Example #1
File: file.c Project: nrhtr/genesis
/* slower, but we get clean output */
cStr *read_file(filec_t * file)
    register char *p, *s;
    register int len;
    cStr *str;

    if (feof(file->fp))
        THROWN((eof_id, "End of file.")) str = fgetstring(file->fp);

    if (!str)
        THROWN((eof_id, "End of file."))
            /* ok, munch meta-characters */
            p = s = string_chars(str);
    len = string_length(str);

    while (len-- && *s) {
        if (ISPRINT(*s)) {
            *p = *s;
        } else if (*s == '\t') {
            *p = ' ';
    *p = '\0';

    str->len = p - string_chars(str);

    return str;
Example #2
*/  void Get_Var_Into_Core(REBVAL *out, const REBVAL *word)
**      Variant of Get_Var_Core that always traps and never returns a
**      direct pointer into a frame.  It is thus able to give back
**      `self` lookups, and doesn't have to check the word's protection
**      status before returning.
**      See comments in Get_Var_Core for what it's actually doing.
	REBSER *context = VAL_WORD_FRAME(word);

	if (context) {
		REBINT index = VAL_WORD_INDEX(word);

		if (index > 0) {
			*out = *(FRM_VALUES(context) + index);

		if (index < 0) {
			struct Reb_Call *call = DSF;
			while (call) {
				if (
					&& context == VAL_FUNC_WORDS(DSF_FUNC(call))
				) {
					*out = *DSF_ARG(call, -index);
				call = PRIOR_DSF(call);

			raise Error_1(RE_NO_RELATIVE, word);

		// Key difference between Get_Var_Into and Get_Var...fabricating
		// an object REBVAL.

		// !!! Could fake function frames stow the function value itself
		// so 'binding-of' can return it and use for binding (vs. TRUE)?

		Val_Init_Object(out, context);

	raise Error_1(RE_NOT_DEFINED, word);
Example #3
*/	RL_API void RL_Print_TOS(REBOOL mold, const REBYTE *marker)
**	Print top REBOL stack value to the console.
**	Returns:
**		Nothing
**	Arguments:
**		mold - should value be MOLDed instead of FORMed.
**		marker - placed at beginning of line to indicate output.
**	Notes:
**		This function is used for the main console evaluation
**		input loop to print the results of evaluation from stack.
**		The REBOL data stack is an abstract structure that can
**		change between releases. This function allows the host
**		to print the result of processed functions.
**		Marker is usually "==" to show output.
**		The system/options/result-types determine which values
**		are automatically printed.
	if (DSP != 0)
		Debug_Fmt(Str_Stack_Misaligned, DSP);

	// We shouldn't get any THROWN() values exposed to the client

	if (!IS_UNSET(DS_TOP)) {
		if (marker) Out_Str(marker, 0);
		Out_Value(DS_TOP, 500, mold, 1); // limit print length
Example #4
File: s-mold.c Project: Oldes/r3
*/	REBSER *Form_Reduce(REBSER *block, REBCNT index)
**		Reduce a block and then form each value into a string. Return the
**		string or NULL if an unwind triggered while reducing.
	REBINT start = DSP + 1;
	REB_MOLD mo = {0};

	while (index < BLK_LEN(block)) {
		index = Do_Next(block, index, 0);
		if (THROWN(DS_TOP)) {
			*DS_VALUE(start) = *DS_TOP;
			DSP = start;
			return NULL;


	for (n = start; n <= DSP; n++)
		Mold_Value(&mo, &DS_Base[n], 0);

	DSP = start;

	return Copy_String(mo.series, 0, -1);
Example #5
*/  void Set_Var(const REBVAL *word, const REBVAL *value)
**      Set the word (variable) value. (Use macro when possible).
	REBINT index = VAL_WORD_INDEX(word);
	struct Reb_Call *call;
	REBSER *frm;


	if (!HAS_FRAME(word)) raise Error_1(RE_NOT_DEFINED, word);

//  Print("Set %s to %s [frame: %x idx: %d]", Get_Word_Name(word), Get_Type_Name(value), VAL_WORD_FRAME(word), VAL_WORD_INDEX(word));

	if (index > 0) {
		frm = VAL_WORD_FRAME(word);
		if (VAL_GET_EXT(FRM_WORDS(frm) + index, EXT_WORD_LOCK))
			raise Error_1(RE_LOCKED_WORD, word);
		FRM_VALUES(frm)[index] = *value;
	if (index == 0) raise Error_0(RE_SELF_PROTECTED);

	// Find relative value:
	call = DSF;
	while (VAL_WORD_FRAME(word) != VAL_WORD_FRAME(DSF_LABEL(call))) {
		call = PRIOR_DSF(call);
		if (!call) raise Error_1(RE_NOT_DEFINED, word); // change error !!!
	*DSF_ARG(call, -index) = *value;
Example #6
*/	static void Loop_Number(REBVAL *var, REBSER* body, REBVAL *start, REBVAL *end, REBVAL *incr)
	REBVAL *result;

	if (IS_INTEGER(start)) s = (REBDEC)VAL_INT64(start);
	else if (IS_DECIMAL(start) || IS_PERCENT(start)) s = VAL_DECIMAL(start);
	else Trap_Arg(start);

	if (IS_INTEGER(end)) e = (REBDEC)VAL_INT64(end);
	else if (IS_DECIMAL(end) || IS_PERCENT(end)) e = VAL_DECIMAL(end);
	else Trap_Arg(end);

	if (IS_INTEGER(incr)) i = (REBDEC)VAL_INT64(incr);
	else if (IS_DECIMAL(incr) || IS_PERCENT(incr)) i = VAL_DECIMAL(incr);
	else Trap_Arg(incr);


	for (; (i > 0.0) ? s <= e : s >= e; s += i) {
		VAL_DECIMAL(var) = s;
		result = Do_Blk(body, 0);
		if (THROWN(result) && Check_Error(result) >= 0) break;
		if (!IS_DECIMAL(var)) Trap_Type(var);
		s = VAL_DECIMAL(var);
Example #7
File: file.c Project: nrhtr/genesis
cStr *build_path(char *fname, struct stat * sbuf, Int nodir)
    Int len = strlen(fname);
    cStr *str = NULL;

    if (len == 0)
        THROWN((file_id, "No file specified."))
            if (strstr(fname, "../") || strstr(fname, "/..")
                || !strcmp(fname, ".."))
            THROWN((perm_id, "Filename \"%s\" is not legal.", fname))
                str = string_from_chars(c_dir_root, strlen(c_dir_root));
    str = string_addc(str, '/');
    str = string_add_chars(str, fname, len);
            if (*fname != '/') {
            str = string_from_chars(c_dir_root, strlen(c_dir_root));
            str = string_addc(str, '/');
            str = string_add_chars(str, fname, len);
        } else {
            str = string_from_chars(fname, len);

    if (sbuf != NULL) {
        if (stat(str->s, sbuf) < 0) {
            cthrow(file_id, "Cannot find file \"%s\".", str->s);
            return NULL;
        if (nodir) {
            if (S_ISDIR(sbuf->st_mode)) {
                cthrow(directory_id, "\"%s\" is a directory.", str->s);
                return NULL;

    return str;
Example #8
//  Reduce_Any_Array_Throws: C
// Reduce array from the index position specified in the value.
// If `into` then splice into the existing `out`.  Otherwise, overwrite the
// `out` with all values collected from the stack, into an array matching the
// type of the input.  So [1 + 1 2 + 2] => [3 4], and 1/+/1/2/+/2 => 3/4
REBOOL Reduce_Any_Array_Throws(
    REBVAL *out,
    REBVAL *any_array,
    REBOOL into
) {
    REBDSP dsp_orig = DSP;

    Reb_Enumerator e;
    PUSH_SAFE_ENUMERATOR(&e, any_array); // REDUCE-ing could disrupt any-array

    while (NOT_END(e.value)) {
        UPDATE_EXPRESSION_START(&e); // informs the error delivery better

        REBVAL reduced;
        if (THROWN(&reduced)) {
            *out = reduced;
            return TRUE;

        if (IS_VOID(&reduced)) {
            // !!! Review if there should be a form of reduce which allows
            // void expressions.  The general feeling is that it shouldn't
            // be allowed by default, since N expressions would not make N
            // results...and reduce is often used for positional purposes.
            // Substituting anything (like a NONE!, or anything else) would
            // perhaps be disingenuous.
            fail (Error(RE_REDUCE_MADE_VOID));


    if (into)
        Pop_Stack_Values_Into(out, dsp_orig);
        Val_Init_Array(out, VAL_TYPE(any_array), Pop_Stack_Values(dsp_orig));

    return FALSE;
Example #9
*/	static void Loop_Integer(REBVAL *var, REBSER* body, REBI64 start, REBI64 end, REBI64 incr)
	REBVAL *result;

	while ((incr > 0) ? start <= end : start >= end) {
		VAL_INT64(var) = start;
		result = Do_Blk(body, 0);
		if (THROWN(result) && Check_Error(result) >= 0) break;
		if (!IS_INTEGER(var)) Trap_Type(var);
		start = VAL_INT64(var);
		if (REB_I64_ADD_OF(start, incr, &start)) {
Example #10
*/	static void Loop_Series(REBVAL *var, REBSER* body, REBVAL *start, REBINT ei, REBINT ii)
	REBVAL *result;
	REBINT si = VAL_INDEX(start);
	REBCNT type = VAL_TYPE(start);

	*var = *start;
	if (ei >= (REBINT)VAL_TAIL(start)) ei = (REBINT)VAL_TAIL(start);
	if (ei < 0) ei = 0;

	for (; (ii > 0) ? si <= ei : si >= ei; si += ii) {
		VAL_INDEX(var) = si;
		result = Do_Blk(body, 0);
		if (THROWN(result) && Check_Error(result) >= 0) break;
		if (VAL_TYPE(var) != type) Trap1(RE_INVALID_TYPE, var);
		si = VAL_INDEX(var);
Example #11
*/	REBOOL Loop_Throw_Should_Return(REBVAL *val)
**		Process values thrown during loop, and tell the loop whether
**		to take that processed value and return it up the stack.
**		If not, then the throw was a continue...and the code
**		should just keep going.
**		Note: This modifies the input value.  If it returns FALSE
**		then the value is guaranteed to not be THROWN(), but it
**		may-or-may-not be THROWN() if TRUE is returned.

	// Using words for BREAK and CONTINUE to parallel old VAL_ERR_SYM()
	// code.  So if the throw wasn't a word it can't be either of those,
	// hence the loop doesn't handle it and needs to bubble up the THROWN()
	if (!IS_WORD(val))
		return TRUE;

	// If it's a CONTINUE then wipe out the THROWN() value with UNSET,
	// and tell the loop it doesn't have to return.
		return FALSE;

	// If it's a BREAK, get the /WITH value (UNSET! if no /WITH) and
	// say it should be returned.
	if (VAL_WORD_SYM(val) == SYM_BREAK) {
		TAKE_THROWN_ARG(val, val);
		return TRUE;

	// Else: Let all other THROWN() values bubble up.
	return TRUE;
Example #12
//  Do_Path_Throws: C
// Evaluate an ANY_PATH! REBVAL, starting from the index position of that
// path value and continuing to the end.
// The evaluator may throw because GROUP! is evaluated, e.g. `foo/(throw 1020)`
// If label_sym is passed in as being non-null, then the caller is implying
// readiness to process a path which may be a function with refinements.
// These refinements will be left in order on the data stack in the case
// that `out` comes back as IS_FUNCTION().
// If `opt_setval` is given, the path operation will be done as a "SET-PATH!"
// if the path evaluation did not throw or error.  HOWEVER the set value
// is NOT put into `out`.  This provides more flexibility on performance in
// the evaluator, which may already have the `val` where it wants it, and
// so the extra assignment would just be overhead.
// !!! Path evaluation is one of the parts of R3-Alpha that has not been
// vetted very heavily by Ren-C, and needs a review and overhaul.
REBOOL Do_Path_Throws(
    REBVAL *out,
    REBSYM *label_sym,
    const REBVAL *path,
    REBVAL *opt_setval
) {
    REBPVS pvs;
    REBDSP dsp_orig = DSP;


    // !!! There is a bug in the dispatch such that if you are running a
    // set path, it does not always assign the output, because it "thinks you
    // aren't going to look at it".  This presumably originated from before
    // parens were allowed in paths, and neglects cases like:
    //     foo/(throw 1020): value
    // We always have to check to see if a throw occurred.  Until this is
    // streamlined, we have to at minimum set it to something that is *not*
    // thrown so that we aren't testing uninitialized memory.  A safe trash
    // will do, which is unset in release builds.
    if (opt_setval)

    // None of the values passed in can live on the data stack, because
    // they might be relocated during the path evaluation process.
    assert(!opt_setval || !IN_DATA_STACK(opt_setval));

    // Not currently robust for reusing passed in path or value as the output
    assert(out != path && out != opt_setval);

    assert(!opt_setval || !THROWN(opt_setval));

    // Initialize REBPVS -- see notes in %sys-do.h
    pvs.opt_setval = opt_setval;
    pvs.store = out;
    pvs.orig = path;
    pvs.item = VAL_ARRAY_AT(pvs.orig); // may not be starting at head of PATH!

    // Seed the path evaluation process by looking up the first item (to
    // get a datatype to dispatch on for the later path items)
    if (IS_WORD(pvs.item)) {
        pvs.value = GET_MUTABLE_VAR_MAY_FAIL(pvs.item);
        if (IS_UNSET(pvs.value))
            fail (Error(RE_NO_VALUE, pvs.item));
    else {
        // !!! Ideally there would be some way to protect pvs.value during
        // successive path dispatches to make sure it does not get written.
        // This is semi-dangerously giving pvs.value a reference into the
        // input path, which should not be modified!

        pvs.value = VAL_ARRAY_AT(pvs.orig);

    // Start evaluation of path:
    if (IS_END(pvs.item + 1)) {
        // If it was a single element path, return the value rather than
        // try to dispatch it (would cause a crash at time of writing)
        // !!! Is this the desired behavior, or should it be an error?
    else if (Path_Dispatch[VAL_TYPE_0(pvs.value)]) {
        REBOOL threw = Next_Path_Throws(&pvs);

        // !!! See comments about why the initialization of out is necessary.
        // Without it this assertion can change on some things:
        //     t: now
        //     t/time: 10:20:03
        // (It thinks pvs.value has its THROWN bit set when it completed
        // successfully.  It was a PE_USE_STORE case where pvs.value was reset to
        // pvs.store, and pvs.store has its thrown bit set.  Valgrind does not
        // catch any uninitialized variables.)
        // There are other cases that do trip valgrind when omitting the
        // initialization, though not as clearly reproducible.
        assert(threw == THROWN(pvs.value));

        if (threw) return TRUE;

        // Check for errors:
        if (NOT_END(pvs.item + 1) && !IS_FUNCTION(pvs.value)) {
            // Only function refinements should get by this line:
            fail (Error(RE_INVALID_PATH, pvs.orig, pvs.item));
    else if (!IS_FUNCTION(pvs.value))
        fail (Error(RE_BAD_PATH_TYPE, pvs.orig, Type_Of(pvs.value)));

    if (opt_setval) {
        // If SET then we don't return anything
        assert(IS_END(pvs.item) + 1);
        return FALSE;

    // If storage was not used, then copy final value back to it:
    if (pvs.value != pvs.store) *pvs.store = *pvs.value;


    // Return 0 if not function or is :path/word...
    if (!IS_FUNCTION(pvs.value)) {
        assert(IS_END(pvs.item) + 1);
        return FALSE;

    if (label_sym) {
        REBVAL refinement;

        // When a function is hit, path processing stops as soon as the
        // processed sub-path resolves to a function. The path is still sitting
        // on the position of the last component of that sub-path. Usually,
        // this last component in the sub-path is a word naming the function.
        if (IS_WORD(pvs.item)) {
            *label_sym = VAL_WORD_SYM(pvs.item);
        else {
            // In rarer cases, the final component (completing the sub-path to
            // the function to call) is not a word. Such as when you use a path
            // to pick by index out of a block of functions:
            //      functions: reduce [:add :subtract]
            //      functions/1 10 20
            // Or when you have an immediate function value in a path with a
            // refinement. Tricky to make, but possible:
            //      do reduce [
            //          to-path reduce [:append 'only] [a] [b]
            //      ]

            // !!! When a function was not invoked through looking up a word
            // (or a word in a path) to use as a label, there were once three
            // different alternate labels used.  One was SYM__APPLY_, another
            // was ROOT_NONAME, and another was to be the type of the function
            // being executed.  None are fantastic, we do the type for now.

            *label_sym = SYM_FROM_KIND(VAL_TYPE(pvs.value));

        // Move on to the refinements (if any)

        // !!! Currently, the mainline path evaluation "punts" on refinements.
        // When it finds a function, it stops the path evaluation and leaves
        // the position pvs.path before the list of refinements.
        // A more elegant solution would be able to process and notice (for
        // instance) that `:APPEND/ONLY` should yield a function value that
        // has been specialized with a refinement.  Path chaining should thus
        // be able to effectively do this and give the refined function object
        // back to the evaluator or other client.
        // If a label_sym is passed in, we recognize that a function dispatch
        // is going to be happening.  We do not want to pay to generate the
        // new series that would be needed to make a temporary function that
        // will be invoked and immediately GC'd  So we gather the refinements
        // on the data stack.
        // This code simulates that path-processing-to-data-stack, but it
        // should really be something in dispatch iself.  In any case, we put
        // refinements on the data stack...and caller knows refinements are
        // from dsp_orig to DSP (thanks to accounting, all other operations
        // should balance!)

        for (; NOT_END(pvs.item); ++pvs.item) { // "the refinements"
            if (IS_NONE(pvs.item)) continue;

            if (IS_GROUP(pvs.item)) {
                // Note it is not legal to use the data stack directly as the
                // output location for a DO (might be resized)

                if (DO_VAL_ARRAY_AT_THROWS(&refinement, pvs.item)) {
                    *out = refinement;
                    return TRUE;
                if (IS_NONE(&refinement)) continue;
            else if (IS_GET_WORD(pvs.item)) {
                *DS_TOP = *GET_OPT_VAR_MAY_FAIL(pvs.item);
                if (IS_NONE(DS_TOP)) {
            else DS_PUSH(pvs.item);

            // Whatever we were trying to use as a refinement should now be
            // on the top of the data stack, and only words are legal ATM
            if (!IS_WORD(DS_TOP))
                fail (Error(RE_BAD_REFINE, DS_TOP));

            // Go ahead and canonize the word symbol so we don't have to
            // do it each time in order to get a case-insenstive compare

        // To make things easier for processing, reverse the refinements on
        // the data stack (we needed to evaluate them in forward order).
        // This way we can just pop them as we go, and know if they weren't
        // all consumed if it doesn't get back to `dsp_orig` by the end.

        if (dsp_orig != DSP) {
            REBVAL *bottom = DS_AT(dsp_orig + 1);
            REBVAL *top = DS_TOP;
            while (top > bottom) {
                refinement = *bottom;
                *bottom = *top;
                *top = refinement;

    else {
        // !!! Historically this just ignores a result indicating this is a
        // function with refinements, e.g. ':append/only'.  However that
        // ignoring seems unwise.  It should presumably create a modified
        // function in that case which acts as if it has the refinement.
        // If the caller did not pass in a label pointer we assume they are
        // likely not ready to process any refinements.
        if (NOT_END(pvs.item + 1))
            fail (Error(RE_TOO_LONG)); // !!! Better error or add feature

    return FALSE;
Example #13
*/	static REBCNT Do_Eval_Rule(REBPARSE *parse, REBCNT index, REBVAL **rule)
**		Evaluate the input as a code block. Advance input if
**		rule succeeds. Return new index or failure.
**		Examples:
**			do skip
**			do end
**			do "abc"
**			do 'abc
**			do [...]
**			do variable
**			do datatype!
**			do quote 123
**			do into [...]
**		Problem: cannot write:  set var do datatype!
	REBVAL value;
	REBVAL *item = *rule;
	REBPARSE newparse;

	// First, check for end of input:
	if (index >= parse->series->tail) {
		if (IS_WORD(item) && VAL_CMD(item) == SYM_END) return index;
		else return NOT_FOUND;

	// Evaluate next N input values:
	index = Do_Next(parse->series, index, FALSE);

	// Value is on top of stack (volatile!):
	value = *DS_POP;
	if (THROWN(&value)) Throw_Break(&value);

	// Get variable or command:
	if (IS_WORD(item)) {

		n = VAL_CMD(item);

		if (n == SYM_SKIP)
			return (IS_SET(&value)) ? index : NOT_FOUND;

		if (n == SYM_QUOTE) {
			item = item + 1;
			if (IS_END(item)) Trap1(RE_PARSE_END, item-2);
			if (IS_PAREN(item)) {
				item = Do_Block_Value_Throw(item); // might GC
		else if (n == SYM_INTO) {
			item = item + 1;
			if (IS_END(item)) Trap1(RE_PARSE_END, item-2);
			item = Get_Parse_Value(item); // sub-rules
			if (!IS_BLOCK(item)) Trap1(RE_PARSE_RULE, item-2);
			if (!ANY_BINSTR(&value) && !ANY_BLOCK(&value)) return NOT_FOUND;
			return (Parse_Series(&value, VAL_BLK_DATA(item), parse->flags, 0) == VAL_TAIL(&value))
				? index : NOT_FOUND;
		else if (n > 0)
			Trap1(RE_PARSE_RULE, item);
			item = Get_Parse_Value(item); // variable
	else if (IS_PATH(item)) {
		item = Get_Parse_Value(item); // variable
	else if (IS_SET_WORD(item) || IS_GET_WORD(item) || IS_SET_PATH(item) || IS_GET_PATH(item))
		Trap1(RE_PARSE_RULE, item);

	if (IS_NONE(item)) {
		return (VAL_TYPE(&value) > REB_NONE) ? NOT_FOUND : index;

	// Copy the value into its own block:
	newparse.series = Make_Block(1);
	Append_Val(newparse.series, &value);
	newparse.type = REB_BLOCK;
	newparse.flags = parse->flags;
	newparse.result = 0;

	n = (Parse_Next_Block(&newparse, 0, item, 0) != NOT_FOUND) ? index : NOT_FOUND;
	return n;
Example #14
//  Compose_Any_Array_Throws: C
// Compose a block from a block of un-evaluated values and GROUP! arrays that
// are evaluated.  This calls into Do_Core, so if 'into' is provided, then its
// series must be protected from garbage collection.
//     deep - recurse into sub-blocks
//     only - parens that return blocks are kept as blocks
// Writes result value at address pointed to by out.
REBOOL Compose_Any_Array_Throws(
    REBVAL *out,
    const REBVAL *any_array,
    REBOOL deep,
    REBOOL only,
    REBOOL into
) {
    REBDSP dsp_orig = DSP;

    Reb_Enumerator e;
    PUSH_SAFE_ENUMERATOR(&e, any_array); // evaluating could disrupt any_array

    while (NOT_END(e.value)) {
        UPDATE_EXPRESSION_START(&e); // informs the error delivery better

        if (IS_GROUP(e.value)) {
            // We evaluate here, but disable lookahead so it only evaluates
            // the GROUP! and doesn't trigger errors on what's after it.
            REBVAL evaluated;
            DO_NEXT_REFETCH_MAY_THROW(&evaluated, &e, DO_FLAG_NO_LOOKAHEAD);
            if (THROWN(&evaluated)) {
                *out = evaluated;
                return TRUE;

            if (IS_BLOCK(&evaluated) && !only) {
                // compose [blocks ([a b c]) merge] => [blocks a b c merge]
                RELVAL *push = VAL_ARRAY_AT(&evaluated);
                while (NOT_END(push)) {
                    // `evaluated` is known to be specific, but its specifier
                    // may be needed to derelativize its children.
                    DS_PUSH_RELVAL(push, VAL_SPECIFIER(&evaluated));
            else if (!IS_VOID(&evaluated)) {
                // compose [(1 + 2) inserts as-is] => [3 inserts as-is]
                // compose/only [([a b c]) unmerged] => [[a b c] unmerged]
            else {
                // compose [(print "Voids *vanish*!")] => []
        else if (deep) {
            if (IS_BLOCK(e.value)) {
                // compose/deep [does [(1 + 2)] nested] => [does [3] nested]

                REBVAL specific;
                COPY_VALUE(&specific, e.value, e.specifier);

                REBVAL composed;
                if (Compose_Any_Array_Throws(
                )) {
                    *out = composed;
                    return TRUE;

            else {
                if (ANY_ARRAY(e.value)) {
                    // compose [copy/(orig) (copy)] => [copy/(orig) (copy)]
                    // !!! path and second group are copies, first group isn't
                    REBARR *copy = Copy_Array_Shallow(
                            ? e.specifier // use parent specifier if relative...
                            : VAL_SPECIFIER(const_KNOWN(e.value)) // else child's
                        DS_TOP, VAL_TYPE(e.value), copy, VAL_INDEX(e.value)
                    ); // ...manages
                    DS_PUSH_RELVAL(e.value, e.specifier);
        else {
            // compose [[(1 + 2)] (reverse "wollahs")] => [[(1 + 2)] "shallow"]
            DS_PUSH_RELVAL(e.value, e.specifier);

    if (into)
        Pop_Stack_Values_Into(out, dsp_orig);
        Val_Init_Array(out, VAL_TYPE(any_array), Pop_Stack_Values(dsp_orig));

    return FALSE;
Example #15
*/	static int Loop_Each(REBVAL *ds, REBINT mode)
**		Supports these natives (modes):
**			0: foreach
**			1: remove-each
**			2: map
	REBSER *body;
	REBVAL *vars;
	REBVAL *words;
	REBSER *frame;
	REBVAL *value;
	REBSER *series;
	REBSER *out;	// output block (for MAP, mode = 2)

	REBINT index;	// !!!! should these be REBCNT?
	REBINT tail;
	REBINT windex;	// write
	REBINT rindex;	// read
	REBINT err;

	value = D_ARG(2); // series
	if (IS_NONE(value)) return R_NONE;

	body = Init_Loop(D_ARG(1), D_ARG(3), &frame); // vars, body
	SET_OBJECT(D_ARG(1), frame); // keep GC safe
	Set_Block(D_ARG(3), body);	 // keep GC safe


	// If it's MAP, create result block:
	if (mode == 2) {
		out = Make_Block(VAL_LEN(value));
		Set_Block(D_RET, out);

	// Get series info:
	if (ANY_OBJECT(value)) {
		series = VAL_OBJ_FRAME(value);
		out = FRM_WORD_SERIES(series); // words (the out local reused)
		index = 1;
		//if (frame->tail > 3) Trap_Arg(FRM_WORD(frame, 3));
	else if (IS_MAP(value)) {
		series = VAL_SERIES(value);
		index = 0;
		//if (frame->tail > 3) Trap_Arg(FRM_WORD(frame, 3));
	else {
		series = VAL_SERIES(value);
		index  = VAL_INDEX(value);
		if (index >= (REBINT)SERIES_TAIL(series)) {
			if (mode == 1) {
			return R_RET;

	windex = index;

	// Iterate over each value in the series block:
	while (index < (tail = SERIES_TAIL(series))) {

		rindex = index;  // remember starting spot
		j = 0;

		// Set the FOREACH loop variables from the series:
		for (i = 1; i < frame->tail; i++) {

			vars = FRM_VALUE(frame, i);
			words = FRM_WORD(frame, i);

			// var spec is WORD
			if (IS_WORD(words)) {

				if (index < tail) {

					if (ANY_BLOCK(value)) {
						*vars = *BLK_SKIP(series, index);

					else if (ANY_OBJECT(value)) {
						if (!VAL_GET_OPT(BLK_SKIP(out, index), OPTS_HIDE)) {
							// Alternate between word and value parts of object:
							if (j == 0) {
								Set_Word(vars, VAL_WORD_SYM(BLK_SKIP(out, index)), series, index);
								if (NOT_END(vars+1)) index--; // reset index for the value part
							else if (j == 1)
								*vars = *BLK_SKIP(series, index);
						else {
							// Do not evaluate this iteration
							goto skip_hidden;

					else if (IS_VECTOR(value)) {
						Set_Vector_Value(vars, series, index);

					else if (IS_MAP(value)) {
						REBVAL *val = BLK_SKIP(series, index | 1);
						if (!IS_NONE(val)) {
							if (j == 0) {
								*vars = *BLK_SKIP(series, index & ~1);
								if (IS_END(vars+1)) index++; // only words
							else if (j == 1)
								*vars = *BLK_SKIP(series, index);
						else {
							index += 2;
							goto skip_hidden;

					else { // A string or binary
						if (IS_BINARY(value)) {
							SET_INTEGER(vars, (REBI64)(BIN_HEAD(series)[index]));
						else if (IS_IMAGE(value)) {
							Set_Tuple_Pixel(BIN_SKIP(series, index), vars);
						else {
							VAL_SET(vars, REB_CHAR);
							VAL_CHAR(vars) = GET_ANY_CHAR(series, index);
				else SET_NONE(vars);

			// var spec is WORD:
			else if (IS_SET_WORD(words)) {
				if (ANY_OBJECT(value) || IS_MAP(value)) {
					*vars = *value;
				} else {
					VAL_SET(vars, REB_BLOCK);
					VAL_SERIES(vars) = series;
					VAL_INDEX(vars) = index;
				//if (index < tail) index++; // do not increment block.
			else Trap_Arg(words);

		ds = Do_Blk(body, 0);

		if (THROWN(ds)) {
			if ((err = Check_Error(ds)) >= 0) break;
			// else CONTINUE:
			if (mode == 1) SET_FALSE(ds); // keep the value (for mode == 1)
		} else {
			err = 0; // prevent later test against uninitialized value

		if (mode > 0) {
			//if (ANY_OBJECT(value)) Trap_Types(words, REB_BLOCK, VAL_TYPE(value)); //check not needed

			// If FALSE return, copy values to the write location:
			if (mode == 1) {  // remove-each
				if (IS_FALSE(ds)) {
					REBCNT wide = SERIES_WIDE(series);
					// memory areas may overlap, so use memmove and not memcpy!
					memmove(series->data + (windex * wide), series->data + (rindex * wide), (index - rindex) * wide);
					windex += index - rindex;
					// old: while (rindex < index) *BLK_SKIP(series, windex++) = *BLK_SKIP(series, rindex++);
				if (!IS_UNSET(ds)) Append_Val(out, ds); // (mode == 2)
skip_hidden: ;

	// Finish up:
	if (mode == 1) {
		// Remove hole (updates tail):
		if (windex < index) Remove_Series(series, windex, index - windex);
		SET_INTEGER(DS_RETURN, index - windex);
		return R_RET;

	// If MAP and not BREAK/RETURN:
	if (mode == 2 && err != 2) return R_RET;

	return R_TOS1;
Example #16
*/	static int Loop_All(REBVAL *ds, REBINT mode)
**		0: forall
**		1: forskip
	REBVAL *var;
	REBSER *body;
	REBCNT bodi;
	REBSER *dat;
	REBINT idx;
	REBINT inc = 1;
	REBCNT type;

	var = Get_Var(D_ARG(1));
	if (IS_NONE(var)) return R_NONE;

	// Save the starting var value:
	*D_ARG(1) = *var;


	if (mode == 1) inc = Int32(D_ARG(2));

	type = VAL_TYPE(var);
	body = VAL_SERIES(D_ARG(mode+2));
	bodi = VAL_INDEX(D_ARG(mode+2));

	// Starting location when past end with negative skip:
	if (inc < 0 && VAL_INDEX(var) >= (REBINT)VAL_TAIL(var)) {
		VAL_INDEX(var) = (REBINT)VAL_TAIL(var) + inc;

	// NOTE: This math only works for index in positive ranges!

	if (ANY_SERIES(var)) {
		while (TRUE) {
			dat = VAL_SERIES(var);
			idx = (REBINT)VAL_INDEX(var);
			if (idx < 0) break;
			if (idx >= (REBINT)SERIES_TAIL(dat)) {
				if (inc >= 0) break;
				idx = (REBINT)SERIES_TAIL(dat) + inc; // negative
				if (idx < 0) break;
				VAL_INDEX(var) = idx;

			ds = Do_Blk(body, bodi); // (may move stack)

			if (THROWN(ds)) {	// Break, throw, continue, error.
				if (Check_Error(ds) >= 0) {
			*DS_RETURN = *ds;

			if (VAL_TYPE(var) != type) Trap_Arg(var);

			VAL_INDEX(var) += inc;
	else Trap_Arg(var);

	// !!!!! ???? allowed to write VAR????
	*var = *DS_ARG(1);

	return R_RET;
Example #17
//  Do_Breakpoint_Throws: C
// A call to Do_Breakpoint_Throws does delegation to a hook in the host, which
// (if registered) will generally start an interactive session for probing the
// environment at the break.  The `resume` native cooperates by being able to
// give back a value (or give back code to run to produce a value) that the
// call to breakpoint returns.
// RESUME has another feature, which is to be able to actually unwind and
// simulate a return /AT a function *further up the stack*.  (This may be
// switched to a feature of a "STEP OUT" command at some point.)
REBOOL Do_Breakpoint_Throws(
    REBVAL *out,
    REBOOL interrupted, // Ctrl-C (as opposed to a BREAKPOINT)
    const REBVAL *default_value,
    REBOOL do_default
) {
    REBVAL *target = NONE_VALUE;

    REBVAL temp;

    if (!PG_Breakpoint_Quitting_Hook) {
        // Host did not register any breakpoint handler, so raise an error
        // about this as early as possible.
        fail (Error(RE_HOST_NO_BREAKPOINT));

    // We call the breakpoint hook in a loop, in order to keep running if any
    // inadvertent FAILs or THROWs occur during the interactive session.
    // Only a conscious call of RESUME speaks the protocol to break the loop.
    while (TRUE) {
        struct Reb_State state;
        REBCTX *error;

        PUSH_TRAP(&error, &state);

        // The host may return a block of code to execute, but cannot
        // while evaluating do a THROW or a FAIL that causes an effective
        // "resumption".  Halt is the exception, hence we PUSH_TRAP and
        // not PUSH_UNHALTABLE_TRAP.  QUIT is also an exception, but a
        // desire to quit is indicated by the return value of the breakpoint
        // hook (which may or may not decide to request a quit based on the
        // QUIT command being run).
        // The core doesn't want to get involved in presenting UI, so if
        // an error makes it here and wasn't trapped by the host first that
        // is a bug in the host.  It should have done its own PUSH_TRAP.
        if (error) {
        #if !defined(NDEBUG)
            REBVAL error_value;

            Val_Init_Error(&error_value, error);
            PROBE_MSG(&error_value, "Error not trapped during breakpoint:");

            // In release builds, if an error managed to leak out of the
            // host's breakpoint hook somehow...just re-push the trap state
            // and try it again.
            goto push_trap;

        // Call the host's breakpoint hook.
        if (PG_Breakpoint_Quitting_Hook(&temp, interrupted)) {
            // If a breakpoint hook returns TRUE that means it wants to quit.
            // The value should be the /WITH value (as in QUIT/WITH)
            *out = *ROOT_QUIT_NATIVE;
            CONVERT_NAME_TO_THROWN(out, &temp, FALSE);
            return TRUE; // TRUE = threw

        // If a breakpoint handler returns FALSE, then it should have passed
        // back a "resume instruction" triggered by a call like:
        //     resume/do [fail "This is how to fail from a breakpoint"]
        // So now that the handler is done, we will allow any code handed back
        // to do whatever FAIL it likes vs. trapping that here in a loop.

        // Decode and process the "resume instruction"
            struct Reb_Frame *frame;
            REBVAL *mode;
            REBVAL *payload;

            assert(VAL_LEN_HEAD(&temp) == RESUME_INST_MAX);

            mode = VAL_ARRAY_AT_HEAD(&temp, RESUME_INST_MODE);
            payload = VAL_ARRAY_AT_HEAD(&temp, RESUME_INST_PAYLOAD);
            target = VAL_ARRAY_AT_HEAD(&temp, RESUME_INST_TARGET);

            // The first thing we need to do is determine if the target we
            // want to return to has another breakpoint sandbox blocking
            // us.  If so, what we need to do is actually retransmit the
            // resume instruction so it can break that wall, vs. transform
            // it into an EXIT/FROM that would just get intercepted.
            if (!IS_NONE(target)) {
            #if !defined(NDEBUG)
                REBOOL found = FALSE;

                for (frame = FS_TOP; frame != NULL; frame = frame->prior) {
                    if (frame->mode != CALL_MODE_FUNCTION)

                    if (
                        frame != FS_TOP
                        && FUNC_CLASS(frame->func) == FUNC_CLASS_NATIVE
                        && (
                            FUNC_CODE(frame->func) == &N_pause
                            || FUNC_CODE(frame->func) == &N_breakpoint
                    ) {
                        // We hit a breakpoint (that wasn't this call to
                        // breakpoint, at the current FS_TOP) before finding
                        // the sought after target.  Retransmit the resume
                        // instruction so that level will get it instead.
                        *out = *ROOT_RESUME_NATIVE;
                        CONVERT_NAME_TO_THROWN(out, &temp, FALSE);
                        return TRUE; // TRUE = thrown

                    if (IS_FRAME(target)) {
                        if (NOT(frame->flags & DO_FLAG_FRAME_CONTEXT))
                        if (
                            == AS_CONTEXT(frame->data.context)
                        ) {
                            // Found a closure matching the target before we
                            // reached a breakpoint, no need to retransmit.
                        #if !defined(NDEBUG)
                            found = TRUE;
                    else {
                        if (frame->flags & DO_FLAG_FRAME_CONTEXT)
                        if (VAL_FUNC(target) == frame->func) {
                            // Found a function matching the target before we
                            // reached a breakpoint, no need to retransmit.
                        #if !defined(NDEBUG)
                            found = TRUE;

                // RESUME should not have been willing to use a target that
                // is not on the stack.
            #if !defined(NDEBUG)

            if (IS_NONE(mode)) {
                // If the resume instruction had no /DO or /WITH of its own,
                // then it doesn't override whatever the breakpoint provided
                // as a default.  (If neither the breakpoint nor the resume
                // provided a /DO or a /WITH, result will be UNSET.)
                goto return_default; // heeds `target`


            if (VAL_LOGIC(mode)) {
                if (DO_VAL_ARRAY_AT_THROWS(&temp, payload)) {
                    // Throwing is not compatible with /AT currently.
                    if (!IS_NONE(target))
                        fail (Error_No_Catch_For_Throw(&temp));

                    // Just act as if the BREAKPOINT call itself threw
                    *out = temp;
                    return TRUE; // TRUE = thrown

                // Ordinary evaluation result...
                temp = *payload;

        // The resume instruction will be GC'd.
        goto return_temp;



    if (do_default) {
        if (DO_VAL_ARRAY_AT_THROWS(&temp, default_value)) {
            // If the code throws, we're no longer in the sandbox...so we
            // bubble it up.  Note that breakpoint runs this code at its
            // level... so even if you request a higher target, any throws
            // will be processed as if they originated at the BREAKPOINT
            // frame.  To do otherwise would require the EXIT/FROM protocol
            // to add support for DO-ing at the receiving point.
            *out = temp;
            return TRUE; // TRUE = thrown
        temp = *default_value; // generally UNSET! if no /WITH


    // The easy case is that we just want to return from breakpoint
    // directly, signaled by the target being NONE!.
    if (IS_NONE(target)) {
        *out = temp;
        return FALSE; // FALSE = not thrown

    // If the target is a function, then we're looking to simulate a return
    // from something up the stack.  This uses the same mechanic as
    // definitional returns--a throw named by the function or closure frame.
    // !!! There is a weak spot in definitional returns for FUNCTION! that
    // they can only return to the most recent invocation; which is a weak
    // spot of FUNCTION! in general with stack relative variables.  Also,
    // natives do not currently respond to definitional returns...though
    // they can do so just as well as FUNCTION! can.
    *out = *target;

    return TRUE; // TRUE = thrown
Example #18
*/  REBVAL *Get_Var_Core(const REBVAL *word, REBOOL trap, REBOOL writable)
**      Get the word--variable--value. (Generally, use the macros like
**      GET_VAR or GET_MUTABLE_VAR instead of this).  This routine is
**		called quite a lot and so attention to performance is important.
**      Coded assuming most common case is trap=TRUE and writable=FALSE
	REBSER *context = VAL_WORD_FRAME(word);

	if (context) {
		REBINT index = VAL_WORD_INDEX(word);

		// POSITIVE INDEX: The word is bound directly to a value inside
		// a frame, and represents the zero-based offset into that series.
		// This is how values would be picked out of object-like things...
		// (Including looking up 'append' in the user context.)

		if (index > 0) {
			REBVAL *value;
			if (
				writable &&
				VAL_GET_EXT(FRM_WORDS(context) + index, EXT_WORD_LOCK)
			) {
				if (trap) raise Error_1(RE_LOCKED_WORD, word);
				return NULL;

			value = FRM_VALUES(context) + index;
			return value;

		// NEGATIVE INDEX: Word is stack-relative bound to a function with
		// no persistent frame held by the GC.  The value *might* be found
		// on the stack (or not, if all instances of the function on the
		// call stack have finished executing).  We walk backward in the call
		// stack to see if we can find the function's "identifying series"
		// in a call frame...and take the first instance we see (even if
		// multiple invocations are on the stack, most recent wins)

		if (index < 0) {
			struct Reb_Call *call = DSF;

			// Get_Var could theoretically be called with no evaluation on
			// the stack, so check for no DSF first...
			while (call) {
				if (
					&& context == VAL_FUNC_WORDS(DSF_FUNC(call))
				) {
					REBVAL *value;


					if (
						writable &&
							VAL_FUNC_PARAM(DSF_FUNC(call), -index),
					) {
						if (trap) raise Error_1(RE_LOCKED_WORD, word);
						return NULL;

					value = DSF_ARG(call, -index);
					return value;

				call = PRIOR_DSF(call);

			if (trap) raise Error_1(RE_NO_RELATIVE, word);
			return NULL;

		// ZERO INDEX: The word is SELF.  Although the information needed
		// to produce an OBJECT!-style REBVAL lives in the zero offset
		// of the frame, it's not a value that we can return a direct
		// pointer to.  Use GET_VAR_INTO instead for that.

		if (trap) raise Error_0(RE_SELF_PROTECTED);
		return NULL; // is this a case where we should *always* trap?

	if (trap) raise Error_1(RE_NOT_DEFINED, word);
	return NULL;