Example #1
void JOINQUEUE_PrintQueue( void )
	if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) != NETSTATE_SERVER )
		Printf ( "Only the server can print the join queue\n" );

	bool bQueueEmpty = true;
	for ( ULONG ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < MAXPLAYERS; ulIdx++ )
		if ( g_lJoinQueue[ulIdx].ulPlayer < MAXPLAYERS )
			player_t* pPlayer = &players[ulIdx];
			bQueueEmpty = false;
			Printf ( "%02lu - %s", ulIdx + 1, pPlayer->userinfo.netname );
			if ( GAMEMODE_GetFlags( GAMEMODE_GetCurrentMode( )) & GMF_PLAYERSONTEAMS )
				Printf ( " - %s", TEAM_CheckIfValid ( g_lJoinQueue[ulIdx].ulTeam ) ? TEAM_GetName ( g_lJoinQueue[ulIdx].ulTeam ) : "auto team selection" );
			Printf ( "\n" );

	if ( bQueueEmpty )
		Printf ( "The join queue is empty\n" );
Example #2
bool AArtiTeleport::Use (bool pickup)
	fixed_t destX;
	fixed_t destY;
	angle_t destAngle;

	// [BC] Let the server decide where we go.
	if (( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_CLIENT ) ||
		( CLIENTDEMO_IsPlaying( )))
		return ( true );

	// [BB] If this is a team game and there are valid team starts for the team
	// the owner is on, teleport to one of the team starts.
	const ULONG ownerTeam = Owner->player ? Owner->player->ulTeam : teams.Size( );
	if ( ( GAMEMODE_GetFlags( GAMEMODE_GetCurrentMode( )) & GMF_PLAYERSONTEAMS )
	     && TEAM_CheckIfValid ( ownerTeam )
	     && ( teams[ownerTeam].TeamStarts.Size( ) > 0 ) )
		unsigned int selections = teams[ownerTeam].TeamStarts.Size ();
		unsigned int i = pr_tele() % selections;
		destX = teams[ownerTeam].TeamStarts[i].x;
		destY = teams[ownerTeam].TeamStarts[i].y;
		destAngle = ANG45 * (teams[ownerTeam].TeamStarts[i].angle/45);
	else if (deathmatch)
		unsigned int selections = deathmatchstarts.Size ();
		unsigned int i = pr_tele() % selections;
		destX = deathmatchstarts[i].x;
		destY = deathmatchstarts[i].y;
		destAngle = ANG45 * (deathmatchstarts[i].angle/45);
		FMapThing *pSpot = NULL;
		// [BB] If there is a designated start for this player use it.
		if ( playerstarts[Owner->player - players].type != 0 )
			pSpot = &playerstarts[Owner->player - players];
		// [BB] Otherwise we just have to select a start at random from all available player starts.
			pSpot = SelectRandomCooperativeSpot( Owner->player - players );

		if ( pSpot != NULL )
			destX = pSpot->x;
			destY = pSpot->y;
			destAngle = ANG45 * (pSpot->angle/45);
			I_Error( "ArtiTeleport: No player start found!" );
	P_Teleport (Owner, destX, destY, ONFLOORZ, destAngle, true, true, false);
	bool canlaugh = true;
 	if (Owner->player->morphTics && (Owner->player->MorphStyle & MORPH_UNDOBYCHAOSDEVICE))
 	{ // Teleporting away will undo any morph effects (pig)
		if (!P_UndoPlayerMorph (Owner->player, Owner->player, MORPH_UNDOBYCHAOSDEVICE)
			&& (Owner->player->MorphStyle & MORPH_FAILNOLAUGH))
			canlaugh = false;
	if (canlaugh)
 	{ // Full volume laugh
 		S_Sound (Owner, CHAN_VOICE, "*evillaugh", 1, ATTN_NONE);

		// [BC] Play the laugh for clients.
		if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER )
			SERVERCOMMANDS_SoundActor( Owner, CHAN_VOICE, "*evillaugh", 1, ATTN_NONE );
	return true;
Example #3
void JOINQUEUE_PopQueue( LONG lNumSlots )
	ULONG	ulIdx;

	// Nothing to do if there's nobody waiting in the queue.
	if ( g_lJoinQueue[0].ulPlayer == MAXPLAYERS )

	// [BB] Players are not allowed to join.
	if ( GAMEMODE_PreventPlayersFromJoining() )

	// Try to find the next person in line.
	ulIdx = 0;
	while ( 1 )
		// Found end of list.
		if (( ulIdx == MAXPLAYERS ) ||
			( g_lJoinQueue[ulIdx].ulPlayer == MAXPLAYERS ) ||
			( lNumSlots == 0 ))

		// [BB] Since we possibly just let somebody waiting in line join, check if more persons are allowed to join now.
		if ( GAMEMODE_PreventPlayersFromJoining() )

		// Found a player waiting in line. They will now join the game!
		if ( playeringame[g_lJoinQueue[ulIdx].ulPlayer] )
			// [K6] Reset their AFK timer now - they may have been waiting in the queue silently and we don't want to kick them.
			SERVER_GetClient( g_lJoinQueue[ulIdx].ulPlayer )->lLastActionTic = gametic;
			PLAYER_SpectatorJoinsGame ( &players[g_lJoinQueue[ulIdx].ulPlayer] );

			// [BB/Spleen] The "lag interval" is only half of the "spectate info send" interval. Account for this here.
			if (( gametic - SERVER_GetClient( g_lJoinQueue[ulIdx].ulPlayer )->ulLastCommandTic ) <= 2*TICRATE )
				SERVER_GetClient( g_lJoinQueue[ulIdx].ulPlayer )->ulClientGameTic +=
				( gametic - SERVER_GetClient( g_lJoinQueue[ulIdx].ulPlayer )->ulLastCommandTic );

			if ( GAMEMODE_GetFlags( GAMEMODE_GetCurrentMode( )) & GMF_PLAYERSONTEAMS )
				if ( TEAM_CheckIfValid ( g_lJoinQueue[ulIdx].ulTeam ) )
					PLAYER_SetTeam( &players[g_lJoinQueue[ulIdx].ulPlayer], g_lJoinQueue[ulIdx].ulTeam, true );
					PLAYER_SetTeam( &players[g_lJoinQueue[ulIdx].ulPlayer], TEAM_ChooseBestTeamForPlayer( ), true );

			// Begin the duel countdown.
			if ( duel )
				// [BB] Skip countdown and map reset if the map is supposed to be a lobby.
				if ( GAMEMODE_IsLobbyMap( ) )
					DUEL_SetState( DS_INDUEL );
				else if ( sv_duelcountdowntime > 0 )
					DUEL_StartCountdown(( sv_duelcountdowntime * TICRATE ) - 1 );
					DUEL_StartCountdown(( 10 * TICRATE ) - 1 );
			// Begin the LMS countdown.
			else if ( lastmanstanding )
				if ( sv_lmscountdowntime > 0 )
					LASTMANSTANDING_StartCountdown(( sv_lmscountdowntime * TICRATE ) - 1 );
					LASTMANSTANDING_StartCountdown(( 10 * TICRATE ) - 1 );
				if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER )
					SERVER_Printf( PRINT_HIGH, "%s \\c-joined the game.\n", players[g_lJoinQueue[ulIdx].ulPlayer].userinfo.netname );
					Printf( "%s \\c-joined the game.\n", players[g_lJoinQueue[ulIdx].ulPlayer].userinfo.netname );

			JOINQUEUE_RemovePlayerAtPosition ( ulIdx );

			if ( lNumSlots > 0 )

	// If we're the server, tell everyone their new position in line.
	if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER )
		SERVERCOMMANDS_SetQueuePosition( );