void test_invalid_timer() { t = Invalid(Timer); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE_MESSAGE(isPwmTimer(t), "invalid timer should not be pwm"); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE_MESSAGE(IsValid(getTimerOutputPin(t)), "invalid timer should not have output pin"); setTimerValue(t, 23); // Check for no segfault. TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(0, getTimerValue(t), "invalid timer should have 0 timer value"); }
void test_timer_create() { t = newTimer(OCR, TimerResolution8); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE_MESSAGE(timerValid(t), "Timer not valid after creation"); Pin p = getTimerOutputPin(t); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE_MESSAGE(IsValid(p), "Non-pwm timer has output-pin"); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE_MESSAGE(isPwmTimer(t), "Timer should not be pwm timer"); }
void test_initialization() { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX(_BV(TWEN) | _BV(TWIE), TWCR); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX(0x00, TWDR); BOOL res = twi_init(testPin1, testPin2); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE_MESSAGE(res, "Second initialization of twi master should not be possible"); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(PinTwiIO, pinOccupation(testPin1)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(PinTwiIO, pinOccupation(testPin2)); }
static void assert_not_parse_string(const char * const string) { parse_buffer buffer = { 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } }; buffer.content = (const unsigned char*)string; buffer.length = strlen(string) + sizeof(""); buffer.hooks = global_hooks; TEST_ASSERT_FALSE_MESSAGE(parse_string(item, &buffer), "Malformed string should not be accepted."); assert_is_invalid(item); }
void tearDown() { expect_conversion_start = FALSE; if (IsValid(analog1)) { analog1 = destroyAnalogInput(analog1); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE_MESSAGE(analogInputValid(analog1), "AnalogInput still valid after destroy"); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE_MESSAGE(IsValid(analog1), "AnalogInput still valid after destroy"); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE_MESSAGE(analog1destroyed, "AnalogInput descriptor was not destroyed"); } if (IsValid(analog2)) { analog2 = destroyAnalogInput(analog2); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE_MESSAGE(analogInputValid(analog2), "AnalogInput still valid after destroy"); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE_MESSAGE(IsValid(analog2), "AnalogInput still valid after destroy"); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE_MESSAGE(analog2destroyed, "AnalogInput descriptor was not destroyed"); } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected_finished_conversions, finished_conversions); // Make sure no conversions are started anymore triggerConversions(); triggerConversions(); triggerConversions(); }
void assertNotCalledYet(BOOL *flag) { TEST_ASSERT_FALSE_MESSAGE(*flag, "Faked TWI utilized multiple times!"); *flag = TRUE; }
void test_pwm_timer_failedOccupation() { occupyPin(testPin1, 40); t = newPwmTimer(OCR, TimerResolution8, testPin1); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE_MESSAGE(IsValid(t), "timer should not be valid"); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE_MESSAGE(timerValid(t), "timer should not pass validity check"); }