// a first attempt at interpolation for the SampleMatrix. should be viewed as temporary.
// needs to be fleshed out with different options...
TTErr TTSampleMatrix::peeki(const TTFloat64 index, const TTColumnID channel, TTSampleValue& value)
	// variables needed
    TTColumnID p_channel = channel;
	TTFloat64 indexIntegralPart = 0;
	TTFloat64 indexFractionalPart = modf(index, &indexIntegralPart); // before makeInBounds to get the right value!
	TTRowID indexThisInteger = TTRowID(indexIntegralPart);
	TTBoolean weAreNotInBounds = makeInBounds(indexThisInteger, p_channel);  // out of range values are wrapped
	if (weAreNotInBounds)
		// no reason to interpolate, just use the first or last value
		get2d(indexThisInteger, p_channel, value);
		return kTTErrOutOfBounds; // and report an error (is that what we want?)
	} else {
		TTRowID indexNextInteger = indexThisInteger + 1;
		makeRowIDInBounds(indexNextInteger); //does not allow interpolation between first and last sample
			//  (is that what we want? if not, insert outOfBoundsWrap)

		TTSampleValue valueThisInteger, valueNextInteger;
		get2d(indexThisInteger, p_channel, valueThisInteger);
		get2d(indexNextInteger, p_channel, valueNextInteger);
		// simple linear interpolation adapted from TTDelay
		value = TTInterpolateLinear(valueThisInteger, valueNextInteger, indexFractionalPart);
		return kTTErrNone;
Example #2
/** Perform one linear interpolation and compare the outcome to expected value.
 @param x0				Sample value at prior integer index
 @param x1				Sample value at next integer index
 @param delta			The fractional value for which we want to perform the interpolation.
						delta=0 => x0 @n
						delta=1 => x1
 @param expectedValue	The expected outcome of the interpolation
 @return				TRUE if the interpolat returnes the expected value, else FALSE
TTFloat64 InterpolateAndTestLinear(const TTFloat64 x0, const TTFloat64 x1, const TTFloat64& aDelta, TTFloat64 anExpectedValue)
    TTFloat64 interpolatedValue = TTInterpolateLinear(x0, x1, aDelta);
    TTBoolean result = TTTestFloatEquivalence(interpolatedValue , anExpectedValue);
    if (!result)
        TTTestLog("BAD INTERPOLATION @ delta=%.5f  ( value=%.10f   expected=%.10f )", aDelta, interpolatedValue, anExpectedValue);
    return result;