuse", nullptr, "Call the 'use' function of a given edict");
	Cmd_AddCommand("debug_edicttouch", nullptr, "Call the 'touch' function of a given edict");
	Cmd_AddCommand("debug_killteam", nullptr, "Kills a given team");
	Cmd_AddCommand("debug_stunteam", nullptr, "Stuns a given team");
	Cmd_AddCommand("debug_listscore", nullptr, "Shows mission-score entries of all team members");
	Cmd_AddCommand("debug_statechange", nullptr, "Change the state of an edict");

