Example #1
void CEffectGroup::AddTagForAllEffect(FLOAT fSettingTimeFromStart, std::string tagName)
	for(INDEX i=0; i<m_vectorEffectKey.size(); ++i)
		INDEX index = m_vectorTagKey.size();
		//TAG_KEY를 생성한다.
		TagKey &tagKey = m_vectorTagKey[index];
		//TAG_KEY의 정보를 채운다.
		tagKey.m_iKeyValue = m_iNextTagKeyValue++;
		tagKey.m_fSettingTime = fSettingTimeFromStart;
		tagKey.m_iEffectKeyValue = m_vectorEffectKey[i].m_iKeyValue;
		tagKey.m_strTagName = tagName;
Example #2
INDEX CEffectGroup::AddTagForEffect(FLOAT fSettingTimeFromStart, INDEX iAddedEffect, std::string tagName)
	ASSERT(fSettingTimeFromStart >= 0.0f);

	EffectKey* effectkey = FindEffectKey(iAddedEffect);
	if(effectkey == NULL) return -1;

	//TAG_KEY를 생성한다.
	INDEX index = m_vectorTagKey.size();
	TagKey &tagKey = m_vectorTagKey[index];

	//TAG_KEY의 정보를 채운다.
	tagKey.m_iKeyValue = m_iNextTagKeyValue++;
	tagKey.m_fSettingTime = fSettingTimeFromStart;
	tagKey.m_iEffectKeyValue = iAddedEffect;
	tagKey.m_strTagName = tagName;

	return tagKey.m_iKeyValue;
Example #3
bool ctkDICOMDataset::CopyElement( DcmDataset* dataset, const DcmTagKey& tag, int type )
  switch (type)
    case 0x1:
    case 0x1C:
    case 0x2:
    case 0x2C:
    case 0x3:
      // these are ok
      // nothing else is ok
      std::cerr << "Unknown attribute type. Cannot process call to ExtractElement " << TagKey(tag).toStdString() << std::endl;
      return false;

  bool missing(false);
  bool copied(true);

  if (!dataset) return false;
  if (dataset == d->m_DcmDataset)
    throw std::logic_error("Trying to copy tag to yourself. Please check application logic!"); 

  // type 1 or 1C must exist AND have a value
  if (!dataset->tagExistsWithValue( tag ))
    if (type == 0x1 || type == 0x1C) missing = true;

  // type 2 or 2C must exist but may have an empty value
  if (!dataset->tagExists( tag ))
    if (type == 0x1 || type == 0x1C) missing = true;
    if (type == 0x2 || type == 0x2C) missing = true;
    // we found this tag
    DcmElement* element(NULL);
    dataset->findAndGetElement( tag, element, OFFalse, OFTrue ); // OFTrue is important (copies element), DcmDataset takes ownership and deletes elements on its own destruction
    if (element)
      copied = CheckCondition( d->m_DcmDataset->insert(element) );

  if (missing)
    std::cerr << "Tag " << TagKey(tag).toStdString() << " [" << TagDescription(tag).toStdString() << "] of type " << QString("%1").arg(type,0,16).toStdString() << " missing or empty." << std::endl;

  if (!copied)
    std::cerr << "Tag " << TagKey(tag).toStdString() << " [" << TagDescription(tag).toStdString() << "] not copied successfully" << std::endl;

  return !missing && copied;