void TestPriorityAssertions () {
    REMARK( "TestPriorityAssertions\n" );
    tbb::priority_t bad_low_priority = tbb::priority_t( tbb::priority_low - 1 ),
                    bad_high_priority = tbb::priority_t( tbb::priority_high + 1 );
    tbb::task_group_context ctx;
    // Catch assertion failures
    tbb::set_assertion_handler( AssertionFailureHandler );
    TRY_BAD_EXPR( ctx.set_priority( bad_low_priority ), "Invalid priority level value" );
    tbb::task &t = *new( tbb::task::allocate_root() ) tbb::empty_task;
    TRY_BAD_EXPR( tbb::task::enqueue( t, bad_high_priority ), "Invalid priority level value" );
    // Restore normal assertion handling
    tbb::set_assertion_handler( ReportError );
    void operator()( int ) const {
        tbb::task_scheduler_init init;
        // Thread 1 attempts to incorrectly use the task created by thread 0.
        tbb::task_list list;
        // spawn_root_and_wait over empty list should vacuously succeed.

        // Check that spawn_root_and_wait fails on non-empty list. 

        // Try abusing recycle_as_continuation
        TRY_BAD_EXPR(AbusedTask->recycle_as_continuation(), "execute" );
        TRY_BAD_EXPR(AbusedTask->recycle_as_safe_continuation(), "execute" );
        TRY_BAD_EXPR(AbusedTask->recycle_to_reexecute(), "execute" );