JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_Tilengine_LoadSequencePack (JNIEnv* env, jobject thisobj, jstring filename)
	const char* name;
	TLN_SequencePack sp;

	if (!filename)
		return 0;

	name = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars (env, filename, NULL);
	sp = TLN_LoadSequencePack (name);
	(*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars (env, filename, name);
	return (jint)sp;
static void SetScene (int pos)
	char filename[32];
	Timeline* timeline;
	maxpal = 0;

	if (background)
		TLN_DeleteBitmap (background);
	sprintf (filename, "%s.PNG", scenes[pos].bitmap);
	background = TLN_LoadBitmap (filename);
	TLN_SetBGBitmap (background);
	TLN_SetBGPalette (palette);

	if (sp)
		TLN_DeleteSequencePack (sp);
	sprintf (filename, "%s.SQX", scenes[pos].sequence);
	sp = TLN_LoadSequencePack (filename);

	maxpal = 0;
	timeline = scenes[pos].timeline;
	while (timeline->palette)
		TLN_Palette palette;

		if (palettes[maxpal].palette)
			TLN_DeletePalette (palettes[maxpal].palette);
		sprintf(filename, "%s.ACT", timeline->palette);
		palettes[maxpal].palette = TLN_LoadPalette (filename);
		palettes[maxpal].sequence = TLN_FindSequence (sp, timeline->palette);
		palettes[maxpal].time = timeline->seconds*MAX_TIME/86400;

		/* remap: patch errors in original LBMs */
		palette = palettes[maxpal].palette;
		if (pos == 12)
			TLN_SetPaletteColor (palette, 0, 0,0,0);
		else if (pos == 13 || pos == 14)
			TLN_SetPaletteColor (palette, 252, 11,11,11);
		else if (pos == 15 || pos == 16 || pos == 17)
			TLN_SetPaletteColor (palette, 0, 11,11,11);
			TLN_SetPaletteColor (palette, 254, 0,0,0);


	frame = 18000*MAX_TIME/86400;;
	pal = 0;
	TLN_DisableAnimation (0);
Example #3
/* entry point */
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int c;
    int pitch, size;
    BYTE* framebuffer;
    DWORD t0, t1;

    /* setup engine */
    TLN_SetRasterCallback (raster_callback);
    TLN_SetBGColor (0,128,238);

    /* load resources*/
    LoadLayer (LAYER_FOREGROUND, "Sonic_md_fg1");
    LoadLayer (LAYER_BACKGROUND, "Sonic_md_bg1");

    /* load sequences */
    sp = TLN_LoadSequencePack ("Sonic_md_seq.sqx");
    sequence = TLN_FindSequence (sp, "seq_water");

    /* assign color sequence to various entries in palette */
    palette = TLN_GetTilesetPalette (layers[LAYER_BACKGROUND].tileset);
    TLN_SetPaletteAnimation (0, palette, sequence, false);

    /* compute increments for variable background scrolling speeds */
    inc_background[0] = float2fix(0.562f);
    inc_background[1] = float2fix(0.437f);
    inc_background[2] = float2fix(0.375f);
    inc_background[3] = float2fix(0.625f);
    inc_background[4] = float2fix(1.0f);
    inc_background[5] = float2fix(2.0f);

    /* framebuffer */
    pitch = WIDTH*4;
    size = pitch*HEIGHT;
    framebuffer = malloc (size);
    TLN_SetRenderTarget (framebuffer, pitch);

    /* main loop */
    printf ("Rendering 5 seconds... ");
    speed = 1.0;
    t0 = t1 = TLN_GetTicks ();
    while (t1 - t0 < 5000)
        /* timekeeper */
        time = frame;

        /* scroll */
        pos_foreground += (int2fix(3)*speed);
        TLN_SetLayerPosition (LAYER_FOREGROUND, fix2int(pos_foreground), ypos);
        for (c=0; c<6; c++)
            pos_background[c] += (inc_background[c] * speed);

        /* render to window */
        TLN_UpdateFrame (time);
        t1 = TLN_GetTicks ();
    printf ("%d fps\n", frame*1000/(t1 - t0));

    /* deinit */
    free (framebuffer);
    TLN_DeleteSequencePack (sp);
    TLN_Deinit ();

    return 0;