Example #1
void RpalParser::Ta()
  while (_nt == "aug")
    build("aug", 2);
Example #2
void RpalParser::Tc()
  if (_nt == "->")
    build("->", 3);
void collisionRecurse(MeshCollisionTraversalNodeOBB* node, int b1, int b2, const Matrix3f& R, const Vec3f& T, BVHFrontList* front_list)
  bool l1 = node->isFirstNodeLeaf(b1);
  bool l2 = node->isSecondNodeLeaf(b2);

  if(l1 && l2)
    updateFrontList(front_list, b1, b2);

    if(node->BVTesting(b1, b2, R, T)) return;

    node->leafTesting(b1, b2, R, T);

  if(node->BVTesting(b1, b2, R, T))
    updateFrontList(front_list, b1, b2);

  Vec3f temp;

  if(node->firstOverSecond(b1, b2))
    int c1 = node->getFirstLeftChild(b1);
    int c2 = node->getFirstRightChild(b1);

    const OBB& bv1 = node->model1->getBV(c1).bv;

    Matrix3f Rc(R.transposeTimes(bv1.axis[0]), R.transposeTimes(bv1.axis[1]), R.transposeTimes(bv1.axis[2]));
    temp = T - bv1.To;
    Vec3f Tc(temp.dot(bv1.axis[0]), temp.dot(bv1.axis[1]), temp.dot(bv1.axis[2]));

    collisionRecurse(node, c1, b2, Rc, Tc, front_list);

    // early stop is disabled is front_list is used
    if(node->canStop() && !front_list) return;

    const OBB& bv2 = node->model1->getBV(c2).bv;

    Rc = Matrix3f(R.transposeTimes(bv2.axis[0]), R.transposeTimes(bv2.axis[1]), R.transposeTimes(bv2.axis[2]));
    temp = T - bv2.To;
    Tc.setValue(temp.dot(bv2.axis[0]), temp.dot(bv2.axis[1]), temp.dot(bv2.axis[2]));

    collisionRecurse(node, c2, b2, Rc, Tc, front_list);
    int c1 = node->getSecondLeftChild(b2);
    int c2 = node->getSecondRightChild(b2);

    const OBB& bv1 = node->model2->getBV(c1).bv;
    Matrix3f Rc;
    temp = R * bv1.axis[0];
    Rc(0, 0) = temp[0]; Rc(1, 0) = temp[1]; Rc(2, 0) = temp[2];
    temp = R * bv1.axis[1];
    Rc(0, 1) = temp[0]; Rc(1, 1) = temp[1]; Rc(2, 1) = temp[2];
    temp = R * bv1.axis[2];
    Rc(0, 2) = temp[0]; Rc(1, 2) = temp[1]; Rc(2, 2) = temp[2];
    Vec3f Tc = R * bv1.To + T;

    collisionRecurse(node, b1, c1, Rc, Tc, front_list);

    // early stop is disabled is front_list is used
    if(node->canStop() && !front_list) return;

    const OBB& bv2 = node->model2->getBV(c2).bv;
    temp = R * bv2.axis[0];
    Rc(0, 0) = temp[0]; Rc(1, 0) = temp[1]; Rc(2, 0) = temp[2];
    temp = R * bv2.axis[1];
    Rc(0, 1) = temp[0]; Rc(1, 1) = temp[1]; Rc(2, 1) = temp[2];
    temp = R * bv2.axis[2];
    Rc(0, 2) = temp[0]; Rc(1, 2) = temp[1]; Rc(2, 2) = temp[2];
    Tc = R * bv2.To + T;

    collisionRecurse(node, b1, c2, Rc, Tc, front_list);
void turbulentTemperatureRadCoupledMixedFvPatchScalarField::updateCoeffs()
    if (updated())

    // Since we're inside initEvaluate/evaluate there might be processor
    // comms underway. Change the tag we use.
    int oldTag = UPstream::msgType();
    UPstream::msgType() = oldTag+1;

    // Get the coupling information from the mappedPatchBase
    const mappedPatchBase& mpp =
        refCast<const mappedPatchBase>(patch().patch());
    const polyMesh& nbrMesh = mpp.sampleMesh();
    const label samplePatchi = mpp.samplePolyPatch().index();
    const fvPatch& nbrPatch =
        refCast<const fvMesh>(nbrMesh).boundary()[samplePatchi];

    scalarField Tc(patchInternalField());
    scalarField& Tp = *this;

    const turbulentTemperatureRadCoupledMixedFvPatchScalarField&
        nbrField = refCast
            <const turbulentTemperatureRadCoupledMixedFvPatchScalarField>
                nbrPatch.lookupPatchField<volScalarField, scalar>(TnbrName_)

    // Swap to obtain full local values of neighbour internal field
    scalarField TcNbr(nbrField.patchInternalField());

    // Swap to obtain full local values of neighbour K*delta
    scalarField KDeltaNbr;
    if (contactRes_ == 0.0)
        KDeltaNbr = nbrField.kappa(nbrField)*nbrPatch.deltaCoeffs();
        KDeltaNbr.setSize(nbrField.size(), contactRes_);

    scalarField KDelta(kappa(Tp)*patch().deltaCoeffs());

    scalarField Qr(Tp.size(), 0.0);
    if (QrName_ != "none")
        Qr = patch().lookupPatchField<volScalarField, scalar>(QrName_);

    scalarField QrNbr(Tp.size(), 0.0);
    if (QrNbrName_ != "none")
        QrNbr = nbrPatch.lookupPatchField<volScalarField, scalar>(QrNbrName_);

    valueFraction() = KDeltaNbr/(KDeltaNbr + KDelta);
    refValue() = TcNbr;
    refGrad() = (Qr + QrNbr)/kappa(Tp);


    if (debug)
        scalar Q = gSum(kappa(Tp)*patch().magSf()*snGrad());

        Info<< patch().boundaryMesh().mesh().name() << ':'
            << patch().name() << ':'
            << this->internalField().name() << " <- "
            << nbrMesh.name() << ':'
            << nbrPatch.name() << ':'
            << this->internalField().name() << " :"
            << " heat transfer rate:" << Q
            << " walltemperature "
            << " min:" << gMin(Tp)
            << " max:" << gMax(Tp)
            << " avg:" << gAverage(Tp)
            << endl;

    // Restore tag
    UPstream::msgType() = oldTag;
Example #5
void Mesh::clean() {
  uint i, j, idist=0;
  Vector a, b, c, m;
  double mdist=0.;
  arr Tc(T.d0, 3); //tri centers
  arr Tn(T.d0, 3); //tri normals
  uintA Vt(V.d0);
  intA VT(V.d0, 100); //tri-neighbors to a vertex
  Vt.setZero(); VT=-1;
  for(i=0; i<T.d0; i++) {
    a.set(&V(T(i, 0), 0)); b.set(&V(T(i, 1), 0)); c.set(&V(T(i, 2), 0));
    //tri center
    Tc(i, 0)=m.x;  Tc(i, 1)=m.y;  Tc(i, 2)=m.z;
    //farthest tri
    if(m.length()>mdist) { mdist=m.length(); idist=i; }
    //tri normal
    b-=a; c-=a; a=b^c; a.normalize();
    Tn(i, 0)=a.x;  Tn(i, 1)=a.y;  Tn(i, 2)=a.z;
    //vertex neighbor count
    j=T(i, 0);  VT(j, Vt(j))=i;  Vt(j)++;
    j=T(i, 1);  VT(j, Vt(j))=i;  Vt(j)++;
    j=T(i, 2);  VT(j, Vt(j))=i;  Vt(j)++;
  //step through tri list and flip them if necessary
  boolA Tisok(T.d0); Tisok=false;
  uintA Tok; //contains the list of all tris that are ok oriented
  uintA Tnew(T.d0, T.d1);
  int A=0, B=0, D;
  uint r, k, l;
  intA neighbors;
  for(k=0; k<Tok.N; k++) {
    Tnew(k, 0)=T(i, 0); Tnew(k, 1)=T(i, 1); Tnew(k, 2)=T(i, 2);
    for(r=0; r<3; r++) {
      if(r==0) { A=T(i, 0);  B=T(i, 1);  /*C=T(i, 2);*/ }
      if(r==1) { A=T(i, 1);  B=T(i, 2);  /*C=T(i, 0);*/ }
      if(r==2) { A=T(i, 2);  B=T(i, 0);  /*C=T(i, 1);*/ }
      //check all triangles that share A & B
      setSection(neighbors, VT[A], VT[B]);
      if(neighbors.N>2) MT_MSG("edge shared by more than 2 triangles " <<neighbors);
      //if(!neighbors.N) cout <<"mesh.clean warning: edge has only one triangle that shares it" <<endl;
      //orient them correctly
      for(l=0; l<neighbors.N; l++) {
        j=neighbors(l); //j is a neighboring triangle sharing A & B
        //align the neighboring triangle and let D be its 3rd vertex
        if((int)T(j, 0)==A && (int)T(j, 1)==B) D=T(j, 2);
        if((int)T(j, 0)==A && (int)T(j, 2)==B) D=T(j, 1);
        if((int)T(j, 1)==A && (int)T(j, 2)==B) D=T(j, 0);
        if((int)T(j, 1)==A && (int)T(j, 0)==B) D=T(j, 2);
        if((int)T(j, 2)==A && (int)T(j, 0)==B) D=T(j, 1);
        if((int)T(j, 2)==A && (int)T(j, 1)==B) D=T(j, 0);
        if(D==-1) HALT("dammit");
        //determine orientation
        if(!Tisok(j)) {
          T(j, 0)=B;  T(j, 1)=A;  T(j, 2)=D;
        } else {
          //check if consistent!
#if 0
      //compute their rotation
      if(neighbors.N>1) {
        double phi, phimax;
        int jmax=-1;
        Vector ni, nj;
        for(l=0; l<neighbors.N; l++) {
          j=neighbors(l); //j is a neighboring triangle sharing A & B
          a.set(&V(T(i, 0), 0)); b.set(&V(T(i, 1), 0)); c.set(&V(T(i, 2), 0));
          b-=a; c-=a; a=b^c; a.normalize();
          ni = a;
          a.set(&V(T(j, 0), 0)); b.set(&V(T(j, 1), 0)); c.set(&V(T(j, 2), 0));
          b-=a; c-=a; a=b^c; a.normalize();
          nj = a;
          Quaternion q;
          q.setDiff(ni, -nj);
          q.getDeg(phi, c);
          a.set(&V(A, 0)); b.set(&V(B, 0));
          if(c*(a-b) < 0.) phi+=180.;
          if(jmax==-1 || phi>phimax) { jmax=j; phimax=phi; }
        if(!Tisok(jmax)) {
      } else {
        j = neighbors(0);
        if(!Tisok(j)) {
  if(k<T.d0) {
    cout <<"mesh.clean warning: not all triangles connected: " <<k <<"<" <<T.d0 <<endl;
    cout <<"WARNING: cutting of all non-connected triangles!!" <<endl;
    Tnew.resizeCopy(k, 3);
void Calib::computeProjectionMatrix()
    std::cout << "1111111111***********************************************************************************\n";
//    for(int i = 0;i < imagePoints.size();i++)
//    {
//        std::cout<<" imagePoints[i]= "<< imagePoints[i]<<std::endl;
//        std::cout<<" objectPoints[i]= "<< objectPoints[i]<<std::endl;
//    }

    if (objectPoints.size() != imagePoints.size())

    int n = objectPoints.size();

    Eigen::Vector2d avg2;
    Eigen::Vector3d avg3;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        avg2 += imagePoints[i];
        avg3 += objectPoints[i];
        std::cout << i << " " << objectPoints[i](0) << " " << objectPoints[i](1) << " " << objectPoints[i](2) << std::endl;
    avg2 = avg2 / n;
    avg3 = avg3 / n;

    std::cout << "avg2 = " << avg2 << std::endl;
    std::cout << "avg3 = " << avg3 << std::endl;

    /* *******************************************************************************
  *  Data normalization
  *  Translates and normalises a set of 2D homogeneous points so that their centroid is at the origin and their mean distance from the origin is sqrt(2).
    float meandist2 = 0;
    float meandist3 = 0;


    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        imagePoints_t[i] = imagePoints[i] - avg2;
        objectPoints_t[i] = objectPoints[i] - avg3;
//        std::cout << "1 imagePoints_t[i] = " << imagePoints_t[i] << std::endl;
//        std::cout << "1 objectPoints_t[i] = " << objectPoints_t[i] << std::endl;

        meandist2 += sqrt(imagePoints_t[i](0) * imagePoints_t[i](0) + imagePoints_t[i](1) * imagePoints_t[i](1));
        meandist3 += sqrt(objectPoints_t[i](0) * objectPoints_t[i](0) + objectPoints_t[i](1) * objectPoints_t[i](1)
                          + objectPoints_t[i](2) * objectPoints_t[i](2));
    meandist2 /= n;
    meandist3 /= n;

    std::cout << "meandist2 = " << meandist2 << std::endl;
    std::cout << "meandist3 = " << meandist3 << std::endl;

    float scale2 = sqrt(2) / meandist2;
    float scale3 = sqrt(3) / meandist3;

    std::cout << "2222222222222***********************************************************************************\n";
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        imagePoints_t[i] = scale2 * imagePoints_t[i];
        objectPoints_t[i] = scale3 * objectPoints_t[i];

//        std::cout << "imagePoints_t[i] = " << imagePoints_t[i] << std::endl;
//        std::cout << "objectPoints_t[i] = " << objectPoints_t[i] << std::endl;


    //    std::cout<<avg3<<std::endl;
    /* *******************************************************************************
  * Similarity transformation T1 to normalize the image points,
  * and a second similarity transformation T2 to normalize the space points.
  * Page 181 in Multiple_View_Geometry_in_Computer_Vision__2nd_Edition
    Eigen::Matrix3d T1;
    T1 << scale2, 0, -scale2 * avg2(0), 0, scale2, -scale2 * avg2(1), 0, 0, 1;

    Eigen::MatrixXd T2(4, 4);
    T2 << scale3, 0, 0, -scale3 * avg3(0), 0, scale3, 0, -scale3 * avg3(1), 0, 0, scale3, -scale3 * avg3(2), 0, 0, 0, 1;

    // use Eigen
    Eigen::MatrixXd A(2 * n, 12);
    A.setZero(2 * n, 12);

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

        A(2 * i, 0) = objectPoints_t[i](0);
        A(2 * i, 1) = objectPoints_t[i](1);
        A(2 * i, 2) = objectPoints_t[i](2);
        A(2 * i, 3) = 1;
        A(2 * i, 4) = 0;
        A(2 * i, 5) = 0;
        A(2 * i, 6) = 0;
        A(2 * i, 7) = 0;
        A(2 * i, 8) = -imagePoints_t[i](0) * objectPoints_t[i](0);
        A(2 * i, 9) = -imagePoints_t[i](0) * objectPoints_t[i](1);
        A(2 * i, 10) = -imagePoints_t[i](0) * objectPoints_t[i](2);
        A(2 * i, 11) = -imagePoints_t[i](0) * 1;

        A(2 * i + 1, 0) = 0;
        A(2 * i + 1, 1) = 0;
        A(2 * i + 1, 2) = 0;
        A(2 * i + 1, 3) = 0;
        A(2 * i + 1, 4) = 1 * objectPoints_t[i](0);
        A(2 * i + 1, 5) = 1 * objectPoints_t[i](1);
        A(2 * i + 1, 6) = 1 * objectPoints_t[i](2);
        A(2 * i + 1, 7) = 1;
        A(2 * i + 1, 8) = -imagePoints_t[i](1) * objectPoints_t[i](0);
        A(2 * i + 1, 9) = -imagePoints_t[i](1) * objectPoints_t[i](1);
        A(2 * i + 1, 10) = -imagePoints_t[i](1) * objectPoints_t[i](2);
        A(2 * i + 1, 11) = -imagePoints_t[i](1) * 1;


    Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::MatrixXd> svd(A, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);
    const Eigen::VectorXd & v1 = svd.matrixV().col(11);

    this->Pt << v1(0), v1(1), v1(2), v1(3), v1(4), v1(5), v1(6), v1(7), v1(8), v1(9), v1(10), v1(11);
//    std::cout<<"A= \n"<< A<<std::endl;
//    std::cout<<Pt<<std::endl;
    P = T1.inverse() * Pt * T2;

    //Decompose the projection matrix
    cv::Mat Pr(3, 4, cv::DataType<float>::type);
    cv::Mat Mt(3, 3, cv::DataType<float>::type);
    cv::Mat Rt(3, 3, cv::DataType<float>::type);
    cv::Mat Tt(4, 1, cv::DataType<float>::type);

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
            Pr.at<float> (i, j) = P(i, j);
    cv::decomposeProjectionMatrix(Pr, Mt, Rt, Tt);

    //scale: Mt(2,2) should = 1; so update the projection matrix and decomposition again
    float k = (1 / (Mt.at<float> (2, 2)));

    /* ****************************************************************************************
      * Upate the projection matrix
      * Decomposition again to get new intrinsic matrix and rotation matrix
    this->P = k * P;

    cv::Mat Pro(3, 4, cv::DataType<float>::type);
    cv::Mat Mc(3, 3, cv::DataType<float>::type); // intrinsic parameter matrix
    cv::Mat Rc(3, 3, cv::DataType<float>::type); // rotation matrix
    cv::Mat Tc(4, 1, cv::DataType<float>::type); // translation vector

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
            Pro.at<float> (i, j) = P(i, j);
    cv::decomposeProjectionMatrix(Pro, Mc, Rc, Tc);

    // Change from OpenCV varibles to Eigen
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            M(i, j) = Mc.at<float> (i, j) ;

    /* ****************************************************************************************
      * Compute te rotation matrix R and translation vector T
    P_temp = M.inverse() * P;
    this->R = this->P_temp.block(0,0,3,3);
    this->T = this->P_temp.block(0,3,3,1);

    std::cout << "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n";
//    std::cout << "T1 =\n " << T2 << std::endl;
//    std::cout << "T2 =\n " << T1 << std::endl;
//    std::cout << "A =\n " << A << std::endl;
//    std::cout << "svd.matrixV() =\n " << svd.matrixV() << std::endl;
//    std::cout << "Pt =\n " << Pt << std::endl;
    std::cout << "P =\n " << P << std::endl;
    std::cout << "M =\n " << M << std::endl;
    std::cout << "R =\n " << R << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Rc =\n " << Rc << std::endl;
    std::cout << "T =\n " << T << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Mt(2,2) = " << Mt.at<float> (2, 2) << std::endl;
