Example #1
void TXT_WindowKeyPress(txt_window_t *window, int c)
    int i;

    // Is this a mouse button ?
        MouseButtonPress(window, c);

    // Try the window key spy

    if (window->key_listener != NULL)
        // key listener can eat keys

        if (window->key_listener(window, c, window->key_listener_data))

    // Send to the currently selected widget 

    if (TXT_WidgetKeyPress(window, c))

    // Try all of the action buttons

    for (i=0; i<3; ++i)
        if (window->actions[i] != NULL
         && TXT_WidgetKeyPress(window->actions[i], c))
static void TXT_InputBoxMousePress(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(inputbox),
                                   int x, int y, int b)
    TXT_CAST_ARG(txt_inputbox_t, inputbox);

    if (b == TXT_MOUSE_LEFT)
        // Make mouse clicks start editing the box

        if (!inputbox->editing)
            // Send a simulated keypress to start editing

            TXT_WidgetKeyPress(inputbox, KEY_ENTER);
Example #3
static int TXT_FileSelectKeyPress(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(fileselect), int key)
    TXT_CAST_ARG(txt_fileselect_t, fileselect);

    // When the enter key is pressed, pop up a file selection dialog,
    // if file selectors work. Allow holding down 'alt' to override
    // use of the native file selector, so the user can just type a path.

    if (!fileselect->inputbox->editing
     && !TXT_GetModifierState(TXT_MOD_ALT)
     && key == KEY_ENTER)
        if (DoSelectFile(fileselect))
            return 1;

    return TXT_WidgetKeyPress(fileselect->inputbox, key);
Example #4
static int TXT_ScrollPaneKeyPress(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(scrollpane), int key)
    TXT_CAST_ARG(txt_scrollpane_t, scrollpane);
    int result;

    result = 0;

    if (scrollpane->child != NULL)
        result = TXT_WidgetKeyPress(scrollpane->child, key);

        // Gross hack - if we're scrolling in a menu with the keyboard,
        // automatically move the scroll pane to show the new
        // selected item.

        if ((key == KEY_UPARROW || key == KEY_DOWNARROW
          || key == KEY_LEFTARROW || key == KEY_RIGHTARROW
          || key == KEY_PGUP || key == KEY_PGDN
          || key == KEY_TAB)
         && scrollpane->child->widget_class == &txt_table_class)
            if (PageSelectedWidget(scrollpane, key))
                result = 1;


        // If the child widget didn't use the keypress, we can see 
        // if it can be interpreted as a scrolling command.

        if (result == 0)
            result = InterpretScrollKey(scrollpane, key);

    return result;
Example #5
static int TXT_TableKeyPress(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(table), int key)
    TXT_CAST_ARG(txt_table_t, table);
    int selected;
    int rows;

    rows = TableRows(table);

    // Send to the currently selected widget first

    selected = table->selected_y * table->columns + table->selected_x;

    if (selected >= 0 && selected < table->num_widgets)
        if (table->widgets[selected] != NULL
         && table->widgets[selected]->selectable
         && TXT_WidgetKeyPress(table->widgets[selected], key))
            return 1;

    if (key == KEY_DOWNARROW)
        int new_x, new_y;

        // Move cursor down to the next selectable widget

        for (new_y = table->selected_y + 1; new_y < rows; ++new_y)
            new_x = FindSelectableColumn(table, new_y, table->selected_x);
            if (new_x >= 0)
                // Found a selectable widget in this column!

                table->selected_x = new_x;
                table->selected_y = new_y;

                return 1;

    if (key == KEY_UPARROW)
        int new_x, new_y;

        // Move cursor up to the next selectable widget

        for (new_y = table->selected_y - 1; new_y >= 0; --new_y)
            new_x = FindSelectableColumn(table, new_y, table->selected_x);
            if (new_x >= 0)
                // Found a selectable widget in this column!

                table->selected_x = new_x;
                table->selected_y = new_y;

                return 1;

    if (key == KEY_LEFTARROW)
        int new_x;

        // Move cursor left

        for (new_x = table->selected_x - 1; new_x >= 0; --new_x)
            if (SelectableWidget(table, new_x, table->selected_y))
                // Found a selectable widget!

                table->selected_x = new_x;

                return 1;

    if (key == KEY_RIGHTARROW)
        int new_x;

        // Move cursor left

        for (new_x = table->selected_x + 1; new_x < table->columns; ++new_x)
            if (SelectableWidget(table, new_x, table->selected_y))
                // Found a selectable widget!

                table->selected_x = new_x;

                return 1;

    return 0;
Example #6
static void WindowSelectCallback(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(widget), TXT_UNCAST_ARG(window))
    TXT_CAST_ARG(txt_window_t, window);

    TXT_WidgetKeyPress(window, KEY_ENTER);
Example #7
static int TXT_TableKeyPress(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(table), int key)
    TXT_CAST_ARG(txt_table_t, table);
    int selected;
    int rows;

    rows = TableRows(table);

    // Send to the currently selected widget first

    selected = table->selected_y * table->columns + table->selected_x;

    if (selected >= 0 && selected < table->num_widgets)
        if (IsActualWidget(table->widgets[selected])
         && TXT_SelectableWidget(table->widgets[selected])
         && TXT_WidgetKeyPress(table->widgets[selected], key))
            return 1;

    if (key == KEY_TAB)
        int dir;
        int i;

        dir = TXT_GetModifierState(TXT_MOD_SHIFT) ? -1 : 1;

        // Cycle through all widgets until we find one that can be selected.
        for (i = table->selected_y * table->columns + table->selected_x + dir;
             i >= 0 && i < table->num_widgets;
             i += dir)
            if (IsActualWidget(table->widgets[i])
             && TXT_SelectableWidget(table->widgets[i]))
                ChangeSelection(table, i % table->columns, i / table->columns);
                return 1;

        return 0;

    if (key == KEY_DOWNARROW)
        int new_x, new_y;

        // Move cursor down to the next selectable widget

        for (new_y = table->selected_y + 1; new_y < rows; ++new_y)
            new_x = FindSelectableColumn(table, new_y, table->selected_x);

            if (new_x >= 0)
                // Found a selectable widget in this column!

                ChangeSelection(table, new_x, new_y);

                return 1;

    if (key == KEY_UPARROW)
        int new_x, new_y;

        // Move cursor up to the next selectable widget

        for (new_y = table->selected_y - 1; new_y >= 0; --new_y)
            new_x = FindSelectableColumn(table, new_y, table->selected_x);

            if (new_x >= 0)
                // Found a selectable widget in this column!

                ChangeSelection(table, new_x, new_y);

                return 1;

    if (key == KEY_LEFTARROW)
        int new_x;

        // Move cursor left

        for (new_x = table->selected_x - 1; new_x >= 0; --new_x)
            if (SelectableCell(table, new_x, table->selected_y))
                // Found a selectable widget!

                ChangeSelection(table, new_x, table->selected_y);

                return 1;

    if (key == KEY_RIGHTARROW)
        int new_x;

        // Move cursor left

        for (new_x = table->selected_x + 1; new_x < table->columns; ++new_x)
            if (SelectableCell(table, new_x, table->selected_y))
                // Found a selectable widget!

                ChangeSelection(table, new_x, table->selected_y);

                return 1;

    return 0;