Example #1
 * Function Distance
 * Calculates the distance between a segment and a polygon (with holes):
 * param aStart is the starting point of the segment.
 * param aEnd is the ending point of the segment.
 * param aWidth is the width of the segment.
 * return distance between the segment and outline.
 *               0 if segment intersects or is inside
int CPolyLine::Distance( wxPoint aStart, wxPoint aEnd, int aWidth )
    // We calculate the min dist between the segment and each outline segment
    // However, if the segment to test is inside the outline, and does not cross
    // any edge, it can be seen outside the polygon.
    // Therefore test if a segment end is inside ( testing only one end is enough )
    if( TestPointInside( aStart.x, aStart.y ) )
        return 0;

    int distance    = INT_MAX;
    int polycount   = GetContoursCount();

    for( int icont = 0; icont < polycount; icont++ )
        int ic_start    = GetContourStart( icont );
        int ic_end      = GetContourEnd( icont );

        // now test spacing between area outline and segment
        for( int ic2 = ic_start; ic2 <= ic_end; ic2++ )
            int bx1 = GetX( ic2 );
            int by1 = GetY( ic2 );
            int bx2, by2;

            if( ic2 == ic_end )
                bx2 = GetX( ic_start );
                by2 = GetY( ic_start );
                bx2 = GetX( ic2 + 1 );
                by2 = GetY( ic2 + 1 );

            int d = GetClearanceBetweenSegments( bx1, by1, bx2, by2, 0,
                                                 aStart.x, aStart.y, aEnd.x, aEnd.y,
                                                 1,    // min clearance, should be > 0
                                                 NULL, NULL );

            if( distance > d )
                distance = d;

            if( distance <= 0 )
                return 0;

    return distance;
Example #2
 * Function Distance
 * Calculates the distance between a point and polygon (with holes):
 * param aPoint is the coordinate of the point.
 * return distance between the point and outline.
 *               0 if the point is inside
int CPolyLine::Distance( const wxPoint& aPoint )
    // We calculate the dist between the point and each outline segment
    // If the point is inside the outline, the dist is 0.
    if( TestPointInside( aPoint.x, aPoint.y ) )
        return 0;

    int distance    = INT_MAX;
    int polycount   = GetContoursCount();

    for( int icont = 0; icont < polycount; icont++ )
        int ic_start    = GetContourStart( icont );
        int ic_end      = GetContourEnd( icont );

        // now test spacing between area outline and segment
        for( int ic2 = ic_start; ic2 <= ic_end; ic2++ )
            int bx1 = GetX( ic2 );
            int by1 = GetY( ic2 );
            int bx2, by2;

            if( ic2 == ic_end )
                bx2 = GetX( ic_start );
                by2 = GetY( ic_start );
                bx2 = GetX( ic2 + 1 );
                by2 = GetY( ic2 + 1 );

            int d = KiROUND( GetPointToLineSegmentDistance( aPoint.x, aPoint.y,
                                                            bx1, by1, bx2, by2 ) );

            if( distance > d )
                distance = d;

            if( distance <= 0 )
                return 0;

    return distance;
Example #3
// Use the General Polygon Clipping Library to clip contours
// If this results in new polygons, return them as CArray p
// If bRetainArcs == TRUE, try to retain arcs in polys
// Returns number of external contours, or -1 if error
int CPolyLine::NormalizeWithGpc( CArray<CPolyLine*> * pa, BOOL bRetainArcs )
	CArray<CArc> arc_array;

	if( bRetainArcs )
		MakeGpcPoly( -1, &arc_array );
		MakeGpcPoly( -1, NULL );


	// now, recreate poly
	// first, find outside contours and create new CPolyLines if necessary
	int n_ext_cont = 0;
	for( int ic=0; ic<m_gpc_poly->num_contours; ic++ )
		if( !(m_gpc_poly->hole)[ic] )
			if( n_ext_cont == 0 )
				// first external contour, replace this poly
				m_ncorners = 0;
				for( int i=0; i<m_gpc_poly->contour[ic].num_vertices; i++ )
					int x = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].x;
					int y = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].y;
					if( i==0 )
						Start( m_layer, m_w, m_sel_box, x, y, m_hatch, &m_id, m_ptr );
						AppendCorner( x, y, STRAIGHT, FALSE );
			else if( pa )
				// next external contour, create new poly
				CPolyLine * poly = new CPolyLine;
				pa->SetSize(n_ext_cont);	// put in array
				(*pa)[n_ext_cont-1] = poly;
				for( int i=0; i<m_gpc_poly->contour[ic].num_vertices; i++ )
					int x = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].x;
					int y = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].y;
					if( i==0 )
						poly->Start( m_layer, m_w, m_sel_box, x, y, m_hatch, &m_id, m_ptr );
						poly->AppendCorner( x, y, STRAIGHT, FALSE );
				poly->Close( STRAIGHT, FALSE );

	// now add cutouts to the CPolyLine(s)
	for( int ic=0; ic<m_gpc_poly->num_contours; ic++ )
		if( (m_gpc_poly->hole)[ic] )
			CPolyLine * ext_poly = NULL;
			if( n_ext_cont == 1 )
				ext_poly = this;
				// find the polygon that contains this hole
				for( int i=0; i<m_gpc_poly->contour[ic].num_vertices; i++ )
					int x = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].x;
					int y = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].y;
					if( TestPointInside( x, y ) )
						ext_poly = this;
						for( int ext_ic=0; ext_ic<n_ext_cont-1; ext_ic++ )
							if( (*pa)[ext_ic]->TestPointInside( x, y ) )
								ext_poly = (*pa)[ext_ic];
					if( ext_poly )
			if( !ext_poly )
			for( int i=0; i<m_gpc_poly->contour[ic].num_vertices; i++ )
				int x = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].x;
				int y = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].y;
				ext_poly->AppendCorner( x, y, STRAIGHT, FALSE );
			ext_poly->Close( STRAIGHT, FALSE );
	if( bRetainArcs )
		RestoreArcs( &arc_array, pa );

	return n_ext_cont;