main() { CONDITION cond; char tab[50], db[50]; TBL_HANDLE * handle; void *foo = NULL; printf("Input database: "); scanf("%s", db); printf("Input table: "); scanf("%s", tab); THR_Init(); cond = TBL_Open(db, tab, &handle); if (cond != TBL_NORMAL) { COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); exit(1); } cond = TBL_Layout(db, tab, callback, (void *) foo); if (cond != TBL_NORMAL) { COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); exit(2); } THR_Shutdown(); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int iconfilesize; char *iconindex, *iconfile, *imagefile; char *accessionNumber; CONDITION cond; ICON_STUDYOFFSET studyoffset; while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-') { switch (*(argv[0] + 1)) { case 'v': verbose = TRUE; break; default: break; } } DCM_Debug(verbose); if (argc != 3) { printf("Usage: append_icon_index ICONCindex ICONfile imagefilei\n"); return (0); } THR_Init(); iconindex = strdup(argv[0]); iconfile = strdup(argv[1]); imagefile = strdup(argv[2]); iconfilesize = getFileSize(iconfile); if (iconfilesize < 0) { THR_Shutdown(); return (1); } printf("Size of %s is %d\n", iconfile, iconfilesize); accessionNumber = extractAccessionNumber(imagefile); if (accessionNumber == NULL) { THR_Shutdown(); return (1); } printf("Accession Number = %s\n", accessionNumber); strcpy(studyoffset.accessionNumber, accessionNumber); studyoffset.Offset = iconfilesize; cond = ICON_AppendStudyOffset(iconindex, &studyoffset); if (cond != ICON_NORMAL) { printf("ICON_AppendStudyOffset failed\n"); if (verbose == TRUE) COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); return (1); } (void) ICON_DumpStudyOffset(iconindex); THR_Shutdown(); return 0; }
main(int argc, char **argv) { FIS_HANDLE *fisHandle = NULL; char *fisDatabase; while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-') { switch (*(argv[0] + 1)) { case 'h': usageerror(); break; default: break; } } if (argc < 1) usageerror(); THR_Init(); fisDatabase = *argv++; openFIS(fisDatabase, &fisHandle); dumpCommitRequests(&fisHandle); closeFIS(&fisHandle); THR_Shutdown(); return 0; }
main(int argc, char **argv) { DCM_OBJECT * object; CONDITION cond; char * fileInput; CTNBOOLEAN verbose = FALSE, exitFlag = FALSE, formatFlag = FALSE; unsigned long options = DCM_ORDERLITTLEENDIAN; long vmLimit = 0; LST_HEAD* fileNames = 0; UTL_FILEITEM* p = NULL; if (argc < 2) usageerror(); else { argv++; fileInput = *argv; } THR_Init(); DCM_Debug(verbose); cond = DCM_OpenFile(fileInput, options, &object); if (cond != DCM_NORMAL && ((options & DCM_PART10FILE) == 0)) { COND_DumpConditions(); (void) DCM_CloseObject(&object); (void) COND_PopCondition(TRUE); fprintf(stderr, "Could not open %s as expected. Trying Part 10 format.\n", p->path); cond = DCM_OpenFile(p->path, options | DCM_PART10FILE, &object); } if (cond == DCM_NORMAL) { printf("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n"); printf("<Structured_Report>\n"); iterateThroughElements(&object, 1); printf("</Structured_Report>\n"); } COND_DumpConditions(); (void) DCM_CloseObject(&object); (void) COND_PopCondition(TRUE); if (cond != DCM_NORMAL && exitFlag) { THR_Shutdown(); exit(1); } #ifdef MALLOC_DEBUG malloc_verify(0); malloc_shutdown(); #endif THR_Shutdown(); return 0; }
static void fileToHTML(const char* path) { DCM_OBJECT* obj; CONDITION cond; THR_Init(); cond = DCM_OpenFile(path, DCM_ORDERLITTLEENDIAN, &obj); if (cond != DCM_NORMAL) { (void) DCM_CloseObject(&obj); cond = DCM_OpenFile(path, DCM_PART10FILE, &obj); } if (cond != DCM_NORMAL) { exit(0); } #if 1 printf("Content-type: text/html\n\n"); printf("<HTML>\n"); printf("<HEAD>\n"); printf("<META HTTP-EQUIV=""Content-Type"" CONTENT=""text/html; charset=iso-2022-jp"">\n"); printf("<TITLE>dcm_to_html</TITLE>\n"); printf("</HEAD>"); printf("<BODY BGCOLOR=#ffffff FGCOLOR=#ff000000>\n"); printf("<B>%s</B>\n", path); printf("<TABLE BORDER>\n"); DCM_ScanParseObject(&obj, NULL, 0, /* Buffer/buffer size */ NULL, 0, /* Vector of elements to scan */ callback, NULL); printf("</TABLE>\n"); printf("</BODY>\n"); printf("</HTML>"); (void) DCM_CloseObject(&obj); THR_Shutdown(); #else html_header(); html_begin_body_options("File View", "bgcolor=#ffffff"); printf("%s<br>\n", path); html_end(); #endif }
main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int qid; CTNNETWORK_Queue e; if (argc != 2) { printf("\nUsage: %s <queue_number>\n\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } THR_Init(); qid = atoi(argv[1]); if (GQ_GetQueue(qid, sizeof(CTNNETWORK_Queue)) != GQ_NORMAL) { printf("\nGQ_GetQueue failed!\n\n"); COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); exit(-1); } strcpy(e.vendorid, "KILL_DISPLAY"); if (GQ_Enqueue(qid, (void *) &e) != GQ_NORMAL) { printf("\nGQ_Enqueue failed!\n\n"); COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); exit(-1); } sleep(5); if (GQ_KillQueue(qid) != GQ_NORMAL) { printf("\nGQ_KillQueue failed!\n\n"); COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); exit(-1); } THR_Shutdown(); exit(0); }
main(int argc, char *argv[]) { CONDITION r; CTNNETWORK_Queue e; int qid; if (argc != 7) { printf("\nUsage: %s <qid> <vendorid> <dpnid> <association id> <conn> <percentage>\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } THR_Init(); qid = atoi(argv[1]); if (GQ_GetQueue(qid, sizeof(CTNNETWORK_Queue)) != GQ_NORMAL) { printf("\nGQ_GetQueue failed!\n\n"); COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); exit(-1); } strcpy(e.vendorid, argv[2]); strcpy(e.dpnid, argv[3]); e.association_id = atoi(argv[4]); e.connection = atoi(argv[5]); e.percentage = atoi(argv[6]); if ((r = GQ_Enqueue(qid, (void *) &e)) != GQ_NORMAL) { if (r == GQ_QUEUEFULL) printf("\nThe queue is full!\n\n"); else { printf("\nGQ_Enqueue failed\n\n"); COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); exit(-1); } } THR_Shutdown(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { CONDITION cond; /* Return value from DUL and ACR routines */ DCM_OBJECT * object; /* Handle to the information object */ DCM_ELEMENT element; /* Handle to the DCM_ELEMENT */ IE_OBJECT * ieObject; /* Handle to the IE_OBJECT object */ IE_INFORMATIONENTITY * ieIE, *ie_node; /* Handle to IE_INFORMATIONENTITY */ LST_HEAD * ie_head, *mod_head, *attr_head; /* Handle to the LST_HEAD */ IE_MODULE * ieModule, *mod_node; /* Handle to IE_MODULE */ IE_ATTRIBUTE * attr_node; /* Handle to IE_ATTRIBUTE */ CTNBOOLEAN verbose = FALSE; /* For debugging purpose */ CTNBOOLEAN flag; /* Return value from findElement routine */ unsigned long options = DCM_ORDERLITTLEENDIAN; /* Byte order in data streams */ char *file; /* The image file name */ char UID[90]; /* The SOP Class UID of the image file */ U32 length; /* Length of the data field of DCM_ELEMENT */ int ie_loop, mod_loop, attr_loop, j, k, i;/* Iteration variables */ while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-') { switch (*(argv[0] + 1)) { case 'v': verbose = TRUE; break; case 'b': options &= ~DCM_ORDERMASK; options |= DCM_ORDERBIGENDIAN; break; case 't': options &= ~DCM_FILEFORMATMASK; options |= DCM_PART10FILE; break; default: break; } } if (argc < 1) usageerror(); file = *argv; THR_Init(); DCM_Debug(verbose); /* Open a DICOM object file and put the contents into the memory represented by the information object. */ cond = DCM_OpenFile(file, options, &object); if (cond != DCM_NORMAL && ((options & DCM_PART10FILE) == 0)) { COND_DumpConditions(); (void) DCM_CloseObject(&object); (void) COND_PopCondition(TRUE); fprintf(stderr, "Could not open %s as expected. Trying Part 10 format.\n", file); cond = DCM_OpenFile(file, options | DCM_PART10FILE, &object); } if (cond != DCM_NORMAL) { COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); return 1; }else{ printf("file is successfully opened!\n"); /* Call IE_ExamineObject to examine this DCM object. */ cond = IE_ExamineObject(&object, &ieObject); if (cond == IE_ILLEGALDCMOBJECT || cond == IE_LISTFAILURE || cond == IE_MALLOCFAILURE){ COND_DumpConditions(); }else{ /* Print the IE_OBJECT object. */ strcpy(UID, ieObject->classUID); printObject(ieObject); /* Examine each IE on the list. */ ie_head = ieObject->ieList; ie_loop = LST_Count(&ie_head); for (i = 0; i < ie_loop; i++) { ie_node = LST_Pop(&ie_head); cond = IE_ExamineInformationEntity(&object, ie_node->ieType, &ieIE); /* Print each IE_IE. */ printIE(ieIE); /* Examine each module on the list. */ mod_head = ieIE->moduleList; mod_loop = LST_Count(&mod_head); for (k = 0; k < mod_loop; k++) { mod_node = LST_Pop(&mod_head); cond = IE_ExamineModule(&object, ieIE->ieType, mod_node->moduleType, &ieModule); printModule(ieModule); /* Print each IE_ATTRIBUTE. */ attr_head = ieModule->attributeList; attr_loop = LST_Count(&attr_head); for (j = 0; j < attr_loop; j++) { attr_node = LST_Pop(&attr_head); printIEAttribute(attr_node); free(attr_node); } free(mod_node); cond = IE_Free((void **) &ieModule); } free(ie_node); cond = IE_Free((void **) &ieIE); } cond = IE_Free((void **) &ieObject); /* Check to see the status of the Information Entities. */ cond = IE_ExamineObject(&object, &ieObject); printf("\n%s requirements:\n", ieObject->objectDescription); ie_head = ieObject->ieList; ie_loop = LST_Count(&ie_head); for (i = 0; i < ie_loop; i++) { ie_node = LST_Pop(&ie_head); if (ie_node->requirement == IE_K_REQUIRED) printIE(ie_node); free(ie_node); } cond = IE_Free((void **) &ieObject); /* Check to see the status of the Information Entity and status of the Modules within them. */ cond = IE_ExamineObject(&object, &ieObject); printf("\n%s requirements:\n", ieObject->objectDescription); ie_head = ieObject->ieList; ie_loop = LST_Count(&ie_head); for (i = 0; i < ie_loop; i++) { ie_node = LST_Pop(&ie_head); cond = IE_ExamineInformationEntity(&object, ie_node->ieType, &ieIE); if (ie_node->requirement == IE_K_REQUIRED) { printf("\n"); printIE(ieIE); mod_head = ieIE->moduleList; mod_loop = LST_Count(&mod_head); for (k = 0; k < mod_loop; k++) { mod_node = LST_Pop(&mod_head); if (mod_node->requirement == IE_K_REQUIRED) printModule(mod_node); free(mod_node); } } free(ie_node); cond = IE_Free((void **) &ieIE); } cond = IE_Free((void **) &ieObject); /* Check to see the missing attributes if there is any. */ cond = IE_ObjectRequirements(UID, &ieObject); printf("\n Missing required(type1 and type2) attributes: \n"); ie_head = ieObject->ieList; ie_loop = LST_Count(&ie_head); for (i = 0; i < ie_loop; i++) { ie_node = LST_Pop(&ie_head); cond = IE_IERequirements(UID, ie_node->ieType, &ieIE); mod_head = ieIE->moduleList; mod_loop = LST_Count(&mod_head); for (k = 0; k < mod_loop; k++) { mod_node = LST_Pop(&mod_head); cond = IE_ModuleRequirements(UID, ie_node->ieType, mod_node->moduleType, &ieModule); printf(" %s\n", ieModule->moduleDescription); attr_head = ieModule->attributeList; attr_loop = LST_Count(&attr_head); for (j = 0; j < attr_loop; j++) { attr_node = LST_Pop(&attr_head); flag = findElement(object, attr_node->element.tag, &element); cond = DCM_LookupElement(&element); if (cond != DCM_NORMAL) cond = COND_PopCondition(FALSE); if (!flag) { if (attr_node->requirement == IE_K_TYPE1){ printf(" %08x, %s\n", element.tag, element.description); }else if (attr_node->requirement == IE_K_TYPE2){ cond = DCM_GetElementSize(&object, attr_node->element.tag, &length); if (cond != DCM_NORMAL){ cond = COND_PopCondition(FALSE); printf(" %08x, %s\n", element.tag, element.description); } } } } /* finish one module */ free(mod_node); cond = IE_Free((void **) &ieModule); } free(ie_node); cond = IE_Free((void **) &ieIE); } cond = IE_Free((void **) &ieObject); } } /* Free the memory and remove the object handle. */ cond = DCM_CloseObject(&object); if (cond != DCM_NORMAL){ COND_DumpConditions(); }else{ printf("The object is closed successfully.\n"); } THR_Shutdown(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { CONDITION cond = APP_NORMAL; /* condition code returned by various * facilities */ DUL_NETWORKKEY * network; /* The handle to the network */ DUL_ASSOCIATIONKEY * association = NULL; /* The handle to the Association */ DUL_ASSOCIATESERVICEPARAMETERS service; /* Presentation parameters */ int pid, /* process id */ port; /* port number on which the server listens */ char node[MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1] = ""; /* name of node */ CTNBOOLEAN singleUserMode = FALSE; /* indicates if the server will run in single * user mode i.e. iterative */ LST_HEAD * processList = NULL; /* maintains a list of children processes */ CTNBOOLEAN paramsFlag = FALSE; /* Dump association parameters? */ (void) gethostname(node, MAXHOSTNAMELEN); /* Parse the command line arguments. First process all the switches */ while (--argc > 0 && *(++argv)[0] == '-') { switch ((*argv)[1]) { case 'd': /* option to put a specific facility in debug * mode */ argc--; argv++; if (!argc) usageError(); if (strcmp(*argv, "DCM") == 0) verboseDCM = TRUE; else if (strcmp(*argv, "DUL") == 0) verboseDUL = TRUE; else if (strcmp(*argv, "SRV") == 0) verboseSRV = TRUE; else usageError(); break; case 'f': /* database selection option */ argc--; argv++; if (!argc) usageError(); controlDatabase = *argv; break; case 'i': /* set the forgive option */ forgiveFlag = TRUE; break; case 'n': /* use node as name rather than hostname */ if (argc < 1) usageError(); argc--; argv++; strcpy(node, *argv); break; case 'p': paramsFlag = TRUE; /* Dump the association parameters to stdout */ break; case 'r': sendBack = TRUE; /* send optional attributes back in the * response messages */ break; case 's': /* set single user mode. Useful for debugging */ singleUserMode = TRUE; break; case 't': traceFlag = TRUE; /* tracing ON (non silent operation) */ break; case 'v': /* set verbose mode ON */ verboseDUL = TRUE; verboseSRV = TRUE; verboseDCM = TRUE; break; case 'x': /* for maintaining a Generalized Queue. This * option is useful for terminals having X * capability */ gqueueFlag = TRUE; #ifdef ASG argc--; argv++; if (sscanf(*argv, "%d", &gqID) != 1) usageError(); #endif break; default: printf("Unrecognized option: %s\n", *argv); break; } } if (argc < 1) usageError(); if (sscanf(*argv++, "%d", &port) != 1) usageError(); #ifdef _MSC_VER singleUserMode = TRUE; #endif THR_Init(); DCM_Debug(verboseDCM); DUL_Debug(verboseDUL); SRV_Debug(verboseSRV); /* Handle interrupts */ (void) signal(SIGINT, signalHandler); /* Initialize a network connection and listen on the specified port */ cond = DUL_InitializeNetwork(DUL_NETWORK_TCP, DUL_AEBOTH, (void *) &port, DUL_TIMEOUT, DUL_ORDERBIGENDIAN, &network); if (cond != DUL_NORMAL) { exitApplication(cond); } = network; /* set the network key field */ if (!singleUserMode) { /* * initialize a list that will hold information about all the * children processes that are active */ if ((processList = LST_Create()) == NULL) { cond = COND_PushCondition(APP_ERROR(APP_FAILURE), "LST_Create", "main"); exitApplication(cond); } appHandles.processList = processList; /* set the process list field */ } /* The server loops forever accepting new requests */ while (1) { /* get the next Association request */ cond = nextAssociationRequest(node, &network, &service, maxPDU, forgiveFlag, &gqID, &association); if (cond == APP_NORMAL) { appHandles.association = association; appHandles.service = &service; if (!singleUserMode) { /* * remove all those child processes that have exited so that * zombie processes are not created */ (void) harvestChildrenProcesses(&processList); /* * server continues to accept new requests, whereas the child * services the requests on that association. To create a * child process, we fork */ pid = fork(); } else pid = 0; /* setting pid to 0 in this else clause is * essential due to the manner in which the * following if condition is coded */ if (pid < 0) { /* fork failed */ printf("Cannot spawn child process. Request rejected\n"); clearAssociationKeyAndServiceParameters(APP_FAILURE); continue; } else if (pid == 0) { /* This is the child process unless * the single user mode is ON in * which case this is the parent * process itself. For this part of * the code to be activated when the * singleUserMode is TRUE, we need to * set pid = 0 as done above */ if (!singleUserMode) printf("Forked child\n"); cond = DUL_AcknowledgeAssociationRQ(&association, &service); if (cond != DUL_NORMAL) { if (!singleUserMode) { /* child process exits with a status of -1 */ exitApplication(cond); } else { /* * In the single user mode, the parent just discards * the current association and service parameters and * continues to listen to new requests */ clearAssociationKeyAndServiceParameters(cond); continue; /* go to next iteration of main loop */ } } /* * open a GQ queue, if the GQ facility is to be used */ if (gqueueFlag) { if (gqID == -1) { /* we were unsuccessful retrieving * the GQ ID info from the database. * Hence we decide to ignore the * display */ fprintf(stderr, "Failure to retrieve GQ ID information\n"); fprintf(stderr, "GQ facility ignored\n"); gqueueFlag = FALSE; } else { /* open a GQ */ cond = openGQ(gqID); if (cond != APP_NORMAL) { if (!singleUserMode) { /* child process exits with a status of -1 */ exitApplication(cond); } else { clearAssociationKeyAndServiceParameters(cond); continue; /* go to next iteration of * main loop */ } } } } if (paramsFlag) DUL_DumpParams(&service); cond = serviceRequests(&network, &association, &service); if (cond == SRV_PEERREQUESTEDRELEASE) cond = SRV_NORMAL; if (CTN_ERROR(cond)) { if (!singleUserMode) { fprintf(stderr, "child failed to service request\n"); COND_DumpConditions(); exitApplication(cond); } else { /* * In the single user mode, the parent just discards * the current association and service parameters and * continues to listen to new requests */ fprintf(stderr, "Iterative server failed to serve request\n"); clearAssociationKeyAndServiceParameters(cond); continue; /* go to next iteration of main loop */ } } if (!singleUserMode) { /* graceful exit by the child process (return status 0) */ exitApplication(SRV_NORMAL); } } else { /* * Parent has to drop the Association that was created for * the child when an Association request arrived from the * client. If this is not done, both the parent and the child * are capable of receiving on the same association */ cond = DUL_DropAssociation(&association); if (cond != DUL_NORMAL) { exitApplication(cond); } /* * Add information of the process to the list maintained by * the parent */ (void) addChildProcess(&service, pid, &processList); /* * Now clear the service parameters so as to accept a new set * of parameters on the association */ (void) DUL_ClearServiceParameters(&service); printf("Parent ready to accept new request\n"); } } else { /* * something went wrong accepting the next Association request * Parent server issues an error message and continues to serve * the next request */ fprintf(stderr, "!!!! Error getting next Request.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Discarding this request\n"); COND_DumpConditions(); } } #ifdef MALLOC_DEBUG malloc_verify(0); malloc_shutdown(); #endif return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { CONDITION /* Return value from DUL and ACR routines */ cond; IE_OBJECT /* Handle to the IE_OBJECT object */ * ieObject; IE_INFORMATIONENTITY /* Handle to IE_INFORMATIONENTITY */ * ieIE, *ie_node; LST_HEAD /* Handle to the LST_HEAD */ * ie_head, *mod_head, *attr_head; IE_MODULE /* Handle to IE_MODULE */ * ieModule, *mod_node; IE_ATTRIBUTE /* Handle to IE_ATTRIBUTE */ * attr_node; CTNBOOLEAN /* For debugging purpose */ verbose = FALSE; char /* The UID of the image file */ *UID, *SOPClassName; int /* Iteration variables */ ie_loop, mod_loop, attr_loop, i, k, j; if (argc < 1) usageerror(); THR_Init(); DCM_Debug(verbose); while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-') { switch (*(argv[0] + 1)) { case 'v': verbose = TRUE; break; default: break; } } while (argc-- > 0) { SOPClassName = *argv; (void) *argv++; /* * Find the SOP Class UID according to the SOP Class name. */ UID = lookupUID(SOPClassName); if (UID != NULL) { /* The SOP Class name is legal */ printf("\nRequired IEs and Modules for %s image file:\n", SOPClassName); /* * Find the required IEs. */ cond = IE_ObjectRequirements(UID, &ieObject); if (cond == IE_LISTFAILURE || cond == IE_MALLOCFAILURE || cond == IE_ILLEGALDCMOBJECT) { COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); return (2); } ie_head = ieObject->ieList; ie_loop = LST_Count(&ie_head); for (i = 0; i < ie_loop; i++) { /* * Find all the required Modules. */ ie_node = LST_Pop(&ie_head); printf("%s\n", ie_node->ieDescription); cond = IE_IERequirements(UID, ie_node->ieType, &ieIE); mod_head = ieIE->moduleList; mod_loop = LST_Count(&mod_head); for (k = 0; k < mod_loop; k++) { mod_node = LST_Pop(&mod_head); printf(" %s\n", mod_node->moduleDescription); } cond = IE_Free((void **) &ieIE); } cond = IE_Free((void **) &ieObject); printf("\n"); printf("Required Modules and Attributes for %s image file:\n", SOPClassName); /* * Find all the required IEs. */ cond = IE_ObjectRequirements(UID, &ieObject); if (cond == IE_LISTFAILURE || cond == IE_MALLOCFAILURE || cond == IE_ILLEGALDCMOBJECT) { COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); return (2); } ie_head = ieObject->ieList; ie_loop = LST_Count(&ie_head); for (i = 0; i < ie_loop; i++) { /* * Find all the required Modules. */ ie_node = LST_Pop(&ie_head); cond = IE_IERequirements(UID, ie_node->ieType, &ieIE); mod_head = ieIE->moduleList; mod_loop = LST_Count(&mod_head); for (k = 0; k < mod_loop; k++) { mod_node = LST_Pop(&mod_head); cond = IE_ModuleRequirements(UID, ie_node->ieType, mod_node->moduleType, &ieModule); printf("%s\n", mod_node->moduleDescription); attr_head = ieModule->attributeList; attr_loop = LST_Count(&attr_head); for (j = 0; j < attr_loop; j++) { /* * Find all the mandatory attributes. */ attr_node = LST_Pop(&attr_head); cond = DCM_LookupElement (&(attr_node->element)); printf(" %s\n", attr_node->element.description); } } } } else /* Illegal SOP Class entered by the user */ printf("Illegal SOP Class.\n"); } THR_Shutdown(); return (0); }
main(int argc, char **argv) { CONDITION /* Return values from facilities */ cond; DUL_NETWORKKEY /* Used to initialize our network */ * network = NULL; DUL_ASSOCIATESERVICEPARAMETERS /* The items which describe this * Association */ params = { DICOM_STDAPPLICATIONCONTEXT, "DEMO_SENDER_93", "RSNA_STORAGE_93", "", 16384, 0, 0, 0, "calling addr", "called addr", NULL, NULL, 0, 0, MIR_IMPLEMENTATIONCLASSUID, MIR_IMPLEMENTATIONVERSIONNAME, "", "" }; char *calledAPTitle = "RSNA_STORAGE_93", *callingAPTitle = "DEMO_SENDER_93", localHost[40], *node, /* The node we are calling */ *port; /* ASCIIZ representation of TCP port */ int scratch; /* Used to check syntax of port number */ unsigned long maxPDU = 16384; CTNBOOLEAN verboseDCM = FALSE, verboseDUL = FALSE, verboseSRV = FALSE; while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-') { switch (*(argv[0] + 1)) { case 'c': argc--; argv++; if (argc <= 0) usageerror(); callingAPTitle = *argv; break; case 'd': argc--; argv++; if (argc <= 0) usageerror(); if (strcmp(*argv, "DCM") == 0) verboseDCM = TRUE; else if (strcmp(*argv, "DUL") == 0) verboseDUL = TRUE; else if (strcmp(*argv, "SRV") == 0) verboseSRV = TRUE; else usageerror(); break; case 'm': argc--; argv++; if (argc <= 0) usageerror(); if (sscanf(*argv, "%lu", &maxPDU) != 1) usageerror(); break; case 't': argc--; argv++; if (argc <= 0) usageerror(); calledAPTitle = *argv; break; case 'v': verboseDUL = TRUE; verboseSRV = TRUE; break; default: break; } } if (argc < 2) usageerror(); THR_Init(); DCM_Debug(verboseDCM); DUL_Debug(verboseDUL); SRV_Debug(verboseSRV); node = *argv++; argc--; port = *argv++; argc--; if (sscanf(port, "%d", &scratch) != 1) usageerror(); cond = DUL_InitializeNetwork(DUL_NETWORK_TCP, DUL_AEREQUESTOR, NULL, DUL_TIMEOUT, DUL_ORDERBIGENDIAN, &network); if (cond != DUL_NORMAL) myExit(NULL); (void) gethostname(localHost, sizeof(localHost)); sprintf(params.calledPresentationAddress, "%s:%s", node, port); strcpy(params.callingPresentationAddress, localHost); strcpy(params.calledAPTitle, calledAPTitle); strcpy(params.callingAPTitle, callingAPTitle); params.maxPDU = maxPDU; reqReleaseAssociation(&network, ¶ms); THR_Shutdown(); exit(0); }
main(int argc, char **argv) { CONDITION cond; DUL_NETWORKKEY* network = NULL; DUL_ASSOCIATIONKEY* association = NULL; DUL_ASSOCIATESERVICEPARAMETERS params; char *calledAPTitle = "QUERY_SCP", *callingAPTitle = "QUERY_SCU"; char localHost[40]; int port; /* TCP port used to establish Association */ char* node; /* The node we are calling */ CTNBOOLEAN verbose = FALSE, abortFlag = FALSE, paramsFlag = FALSE; char *fileName = NULL; DUL_SC_ROLE role = DUL_SC_ROLE_DEFAULT; MSG_C_FIND_RESP response; MSG_C_FIND_REQ findRequest = {MSG_K_C_FIND_REQ, 0, 0, DCM_CMDDATAIDENTIFIER, 0, NULL, DICOM_SOPPATIENTQUERY_FIND}; char* queryLevel = "patient"; LST_HEAD* patientList = 0; LST_HEAD* studyList = 0; while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-') { switch (*(argv[0] + 1)) { case 'a': argc--; argv++; if (argc <= 0) usageerror(); callingAPTitle = *argv; break; case 'c': argc--; argv++; if (argc <= 0) usageerror(); calledAPTitle = *argv; break; case 'f': argc--; argv++; if (argc <= 0) usageerror(); fileName = *argv; break; case 'l': argc--; argv++; if (argc <= 0) usageerror(); queryLevel = *argv; break; case 'p': paramsFlag = TRUE; break; case 'v': verbose = TRUE; break; default: break; } } if (argc < 2) usageerror(); THR_Init(); DUL_Debug(verbose); SRV_Debug(verbose); node = *argv; if (sscanf(*++argv, "%d", &port) != 1) usageerror(); (void) gethostname(localHost, sizeof(localHost)); cond = DUL_InitializeNetwork(DUL_NETWORK_TCP, DUL_AEREQUESTOR, NULL, 10, DUL_ORDERBIGENDIAN, &network); if (cond != DUL_NORMAL) myExit(&association); DUL_DefaultServiceParameters(¶ms); sprintf(params.calledPresentationAddress, "%s:%s", node, *argv); strcpy(params.callingPresentationAddress, localHost); strcpy(params.calledAPTitle, calledAPTitle); strcpy(params.callingAPTitle, callingAPTitle); cond = SRV_RequestServiceClass(DICOM_SOPPATIENTQUERY_FIND, role, ¶ms); if (cond != SRV_NORMAL) { COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); exit(1); } cond = DUL_RequestAssociation(&network, ¶ms, &association); if (cond != DUL_NORMAL) { if (cond == DUL_ASSOCIATIONREJECTED) { fprintf(stderr, "Association Rejected\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Result: %2x Source %2x Reason %2x\n", params.result, params.resultSource, params.diagnostic); } myExit(&association); } if (verbose || paramsFlag) { (void) printf("Association accepted, parameters:\n"); DUL_DumpParams(¶ms); } findRequest.messageID = SRV_MessageIDOut(); findRequest.identifier = createQueryObject(fileName); patientList = LST_Create(); studyList = LST_Create(); cond = SRV_CFindRequest(&association, ¶ms, &findRequest, &response, queryCallback, patientList, ""); if (!(CTN_SUCCESS(cond))) { (void) printf("Verification Request unsuccessful\n"); COND_DumpConditions(); } else { MSG_DumpMessage(&response, stdout); } SRV_MessageIDIn(findRequest.messageID); if (strcmp(queryLevel, "patient") != 0) { handleStudyQueries(&association, ¶ms, &findRequest, patientList, queryLevel); } if (strcmp(queryLevel, "series") == 0) { handleSeriesQueries(&association, ¶ms, &findRequest, patientList, queryLevel); } cond = DUL_ReleaseAssociation(&association); if (cond != DUL_RELEASECONFIRMED) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%x\n", cond); COND_DumpConditions(); } (void) DUL_ClearServiceParameters(¶ms); printResults(patientList); (void) DUL_DropNetwork(&network); THR_Shutdown(); return 0; }
main(int argc, char *argv[]) #endif /* _NO_PROTO */ { char *databaseName = "CTNControl"; CONDITION cond; CTNBOOLEAN verboseTBL = FALSE; /*----------------------------------------------------------- * Declarations. * The default identifier - mainIface will only be declared * if the interface function is global and of type swidget. * To change the identifier to a different name, modify the * string mainIface in the file "xtmain.dat". If "mainIface" * is declared, it will be used below where the return value * of PJ_INTERFACE_FUNCTION_CALL will be assigned to it. *----------------------------------------------------------*/ Widget mainIface; /*--------------------------------- * Interface function declaration *--------------------------------*/ Widget create_applicationShell1(swidget); swidget UxParent = NULL; /*--------------------- * Initialize program *--------------------*/ #ifdef XOPEN_CATALOG if (XSupportsLocale()) { XtSetLanguageProc(NULL, (XtLanguageProc) NULL, NULL); } #endif SgePreInitialize(&argc, argv); UxTopLevel = XtAppInitialize(&UxAppContext, "cfg_ctn_tables", NULL, 0, &argc, argv, NULL, NULL, 0); UxDisplay = XtDisplay(UxTopLevel); UxScreen = XDefaultScreen(UxDisplay); /* * We set the geometry of UxTopLevel so that dialogShells that are * parented on it will get centered on the screen (if defaultPosition is * true). */ XtVaSetValues(UxTopLevel, XtNx, 0, XtNy, 0, XtNwidth, DisplayWidth(UxDisplay, UxScreen), XtNheight, DisplayHeight(UxDisplay, UxScreen), NULL); /*------------------------------------------------------- * Insert initialization code for your application here *------------------------------------------------------*/ while (--argc > 0 && *(++argv)[0] == '-') { switch ((*argv)[1]) { case 'f': if (argc-- < 1) exit(1); databaseName = *++argv; break; case 'h': usageerror(); break; case 'x': if (argc-- < 0) usageerror(); argv++; if (strcmp(*argv, "TBL") == 0) verboseTBL = TRUE; else usageerror(); break; default: printf("Unrecognized option: %s\n", *argv); break; } } TBL_Debug(verboseTBL); THR_Init(); cond = DMAN_Open(databaseName, "", "", &dmanHandle); if (cond != DMAN_NORMAL) { COND_DumpConditions(); exit(1); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * Create and popup the first window of the interface. The * return value can be used in the popdown or destroy functions. * The Widget return value of PJ_INTERFACE_FUNCTION_CALL will * be assigned to "mainIface" from PJ_INTERFACE_RETVAL_TYPE. *---------------------------------------------------------------*/ mainIface = create_applicationShell1(UxParent); UxPopupInterface(mainIface, no_grab); /*----------------------- * Enter the event loop *----------------------*/ XtAppMainLoop(UxAppContext); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { XEvent report; CONDITION retval; void *data; unsigned char *new_data; int count_args, file_arg; int study_Q_id, status_Q_id; struct timeval t_start, /* Variables to compute timings... */ t_end; struct timezone t_zone; double deltaTime; char dicom_file[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; unsigned long options = DCM_ORDERLITTLEENDIAN; int overrideWidth = NO_OVERRIDE, overrideCenter = NO_OVERRIDE; CTNBOOLEAN verbose = FALSE; CTNBOOLEAN useImport = FALSE; /* * Get the input paramaters from command line */ if (argc < 2) { COND_PushCondition(DICOMXDISP_CMDLINE, DICOMXDISP_usage); COND_DumpConditions(); return (-1); } count_args = file_arg = 0; argc--; argv++; while (argc > 0) { if (strcmp(*argv, "-b") == 0) { argc--; argv++; options &= ~DCM_ORDERMASK; options |= DCM_ORDERBIGENDIAN; } else if ((strcmp(*argv, "-i")) == 0) { argc--; argv++; useImport = TRUE; } else if ((strcmp(*argv, "-t")) == 0) { argc--; argv++; options &= ~DCM_FILEFORMATMASK; options |= DCM_PART10FILE; } else if ((strcmp(*argv, "-v")) == 0) { verbose = TRUE; } else if ((strcmp(*argv, "-w")) == 0) { argc--; argv++; G_display_width = atoi(*argv); if (G_display_width < MIN_DISPLAY_WIDTH) { COND_PushCondition(DICOMXDISP_CMDLINE, "%s: Display width must be > MIN_DISPLAY_WIDTH", argv[0]); COND_DumpConditions(); return (-1); } count_args++; argc--; argv++; } else if ((strcmp(*argv, "-h")) == 0) { argc--; argv++; G_display_height = atoi(*argv); if (G_display_height < MIN_DISPLAY_HEIGHT) { COND_PushCondition(DICOMXDISP_CMDLINE, "%s: Display height must be > MIN_DISPLAY_HEIGHT", argv[0]); COND_DumpConditions(); return (-1); } count_args++; argc--; argv++; } else if ((strcmp(*argv, "-W")) == 0) { argc--; argv++; overrideWidth = atoi(*argv); argc--; argv++; } else if ((strcmp(*argv, "-C")) == 0) { argc--; argv++; overrideCenter = atoi(*argv); argc--; argv++; } else { strcpy(dicom_file, *argv); file_arg++; argc--; argv++; } } if (count_args != 2) /* -1's indicate to set the width and height * to full screen */ G_display_width = G_display_height = -1; THR_Init(); if (file_arg != 1) { COND_PushCondition(DICOMXDISP_CMDLINE, "No filename specified"); COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); return (-1); } /* Initialize the X stuff, load gray-scale color table */ if ((InitializeX(128)) != DICOMXDISP_NORMAL) { COND_PushCondition(DICOMXDISP_NOXWINDOWS, "No Connection to X-Server."); COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); return (-1); } /* * Main Control loop for acrxdisp */ next_img.error_condition = FALSE; gettimeofday(&t_start, &t_zone); data = GetDICOMData(dicom_file, options, &next_img, overrideWidth, overrideCenter, useImport); gettimeofday(&t_end, &t_zone); deltaTime = DELTATIME(t_start, t_end); if (data != NULL) { gettimeofday(&t_start, &t_zone); if (overrideWidth != NO_OVERRIDE) { COND_PushCondition(DICOMXDISP, " New Window Width: %d", overrideWidth); next_img.window = overrideWidth; } if (overrideCenter != NO_OVERRIDE) { COND_PushCondition(DICOMXDISP, " New Window Center: %d", overrideCenter); next_img.level = overrideCenter; } new_data = ScaleImageData(data, &next_img); if (new_data == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "ScaleImageData returned null pointer\n"); gettimeofday(&t_end, &t_zone); deltaTime = DELTATIME(t_start, t_end); } gettimeofday(&t_start, &t_zone); /* 8-bit data must be converted if G_pixel_depth != 8 */ AdjustImageDepth(&next_img); DisplayImageData(&next_img, &xnext_img); COND_DumpConditions(); cur_img = next_img; xcur_img = xnext_img; gettimeofday(&t_end, &t_zone); deltaTime = DELTATIME(t_start, t_end); if (verbose) printf("Time to get to display is: %f\n", deltaTime); Refresh(); THR_Shutdown(); return 0; }
main() { CONDITION cond; TBL_HANDLE * handle; /* TBL_CRITERIA criteria[10]; */ long count; void *foo = NULL; static TBL_FIELD fields[] = { {"FNAME", TBL_STRING, 50, 0, 1, (void *) fname}, {"LNAME", TBL_STRING, 50, 0, 1, (void *) lname}, {"AGE", TBL_SIGNED4, 4, 0, 1, &age}, {"ZIP", TBL_SIGNED4, 4, 0, 1, &zip}, {"WEIGHT", TBL_FLOAT4, 4, 0, 1, &weight}, {NULL} }; static TBL_FIELD fields1[] = { {"T_TEXT", TBL_TEXT, 50, 0, 1, (void *) textTest}, {NULL} }; THR_Init(); cond = TBL_Open("TBLTest", "TBL_Persons", &handle); if (cond != TBL_NORMAL) { COND_DumpConditions(); exit(1); } /* criteria[0].FieldName = "LNAME"; criteria[0].Operator = TBL_EQUAL; TBL_LOAD_STRING(&criteria[0].Value, "JONES"); criteria[1].FieldName = 0; */ cond = TBL_Select(&handle, NULL, fields, &count, callback, (void *) foo); if (cond != TBL_NORMAL) { COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); exit(2); } printf("ALL DONE--Count: %d\n", count); (void) TBL_Close(&handle); #ifdef _MSC_VER cond = TBL_Open("TBLTest", "TBL_DataTypes", &handle); if (cond != TBL_NORMAL) { COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); exit(1); } count = 0; cond = TBL_Select(&handle, NULL, fields1, &count, callback, (void *) foo); if (cond != TBL_NORMAL) { COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); exit(3); } printf("ALL DONE--Count: %d\n", count); #endif THR_Shutdown(); exit(0); }
main(int argc, char **argv) { CONDITION /* Return values from DUL and ACR routines */ cond; DUL_NETWORKKEY /* Used to initialize our network */ * network = NULL; DUL_ASSOCIATIONKEY /* Describes the Association with the * Acceptor */ * association = NULL; DUL_ASSOCIATESERVICEPARAMETERS /* The items which describe this * Association */ params = { DICOM_STDAPPLICATIONCONTEXT, "DICOM_TEST", "DICOM_VERIFY", "", 16384, 0, 0, 0, "calling presentation addr", "called presentation addr", NULL, NULL, 0, 0, MIR_IMPLEMENTATIONCLASSUID, MIR_IMPLEMENTATIONVERSIONNAME, "", "" }; char *calledAPTitle = "DICOM_STORAGE", *callingAPTitle = "DICOM_ECHO"; char localHost[256]; int port; /* TCP port used to establish Association */ char *node; /* The node we are calling */ CTNBOOLEAN verbose = FALSE, abortFlag = FALSE, paramsFlag = FALSE, drop = FALSE, noRelease = FALSE; int repeat = 1, connections = 1, repeatCopy, sleepTime = 0; DUL_SC_ROLE role = DUL_SC_ROLE_DEFAULT; MSG_C_ECHO_RESP response; char *classFile = NULL; while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-') { switch (*(argv[0] + 1)) { case 'a': argc--; argv++; if (argc <= 0) usageerror(); callingAPTitle = *argv; break; case 'c': argc--; argv++; if (argc <= 0) usageerror(); calledAPTitle = *argv; break; case 'd': drop = TRUE; break; case 'f': argc--; argv++; if (argc <= 0) { usageerror(); } classFile = *argv; break; case 'm': argc--; argv++; if (argc <= 0) usageerror(); if (strcmp(*argv, "SCU") == 0) role = DUL_SC_ROLE_SCU; else if (strcmp(*argv, "SCP") == 0) role = DUL_SC_ROLE_SCP; else if (strcmp(*argv, "SCUSCP") == 0) role = DUL_SC_ROLE_SCUSCP; else usageerror(); break; case 'n': argc--; argv++; if (argc <= 0) usageerror(); if (sscanf(*argv, "%d", &connections) != 1) usageerror(); break; case 'p': paramsFlag = TRUE; break; case 'r': argc--; argv++; if (argc <= 0) usageerror(); if (sscanf(*argv, "%d", &repeat) != 1) usageerror(); if (repeat <= 0) /* A special case */ repeat = 32 * 1024 * 1024; break; case 's': argc--; argv++; if (argc <= 0) usageerror(); if (sscanf(*argv, "%d", &sleepTime) != 1) usageerror(); break; case 'v': verbose = TRUE; break; case 'x': noRelease = TRUE; break; default: break; } } if (argc < 2) usageerror(); THR_Init(); DUL_Debug(verbose); SRV_Debug(verbose); node = *argv; if (sscanf(*++argv, "%d", &port) != 1) usageerror(); (void) gethostname(localHost, sizeof(localHost)); cond = DUL_InitializeNetwork(DUL_NETWORK_TCP, DUL_AEREQUESTOR, NULL, 10, DUL_ORDERBIGENDIAN, &network); if (cond != DUL_NORMAL) myExit(&association); if (classFile != NULL) { testSOPClasses(network, classFile, callingAPTitle, localHost, calledAPTitle, node, port); connections = 0; /* This will force us to skip the next section of echo code */ } while (connections-- > 0) { sprintf(params.calledPresentationAddress, "%s:%s", node, *argv); strcpy(params.callingPresentationAddress, localHost); strcpy(params.calledAPTitle, calledAPTitle); strcpy(params.callingAPTitle, callingAPTitle); cond = SRV_RequestServiceClass(DICOM_SOPCLASSVERIFICATION, role, ¶ms); if (cond != SRV_NORMAL) { COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); exit(1); } cond = DUL_RequestAssociation(&network, ¶ms, &association); if (cond != DUL_NORMAL) { if (cond == DUL_ASSOCIATIONREJECTED) { fprintf(stderr, "Association Rejected\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Result: %2x Source %2x Reason %2x\n", params.result, params.resultSource, params.diagnostic); } myExit(&association); } if (verbose || paramsFlag) { (void) printf("Association accepted, parameters:\n"); DUL_DumpParams(¶ms); } repeatCopy = repeat; while (repeatCopy-- > 0) { MSG_C_ECHO_REQ echoRequest = {MSG_K_C_ECHO_REQ, 0, 0, DCM_CMDDATANULL, DICOM_SOPCLASSVERIFICATION}; echoRequest.messageID = SRV_MessageIDOut(); cond = SRV_CEchoRequest(&association, ¶ms, &echoRequest, &response, echoCallback, "Context", ""); if (!(CTN_SUCCESS(cond))) { (void) printf("Verification Request unsuccessful\n"); COND_DumpConditions(); } else { MSG_DumpMessage(&response, stdout); } SRV_MessageIDIn(echoRequest.messageID); #ifdef _MSC_VER if (sleepTime > 0) Sleep(sleepTime * 1000); #else if (sleepTime > 0) sleep(sleepTime); #endif } if (abortFlag) { cond = DUL_AbortAssociation(&association); } else if (drop) { cond = DUL_DropAssociation(&association); } else if (noRelease == FALSE) { cond = DUL_ReleaseAssociation(&association); if (cond != DUL_RELEASECONFIRMED) { (void) COND_PopCondition(TRUE); #if 0 (void) fprintf(stderr, "%x\n", cond); COND_DumpConditions(); #endif } } (void) DUL_ClearServiceParameters(¶ms); } (void) DUL_DropNetwork(&network); THR_Shutdown(); return 0; }
void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int height, width, temp; Boolean GOT_QID = False; CONDITION cond; toplevel = XtAppInitialize( /* create application context */ &app_ctx, "print_server_display", NULL, 0, #ifdef SOLARIS (Cardinal *) & argc, #else &argc, #endif argv, NULL, NULL, 0); width = MAX_WIDTH - 10; height = MAX_HEIGHT - 10; argc--; argv++; while (argc > 0) { if (strcmp(*argv, "-w") == 0) { argc--; argv++; temp = atoi(*argv); if (temp < MIN_WIDTH) { fprintf(stderr, "Height must be > %d\n", MIN_WIDTH); UsageError(); exit(0); } if (temp > MAX_WIDTH) { fprintf(stderr, "Height must be < %d\n", MAX_WIDTH); UsageError(); exit(0); } width = temp; argc--; argv++; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-h") == 0) { argc--; argv++; temp = atoi(*argv); if (temp < MIN_HEIGHT) { fprintf(stderr, "Height must be > %d\n", MIN_HEIGHT); UsageError(); exit(0); } if (temp > MAX_HEIGHT) { fprintf(stderr, "Height must be < %d\n", MAX_HEIGHT); UsageError(); exit(0); } height = temp; argc--; argv++; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-v") == 0) { argc--; argv++; (void) COND_EstablishCallback(cond_CB); } else { if (argc != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Only the last parameter is a none switch\n"); UsageError(); exit(0); } queue_id = atoi(*argv); if (queue_id == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid queueu ID\n"); UsageError(); exit(0); } argc--; argv++; GOT_QID = True; } } if (GOT_QID == False) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Missing QID\n"); UsageError(); exit(0); } THR_Init(); /* The print_server_display creates a GQ with the specified ID */ cond = GQ_InitQueue(queue_id, 128, sizeof(GQ_ELEM)); if (cond != GQ_NORMAL) { fprintf(stderr, "GQ_InitQueue failed to create GQ with ID : %d\n", queue_id); COND_DumpConditions(); exit(1); } /* now get hold of the just created GQ */ cond = GQ_GetQueue(queue_id, sizeof(GQ_ELEM)); switch (cond) { case GQ_SHAREDMEMORYFAIL: fprintf(stderr, "GQ Shared Memory failed\n"); exit(0); case GQ_FILEACCESSFAIL: fprintf(stderr, "GQ File Access failed\n"); exit(0); case GQ_BADELEMSIZE: fprintf(stderr, "GQ Bad Element Size\n"); exit(0); case GQ_UNIMPLEMENTED: fprintf(stderr, "GQ Unimplemented\n"); exit(0); case GQ_NORMAL: break; } session_list = LST_Create(); printf("width = %d, height = %d\n", width, height); createMainWin(); XtRealizeWidget(toplevel); DISP_Initialize(toplevel, width, height); /* DISP_CreateSession("1.2.840.113654.2.3.1993.", "test", &session_list); DISP_AddBox("test", "PRN_13674.2", &session_list); DISP_AddBox("test2", "PRN_13674.2", &session_list); DISP_SetImage("1.2.840.113654.2.3.1993.", "PRN_13674.5", &session_list); DISP_SetImage("1.2.840.113654.2.3.1993.", "PRN_13674.4", &session_list); DISP_SetImage("1.2.840.113654.2.3.1993.", "PRN_13674.3", &session_list); */ /*lint -e64*/ XtAppAddTimeOut(app_ctx, TIMEOUT, pollQueue, NULL); /*lint +e64*/ XtAppMainLoop(app_ctx); THR_Shutdown(); }
main(int argc, char **argv) { CONDITION cond; LST_HEAD *l, *elementList; DCM_ELEMENT_NODE *n, *elementNode; unsigned short group; CTNBOOLEAN uidDictionary = FALSE; while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-') { switch (*(argv[0] + 1)) { case 'u': uidDictionary = TRUE; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized option: %s\n", *argv); exit(1); break; } } THR_Init(); if (uidDictionary) { UID_ScanDictionary(uidCallback, 0); THR_Shutdown(); return 0; } l = LST_Create(); if (l == NULL) { THR_Shutdown(); return 1; } elementList = LST_Create(); if (elementList == NULL) { THR_Shutdown(); return 1; } cond = DCM_GroupDictionary(0xffff, &l, groupCallback); if (cond != DCM_NORMAL) { COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); exit(1); } n = LST_Dequeue(&l); while (n != NULL) { group = DCM_TAG_GROUP(n->e.tag); printf("%04x %s\n", group, n->e.description); cond = DCM_ElementDictionary(DCM_MAKETAG(group, 0xffff), &elementList, elementCallback); if (cond != DCM_NORMAL) { COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); exit(1); } elementNode = LST_Dequeue(&elementList); while (elementNode != NULL) { printf(" %04x %04x %s %s\n", DCM_TAG_GROUP(elementNode->e.tag), DCM_TAG_ELEMENT(elementNode->e.tag), translate(elementNode->e.representation), elementNode->e.description); free(elementNode); elementNode = LST_Dequeue(&elementList); } free(n); n = LST_Dequeue(&l); } THR_Shutdown(); return 0; }
static void * vwe_thread(void *priv) { struct epoll_event ev[NEEV], *ep; struct waited *wp; struct waiter *w; double now, then; int i, n, active; struct vwe *vwe; char c; CAST_OBJ_NOTNULL(vwe, priv, VWE_MAGIC); w = vwe->waiter; CHECK_OBJ_NOTNULL(w, WAITER_MAGIC); THR_SetName("cache-epoll"); THR_Init(); now = VTIM_real(); while (1) { while (1) { Lck_Lock(&vwe->mtx); /* * XXX: We could avoid many syscalls here if we were * XXX: allowed to just close the fd's on timeout. */ then = Wait_HeapDue(w, &wp); if (wp == NULL) { vwe->next = now + 100; break; } else if (then > now) { vwe->next = then; break; } CHECK_OBJ_NOTNULL(wp, WAITED_MAGIC); AZ(epoll_ctl(vwe->epfd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, wp->fd, NULL)); vwe->nwaited--; AN(Wait_HeapDelete(w, wp)); Lck_Unlock(&vwe->mtx); Wait_Call(w, wp, WAITER_TIMEOUT, now); } then = vwe->next - now; i = (int)ceil(1e3 * then); assert(i > 0); Lck_Unlock(&vwe->mtx); do { /* Due to a linux kernel bug, epoll_wait can return EINTR when the process is subjected to ptrace or waking from OS suspend. */ n = epoll_wait(vwe->epfd, ev, NEEV, i); } while (n < 0 && errno == EINTR); assert(n >= 0); assert(n <= NEEV); now = VTIM_real(); for (ep = ev, i = 0; i < n; i++, ep++) { if (ep->data.ptr == vwe) { assert(read(vwe->pipe[0], &c, 1) == 1); continue; } CAST_OBJ_NOTNULL(wp, ep->data.ptr, WAITED_MAGIC); Lck_Lock(&vwe->mtx); active = Wait_HeapDelete(w, wp); Lck_Unlock(&vwe->mtx); if (!active) { VSL(SLT_Debug, wp->fd, "epoll: spurious event"); continue; } AZ(epoll_ctl(vwe->epfd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, wp->fd, NULL)); vwe->nwaited--; if (ep->events & EPOLLIN) Wait_Call(w, wp, WAITER_ACTION, now); else if (ep->events & EPOLLERR) Wait_Call(w, wp, WAITER_REMCLOSE, now); else if (ep->events & EPOLLHUP) Wait_Call(w, wp, WAITER_REMCLOSE, now); else Wait_Call(w, wp, WAITER_REMCLOSE, now); } if (vwe->nwaited == 0 && vwe->die) break; } closefd(&vwe->pipe[0]); closefd(&vwe->pipe[1]); closefd(&vwe->epfd); return (NULL); }
main() { CONDITION cond; TBL_HANDLE * handle; TBL_CRITERIA criteria[10]; int age; static TBL_UPDATE fields[] = { {"LNAME", TBL_SET, TBL_STRING, 50, 0, 1, (void *) "WOODROW"}, {NULL} }; #ifdef _MSC_VER static TBL_UPDATE fields1[] = { {"T_TEXT", TBL_SET, TBL_STRING, 50, 0, 1, (void *) "Updated Text Data"}, {NULL} }; #endif THR_Init(); cond = TBL_Open("TBLTest", "TBL_Persons", &handle); if (cond != TBL_NORMAL) { COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); exit(1); } criteria[0].FieldName = "AGE"; criteria[0].Operator = TBL_EQUAL; criteria[0].Value.Type = TBL_SIGNED4; age = 50; criteria[0].Value.Value.Signed4 = &age; criteria[0].Value.IsNull = 0; criteria[0].Value.AllocatedSize = 4; criteria[1].FieldName = 0; cond = TBL_Update(&handle, criteria, fields); if (cond != TBL_NORMAL) { COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); exit(2); } (void) TBL_Close(&handle); #ifdef _MSC_VER cond = TBL_Open("TBLTest", "TBL_DataTypes", &handle); if (cond != TBL_NORMAL) { COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); exit(1); } cond = TBL_Update(&handle, NULL, fields1); if (cond != TBL_NORMAL) { COND_DumpConditions(); THR_Shutdown(); exit(3); } (void) TBL_Close(&handle); #endif printf("\n\nUpdate operation succeeded\n\n"); THR_Shutdown(); exit(0); }