void ECWThread::run()
        GDALDataset *poSrcDS = (GDALDataset *)GDALOpen(TO8F(inputPath),GA_ReadOnly);
        if (poSrcDS==NULL)
            throw tr("Open input file failed!");

        if (poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1)->GetRasterDataType()!=GDT_Byte)
            throw tr("Data type of input file is not byte!");

        GDALDriver *poDriver = GetGDALDriverManager()->GetDriverByName("JP2ECW");
        if (poDriver == NULL)
            throw tr("Data driver of ECW not found!");

        char **papszOptions = NULL;
        papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue( papszOptions, "LARGE_OK", "YES" );
//        papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue( papszOptions, "TARGET", "0" );

        GDALDataset *poDstDS = poDriver->CreateCopy(TO8F(outputPath),poSrcDS,NULL,papszOptions,progress,this);
        if (poDstDS==NULL)
            throw tr("Generate ecw file failed!");

    catch (const QString &msg)
Example #2
bool QgsOgrLayerItem::setCrs( QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs )
  QgsDebugMsg( "mPath = " + mPath );
  OGRSFDriverH hDriver;
  OGRDataSourceH hDataSource = OGROpen( TO8F( mPath ), true, &hDriver );

  if ( !hDataSource )
    return false;

  QString  driverName = OGR_Dr_GetName( hDriver );
  OGR_DS_Destroy( hDataSource );

  // we are able to assign CRS only to shapefiles :-(
  if ( driverName == "ESRI Shapefile" )
    QString layerName = mPath.left( mPath.indexOf( ".shp", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) );
    QString wkt = crs.toWkt();

    // save ordinary .prj file
    OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS = OSRNewSpatialReference( wkt.toLocal8Bit().data() );
    OSRMorphToESRI( hSRS ); // this is the important stuff for shapefile .prj
    char* pszOutWkt = NULL;
    OSRExportToWkt( hSRS, &pszOutWkt );
    QFile prjFile( layerName + ".prj" );
    if ( prjFile.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) )
      QTextStream prjStream( &prjFile );
      prjStream << pszOutWkt << endl;
      QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Couldn't open file %1.prj" ).arg( layerName ), tr( "OGR" ) );
      return false;
    OSRDestroySpatialReference( hSRS );
    CPLFree( pszOutWkt );

    // save qgis-specific .qpj file (maybe because of better wkt compatibility?)
    QFile qpjFile( layerName + ".qpj" );
    if ( qpjFile.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) )
      QTextStream qpjStream( &qpjFile );
      qpjStream << wkt.toLocal8Bit().data() << endl;
      QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Couldn't open file %1.qpj" ).arg( layerName ), tr( "OGR" ) );
      return false;

    return true;

  // It it is impossible to assign a crs to an existing layer
  // No OGR_L_SetSpatialRef : http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/4032
  return false;
Example #3
QgsShapeFile::QgsShapeFile( QString name, QString encoding )
  fileName = name;
  features = 0;

  QSettings settings;
  CPLSetConfigOption( "SHAPE_ENCODING", settings.value( "/qgis/ignoreShapeEncoding", true ).toBool() ? "" : 0 );

  ogrDataSource = OGROpen( TO8F( fileName ), false, NULL );
  if ( ogrDataSource != NULL )
    valid = true;
    ogrLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayer( ogrDataSource, 0 );
    features = OGR_L_GetFeatureCount( ogrLayer, true );
    valid = false;
  // init the geometry types
  geometries << "NULL" << "POINT" << "LINESTRING" << "POLYGON" << "MULTIPOINT"

  codec = QTextCodec::codecForName( encoding.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
  if ( !codec )
    codec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale();
  Q_ASSERT( codec );
bool QgsImageWarper::openSrcDSAndGetWarpOpt( const QString &input, const ResamplingMethod &resampling,
    const GDALTransformerFunc &pfnTransform,
    GDALDatasetH &hSrcDS, GDALWarpOptions *&psWarpOptions )
  // Open input file
  hSrcDS = GDALOpen( TO8F( input ), GA_ReadOnly );
  if ( !hSrcDS )
    return false;

  // Setup warp options.
  psWarpOptions = GDALCreateWarpOptions();
  psWarpOptions->hSrcDS = hSrcDS;
  psWarpOptions->nBandCount = GDALGetRasterCount( hSrcDS );
  psWarpOptions->panSrcBands =
    ( int * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( int ) * psWarpOptions->nBandCount );
  psWarpOptions->panDstBands =
    ( int * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( int ) * psWarpOptions->nBandCount );
  for ( int i = 0; i < psWarpOptions->nBandCount; ++i )
    psWarpOptions->panSrcBands[i] = i + 1;
    psWarpOptions->panDstBands[i] = i + 1;
  psWarpOptions->pfnProgress = GDALTermProgress;
  psWarpOptions->pfnTransformer = pfnTransform;
  psWarpOptions->eResampleAlg = GDALResampleAlg( resampling );

  return true;
Example #5
QgsOgrFeatureIterator::QgsOgrFeatureIterator( QgsOgrFeatureSource* source, bool ownSource, const QgsFeatureRequest& request )
    : QgsAbstractFeatureIteratorFromSource<QgsOgrFeatureSource>( source, ownSource, request )
    , ogrDataSource( 0 )
    , ogrLayer( 0 )
    , mSubsetStringSet( false )
    , mGeometrySimplifier( NULL )
  mFeatureFetched = false;

  ogrDataSource = OGROpen( TO8F( mSource->mFilePath ), false, NULL );

  if ( mSource->mLayerName.isNull() )
    ogrLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayer( ogrDataSource, mSource->mLayerIndex );
    ogrLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName( ogrDataSource, TO8( mSource->mLayerName ) );

  if ( !mSource->mSubsetString.isEmpty() )
    ogrLayer = QgsOgrUtils::setSubsetString( ogrLayer, ogrDataSource, mSource->mEncoding, mSource->mSubsetString );
    mSubsetStringSet = true;

  mFetchGeometry = ( mRequest.filterType() == QgsFeatureRequest::FilterRect ) || !( mRequest.flags() & QgsFeatureRequest::NoGeometry );
  QgsAttributeList attrs = ( mRequest.flags() & QgsFeatureRequest::SubsetOfAttributes ) ? mRequest.subsetOfAttributes() : mSource->mFields.allAttributesList();

  // make sure we fetch just relevant fields
  // unless it's a VRT data source filtered by geometry as we don't know which
  // attributes make up the geometry and OGR won't fetch them to evaluate the
  // filter if we choose to ignore them (fixes #11223)
  if (( mSource->mDriverName != "VRT" && mSource->mDriverName != "OGR_VRT" ) || mRequest.filterType() != QgsFeatureRequest::FilterRect )
    QgsOgrUtils::setRelevantFields( ogrLayer, mSource->mFields.count(), mFetchGeometry, attrs );

  // spatial query to select features
  if ( mRequest.filterType() == QgsFeatureRequest::FilterRect )
    OGRGeometryH filter = 0;
    QString wktExtent = QString( "POLYGON((%1))" ).arg( mRequest.filterRect().asPolygon() );
    QByteArray ba = wktExtent.toAscii();
    const char *wktText = ba;

    OGR_G_CreateFromWkt(( char ** )&wktText, NULL, &filter );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Setting spatial filter using " + wktExtent );
    OGR_L_SetSpatialFilter( ogrLayer, filter );
    OGR_G_DestroyGeometry( filter );
    OGR_L_SetSpatialFilter( ogrLayer, 0 );

  //start with first feature
Example #6
QgsLayerItem::Capability QgsGdalLayerItem::capabilities()
  // Check if data source can be opened for update
  QgsDebugMsg( "mPath = " + mPath );
  GDALDatasetH hDS = GDALOpen( TO8F( mPath ), GA_Update );

  if ( !hDS )
    return NoCapabilities;

  return SetCrs;
QgsOgrFeatureIterator::QgsOgrFeatureIterator( QgsOgrProvider* p, const QgsFeatureRequest& request )
    : QgsAbstractFeatureIterator( request )
    , P( p )
    , ogrDataSource( 0 )
    , ogrLayer( 0 )
    , mSubsetStringSet( false )
    , mGeometrySimplifier( NULL )
  mFeatureFetched = false;

  ogrDataSource = OGROpen( TO8F( P->filePath() ), false, NULL );

  if ( P->layerName().isNull() )
    ogrLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayer( ogrDataSource, P->layerIndex() );
    ogrLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName( ogrDataSource, TO8( p->layerName() ) );

  if ( !P->subsetString().isEmpty() )
    ogrLayer = P->setSubsetString( ogrLayer, ogrDataSource );
    mSubsetStringSet = true;


  // spatial query to select features
  if ( mRequest.filterType() == QgsFeatureRequest::FilterRect )
    OGRGeometryH filter = 0;
    QString wktExtent = QString( "POLYGON((%1))" ).arg( mRequest.filterRect().asPolygon() );
    QByteArray ba = wktExtent.toAscii();
    const char *wktText = ba;

    OGR_G_CreateFromWkt(( char ** )&wktText, NULL, &filter );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Setting spatial filter using " + wktExtent );
    OGR_L_SetSpatialFilter( ogrLayer, filter );
    OGR_G_DestroyGeometry( filter );
    OGR_L_SetSpatialFilter( ogrLayer, 0 );

  //start with first feature
Example #8
GDALDatasetH QgsRelief::openOutputFile( GDALDatasetH inputDataset, GDALDriverH outputDriver )
  if ( inputDataset == NULL )
    return NULL;

  int xSize = GDALGetRasterXSize( inputDataset );
  int ySize = GDALGetRasterYSize( inputDataset );;

  //open output file
  char **papszOptions = NULL;

  //use PACKBITS compression for tiffs by default
  papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue( papszOptions, "COMPRESS", "PACKBITS" );

  //create three band raster (reg, green, blue)
  GDALDatasetH outputDataset = GDALCreate( outputDriver, TO8F( mOutputFile ), xSize, ySize, 3, GDT_Byte, papszOptions );
  if ( outputDataset == NULL )
    return outputDataset;

  //get geotransform from inputDataset
  double geotransform[6];
  if ( GDALGetGeoTransform( inputDataset, geotransform ) != CE_None )
    GDALClose( outputDataset );
    return NULL;
  GDALSetGeoTransform( outputDataset, geotransform );

  //make sure mCellSizeX and mCellSizeY are always > 0
  mCellSizeX = geotransform[1];
  if ( mCellSizeX < 0 )
    mCellSizeX = -mCellSizeX;
  mCellSizeY = geotransform[5];
  if ( mCellSizeY < 0 )
    mCellSizeY = -mCellSizeY;

  const char* projection = GDALGetProjectionRef( inputDataset );
  GDALSetProjection( outputDataset, projection );

  return outputDataset;
Example #9
//duplicated from QgsNineCellFilter. Todo: make common base class
GDALDatasetH QgsRelief::openInputFile( int& nCellsX, int& nCellsY )
  GDALDatasetH inputDataset = GDALOpen( TO8F( mInputFile ), GA_ReadOnly );
  if ( inputDataset != NULL )
    nCellsX = GDALGetRasterXSize( inputDataset );
    nCellsY = GDALGetRasterYSize( inputDataset );

    //we need at least one band
    if ( GDALGetRasterCount( inputDataset ) < 1 )
      GDALClose( inputDataset );
      return NULL;
  return inputDataset;
GDALDatasetH QgsRasterCalculator::openOutputFile( GDALDriverH outputDriver )
  //open output file
  char **papszOptions = nullptr;
  GDALDatasetH outputDataset = GDALCreate( outputDriver, TO8F( mOutputFile ), mNumOutputColumns, mNumOutputRows, 1, GDT_Float32, papszOptions );
  if ( !outputDataset )
    return outputDataset;

  //assign georef information
  double geotransform[6];
  outputGeoTransform( geotransform );
  GDALSetGeoTransform( outputDataset, geotransform );

  return outputDataset;
Example #11
QgsLayerItem::Capability QgsOgrLayerItem::capabilities()
  QgsDebugMsg( "mPath = " + mPath );
  OGRSFDriverH hDriver;
  OGRDataSourceH hDataSource = OGROpen( TO8F( mPath ), true, &hDriver );

  if ( !hDataSource )
    return NoCapabilities;

  QString  driverName = OGR_Dr_GetName( hDriver );
  OGR_DS_Destroy( hDataSource );

  if ( driverName == "ESRI Shapefile" )
    return SetCrs;

  return NoCapabilities;
Example #12
bool QgsGdalLayerItem::setCrs( QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs )
  QgsDebugMsg( "mPath = " + mPath );
  GDALDatasetH hDS = GDALOpen( TO8F( mPath ), GA_Update );

  if ( !hDS )
    return false;

  QString wkt = crs.toWkt();
  if ( GDALSetProjection( hDS, wkt.toLocal8Bit().data() ) != CE_None )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Could not set CRS" );
    return false;
  GDALClose( hDS );
  return true;
Example #13
GDALDatasetH QgsNineCellFilter::openOutputFile( GDALDatasetH inputDataset, GDALDriverH outputDriver )
  if ( inputDataset == NULL )
    return NULL;

  int xSize = GDALGetRasterXSize( inputDataset );
  int ySize = GDALGetRasterYSize( inputDataset );;

  //open output file
  char **papszOptions = NULL;
  GDALDatasetH outputDataset = GDALCreate( outputDriver, TO8F( mOutputFile ), xSize, ySize, 1, GDT_Float32, papszOptions );
  if ( outputDataset == NULL )
    return outputDataset;

  //get geotransform from inputDataset
  double geotransform[6];
  if ( GDALGetGeoTransform( inputDataset, geotransform ) != CE_None )
    GDALClose( outputDataset );
    return NULL;
  GDALSetGeoTransform( outputDataset, geotransform );

  //make sure mCellSizeX and mCellSizeY are always > 0
  mCellSizeX = geotransform[1];
  if ( mCellSizeX < 0 )
    mCellSizeX = -mCellSizeX;
  mCellSizeY = geotransform[5];
  if ( mCellSizeY < 0 )
    mCellSizeY = -mCellSizeY;

  const char* projection = GDALGetProjectionRef( inputDataset );
  GDALSetProjection( outputDataset, projection );

  return outputDataset;
Example #14
QVector<QgsDataItem*> QgsOgrDataCollectionItem::createChildren()
  QVector<QgsDataItem*> children;

  OGRSFDriverH hDriver;
  OGRDataSourceH hDataSource = OGROpen( TO8F( mPath ), false, &hDriver );
  if ( !hDataSource )
    return children;
  int numLayers = OGR_DS_GetLayerCount( hDataSource );

  for ( int i = 0; i < numLayers; i++ )
    QgsOgrLayerItem* item = dataItemForLayer( this, QString(), mPath, hDataSource, i );
    children.append( item );

  OGR_DS_Destroy( hDataSource );

  return children;
Example #15
void QgsNewOgrConnection::testConnection()
  QString uri;
  uri = createDatabaseURI( cmbDatabaseTypes->currentText(), txtHost->text(),
                           txtDatabase->text(), txtPort->text(),
                           txtUsername->text(), txtPassword->text() );
  QgsDebugMsg( "Connecting using uri = " + uri );
  OGRDataSourceH       poDS;
  OGRSFDriverH         pahDriver;
  poDS = OGROpen( TO8F( uri ), false, &pahDriver );
  if ( poDS == NULL )
    QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Test connection" ), tr( "Connection failed - Check settings and try again.\n\nExtended error information:\n%1" ).arg( QString::fromUtf8( CPLGetLastErrorMsg() ) ) );
    QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Test connection" ), tr( "Connection to %1 was successful" ).arg( uri ) );
    OGRReleaseDataSource( poDS );
Example #16
QgsOgrLayerItem::QgsOgrLayerItem( QgsDataItem* parent,
                                  const QString& name, const QString& path, const QString& uri, LayerType layerType )
    : QgsLayerItem( parent, name, path, uri, layerType, "ogr" )
  mToolTip = uri;
  setState( Populated ); // children are not expected

  OGRSFDriverH hDriver;
  OGRDataSourceH hDataSource = OGROpen( TO8F( mPath ), true, &hDriver );

  if ( hDataSource )
    QString driverName = OGR_Dr_GetName( hDriver );
    OGR_DS_Destroy( hDataSource );

    if ( driverName == "ESRI Shapefile" )
      mCapabilities |= SetCrs;

    // It it is impossible to assign a crs to an existing layer
    // No OGR_L_SetSpatialRef : http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/4032
void QgsOracleSelectGeoraster::showSelection( const QString & line )
  QString identification = line;

  GDALDatasetH hDS = NULL;
  GDALAccess eAccess = GA_ReadOnly;

   *  Set access mode

  if ( checkBox->checkState() == Qt::Checked )
    eAccess = GA_Update;

   *  Try to open georaster dataset

  hDS = GDALOpenShared( TO8F( identification ), eAccess );

  buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->setEnabled( false );
  if ( hDS == NULL )
    QMessageBox::information( this,
                              tr( "Open failed" ),
                              tr( "The connection to %1 failed. Please verify your connection parameters. Make sure you have the GDAL GeoRaster plugin installed." )
                              .arg( identification ) );
  buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->setEnabled( true );

   *  Get subdataset list

  char **papszMetadata = NULL;
  papszMetadata = GDALGetMetadata( hDS, "SUBDATASETS" );
  int nSubDatasets = CSLCount( papszMetadata );

   *  Add GeoRaster Layer

  if ( ! nSubDatasets )
    mIface->addRasterLayer( identification );
    GDALClose( hDS );

   *  Save subdataset

  QSettings settings;
  settings.setValue( "/Oracle/connections/" +
                     cmbConnections->currentText() + "/subdtset", identification );

   *  List subdatasets

  QStringList fields = identification.split( ',' );
  QString count = QString::number( nSubDatasets / 2 );

  QString plural = "s";

  if ( count == "1" )
    plural = "";

  if ( fields.size() < 4 )
    labelStatus->setText( QString( "%1 GeoRaster table%2" )
                          .arg( count ).arg( plural ) );
    checkBox->setEnabled( false );
  else if ( fields.size() == 4 )
    labelStatus->setText( QString( "%1 GeoRaster column%2 on table %3" )
                          .arg( count ).arg( plural ).arg( fields[3] ) );
    checkBox->setEnabled( false );
  else if ( fields.size() == 5 )
    labelStatus->setText( QString( "%1 GeoRaster object%2 on table %3 column %4" )
                          .arg( count ).arg( plural ).arg( fields[3] ).arg( fields[4] ) );
    checkBox->setEnabled( true );
    labelStatus->setText( QString( "%1 GeoRaster object%2 on table %3 column %4 where %5" )
                          .arg( count ).arg( plural ).arg( fields[3] ).arg( fields[4] ).arg( fields[5] ) );
    checkBox->setEnabled( true );

   *  Populate selection list based on subdataset names

  QListWidgetItem *textItem;

  for ( int i = 0; i < nSubDatasets; i += 2 )
    QString metadata = papszMetadata[i];
    QStringList subdataset = metadata.split( '=' );
    textItem = new QListWidgetItem( subdataset[1] );
    listWidget->addItem( textItem );

  GDALClose( hDS );
Example #18
int QgsRelief::processRaster( QProgressDialog* p )
  //open input file
  int xSize, ySize;
  GDALDatasetH  inputDataset = openInputFile( xSize, ySize );
  if ( inputDataset == NULL )
    return 1; //opening of input file failed

  //output driver
  GDALDriverH outputDriver = openOutputDriver();
  if ( outputDriver == 0 )
    return 2;

  GDALDatasetH outputDataset = openOutputFile( inputDataset, outputDriver );
  if ( outputDataset == NULL )
    return 3; //create operation on output file failed

  //initialize dependency filters with cell sizes
  mHillshadeFilter285->setCellSizeX( mCellSizeX );
  mHillshadeFilter285->setCellSizeY( mCellSizeY );
  mHillshadeFilter285->setZFactor( mZFactor );
  mHillshadeFilter300->setCellSizeX( mCellSizeX );
  mHillshadeFilter300->setCellSizeY( mCellSizeY );
  mHillshadeFilter300->setZFactor( mZFactor );
  mHillshadeFilter315->setCellSizeX( mCellSizeX );
  mHillshadeFilter315->setCellSizeY( mCellSizeY );
  mHillshadeFilter315->setZFactor( mZFactor );
  mSlopeFilter->setCellSizeX( mCellSizeX );
  mSlopeFilter->setCellSizeY( mCellSizeY );
  mSlopeFilter->setZFactor( mZFactor );
  mAspectFilter->setCellSizeX( mCellSizeX );
  mAspectFilter->setCellSizeY( mCellSizeY );
  mAspectFilter->setZFactor( mZFactor );

  //open first raster band for reading (operation is only for single band raster)
  GDALRasterBandH rasterBand = GDALGetRasterBand( inputDataset, 1 );
  if ( rasterBand == NULL )
    GDALClose( inputDataset );
    GDALClose( outputDataset );
    return 4;
  mInputNodataValue = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue( rasterBand, NULL );
  mSlopeFilter->setInputNodataValue( mInputNodataValue );
  mAspectFilter->setInputNodataValue( mInputNodataValue );
  mHillshadeFilter285->setInputNodataValue( mInputNodataValue );
  mHillshadeFilter300->setInputNodataValue( mInputNodataValue );
  mHillshadeFilter315->setInputNodataValue( mInputNodataValue );

  GDALRasterBandH outputRedBand = GDALGetRasterBand( outputDataset, 1 );
  GDALRasterBandH outputGreenBand = GDALGetRasterBand( outputDataset, 2 );
  GDALRasterBandH outputBlueBand = GDALGetRasterBand( outputDataset, 3 );

  if ( outputRedBand == NULL || outputGreenBand == NULL || outputBlueBand == NULL )
    GDALClose( inputDataset );
    GDALClose( outputDataset );
    return 5;
  //try to set -9999 as nodata value
  GDALSetRasterNoDataValue( outputRedBand, -9999 );
  GDALSetRasterNoDataValue( outputGreenBand, -9999 );
  GDALSetRasterNoDataValue( outputBlueBand, -9999 );
  mOutputNodataValue = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue( outputRedBand, NULL );
  mSlopeFilter->setOutputNodataValue( mOutputNodataValue );
  mAspectFilter->setOutputNodataValue( mOutputNodataValue );
  mHillshadeFilter285->setOutputNodataValue( mOutputNodataValue );
  mHillshadeFilter300->setOutputNodataValue( mOutputNodataValue );
  mHillshadeFilter315->setOutputNodataValue( mOutputNodataValue );

  if ( ySize < 3 ) //we require at least three rows (should be true for most datasets)
    GDALClose( inputDataset );
    GDALClose( outputDataset );
    return 6;

  //keep only three scanlines in memory at a time
  float* scanLine1 = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) * xSize );
  float* scanLine2 = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) * xSize );
  float* scanLine3 = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) * xSize );

  unsigned char* resultRedLine = ( unsigned char * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( unsigned char ) * xSize );
  unsigned char* resultGreenLine = ( unsigned char * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( unsigned char ) * xSize );
  unsigned char* resultBlueLine = ( unsigned char * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( unsigned char ) * xSize );

  if ( p )
    p->setMaximum( ySize );

  bool resultOk;

  //values outside the layer extent (if the 3x3 window is on the border) are sent to the processing method as (input) nodata values
  for ( int i = 0; i < ySize; ++i )
    if ( p )
      p->setValue( i );

    if ( p && p->wasCanceled() )

    if ( i == 0 )
      //fill scanline 1 with (input) nodata for the values above the first row and feed scanline2 with the first row
      for ( int a = 0; a < xSize; ++a )
        scanLine1[a] = mInputNodataValue;
      GDALRasterIO( rasterBand, GF_Read, 0, 0, xSize, 1, scanLine2, xSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );
      //normally fetch only scanLine3 and release scanline 1 if we move forward one row
      CPLFree( scanLine1 );
      scanLine1 = scanLine2;
      scanLine2 = scanLine3;
      scanLine3 = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) * xSize );

    if ( i == ySize - 1 ) //fill the row below the bottom with nodata values
      for ( int a = 0; a < xSize; ++a )
        scanLine3[a] = mInputNodataValue;
      GDALRasterIO( rasterBand, GF_Read, 0, i + 1, xSize, 1, scanLine3, xSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );

    for ( int j = 0; j < xSize; ++j )
      if ( j == 0 )
        resultOk = processNineCellWindow( &mInputNodataValue, &scanLine1[j], &scanLine1[j+1], &mInputNodataValue, &scanLine2[j], \
                                          &scanLine2[j+1], &mInputNodataValue, &scanLine3[j], &scanLine3[j+1], \
                                          &resultRedLine[j], &resultGreenLine[j], &resultBlueLine[j] );
      else if ( j == xSize - 1 )
        resultOk = processNineCellWindow( &scanLine1[j-1], &scanLine1[j], &mInputNodataValue, &scanLine2[j-1], &scanLine2[j], \
                                          &mInputNodataValue, &scanLine3[j-1], &scanLine3[j], &mInputNodataValue, \
                                          &resultRedLine[j], &resultGreenLine[j], &resultBlueLine[j] );
        resultOk = processNineCellWindow( &scanLine1[j-1], &scanLine1[j], &scanLine1[j+1], &scanLine2[j-1], &scanLine2[j], \
                                          &scanLine2[j+1], &scanLine3[j-1], &scanLine3[j], &scanLine3[j+1], \
                                          &resultRedLine[j], &resultGreenLine[j], &resultBlueLine[j] );

      if ( !resultOk )
        resultRedLine[j] = mOutputNodataValue;
        resultGreenLine[j] = mOutputNodataValue;
        resultBlueLine[j] = mOutputNodataValue;

    GDALRasterIO( outputRedBand, GF_Write, 0, i, xSize, 1, resultRedLine, xSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );
    GDALRasterIO( outputGreenBand, GF_Write, 0, i, xSize, 1, resultGreenLine, xSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );
    GDALRasterIO( outputBlueBand, GF_Write, 0, i, xSize, 1, resultBlueLine, xSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );

  if ( p )
    p->setValue( ySize );

  CPLFree( resultRedLine );
  CPLFree( resultBlueLine );
  CPLFree( resultGreenLine );
  CPLFree( scanLine1 );
  CPLFree( scanLine2 );
  CPLFree( scanLine3 );

  GDALClose( inputDataset );

  if ( p && p->wasCanceled() )
    //delete the dataset without closing (because it is faster)
    GDALDeleteDataset( outputDriver, TO8F( mOutputFile ) );
    return 7;
  GDALClose( outputDataset );

  return 0;
Example #19
// Slot called when the menu item is triggered
// If you created more menu items / toolbar buttons in initiGui, you should
// create a separate handler for each action - this single run() method will
// not be enough
void Heatmap::run()
  HeatmapGui d( mQGisIface->mainWindow(), QgisGui::ModalDialogFlags, &mSessionSettings );

  //check that dialog found a suitable vector layer
  if ( !d.inputVectorLayer() )
    mQGisIface->messageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Layer not found" ), tr( "The heatmap plugin requires at least one point vector layer" ), QgsMessageBar::INFO, mQGisIface->messageTimeout() );

  if ( d.exec() != QDialog::Accepted )

  QgsVectorLayer* inputLayer = d.inputVectorLayer();

  // Get the required data from the dialog
  QgsRectangle myBBox = d.bbox();
  int columns = d.columns();
  int rows = d.rows();
  double cellsize = d.cellSizeX(); // or d.cellSizeY();  both have the same value
  mDecay = d.decayRatio();
  KernelShape kernelShape = d.kernelShape();
  OutputValues valueType = d.outputValues();

  //is input layer multipoint?
  bool isMultiPoint = inputLayer->wkbType() == QGis::WKBMultiPoint || inputLayer->wkbType() == QGis::WKBMultiPoint25D;

  // Getting the rasterdataset in place

  GDALDataset *emptyDataset;
  GDALDriver *myDriver;

  myDriver = GetGDALDriverManager()->GetDriverByName( d.outputFormat().toUtf8() );
  if ( myDriver == NULL )
    mQGisIface->messageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "GDAL driver error" ), tr( "Cannot open the driver for the specified format" ), QgsMessageBar::WARNING, mQGisIface->messageTimeout() );

  double geoTransform[6] = { myBBox.xMinimum(), cellsize, 0, myBBox.yMinimum(), 0, cellsize };
  emptyDataset = myDriver->Create( d.outputFilename().toUtf8(), columns, rows, 1, GDT_Float32, NULL );
  emptyDataset->SetGeoTransform( geoTransform );
  // Set the projection on the raster destination to match the input layer
  emptyDataset->SetProjection( inputLayer->crs().toWkt().toLocal8Bit().data() );

  GDALRasterBand *poBand;
  poBand = emptyDataset->GetRasterBand( 1 );
  poBand->SetNoDataValue( NO_DATA );

  float* line = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) * columns );
  for ( int i = 0; i < columns ; i++ )
    line[i] = NO_DATA;
  // Write the empty raster
  for ( int i = 0; i < rows ; i++ )
    poBand->RasterIO( GF_Write, 0, i, columns, 1, line, columns, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );

  CPLFree( line );
  //close the dataset
  GDALClose(( GDALDatasetH ) emptyDataset );

  // open the raster in GA_Update mode
  GDALDataset *heatmapDS;
  heatmapDS = ( GDALDataset * ) GDALOpen( TO8F( d.outputFilename() ), GA_Update );
  if ( !heatmapDS )
    mQGisIface->messageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Raster update error" ), tr( "Could not open the created raster for updating. The heatmap was not generated." ), QgsMessageBar::WARNING );
  poBand = heatmapDS->GetRasterBand( 1 );

  QgsAttributeList myAttrList;
  int rField = 0;
  int wField = 0;

  // Handle different radius options
  double radius;
  double radiusToMapUnits = 1;
  int myBuffer = 0;
  if ( d.variableRadius() )
    rField = d.radiusField();
    myAttrList.append( rField );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Radius Field index received: %1" ).arg( rField ) );

    // If not using map units, then calculate a conversion factor to convert the radii to map units
    if ( d.radiusUnit() == HeatmapGui::Meters )
      radiusToMapUnits = mapUnitsOf( 1, inputLayer->crs() );
    radius = d.radius(); // radius returned by d.radius() is already in map units
    myBuffer = bufferSize( radius, cellsize );

  if ( d.weighted() )
    wField = d.weightField();
    myAttrList.append( wField );

  // This might have attributes or mightnot have attibutes at all
  // based on the variableRadius() and weighted()
  QgsFeatureIterator fit = inputLayer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setSubsetOfAttributes( myAttrList ) );
  int totalFeatures = inputLayer->featureCount();
  int counter = 0;

  QProgressDialog p( tr( "Creating heatmap" ), tr( "Abort" ), 0, totalFeatures, mQGisIface->mainWindow() );
  p.setWindowModality( Qt::ApplicationModal );

  QgsFeature myFeature;

  while ( fit.nextFeature( myFeature ) )
    p.setValue( counter );
    if ( p.wasCanceled() )
      mQGisIface->messageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Heatmap generation aborted" ), tr( "QGIS will now load the partially-computed raster" ), QgsMessageBar::INFO, mQGisIface->messageTimeout() );

    QgsGeometry* featureGeometry = myFeature.geometry();
    if ( !featureGeometry )

    // convert the geometry to multipoint
    QgsMultiPoint multiPoints;
    if ( !isMultiPoint )
      QgsPoint myPoint = featureGeometry->asPoint();
      // avoiding any empty points or out of extent points
      if (( myPoint.x() < myBBox.xMinimum() ) || ( myPoint.y() < myBBox.yMinimum() )
          || ( myPoint.x() > myBBox.xMaximum() ) || ( myPoint.y() > myBBox.yMaximum() ) )
      multiPoints << myPoint;
      multiPoints = featureGeometry->asMultiPoint();

    // If radius is variable then fetch it and calculate new pixel buffer size
    if ( d.variableRadius() )
      radius = myFeature.attribute( rField ).toDouble() * radiusToMapUnits;
      myBuffer = bufferSize( radius, cellsize );

    int blockSize = 2 * myBuffer + 1; //Block SIDE would be more appropriate

    double weight = 1.0;
    if ( d.weighted() )
      weight = myFeature.attribute( wField ).toDouble();

    //loop through all points in multipoint
    for ( QgsMultiPoint::const_iterator pointIt = multiPoints.constBegin(); pointIt != multiPoints.constEnd(); ++pointIt )
      // avoiding any empty points or out of extent points
      if ((( *pointIt ).x() < myBBox.xMinimum() ) || (( *pointIt ).y() < myBBox.yMinimum() )
          || (( *pointIt ).x() > myBBox.xMaximum() ) || (( *pointIt ).y() > myBBox.yMaximum() ) )

      // calculate the pixel position
      unsigned int xPosition, yPosition;
      xPosition = ((( *pointIt ).x() - myBBox.xMinimum() ) / cellsize ) - myBuffer;
      yPosition = ((( *pointIt ).y() - myBBox.yMinimum() ) / cellsize ) - myBuffer;

      // get the data
      float *dataBuffer = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) * blockSize * blockSize );
      poBand->RasterIO( GF_Read, xPosition, yPosition, blockSize, blockSize,
                        dataBuffer, blockSize, blockSize, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );

      for ( int xp = 0; xp <= myBuffer; xp++ )
        for ( int yp = 0; yp <= myBuffer; yp++ )
          double distance = sqrt( pow( xp, 2.0 ) + pow( yp, 2.0 ) );

          // is pixel outside search bandwidth of feature?
          if ( distance > myBuffer )

          double pixelValue = weight * calculateKernelValue( distance, myBuffer, kernelShape, valueType );

          // clearing anamolies along the axes
          if ( xp == 0 && yp == 0 )
            pixelValue /= 4;
          else if ( xp == 0 || yp == 0 )
            pixelValue /= 2;

          int pos[4];
          pos[0] = ( myBuffer + xp ) * blockSize + ( myBuffer + yp );
          pos[1] = ( myBuffer + xp ) * blockSize + ( myBuffer - yp );
          pos[2] = ( myBuffer - xp ) * blockSize + ( myBuffer + yp );
          pos[3] = ( myBuffer - xp ) * blockSize + ( myBuffer - yp );
          for ( int p = 0; p < 4; p++ )
            if ( dataBuffer[ pos[p] ] == NO_DATA )
              dataBuffer[ pos[p] ] = 0;
            dataBuffer[ pos[p] ] += pixelValue;
      poBand->RasterIO( GF_Write, xPosition, yPosition, blockSize, blockSize,
                        dataBuffer, blockSize, blockSize, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );
      CPLFree( dataBuffer );

  // Finally close the dataset
  GDALClose(( GDALDatasetH ) heatmapDS );

  // Open the file in QGIS window if requested
  if ( d.addToCanvas() )
    mQGisIface->addRasterLayer( d.outputFilename(), QFileInfo( d.outputFilename() ).baseName() );

Example #20
      bool matches = false;
      foreach( QString wildcard, wildcards )
        QRegExp rx( wildcard, Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard );
        if ( rx.exactMatch( info.fileName() ) )
          matches = true;
      if ( !matches )
        return 0;

    GDALDatasetH hDS = GDALOpen( TO8F( thePath ), GA_ReadOnly );

    if ( !hDS )
      return 0;

    QStringList sublayers = QgsGdalProvider::subLayers( hDS );

    GDALClose( hDS );

    QgsDebugMsg( "GdalDataset opened " + thePath );

    QString name = info.completeBaseName();
    QString uri = thePath;

    QgsLayerItem * item = new QgsGdalLayerItem( parentItem, name, thePath, uri );
Example #21
int QgsZonalStatistics::calculateStatistics( QProgressDialog* p )
  if ( !mPolygonLayer || mPolygonLayer->geometryType() != QGis::Polygon )
    return 1;

  QgsVectorDataProvider* vectorProvider = mPolygonLayer->dataProvider();
  if ( !vectorProvider )
    return 2;

  //open the raster layer and the raster band
  GDALDatasetH inputDataset = GDALOpen( TO8F( mRasterFilePath ), GA_ReadOnly );
  if ( !inputDataset )
    return 3;

  if ( GDALGetRasterCount( inputDataset ) < ( mRasterBand - 1 ) )
    GDALClose( inputDataset );
    return 4;

  GDALRasterBandH rasterBand = GDALGetRasterBand( inputDataset, mRasterBand );
  if ( !rasterBand )
    GDALClose( inputDataset );
    return 5;
  mInputNodataValue = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue( rasterBand, nullptr );

  //get geometry info about raster layer
  int nCellsXGDAL = GDALGetRasterXSize( inputDataset );
  int nCellsYGDAL = GDALGetRasterYSize( inputDataset );
  double geoTransform[6];
  if ( GDALGetGeoTransform( inputDataset, geoTransform ) != CE_None )
    GDALClose( inputDataset );
    return 6;
  double cellsizeX = geoTransform[1];
  if ( cellsizeX < 0 )
    cellsizeX = -cellsizeX;
  double cellsizeY = geoTransform[5];
  if ( cellsizeY < 0 )
    cellsizeY = -cellsizeY;
  QgsRectangle rasterBBox( geoTransform[0], geoTransform[3] - ( nCellsYGDAL * cellsizeY ),
                           geoTransform[0] + ( nCellsXGDAL * cellsizeX ), geoTransform[3] );

  //add the new fields to the provider
  QList<QgsField> newFieldList;
  QString countFieldName;
  if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Count )
    countFieldName = getUniqueFieldName( mAttributePrefix + "count" );
    QgsField countField( countFieldName, QVariant::Double, "double precision" );
    newFieldList.push_back( countField );
  QString sumFieldName;
  if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Sum )
    sumFieldName = getUniqueFieldName( mAttributePrefix + "sum" );
    QgsField sumField( sumFieldName, QVariant::Double, "double precision" );
    newFieldList.push_back( sumField );
  QString meanFieldName;
  if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Mean )
    meanFieldName = getUniqueFieldName( mAttributePrefix + "mean" );
    QgsField meanField( meanFieldName, QVariant::Double, "double precision" );
    newFieldList.push_back( meanField );
  QString medianFieldName;
  if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Median )
    medianFieldName = getUniqueFieldName( mAttributePrefix + "median" );
    QgsField medianField( medianFieldName, QVariant::Double, "double precision" );
    newFieldList.push_back( medianField );
  QString stdevFieldName;
  if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::StDev )
    stdevFieldName = getUniqueFieldName( mAttributePrefix + "stdev" );
    QgsField stdField( stdevFieldName, QVariant::Double, "double precision" );
    newFieldList.push_back( stdField );
  QString minFieldName;
  if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Min )
    minFieldName = getUniqueFieldName( mAttributePrefix + "min" );
    QgsField minField( minFieldName, QVariant::Double, "double precision" );
    newFieldList.push_back( minField );
  QString maxFieldName;
  if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Max )
    maxFieldName = getUniqueFieldName( mAttributePrefix + "max" );
    QgsField maxField( maxFieldName, QVariant::Double, "double precision" );
    newFieldList.push_back( maxField );
  QString rangeFieldName;
  if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Range )
    rangeFieldName = getUniqueFieldName( mAttributePrefix + "range" );
    QgsField rangeField( rangeFieldName, QVariant::Double, "double precision" );
    newFieldList.push_back( rangeField );
  QString minorityFieldName;
  if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Minority )
    minorityFieldName = getUniqueFieldName( mAttributePrefix + "minority" );
    QgsField minorityField( minorityFieldName, QVariant::Double, "double precision" );
    newFieldList.push_back( minorityField );
  QString majorityFieldName;
  if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Majority )
    majorityFieldName = getUniqueFieldName( mAttributePrefix + "majority" );
    QgsField majField( majorityFieldName, QVariant::Double, "double precision" );
    newFieldList.push_back( majField );
  QString varietyFieldName;
  if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Variety )
    varietyFieldName = getUniqueFieldName( mAttributePrefix + "variety" );
    QgsField varietyField( varietyFieldName, QVariant::Int, "int" );
    newFieldList.push_back( varietyField );
  vectorProvider->addAttributes( newFieldList );

  //index of the new fields
  int countIndex = mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Count ? vectorProvider->fieldNameIndex( countFieldName ) : -1;
  int sumIndex = mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Sum ? vectorProvider->fieldNameIndex( sumFieldName ) : -1;
  int meanIndex = mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Mean ? vectorProvider->fieldNameIndex( meanFieldName ) : -1;
  int medianIndex = mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Median ? vectorProvider->fieldNameIndex( medianFieldName ) : -1;
  int stdevIndex = mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::StDev ? vectorProvider->fieldNameIndex( stdevFieldName ) : -1;
  int minIndex = mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Min ? vectorProvider->fieldNameIndex( minFieldName ) : -1;
  int maxIndex = mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Max ? vectorProvider->fieldNameIndex( maxFieldName ) : -1;
  int rangeIndex = mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Range ? vectorProvider->fieldNameIndex( rangeFieldName ) : -1;
  int minorityIndex = mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Minority ? vectorProvider->fieldNameIndex( minorityFieldName ) : -1;
  int majorityIndex = mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Majority ? vectorProvider->fieldNameIndex( majorityFieldName ) : -1;
  int varietyIndex = mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Variety ? vectorProvider->fieldNameIndex( varietyFieldName ) : -1;

  if (( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Count && countIndex == -1 )
      || ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Sum && sumIndex == -1 )
      || ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Mean && meanIndex == -1 )
      || ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Median && medianIndex == -1 )
      || ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::StDev && stdevIndex == -1 )
      || ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Min && minIndex == -1 )
      || ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Max && maxIndex == -1 )
      || ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Range && rangeIndex == -1 )
      || ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Minority && minorityIndex == -1 )
      || ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Majority && majorityIndex == -1 )
      || ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Variety && varietyIndex == -1 )
    //failed to create a required field
    return 8;

  //progress dialog
  long featureCount = vectorProvider->featureCount();
  if ( p )
    p->setMaximum( featureCount );

  //iterate over each polygon
  QgsFeatureRequest request;
  request.setSubsetOfAttributes( QgsAttributeList() );
  QgsFeatureIterator fi = vectorProvider->getFeatures( request );
  QgsFeature f;

  bool statsStoreValues = ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Median ) ||
                          ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::StDev );
  bool statsStoreValueCount = ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Minority ) ||
                              ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Majority );

  FeatureStats featureStats( statsStoreValues, statsStoreValueCount );
  int featureCounter = 0;

  QgsChangedAttributesMap changeMap;
  while ( fi.nextFeature( f ) )
    if ( p )
      p->setValue( featureCounter );

    if ( p && p->wasCanceled() )

    if ( !f.constGeometry() )
    const QgsGeometry* featureGeometry = f.constGeometry();

    QgsRectangle featureRect = featureGeometry->boundingBox().intersect( &rasterBBox );
    if ( featureRect.isEmpty() )

    int offsetX, offsetY, nCellsX, nCellsY;
    if ( cellInfoForBBox( rasterBBox, featureRect, cellsizeX, cellsizeY, offsetX, offsetY, nCellsX, nCellsY ) != 0 )

    //avoid access to cells outside of the raster (may occur because of rounding)
    if (( offsetX + nCellsX ) > nCellsXGDAL )
      nCellsX = nCellsXGDAL - offsetX;
    if (( offsetY + nCellsY ) > nCellsYGDAL )
      nCellsY = nCellsYGDAL - offsetY;

    statisticsFromMiddlePointTest( rasterBand, featureGeometry, offsetX, offsetY, nCellsX, nCellsY, cellsizeX, cellsizeY,
                                   rasterBBox, featureStats );

    if ( featureStats.count <= 1 )
      //the cell resolution is probably larger than the polygon area. We switch to precise pixel - polygon intersection in this case
      statisticsFromPreciseIntersection( rasterBand, featureGeometry, offsetX, offsetY, nCellsX, nCellsY, cellsizeX, cellsizeY,
                                         rasterBBox, featureStats );

    //write the statistics value to the vector data provider
    QgsAttributeMap changeAttributeMap;
    if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Count )
      changeAttributeMap.insert( countIndex, QVariant( featureStats.count ) );
    if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Sum )
      changeAttributeMap.insert( sumIndex, QVariant( featureStats.sum ) );
    if ( featureStats.count > 0 )
      double mean = featureStats.sum / featureStats.count;
      if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Mean )
        changeAttributeMap.insert( meanIndex, QVariant( mean ) );
      if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Median )
        qSort( featureStats.values.begin(), featureStats.values.end() );
        int size =  featureStats.values.count();
        bool even = ( size % 2 ) < 1;
        double medianValue;
        if ( even )
          medianValue = ( featureStats.values.at( size / 2 - 1 ) + featureStats.values.at( size / 2 ) ) / 2;
        else //odd
          medianValue = featureStats.values.at(( size + 1 ) / 2 - 1 );
        changeAttributeMap.insert( medianIndex, QVariant( medianValue ) );
      if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::StDev )
        double sumSquared = 0;
        for ( int i = 0; i < featureStats.values.count(); ++i )
          double diff = featureStats.values.at( i ) - mean;
          sumSquared += diff * diff;
        double stdev = qPow( sumSquared / featureStats.values.count(), 0.5 );
        changeAttributeMap.insert( stdevIndex, QVariant( stdev ) );
      if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Min )
        changeAttributeMap.insert( minIndex, QVariant( featureStats.min ) );
      if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Max )
        changeAttributeMap.insert( maxIndex, QVariant( featureStats.max ) );
      if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Range )
        changeAttributeMap.insert( rangeIndex, QVariant( featureStats.max - featureStats.min ) );
      if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Minority || mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Majority )
        QList<int> vals = featureStats.valueCount.values();
        qSort( vals.begin(), vals.end() );
        if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Minority )
          float minorityKey = featureStats.valueCount.key( vals.first() );
          changeAttributeMap.insert( minorityIndex, QVariant( minorityKey ) );
        if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Majority )
          float majKey = featureStats.valueCount.key( vals.last() );
          changeAttributeMap.insert( majorityIndex, QVariant( majKey ) );
      if ( mStatistics & QgsZonalStatistics::Variety )
        changeAttributeMap.insert( varietyIndex, QVariant( featureStats.valueCount.count() ) );

    changeMap.insert( f.id(), changeAttributeMap );

  vectorProvider->changeAttributeValues( changeMap );

  if ( p )
    p->setValue( featureCount );

  GDALClose( inputDataset );

  if ( p && p->wasCanceled() )
    return 9;

  return 0;
int QgsRasterCalculator::processCalculation( QProgressDialog* p )
  //prepare search string / tree
  QString errorString;
  QgsRasterCalcNode* calcNode = QgsRasterCalcNode::parseRasterCalcString( mFormulaString, errorString );
  if ( !calcNode )
    return static_cast<int>( ParserError );

  QMap< QString, QgsRasterBlock* > inputBlocks;
  QVector<QgsRasterCalculatorEntry>::const_iterator it = mRasterEntries.constBegin();
  for ( ; it != mRasterEntries.constEnd(); ++it )
    if ( !it->raster ) // no raster layer in entry
      delete calcNode;
      qDeleteAll( inputBlocks );
      return static_cast< int >( InputLayerError );

    QgsRasterBlock* block = nullptr;
    // if crs transform needed
    if ( it->raster->crs() != mOutputCrs )
      QgsRasterProjector proj;
      proj.setCRS( it->raster->crs(), mOutputCrs );
      proj.setInput( it->raster->dataProvider() );
      proj.setPrecision( QgsRasterProjector::Exact );

      block = proj.block( it->bandNumber, mOutputRectangle, mNumOutputColumns, mNumOutputRows );
      block = it->raster->dataProvider()->block( it->bandNumber, mOutputRectangle, mNumOutputColumns, mNumOutputRows );
    if ( block->isEmpty() )
      delete block;
      delete calcNode;
      qDeleteAll( inputBlocks );
      return static_cast<int>( MemoryError );
    inputBlocks.insert( it->ref, block );

  //open output dataset for writing
  GDALDriverH outputDriver = openOutputDriver();
  if ( !outputDriver )
    return static_cast< int >( CreateOutputError );

  GDALDatasetH outputDataset = openOutputFile( outputDriver );
  GDALSetProjection( outputDataset, mOutputCrs.toWkt().toLocal8Bit().data() );
  GDALRasterBandH outputRasterBand = GDALGetRasterBand( outputDataset, 1 );

  float outputNodataValue = -FLT_MAX;
  GDALSetRasterNoDataValue( outputRasterBand, outputNodataValue );

  if ( p )
    p->setMaximum( mNumOutputRows );

  QgsRasterMatrix resultMatrix;
  resultMatrix.setNodataValue( outputNodataValue );

  //read / write line by line
  for ( int i = 0; i < mNumOutputRows; ++i )
    if ( p )
      p->setValue( i );

    if ( p && p->wasCanceled() )

    if ( calcNode->calculate( inputBlocks, resultMatrix, i ) )
      bool resultIsNumber = resultMatrix.isNumber();
      float* calcData = new float[mNumOutputColumns];

      for ( int j = 0; j < mNumOutputColumns; ++j )
        calcData[j] = ( float )( resultIsNumber ? resultMatrix.number() : resultMatrix.data()[j] );

      //write scanline to the dataset
      if ( GDALRasterIO( outputRasterBand, GF_Write, 0, i, mNumOutputColumns, 1, calcData, mNumOutputColumns, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 ) != CE_None )
        qWarning( "RasterIO error!" );

      delete[] calcData;


  if ( p )
    p->setValue( mNumOutputRows );

  //close datasets and release memory
  delete calcNode;
  qDeleteAll( inputBlocks );

  if ( p && p->wasCanceled() )
    //delete the dataset without closing (because it is faster)
    GDALDeleteDataset( outputDriver, TO8F( mOutputFile ) );
    return static_cast< int >( Cancelled );
  GDALClose( outputDataset );

  return static_cast< int >( Success );
Example #23
int QgsZonalStatistics::calculateStatistics( QProgressDialog* p )
  if ( !mPolygonLayer || mPolygonLayer->geometryType() != QGis::Polygon )
    return 1;

  QgsVectorDataProvider* vectorProvider = mPolygonLayer->dataProvider();
  if ( !vectorProvider )
    return 2;

  //open the raster layer and the raster band
  GDALDatasetH inputDataset = GDALOpen( TO8F( mRasterFilePath ), GA_ReadOnly );
  if ( inputDataset == NULL )
    return 3;

  if ( GDALGetRasterCount( inputDataset ) < ( mRasterBand - 1 ) )
    GDALClose( inputDataset );
    return 4;

  GDALRasterBandH rasterBand = GDALGetRasterBand( inputDataset, mRasterBand );
  if ( rasterBand == NULL )
    GDALClose( inputDataset );
    return 5;
  mInputNodataValue = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue( rasterBand, NULL );

  //get geometry info about raster layer
  int nCellsXGDAL = GDALGetRasterXSize( inputDataset );
  int nCellsYGDAL = GDALGetRasterYSize( inputDataset );
  double geoTransform[6];
  if ( GDALGetGeoTransform( inputDataset, geoTransform ) != CE_None )
    GDALClose( inputDataset );
    return 6;
  double cellsizeX = geoTransform[1];
  if ( cellsizeX < 0 )
    cellsizeX = -cellsizeX;
  double cellsizeY = geoTransform[5];
  if ( cellsizeY < 0 )
    cellsizeY = -cellsizeY;
  QgsRectangle rasterBBox( geoTransform[0], geoTransform[3] - ( nCellsYGDAL * cellsizeY ),
                           geoTransform[0] + ( nCellsXGDAL * cellsizeX ), geoTransform[3] );

  //add the new count, sum, mean fields to the provider
  QList<QgsField> newFieldList;
  QString countFieldName = getUniqueFieldName( mAttributePrefix + "count" );
  QString sumFieldName = getUniqueFieldName( mAttributePrefix + "sum" );
  QString meanFieldName = getUniqueFieldName( mAttributePrefix + "mean" );
  QgsField countField( countFieldName, QVariant::Double, "double precision" );
  QgsField sumField( sumFieldName, QVariant::Double, "double precision" );
  QgsField meanField( meanFieldName, QVariant::Double, "double precision" );
  newFieldList.push_back( countField );
  newFieldList.push_back( sumField );
  newFieldList.push_back( meanField );
  vectorProvider->addAttributes( newFieldList );

  //index of the new fields
  int countIndex = vectorProvider->fieldNameIndex( countFieldName );
  int sumIndex = vectorProvider->fieldNameIndex( sumFieldName );
  int meanIndex = vectorProvider->fieldNameIndex( meanFieldName );

  if ( countIndex == -1 || sumIndex == -1 || meanIndex == -1 )
    return 8;

  //progress dialog
  long featureCount = vectorProvider->featureCount();
  if ( p )
    p->setMaximum( featureCount );

  //iterate over each polygon
  QgsFeatureRequest request;
  request.setSubsetOfAttributes( QgsAttributeList() );
  QgsFeatureIterator fi = vectorProvider->getFeatures( request );
  QgsFeature f;
  double count = 0;
  double sum = 0;
  double mean = 0;
  int featureCounter = 0;

  while ( fi.nextFeature( f ) )
    if ( p )
      p->setValue( featureCounter );

    if ( p && p->wasCanceled() )

    QgsGeometry* featureGeometry = f.geometry();
    if ( !featureGeometry )

    QgsRectangle featureRect = featureGeometry->boundingBox().intersect( &rasterBBox );
    if ( featureRect.isEmpty() )

    int offsetX, offsetY, nCellsX, nCellsY;
    if ( cellInfoForBBox( rasterBBox, featureRect, cellsizeX, cellsizeY, offsetX, offsetY, nCellsX, nCellsY ) != 0 )

    //avoid access to cells outside of the raster (may occur because of rounding)
    if (( offsetX + nCellsX ) > nCellsXGDAL )
      nCellsX = nCellsXGDAL - offsetX;
    if (( offsetY + nCellsY ) > nCellsYGDAL )
      nCellsY = nCellsYGDAL - offsetY;

    statisticsFromMiddlePointTest( rasterBand, featureGeometry, offsetX, offsetY, nCellsX, nCellsY, cellsizeX, cellsizeY,
                                   rasterBBox, sum, count );

    if ( count <= 1 )
      //the cell resolution is probably larger than the polygon area. We switch to precise pixel - polygon intersection in this case
      statisticsFromPreciseIntersection( rasterBand, featureGeometry, offsetX, offsetY, nCellsX, nCellsY, cellsizeX, cellsizeY,
                                         rasterBBox, sum, count );

    if ( count == 0 )
      mean = 0;
      mean = sum / count;

    //write the statistics value to the vector data provider
    QgsChangedAttributesMap changeMap;
    QgsAttributeMap changeAttributeMap;
    changeAttributeMap.insert( countIndex, QVariant( count ) );
    changeAttributeMap.insert( sumIndex, QVariant( sum ) );
    changeAttributeMap.insert( meanIndex, QVariant( mean ) );
    changeMap.insert( f.id(), changeAttributeMap );
    vectorProvider->changeAttributeValues( changeMap );


  if ( p )
    p->setValue( featureCount );

  GDALClose( inputDataset );

  if ( p && p->wasCanceled() )
    return 9;

  return 0;