Example #1
int bip_send_pdu(
    BACNET_ADDRESS * dest,      /* destination address */
    BACNET_NPDU_DATA * npdu_data,       /* network information */
    uint8_t * pdu,      /* any data to be sent - may be null */
    unsigned pdu_len)
{       /* number of bytes of data */  
    struct sockaddr_in bip_dest;
    int mtu_len = 0;
    int bytes_sent = 0;
    /* addr and port in host format */
    struct in_addr address;
    uint16_t port = 0;
 //   (void) npdu_data;
    /* assumes that the driver has already been initialized */
    if (BIP_Socket < 0) {  
        return BIP_Socket;
    mtu[0] = BVLL_TYPE_BACNET_IP;
    bip_dest.sin_family = AF_INET;
    if ((dest->net == BACNET_BROADCAST_NETWORK) || ((dest->net > 0) &&
            (dest->len == 0)) || (dest->mac_len == 0)) {
        /* broadcast */
        address.s_addr = BIP_Broadcast_Address.s_addr;
        port = BIP_Port;
    } else if (dest->mac_len == 6) {   
        bip_decode_bip_address(dest, &address, &port);
    } else {  
        /* invalid address */
        return -1;
    bip_dest.sin_addr.s_addr = address.s_addr;
    bip_dest.sin_port = port;
    memset(&(bip_dest.sin_zero), '\0', 8);
    mtu_len = 2;
    mtu_len +=
        (uint16_t) (pdu_len + 4 /*inclusive */ ));
    memcpy(&mtu[mtu_len], pdu, pdu_len);
    mtu_len += pdu_len;

	if(newsocket != 0)
		TCPIP_UdpSend(newsocket, 0, 0, mtu, mtu_len);
	 	TCPIP_UdpSend(BIP_Socket/*bip_Conns[0].UdpSocket*/, 0, 0, mtu, mtu_len);
	flagLED_ether_tx = 1;
    return bytes_sent;	 
Example #2
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Function Name: sntpc_Send
 * Purpose: 
 * Params:
 * Returns:
 * Note:
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void sntpc_Send(U8_T InterUdpId)
	U8_T len = 48;
	U8_T i;

	sntp_Buf[0] = 0x0b;
	for (i = 1; i < len; i++)
		sntp_Buf[i] = 0;
	TCPIP_UdpSend(InterUdpId, 0, 0, sntp_Buf, len);
//	printd("sntp send...\n\r");

} /* End of sntpc_Send() */
Example #3
//U8_T IDATA fwAutoUpdated[4] _at_ 0x31;
void GUDPBC_Receive(U8_T XDATA* pData, U16_T length, U8_T id)
	U8_T opcode = 0xFF;
	BOOL bValidReq = FALSE;
	U16_T i;
	U8_T  n = 0;	
	if(pData[0] == 0x64)
//		flag_udp_scan = 1;
//		udp_scan_count = 0;
		state = 1;		
		for(n = 0;n < (U8_T)length / 4;n++)
			if((pData[4*n + 1] == Modbus.ip_addr[0]) && (pData[4*n+2] == Modbus.ip_addr[1])
				&&(pData[4*n + 3] == Modbus.ip_addr[2]) && (pData[4*n+4] == Modbus.ip_addr[3]))
			//	scanstart=0;
			//	break;

			//use broadcast when scan			
			//serialnumber 4 bytes
			Scan_Infor.master_sn[0] = 0;
			Scan_Infor.master_sn[1] = 0;
			Scan_Infor.master_sn[2] = 0;
			Scan_Infor.master_sn[3] = 0;
//			if(cSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore_tcp_send, ( portTickType ) 10 ) == pdTRUE)
				TCPIP_UdpSend(gudpbc_Conns[id].UdpSocket, 0, 0, &Scan_Infor, sizeof(STR_SCAN_CMD));	
//				cSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore_tcp_send );
// for MODBUS device
			for(i = 0;i < sub_no;i++)
				if((scan_db[i].product_model >= CUSTOMER_PRODUCT) || (current_online[scan_db[i].id / 8] & (1 << (scan_db[i].id % 8))))	  	 // in database but not on_line
					if(scan_db[i].product_model != PRODUCT_MINI_BIG)
						Scan_Infor.own_sn[0] = (U16_T)scan_db[i].sn  << 8;
						Scan_Infor.own_sn[1] = (U16_T)(scan_db[i].sn >> 8) << 8;
						Scan_Infor.own_sn[2] = (U16_T)(scan_db[i].sn >> 16) << 8;
						Scan_Infor.own_sn[3] = (U16_T)(scan_db[i].sn >> 24) << 8;					

						Scan_Infor.product = (U16_T)scan_db[i].product_model << 8;
						Scan_Infor.address = (U16_T)scan_db[i].id << 8;
						Scan_Infor.master_sn[0] = Modbus.serialNum[0];
						Scan_Infor.master_sn[1] = Modbus.serialNum[1];
						Scan_Infor.master_sn[2] = Modbus.serialNum[2];
						Scan_Infor.master_sn[3] = Modbus.serialNum[3];
	//						if(cSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore_tcp_send, ( portTickType ) 10 ) == pdTRUE)
							{//	Test[11]++;
								TCPIP_UdpSend(gudpbc_Conns[id].UdpSocket, 0, 0, &Scan_Infor, sizeof(STR_SCAN_CMD));				
	//							cSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore_tcp_send );
			// if id confict, send it to T3000
			if(conflict_num == 1)
				if(conflict_product != PRODUCT_MINI_BIG)
					Scan_Infor.own_sn[0] = (U16_T)conflict_sn_old  << 8;
					Scan_Infor.own_sn[1] = (U16_T)(conflict_sn_old >> 8) << 8;
					Scan_Infor.own_sn[2] = (U16_T)(conflict_sn_old >> 16) << 8;
					Scan_Infor.own_sn[3] = (U16_T)(conflict_sn_old >> 24) << 8;					

					Scan_Infor.product = (U16_T)conflict_product << 8;
					Scan_Infor.address = (U16_T)conflict_id << 8;
					Scan_Infor.master_sn[0] = Modbus.serialNum[0];
					Scan_Infor.master_sn[1] = Modbus.serialNum[1];
					Scan_Infor.master_sn[2] = Modbus.serialNum[2];
					Scan_Infor.master_sn[3] = Modbus.serialNum[3];

//					if(cSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore_tcp_send, ( portTickType ) 10 ) == pdTRUE)
						TCPIP_UdpSend(gudpbc_Conns[id].UdpSocket, 0, 0, &Scan_Infor, sizeof(STR_SCAN_CMD));					
//						cSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore_tcp_send );
				Scan_Infor.own_sn[0] = (U16_T)conflict_sn_new  << 8;
				Scan_Infor.own_sn[1] = (U16_T)(conflict_sn_new >> 8) << 8;
				Scan_Infor.own_sn[2] = (U16_T)(conflict_sn_new >> 16) << 8;
				Scan_Infor.own_sn[3] = (U16_T)(conflict_sn_new >> 24) << 8;					

//					if(cSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore_tcp_send, ( portTickType ) 10 ) == pdTRUE)
						TCPIP_UdpSend(gudpbc_Conns[id].UdpSocket, 0, 0, &Scan_Infor, sizeof(STR_SCAN_CMD));				
//						cSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore_tcp_send );