void test_negative_rows(void) { TEST_IGNORE(); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE((create_triangle(-1) == NULL)); }
static bool add_keys(int count) { static const ssize_t sz = 10; char key_buf[sz]; char tag_buf[sz]; char value_buf[sz]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { KineticEntry entry = { .key = ByteBuffer_CreateAndAppendFormattedCString(key_buf, sz, "key_%d", i), .tag = ByteBuffer_CreateAndAppendFormattedCString(tag_buf, sz, "tag_%d", i), .value = ByteBuffer_CreateAndAppendFormattedCString(value_buf, sz, "val_%d", i), .algorithm = KINETIC_ALGORITHM_SHA1, .force = true, }; KineticStatus status = KineticClient_Put(Fixture.session, &entry, NULL); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_KineticStatus(KINETIC_STATUS_SUCCESS, status); } return true; } typedef enum { CMD_NEXT, CMD_PREVIOUS } GET_CMD; static void compare_against_offset_key(GET_CMD cmd, bool metadataOnly) { static const ssize_t sz = 10; char key_buf[sz]; char tag_buf[sz]; char value_buf[sz]; char key_exp_buf[sz]; char value_exp_buf[sz]; const int count = 3; TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(add_keys(count)); /* add keys [key_X -> test_X] */ int low = 0; int high = count; int8_t offset = 0; switch (cmd) { case CMD_NEXT: low = 1; offset = -1; break; case CMD_PREVIOUS: high = count - 1; offset = +1; break; default: TEST_ASSERT(false); } for (int i = low; i < high; i++) { ByteBuffer keyBuffer = ByteBuffer_CreateAndAppendFormattedCString(key_buf, sz, "key_%d", i + offset); ByteBuffer tagBuffer = ByteBuffer_CreateAndAppendFormattedCString(tag_buf, sz, "tag_%d", i + offset); ByteBuffer valueBuffer = ByteBuffer_Create(value_buf, sz, 0); printf("KEY '%s'\n", key_buf); KineticEntry entry = { .key = keyBuffer, .tag = tagBuffer, .value = valueBuffer, .algorithm = KINETIC_ALGORITHM_SHA1, .metadataOnly = metadataOnly, }; KineticStatus status = KINETIC_STATUS_INVALID; switch (cmd) { case CMD_NEXT: status = KineticClient_GetNext(Fixture.session, &entry, NULL); break; case CMD_PREVIOUS: status = KineticClient_GetPrevious(Fixture.session, &entry, NULL); break; default: TEST_ASSERT(false); } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_KineticStatus(KINETIC_STATUS_SUCCESS, status); ByteBuffer expectedKeyBuffer = ByteBuffer_CreateAndAppendFormattedCString(key_exp_buf, sz, "key_%d", i); ByteBuffer expectedValueBuffer = ByteBuffer_CreateAndAppendFormattedCString(value_exp_buf, sz, "val_%d", i); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_ByteBuffer(expectedKeyBuffer, entry.key); if (!metadataOnly) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_ByteBuffer(expectedValueBuffer, entry.value); } } } void test_GetNext_should_retrieve_object_and_metadata_from_device(void) { compare_against_offset_key(CMD_NEXT, false); }
void test_stream_disconnect () { size_t len = MAX_SOCKET_STRING; char bind_endpoint[MAX_SOCKET_STRING]; char connect_endpoint[MAX_SOCKET_STRING]; void *sockets[2]; sockets[SERVER] = test_context_socket (ZMQ_STREAM); int enabled = 1; TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_setsockopt ( sockets[SERVER], ZMQ_STREAM_NOTIFY, &enabled, sizeof (enabled))); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_bind (sockets[SERVER], "tcp://*")); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO ( zmq_getsockopt (sockets[SERVER], ZMQ_LAST_ENDPOINT, bind_endpoint, &len)); // Apparently Windows can't connect to A better fix would be welcome. #ifdef ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS sprintf (connect_endpoint, "tcp://", strrchr (bind_endpoint, ':') + 1); #else strcpy (connect_endpoint, bind_endpoint); #endif sockets[CLIENT] = test_context_socket (ZMQ_STREAM); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_setsockopt ( sockets[CLIENT], ZMQ_STREAM_NOTIFY, &enabled, sizeof (enabled))); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_connect (sockets[CLIENT], connect_endpoint)); // wait for connect notification // Server: Grab the 1st frame (peer routing id). zmq_msg_t peer_frame; TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_init (&peer_frame)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_recv (&peer_frame, sockets[SERVER], 0)); TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT (0, zmq_msg_size (&peer_frame)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_close (&peer_frame)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE (has_more (sockets[SERVER])); // Server: Grab the 2nd frame (actual payload). zmq_msg_t data_frame; TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_init (&data_frame)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_recv (&data_frame, sockets[SERVER], 0)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (0, zmq_msg_size (&data_frame)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_close (&data_frame)); // Client: Grab the 1st frame (peer routing id). TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_init (&peer_frame)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_recv (&peer_frame, sockets[CLIENT], 0)); TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT (0, zmq_msg_size (&peer_frame)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_close (&peer_frame)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE (has_more (sockets[CLIENT])); // Client: Grab the 2nd frame (actual payload). TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_init (&data_frame)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_recv (&data_frame, sockets[CLIENT], 0)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (0, zmq_msg_size (&data_frame)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_close (&data_frame)); // Send initial message. char blob_data[256]; size_t blob_size = sizeof (blob_data); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO ( zmq_getsockopt (sockets[CLIENT], ZMQ_ROUTING_ID, blob_data, &blob_size)); TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN (0, blob_size); zmq_msg_t msg; TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_init_size (&msg, blob_size)); memcpy (zmq_msg_data (&msg), blob_data, blob_size); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO ( zmq_msg_send (&msg, sockets[dialog[0].turn], ZMQ_SNDMORE)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_close (&msg)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO ( zmq_msg_init_size (&msg, strlen (dialog[0].text))); memcpy (zmq_msg_data (&msg), dialog[0].text, strlen (dialog[0].text)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO ( zmq_msg_send (&msg, sockets[dialog[0].turn], ZMQ_SNDMORE)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_close (&msg)); // TODO: make sure this loop doesn't loop forever if something is wrong // with the test (or the implementation). int step = 0; while (step < steps) { // Wait until something happens. zmq_pollitem_t items[] = { {sockets[SERVER], 0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0}, {sockets[CLIENT], 0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0}, }; TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_poll (items, 2, 100)); // Check for data received by the server. if (items[SERVER].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (CLIENT, dialog[step].turn); // Grab the 1st frame (peer routing id). zmq_msg_t peer_frame; TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_init (&peer_frame)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO ( zmq_msg_recv (&peer_frame, sockets[SERVER], 0)); TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT (0, zmq_msg_size (&peer_frame)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE (has_more (sockets[SERVER])); // Grab the 2nd frame (actual payload). zmq_msg_t data_frame; TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_init (&data_frame)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO ( zmq_msg_recv (&data_frame, sockets[SERVER], 0)); // Make sure payload matches what we expect. const char *const data = (const char *) zmq_msg_data (&data_frame); const size_t size = zmq_msg_size (&data_frame); // 0-length frame is a disconnection notification. The server // should receive it as the last step in the dialogue. if (size == 0) { ++step; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (steps, step); } else { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (strlen (dialog[step].text), size); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_LEN (dialog[step].text, data, size); ++step; TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_INT (steps, step); // Prepare the response. TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_close (&data_frame)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO ( zmq_msg_init_size (&data_frame, strlen (dialog[step].text))); memcpy (zmq_msg_data (&data_frame), dialog[step].text, zmq_msg_size (&data_frame)); // Send the response. TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO ( zmq_msg_send (&peer_frame, sockets[SERVER], ZMQ_SNDMORE)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO ( zmq_msg_send (&data_frame, sockets[SERVER], ZMQ_SNDMORE)); } // Release resources. TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_close (&peer_frame)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_close (&data_frame)); } // Check for data received by the client. if (items[CLIENT].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (SERVER, dialog[step].turn); // Grab the 1st frame (peer routing id). zmq_msg_t peer_frame; TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_init (&peer_frame)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO ( zmq_msg_recv (&peer_frame, sockets[CLIENT], 0)); TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT (0, zmq_msg_size (&peer_frame)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE (has_more (sockets[CLIENT])); // Grab the 2nd frame (actual payload). zmq_msg_t data_frame; TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_init (&data_frame)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO ( zmq_msg_recv (&data_frame, sockets[CLIENT], 0)); TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT (0, zmq_msg_size (&data_frame)); // Make sure payload matches what we expect. const char *const data = (const char *) zmq_msg_data (&data_frame); const size_t size = zmq_msg_size (&data_frame); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (strlen (dialog[step].text), size); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_LEN (dialog[step].text, data, size); ++step; // Prepare the response (next line in the dialog). TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_INT (steps, step); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_close (&data_frame)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO ( zmq_msg_init_size (&data_frame, strlen (dialog[step].text))); memcpy (zmq_msg_data (&data_frame), dialog[step].text, zmq_msg_size (&data_frame)); // Send the response. TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO ( zmq_msg_send (&peer_frame, sockets[CLIENT], ZMQ_SNDMORE)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO ( zmq_msg_send (&data_frame, sockets[CLIENT], ZMQ_SNDMORE)); // Release resources. TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_close (&peer_frame)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_msg_close (&data_frame)); } } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (steps, step); test_context_socket_close (sockets[CLIENT]); test_context_socket_close (sockets[SERVER]); }
/**************************************************************************** * Name: CanWrite * * Description: * Test DEV_ERR_NODE can be opened for writing * * Input Parameters: * None * * Returned Value: * None * * Assumptions/Limitations: * None * ****************************************************************************/ TEST(DeviceNodeAccess, CanWrite) { device = open(DEV_ERR_NODE, O_WRONLY); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(device >= 0); }
void test_DecryptValid(void) { cache_secretsize = keyLength; TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(MD5authdecrypt(keytype, (u_char*)key, (u_int32*)expectedPacket, packetLength, 20)); }
void test_turn_of_the_25th_century(void) { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(is_leap_year(2400));; }
void test_lower_case_only(void) { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(isIsogram("isogram")); }
static void test_is_numeric_returns_true_if_invalid_octet(void) { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(is_numeric("08")); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(is_numeric("09")); }
void test_multiple_whitespace(void) { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(isIsogram("Emily Jung Schwartzkopf")); }
void test_empty_string(void) { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(isIsogram("")); }
void test_duplicated_non_letter_char(void) { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(isIsogram("Hjelmqvist-Gryb-Zock-Pfund-Wax")); }
void test_non_letter_char(void) { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(isIsogram("thumbscrew-japingly")); }
void test_longest_known_isogram(void) { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(isIsogram("subdermatoglyphic")); }
//Yup, nice comment void test_TheFirstThingToTest(void) { TEST_ASSERT(1); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(1); }
static void gba_item_pocket_test( struct pkmn_item_list* p_item_pocket, enum pkmn_game game ) { TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_item_pocket); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_item_pocket->p_internal); size_t expected_capacity = 0; if(is_game_rs(game)) { expected_capacity = 20; } else if(game == PKMN_GAME_EMERALD) { expected_capacity = 30; } else { expected_capacity = 42; } enum pkmn_error error = PKMN_ERROR_NONE; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING("Items", p_item_pocket->p_name); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(game, p_item_pocket->game); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected_capacity, p_item_pocket->capacity); // Make sure item slots start as completely empty. test_item_list_initial_values(p_item_pocket); // Confirm errors are returned when expected. test_item_list_out_of_range_error( p_item_pocket, PKMN_ITEM_POTION ); // Make sure we can't add items from other pockets. static const enum pkmn_item wrong_pocket_items[] = { PKMN_ITEM_BICYCLE, PKMN_ITEM_MASTER_BALL, PKMN_ITEM_HM01, PKMN_ITEM_RAZZ_BERRY }; test_item_list_invalid_items(p_item_pocket, wrong_pocket_items, 4); // Make sure we can't add items from later generations. static const enum pkmn_item wrong_generation_items[] = { PKMN_ITEM_PINK_BOW, PKMN_ITEM_BLACK_SLUDGE, PKMN_ITEM_BINDING_BAND, PKMN_ITEM_BEEDRILLITE }; test_item_list_invalid_items(p_item_pocket, wrong_generation_items, 4); // Make sure we can't add items from Gamecube games. static const enum pkmn_item gamecube_items[] = { PKMN_ITEM_TIME_FLUTE, PKMN_ITEM_POKE_SNACK }; test_item_list_invalid_items(p_item_pocket, gamecube_items, 2); static const enum pkmn_item items[] = { PKMN_ITEM_POTION, PKMN_ITEM_ORANGE_MAIL, PKMN_ITEM_LAVA_COOKIE, PKMN_ITEM_STARDUST, PKMN_ITEM_SHADOW_MAIL, PKMN_ITEM_PINK_SCARF, PKMN_ITEM_ANTIDOTE, PKMN_ITEM_GREEN_SHARD }; // Test setting items by index. test_item_list_set_item( p_item_pocket, items, 3 ); // Start adding and removing items, and make sure the numbers are accurate. test_item_list_add_remove( p_item_pocket, items, 8 ); struct pkmn_item_enum_list valid_items = { .p_enums = NULL, .length = 0 }; error = pkmn_item_list_get_valid_items( p_item_pocket, &valid_items ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(valid_items.p_enums); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(valid_items.length > 0); struct pkmn_string_list valid_item_names = { .pp_strings = NULL, .length = 0 }; error = pkmn_item_list_get_valid_item_names( p_item_pocket, &valid_item_names ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(valid_item_names.pp_strings); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( valid_items.length, valid_item_names.length ); error = pkmn_item_enum_list_free(&valid_items); TEST_ASSERT_NULL(valid_items.p_enums); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, valid_items.length); error = pkmn_string_list_free(&valid_item_names); TEST_ASSERT_NULL(valid_item_names.pp_strings); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, valid_item_names.length); } static void gba_key_item_pocket_test( struct pkmn_item_list* p_key_item_pocket, enum pkmn_game game ) { TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_key_item_pocket); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_key_item_pocket->p_internal); enum pkmn_error error = PKMN_ERROR_NONE; size_t expected_capacity = 0; if(is_game_rs(game)) { expected_capacity = 20; } else { expected_capacity = 30; } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING("Key Items", p_key_item_pocket->p_name); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(game, p_key_item_pocket->game); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected_capacity, p_key_item_pocket->capacity); // Make sure item slots start as completely empty. test_item_list_initial_values(p_key_item_pocket); // Confirm errors are returned when expected. test_item_list_out_of_range_error( p_key_item_pocket, PKMN_ITEM_BASEMENT_KEY ); // Make sure we can't add items from other pockets. static const enum pkmn_item wrong_pocket_items[] = { PKMN_ITEM_POTION, PKMN_ITEM_MASTER_BALL, PKMN_ITEM_HM01, PKMN_ITEM_RAZZ_BERRY }; test_item_list_invalid_items(p_key_item_pocket, wrong_pocket_items, 4); // Make sure we can't add items from later generations. static const enum pkmn_item wrong_generation_items[] = { PKMN_ITEM_GS_BALL, PKMN_ITEM_POFFIN_CASE, PKMN_ITEM_DNA_SPLICERS, PKMN_ITEM_AQUA_SUIT }; test_item_list_invalid_items(p_key_item_pocket, wrong_generation_items, 4); // Make sure we can't add items from incompatible Generation III games. static const enum pkmn_item gcn_items[] = { PKMN_ITEM_EIN_FILE_S, PKMN_ITEM_POWERUP_PART, PKMN_ITEM_GONZAPS_KEY, PKMN_ITEM_KRANE_MEMO_1 }; static const enum pkmn_item frlg_items[] = { PKMN_ITEM_HELIX_FOSSIL, PKMN_ITEM_TEA, PKMN_ITEM_RUBY }; static const enum pkmn_item emerald_items[] = { PKMN_ITEM_MAGMA_EMBLEM, PKMN_ITEM_OLD_SEA_MAP }; test_item_list_invalid_items(p_key_item_pocket, gcn_items, 4); if(is_game_rs(game)) { test_item_list_invalid_items(p_key_item_pocket, frlg_items, 3); } if(game != PKMN_GAME_EMERALD) { test_item_list_invalid_items(p_key_item_pocket, emerald_items, 2); } static const enum pkmn_item items[] = { PKMN_ITEM_WAILMER_PAIL, PKMN_ITEM_BASEMENT_KEY, PKMN_ITEM_METEORITE, PKMN_ITEM_OLD_ROD, PKMN_ITEM_RED_ORB, PKMN_ITEM_ROOT_FOSSIL, PKMN_ITEM_CONTEST_PASS, PKMN_ITEM_EON_TICKET }; // Test setting items by index. test_item_list_set_item( p_key_item_pocket, items, 3 ); // Start adding and removing items, and make sure the numbers are accurate. test_item_list_add_remove( p_key_item_pocket, items, 8 ); struct pkmn_item_enum_list valid_items = { .p_enums = NULL, .length = 0 }; error = pkmn_item_list_get_valid_items( p_key_item_pocket, &valid_items ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(valid_items.p_enums); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(valid_items.length > 0); struct pkmn_string_list valid_item_names = { .pp_strings = NULL, .length = 0 }; error = pkmn_item_list_get_valid_item_names( p_key_item_pocket, &valid_item_names ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(valid_item_names.pp_strings); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( valid_items.length, valid_item_names.length ); error = pkmn_item_enum_list_free(&valid_items); TEST_ASSERT_NULL(valid_items.p_enums); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, valid_items.length); error = pkmn_string_list_free(&valid_item_names); TEST_ASSERT_NULL(valid_item_names.pp_strings); } static void gba_ball_pocket_test( struct pkmn_item_list* p_ball_pocket, enum pkmn_game game ) { TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_ball_pocket); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_ball_pocket->p_internal); size_t expected_capacity = 0; if(is_game_frlg(game)) { expected_capacity = 13; } else { expected_capacity = 16; } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING("Poké Balls", p_ball_pocket->p_name); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(game, p_ball_pocket->game); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected_capacity, p_ball_pocket->capacity); enum pkmn_error error = PKMN_ERROR_NONE; // Make sure item slots start as completely empty. test_item_list_initial_values(p_ball_pocket); // Confirm errors are returned when expected. test_item_list_out_of_range_error( p_ball_pocket, PKMN_ITEM_MASTER_BALL ); // Make sure we can't add items from other pockets. static const enum pkmn_item wrong_pocket_items[] = { PKMN_ITEM_BICYCLE, PKMN_ITEM_POTION, PKMN_ITEM_HM01, PKMN_ITEM_RAZZ_BERRY }; test_item_list_invalid_items(p_ball_pocket, wrong_pocket_items, 4); // Make sure we can't add items from later generations. static const enum pkmn_item wrong_generation_items[] = { PKMN_ITEM_MOON_BALL, PKMN_ITEM_HEAL_BALL, PKMN_ITEM_DREAM_BALL }; test_item_list_invalid_items(p_ball_pocket, wrong_generation_items, 3); static const enum pkmn_item items[] = { PKMN_ITEM_MASTER_BALL, PKMN_ITEM_ULTRA_BALL, PKMN_ITEM_GREAT_BALL, PKMN_ITEM_POKE_BALL, PKMN_ITEM_SAFARI_BALL, PKMN_ITEM_NET_BALL, PKMN_ITEM_DIVE_BALL, PKMN_ITEM_NEST_BALL }; // Test setting items by index. test_item_list_set_item( p_ball_pocket, items, 3 ); // Start adding and removing items, and make sure the numbers are accurate. test_item_list_add_remove( p_ball_pocket, items, 8 ); struct pkmn_item_enum_list valid_items = { .p_enums = NULL, .length = 0 }; error = pkmn_item_list_get_valid_items( p_ball_pocket, &valid_items ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(valid_items.p_enums); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(valid_items.length > 0); struct pkmn_string_list valid_item_names = { .pp_strings = NULL, .length = 0 }; error = pkmn_item_list_get_valid_item_names( p_ball_pocket, &valid_item_names ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(valid_item_names.pp_strings); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( valid_items.length, valid_item_names.length ); error = pkmn_item_enum_list_free(&valid_items); TEST_ASSERT_NULL(valid_items.p_enums); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, valid_items.length); error = pkmn_string_list_free(&valid_item_names); TEST_ASSERT_NULL(valid_item_names.pp_strings); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, valid_item_names.length); } static void gba_tmhm_pocket_test( struct pkmn_item_list* p_tmhm_pocket, enum pkmn_game game ) { TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tmhm_pocket); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tmhm_pocket->p_internal); enum pkmn_error error = PKMN_ERROR_NONE; const char* expected_pocket_name = NULL; size_t expected_capacity = 0; if(is_game_frlg(game)) { expected_pocket_name = "TM Case"; expected_capacity = 58; } else { expected_pocket_name = "TMs & HMs"; expected_capacity = 64; } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(expected_pocket_name, p_tmhm_pocket->p_name); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(game, p_tmhm_pocket->game); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected_capacity, p_tmhm_pocket->capacity); // Make sure item slots start as completely empty. test_item_list_initial_values(p_tmhm_pocket); // Confirm errors are returned when expected. test_item_list_out_of_range_error( p_tmhm_pocket, PKMN_ITEM_TM01 ); // Make sure we can't add items from other pockets. static const enum pkmn_item wrong_pocket_items[] = { PKMN_ITEM_BICYCLE, PKMN_ITEM_POTION, PKMN_ITEM_GREAT_BALL, PKMN_ITEM_RAZZ_BERRY }; test_item_list_invalid_items(p_tmhm_pocket, wrong_pocket_items, 4); // Make sure we can't add items from later generations. static const enum pkmn_item wrong_generation_items[] = { PKMN_ITEM_TM51 }; test_item_list_invalid_items(p_tmhm_pocket, wrong_generation_items, 1); static const enum pkmn_item items[] = { PKMN_ITEM_TM01, PKMN_ITEM_HM01, PKMN_ITEM_TM02, PKMN_ITEM_HM02, PKMN_ITEM_TM03, PKMN_ITEM_HM03, PKMN_ITEM_TM04, PKMN_ITEM_HM04 }; // Test setting items by index. test_item_list_set_item( p_tmhm_pocket, items, 3 ); // Start adding and removing items, and make sure the numbers are accurate. test_item_list_add_remove( p_tmhm_pocket, items, 8 ); struct pkmn_item_enum_list valid_items = { .p_enums = NULL, .length = 0 }; error = pkmn_item_list_get_valid_items( p_tmhm_pocket, &valid_items ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(valid_items.p_enums); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(valid_items.length > 0); struct pkmn_string_list valid_item_names = { .pp_strings = NULL, .length = 0 }; error = pkmn_item_list_get_valid_item_names( p_tmhm_pocket, &valid_item_names ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(valid_item_names.pp_strings); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( valid_items.length, valid_item_names.length ); error = pkmn_item_enum_list_free(&valid_items); TEST_ASSERT_NULL(valid_items.p_enums); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, valid_items.length); error = pkmn_string_list_free(&valid_item_names); TEST_ASSERT_NULL(valid_item_names.pp_strings); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, valid_item_names.length); } static void gba_berry_pocket_test( struct pkmn_item_list* p_berry_pocket, enum pkmn_game game ) { TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_berry_pocket); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_berry_pocket->p_internal); enum pkmn_error error = PKMN_ERROR_NONE; const char* expected_pocket_name = NULL; size_t expected_capacity = 0; if(is_game_frlg(game)) { expected_pocket_name = "Berry Pouch"; expected_capacity = 43; } else { expected_pocket_name = "Berries"; expected_capacity = 46; } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(expected_pocket_name, p_berry_pocket->p_name); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(game, p_berry_pocket->game); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected_capacity, p_berry_pocket->capacity); // Make sure item slots start as completely empty. test_item_list_initial_values(p_berry_pocket); // Confirm errors are returned when expected. test_item_list_out_of_range_error( p_berry_pocket, PKMN_ITEM_ORAN_BERRY ); // Make sure we can't add items from other pockets. static const enum pkmn_item wrong_pocket_items[] = { PKMN_ITEM_BICYCLE, PKMN_ITEM_POTION, PKMN_ITEM_GREAT_BALL, PKMN_ITEM_TM01 }; test_item_list_invalid_items(p_berry_pocket, wrong_pocket_items, 4); // Make sure we can't add items from later generations. static const enum pkmn_item wrong_generation_items[] = { PKMN_ITEM_BERRY, PKMN_ITEM_OCCA_BERRY, PKMN_ITEM_ROSELI_BERRY }; test_item_list_invalid_items(p_berry_pocket, wrong_generation_items, 3); static const enum pkmn_item items[] = { PKMN_ITEM_CHERI_BERRY, PKMN_ITEM_RAZZ_BERRY, PKMN_ITEM_LUM_BERRY, PKMN_ITEM_PINAP_BERRY, PKMN_ITEM_ASPEAR_BERRY, PKMN_ITEM_IAPAPA_BERRY, PKMN_ITEM_WIKI_BERRY, PKMN_ITEM_APICOT_BERRY }; // Test setting items by index. test_item_list_set_item( p_berry_pocket, items, 3 ); // Start adding and removing items, and make sure the numbers are accurate. test_item_list_add_remove( p_berry_pocket, items, 8 ); struct pkmn_item_enum_list valid_items = { .p_enums = NULL, .length = 0 }; error = pkmn_item_list_get_valid_items( p_berry_pocket, &valid_items ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(valid_items.p_enums); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(valid_items.length > 0); struct pkmn_string_list valid_item_names = { .pp_strings = NULL, .length = 0 }; error = pkmn_item_list_get_valid_item_names( p_berry_pocket, &valid_item_names ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(valid_item_names.pp_strings); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( valid_items.length, valid_item_names.length ); error = pkmn_item_enum_list_free(&valid_items); TEST_ASSERT_NULL(valid_items.p_enums); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, valid_items.length); error = pkmn_string_list_free(&valid_item_names); TEST_ASSERT_NULL(valid_item_names.pp_strings); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, valid_item_names.length); } static void gba_item_pc_test(enum pkmn_game game) { struct pkmn_item_list item_pc = { .p_name = NULL, .game = PKMN_GAME_NONE, .capacity = 0, .p_internal = NULL }; enum pkmn_error error = PKMN_ERROR_NONE; error = pkmn_item_list_init( "PC", game, &item_pc ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING("PC", item_pc.p_name); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(game, item_pc.game); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(50, item_pc.capacity); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(item_pc.p_internal); // Make sure item slots start as completely empty. test_item_list_initial_values(&item_pc); // Confirm errors are returned when expected. test_item_list_out_of_range_error( &item_pc, PKMN_ITEM_POTION ); // Make sure we can't add items from later generations. test_item_list_invalid_items( &item_pc, WRONG_GAME_ALL_POCKET_ITEMS, 9 ); // Test setting items by index. test_item_list_set_item( &item_pc, ALL_POCKET_ITEMS, 3 ); // Start adding and removing items, and make sure the numbers are accurate. test_item_list_add_remove( &item_pc, ALL_POCKET_ITEMS, 8 ); struct pkmn_item_enum_list valid_items = { .p_enums = NULL, .length = 0 }; error = pkmn_item_list_get_valid_items( &item_pc, &valid_items ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(valid_items.p_enums); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(valid_items.length > 0); struct pkmn_string_list valid_item_names = { .pp_strings = NULL, .length = 0 }; error = pkmn_item_list_get_valid_item_names( &item_pc, &valid_item_names ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(valid_item_names.pp_strings); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( valid_items.length, valid_item_names.length ); struct pkmn_item_enum_list full_item_list = { .p_enums = NULL, .length = 0 }; error = pkmn_database_item_list( item_pc.game, &full_item_list ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(full_item_list.p_enums); struct pkmn_string_list full_item_name_list = { .pp_strings = NULL, .length = 0 }; error = pkmn_database_item_name_list( item_pc.game, &full_item_name_list ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(full_item_name_list.pp_strings); if(is_game_frlg(game)) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(full_item_list.length-2, valid_items.length); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(full_item_name_list.length-2, valid_item_names.length); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(string_list_contains(&valid_item_names, "Berry Pouch")); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(string_list_contains(&valid_item_names, "TM Case")); } else { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(full_item_list.length, valid_items.length); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(full_item_name_list.length, valid_item_names.length); } error = pkmn_item_enum_list_free(&valid_items); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); error = pkmn_string_list_free(&valid_item_names); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); error = pkmn_item_enum_list_free(&full_item_list); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); error = pkmn_string_list_free(&full_item_name_list); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); error = pkmn_item_list_free(&item_pc); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); TEST_ASSERT_NULL(item_pc.p_internal); } static void get_bag_pockets( struct pkmn_item_bag* p_item_bag, struct pkmn_item_list* p_item_pocket_out, struct pkmn_item_list* p_key_item_pocket_out, struct pkmn_item_list* p_ball_pocket_out, struct pkmn_item_list* p_tmhm_pocket_out, const char* tmhm_pocket_name, struct pkmn_item_list* p_berry_pocket_out, const char* berry_pocket_name ) { TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_item_bag); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_item_pocket_out); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_key_item_pocket_out); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_ball_pocket_out); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tmhm_pocket_out); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(tmhm_pocket_name); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_berry_pocket_out); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(berry_pocket_name); enum pkmn_error error = PKMN_ERROR_NONE; error = pkmn_item_bag_get_pocket( p_item_bag, "Items", p_item_pocket_out ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); error = pkmn_item_bag_get_pocket( p_item_bag, "Key Items", p_key_item_pocket_out ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); error = pkmn_item_bag_get_pocket( p_item_bag, "Poké Balls", p_ball_pocket_out ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); error = pkmn_item_bag_get_pocket( p_item_bag, tmhm_pocket_name, p_tmhm_pocket_out ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); error = pkmn_item_bag_get_pocket( p_item_bag, berry_pocket_name, p_berry_pocket_out ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); } static void gba_item_bag_test(enum pkmn_game game) { enum pkmn_error error = PKMN_ERROR_NONE; struct pkmn_item_bag item_bag = { .game = PKMN_GAME_NONE, .pocket_names = { .pp_strings = NULL, .length = 0 }, .p_internal = NULL }; error = pkmn_item_bag_init( game, &item_bag ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(item_bag.p_internal); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING( "None", pkmn_item_bag_strerror(&item_bag) ); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(item_bag.pocket_names.pp_strings); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(5, item_bag.pocket_names.length); test_item_bag_pocket_names(&item_bag); const char* tmhm_pocket_name = NULL; const char* berry_pocket_name = NULL; if(is_game_frlg(game)) { tmhm_pocket_name = "TM Case"; berry_pocket_name = "Berry Pouch"; } else { tmhm_pocket_name = "TMs & HMs"; berry_pocket_name = "Berries"; } struct pkmn_item_list item_pocket; struct pkmn_item_list key_item_pocket; struct pkmn_item_list ball_pocket; struct pkmn_item_list tmhm_pocket; struct pkmn_item_list berry_pocket; get_bag_pockets( &item_bag, &item_pocket, &key_item_pocket, &ball_pocket, &tmhm_pocket, tmhm_pocket_name, &berry_pocket, berry_pocket_name ); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(item_pocket.p_internal); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(key_item_pocket.p_internal); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(ball_pocket.p_internal); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(tmhm_pocket.p_internal); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(berry_pocket.p_internal); gba_item_pocket_test(&item_pocket, game); gba_key_item_pocket_test(&key_item_pocket, game); gba_ball_pocket_test(&ball_pocket, game); gba_tmhm_pocket_test(&tmhm_pocket, game); gba_berry_pocket_test(&berry_pocket, game); // Make sure adding items through the bag adds to the proper pockets. check_num_items(&item_pocket, 0); check_num_items(&key_item_pocket, 0); check_num_items(&ball_pocket, 0); check_num_items(&tmhm_pocket, 0); check_num_items(&berry_pocket, 0); for(size_t item_index = 0; item_index < 8; ++item_index) { pkmn_item_bag_add( &item_bag, ALL_POCKET_ITEMS[item_index], 5 ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); } check_item_at_index(&item_pocket, 0, PKMN_ITEM_POTION, 5); check_item_at_index(&item_pocket, 1, PKMN_ITEM_NONE, 0); check_item_at_index(&key_item_pocket, 0, PKMN_ITEM_MACH_BIKE, 5); check_item_at_index(&key_item_pocket, 1, PKMN_ITEM_WAILMER_PAIL, 5); check_item_at_index(&key_item_pocket, 2, PKMN_ITEM_NONE, 0); check_item_at_index(&ball_pocket, 0, PKMN_ITEM_GREAT_BALL, 5); check_item_at_index(&ball_pocket, 1, PKMN_ITEM_MASTER_BALL, 5); check_item_at_index(&ball_pocket, 2, PKMN_ITEM_NONE, 0); check_item_at_index(&tmhm_pocket, 0, PKMN_ITEM_TM01, 5); check_item_at_index(&tmhm_pocket, 1, PKMN_ITEM_HM04, 5); check_item_at_index(&tmhm_pocket, 2, PKMN_ITEM_NONE, 0); check_item_at_index(&berry_pocket, 0, PKMN_ITEM_ASPEAR_BERRY, 5); check_item_at_index(&berry_pocket, 1, PKMN_ITEM_NONE, 0); // Make sure removing items through the bag removes from the proper pockets. for(size_t item_index = 0; item_index < 8; ++item_index) { pkmn_item_bag_remove( &item_bag, ALL_POCKET_ITEMS[item_index], 5 ); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); } check_num_items(&item_pocket, 0); check_num_items(&key_item_pocket, 0); check_num_items(&ball_pocket, 0); check_num_items(&tmhm_pocket, 0); check_num_items(&berry_pocket, 0); check_item_at_index(&item_pocket, 0, PKMN_ITEM_NONE, 0); check_item_at_index(&item_pocket, 1, PKMN_ITEM_NONE, 0); check_item_at_index(&key_item_pocket, 0, PKMN_ITEM_NONE, 0); check_item_at_index(&key_item_pocket, 1, PKMN_ITEM_NONE, 0); check_item_at_index(&key_item_pocket, 2, PKMN_ITEM_NONE, 0); check_item_at_index(&ball_pocket, 0, PKMN_ITEM_NONE, 0); check_item_at_index(&ball_pocket, 1, PKMN_ITEM_NONE, 0); check_item_at_index(&ball_pocket, 2, PKMN_ITEM_NONE, 0); check_item_at_index(&tmhm_pocket, 0, PKMN_ITEM_NONE, 0); check_item_at_index(&tmhm_pocket, 1, PKMN_ITEM_NONE, 0); check_item_at_index(&tmhm_pocket, 2, PKMN_ITEM_NONE, 0); check_item_at_index(&berry_pocket, 0, PKMN_ITEM_NONE, 0); check_item_at_index(&berry_pocket, 1, PKMN_ITEM_NONE, 0); // Make sure we can't add items from later generations. test_item_bag_invalid_items( &item_bag, WRONG_GAME_ALL_POCKET_ITEMS, 9 ); // Free pockets and bag. error = pkmn_item_list_free(&item_pocket); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); error = pkmn_item_list_free(&key_item_pocket); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); error = pkmn_item_list_free(&ball_pocket); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); error = pkmn_item_list_free(&tmhm_pocket); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); error = pkmn_item_list_free(&berry_pocket); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); error = pkmn_item_bag_free(&item_bag); PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); } #define GBA_ITEM_TESTS(test_game_enum, test_game) \ void test_gba_item_pocket_ ## test_game () \ { \ enum pkmn_error error = PKMN_ERROR_NONE; \ \ struct pkmn_item_list item_pocket = \ { \ .p_name = NULL, \ .game = PKMN_GAME_NONE, \ .capacity = 0, \ .p_internal = NULL \ }; \ \ error = pkmn_item_list_init( \ "Items", \ test_game_enum, \ &item_pocket \ ); \ PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); \ TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(item_pocket.p_internal); \ \ gba_item_pocket_test( \ &item_pocket, \ test_game_enum \ ); \ \ error = pkmn_item_list_free(&item_pocket); \ PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); \ TEST_ASSERT_NULL(item_pocket.p_internal); \ } \ void test_gba_key_item_pocket_ ## test_game () \ { \ enum pkmn_error error = PKMN_ERROR_NONE; \ \ struct pkmn_item_list key_item_pocket = \ { \ .p_name = NULL, \ .game = PKMN_GAME_NONE, \ .capacity = 0, \ .p_internal = NULL \ }; \ \ error = pkmn_item_list_init( \ "Key Items", \ test_game_enum, \ &key_item_pocket \ ); \ PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); \ TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(key_item_pocket.p_internal); \ \ gba_key_item_pocket_test( \ &key_item_pocket, \ test_game_enum \ ); \ \ error = pkmn_item_list_free(&key_item_pocket); \ PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); \ TEST_ASSERT_NULL(key_item_pocket.p_internal); \ } \ void test_gba_ball_pocket_ ## test_game () \ { \ enum pkmn_error error = PKMN_ERROR_NONE; \ \ struct pkmn_item_list ball_pocket = \ { \ .p_name = NULL, \ .game = PKMN_GAME_NONE, \ .capacity = 0, \ .p_internal = NULL \ }; \ \ error = pkmn_item_list_init( \ "Poké Balls", \ test_game_enum, \ &ball_pocket \ ); \ PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); \ TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(ball_pocket.p_internal); \ \ gba_ball_pocket_test( \ &ball_pocket, \ test_game_enum \ ); \ \ error = pkmn_item_list_free(&ball_pocket); \ PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); \ TEST_ASSERT_NULL(ball_pocket.p_internal); \ } \ void test_gba_tmhm_pocket_ ## test_game () \ { \ enum pkmn_error error = PKMN_ERROR_NONE; \ \ struct pkmn_item_list tmhm_pocket = \ { \ .p_name = NULL, \ .game = PKMN_GAME_NONE, \ .capacity = 0, \ .p_internal = NULL \ }; \ \ const char* pocket_name = NULL; \ if(is_game_frlg(test_game_enum)) \ { \ pocket_name = "TM Case"; \ } \ else \ { \ pocket_name = "TMs & HMs"; \ } \ \ error = pkmn_item_list_init( \ pocket_name, \ test_game_enum, \ &tmhm_pocket \ ); \ PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); \ TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(tmhm_pocket.p_internal); \ \ gba_tmhm_pocket_test( \ &tmhm_pocket, \ test_game_enum \ ); \ \ error = pkmn_item_list_free(&tmhm_pocket); \ PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); \ TEST_ASSERT_NULL(tmhm_pocket.p_internal); \ } \ void test_gba_berry_pocket_ ## test_game () \ { \ enum pkmn_error error = PKMN_ERROR_NONE; \ \ struct pkmn_item_list berry_pocket = \ { \ .p_name = NULL, \ .game = PKMN_GAME_NONE, \ .capacity = 0, \ .p_internal = NULL \ }; \ \ const char* pocket_name = NULL; \ if(is_game_frlg(test_game_enum)) \ { \ pocket_name = "Berry Pouch"; \ } \ else \ { \ pocket_name = "Berries"; \ } \ \ error = pkmn_item_list_init( \ pocket_name, \ test_game_enum, \ &berry_pocket \ ); \ PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); \ TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(berry_pocket.p_internal); \ \ gba_berry_pocket_test( \ &berry_pocket, \ test_game_enum \ ); \ \ error = pkmn_item_list_free(&berry_pocket); \ PKMN_TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(error); \ TEST_ASSERT_NULL(berry_pocket.p_internal); \ } \ void test_gba_item_pc_ ## test_game () \ { \ gba_item_pc_test(test_game_enum); \ } \ void test_gba_item_bag_ ## test_game () \ { \ gba_item_bag_test(test_game_enum); \ } GBA_ITEM_TESTS(PKMN_GAME_RUBY, Ruby) GBA_ITEM_TESTS(PKMN_GAME_SAPPHIRE, Sapphire) GBA_ITEM_TESTS(PKMN_GAME_EMERALD, Emerald) GBA_ITEM_TESTS(PKMN_GAME_FIRERED, FireRed) GBA_ITEM_TESTS(PKMN_GAME_LEAFGREEN, LeafGreen)
void testTrue(void) { TEST_ASSERT(1); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(1); }
void test_KineticOperation_BuildPut_should_build_and_execute_a_PUT_operation_to_create_a_new_object(void) { LOG_LOCATION; ByteArray value = ByteArray_CreateWithCString("Luke, I am your father"); ByteArray key = ByteArray_CreateWithCString("foobar"); ByteArray newVersion = ByteArray_CreateWithCString("v1.0"); ByteArray tag = ByteArray_CreateWithCString("some_tag"); KineticConnection_IncrementSequence_Expect(&Connection); // PUT // The PUT operation sets the value and metadata for a given key. If a value // already exists in the store for the given key, the client must pass a // value for dbVersion which matches the stored version for this key to // overwrite the value metadata. This behavior can be overridden (so that // the version is ignored and the value and metadata are always written) by // setting forced to true in the KeyValue option. // // Request Message: // // command { // // See top level cross cutting concerns for header details // header { // clusterVersion: ... // identity: ... // connectionID: ... // sequence: ... // messageType: PUT // } // body: { // keyValue { // // Required bytes // // The key for the value being set // key: "..." // // // Required bytes // // Versions are set on objects to support optimistic locking. // // For operations that modify data, if the dbVersion sent in the // // request message does not match the version stored in the db, the // // request will fail. // dbVersion: "..." // // // Required bytes // // Specifies what the next version of the data will be if this // // operation is successful. // newVersion: "..." // // // Optional bool, default false // // Setting force to true ignores potential version mismatches // // and carries out the operation. // force: true // // // Optional bytes // // The integrity value for the data. This value should be computed // // by the client application by applying the hash algorithm // // specified below to the value (and only to the value). // // The algorithm used should be specified in the algorithm field. // // The Kinetic Device will not do any processing on this value. // tag: "..." // // // Optional enum // // The algorithm used by the client to compute the tag. // // The allowed values are: SHA1, SHA2, SHA3, CRC32, CRC64 // algorithm: ... // // // Optional Synchronization enum value, defaults to WRITETHROUGH // // Allows client to specify if the data must be written to disk // // immediately, or can be written in the future. // // // // WRITETHROUGH: This request is made persistent before returning. // // This does not effect any other pending operations. // // WRITEBACK: They can be made persistent when the drive chooses, // // or when a subsequent FLUSH is give to the drive. // // FLUSH: All pending information that has not been written is // // pushed to the disk and the command that specifies // // FLUSH is written last and then returned. All WRITEBACK writes // // that have received ending status will be guaranteed to be // // written before the FLUSH operation is returned completed. // synchronization: ... // } KineticEntry entry = { .key = ByteBuffer_CreateWithArray(key), .newVersion = ByteBuffer_CreateWithArray(newVersion), // .dbVersion = ByteBuffer_CreateWithArray(BYTE_ARRAY_NONE), .tag = ByteBuffer_CreateWithArray(tag), .algorithm = KINETIC_ALGORITHM_SHA1, .value = ByteBuffer_CreateWithArray(value), }; KineticMessage_ConfigureKeyValue_Expect(&Operation.request->protoData.message, &entry); // } // } // hmac: "..." // // Build the operation KineticOperation_BuildPut(&Operation, &entry); // Ensure proper message type TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(Request.proto->command->header->has_messageType); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(KINETIC_PROTO_MESSAGE_TYPE_PUT, Request.proto->command->header->messageType); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_ByteArray(value, Operation.request->entry.value.array); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, Operation.request->entry.value.bytesUsed); TEST_ASSERT_ByteBuffer_NULL(Response.entry.value); }
void test_turn_of_the_21st_century(void) { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(is_leap_year(2000)); }
void test_KineticOperation_BuildGet_should_build_a_GET_operation(void) { LOG_LOCATION; const ByteArray key = ByteArray_CreateWithCString("foobar"); ByteArray value = {.data = ValueData, .len = sizeof(ValueData)}; KineticEntry entry = { .key = ByteBuffer_CreateWithArray(key), .value = ByteBuffer_CreateWithArray(value), }; KineticConnection_IncrementSequence_Expect(&Connection); KineticMessage_ConfigureKeyValue_Expect(&Request.protoData.message, &entry); KineticOperation_BuildGet(&Operation, &entry); // GET // The GET operation is used to retrieve the value and metadata for a given key. // // Request Message: // command { // header { // // See above for descriptions of these fields // clusterVersion: ... // identity: ... // connectionID: ... // sequence: ... // // // The mesageType should be GET // messageType: GET TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(Request.proto->command->header->has_messageType); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(KINETIC_PROTO_MESSAGE_TYPE_GET, Request.proto->command->header->messageType); // } // body { // keyValue { // // See above // key: "..." // } // } // } // // See above // hmac: "..." TEST_ASSERT_ByteBuffer_NULL(Request.entry.value); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_ByteArray(value, Operation.response->entry.value.array); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, Operation.response->entry.value.bytesUsed); } void test_KineticOperation_BuildGet_should_build_a_GET_operation_requesting_metadata_only(void) { LOG_LOCATION; const ByteArray key = ByteArray_CreateWithCString("foobar"); ByteArray value = ByteArray_Create(ValueData, sizeof(ValueData)); KineticEntry entry = { .key = ByteBuffer_CreateWithArray(key), .metadataOnly = true, .value = ByteBuffer_CreateWithArray(value), }; KineticConnection_IncrementSequence_Expect(&Connection); KineticMessage_ConfigureKeyValue_Expect(&Request.protoData.message, &entry); KineticOperation_BuildGet(&Operation, &entry); // GET // The GET operation is used to retrieve the value and metadata for a given key. // // Request Message: // command { // header { // // See above for descriptions of these fields // clusterVersion: ... // identity: ... // connectionID: ... // sequence: ... // // // The mesageType should be GET // messageType: GET TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(Request.proto->command->header->has_messageType); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(KINETIC_PROTO_MESSAGE_TYPE_GET, Request.proto->command->header->messageType); // } // body { // keyValue { // // See above // key: "..." // } // } // } // // See above // hmac: "..." TEST_ASSERT_ByteBuffer_NULL(Request.entry.value); TEST_ASSERT_ByteBuffer_NULL(Response.entry.value); } void test_KineticOperation_BuildDelete_should_build_a_DELETE_operation(void) { LOG_LOCATION; const ByteArray key = ByteArray_CreateWithCString("foobar"); KineticEntry entry = {.key = ByteBuffer_CreateWithArray(key)}; KineticConnection_IncrementSequence_Expect(&Connection); KineticMessage_ConfigureKeyValue_Expect(&Request.protoData.message, &entry); KineticOperation_BuildDelete(&Operation, &entry); // The `DELETE` operation removes the entry for a given key. It respects the // same locking behavior around `dbVersion` and `force` as described in the previous sections. // The following request will remove a key value pair to the store. // // ``` // command { // // See top level cross cutting concerns for header details // header { // clusterVersion: ... // identity: ... // connectionID: ... // sequence: ... // // messageType should be DELETE // messageType: DELETE TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(Request.proto->command->header->has_messageType); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(KINETIC_PROTO_MESSAGE_TYPE_DELETE, Request.proto->command->header->messageType); // } // body { // keyValue { // key: "..." // // See write operation cross cutting concerns // synchronization: ... // } // } // } // hmac: "..." TEST_ASSERT_ByteBuffer_NULL(Request.entry.value); TEST_ASSERT_ByteBuffer_NULL(Response.entry.value); }
void test_a_known_leap_year(void) { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(is_leap_year(1996)); }
void test_Bus_SendRequest_should_reject_bad_arguments(void) { struct bus b = { .log_level = 0, }; TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(Bus_SendRequest(NULL, NULL)); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(Bus_SendRequest(&b, NULL)); bus_user_msg msg = { .fd = -1, }; TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(Bus_SendRequest(&b, &msg)); } void test_Bus_SendRequest_should_return_false_if_allocation_fails(void) { test_box = NULL; // simulate allocation fail struct bus b = { .log_level = 0, }; bus_user_msg msg = { .fd = 123, }; TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(Bus_SendRequest(&b, &msg)); } void test_Bus_SendRequest_should_reject_send_on_unregistered_socket(void) { struct bus b = { .log_level = 0, }; bus_user_msg msg = { .fd = 123, }; test_box = calloc(1, sizeof(*test_box)); TEST_ASSERT(test_box); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_init(&b.fd_set_lock, NULL)); struct yacht fake_yacht = { .size = 0, }; b.fd_set = &fake_yacht; TEST_ASSERT(b.fd_set); Yacht_Get_ExpectAndReturn(b.fd_set, msg.fd, &value, false); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(Bus_SendRequest(&b, &msg)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_destroy(&b.fd_set_lock)); } void test_Bus_SendRequest_should_reject_equal_sequence_IDs(void) { struct bus b = { .log_level = 0, }; bus_user_msg msg = { .fd = 123, .seq_id = 3, }; test_box = calloc(1, sizeof(*test_box)); TEST_ASSERT(test_box); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_init(&b.fd_set_lock, NULL)); struct yacht fake_yacht = { .size = 0, }; b.fd_set = &fake_yacht; TEST_ASSERT(b.fd_set); connection_info fake_ci = { .largest_wr_seq_id_seen = msg.seq_id, }; value = &fake_ci; Yacht_Get_ExpectAndReturn(b.fd_set, msg.fd, &value, true); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(Bus_SendRequest(&b, &msg)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_destroy(&b.fd_set_lock)); } void test_Bus_SendRequest_should_reject_lower_sequence_IDs(void) { struct bus b = { .log_level = 0, }; bus_user_msg msg = { .fd = 123, .seq_id = 3, }; test_box = calloc(1, sizeof(*test_box)); TEST_ASSERT(test_box); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_init(&b.fd_set_lock, NULL)); struct yacht fake_yacht = { .size = 0, }; b.fd_set = &fake_yacht; TEST_ASSERT(b.fd_set); connection_info fake_ci = { .largest_wr_seq_id_seen = msg.seq_id + 1, }; value = &fake_ci; Yacht_Get_ExpectAndReturn(b.fd_set, msg.fd, &value, true); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(Bus_SendRequest(&b, &msg)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_destroy(&b.fd_set_lock)); } void test_Bus_SendRequest_should_expose_callee_send_rejection(void) { struct bus b = { .log_level = 0, }; bus_user_msg msg = { .fd = 123, .seq_id = 3, }; test_box = calloc(1, sizeof(*test_box)); TEST_ASSERT(test_box); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_init(&b.fd_set_lock, NULL)); struct yacht fake_yacht = { .size = 0, }; b.fd_set = &fake_yacht; TEST_ASSERT(b.fd_set); connection_info fake_ci = { .largest_wr_seq_id_seen = msg.seq_id - 1, }; value = &fake_ci; Yacht_Get_ExpectAndReturn(b.fd_set, msg.fd, &value, true); Send_DoBlockingSend_ExpectAndReturn(&b, test_box, false); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(Bus_SendRequest(&b, &msg)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_destroy(&b.fd_set_lock)); } void test_Bus_SendRequest_should_return_true_on_successful_delivery_queueing(void) { struct bus b = { .log_level = 0, }; bus_user_msg msg = { .fd = 123, .seq_id = 3, }; test_box = calloc(1, sizeof(*test_box)); TEST_ASSERT(test_box); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_init(&b.fd_set_lock, NULL)); struct yacht fake_yacht = { .size = 0, }; b.fd_set = &fake_yacht; TEST_ASSERT(b.fd_set); connection_info fake_ci = { .largest_wr_seq_id_seen = msg.seq_id - 1, }; value = &fake_ci; Yacht_Get_ExpectAndReturn(b.fd_set, msg.fd, &value, true); Send_DoBlockingSend_ExpectAndReturn(&b, test_box, true); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(Bus_SendRequest(&b, &msg)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_destroy(&b.fd_set_lock)); } void test_Bus_RegisterSocket_should_expose_memory_failures(void) { struct listener fake_listener; struct listener *listeners[] = { &fake_listener, }; struct bus b = { .listener_count = 1, .listeners = listeners, }; fake_listener.bus = &b; TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(Bus_RegisterSocket(&b, BUS_SOCKET_PLAIN, 4, NULL)); } void test_Bus_RegisterSocket_should_expose_SSL_connection_failure(void) { struct listener fake_listener; struct listener *listeners[] = { &fake_listener, }; struct bus b = { .listener_count = 1, .listeners = listeners, }; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_init(&b.fd_set_lock, NULL)); fake_listener.bus = &b; test_ci = calloc(1, sizeof(*test_ci)); BusSSL_Connect_ExpectAndReturn(&b, 35, NULL); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(Bus_RegisterSocket(&b, BUS_SOCKET_SSL, 35, NULL)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_destroy(&b.fd_set_lock)); } void test_Bus_RegisterSocket_should_expose_hash_table_failure(void) { struct listener fake_listener; struct listener *listeners[] = { &fake_listener, }; struct bus b = { .listener_count = 1, .listeners = listeners, }; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_init(&b.fd_set_lock, NULL)); fake_listener.bus = &b; test_ci = calloc(1, sizeof(*test_ci)); struct yacht fake_yacht = { .size = 0, }; b.fd_set = &fake_yacht; Yacht_Set_ExpectAndReturn(b.fd_set, 35, test_ci, &old_value, false); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(Bus_RegisterSocket(&b, BUS_SOCKET_PLAIN, 35, NULL)); } void test_Bus_RegisterSocket_should_expose_Listener_AddSocket_failure(void) { struct listener fake_listener; struct listener *listeners[] = { &fake_listener, }; struct bus b = { .listener_count = 1, .listeners = listeners, }; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_init(&b.fd_set_lock, NULL)); fake_listener.bus = &b; test_ci = calloc(1, sizeof(*test_ci)); struct yacht fake_yacht = { .size = 0, }; b.fd_set = &fake_yacht; Yacht_Set_ExpectAndReturn(b.fd_set, 35, test_ci, &old_value, true); Listener_AddSocket_ExpectAndReturn(&fake_listener, test_ci, &completion_pipe, false); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(Bus_RegisterSocket(&b, BUS_SOCKET_PLAIN, 35, NULL)); } void test_Bus_RegisterSocket_should_expose_poll_error(void) { struct listener fake_listener; struct listener *listeners[] = { &fake_listener, }; struct bus b = { .listener_count = 1, .listeners = listeners, }; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_init(&b.fd_set_lock, NULL)); fake_listener.bus = &b; test_ci = calloc(1, sizeof(*test_ci)); struct yacht fake_yacht = { .size = 0, }; b.fd_set = &fake_yacht; Yacht_Set_ExpectAndReturn(b.fd_set, 35, test_ci, &old_value, true); Listener_AddSocket_ExpectAndReturn(&fake_listener, test_ci, &completion_pipe, true); completion_pipe = 123; BusPoll_OnCompletion_ExpectAndReturn(&b, 123, false); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(Bus_RegisterSocket(&b, BUS_SOCKET_PLAIN, 35, NULL)); } void test_Bus_RegisterSocket_should_successfully_add_plain_socket(void) { struct listener fake_listener; struct listener *listeners[] = { &fake_listener, }; struct bus b = { .listener_count = 1, .listeners = listeners, }; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_init(&b.fd_set_lock, NULL)); fake_listener.bus = &b; test_ci = calloc(1, sizeof(*test_ci)); struct yacht fake_yacht = { .size = 0, }; b.fd_set = &fake_yacht; Yacht_Set_ExpectAndReturn(b.fd_set, 35, test_ci, &old_value, true); Listener_AddSocket_ExpectAndReturn(&fake_listener, test_ci, &completion_pipe, true); completion_pipe = 123; BusPoll_OnCompletion_ExpectAndReturn(&b, 123, true); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(Bus_RegisterSocket(&b, BUS_SOCKET_PLAIN, 35, NULL)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(35, test_ci->fd); } void test_Bus_RegisterSocket_should_successfully_add_SSL_socket(void) { struct listener fake_listener; struct listener *listeners[] = { &fake_listener, }; struct bus b = { .listener_count = 1, .listeners = listeners, }; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_init(&b.fd_set_lock, NULL)); fake_listener.bus = &b; test_ci = calloc(1, sizeof(*test_ci)); SSL fake_ssl; BusSSL_Connect_ExpectAndReturn(&b, 35, &fake_ssl); struct yacht fake_yacht = { .size = 0, }; b.fd_set = &fake_yacht; Yacht_Set_ExpectAndReturn(b.fd_set, 35, test_ci, &old_value, true); Listener_AddSocket_ExpectAndReturn(&fake_listener, test_ci, &completion_pipe, true); completion_pipe = 123; BusPoll_OnCompletion_ExpectAndReturn(&b, 123, true); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(Bus_RegisterSocket(&b, BUS_SOCKET_SSL, 35, NULL)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(&fake_ssl, test_ci->ssl); } void test_Bus_ReleaseSocket_should_expose_Listener_RemoveSocket_failure(void) { struct listener fake_listener; struct listener *listeners[] = { &fake_listener, }; struct bus b = { .listener_count = 1, .listeners = listeners, }; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_init(&b.fd_set_lock, NULL)); fake_listener.bus = &b; int fd = 3; Listener_RemoveSocket_ExpectAndReturn(&fake_listener, fd, &completion_pipe, false); void *old_udata = NULL; TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(Bus_ReleaseSocket(&b, fd, &old_udata)); } void test_Bus_ReleaseSocket_should_expose_poll_IO_error(void) { struct listener fake_listener; struct listener *listeners[] = { &fake_listener, }; struct bus b = { .listener_count = 1, .listeners = listeners, }; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_init(&b.fd_set_lock, NULL)); fake_listener.bus = &b; int fd = 3; completion_pipe = 123; Listener_RemoveSocket_ExpectAndReturn(&fake_listener, fd, &completion_pipe, true); BusPoll_OnCompletion_ExpectAndReturn(&b, completion_pipe, false); void *old_udata = NULL; TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(Bus_ReleaseSocket(&b, fd, &old_udata)); } void test_Bus_ReleaseSocket_should_expose_hash_table_error(void) { struct listener fake_listener; struct listener *listeners[] = { &fake_listener, }; struct bus b = { .listener_count = 1, .listeners = listeners, }; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_init(&b.fd_set_lock, NULL)); fake_listener.bus = &b; int fd = 3; completion_pipe = 155; Listener_RemoveSocket_ExpectAndReturn(&fake_listener, fd, &completion_pipe, true); BusPoll_OnCompletion_ExpectAndReturn(&b, completion_pipe, true); struct yacht fake_yacht = { .size = 0, }; b.fd_set = &fake_yacht; Yacht_Remove_ExpectAndReturn(b.fd_set, fd, &old_value, false); void *old_udata = NULL; TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(Bus_ReleaseSocket(&b, fd, &old_udata)); } void test_Bus_ReleaseSocket_should_expose_SSL_disconnection_failure(void) { struct listener fake_listener; struct listener *listeners[] = { &fake_listener, }; struct bus b = { .listener_count = 1, .listeners = listeners, }; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_init(&b.fd_set_lock, NULL)); fake_listener.bus = &b; int fd = 3; completion_pipe = 155; Listener_RemoveSocket_ExpectAndReturn(&fake_listener, fd, &completion_pipe, true); BusPoll_OnCompletion_ExpectAndReturn(&b, completion_pipe, true); struct yacht fake_yacht = { .size = 0, }; b.fd_set = &fake_yacht; Yacht_Remove_ExpectAndReturn(b.fd_set, fd, &old_value, true); SSL fake_ssl; test_ci = calloc(1, sizeof(connection_info)); old_value = test_ci; test_ci->ssl = &fake_ssl; BusSSL_Disconnect_ExpectAndReturn(&b, test_ci->ssl, false); void *old_udata = NULL; TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(Bus_ReleaseSocket(&b, fd, &old_udata)); } void test_Bus_ReleaseSocket_should_return_true_on_successful_socket_disconnection(void) { struct listener fake_listener; struct listener *listeners[] = { &fake_listener, }; struct bus b = { .listener_count = 1, .listeners = listeners, }; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_init(&b.fd_set_lock, NULL)); fake_listener.bus = &b; int fd = 3; completion_pipe = 155; Listener_RemoveSocket_ExpectAndReturn(&fake_listener, fd, &completion_pipe, true); BusPoll_OnCompletion_ExpectAndReturn(&b, completion_pipe, true); test_ci = calloc(1, sizeof(connection_info)); old_value = test_ci; test_ci->ssl = BUS_NO_SSL; struct yacht fake_yacht = { .size = 0, }; b.fd_set = &fake_yacht; Yacht_Remove_ExpectAndReturn(b.fd_set, fd, &old_value, true); void *old_udata = NULL; TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(Bus_ReleaseSocket(&b, fd, &old_udata)); } void test_Bus_ReleaseSocket_should_return_true_on_successful_SSL_socket_disconnection(void) { struct listener fake_listener; struct listener fake_listener2; struct listener *listeners[] = { &fake_listener, &fake_listener2, }; struct bus b = { .listener_count = 2, .listeners = listeners, }; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_init(&b.fd_set_lock, NULL)); fake_listener.bus = &b; int fd = 3; completion_pipe = 155; Listener_RemoveSocket_ExpectAndReturn(&fake_listener2, fd, &completion_pipe, true); BusPoll_OnCompletion_ExpectAndReturn(&b, completion_pipe, true); struct yacht fake_yacht = { .size = 0, }; b.fd_set = &fake_yacht; Yacht_Remove_ExpectAndReturn(b.fd_set, fd, &old_value, true); SSL fake_ssl; test_ci = calloc(1, sizeof(connection_info)); old_value = test_ci; test_ci->ssl = &fake_ssl; BusSSL_Disconnect_ExpectAndReturn(&b, test_ci->ssl, true); void *old_udata = NULL; TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(Bus_ReleaseSocket(&b, fd, &old_udata)); } void test_Bus_Shutdown_should_be_idempotent(void) { struct bus b = { .shutdown_state = SHUTDOWN_STATE_SHUTTING_DOWN, }; TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(Bus_Shutdown(&b)); b.shutdown_state = SHUTDOWN_STATE_HALTED; TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(Bus_Shutdown(&b)); } void test_Bus_Shutdown_should_expose_listener_shut_down_failure(void) { struct listener fake_listener; struct listener fake_listener2; struct listener *listeners[] = { &fake_listener, &fake_listener2, }; bool joined[] = {false, false}; struct bus b = { .shutdown_state = SHUTDOWN_STATE_RUNNING, .listener_count = 2, .listeners = listeners, .joined = joined, }; struct yacht fake_yacht = { .size = 0, }; b.fd_set = &fake_yacht; Yacht_Free_Expect(b.fd_set, free_connection_cb, &b); Listener_Shutdown_ExpectAndReturn(b.listeners[0], &completion_pipe, false); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(Bus_Shutdown(&b)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(SHUTDOWN_STATE_RUNNING, b.shutdown_state); } void test_Bus_Shutdown_should_expose_poll_IO_error(void) { struct listener fake_listener; struct listener fake_listener2; struct listener *listeners[] = { &fake_listener, &fake_listener2, }; bool joined[] = {false, false}; struct bus b = { .shutdown_state = SHUTDOWN_STATE_RUNNING, .listener_count = 2, .listeners = listeners, .joined = joined, }; struct yacht fake_yacht = { .size = 0, }; b.fd_set = &fake_yacht; Yacht_Free_Expect(b.fd_set, free_connection_cb, &b); completion_pipe = 155; Listener_Shutdown_ExpectAndReturn(b.listeners[0], &completion_pipe, true); BusPoll_OnCompletion_ExpectAndReturn(&b, completion_pipe, false); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(Bus_Shutdown(&b)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(SHUTDOWN_STATE_RUNNING, b.shutdown_state); } void test_Bus_Shutdown_should_expose_pthread_join_failure(void) { struct listener fake_listener; struct listener fake_listener2; struct listener *listeners[] = { &fake_listener, &fake_listener2, }; bool joined[] = {false, false}; pthread_t threads[2]; struct bus b = { .shutdown_state = SHUTDOWN_STATE_RUNNING, .listener_count = 2, .listeners = listeners, .joined = joined, .threads = threads, }; struct yacht fake_yacht = { .size = 0, }; b.fd_set = &fake_yacht; Yacht_Free_Expect(b.fd_set, free_connection_cb, &b); completion_pipe = 155; Listener_Shutdown_ExpectAndReturn(b.listeners[0], &completion_pipe, true); BusPoll_OnCompletion_ExpectAndReturn(&b, completion_pipe, true); syscall_pthread_join_ExpectAndReturn(b.threads[0], &unused, -1); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(Bus_Shutdown(&b)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(SHUTDOWN_STATE_RUNNING, b.shutdown_state); } void test_Bus_Shutdown_should_shut_down_internal_resources(void) { struct listener fake_listener; struct listener fake_listener2; struct listener *listeners[] = { &fake_listener, &fake_listener2, }; bool joined[] = {false, false}; pthread_t threads[2]; struct bus b = { .shutdown_state = SHUTDOWN_STATE_RUNNING, .listener_count = 2, .listeners = listeners, .joined = joined, .threads = threads, }; struct yacht fake_yacht = { .size = 0, }; b.fd_set = &fake_yacht; Yacht_Free_Expect(b.fd_set, free_connection_cb, &b); completion_pipe = 155; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Listener_Shutdown_ExpectAndReturn(b.listeners[i], &completion_pipe, true); BusPoll_OnCompletion_ExpectAndReturn(&b, completion_pipe, true); syscall_pthread_join_ExpectAndReturn(b.threads[i], &unused, 0); } TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(Bus_Shutdown(&b)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(SHUTDOWN_STATE_HALTED, b.shutdown_state); } void test_Bus_Free_should_call_shutdown_if_not_shut_down(void) { struct listener fake_listener; struct listener fake_listener2; struct listener **listeners = calloc(2, sizeof(*listeners)); listeners[0] = &fake_listener; listeners[1] = &fake_listener2; bool *joined = calloc(2, sizeof(bool)); pthread_t *threads = calloc(2, sizeof(*threads)); struct bus *b = calloc(1, sizeof(*b)); b->shutdown_state = SHUTDOWN_STATE_RUNNING; b->listener_count = 2; b->listeners = listeners; b->joined = joined; b->threads = threads; struct yacht fake_yacht = { .size = 0, }; b->fd_set = &fake_yacht; Yacht_Free_Expect(b->fd_set, free_connection_cb, b); completion_pipe = 155; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Listener_Shutdown_ExpectAndReturn(b->listeners[i], &completion_pipe, true); BusPoll_OnCompletion_ExpectAndReturn(b, completion_pipe, true); syscall_pthread_join_ExpectAndReturn(b->threads[i], &unused, 0); } struct threadpool fake_threadpool = { .max_threads = 8, }; b->threadpool = &fake_threadpool; Listener_Free_Expect(b->listeners[0]); Listener_Free_Expect(b->listeners[1]); Threadpool_Shutdown_ExpectAndReturn(b->threadpool, false, true); Threadpool_Free_Expect(b->threadpool); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_init(&b->fd_set_lock, NULL)); BusSSL_CtxFree_Expect(b); Bus_Free(b); } void test_Bus_Free_should_free_bus(void) { struct listener fake_listener; struct listener fake_listener2; struct listener **listeners = calloc(2, sizeof(*listeners)); listeners[0] = &fake_listener; listeners[1] = &fake_listener2; bool *joined = calloc(2, sizeof(bool)); pthread_t *threads = calloc(2, sizeof(*threads)); struct bus *b = calloc(1, sizeof(*b)); b->shutdown_state = SHUTDOWN_STATE_HALTED; b->listener_count = 2; b->listeners = listeners; b->joined = joined; b->threads = threads; struct threadpool fake_threadpool = { .max_threads = 8, }; b->threadpool = &fake_threadpool; Listener_Free_Expect(b->listeners[0]); Listener_Free_Expect(b->listeners[1]); Threadpool_Shutdown_ExpectAndReturn(b->threadpool, false, true); Threadpool_Free_Expect(b->threadpool); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pthread_mutex_init(&b->fd_set_lock, NULL)); BusSSL_CtxFree_Expect(b); Bus_Free(b); }
/**************************************************************************** * Name: CanNotReadWrite * * Description: * Test DEV_ERR_NODE can not be opened for read-write * * Input Parameters: * None * * Returned Value: * None * * Assumptions/Limitations: * None * ****************************************************************************/ TEST(DeviceNodeAccess, CanNotReadWrite) { device = open(DEV_ERR_NODE, O_RDWR); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(device < 0); }
TEST(sensorlib, LineVisibleFirst) { SET(sensors, 0, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(is_line_visible()); }
/**************************************************************************** * Name: Character * * Description: * Test PWR_BTN_NODE is a character device * * Input Parameters: * None * * Returned Value: * None * * Assumptions/Limitations: * None * ****************************************************************************/ TEST(DeviceNodePermissions, Character) { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(S_ISCHR(st.st_mode)); }
TEST(sensorlib, LineVisibleLast) { SET(sensors, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 0); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(is_line_visible()); }
void EnumSetTest::TestEnumSet() { EnumSet<myEnum, MAX_NONBOOLEAN+1, LIMIT_BOOLEAN> flags; logln("Enum is from [%d..%d]\n", MAX_NONBOOLEAN+1, LIMIT_BOOLEAN); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(flags.get(THING1) == FALSE); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(flags.get(THING2) == FALSE); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(flags.get(THING3) == FALSE); logln("get(thing1)=%d, get(thing2)=%d, get(thing3)=%d\n", flags.get(THING1), flags.get(THING2), flags.get(THING3)); logln("Value now: %d\n", flags.getAll()); flags.clear(); logln("clear -Value now: %d\n", flags.getAll()); logln("get(thing1)=%d, get(thing2)=%d, get(thing3)=%d\n", flags.get(THING1), flags.get(THING2), flags.get(THING3)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(flags.get(THING1) == FALSE); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(flags.get(THING2) == FALSE); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(flags.get(THING3) == FALSE); flags.add(THING1); logln("set THING1 -Value now: %d\n", flags.getAll()); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(flags.get(THING1) == TRUE); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(flags.get(THING2) == FALSE); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(flags.get(THING3) == FALSE); logln("get(thing1)=%d, get(thing2)=%d, get(thing3)=%d\n", flags.get(THING1), flags.get(THING2), flags.get(THING3)); flags.add(THING3); logln("set THING3 -Value now: %d\n", flags.getAll()); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(flags.get(THING1) == TRUE); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(flags.get(THING2) == FALSE); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(flags.get(THING3) == TRUE); logln("get(thing1)=%d, get(thing2)=%d, get(thing3)=%d\n", flags.get(THING1), flags.get(THING2), flags.get(THING3)); flags.remove(THING2); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(flags.get(THING1) == TRUE); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(flags.get(THING2) == FALSE); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(flags.get(THING3) == TRUE); logln("remove THING2 -Value now: %d\n", flags.getAll()); logln("get(thing1)=%d, get(thing2)=%d, get(thing3)=%d\n", flags.get(THING1), flags.get(THING2), flags.get(THING3)); flags.remove(THING1); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(flags.get(THING1) == FALSE); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(flags.get(THING2) == FALSE); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(flags.get(THING3) == TRUE); logln("remove THING1 -Value now: %d\n", flags.getAll()); logln("get(thing1)=%d, get(thing2)=%d, get(thing3)=%d\n", flags.get(THING1), flags.get(THING2), flags.get(THING3)); flags.clear(); logln("clear -Value now: %d\n", flags.getAll()); logln("get(thing1)=%d, get(thing2)=%d, get(thing3)=%d\n", flags.get(THING1), flags.get(THING2), flags.get(THING3)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(flags.get(THING1) == FALSE); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(flags.get(THING2) == FALSE); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(flags.get(THING3) == FALSE); }
TEST(sensorlib, LineVisibleBorderCase) { // note: sensor reading visible is value=1023-sensors[i] > 400; SET(sensors, 622, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(is_line_visible()); }
void test_uart_read() { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(U1RXREG == ReadUART1()); }
void *getStackPointer(ProcessBase process) { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(IsValid(process)); return MOCK->stackPointer; }