void test_KineticOperation_BuildNoop_should_build_and_execute_a_NOOP_operation(void)



    // NOOP
    // The NOOP operation can be used as a quick test of whether the Kinetic
    // Device is running and available. If the Kinetic Device is running,
    // this operation will always succeed.
    // Request Message:
    // command {
    //   header {
    //     clusterVersion: ...
    //     identity: ...
    //     connectionID: ...
    //     sequence: ...
    //     messageType: NOOP
    //   }
    // }
    // hmac: "..."
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(KINETIC_PROTO_MESSAGE_TYPE_NOOP, Request.proto->command->header->messageType);
void test_put_get_delete_one_entry_by_one_entry(void)
    uint8_t version_data[DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE], tag_data[DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE], value_data[DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE];
    ByteBuffer version_buffer, tag_buffer, value_buffer;
    version_buffer = ByteBuffer_CreateAndAppendCString(version_data, sizeof(version_data), "v1.0");
    ExpectedVersionBuffer = ByteBuffer_CreateAndAppendCString(version_data, sizeof(version_data), "v1.0");
    tag_buffer = ByteBuffer_CreateAndAppendCString(tag_data, sizeof(tag_data), "SomeTagValue");
    ExpectedTagBuffer = ByteBuffer_CreateAndAppendCString(tag_data, sizeof(tag_data), "SomeTagValue");
    value_buffer = ByteBuffer_Create(value_data, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, 0);

    unsigned int i;
    for (i=0; i<KV_PAIRS_PER_GROUP; i++)
    	// put object
        KineticEntry putEntry = {
   	       .key = generate_entry_key_by_index(i),
   	       .tag = tag_buffer,
   	       .newVersion = version_buffer,
           .algorithm = KINETIC_ALGORITHM_SHA1,
           .value = generate_entry_value_by_index(i),
           .force = true,

        KineticStatus status = KineticClient_Put(Fixture.session, &putEntry, NULL);


        // get object
		value_buffer = ByteBuffer_Create(value_data, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, 0);
		KineticEntry getEntry = {
	        .key = generate_entry_key_by_index(i),
			.dbVersion = version_buffer,
	        .tag = tag_buffer,
			.value = value_buffer,

	    status = KineticClient_Get(Fixture.session, &getEntry, NULL);

	    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_ByteBuffer(ExpectedVersionBuffer, getEntry.dbVersion);
	    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_ByteBuffer(generate_entry_key_by_index(i), getEntry.key);
	    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_ByteBuffer(ExpectedTagBuffer, getEntry.tag);
	    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_ByteBuffer(generate_entry_value_by_index(i), getEntry.value);

	    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_ByteBuffer(ExpectedVersionBuffer, version_buffer);
   	    // delete object
	    KineticEntry deleteEntry = {
	        .key = generate_entry_key_by_index(i),
			.dbVersion = version_buffer,
	    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_ByteBuffer(ExpectedVersionBuffer, version_buffer);
	    status = KineticClient_Delete(Fixture.session, &deleteEntry, NULL);
	    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, deleteEntry.value.bytesUsed);

   	    // get object again
     	status = KineticClient_Get(Fixture.session, &getEntry, NULL);

void test_put_get_delete_one_group_by_one_group(void)
    uint8_t version_data[DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE], tag_data[DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE], value_data[DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE];
    ByteBuffer version_buffer, tag_buffer, value_buffer;
    version_buffer = ByteBuffer_CreateAndAppendCString(version_data, sizeof(version_data), "v1.0");
    ExpectedVersionBuffer = ByteBuffer_CreateAndAppendCString(version_data, sizeof(version_data), "v1.0");
    tag_buffer = ByteBuffer_CreateAndAppendCString(tag_data, sizeof(tag_data), "SomeTagValue");
    ExpectedTagBuffer = ByteBuffer_CreateAndAppendCString(tag_data, sizeof(tag_data), "SomeTagValue");
    value_buffer = ByteBuffer_Create(value_data, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, 0);

    unsigned int i, j;
    for (i =0; i<TOTAL_GROUPS; i++)
    	KineticStatus status;

    	// put a group of entries
        for (j=0; j<KV_PAIRS_PER_GROUP; j++)
            KineticEntry putEntry = {
       	       .key = generate_entry_key_by_index(i*KV_PAIRS_PER_GROUP + j),
       	       .tag = tag_buffer,
       	       .newVersion = version_buffer,
               .algorithm = KINETIC_ALGORITHM_SHA1,
               .value = generate_entry_value_by_index(i*KV_PAIRS_PER_GROUP + j),
               .force = true,
               .synchronization = KINETIC_SYNCHRONIZATION_WRITETHROUGH,

            status = KineticClient_Put(Fixture.session, &putEntry, NULL);
            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_KineticStatus(KINETIC_STATUS_SUCCESS, status);

        // get key_range
        KineticKeyRange range = {
            .startKey = generate_entry_key_by_index(i*KV_PAIRS_PER_GROUP),
            .endKey = generate_entry_key_by_index(i*KV_PAIRS_PER_GROUP + KV_PAIRS_PER_GROUP -1),
            .startKeyInclusive = true,
            .endKeyInclusive = true,
            .maxReturned = KV_PAIRS_PER_GROUP,

        ByteBuffer keyBuff[KV_PAIRS_PER_GROUP];
        uint8_t keysData[KV_PAIRS_PER_GROUP][DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE];
        for (j = 0; j < KV_PAIRS_PER_GROUP; j++) {
            memset(&keysData[j], 0, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
            keyBuff[j] = ByteBuffer_Create(&keysData[j], DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, 0);
        ByteBufferArray keys = {.buffers = keyBuff, .count = KV_PAIRS_PER_GROUP, .used = 0};

        status = KineticClient_GetKeyRange(Fixture.session, &range, &keys, NULL);
        for (j = 0; j < KV_PAIRS_PER_GROUP; j++)
        	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_ByteBuffer(generate_entry_key_by_index(i*KV_PAIRS_PER_GROUP + j), keys.buffers[j]);

        // delete a group of entries
        for (j=0; j<KV_PAIRS_PER_GROUP; j++)

   	        // get object
   			value_buffer = ByteBuffer_Create(value_data, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, 0);
   			KineticEntry getEntry = {
   		        .key = generate_entry_key_by_index(i*KV_PAIRS_PER_GROUP + j),
   				.dbVersion = version_buffer,
   		        .tag = tag_buffer,
   				.value = value_buffer,

   		    status = KineticClient_Get(Fixture.session, &getEntry, NULL);

   		    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_ByteBuffer(ExpectedVersionBuffer, getEntry.dbVersion);
   		    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_ByteBuffer(generate_entry_key_by_index(i*KV_PAIRS_PER_GROUP + j), getEntry.key);
   		    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_ByteBuffer(ExpectedTagBuffer, getEntry.tag);
   		    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(KINETIC_ALGORITHM_SHA1, getEntry.algorithm);
   		    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_ByteBuffer(generate_entry_value_by_index(i*KV_PAIRS_PER_GROUP + j), getEntry.value);
   		    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_ByteBuffer(ExpectedVersionBuffer, version_buffer);

        // delete a group of entries
        for (j=0; j<KV_PAIRS_PER_GROUP; j++)
        	   	    // delete object
  		    KineticEntry deleteEntry = {
   		        .key = generate_entry_key_by_index(i*KV_PAIRS_PER_GROUP + j),
   				.dbVersion = version_buffer,
   		    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_ByteBuffer(ExpectedVersionBuffer, version_buffer);
   		    status = KineticClient_Delete(Fixture.session, &deleteEntry, NULL);
   		    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, deleteEntry.value.bytesUsed);

   	   	    // get object again

   	        // get object
   			value_buffer = ByteBuffer_Create(value_data, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, 0);
   			KineticEntry getEntry = {
   		        .key = generate_entry_key_by_index(i*KV_PAIRS_PER_GROUP + j),
   				.dbVersion = version_buffer,
   		        .tag = tag_buffer,
   				.value = value_buffer,
   	     	status = KineticClient_Get(Fixture.session, &getEntry, NULL);
   	     	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_KineticStatus(KINETIC_STATUS_NOT_FOUND, status);
void test_KineticOperation_BuildGet_should_build_a_GET_operation(void)
    const ByteArray key = ByteArray_CreateWithCString("foobar");
    ByteArray value = {.data = ValueData, .len = sizeof(ValueData)};
    KineticEntry entry = {
        .key = ByteBuffer_CreateWithArray(key),
        .value = ByteBuffer_CreateWithArray(value),

    KineticMessage_ConfigureKeyValue_Expect(&Request.protoData.message, &entry);

    KineticOperation_BuildGet(&Operation, &entry);

    // GET
    // The GET operation is used to retrieve the value and metadata for a given key.
    // Request Message:
    // command {
    //   header {
    //     // See above for descriptions of these fields
    //     clusterVersion: ...
    //     identity: ...
    //     connectionID: ...
    //     sequence: ...
    //     // The mesageType should be GET
    //     messageType: GET
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(KINETIC_PROTO_MESSAGE_TYPE_GET, Request.proto->command->header->messageType);
    //   }
    //   body {
    //     keyValue {
    //       // See above
    //       key: "..."
    //     }
    //   }
    // }
    // // See above
    // hmac: "..."

    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_ByteArray(value, Operation.response->entry.value.array);
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, Operation.response->entry.value.bytesUsed);

void test_KineticOperation_BuildGet_should_build_a_GET_operation_requesting_metadata_only(void)
    const ByteArray key = ByteArray_CreateWithCString("foobar");
    ByteArray value = ByteArray_Create(ValueData, sizeof(ValueData));
    KineticEntry entry = {
        .key = ByteBuffer_CreateWithArray(key),
        .metadataOnly = true,
        .value = ByteBuffer_CreateWithArray(value),

    KineticMessage_ConfigureKeyValue_Expect(&Request.protoData.message, &entry);

    KineticOperation_BuildGet(&Operation, &entry);

    // GET
    // The GET operation is used to retrieve the value and metadata for a given key.
    // Request Message:
    // command {
    //   header {
    //     // See above for descriptions of these fields
    //     clusterVersion: ...
    //     identity: ...
    //     connectionID: ...
    //     sequence: ...
    //     // The mesageType should be GET
    //     messageType: GET
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(KINETIC_PROTO_MESSAGE_TYPE_GET, Request.proto->command->header->messageType);
    //   }
    //   body {
    //     keyValue {
    //       // See above
    //       key: "..."
    //     }
    //   }
    // }
    // // See above
    // hmac: "..."


void test_KineticOperation_BuildDelete_should_build_a_DELETE_operation(void)
    const ByteArray key = ByteArray_CreateWithCString("foobar");
    KineticEntry entry = {.key = ByteBuffer_CreateWithArray(key)};

    KineticMessage_ConfigureKeyValue_Expect(&Request.protoData.message, &entry);

    KineticOperation_BuildDelete(&Operation, &entry);

    // The `DELETE` operation removes the entry for a given key. It respects the
    // same locking behavior around `dbVersion` and `force` as described in the previous sections.
    // The following request will remove a key value pair to the store.
    // ```
    // command {
    //   // See top level cross cutting concerns for header details
    //   header {
    //     clusterVersion: ...
    //     identity: ...
    //     connectionID: ...
    //     sequence: ...
    //     // messageType should be DELETE
    //     messageType: DELETE
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(KINETIC_PROTO_MESSAGE_TYPE_DELETE, Request.proto->command->header->messageType);
    //   }
    //   body {
    //     keyValue {
    //       key: "..."
    //       // See write operation cross cutting concerns
    //       synchronization: ...
    //     }
    //   }
    // }
    // hmac: "..."

void test_KineticOperation_BuildPut_should_build_and_execute_a_PUT_operation_to_create_a_new_object(void)
    ByteArray value = ByteArray_CreateWithCString("Luke, I am your father");
    ByteArray key = ByteArray_CreateWithCString("foobar");
    ByteArray newVersion = ByteArray_CreateWithCString("v1.0");
    ByteArray tag = ByteArray_CreateWithCString("some_tag");


    // PUT
    // The PUT operation sets the value and metadata for a given key. If a value
    // already exists in the store for the given key, the client must pass a
    // value for dbVersion which matches the stored version for this key to
    // overwrite the value metadata. This behavior can be overridden (so that
    // the version is ignored and the value and metadata are always written) by
    // setting forced to true in the KeyValue option.
    // Request Message:
    // command {
    //   // See top level cross cutting concerns for header details
    //   header {
    //     clusterVersion: ...
    //     identity: ...
    //     connectionID: ...
    //     sequence: ...
    //     messageType: PUT
    //   }
    //   body: {
    //     keyValue {
    //       // Required bytes
    //       // The key for the value being set
    //       key: "..."
    //       // Required bytes
    //       // Versions are set on objects to support optimistic locking.
    //       // For operations that modify data, if the dbVersion sent in the
    //       // request message does not match the version stored in the db, the
    //       // request will fail.
    //       dbVersion: "..."
    //       // Required bytes
    //       // Specifies what the next version of the data will be if this
    //       // operation is successful.
    //       newVersion: "..."
    //       // Optional bool, default false
    //       // Setting force to true ignores potential version mismatches
    //       // and carries out the operation.
    //       force: true
    //       // Optional bytes
    //       // The integrity value for the data. This value should be computed
    //       // by the client application by applying the hash algorithm
    //       // specified below to the value (and only to the value).
    //       // The algorithm used should be specified in the algorithm field.
    //       // The Kinetic Device will not do any processing on this value.
    //       tag: "..."
    //       // Optional enum
    //       // The algorithm used by the client to compute the tag.
    //       // The allowed values are: SHA1, SHA2, SHA3, CRC32, CRC64
    //       algorithm: ...
    //       // Optional Synchronization enum value, defaults to WRITETHROUGH
    //       // Allows client to specify if the data must be written to disk
    //       // immediately, or can be written in the future.
    //       //
    //       // WRITETHROUGH:  This request is made persistent before returning.
    //       //                This does not effect any other pending operations.
    //       // WRITEBACK:     They can be made persistent when the drive chooses,
    //       //            or when a subsequent FLUSH is give to the drive.
    //       // FLUSH:     All pending information that has not been written is
    //       //        pushed to the disk and the command that specifies
    //       //        FLUSH is written last and then returned. All WRITEBACK writes
    //       //        that have received ending status will be guaranteed to be
    //       //        written before the FLUSH operation is returned completed.
    //       synchronization: ...
    //     }
    KineticEntry entry = {
        .key = ByteBuffer_CreateWithArray(key),
        .newVersion = ByteBuffer_CreateWithArray(newVersion),
        // .dbVersion = ByteBuffer_CreateWithArray(BYTE_ARRAY_NONE),
        .tag = ByteBuffer_CreateWithArray(tag),
        .algorithm = KINETIC_ALGORITHM_SHA1,
        .value = ByteBuffer_CreateWithArray(value),
    KineticMessage_ConfigureKeyValue_Expect(&Operation.request->protoData.message, &entry);
    //   }
    // }
    // hmac: "..."

    // Build the operation
    KineticOperation_BuildPut(&Operation, &entry);

    // Ensure proper message type
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(KINETIC_PROTO_MESSAGE_TYPE_PUT, Request.proto->command->header->messageType);

    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_ByteArray(value, Operation.request->entry.value.array);
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, Operation.request->entry.value.bytesUsed);